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How to clean earwax from headphones at home. How to clean headphone ear pads: daily care for all types of ear pads

Sooner or later, any headphones get dirty. From frequent use The mesh located on top of the speaker becomes clogged with dust, and earwax and grease stick to it. As a result, the sound becomes worse and the question arises of how to clean the headphones from all these contaminants.

Headphone types

In-ear headphones and “droplets” get dirty the most. Large-format overhead models can simply be wiped from above - they do not face the problem of sound weakening due to sulfur. Unless coffee or juice accidentally spills on them, but then more serious repairs will be needed.

  • The earbuds are inserted into the ear canal and have vacuum tips. The attachments are simply washed to remove sulfur in soapy water after removing them first.
  • "Drops" come complete with players, phones, iPhones and other household audio equipment. They have the simplest design, but are not always collapsible.

To properly clean the mesh, it will need to be removed. In liners, the mesh is closed with a nozzle. In this case, first remove the nozzle.

If it is possible to remove the mesh, then use tweezers or a needle, carefully picking it up on one side. If you cannot remove the mesh separately, you will have to wipe it from the outside.

Cleaning: general rules

For cleaning we use alcohol, which helps to get rid of general dirt and at the same time disinfect. You can pour a little alcohol into the cap of a plastic bottle, a medicine bottle, or a miniature glass. Throw the mesh directly into the glass and wait a few minutes for it to soak. If it was not possible to remove it, then carefully dip the earphone so that only its lower part comes into contact with alcohol. You can also gently wipe the surface cotton swab soaked in cleaning liquid.

Hydrogen peroxide helps get rid of sulfur. It is used in the next step. Dip the earphone in peroxide to dissolve any remaining wax. You can secure the head with tape and leave for 15-20 minutes. It is not recommended to completely immerse the earphone in liquid, so as not to damage the speaker. Although there are reviews according to which complete immersion in peroxide did not damage the device.

After this procedure, all you have to do is wait until the headphones are dry and you can use them again. To dry, place them on a clean napkin and leave them for several hours.

Quick cleaning

If your headphones cannot be disassembled at all or you are afraid of breaking something during disassembly, proceed as follows:

  • Take a cotton swab and soak it in hydrogen peroxide.
  • Clean the head with a stick to remove wax deposits.
  • Hard-to-reach grooves can be cleaned of wax using a toothpick.
  • Wipe the earphone completely with a cotton swab soaked in peroxide and wrung out.

This procedure will update the appearance of the headphones, disinfect them and make them clean. It takes no more than 10 minutes and does not cause any harm to the device.

Using a vacuum cleaner

A vacuum cleaner helps speed up drying and at the same time remove remaining wax. It is necessary to make a special small nozzle. To do this, use the promoted ballpoint pen or other thin tube. The adapter from the vacuum cleaner tube is made of plasticine. Next, turn on the vacuum cleaner for 3 seconds and suck up the remaining pieces of sulfur, other undissolved particles of dirt and drops of water.

What not to do

Sometimes there is advice to wash the headphones or wash them in water using a toothbrush. This method is questionable, since it is prohibited to wet any electrical device inside. Of course, there is a chance that the dirt will get wet and nothing will happen to the device, but the risk is very high. After washing, the headphones may stop working completely, and they cannot be repaired.

It is worth disassembling the headphones yourself if you are sure that you can assemble them. Perhaps you don't mind throwing them away. In this case, you can take a risk. First, clean the outside “droplets” in any way you like. With absence positive result disassemble and clean the inside.

The cause of poor sound or its complete absence is often broken or torn wires. In this case, no amount of cleaning will help. You need to either solder them or replace them with new ones.

Many fans of listening to music on headphones very often encounter such a problem that after a while the sound quality, as well as the volume of the device, noticeably decreases. The question arises: how to clean headphones without breaking them? After all, as you know, sometimes the cause of breakdown is earwax and sebum accumulated in the device. Sometimes this even leads to the complete disappearance of sound. How to get out of this unpleasant situation?

Cleaning the device without harming the speakers

There are two options: buy new headphones or try to revive the old ones. If you are a lover of high-quality sound and purchase only devices from expensive brands, then you probably don’t want to shell out a substantial amount of money to buy new headphones every time. So let's look at how you can clean your equipment from earwax at home.

So, for this simple process we need the following arsenal:

  • cotton swabs and disks;
  • scotch;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • a small container, such as a bottle cap or glass;
  • napkins;
  • alcohol (alternatively, glass cleaner can be used).

