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Siamese cat care and feeding. Siamese cat photo - Siamese cat character. Drying cat fur with a hairdryer

Determining the time of appearance of Siamese cats is a rather difficult task. These animals are practically not mentioned in the chronicles. One of the first descriptions dates back to 1350. Presumably their ancestor was Bengal wild cat.

Description of the breed

The Siamese cat is native to Siam (present-day Thailand). In this state it was considered sacred and protected by law. Taking these cats out of the country was strictly prohibited. Each representative of the royal dynasty had a Siamese, and even during a ceremony such as coronation, they were given a separate carriage for transportation.

As the story goes, the heirs to the throne had their only friend and companion - a Siamese cat. “Moon Diamond” is the name of the animal in Thai. First to England Siamese cat was imported in 1871, where it was presented at an exhibition. Local residents greeted this animal without enthusiasm.

The first title, “Cat of Nightmares,” speaks for itself. Over time, people appreciated the beauty and features of the animal. In 1902, the British founded a club for lovers of these cats. Around the same time, the Siamese cat appeared in Russia.

The Siamese cat came to the United States as a gift to President Rutherford Burchard Hayes. Philip, Duke of Edinburgh presented it to Elizabeth II on her wedding day. Nowadays Siamese cat breed is in third place in the world in popularity.

Siamese can be found in every corner of the globe. The greatest interest in them was shown in the middle of the twentieth century. Modern Siamese cats differ significantly from their ancestors, which stood out big head and a heavy body.

The work of breeders has introduced some changes. Now the Siamese has a graceful body with a small, triangular-shaped head. The color range of animals is constantly expanding. The International Felinological Organization has recognized four colors of Siamese:

  • Lilac-point (the predominant body color is magnolia, paws, muzzle and ears are gray-blue with a pink tint).
  • Blue point (the predominant body color is fawn-gray, paws, muzzle and ears are gray-blue).
  • Seal point (predominant body color is cream, paws, muzzle and ears are dark brown).
  • Chocolat – point (the predominant body color is ivory, paws, muzzle and ears are milk chocolate). This color is the most popular.

Albino Siamese cats are called blondenes. Others Siamese cat colors have earned recognition in other organizations.

Usually, Siamese cat kittens are born with pure white fur. They do not have any shades or spots. After a month and a half, the first spots appear on the babies. Only at one year of age do cats acquire their final coat color.

In my own way Siamese cat description– an elegant animal with a muscular body average size. Has great flexibility. Long legs - slender and graceful. The tail, pointed at the tip, resembles a whip. The animal's head resembles a wedge, starting from the nose and diverging in straight lines to the ears. The ears are large, wide at the head with pointed tips.

Siamese cat eyes almond-shaped. They can be bulging or, conversely, deeply planted. Many representatives have strabismus at the genetic level. Eye color can be either blue or green. Some Siamese have multi-colored eyes.

The coat is short, silky, with a characteristic shine. Fits tightly to the body. There is no undercoat. There are also long-haired fluffy siamese cats, these are Balinese cats. Now the breed is divided into two subspecies.

The classics include animals with a muscular, well-built body. The eyes and ears are not very large. Others are slender and have a long body. The muzzle is elongated. The ears are large, pointed towards the top. A long tail and slanted eyes.

Features of Siamese cats

Siamese cats are believed to have a vindictive and aggressive nature. Grudges are especially frightening. However, this is a wrong impression. These features are inherent in hybrids of Siamese and street cat, when appearance is inherited from a noble one, and character from a mongrel one.

Siamese cats only remember undeserved punishment for a long time; beating them is strictly prohibited. Animal aggression is mistreatment by its owners, not a character trait. Really, Siamese cat character sometimes obstinate and independent. But they adore kindness and affection, and are always ready to communicate and play.

Cats communicate with humans using sounds that can have completely different intonations. The voice is a unique feature of these animals. When an animal doesn't like something, they can howl shrilly.

A cat requires a lot of attention, patience and tact. Siamese cats display their unique personality with... early age. They are highly trainable and very loyal. If the animal perceives training as a game, and not violence, it will bring objects to the owner and even jump through a hoop.

These tricks an ordinary cat much harder to teach. Siamese also adapt well to a collar. Siamese cats do not tolerate loneliness well and have a loyal character. If the owner is away from home for a long time, she really waits for him and misses him.

