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How to sleep during pregnancy: choosing the right sleeping position. How to sleep properly during pregnancy: the best positions

How to sleep during pregnancy? After all, the female body adapts to serious stress during pregnancy, it works in double mode, so it is not surprising that the expectant mother is often plagued by fatigue and apathy. Every person needs a good night's rest, because it is in dark time day, the body restores strength and energy spent during the day. Even chronic lack of sleep may cause the development of diseases, so good sleep very important, especially during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, it is during pregnancy that a woman does not have enough full and healthy sleep, and there are many reasons for this: the heart rate increases, the nervous system is overexcited, the young mother often runs to the toilet, and, after all, a growing belly also causes some inconvenience. With sleep disorders and chronic insomnia During pregnancy you have to fight. If necessary, visit a doctor - he will help you find out the cause and recommend remedies to improve sleep, taking into account your situation.

Choosing a sleeping position during pregnancy

Probably every person has a favorite sleeping position, in which it is easiest to immerse yourself in the kingdom of Morpheus. True, pregnant women have to sacrifice the habit of sleeping on their stomach or back, because after the second trimester you simply will not be able to fall asleep like that, not to mention the fact that such positions may be unsafe for the fetus. Up to 12 weeks, the expectant mother can still sleep the way she likes, but it is better to start adapting to her position and fall asleep in a position on her side.

You can’t sleep on your stomach not only because of its volume, but also because of the high risk of injuring your baby - despite the protection amniotic fluid, the rather considerable weight of the mother’s body will put pressure on the fetus, and this is fraught with trouble.

From the 28th week, expectant mothers also have to give up the position on their back, since her health is already in danger. In this position, the growing uterus puts pressure on the spine and internal organs, as well as the vena cava, due to which oxygen ceases to flow into the tissues. Side effects such sleep - impaired blood flow, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, changes in blood pressure, increased heart rate, numbness of the limbs.

Safe sleeping position during pregnancy

Doctors say the safest sleeping position is on the left side. Nothing interferes with blood circulation, which means neither the baby nor the mother suffers. Oxygen is delivered to the fetus and nutrients in full, since nothing interferes with circulation. After such sleep, neither the back nor the pelvic area hurts, and heart function is normalized.

If the doctor has established a transverse presentation of the fetus, it is recommended to sleep on the side where the baby’s head is turned. Of course, you can’t lie in one position all night, so you need to change them by turning from side to side.

Maternity pillows

If you are not used to sleeping on your side, it is very difficult to retrain yourself. However,
even women for whom this position is familiar feel noticeable discomfort due to an ever-growing tummy. But sofa cushions will come to the rescue. Try placing one pad between your knees and the second under your stomach. In this case, if you are lying on your left side, stretch left leg, and bend the right one. You can place a small cushion under your back. Special pillows for “pregnant women” are also sold in the form of a horseshoe, which allow you to take various poses; they are designed taking into account the needs of expectant mothers, so they are very comfortable. If you can't get into bed, try to take a nap while half-sitting, and then continue looking for a comfortable position.

How to sleep during pregnancy: some useful tips

  • If you can't get enough sleep, don't seek help sleeping pills, since medications are not the best companions for a pregnant woman;
  • Do not drink drinks that contain a lot of caffeine, do not drink liquids a couple of hours before bedtime, and do not overeat. Limit the consumption of strong tea and carbonated drinks;
  • If you can't sleep because of nausea, you can eat a couple of saltine crackers;
  • Develop your own routine: go to bed and wake up at the same time;
  • If you are often bothered by leg cramps, eat foods that contain calcium - it will help reduce these unpleasant symptoms;
  • Make it a habit to take long walks fresh air. A little exercise before bed and ventilation of the bedroom will make your sleep more restful and deep;
  • If you can’t sleep, take a warm, relaxing bath and go to bed after half an hour. Aromatherapy also helps improve sleep - you can put a bag of it under your pillow. herbal mixture(pine needles, lemon balm leaves, immortelle flowers, lavender, hop cones, rose petals);
  • The clothes you wear at night should be made from natural materials and not interfere with the air exchange of the skin. It should be comfortable and pleasant to the body;
  • If you are bothered upcoming birth– sign up for courses for expectant mothers. How more information you receive it in advance - the easier the process will be. It won't be long before you learn to get enough sleep, gain strength and relax.

