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Vanga predicted victory over cancer. David Icke - Conspiracy Theory: The True Nature of Cancer

Surely there is no person who has not heard about the gift of the Bulgarian clairvoyant - the gift of predicting the future. Her predictions were shocking and terrifying, but most of them still came true. Blinded at the age of 12, Vanga became a living legend, and the predictions that the clairvoyant left before her death leave the whole world guessing.

All the predictions that came true

Vanga's real name is Vangeliya Pandeva Surcheva. At the age of 12, Vangelia lost her sight after being caught in a tornado, after which her visions began. Vanga's gift gained worldwide fame after the end of World War II - it was then that the clairvoyant helped relatives search for the bodies of missing soldiers.

The seer has her visions written down in the form of allegorical quatrains, the meaning of which can only be understood after they have been committed.

  • For example, a clairvoyant predicted that Crimea will break away from one shore and grow to the other. In May 2014, Crimea really “broke away” from Ukraine and became part of the “other shore” - Russia.
  • Vangelia predicted death of perhaps the most famous Soviet leader - Stalin- six months before his death.
  • Vanga predicted the death of American President Kennedy four months before the ill-fated murder.
  • In 1989, the seer talks about steel birds that will attack America, causing a lot of innocent people's blood to be shed. In 2001, the United States suffered a tragic terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, which killed many people.
  • She also predicted the sinking of the Kursk submarine. The clairvoyant said that in 2000 “Kursk will be under water and many people will mourn it”.
  • Vanga also predicted the conflict in - and the fall of Donetsk, and unrest in the country, and that “brother will go against brother, mothers will abandon their children.” Interestingly, the seer also mentioned that “what has stood for twenty-three years will be ground into powder.” 23 years – that’s exactly how many years Ukraine stood between its separation from Russia and its civil war.
  • The seer also said that in 2015 Russia will help refugees from other countries. Confirmation is the mass exodus of Ukrainian citizens to Russian territory, which began after the outbreak of the revolution in the neighboring country.
  • Vanga also spoke about the economic crisis that will shake Russia in 2015-2016. But despite this, Russia will survive and even force other countries to starve. In this regard, it is worth recalling the sensational sanctions that backfired on many European countries, which lost a reliable buyer in Russia.
  • She also told about 2016 - about what this year time will pass great war between the US and Muslims. Now we clearly see that Muslims are the notorious ISIS group with which the whole world is at war. True, the prophecy said that Muslims would destroy America with chemical weapons, but this did not happen, probably because Russia intervened in the confrontation and, as usual, saved everyone.

Forecast about the end of the world

Like all great prophets, Vanga left prophecies about the end of the world. According to her, it will come in 5079 as a result of the global flood. The reason for this will be a collision of planet Earth with a large asteroid. Small cosmic particles resulting from the impact will cover the entire planet with an impenetrable wall and cover all life on Earth for three whole years. Without sunlight, neither animals, nor birds, nor people can live.

The Apocalypse will be preceded by other terrible events:

  • In 2060, the world's population will reach 10 billion people, and the problem of hunger will become the most pressing.
  • In 2070 - a period of fires and droughts, problems with drinking water. Now it is not food, but water that will become a pressing problem.
  • By 2080, many of the planet's coasts will be under water.. The earth will gradually fill with water. On the territory of permafrost, huge swamps will spread out, highlighting harmful substances. Epidemics will begin that will affect billions of people. Refugees fleeing disasters will cause multiple conflicts, even wars and diseases such as smallpox, tuberculosis and others.
  • 7000 - the continents moved, the territory of England is completely under water, and so is the territory of Japan. West Side Eurasia is in ruins, and in its eastern part bananas, mangoes, and avocados sprout. The continent of North America will split apart. South Africa will be covered with ice and snow.

Last prophecies before death

It is believed that Vanga told the most terrible predictions about the future of humanity before own death. The prophecies were recorded by loved ones who were with her, and some still remain under the veil of secrecy.