Most of The Siamese certainly devotes his time to his owner, but also has an excellent relationship with children. Cats treat strangers without aggression, but do not like their appearance. Siamese cats Wonderful live with other animals if the owner pays them a lot of attention. Otherwise, they may become jealous. It is believed that Siamese have unusual energy, sense the illness of their owners and can predict dangers.

Care and nutrition of a Siamese cat at home

The short coat of Siamese cats requires minimal grooming. It is enough to run wet hands over the animal’s body, from the head towards the tail, and the excess hair will remain on the palms. And if you brush your cat with a brush, the fur will shine.

It is advisable to accustom your Siamese to cleaning its ears and teeth at an early age, because... the animal may experience dental problems. If the animal does not leave the house, it does not need to be bathed. Cats enjoy excellent health but are prone to gingivitis, amyloidosis (liver disease), asthma, diabetes mellitus and gingivitis.

Siamese cats go into heat at the age of five months, and even at such a young age they can produce quite a lot of kittens. If you don’t need babies, you need to take care of sterilization in advance. For your information, Siamese cats have the longest pregnancy, compared to other cats - at least 65 days.

Siamese eat in the same way as their other relatives, but they can be picky and inconsistent in their food. It may be a complete surprise for the owner when his pet eats nuts, corn, mushrooms, sweets or fruits.

Ready-made feed must be from trusted manufacturers, and natural products diverse. If an animal is fed exclusively meat, its fur may darken. Therefore, fish must be included in the diet. We must not forget about water. It should be running or settled, fresh and not cold, since animals are prone to colds.

Siamese cat price

Siamese - not uncommon, but purebred Siamese cat Can buy not everywhere. Choose good kitten possible in specialized nurseries or at exhibitions. In this case Siamese cat price will be slightly higher than on the market, but you will be sure that you have purchased a purebred and healthy animal.

Siamese kittens are cute and curious, like all babies. But these little blue-eyed lumps have a trait that from an early age distinguishes them from kittens of all other breeds: from birth it is a personality. If you are planning to get a Siamese kitten, try to find out as much as possible about it. This will greatly facilitate communication, education and care for him.

Siamese cats are amazingly sophisticated creatures. Medium in size, flexible and graceful, they are distinguished by well-developed muscles and harmonious build.

The breed standard stipulates a head shape in the form of an equilateral triangle, large, elongated ears, slanted eyes, an elongated body, slender, dry limbs with collected paws in the shape of an oval and a thin flexible tail.

The Siamese's coat is short, soft, silky and lies close to the body. A contrast in the basic tone and markings is required, and the color of the fur on the face, ears, paws and tail must match. The back and sides should be slightly darker than the neck, chest and stomach.

Both the absence of points and weak contrast are considered unacceptable. Animals with knots and creases in the tail are also culled. This sign indicates degeneration due to inbreeding.

Eye color is supposed to be blue. Greenish tints are considered a deviation from the standard.

Photos of Siamese kittens


The character of Siamese cats is often characterized by stubbornness and selfishness. This does not mean at all that they cannot become a devoted friend to a person. Just the opposite! Animals of this breed become very attached to their owner and literally run after him, reminiscent of small dogs in this way. And yet, for a Siamese, an owner is, first of all, a source of all kinds of benefits, and only then a friend and protector.

If there is only one cat in the house and everyone around her does nothing but caress her, admiring her intelligence and beauty, everything goes fine. But as soon as a competitor appears, be it a kitten or a puppy, the life of a new family member can turn into hell! There are often cases when you have to part with him in order to maintain peace and tranquility. There are exceptions if an older cat is introduced to a baby. Usually she calmly accepts him and subsequently friendship develops between the animals.

Newborn kittens

Siamese cat kittens are born completely white, only their nose and paw pads are pink. Darkening of the coat can begin from two weeks of age, and one or another color is determined by the temperature in the room where the kitten is. In a very warm room, the main coat color will be milky white or cream, and the color of the markings will be chocolate. The cooler the apartment, the darker the color will be. Siamese kittens that are born and live outside (those that are trained to be mousecatchers in a barn or goat stall) after the first moult become dark brown, and their point color is almost black. The final color of a Siamese kitten is established only by ten months.

Choosing a kitten

Cat or cat?

Having decided to purchase a Siamese kitten, the future owner often does not know who to choose: a cat or a cat. At two to three months, all kittens are equally adorable. But childhood does not last long, and when the pet grows up, its belonging to one gender or another will appear before the owner in all its glory.