Of course, there are nights when it is simply impossible to sleep. If there is no sleep in either eye, listen to soothing music, read a book until you are tired enough to fall asleep. Sometimes you can allow yourself to nap– taking a 40-60 minute nap is even beneficial. In addition, this habit will definitely come in handy when your baby is born and you have to sleep in fits and starts. We wish you a healthy and comfortable sleep!

After two lines appear on the test, a woman has to limit herself in many ways. She shouldn't run long distances or worry.

Pregnant women are also prohibited from drinking and staying up late. In addition, it is undesirable to sleep in certain positions.

On later During pregnancy, doctors do not recommend sleeping on your right side. Of course, women wonder Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their right side? or maybe it's possible?

It is undesirable for pregnant women to sleep on the right side - this is how internal organs experience heavy load

Many people think that the best position for sleeping is on the right side. At first glance, this is correct, since the heart is located on the left and squeezing it is fraught with consequences. On the other hand, wise nature protected him. So the heart will not suffer during sleep.

However, if you lie on your right side for a long time , troubles are possible. If you sleep in this position for a long time, internal organs are under great stress . They already work actively in pregnant women, so don’t create them for yourself. additional problems.

The optimal sleeping position during pregnancy is on the left side, legs bent at the knees, you can put a pillow between them

Here is another explanation why pregnant women should not sleep on their right side. Recently scientists conducted a study which helped them figure out that thirty percent of expectant mothers who slept in this position had stillborn babies . They explained this by saying that if a woman lies on her right side, the heart hangs on the artery. As a result, blood flow becomes more complicated, and venous blood enters the brain more slowly. This is the main reason why a woman and an intrauterine baby lose consciousness.

By the way, in some situations, doctors , vice versa, this position is recommended . For example, if a pregnant woman has an oblique presentation of the fetus .

Why it's better not to lie on your back

In addition to why pregnant women should not sleep on their right side, it is worth saying what other positions you can and cannot sleep in. So, It is not advisable to sleep on your stomach in the last trimesters . It is forbidden in this period sleep on your back.

Many women are in a supine position for a long time, feel severe pain. This means that you need to change your position, as it is dangerous for the health of the fetus and mother. After all child already weighs a lot. Decent weight and uterus, placenta and amniotic fluid . Together they compress the vena cava located under the uterus. As a result, movement is disrupted venous blood , which is fraught negative consequences for the health of the pregnant woman.

During pregnancy, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, you should not sleep on your stomach or back.

If you sleep in this position, you may experience problems such as:

  • Prostration;
  • Dizziness;
  • Headache;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Also, if a woman sleeps on her back, premature detachment of the placenta and fetal hypoxia are possible.

Explaining in detail why pregnant women You can’t sleep on your right side; it’s worth talking about what positions are best for them to sleep in. Them It is advisable to lie on your left side . Place your right leg on a pillow, bending at the knee.

This pose is beneficial because:

  • Helps improve blood flow in the tablet, that is, the child receives the necessary amount of oxygen;
  • Also, if a pregnant woman sleeps in this position, her kidneys work better;
  • If you sleep on your left side, your arms and legs will not swell;
  • In addition, there will be no pressure on the liver;
  • Expectant mothers who sleep in this position have less back pain and better heart function.

Use pillows to make your sleeping position more comfortable

Finding a comfortable position is easier with the help of pillows of different sizes. Try experimenting with them: place them under your stomach, between your legs or under your lower back - it all depends on the choice of the pregnant woman.

It is important that a woman gain strength and rest during sleep , because she has to give birth in a few months. You will have to spend a lot of effort on this. After giving birth, the mother will not be able to sleep for a long time, because the baby requires constant care.

How to organize your sleep correctly

Pregnant women suffering from insomnia should not take sleeping pills , because it affects not only their well-being, but also the condition of the baby.

At night, do not drink drinks containing large quantity caffeine Avoid or significantly reduce the amount of coffee, soda, or tea you drink.

Don't drink too much or overeat a few hours before bed. If the expectant mother has evening toxicosis, she can drink kefir with crackers.

Get some fresh air before bed , but avoid physical activity. Set a daily routine - go to bed and get up at a certain time.

When you wake up from cramps, get to your feet and stand for a while. You can get a relaxing massage. Cramps are a symptom of calcium deficiency. So eat more products, of which it is included.