Here are the ones that finally became known to the general public:

  • Vanga said that Russia will become a great power, which, first of all, will be the seat of a great spirit. “There is no force that could break Russia,” these were the words of the clairvoyant.
  • She also predicted cooperation with aliens. People are waiting for incredible discoveries in space, which will lead, among other things, to the immortality of humanity.
  • The seer also said, that the Earth is visited by inhabitants from the mysterious planet Vafim. The Vafimians are preparing some great events for people, and the meeting with them will take place in two centuries.
  • The prophetess also spoke about that her spirit will continue to live in the body of a girl born in France. This girl will become a great seer, about whom the whole world will know. If you believe this, then the French clairvoyant should be about 20 years old.
  • Starting in 2016, global warming will begin, noticeable to everyone. The level of the world's seas will rise, flooding the coasts.
  • From 2015 to 2020, according to Vanga, strong solar flares will be noticeable. This will lead to a large number of earthquakes and natural disasters.
  • Vanga said that a long-forgotten disease would return, as a result of which a person forgets what it means to be human.
  • The biggest problem facing humanity is the problem of the spirit is the struggle for universal human values, goodness, religion.
  • In 2016 or 2017 a cure for cancer will be invented.
  • Vanga spoke and about the global economic crisis and the fact that America and Europe will lose their former greatness and influence. The euro and dollar as currencies will disappear. But what currency will become global remains a secret.
  • and China, according to the seer, are creating a powerful alliance who will rule the world.

Before her death, the date of which she knew in advance, Vanga appealed to the people to remember what makes a person human, and not to lose hope even in the face of death and illness.

List by year

  • 2010 – the beginning or preconditions of the Third World War.
  • 2014 – chemical weapons were used against Europe. There are practically no people in Europe.
  • 2016 - a cure for many diseases has been found. One of the ingredients of the panacea will be animal hormones.
  • 2018 – China is becoming a powerful world power. Those who have been oppressed will finally gain power and freedom. India will join the Russia-China alliance.
  • 2023 – the Earth’s orbit will change. The event will go unnoticed.
  • 2024 – a time of prosperity and well-being will come in Russia.
  • 2028 – an alternative source has been found.
  • 2033 – the level of the world’s oceans will rise significantly due to global warming. Some areas of land may be flooded.
  • 2043 – world politics is harmonizing. In Europe, Muslims will become the ruling elite.
  • 2046 – a breakthrough in medicine: it is now possible to grow absolutely any internal organs.
  • 2050 spiritual development humanity. Ships have been invented that fly at the speed of light.
  • 2066 – wars between Muslim Europe and America. Chemical weapons will be used, causing Rome to freeze.
  • 2076 - classless society. There will be no more wars and crimes. All humanity will be busy restoring nature.
  • 2088 – a new disease will appear, as a result of which a person will age in a few days. The cure will be found in 12 years.
  • 22nd century- The artificial sun was invented.
  • 2111 – people become cyborgs. There are no more sick and disabled people.
  • 2125 – Hungarian scientists will establish contact with extraplanetary civilizations.
  • 2130 – with the help of alien friends, people will begin to settle on the bottom of the ocean.
  • 2164 – animals will become half-humans.
  • 2167 - the emergence of a new religion, the roots of which grow in the past of humanity. A new teaching will come from Russia, although it is already known.
  • 2170 - worldwide drought. There is a colony of earthlings on Mars.
  • 2187 – the eruption of two large volcanoes, which can be avoided through technical innovation.
  • 2195 – in underwater cities it will become completely autonomous.
  • 2196 – a new race will arise from former Asians and Europeans.
  • 23rd century- cold snap.
  • 2221 – an unknown virus was brought to the planet from outside.
  • 2256 - a terrible disease for which there will be no cure. The disease will be brought in by one of the spaceships. Mars is threatened by a comet. The orbits of the planets shifted sharply.
  • 2271 – fundamental physical constants will turn out to be incorrect in a changed world. Recalculation of physical indicators.
  • 2273 - emergence of new races.
  • 2279 - extraction of energy from nowhere. There is a version that “from nowhere” are black holes.
  • 2288 – the first time travel. The first alien tourists.
  • Late 23rd century– cooling of the Sun.
  • 2299 - revolt against the Muslim religion in France.
  • 2304 – the secret of the “dark” side of the Moon has been revealed.
  • 2341 - a terrible disaster will come to Earth from outer space.
  • 2354 - an accident on one of the artificial Suns created by mankind, which leads to drought.
  • 2371 - World hunger.
  • 2378 - the emergence of a new rapidly multiplying race.
  • 3005 - War on Mars.
  • 3010 - the comet will crash into the Earth and cut right through it.

