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Women's health and various methods. Women's health is the key to beauty. Changing the situation for the better is in your hands

Here are a few simple recommendations that will help you get out of vicious circle fear and overcome the habit of fear. You will learn about what fear of fear is from the article “Fear of fear: phobophobia”.

1. Believe that you can control your fear.

It is important to understand that you are scaring yourself. This means that you are able to control your fear. You can either strengthen it or stop scaring yourself. This can be learned. And the habit of being afraid of fear can be replaced by the habit of enjoying risk.

2. Get a medical examination

This point is for those who are afraid of the consequences of their fear. If you are concerned about your health or sanity, get a medical examination. There will be less cause for alarm when you make sure that everything is in order with your body. To do this, you need to see a therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, neurologist and psychiatrist. If you are diagnosed - panic disorder, cardioneurosis, then there is no threat to health and psyche. These are just names for frequent manifestations of fear and horror. You are not sick with anything except your fear. If you are diagnosed vegetative-vascular dystonia, then you need to understand its reasons. In most cases, vegetative-vascular dystonia is also not associated with a threat to life. And it is based on psychological reasons.

3. Find the reason for the fear

Overcoming the fear of fear is easier if you understand the reason for your fear. Then you can fight not with yourself - with your emotions or with your body. And with the real reason.

Think about why you were scared last time. And why did your body behave this way? Perhaps you already have one assumption - the reason is that you are not healthy. Then come up with and write down other explanations. Maybe you drank too much coffee? Or tired and didn't get enough sleep. Or your boss upset you. Or mom ate the brain the day before. Write down as many guesses as possible. Assess the likelihood of each of them. The next time you start to get scared, do the same. Look for “harmless” but very plausible explanations for your fear. And in the future, strive to eliminate all factors that can trigger fear.

4. Choose a relaxed lifestyle

The modern city dweller rushes at a breakneck pace. He is stewing in a cauldron of endless rush jobs and stress. Perhaps attacks of fear are a signal from the body that it needs a break, a request to take care of itself. This is your body telling you to slow down your pace of life. In order to reduce the likelihood of a fear attack, it is necessary to reduce tension. Strive to have less stress in your life. And more pleasure, relaxation and enjoyable activities.

5. Focus on the external

Researchers have proven that attacks of inexplicable horror are more common among people who are very sensitive to what is happening in their body. They easily notice the beating of the heart and perceive the slightest changes in breathing. Feel the vibrations without difficulty blood pressure. This is what increases the likelihood of a fear attack. Therefore, strive to focus your attention on external events, on the people around you and on the tasks facing you.

6. Be present

Fear grows because of your imagination. If you project yourself into the future and begin to imagine the dire consequences of a conversation with your boss, a plane ride, or a trip, you increase your fear. Focus your attention on the present, on the tasks in front of you, or on other people.

“And - God forbid - do not read Soviet newspapers before lunch,” said Professor Preobrazhensky in “ Heart of a Dog" Avoid reading or watching reports about murders, accidents and illnesses. Don't watch horror films or thrillers. Don't give such food to your imagination. And it will stop painting you terrible pictures.

7. Live your fear

Experiencing fear, moving through it, moving despite it is a very valuable experience that will allow you to cope with fears in the future. The brave man is not the one who is not afraid, but the one who is afraid but does it. Living through fear forms the habit of coping with intense fear. Know that unpleasant bodily sensations are caused by adrenaline. If you do not add wood to the fire of fear, the effect of adrenaline lasts about two minutes. And active physical actions help burn it.

8. Learn breathing or relaxation techniques

The ability to relax will help you cope with fear. You need to master relaxation techniques and breathing techniques at a time when you are calm. And train until the skill of relaxation becomes automatic. Only then will these techniques help you at the moment when horror hits.

The easiest way to calm down is to master diaphragmatic breathing. To do this, you need to breathe not with your chest, but with your stomach. Detailed instructions you will find in the article “Belly Breathing: Diaphragmatic Breathing”. It helps a lot to relax if you exhale much longer than your inhalation. This is how sleeping people breathe. You will find instructions for this breathing method in the article “Breathing technique for complete relaxation”. Another way of breathing that helps cope with panic is the winner's breath. You will master it by watching a fragment of the program “About the Most Important Thing”.