Take a walk outside before bed

If the cause of insomnia is fear of childbirth, you can attend preparatory courses before childbirth or chat with friends who have already given birth. Having received the necessary knowledge, a pregnant woman will not be afraid of childbirth.

In any case, do not forget that regardless of the chosen position, if the blanket is heavy and the summer is hot, or if you have a fight with relatives, you will not be able to sleep. And the question of why pregnant women should not sleep on their right side is unlikely to bother you in these cases.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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Sound and restful sleep is the key feeling great all day. For pregnant women, such rest is more relevant than for anyone else, since at this stage of life the body experiences a double load on cardiovascular system, on the joints, especially in the later stages.

Taking into account that a pregnant woman's sleep becomes interrupted, it is imperative to know comfortable sleeping positions in order to get enough sleep in such conditions. And the most important thing is to know how to sleep so as not to harm the child.

In this article we will look at how pregnant women can sleep on different dates pregnancy, is it possible to sleep on your stomach, what dangers does this or that position of a woman in sleep pose, types of devices for sleeping for pregnant women.

Why is sleep disrupted in pregnant women?

Pregnant women's sleep becomes weak and intermittent various reasons. The most common of them are:

  • frequent urge on urination - the uterus puts pressure on the bladder;
  • fetal movements - the period of greatest activity in the fetus is observed from 19.00 to 4.00 in the morning;
  • night cramps lower limbs– more often with a lack of calcium and magnesium;
  • heartburn - precisely in horizontal position heartburn intensifies as the enlarged uterus further props up the stomach, changing the position of the esophagus. Because of this, the acidic contents of the stomach are refluxed into the esophagus, which is manifested by a burning sensation;
  • nausea – more often in the morning the feeling of nausea intensifies;
  • numbness of body parts during prolonged uncomfortable positions;
  • lower back pain due to the enormous load on the spine;
  • heaviness in the legs - the outflow of lymph is difficult in a stationary position. To improve lymphatic drainage and relieve heaviness in the legs, it is advisable to lie down with your legs elevated, for example, on a pillow.

How to sleep at different stages of pregnancy?

First trimester

As a rule, in the first trimester, most pregnant women experience severe drowsiness. And the question of how to sleep properly during pregnancy becomes relevant.

During the first three months of pregnancy, a woman carrying a child can take any position convenient for herself while sleeping, since until about the 12th week the uterus is still in the pelvic cavity and is protected from compression pelvic bones. But sleeping on your stomach can be uncomfortable due to the fact that during this period a woman’s breasts become more sensitive and sometimes painful.

But then you will gradually need to switch to sleeping on your side to reduce the likelihood of compression of the uterus. And it is at this time, in the first trimester, that you need to start developing the habit of sleeping on your side, since the formation of this habit can take a lot of time.

Second trimester

In the second trimester, sleeping on your stomach is contraindicated. And a larger tummy won’t allow you to do this. Otherwise, excessive pressure on the pregnant woman’s abdomen during sleep will lead to disruption of the baby’s blood supply and nutrition.

As a rule, until 24-26 weeks, the expectant mother can sleep lying on her back without any fear. So we can say that the second trimester is a period when you can no longer sleep on your stomach, but you can still sleep on your back.

Third trimester

Many pregnant women may experience “vena cava syndrome” when lying on their back. That is, in the later stages, a fairly weighty uterus in this position can compress the lower full faith, which carries venous, rich blood to the heart. carbon dioxide, blood from the lower part of the body, including the uterus and all pelvic organs. This manifests itself in women with dizziness, clouding of consciousness to the point of fainting, and difficulty breathing.

At this time, the blood supply to the placenta and fetus is disrupted. Most often, a child in this state begins to move more intensely, thereby pushing the mother to change position.

Thus, from 24-26 weeks, the sleeping position “on your back” is contraindicated for pregnant women.

The safest and most correct position from a physiological point of view is considered to be the position of a pregnant woman while sleeping on her left side. This is how the load on the internal organs is minimized, and the blood supply to the “uterus-placenta-fetus” system is optimal.

You may ask: why not on the right side?

In the right hypochondrium we have the liver, which normally in a pregnant woman can protrude beyond the edge of the costal arch by 2-3 cm. When positioned on the right side, the liver is subject to compression.

Lying on the left side minimizes the load on the kidneys, and the inferior vena cava runs closer to the right edge of the spine. Therefore, with the normal position of the fetus in the uterus, it is most optimal to sleep not on the right, but on the left side.