Most owners of Siamese cats believe that the males of this breed are much more beautiful than the females. One cannot but agree with this opinion. The Siamese cat has a more impressive size; its body proportions are slightly different than those of females: the body is shorter and the head is larger. Some people believe that keeping a male is not particularly difficult, unlike a female. By at least, you definitely won’t have to think about where to place the kittens.

However, this is not even the point. The problem of cat marks and unwanted offspring can be solved by castration or sterilization. What will stay with an animal forever is its character.

The Siamese cat feels like a sovereign master in the apartment. He perceives the owners as servants who must fulfill his every whim. He is curious, active, loves to poke his nose everywhere, especially where he is not allowed. Often irritable and aggressive.

Cats of this breed have a much calmer, affectionate character. They become very attached to a person (most often this is the owner), and vigorously show their love and devotion. And the cleanliness of Siamese dogs is legendary!

Although there are no rules without exceptions.

Choice depending on color

After you have decided on the gender of your future pet, you need to decide what color you like.

Most often, when people think of a Siamese kitten, they think of the classic sealpoint: cream coat, dark markings and beautiful blue eyes. The image is truly captivating, but this color is by no means the only one. Bluepoint (snow- White color coats with gray-blue markings), redpoint (white background color and apricot or red markings), lilacpoint (silver coat with lilac-pink markings)… It’s easy to get confused! But there are other colors: chocolate point (an ivory coat with very dark, almost black markings), cinnamon point (ivory and brownish points), caramel point (an absolutely amazing, indescribable shade of coat with gray-pink points), tabbypoint (lovely solid-colored cats with striped markings), tortiepoint (a fantastic combination of calm background color and spotted points).

The eye color of Siamese cats depends on the color of the coat: the darker and more saturated the color of the animal, the brighter and deeper the blue will be.

There is an opinion (though not yet confirmed by anything other than the words of the owners) that cats different colors have a different character. For example, it is believed that the temperament of bluepoints is much softer and more pleasant than that of sealpoints or chocolate points.

Care and maintenance

Features of caring for a kitten aged 1 month
The kitten you want to buy must be at least two, and preferably three to four months old. At this age, kittens completely switch to normal food, are practically independent of their mother, are curious and very sociable. The baby will willingly make friends with you and the rest of the family.

If you get a kitten that is at least a month old, difficulties cannot be avoided. Such kids have great difficulty making contact. If there are small children in the family, it is advisable to completely protect the kitten from their attention. Absolutely everything scares him: large (as much as two meters!) distances, loud sounds, a sparrow unexpectedly chirped... The first days he can sit in the sofa or the pocket of an old bag, secretly getting out of there to grab a piece of food or go to the toilet. One person must take care of such a baby. You should not force him out of hiding and poke his muzzle into the food if he resists. The best thing you can do is leave him alone and quietly observe. Let your baby get comfortable. Only when the kitten stops hiding at every rustle can you begin to introduce him to the whole family.


What should you prepare for welcoming a new family member? A cat house with a warm mattress and a couple of replaceable covers, a stable tray, two or three bowls - for water and different types food, several bright toys. They should be of such a size that they cannot slip into a hard-to-reach gap. Never give your baby small objects as toys! Buy a scratching post or play set for your kitten so that he has the opportunity to frolic.

Hygiene procedures

Caring for little Siamese is surprisingly easy. Their short coat, devoid of even a hint of undercoat, looks magnificent without any water procedures. It is enough to rub it with a special mitten, and from 4 months - with a soft brush.

Carefully monitor the condition of your pet's ears and eyes. Wipe them daily with a damp cotton pad. If found the slightest signs discharge - take the kitten to the doctor immediately. Any disease in children is much more severe than in adult animals, so the sooner treatment is started, the better.


The most best food for kittens - industrial feed himself high class. You will not have to give your pet additional vitamins; he will receive with food everything that his growing body needs.

What to name a Siamese kitten

It is unlikely that anyone would think of calling a Siamese aristocrat Barsik or Murzik. Meanwhile, these sonorous nicknames perfectly demonstrate the principle by which you need to choose a name: a distinct, sonorous beginning and the absence of hissing sounds. If you can’t do without hissing sounds, let these sounds be in the middle of the name.

Let's try to come up with a beautiful, euphonious name for the pet.

If it's a boy, you can name him:

  • Athos;
  • Basil;
  • Bertie;
  • Leslie;
  • Nelson;
  • Nestor;
  • Maurice;
  • Tyson;
  • Everett.