After you have prepared everything necessary materials, you can proceed directly to the process of cleaning the headphones from wax and other accumulated contaminants. We act in a certain sequence.

  1. First, remove the rubber caps from the headphones and put them in a safe place so they don’t get lost.
  2. Soak a cotton pad or just a piece of cotton wool in alcohol or glass cleaner, wipe all parts of the headphones with it: wires, volume switch, etc. All this also requires regular cleaning, if only for hygienic reasons.
  3. Next, take a convenient small container such as a bottle cap or a glass, pour 1-2 tbsp into it. l. hydrogen peroxide. We only need to clean the earphone mesh from wax, preventing liquid from getting deep into the device. Therefore, you need very little peroxide, be careful not to overdo it.
  4. Take the headphones and carefully dip them into the prepared liquid so that they are positioned with the mesh side down, then secure them in this position with tape and leave for about 10-15 minutes. Be careful not to overexpose. Be sure to make sure that the headphones are not completely submerged in peroxide, as this may harm them and the device will have to be thrown in the trash.
  5. While the headphones are being cleaned with peroxide, you have time to take care of the rubber earbuds, as they also accumulate traces of earwax and other contaminants that require cleaning. To do this, use pre-prepared cotton swabs. If there are none, you can use a regular toothpick with a piece of cotton wool wrapped around it. Soak it in alcohol or glass cleaner and thoroughly wipe the rubber surface of the caps.
  6. During this time, the headphones left in hydrogen peroxide will be completely cleaned and can be taken out. Be careful to avoid sudden movements, as if liquid gets on the membrane or contacts, the device can be thrown away.
  7. Next, take a napkin and leave the headphones on it until completely dry. This will take 3 to 4 hours. After this, you can put the rubber caps back on and continue to enjoy the wonderful sound.

Alternative method for cleaning headphones

However, the method described above for cleaning earwax from headphones is not the only one. Some people prefer to use a regular vacuum cleaner for this purpose. The whole secret lies in the nozzle, which you need to make yourself. To do this, we use available materials.

We will need plasticine, from which we need to roll a ball equal in size to a small apple, as well as a tube, the diameter of the hole of which should be equal to the size of the headphone mesh.

We take a ball rolled out of plasticine, stick the prepared tube in the center, and install this structure into the vacuum cleaner tube.

Open the hole to regulate the suction and turn on the vacuum cleaner at minimum power. Using the manufactured nozzle, we carefully clean the headphone mesh from wax and other contaminants that have accumulated there during use.

This method will make cleaning your headphones much easier and faster. The main thing is to do everything carefully and slowly. In addition, this option is safer, since in the case of hydrogen peroxide there is a risk that moisture may get onto the contacts of the device and damage it.

What they don’t write in the vastness of the great Runet. Trying to find effective way To clean earwax from headphones, you may come across very strange tips, the authors of which recommend washing the device or rinsing them in the sink using toothbrush and cleanser. However, both of these options raise serious doubts, since it is highly not recommended to wet the internal contents of the headphones; this can lead to their complete breakdown and you will have to buy a new device.

If you are not sure that you can properly disassemble and then assemble the headphones, then it is better not to take on this task at all, but ask experienced friends or contact the service.

In addition, take into account the fact that the disappearance or sharp deterioration sound can be caused not only by accumulated dirt. The cause of this breakdown can also be broken contacts, a torn or broken wire, etc. In this case, you either need to repair the device yourself, trying to solder the wiring, or simply throw it away and buy yourself new headphones.

Useful tips

  1. Do not let anyone other than you use the device, as headphones can be classified as a “personal” item if we consider this issue from a hyena’s point of view.
  2. Clean regularly auricle from sulfur and other contaminants. However, do not overdo it to avoid harming yourself. It is important to maintain a golden mean.

Clean your headphones from wax regularly once a month, then your equipment will last much longer, and the sound quality will remain at its best. high level! You no longer have to buy a new device every few months.

You bought headphones, they suit you perfectly and play music perfectly, you listen to them every day and enjoy them. But over time, headphones get dirty, and if this can be dealt with relatively easily, then what about the ear pads? After all, the ear pads are constantly in contact with the skin, which means they are always exposed to maximum impact different substances that the skin secretes: sweat, sebum and fat.

The ear pads are not difficult to clean; interestingly, they don’t require special means. Of course, you can use different techniques, but there is no guarantee that they will help in your case. If you use a cleaning product incorrectly, you can instantly render the ear pads completely unusable.