With a transverse position of the fetus, it is better to take a sleeping position on the side where the baby’s head is directed.

Of course, we are not talking about sleeping in one position all night. A pregnant woman needs to change her sleeping position several times a night, so you just need to strive most When sleeping, lie on your left side.

What else can have a beneficial effect on the sleep of an expectant mother?

A well-ventilated room before bed will always help a person fall asleep faster, and most importantly, soundly. For pregnant women, well-humidified and clean air, saturated with oxygen, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory, circulatory, and nervous system mother and fetus. Will give the same effect walking in the fresh air before bed.

Cup warm milk Drinking it with honey before bed always helps you fall asleep soundly. And there is a scientific basis for this.

Milk contains the amino acid tryptophan, which is involved in the synthesis of serotonin. And it, in turn, is a derivative of the hormone that regulates circadian rhythms - melatonin.

Honey will increase the level of insulin in the blood, thereby improving the nutrition of brain cells - the main consumers of glucose. Again, this will improve the nighttime production of melatonin by the pineal gland.

It is important to follow the rules of the last meal - 2-3 hours before bedtime, in order to avoid severe heartburn at night.

Pros and cons of pregnancy pillows

Supportive pillows for expectant mothers are very helpful for pain in the back, neck, and hip joints.

Nowadays there are a dime a dozen such goods on the market. And the models are different, and the fillers are different, and different models differ in the degree of rigidity and flexibility.

It is worth taking the choice of this item seriously, since the pillow belongs to the category of goods that cannot be returned or exchanged. In a word, before you buy such a thing, you need to spend time and thoroughly understand which model is best for you.

Sleeping pillows for expectant mothers come in different shapes

Wedge-shaped and straight bolsters are no longer so popular, since they take up a lot of space, additionally require the presence of another pillow under the head and do not provide support for the back. Although, due to the attractive low price, such bolster pillows always find their buyers.

Pillows in the shape of the letters U, G, J, C have general principle support for the neck, back, abdomen, hip joints.

But the horseshoe-shaped pillow (U) takes up a lot of space and is not very comfortable in a small bed. And also, not everyone will like to sleep away from their significant other all the time. But positive thing is that such a pillow does not need to be turned over every time you change the position of your body.

The other three pillow models (G, J, C) can be considered as lightweight variations of the horseshoe. Their disadvantage is the need to turn over along with a change in the woman’s position. In a G-shaped pillow, women often find the central tail, which is designed to support the tummy, uncomfortable.

When choosing a pillow, you should pay attention to the thickness of the pillow and the degree of hardness, because the correct position of the neck and hip joints during sleep is important. The pillow is “correct” if, having fixed the pillow between the thighs, you see that the thigh bones are parallel to each other and do not form an acute angle. In this position the head femur is in the correct position in its cavity, and hip joint is in an unexpanded position.

Choose the right pillow filling

Pillow fillings may vary. Synthetic fillers (holofiber, polystyrene beads, artificial down) are more practical and wear-resistant, natural materials (buckwheat husks, swan's down) are a good environment for pests.

Pillows with padding polyester or holofiber may shrink in size as a result of use. Also, due to their softness, they are not always suitable for further use when feeding a child.

Polystyrene balls, buckwheat husks create specific noise(rustling) which not everyone will like. But, nevertheless, they hold their shape well and with them you are not afraid of shrinkage.

Having a replaceable pillow cover will make your life easier to some extent. With increasing gestational age and rapid hormonal changes the woman becomes increasingly sweaty. A pillow is a rather big thing, frequent washing, cleaning, and drying it will not be an easy task for you. But you will want to sleep with her every night, and maybe even during the day.

It is worth noting that you can still use this pillow when your baby is born. There are many variations of its use: during latching, as a soft cushion at the sides of the crib, as a limiter for a crawling area, as a support for the back of a child just trying to sit.

I hope these tips are useful to you and your sleep will become even stronger and more fulfilling. From experience I can say that in the later stages it was difficult to borrow comfortable position during sleep and, accordingly, get enough sleep. And the thoughts constantly arose: “I wish I could give birth faster.” But sleeping during pregnancy is nothing compared to interrupted sleep at breastfeeding baby after birth. So get enough sleep before giving birth!