9. Take risks

Avoiding scary situations helps you avoid fear. But it serves you badly. The more you avoid, the more fear is stronger. The stronger the fear of fear. And the more situations begin to frighten. It doesn't take long to become a recluse. By taking risks, you increase the number of situations in which you feel comfortable. This way you increase your comfort zone.

10. Take a course of psychotherapy with a psychologist or psychotherapist

You can fight the fear of fear alone. But it is easier to do this with the support of a psychologist or psychotherapist. With the help of a specialist, you will get rid of the fear of fear much faster.

IN modern world It's not easy to be a woman. She goes to work, takes care of housework, children, and sometimes, after all the household chores, she doesn’t have enough time for herself. But we must not forget about ourselves, because a woman must be beautiful and well-groomed in any case, because even at home she is surrounded by family, for whom she must always be a queen.

And for this, in order to always be in shape and always keep up with everything, you need to take care of yourself every day. But taking care of yourself means not only dressing beautifully and putting on makeup, but first of all, you need to take care of your health. After all, women’s health directly determines their appearance, youth and well-being.

To support her health, a woman uses many different nuances:

1. One of them is vitamins. You need to choose vitamins that are right for you in all categories, factors, age, and any personal nuances. Also, in addition to medicinal vitamins you need to eat a lot of different fruits.

2. Another nuance is proper nutrition, which plays a big role in human life. It allows you to maintain the amount of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates consumed. With this diet, exclude from the diet harmful products, fried foods, which contain chemical ingredients, also try not to consume alcoholic drinks. The best thing is to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, cereals, fish and so on. If you don't follow the rules proper nutrition, then you can develop health problems, disorders metabolic processes, cardiovascular diseases, problems with endocrine system, you can get gastritis, diabetes and other diseases.

3. Playing sports is also very important for health; it helps maintain good health. physical fitness, and is very beneficial for health and well-being. For wellness Every morning you need to do exercises. Eat different types sports, and everyone chooses exactly the one that suits him: this is training in gym, running, race walking, yoga, dance classes, home exercises, classes in the pool (classes in the pool are suitable for those women who cannot do other physical activities). The main thing is to choose what you like and suits you.

4. Another nuance is the use of water; you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of it during the day.

5. You also need to remember about rest on fresh air, regular walking.

6. Of course, a medical examination is very important for the body. With its help you can prevent various diseases.

7. It is also important good sleep. You need to sleep at least 7 hours.

8. Hardening is also very beneficial for the body. For starters, you can use cold and hot shower, it is very useful for the skin and for the prevention of viral diseases.

Health is always desirable. As old age approaches, there is an increasing desire to hold on to it, support it and preserve it. After all, it depends on this what they will be like last decades life. Sad and heavy or filled with meaning and joy.

Women's health at 45 years of age and older

Feeling good and internal state the body is valuable at any age. Few people think about him when everything is in order, implying that this is how everything should be by itself. However, with the onset of illness, even a harmless cold, you immediately understand how good it is to be healthy.

Unfortunately, many people note that over the years they become more susceptible to illness, less energetic, and increasingly feel tired. Speaking of women, an important role is played by the decline of sexual function and serious changes in hormonal levels, which inevitably affect each individual system and the entire body as a whole. That is why the question of how to maintain and maintain health after 50, 53, 55 or 60 years is so relevant.

What is included in the concept of “women's health”

This topic is very versatile, it is difficult to give one definite answer to it. Much depends on the initial state with which the decision about the need to do something comes, on hereditary predisposition, psychological mood and many other factors.

Talking about women's health after 45 or 50, most often this means:

  • gynecology and mammary glands;
  • maintaining the same weight;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • cardiovascular and skeletal system who are the first to suffer with the onset of menopause.

Despite the fact that it is clear useful recommendations are very individual, and a qualified attending physician who is thoroughly knowledgeable about the medical history and current condition, some basic principles about the right approach there is still something to do with health.

Women's health and gynecology after 50

As already mentioned, it is the decrease in sexual function that is the first signal that it is time to pay more attention to your body. Menopause is an inevitable reality that awaits every woman. Just as each of us once matured and became capable of giving birth, so sooner or later we enter into new period life.