If: you have a cat:

  • Alice;
  • Anfisa
  • Bertha;
  • Beatrix;
  • Ophelia;
  • Saji;
  • Sona;
  • Sookie
  • Tess;
  • Ulsey.

Where can I buy

You can buy a Siamese kitten in Moscow from one of the nurseries:

  1. "Sharess-Ori" (cattery of Oriental and Siamese cats);
  2. "Salambo" (oriental and Siamese cattery);
  3. "Marsiori" (oriental cattery).

You can choose the baby you like among the advertisements on Avito or use the service “I’ll give it to good hands" Of course, in this case it will be difficult to find a purebred kitten with a pedigree, although there are exceptions - for example, if the owners move to another country and cannot take their pet with them, it will be very important for them that it ends up in good hands.

If it is not the pedigree that is important to you, but the point color, this is a good choice. But you must be prepared for the fact that the kitten you choose is only half Siamese. As he grows up, he may become aggressive, and you will have to make a lot of effort to correct his character.

They have an original and memorable appearance. It is quite difficult to confuse them with representatives of other breeds. These beautiful and graceful creatures come from the East, from the territory of what is now Thailand.

Their ancestors were wild Bengal cats. Throughout history, these cats have not crossed with representatives European breeds. Light and miniature animals to this day have retained the original features characteristic only of this breed, with the exception, perhaps, of a broken and knotted tail.

There is a legend about this unusual tail. When going for a swim, Siamese princesses hung their jewelry on their cats' tails, which is where creases and knots appeared. In reality, everything is much more prosaic. A crooked tail is a sign of breed degeneration due to inbreeding. As soon as this feature was equated to a flaw in Europe, work began to eliminate it. Now the Siamese's tail is even and straight, as prescribed by the standard.

Description of the breed

The Siamese has a slender and elegant, but at the same time muscular and flexible body of medium size, which we will talk about in detail today. for a long time They are a cute fluffy little ball.

This oriental beauty has a long slender neck and a medium-sized wedge-shaped head. but they should be a natural extension of the head. The tips of the ears and nose form an equilateral triangle. The eyes are medium-sized, almond-shaped, with a characteristic rich, deep color. The front legs are slightly shorter than the hind legs. Paws are oval, small size. The tail is long, tapering towards the tip. The coat is short, close to the skin, and shiny. Monocolor color. On the face, on the paws, on the tail with points. Mask on the face - hallmark breeds


If you are interested in a Siamese kitten, you need to know what kind of character the representatives of this breed have. Future owners of such a pet should be prepared for the fact that these are independent animals with excellent hunting abilities. All these qualities have given this breed of cats an obstinate disposition.

Siamese differ from their European counterparts in their explosive temperament, due to which these animals are considered extremely stubborn. But such an opinion is nothing more than a prejudice. In fact these beautiful cats They love people very much and become attached to them. But they don’t like to be picked up or squeezed without their desire. But the Siamese kitten needs affection. He is very defenseless, especially in the first days when he is taken away from his mother.

Other pets can make your pet undisguisedly jealous. He will also be wary of strangers. If you are sure that you need a Siamese kitten, you should know and explain to all family members (especially children) that these cats do not allow familiarity - they will immediately show their character, and the offender will be left with scratches and bites.

Adult Siamese cats are not animals that begin to languish with melancholy two hours after the owner leaves. They are quite self-sufficient, although they love to be the center of attention. Therefore, when you return home after work, spend time with your pet - play with it, talk to it, treat it with something tasty. In other words, show him your admiration.

The endless energy that Siamese cats have makes them excellent playmates. It is interesting that they are often the first to take the initiative in this matter, for example, rushing after a ball of wool that no one gave them.

If a Siamese kitten appears in your home, you must be patient. Only in this case will you be able to properly raise your pet. You should not raise your voice at these cats. And if you hit him once, the cat may not forgive you and may not forget the undeserved insult. The reward for your patience will be the right well-mannered cat- a very sociable, loyal and intelligent companion.


Siamese kittens are born completely white, with pink paw pads and noses. Over time they darken. The animal acquires its final color by the ninth month from birth.

Where to buy a kitten?

I would like to recommend all animal lovers to purchase an animal from specialized nurseries. Today this breed is not rare, it is widespread, there are nurseries in many cities - Moscow, Ryazan, Saratov, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg). A Siamese kitten should receive mother's milk up to 6 weeks. Therefore, until this time he cannot be taken away from his mother.