The time of “in an interesting position” for girls is the most difficult period in life. After all, carrying a long-awaited child is associated with discomfort and limited movement.

For an expectant mother, sleep is the key to the baby’s health. Inadequate rest has a bad effect on both the mother and her child. Choosing the right sleeping position during pregnancy will help solve this problem.

The womb of a mother is like a whole universe for a child, he grows there, gains strength, plays. But the mother herself experiences discomfort and pressure in the abdominal area. But the torment does not end there; the girl often suffers from heartburn, intestines, frequent urination, especially at night. This entire list complements bad time sleep during pregnancy, especially in the last stages.

The hardest thing is for girls who like to sleep on their tummy. When the tummy appears, it is forbidden to be on it, as you can injure the baby or harm his health.

If there are pathologies, expectant mothers are strictly prohibited from even lying on their back from the first months. During sleep, the body should be relaxed to restore the strength spent during the day, and pregnant women should control their position throughout the night. Because of this, there is a lack of sleep, which is why pregnant women are often tired, sometimes even angry. This behavior negatively affects the psyche of both mother and baby.

Healthy sleep during pregnancy is essential. To do this, you need to know what sleeping position during pregnancy will be optimal. After all, a tired mother harms not only herself, but also the baby. With this in mind, we’ll figure out how to choose the right sleeping positions.

A comfortable sleeping position for pregnant women, when the whole body is resting!

The first trimester – it’s comfortable to sleep even on your stomach!

Choosing a sleeping position during pregnancy is difficult, it all depends on the stage you are in. In the first weeks, every mother can sleep without thinking about anything. The only hindrance is toxicosis and psychological stress.

The body itself refuses healthy sleep. It comes at night depressive state, and during the day I feel tired. Hormones do not give a moment of rest, but it is during this period that you have a chance to enjoy rest on your tummy - this is a comfortable position for sleeping during pregnancy. But the first trimester is not so long; in the second period you need to very carefully choose positions to rest.

The second trimester is time to change habits!

At this time, toxicosis subsides, morale stabilizes, and it would seem that everything is fine, you can sleep soundly and healthy sleep. But this period is overshadowed by the rapid growth of the baby, and therefore the abdomen.

At this time, it's time to change all your habits. You need to start walking more carefully, holding your belly, resting more often, choosing positions so that the body rests, and not carrying heavy things. In the second period, you can no longer lie on your tummy or back.

Third trimester - you'll have to be patient!

A very difficult period is the third trimester. Abdomen increases as much as possible, it is not only impossible, but also impossible to sleep on.

The position “on the stomach” and “on the back” is strictly prohibited; this can greatly harm the health of the little one. The ideal position for sleeping during pregnancy, according to gynecologists, is the position on the left side.

No person can lie motionless all night; doctors advise alternating between the left and right sides while sleeping. It is advisable to get used to lying on the left side, in the letter C, starting from the first months, so that later it will be easier.

For swelling of the legs, doctors recommend placing a pillow under the legs. For have a nice rest It is advisable to buy a special pillow; it will be a great help when choosing a sleeping position. It is suitable for any stage of pregnancy. With its help, you will be able to rest comfortably, the spine will rest from the heaviness, and the pressure will go away. Bladder and intestines. If you don't want to spend money on a special pillow, then go for a simple one. Place one of them under your stomach, the second between your knees. This position will cover your tummy and relieve pressure from the spine. If it's slightly uncomfortable, try in this position, right leg bend it, straighten the left one.

Choose the most comfortable position for you and your baby. If, during sleep or while resting, you feel that the baby is starting to kick, this is a signal that you urgently need to change your position. When the little one does not have enough oxygen, he gives signals that the pressure needs to be reduced.

By sitting half-sitting, it is easy to relieve tension from the body and fall asleep. When choosing sleeping positions during pregnancy, expectant mothers will have to experiment all the time and choose positions that suit your baby and ensure a good supply of oxygen and nutrition to the fetus. The nutrition of the placenta and baby depends on this.

Using a roller will help a lot. Place it under your back, in the lumbar region, to relieve pressure on the spine. After long day, due to carrying weight, it is necessary to unload the body and give it a good rest.

These poses should be avoided during pregnancy!

In order not to harm the baby, you need to remember a few simple rules and comply with them. From the first months you should avoid resting on your abdomen and back.