Therefore, I will give you safe tips on how to clean the ear pads of both in-ear headphones and over-ear headphones.

How to clean the foam ear pads of in-ear headphones

Today, foam ear pads for in-ear headphones are becoming increasingly popular. Their advantages are undeniable: they are soft, take the shape of the ear canal, and provide excellent sound insulation.

But the foam material, which provides so many advantages, at the same time has a significant drawback - it gets dirty quickly. The foam from which the ear cushion is made has a fine-cell structure; it is due to the cells that this material can be compressed and decompressed. When using, we always insert the ear pad into the ear canal, and the ears produce earwax all the time. Sulfur is very important for ear health and normal functioning, so doctors do not recommend cleaning it out of the ear canal completely. The outer cells of the foam very quickly become clogged with sulfur, and the ear cushion becomes unpleasant to the touch and unsightly in appearance.

Therefore, I recommend washing the foam ear pads in water at least once a week. It is not necessary to use special detergents; just turn on the tap and wash the ear pads in a stream of water. Do not use brushes or other abrasive materials, you need to wash with bare hands, this way you will maintain the structure of the foam.

If the contamination is very large, or the sulfur has penetrated deep into the area, you can use a small amount of regular soap. Lightly soap the ear pad, hold it in your hands so that the soap foam penetrates inside, and then rinse it thoroughly with running water.

After rinsing the foam pad, press it in your hands to squeeze out any water that has been absorbed, but do not overdo it. In any case, the water will remain inside no matter how hard you squeeze it. After a light spin, leave the ear pads to dry.

Remember that you should not leave the foam cushion in direct sunlight or on heating devices. The ear pad can be left near the battery, but not on it. It dries quite quickly, just a couple of hours and it is ready for use.

The manufacturer of foam ear pads advises changing them regularly, because... Over time, the foam loses its properties, and various contaminants penetrate deep into the material, even with regular cleaning, where insidious bacteria begin to multiply. Approximate time possible use Foam ear pads last 6-8 months, after which they need to be changed.

How to clean the silicone ear pads of in-ear headphones

Silicone ear pads, unlike foam ones, are much easier to handle and care for, and they are more durable. With proper care, silicone ear pads can last for several years without complaints or loss of physical properties.

However, silicone ear pads need to be cleaned regularly to ensure you enjoy them for years to come.

In normal cases, silicone ear pads are washed in running water without using detergents. Any, even serious pollution, are easily washed off with water.

If water doesn't help, you can use regular soap. Lightly soap the ear pads, remember it in your hands and rinse thoroughly in running water.

Some people on forums and in social networks recommend using different means, which soften the silicone, making it more pleasant to use. I do not recommend treating silicone ear pads, because... softening indicates a violation of the integrity of the structure of the material from which they are made and no one will be held responsible for the consequences except the listener.

A serious headphone manufacturer takes the choice of material for making ear pads very seriously and tests it so that it does not cause allergies and discomfort during use. Therefore, I do not recommend violating or, simply put, destroying the material from which the ear pad is made.

If the silicone ear pad begins to lose its properties, feels different to the touch and changes its elasticity characteristics, it needs to be replaced.

With proper care, silicone ear pads last for several years without complaints; they need to be replaced only after 3-4 years of intensive use, unless it breaks or gets lost before this period.

How to clean velor ear pads on over-ear and on-ear headphones

The velor ear pads are very pleasant to use, they are soft, beautiful and almost unnoticeable on your head. But they, like any other fabric, absorb skin secretions: oil and sweat. Therefore, more often than other ear pads they require attention.

How to wash velor ear pads in water

Velor ear pads can be cleaned without the use of special cleaning agents.

First of all, make sure that the ear pads are removable, i.e. they can be safely separated from the headphones. Not all headphone models require removal of ear pads.

If the ear pads are removable, this would be an ideal option for us. Separate the ear pads from the headphones and rinse them in running tap water. If the dirt is strong, you can lightly soap it.

After you have washed the ear pads, do not wring them out. Spread the fabric near a heat source, such as a radiator in winter, or near a window through which the sun shines in summer. Leave the ear pad to dry. In a few hours it will be ready for use.

Remember: do not leave the ear pads to dry on straight sun rays or on heating devices. Firstly, velor may lose its color, and secondly, foam rubber may lose its elasticity and flexibility. Drying should take place in a gentle manner.

How to clean velor ear pads from hair and dust

Velor ear pads, despite all their advantages, have one significant drawback - they easily collect dust, hair and fur.