After this date, Vanga’s predictions vary greatly and more and more resemble a science fiction story. According to one version, all life on Earth will die and humanity will move to another planet, according to another, humanity will completely retreat to underwater cities until the end of the world, according to the third, humanity ceased to exist and became one of the alien races, according to the fourth, humanity died from a collision with a comet.

In any case, it is not safe to look so far into the future.

Not all of Vanga’s predictions came true, but such is the future - it can be changed by human effort. Let's hope that all the terrible diseases and wars predicted by the Bulgarian clairvoyant can be avoided.

January 31 marks the 106th anniversary of the birth of the famous Bulgarian healer and clairvoyant.

Various prophecies attributed to Vanga appear in the press with enviable regularity. Her niece Krasimira Stoyanova, as well as people who knew the healer personally, assure that many of these global forecasts, which concern the future of the Earth and individual states, Vanga never actually did. It is beneficial for journalists to invent such “sensations” for the sake of circulation. Today you can put anything into Vanga’s mouth - it’s difficult to figure out whether she actually said it.

Many are completely sure that Vanga did not have any gift of foresight. Its popularity could have been promoted by the Bulgarian secret services. It was beneficial for the country to have a popular soothsayer, who attracts crowds of tourists every year. Vanga very rarely named any forecasts with exact dates and numbers; often her wording was vague and ambiguous, so they can be interpreted in different ways.

However, there are several predictions that Vanga actually made, and they came true. This is confirmed by her relatives in their memories of her, and by the people whom these predictions concerned.

We figured out what Vanga said came true, what didn’t, and what else could happen.

Death of Stalin

Six months before the leader's death Soviet Union Joseph Stalin Vanga said: “The gates to another world, where Stalin will go, will be open for other rulers of Russia.” The seer named the date: March 1953. Stalin died on March 5, 1973 at his official residence in former city Kuntsevo (now the territory of Moscow - Author) from cerebral hemorrhage. A few days later, Vanga was arrested and imprisoned in a Bulgarian prison for six months. Allegedly, after this incident, Vanga shared predictions about those in power only with a narrow circle of people.

Meeting Mikhalkov and Brezhnev

Vanga predicted events for writer Sergei Mikhalkov that came true exactly.

- “Upon returning to Moscow, you will personally meet Leonid Brezhnev. Your eldest son will marry a foreigner and go to live and work abroad, where he will make films.” Returning from Bulgaria, I met with the head of state,” Mikhalkov recalled about Vanga’s words.

A year later, in 1980, Mikhalkov’s son Andrei Konchalovsky left for Hollywood. There he made several films, among which the most famous was the blockbuster "Tango and Cash" starring Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell. But Vanga made a mistake with marrying a foreigner. At the time of the prediction, Konchalovsky was already married to a French woman, Vivian Gaudet, whom he divorced after moving to the United States. In America he met with Hollywood star Shirley MacLaine, however, it did not come to the wedding.

Assassination of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi

15 years before the assassination of Indira Gandhi, Vanga said: “The dress, the dress will destroy her! I see an orange-yellow dress in the smoke and fire!” On October 31, 1984, the Prime Minister of India was scheduled to meet in New Delhi with the English writer and actor Peter Ustinov. That day, she wore a saffron-colored sari and removed her bulletproof vest. Gandhi did not arrive at the meeting place. She was killed by her own bodyguards, who turned out to be Sikh extremists.

Perestroika and collapse of the USSR

This is one of Vanga’s most controversial predictions, because she never spoke directly about either perestroika or the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1979, the seer said: “I see a garden... This is Russia... There is snow all around... A lot of snow. I hear voices: male and female... No, these are not voices - from the depths of the earth, sap feeds the trees... In An unusual spring is coming to Russia..."