In the first trimester you can still sleep like this, but it is best to immediately develop a habit, because when your tummy gets bigger, you always want to lie on it. It is prohibited to be on the womb due to the pressure on the child. The mother's weight is much greater than the baby's weight; sleeping on the abdomen puts a lot of pressure on the baby.

You can't lie on your spine either. After all, when you rest on your back at night, the uterus puts pressure on the spine, intestines, arteries and other organs. This position also limits the supply of blood, oxygen, and nutrition to the placenta and fetus. Long time Sleeping on your back leads to swelling of the legs and pain in the vertebrae. You may even wake up at night due to severe pain in the lower back. This means it's time to lie down differently. Make sure you spend very little time on your back. There is no need to make a cult out of this and come up with supernatural poses, because the most important thing is your comfort and healthy rest. If you previously had a very hard surface, then buy a softer mattress. We also do not recommend sleeping on your right side. Temporarily, changing the left to the right side is possible, but not all night. Your little one will warn you about this. If you are comfortable, you can calmly lie in this position, but if blood circulation is impaired and the arteries are compressed under the pressure of the uterus, the baby will begin to kick, and you yourself will change position.

There is no need to torment yourself with insomnia and try to control every movement. Sleeping position during pregnancy is also controlled by nature. Female body It’s designed in such a way that if your child doesn’t like something, he will warn you about it with painful jolts. Basically, a pregnant woman herself will not be able to lie on the bed for a long time. right side. After all, the baby’s position in the tummy is such that he often kicks to the right side. Therefore, the choice of posture on the left side even arises due to a physiological factor.

Pregnancy is an amazing period of life; if a position can cause harm to your baby, then the mother herself will not be able to be in such a position. Therefore, you need to learn to listen to your body.

Comfortable sleeping position during pregnancy!

The best and comfortable stay for expectant mothers it means sleeping on special pillows.

Many people think that this is a waste of money, but they really work. Those who have once tried to sleep on them will no longer be able to refuse them. The shape of these pillows was designed to ease the burdens associated with pregnancy. There are several types of them; many girls who decide to buy are faced with a difficult choice of which pillow to choose.

The pillow is shaped like a U - it supports the womb and supports the back at the same time, its size is large, and it is comfortable to sleep on even for short periods of time. It relieves tension from the back muscles well and makes it easy to fall asleep.

Letter C - designed to support the abdomen during rest. It helps you sleep on your left side all night and support your growing belly.

There are also pillows I - it is also designed for sleeping on the side, but appearance similar to a roller. It can be used not only for the stomach, but also under the back. She has no big size, and designed to lie precisely under the stomach.

Bagel pillows - have the shape of a U pillow, but are more compact and smaller in size. There is also a pad with the letter G - it is created according to type C and I, but has a significant difference. It can be used both under the head and under the stomach at the same time.

The best of these options are pillows in the shape of the letter U, of course, only you can choose, but with them, any sleeping position during pregnancy will seem convenient and comfortable to you. It is suitable from the first trimester, and in the future it can be used for feeding and for blocking the baby.

Choosing to sleep reclining

In recent weeks, it has been especially difficult for expectant mothers to sleep. After all, the stomach has reached its maximum volume, the weight of the baby with amniotic fluid is not small, it is difficult to breathe, due to the great pressure of the uterus on all organs, very frequent urges to go to the toilet and moral stress about the upcoming birth do not give any to the expectant mother sleep. And it seems that no matter how you lie down, everything is wrong. But it is precisely at this time that a woman simply needs proper rest in order to have strength for the upcoming birth. This is a very stressful period, because labor can begin at any moment. For the expectant mother it is urgently necessary to restore strength. For this reason, doctors recommend sleeping in a reclining position. Place a pillow under your back and take a reclining position. In this position, shortness of breath, which always causes discomfort to the woman, becomes minimal. The baby drops a little, the uterus does not act on the diaphragm in the same way, this allows you to sleep peacefully. Also try placing another one under your feet to relieve tension in your legs. This is the correct sleeping position during late pregnancy. Only full time sleep, without waking up, completely restores strength.


During pregnancy, 80 percent of mothers feel discomfort. And only women can understand how difficult this period is. But all this torment is worth it. A correctly chosen sleeping position during pregnancy will give you more strength and energy. Don't be afraid to experiment, choose a comfortable sleeping position, then your pregnancy will pass easy and fast. And after you see your long-awaited baby, you will forget about all these trials that you have gone through up to this moment.