However, in any household store today you can buy adhesive tape for cleaning clothes, with which you can easily clean velor ear pads. When used normally, adhesive tape has no contraindications.

Also, for certain types of dirt, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a crevice nozzle. But try not to bring the brush very close to the ear pad, otherwise, if your vacuum cleaner is powerful, it may suck the ear pad inside, thus tearing the velor or breaking the inner filling. You need to vacuum the velor carefully, setting the power of the vacuum cleaner to the minimum value if possible.

Headphones tend to become clogged with earwax, causing hearing loss to deteriorate. It's also unpleasant. Who would like to use dirty accessories for an iPhone or other model?

Of course, no one likes this. Therefore, you need to learn how to clean them quickly and, most importantly, correctly, so that the headphones do not stop working at all.


If you have a great desire to clean the accessory, but are very afraid of damaging anything, this method will certainly work.

How to clean headphones quickly and without disassembling:

  1. Buy hydrogen peroxide and cotton swabs at the pharmacy.
  2. Soak the sticks in the peroxide solution and wipe the head. Remove all earwax. If the toothpick is too thick and doesn't reach where it needs to go, use a toothpick.
  3. Then take a disc or clean lint-free cloth and wipe the earphone completely with peroxide. You can also wipe the wires, this will disinfect them.

There is another way to use hydrogen peroxide, but it takes longer and is also more effective.

How to clean earwax removal device at home correctly:

  1. Take the cap from plastic bottle and a paper clip. Heat the latter and make small indentations in the lid on both sides. This is necessary for the stability of the device; the cable will rest on it. The recess will prevent the headphones from turning over. This is important, because the solution can get on the speakers.
  2. Next, place a partition in the middle. Make it out of plastic because the paper will get wet. The partition is necessary for convenient fixation of the device inside the lid. It eliminates vibrations.
  3. Fill the lid with hydrogen peroxide diluted halfway with alcohol. Insert the headphones and leave to soak for an hour.
  4. Clean the mesh with a toothbrush or cotton swab.
  5. Then take a clothespin and place a device in the center of each one. Leave it to dry like this. You can simply put them on paper or cotton wool.

That's the whole cleaning method. Peroxide is a disinfectant and also a cleaning agent. You can use it daily.

If you don’t know how to bleach your device, also use hydrogen peroxide. Clean the entire cable with it.

If the silicone inserts are already so dirty that it is impossible to remove earwax and they have lost their attractive appearance, simply throw them away and replace them.Such attachments are sold in telephone stores, and the cost is very reasonable.

Medical alcohol

Alcohol is used similarly to hydrogen peroxide. It also removes all bacteria.

For cleaning, use cotton swabs and toothpicks.

This manipulation will update appearance accessory will make them clean. The whole process takes no more than 10 minutes and does not harm the device.

Vacuum cleaner

It will help remove dirt, dust and remaining earwax. This way you can clean both white and colored headphones.

To do this, you need to make your own nozzle so that it fits the size of the headphones. It is recommended to use a ballpoint pen or other thin tube.

The adapter is made of paper, which is fixed with tape or plasticine. The latter is much more convenient.

How to clean earwax from headphones?Removing contamination is not difficult. Simply turn on the vacuum cleaner and suck up the wax for a few seconds.

You can use a vacuum cleaner to dry them after soaking. It removes all particles that have not dissolved in the peroxide.

The method is suitable for earpods and apple vacuum headphones.


Such devices first need to be disassembled. Cleaning of overhead accessories is not possible when they are complete.

They are equipped with soft ear pads that cannot get wet.

How to disassemble:

  1. First remove the top foam liner.
  2. Then take a Phillips screwdriver and remove the screws.
  3. Remove all trims.

It is allowed to use the same hydrogen peroxide or medical alcohol as a cleaning agent.

Brush everything gently with a toothbrush. Internal surfaces The embouchure is treated with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.


It is equally important to pay attention to the connector in your phone or player where the headphone cable is inserted.It also becomes dirty, making audibility poor. If you don't clean it for a long time, it may fail.

When cleaning the connector, unplug the device. Take a toothpick and wrap a little cotton wool around it, soak it in medical alcohol, and carefully wipe everything inside.

Cleaning your headphones won't take much time. When you fill your hand, it will take no more than a few minutes (don’t count the time allocated for soaking, because you can do other things around the house.

When cleaning the connectors or the headphones themselves, proceed with extreme caution. Such accessories cannot be washed in a washing machine; they will fail and you will have to buy a new one.

Caring for your headphones is a must, otherwise they will fail very quickly. Speakers are very susceptible to earwax and other dirt.