Features of women's health after 49

The supply of eggs donated by nature is depleted, the ovaries slow down the production of the hormone estrogen and it is this that becomes the cause of irreversible processes, the consequence of which will be a general deterioration in health.

With a decrease in estrogen:

  • Elasticity decreases, thinning of the skin and mucous membranes is observed, which leads to the appearance of new, not only facial wrinkles, and a feeling of dryness in the oral cavity, larynx, vagina. To the point that sexual intercourse can cause discomfort and pain.
  • The tone decreases internal muscles. This may manifest itself as difficulty holding urine when walking quickly, jumping, laughing or coughing.
  • The process of absorption by the body is disrupted useful substances, such as calcium. Diseases come with it circulatory system, hearts, as well as an unpleasant phenomenon - osteoporosis (increased fragility of bones, up to fractures with difficult subsequent fusion).
  • Doesn't stand aside psychological side. It is known that hormones themselves have a strong influence on mood, and besides, worries about health for a woman at 50 years old and without a hormonal release lead to a deterioration in mood.

What you need to know: Menopause is not the end of life, but the beginning of a new stage. A timely visit to a specialist, diagnostics, and monitoring of basic parameters will help you live through it without any complications.

At the age of 45-50 years, women have a significantly increased risk of gaining overweight Therefore, the choice of food requires a careful approach.

Should you rush to the doctor?

There is a widespread belief that nothing can be done with age, all that remains is to take it for granted without the opportunity to improve the health of the body. To some extent this is true. However, along with there are many diseases, the prevention and detection of which is the most early stages helps reduce the risk of serious and irreversible consequences. For example:

  • Unpleasant manifestations climacteric syndrome can be reduced with hormonal hormones replacement therapy(Please note that drugs of this class are prescribed exclusively on the advice of a specialist; a woman’s health after 50 can be significantly affected by self-administration of drugs, even to the point of developing tumors).
  • Identifying the onset of osteoporosis will help to take timely measures, begin appropriate treatment, and significantly reduce the risk of fractures in the future.
  • Requires special attention the cardiovascular system. With age, the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes increases several times. Correct recommendations and appointments will allow you to live a healthy, active life.
  • From the gynecological side, the genitals need to be examined at least once every six months. The doctor will not only be able to identify the development of ailments, but will recommend the most suitable contraceptives (the likelihood of pregnancy remains even with the cessation of the menstrual cycle), lubricants to replace natural lubrication during sex.

Beauty and healthy lifestyle of a woman

Healthy eating is the foundation feeling great And beautiful appearance after 45-50 years.

Taking care of your own appearance and a skillful approach to beauty will allow an older woman to remain attractive and desirable.

Beauty and health of a woman are closely related. From a psychological point of view, it is a common idea that over the years a woman loses her attractiveness. However, there are many examples that this is not always the case. The presence of the Internet allows you to find out about women who look great at 47, 54, 60 and even 80 years old.

These include famous models who on the catwalk look not only as good as their younger colleagues, but also much more advantageous, and those who, despite their advanced age, continue to teach yoga, practice ballroom dancing, and live an active, full life. One look at their photo shows that they are still beautiful, and perhaps even more attractive than they once were.

Women's health - the origins of women's happiness, beauty and harmony come from it. Healthy woman is a woman filled with energy, radiating light and warmth, attracting goodness, abundance and love into her life.

1. healthy eating.
We include sweets, milk and vegetables. The nature of a woman, according to Vedic knowledge, is very different from the nature of a man. We must live in harmony with our feminine essence, only then can we find true happiness. What should a woman eat? It is necessary to include sweets in your diet. Sweet food normalizes work hormonal system women, improves her mood, well-being and gives a feeling of satisfaction. This does not mean that you need to constantly eat fatty cakes and chocolate. Food can be sweet, but still healthy. Eat sweet fruits and dry fruits, prepare Vedic sweets. And remember: to sweet food strengthened a woman's health, it must be taken in the first half of the day.