Our readers are probably interested in how much Siamese kittens cost. The price for such beauties ranges from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

Don’t forget that moving for a kitten of any breed is very stressful, so don’t worry when the baby, upon arriving at his new place of residence, hides under the bed. This is absolutely normal reaction. Don’t try to pull him out, just place a bowl of food next to his “shelter” and clean water, tray. Don't make any noise, let the kitten calm down. Soon he will realize that he is safe. After 2-3 hours, curiosity and hunger will take over, and the kitten will come out of hiding.

It should be noted that Siamese kittens (reviews from owners confirm this) are distinguished by a strong temperament and irrepressible energy. They can play all day long and quickly become attached to people. Be prepared for the fact that this baby will demand the owner’s attention from a very early age, which is why they meow almost constantly. Thus, the baby tells you that he wants to play with you, or he is hungry.


Nature has blessed Siamese cats with excellent health. They live up to 16 years. must be balanced. You should not feed your baby exclusively plant or protein foods. There are a number of foods that you can safely feed your Siamese kitten.

Meat and meat products. Pour boiling water over frozen raw beef before feeding. You should give at least 30 g per day to a two-month-old kitten. Boiled chicken breast you can feed your pet every day.

By-products (lungs, kidneys, heart, liver). Can only be given boiled or frozen. Remember: the liver can change the coat color of white individuals to yellowish, so its quantity should be limited.

Chicken yolk feed raw or cooked no more than twice a week.

Quail eggs It is better to give raw, along with protein.

Milk and dairy products. Siamese kittens love liquid porridge with milk. 3-4 times a week give kefir, cottage cheese, which can be mixed with sour cream or yolk.


Since Siamese cats are a short-haired breed, grooming is quite simple. Kittens should be bathed when necessary, for example, if fleas appear. Once a week and kittens, and adult cat It is necessary to comb and trim claws. Your baby should be taught this from the moment he appears in your home.

Install or nail a scratching post to the wall. These babies are very energetic and love to climb on cabinets. Do not let the kitten play with small and shiny objects: caps, tinsel, buttons, tinsel. The baby should have his own toys.

What to name a kitten?

We hope you will agree with us that traditional and familiar nicknames (Kotya, Pusha, Kotofey, Murzik or Vaska) do not correspond to such beauties as Siamese kittens. Boys of this breed are often called:

  • Snow leopard.
  • Kaiser.
  • Marion.

Suitable names for cats include:

  • Buffy.
  • Daisy.
  • Lana.
  • Gina.
  • Sophie.

Siamese cats are considered the most interesting and mysterious representatives of the cat tribe. These graceful and beautiful creatures have a sense of self-esteem. They will never impose themselves, but are always ready to protect their owner.


The name of the breed itself speaks about its origin. Siam is the ancient name of Thailand. In this country they were considered sacred animals. They were kept in temples and protected by law. They were prohibited from being exported abroad, but later representatives breeds reached European countries.
It is not known exactly when and where Siamese cats appeared. They are considered distant relatives of Bengal cats.
Europeans began breeding Siamese cats in the early 19th century. In this century, the Siamese king presented the English ambassador with a cat as a gift. This is how Siamese cats ended up outside the state. There are dozens of varieties of cats.

Appearance of a Siamese cat

The breed is distinguished by its short, shiny and dense coat and graceful body. The body of cats is small in size with a narrow skeleton. The shoulders and thighs are quite muscular.
Siamese cats are distinguished from others by their cut and eye color. Animals are very beautiful, bright, blue eyes, sometimes there are green ones. The color of the coat is not monochromatic. The limbs and face are dark. This occurs because the skin temperature on the limbs, tail and face is lower, so there is more dark pigment there.
The ears are very large and pointed at the end. The face is narrow, the chin is well defined.


Thai cats are very smart and inquisitive. Many of them can be trained. They are completely unpredictable and very jealous. Cats get along well with other pets and do not like strangers. These animals are not suitable for families with small children. A child, while playing, may accidentally offend a cat and be bitten and scratched.
Cats are very attached to their owner, so they are not suitable for people who cannot devote enough time to them. The animals are very affectionate and loyal.
Distinctive feature The breed has a loud voice. This is the most talkative breed.
Siamese cats very active, can play with anything. A pet owner needs a lot of patience, but if you raise a cat correctly, it will turn out to be a good and reliable friend.