Types of headphones and their features

Cleaning of the device depends on its type. There are three main options, the most popular among users:

1. Deposits. Standard models included with some gadgets. They have a simple design, often without the possibility of disassembly.

2. Vacuum. Inserted directly into the ear canal. Usually the kit comes with one or more pairs of replaceable nozzles.

3. Large format. Using a special arc or rim they are held on the head or neck. Completely cover the surface of the auricle.

Depending on the nuances of the design, an acceptable cleaning method will be selected.

Recommendations: If water gets on the headphones or inside the mobile phone connector
How to fix headphones yourself if one stops working
, How to make the sound in headphones louder: on a computer and phone

How the procedure works

Prepare cotton swabs and pads, napkins and paper towels, hydrogen peroxide, a small container of water, a few toothpicks and formic alcohol.

Cleaning the earbuds

The mesh, which is most susceptible to contamination, is located under a plastic cover on these headphones. It can only be removed in collapsible models by turning it clockwise.

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Pour some formic alcohol into a small container and immerse the grids there for a few minutes. Then remove and finally clean the surface with a cotton swab on both sides.

If it is not possible to remove the entire mesh, you can at least clean it outside. Use a toothpick to remove large pieces of wax and dust (be very careful not to damage the mesh). Then use a cotton pad to wipe it with alcohol, but make sure that it does not get inside the device. To dry, place the headphones on paper towels.

Cleaning vacuum models

The silicone pads are very easy to clean. Difficulties may lie in cleaning the mesh. Let's give brief instructions according to this procedure:

1. Remove the silicone pads.

2. Rinse them in a weak solution of alcohol and dry them on a paper towel.

3. Pour alcohol into a shallow container and immerse the headphones there strictly with the nets facing down, it is advisable to secure them somehow so that they do not turn over. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Hydrogen peroxide can be used instead of alcohol.

4. Freshen the housing and wires using a cotton pad soaked in alcohol and blot with an absorbent cloth. Do not use the headphones within 2 hours after cleaning.

Please note that if the accessory white, then instead of alcohol, you can use nail polish remover that does not contain acetone.

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Cleaning your on-ear headphones

Such models, as a rule, are equipped with soft “pillows” - ear pads - made of foam rubber or other similar material. These elements cannot be wetted. So remove them and set them aside.

Wipe the outside of the speakers with alcohol using a cotton pad and leave until completely dry.

If the design features of the headphones do not allow you to remove the ear pads, take an unnecessary toothbrush and a small container of alcohol. Moisten a brush with alcohol and go over the inside of each ear pad, then brush the rest of the parts with a simple damp cloth. Dry. Remember that liquid should not get inside.

How to warm up your headphones correctly and whether you need to do it

Another method for cleaning headphones

Eat original way quickly and easily remove dirt from your gadget. To do this, you will need a very ordinary vacuum cleaner, and you will have to make the attachment for it yourself.

Take plasticine and roll it into a ball with a diameter approximately the size of an apple. You will also need a tube, the hole in which will be equal to the size of the headphone mesh.

Insert this tube into the middle of the plasticine ball, and then the entire finished structure into the vacuum cleaner pipe. Turn on the vacuum cleaner, setting the power to minimum, and using this simple device, carefully remove all the dirt from the headphone mesh.

How not to clean your headphones

On the Internet you can find many strange and even suspicious ways to clean this device. Most of them are completely wrong. IN best case scenario you simply won’t get any effect, at worst you’ll break your headphones.

Just take the advice to wash your headphones in the washing machine. Approach the issue of cleaning your gadget wisely, and if you are not confident in your abilities, then seek advice and help from specialists or friends who understand this.

As for the frequency of cleaning, it is recommended to do this once a month; more often there is no need.

DIY headphone repair

How to make your headphones last longer

Proper care of the device will not only allow you to clean it less often, but will also generally extend its service life. Here are some basic rules for handling headphones:

1. Purchase a special storage case. Now they are presented in a huge assortment, especially in online stores. Just choose a beautiful box that you like, in which your headphones will not be exposed to dust. In addition, the wires will not get tangled.

2. Select the appropriate volume. Turning the volume on at full volume will cause quick exit the gadget is out of order. There will be hissing or crackling noise in the speakers.

3. If your headphones are not waterproof models, then they cannot get wet. This means you shouldn’t listen to music outside in the rain.

4. For vacuum headphones, change the silicone tips frequently. They are very inexpensive, but replacing them in a timely manner will make using the device more hygienic.