Women should also eat more dairy products (but, of course, natural, not store-bought ones), as they are strongly associated with the energy of the moon, which gives us energy and maintains healthy hormonal background. Vegetables also have powerful feminine energy, so they simply need to be included in your diet. It is better to consume flour to a minimum. And meat, fish and eggs should be completely excluded from consumption. They are woven from the energy of violence, murder and aggression, which is disgusting to the soft female nature.
Thus, in order to follow her nature, be healthy and develop feminine qualities, a woman needs to eat more vegetables, dairy and sweet foods.

2. right time for sleep.
Nowadays it is customary to go to bed late, but it is in the first half of the night (until about half past twelve) that female hormones are produced when the moon rises. Therefore, it is better to go to bed no later than 22.00, and better - at 21.00. If the body sleeps from this time, over time, worries will disappear from your mind, you will find peace, tranquility, inner balance, stop being nervous and you will be able to accomplish more. It's better to get up between 6 and 7 am.

3. woman's clothing: skirts or trousers?
Today many women wear jeans. Here it is necessary to talk about the flow of energy in the body: where it is tight, energy stagnates, and where it is free, it comes out. Men have energy the body goes upward, which develops activity, will, activity in him. Therefore, for men, trousers and a loose top are the natural form of clothing.
For women it's the other way around. It should be tight at the top and loose at the bottom. Feminine energy goes down, and this downward flow is associated with reproductive function. Therefore, the legs need to be closed, but not pulled together. Feminine beauty depends on the fullness of female hormones: if their level decreases, health and beauty also go away. Therefore, a woman should take care of her hormonal system and wear the right clothes.

4. right attitude to work.
A serious reason for a woman’s health problems lies in her education and attitude towards work. By nature, the female psyche is created for love: a woman’s mission is to love, show care, and create an atmosphere of warmth and happiness. For the health of the family, 70% of female energy is needed. Woman harmony family life forms.
Modern education has little to do with family and family values. It allows you to be active and businesslike in society and live according to Male Type"As a result, the psyche becomes tense, hormonal functions get upset, appear chronic depression, since a woman lives in contradiction with her true nature. There is no real happiness in a life where the main thing is a career.

5. habitat: home or society?
A man is healthy when he is active and achieves goals, and a woman is healthy when she is emotionally satisfied. Excessive exposure to people in public places wastes our strength, while at home we draw this strength. Therefore, the natural environment for women is home, and for men - society. A man who spends too much time in the family becomes unhappy, and a woman who lives in the family becomes happy and healthy.
A woman feels good when she most spends time in his house. She needs to walk barefoot, receiving energy from the earth, look at the sun, listen to the birds sing, and garden. This way she lives in harmony with nature and becomes healthy and friendly.

6. caring for your loved ones and your loved one.
A woman's purpose is to decorate the world with beauty. Feminine energy must find a way out. An idle existence and idleness have never brought happiness to anyone. Therefore, you need to direct your energy to taking care of your loved ones and yourself. A woman’s calling is to give warmth, give love and affection. Cooking with love, washing with love, cleaning with love - this brings true happiness. When a woman takes care of a man, he has the energy to grow and develop, and his career takes off.
In addition, it is important to monitor your internal and external state. A woman should feel like a flower, beautiful, perfect, loved. A man feels this and always goes home with inspiration and joy.

7. We develop feminine qualities.
Many women lack feminine power. It is in the nature of a woman to be caring, kind and gentle. But these qualities do not develop at work. Therefore, we must learn to think, dress and treat people like women. Then our personal life will begin to improve, because men value us not for our ability to earn money and lead, but for our ability to be sensitive, fragile, affectionate, and obedient!

The famous proverb says: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

Health is important factor in every person's life, because healthy body allows a person to be strong and engage in any activity.

Ayurveda is an ancient science of health that teaches that a disease should be treated when it is not yet there, and not when a person is already sick. That is, it is easier (and, by the way, sometimes cheaper) not to get sick at all than to undergo treatment every time.

When a person is sick, it is very difficult to live a full life. Of course, there are exceptions when people rise above their illness and perform miracles. For example, A. Meresyev, who, having lost his legs, not only survived, but also continued his career as a pilot. There are, of course, other examples of those who, despite their limited opportunities(or increased needs?) has achieved success in life and reached his goal, but this is only the exception that confirms the rule.

That is why it is important to understand that taking care of your body is essential for full life and achieving your goals.