Caring for a Siamese cat

Caring for a cat's fur is easy. It needs to be combed periodically. The owner's hand moistened with water is also suitable for this. In addition, she needs to be bathed, ears and teeth cleaned. You need to teach your cat hygiene early childhood. If you don't take care of your teeth, various diseases can occur.

What to feed

High-quality dry food is the best nutrition option Siamese cats. Experts advise creating a varied diet and not limiting yourself to dry food. If you still decide to feed such food, then it must be of high quality and with a sufficient amount of meat. It is also necessary to provide fresh and clean drinking water.
From the first days of life, your pet’s diet should include meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products. Siamese cats never change their habits. Therefore, if they are used to eating one thing, they do not need to change the menu.
The diet must be balanced; a lack or excess of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins can negatively affect the health of the pet. Protein is especially important for cats. Thanks to him, animals grow and develop.


Siamese cats differ good health, given that proper care. Life expectancy can reach 20 years.
Infections of the upper animals pose a danger to animals. respiratory tract. They need to be kept warm and comfortable. Some of them are prone to genetic diseases. Therefore, when buying a cat, you need to find out from the owner whether there were any problems with its parents.
Previously, tail defects were considered distinctive feature Thai cats. Now this is considered a disadvantage. But it is harmless and unnoticeable. The nodule can only be felt.
Some kittens are born cross-eyed. This phenomenon is rare and lasts up to a year. It happens that the problem remains, but this does not bother the cats themselves.
Among genetic diseases Kidney disease, heart disease, and umbilical hernia may occur.
The breed is very predisposed to dental diseases. Plaque, tartar, and gingivitis may appear.

Maintenance costs

Buying a Siamese cat, some hope to recoup costs by selling kittens. But this is not always possible, so before getting such a pet you need to take into account all the costs of maintenance and care. You will have to spend money on vaccinations, veterinarian services, purchasing supplies, and raising kittens. Breeding can be unprofitable, so it is better to keep a cat just for yourself.

Interesting video about the Siamese cat

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One of the most intelligent cats is the Siamese cat. The history of the Siamese cat begins in the distant past: biblical legends mention this breed of cat. The Siamese cat was a favorite of the pharaohs; it has the habits of a monkey and the character of a lion.

Siamese cats, of all cat breeds, are considered the most vindictive. But that's not true. Siamese cats are very attached to their owners and respond kindly to kindness. The dark brown or royal color of the Siamese cat was the first to be recognized. Blue point appeared later, and tabby point, lilac point, chocolate last changes in color.

The standards for a purebred Siamese cat are: triangular-shaped head, wide-set ears, high legs, long body, obliquely set eyes, almond-shaped, large. The Siamese's muzzle is dark brown or black and ends in a semicircle or sharp triangle on the forehead. The tail and paws have the same color as the muzzle. Kittens appear almost white, with a slightly creamy tint. manifest dark color begins under the influence low temperatures. After a few weeks, kittens’ paws and ears first begin to darken, and then a little later their faces and tails.

Caring for a Siamese cat

An indicator of your pet's health is its eyes. Discharge from the eyes is the first sign of the disease. In a healthy cat, lumps of mucus collect in the corners of the eyes, which can be easily removed with a clean napkin or a piece of bandage. This natural discharge. If your cat has profuse or purulent discharge from the eyes, contact your veterinarian. Do not try to treat your pet on your own to avoid a relapse.

The ears must be kept clean and free of any unpleasant odor. Cleaning dirty ears is easy. Needs to be moistened cotton swab in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If you felt bad smell If you notice that the kitten is shaking its head and scratching its ear frequently, contact your veterinarian. This is the first sign of ear disease.

Weapons Siamese cats are claws. But if the claws are long, the kitten will walk incorrectly, this will negatively affect the correct movement and formation of the fingers. Therefore, while grinding down its nails, the kitten rips off furniture, walls... To prevent your furniture from being damaged, buy a special scratching post.

Another indicator of a cat's health is its fur. Since Siamese cats have short fur, they require minimal grooming. The coat should be combed twice a week with a brush and then with a thick, blunt comb. This is needed to remove dead hairs. The fur will shine if you polish it with a piece of leather or stroke it with your hand. Make a bran bath if the fur is greasy.

Containers for water and food, as well as the cat's litter box, must be kept clean.

Siamese cats can live more than 20 years with proper care. Nature has endowed the Siamese cat with excellent health; the main thing is to feed it properly and get vaccinations on time. From healthy well-groomed cat she smells like she's lightly perfumed.

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