Author of the publication: Alisa Egorova

The good health of the expectant mother is the key to the healthy development of the baby in her womb. The first largely depends on how the mother gets enough sleep and how comfortable she is to rest. Considering that night sleep a pregnant woman should last at least 7-8 hours, and sometimes she still needs to take a nap during the day, it’s worth knowing what sleeping positions to choose in different periods gestation.

How to sleep correctly in the early and late stages of pregnancy so as not to harm the baby

So, having learned about her new hypostasis, a woman should not suddenly change her usual sleeping position. After all, on early stages The fetus is tiny, the mother can still sleep on her stomach if she is used to it. The main thing is to get enough sleep and create sleep comfortable conditions: ventilate the room, take care of the hardness of the bed, the naturalness of bed and underwear.

1st trimester

Perhaps it's time to buy an orthopedic mattress if before the onset interesting situation Have you been putting off such a purchase?

From the second half of the first trimester, you should gradually get used to sleeping on your stomach, if previously this position was the most comfortable for you. And soon it will no longer be possible to rest on your back. Both positions are unsafe for both the unborn child and the pregnant woman herself.

2nd trimester

You should forget about sleeping on your stomach from 12 weeks. After all, the fetus begins to actively grow, its weight increases, and the mother’s tummy becomes more voluminous. Along with the future baby, the uterus also grows. And although the baby in the womb is protected by amniotic fluid, the mother’s body weight is large, which means that the risk of injury increases if you sleep on your stomach. In addition, when sleeping soundly, many women do not control their movements. The side position is considered the most optimal in the second trimester.

3rd trimester

From the 28th week, if before this the expectant mother was still resting on her back, this can no longer be done. It’s better to change this habit even earlier.

In the third trimester, the stomach, or rather the growing uterus and the increasing size of the fetus, is already putting pressure on all internal organs. The load in the position on the back is felt by the intestines and lower back. If your back hurts in the morning, then the woman probably slept for a long time on her back at night, and her musculoskeletal system felt compression. This position of the body during sleep also puts pressure on the vena cava, creating an obstacle to the supply of oxygen to cells and tissues. This is the cause of dizziness during pregnancy, difficulty breathing, decreased blood pressure and increased heart rate. Exacerbation of hemorrhoids and disruption of blood flow in the placenta and kidneys are also possible. Future baby will “protest” by moving more actively and more often.

How to sleep in hot weather during pregnancy? Sleepwear should only be natural; before going to bed, you can turn on the fan for 20 minutes, and keep the window open at night. In extreme heat, you can rest on the floor at night.

How to sleep best when 9 months pregnant

Most optimal posture in the third trimester and last weeks The pose is considered to be on the left side. In this case, blood circulation is not disturbed, the fetus and mother do not suffer. There is no pressure on the liver, and your back won’t hurt in the morning. Naturally, you can’t sleep on one side the whole night, because it will cause swelling left-hand side. You need to change body positions, roll over a short time and on the right side.

If at 9 months a woman is diagnosed with transverse presentation, then she needs to rest on the side where the baby’s head is located. When a pregnant woman has never slept on the left side of her body, it will be difficult for her to relearn.

How to sleep when pregnant with twins

Multiple pregnancy means a double load on the spine with a growing belly. Therefore, it is important to learn how to rest on your back at night early on. The expectant mother of two babies simply cannot do without additional pillows. Let there be several of them, different in size, soft. With them you can choose the optimal, comfortable body position for sleep.

You can try placing one pillow under your stomach, the second between your bent knees, or stretching out one leg and tucking the other. During multiple pregnancies in the later stages, a bolster under the lower back will help improve rest. If you can’t fall asleep, you can try taking a reclining position with several pillows under your back.

Buy a medium-firm mattress. It should follow the contours of the body. The best option- orthopedic.

It is recommended to experiment with pillows, change the bed, or try sleeping on a firmer mattress. An excellent option for relaxing with a constantly bothering back is special pillows for pregnant women. They are shaped like a horseshoe, allow you to take any position and, judging by reviews from former pregnant women, simply save you from insomnia.

Finding a comfortable position for night and day rest- the task is not easy, individual. Perhaps the position recommended by doctors on the left side will create discomfort for the spine. Then you need to find your comfortable position by trial or by frequent but gentle changes in body position.

Especially for -Diana Rudenko