An ancient Vedic scripture says: “One should desire only healthy life, that is, self-preservation, because the purpose of man is to ask questions about the Absolute Truth. Nothing else should be the goal of his activities.” Srimad Bhagavatam (1.2.10).

This means that a healthy body is the tool that helps us fulfill our destiny, and if we do not take care of it, then it is equivalent to going on a long journey by car and, for example, not changing the oil in the engine, filling it with poor quality fuel or not monitoring the condition of the brake system.

All this is because the car needs maintenance and, if we do not pay attention to it, it is unlikely to take us to our destination.

It’s the same with health, there are necessary things without which our body cannot be strong and resilient.

People often wonder: how to become healthy? Usually, thoughts that you need to take care of your health arise during illnesses or failures in life. Health is usually perceived as physical health, that is, the coordinated work of all organs of the body, allowing you to live and fully engage in some activity. But the answer to this question actually lies deeper, because our mental and spiritual health is no less important than our physical health.

Do you lead a healthy lifestyle? To answer “Yes,” you don’t have to run marathons, diet, or do yoga. Healthy image life, first of all, is constant work on yourself, your movement forward along the path of giving up harmful, negative things and habits and achieving harmony with both your body and soul.

A healthy lifestyle should not be perceived as a goal or as a big, serious choice in life. The best way how to become healthy is to move in small, confident steps, gradually removing the factors that lead to illness. And as you see the changes taking place, you will strengthen your confidence that you are on the right path.

It is not necessary to radically change everything right away, since in this case there is always a chance of failure. You just need to start, little by little, a little bit. For example, during the day you can do a few simple actions that will gradually make your life healthy and harmonious.

10 little tricks to become healthy

  • Start your day with exercise. All you need to do is get up 10-15 minutes earlier to start the day with morning exercises. It will help you wake up, energize you and prepare your body for a new activity. Anything will do - a regular warm-up, light jogging, yoga, qigong, stretching exercises, and so on. Read more about morning routines in the article Morning exercises and other methods good start day.
  • Fuel your body only with natural, high-quality fuel. The most important meal of the day should be breakfast, which includes complex carbohydrates, fiber, proteins and healthy fats. The best food for breakfast - vegetables, cereals, lean meat and eggs. A healthy, natural breakfast will help you maintain and improve your health and stay energetic throughout the day.
  • Don't forget about tea. Natural tea contains antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on your immune system and heart, as well as reducing the likelihood of cancer and increasing metabolism. The most healthy teas- white and green.
  • Drink cold water. For heating cold water It takes more calories to reach body temperature than to warm it up. You can burn an additional 60-70 calories by simply drinking two liters of water a day. Besides generous reception water allows you to effectively remove toxins from your body.
  • Breathe deeply. Deep breathing has a huge number of benefits. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, trains the lungs and saturates the blood with oxygen. It is very simple and, at the same time, effective.
  • Don't let stressful situations, and if they arise, deal with them without delay. Frequent stress leads to long-term diseases, such as ulcers, headaches, depression, heart disease. As soon as a reason for stress appears, eliminate it; if that doesn’t work, occupy your thoughts with something pleasant: read books, chat with friends, go for a walk, think about good and pleasant things.
  • Eat little and eat often. In order for the body to get used to spending calories only for current needs, without storing for future use, do not let it feel hungry. 6-7 meals in small portions are much better than 3-4 regular meals, but “to the fullest.” Frequent meals eliminate hunger and allow you to avoid overeating, while improving the process of digesting food.
  • Add two to your menu useful product and remove the two harmful ones. This is the same principle of small steps. Once you get used to these new foods, add two more (removing the same number of harmful ones). Even if you don't come completely natural nutrition, you will become significantly healthier.
  • Have sex more often. Regular sex has great benefits for your health. It reduces stress, improves immunity, burns a lot of calories, strengthens the heart, muscles and blood vessels, ensures sound sleep... What can I say, you yourself know that sex is one of the best things in the world!
  • Go to bed earlier (but taking into account the previous point;) For a healthy good sleep an adult needs about 7-9 hours, although many of us would be lucky to sleep through at least a minimum of this. Night gatherings with friends, TV, the Internet - there are many things in the world that delay our bedtime. Meanwhile, it is during sleep that the body recovers, strengthens and fights diseases. Lack of sleep can lead to weakness and drowsiness throughout the next day. We often fight this by taking large doses coffee and energy drinks and don’t even think that instead of all this violence, it’s enough just to give yourself the opportunity to sleep.

Summarize. Using these little tricks, you can finally get rid of the question of how to become healthy and really become so. Your heart will become stronger, extra calories will gradually disappear, and clarity and clarity of thoughts will appear in your head. 10 little tricks on how to become healthy will help you take the first step towards your own health and happiness.

People often ask about how to restore a woman’s hormonal levels and support women’s health, how to use NSP products to normalize hormonal levels... In this article we will talk about just that...

Housekeeping, kitchen, everyday life and constant bustle – today takes up most of a woman’s time. Despite dishwashers, washing machines and powders, vacuum cleaners and all sorts of appliances, stress load rose to a woman. Stress, constant fatigue, nervousness, exhaustion nervous system, health disorder has almost become the norm for modern woman. Anyone who disagrees is probably just not a woman...

Have you met a woman in your life when, to put it mildly, she was too emotional, nervous, when she inner world breaks out with some kind of aggression, some kind of attacks on others, nagging, when a woman on her critical days or in a state of preparation for her critical days, or already in menopause or before menopause, infuriates the whole team?

Who has heard or seen when they say: “oh, she’s in menopause now and until she goes away, don’t touch her” or “don’t sign this auntie... she’s generally creepy now... three days will pass - and then come... »

As a result, the woman becomes the “enemy” of man...

The NSP company has three products that help restore a woman’s hormonal levels - these are C-Ex, NSP Wild Yam and EF C with Dong Qua. These foods are also very important for maintaining health. female body.

And if you have ever caught yourself becoming an “enemy” of a person, then try the C-Ex product, which simultaneously gives strength to the nervous system and increases stress resistance (to unpleasant news, to weather changes, and to everything that happening around).

C-Ex is also good for mom to drink when real discord arises in the family, when children are in adolescence or they are older, but still react that their mother somehow “runs into” them.

C-Ex is perfect assistant in preserving the health and beauty of any modern woman, it helps restore hormonal levels, does not inhibit or excite, but harmonizes! C-Ex has a rich composition that helps balance hormonal status and eliminate the troubles associated with pre- and post-menopause.

The only problem is that not every woman notices that the problem is inside her...

What is good about Wild Yam NSP?

This is the prevention of CANCER (breast, intestines);
- detoxifying effect;
- reduces spasms;
- reduces stress load;
- increases the resistance of the nervous system to stress;
- reduces the activity of inflammatory processes;
- helps restore hormonal levels.

Wild Yam, compared to C-Ex, has a different herbal composition and therefore can be taken together with C-Ex or simply alternate products.

EF C with Dong Qua is a product that can be given to teenagers! When problematic skin during critical days, painful critical days, nervousness, etc. This product can be offered to a teenage girl.

How to maintain women's health. How to preserve women's health?

Doctors say that you should pay attention to yourself more often and take various measures to preserve your youth. Initially, you need to understand the truth of the expression that the first half of a woman’s life accumulates various diseases, and only then they try by all means to cure them.

If you do not want such a scenario to develop, already in at a young age you need to take care of your health. This is the only way you can prevent the development of diseases in the future. What should you do for this? Watch your diet and be sure to take preventive measures colds and control your hormonal levels. It is these tips that should help you in the future, that is, protect you from problems at an older age.

We will tell you how to maintain your health in middle age. We must take into account that the female body, unlike the male one, is much more complex. The health status of the female body is determined by proper operation hormonal system. This concept includes the interaction of two main female hormones(estrogen and progesterone) with other hormones.

When a woman reaches the age of 40-45 years, certain changes begin in her body. They mainly concern the functioning of organs reproductive system. This is due to the fact that the level of production of sex hormones in the body decreases. It’s easy to notice such changes - problems appear with menstrual cycle, that is, the body begins to prepare for a new stage - menopause.

How to become a healthy person is the topic of this article; knowing how to become a healthy person, you can make your health strong.

Take a look around. There is practically no one left in the world healthy people. Everyone is sick with something. More and more congenital diseases.

A person doesn’t even know what real health is. People consider it normal to get the flu twice a year. But this is not natural. Everyone can become healthy, you just need to take responsibility for your health into your own hands and do something.

This article will tell you how to make your body thriving and healthy.

Human health depends on four main criteria in his life:

  • thinking;
  • breath;
  • nutrition.


It is important to think positively in life and be a cheerful person. Don't forget about humor and be simple. It is easy to accept unexpected events and overcome them. Don't think about the bad.

Imagine more bright moments, and even better, learn to see them around you. The interesting thing is that the more you think about the good and pay attention to it, the more it will be in your life. This is how the law of attraction works.

Therefore, make it a rule to think about the good and not dwell on the bad, remember less grievances and not be vindictive, laugh more and be positive.

After all, the main damage to health comes from negative thoughts, which make you angry, offended, angry, worried, worried, afraid, and hate. All these emotions, as a result of your thoughts, destroy your body, so bring more laughter, humor and positivity into your life and your body, on the contrary, will only be stronger and healthier.


The person doesn't even notice how he breathes. But if he can live without food and water for several days, then without air he will not last even a few minutes.

Breathing is your connection with the outside world; through breathing you become one with everything that exists. Pay more attention to your breathing.

By regulating breathing, you can regulate vital processes in the body and slow down the flow of thought, if, for example, it is negative. By paying attention to your breathing and slowing it down, you become calmer and more balanced, your mind becomes peaceful, and only in such a mind do great ideas come.

Pay attention to your breathing more often, breathe deeper and slower, this is another huge plus for your body. The deeper you breathe, the more your lungs are ventilated from dirty air and the more oxygen enters your body, the more faster blood, enriched with oxygen, moves through the body, and the more energetic you feel.


Sleep has a huge impact on your health. It's important to get enough sleep. Go to bed before twelve o'clock at night, then you will get better sleep.

Without sleep, a person will also not last long, thanks to sleep human body restored and updated.

You can learn more about sleep here.


Try to eat fresh and nutritious food. Eat less of any chemicals. Have a good breakfast, nourish your body with everything necessary substances. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Don't overeat too much, eat in moderation. Do not overload your stomach at night. Eat less fried food, do not harm the liver, more boiled food and fresh fruit. Don't get too carried away with sweets.

Eat three times a day. Don't drink carbonated drinks and coffee, drink more good food drinking water And green tea. All this is good for your body.

Thus, we can summarize:

Your body will be healthy if you bring balance to the four areas of your life - nutrition, sleep, breathing, thinking. Everything is in your hands, act.

How to be happy. What is happiness?

In order to figure out how to become happy man, you first need to understand what happiness is.

After all, happiness cannot be touched or described. In fact, it’s just a word that means that we feel good. But for some reason this is not enough for many. They are waiting for something so supernatural, significant, that it goes far beyond the scope of their natural experience, and at the same time this state should always exist!

Is this achievable? If you put the question like that, then it’s unlikely. It's better to think about something else.

How do you know when you are happy?

The lack of happiness in many people is that they simply do not understand what it is, and therefore are unable to recognize the good in their lives. Try answering these questions for yourself:

  1. What do you need to get to be happy?
  2. How should you feel?
  3. Why can't you feel it now?

When do we feel good? We feel good when our life becomes better. When there is something to compare with. For example, if we were very hungry and then ate something, then we feel that we feel good. Or when a person could not go to the toilet for a long, long time and suddenly this desire was satisfied, then he feels very good!

In order to feel happiness, it is necessary to have some kind of relative point with which we can compare.

Happiness is feeling that your life is better today than it was yesterday.

Note, not just so that our lives improve, but so that we feel this process and pay attention to it.

Many people, remembering their childhood and youth, believe that it was then that they were happy, although when they were young, they did not think so. Why is this happening? Because in my youth many things really were better: it was better health, there was some positive dynamics, every day we became smarter, stronger, received more rights, we had more opportunities. But in their youth, people do not pay attention to this and therefore do not feel happiness.

Only after losing their health do many people understand what a blessing it is to have health.

Only after losing love do many people understand what a blessing it was to have it.