Vanga mentioned three mighty but withered trees, about a large and small ring trampled in a snowy garden, that it was already getting dark, and people stuck branches into the snow after a man and a woman made a circle around the small ring. After that, Vanga fell silent, saying that there was no point in talking about the garden, which would soon dry up. These words might have remained misunderstood if not for the memoirs of Mikhail Gorbachev’s wife Raisa.

Garden... March 10, 1985... Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko died. At ten o'clock in the evening an emergency meeting of the Politburo took place. Mikhail Sergeevich returned home, and then we were at the dacha outside the city, very late,” recalled Raisa Gorbacheva. - We went out into the garden. There was something oppressive in the dead night, still untouched by spring. This is the third death in three years. Death of three general secretaries in a row. Mikhail Sergeevich was very tired. At first he was silent. Then he says: “Tomorrow is a plenum. The question may arise of me leading the party.” We wandered around the garden, there was still snow. The husband was silent again. Then, as if gradually, he began to think - out loud... “No,” I heard. “You can’t live like this any longer.”

In 1985, large-scale changes began in ideology, economic and political life USSR, called perestroika.

Yeltsin's victory in the Russian presidential elections

Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin never went to see Vanga. However, this was done by his press secretary Sergei Medvedev. It was to him that people from Vanga’s inner circle turned to him and said that the healer wanted to make a prediction for Yeltsin.

Boris Nikolaevich was skeptical: they say, do what you want. I went to Vanga, taking Yeltsin’s watch. I recorded the conversation on a tape recorder so that Boris Nikolaevich could play the recording later. Vanga predicted Yeltsin's victory in the elections and said something about his heart. It turned out that Boris Nikolaevich was hiding the fact that he had a heart attack, Medvedev said.

On July 10, 1991, Boris Yeltsin became the first president of the Russian Federation and ruled for two terms.

Kirkorov's success and marriage to Pugacheva

Bedros Kirkorov turned to Vanga in 1971, when his son Philip was four years old. The singer’s leg hurt a lot, and the healer advised him to massage it clockwise and also said that the pain would soon go away, which is what happened. Philip Vanga herself spoke about the future.

“You have a son, and great fame awaits him. I see him at a height - a mountain, and in his hands he has a metal stick,” Bedros Kirokorov recounted Vanga’s words.

He thought that his son would become a conductor, but it turned out that the mountain symbolized the musical Olympus, and the stick symbolized the microphone.

Vanga also predicted that Kirkorov, at the age of 27, would marry a woman with a name starting with the letter “A.” She became Alla Pugacheva. At the time of the wedding, she was 45 years old, and Philip was 27.

Accident on the Kursk submarine

In 1980, Vanga stated that “at the end of the century, in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it.” Naturally, then they reacted to her words with surprise, because the city of Kursk is separated from the nearest Black Sea by more than a thousand kilometers. However, the essence of the prediction became clear on August 12, 2000, when the Kursk nuclear submarine missile-carrying cruiser crashed during an exercise. 118 crew members were killed. According to the official version of the Russian authorities, a torpedo spontaneously exploded on the cruiser.

Terrorist attack in the USA

In 1989, Vanga said: “Fear, fear! Our American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river.” In September 2001, in New York, al-Qaeda terrorists crashed planes into the twin towers of the World War II. shopping center. 2977 people died.


A cure for cancer

Vanga said that at the beginning of the 21st century, humanity will get rid of cancer. "The day will come when cancer will be shackled in iron chains." She explained these words in such a way that “the medicine against oncological diseases should contain a lot of iron." However, a miracle drug that could cure a person of cancer, alas, has not yet been invented.

Genetic Engineering

Vanga predicted that already in the early 2000s, “people will neither sow nor reap, but will only grow everything. Animals will reproduce like plants, and plants like animals.” GMO plants do contain animal genes, but farmers and people in villages still use seeders and combines.

The outbreak of world war in 2010

Vanga predicted that the war would begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. It involved the use first of nuclear and then of chemical weapons.

Disappearance of vegetation and animals in the Northern Hemisphere

Vanga predicted radioactive fallout in 2001 in the Northern Hemisphere. After the disappearance of animals and vegetation, the Muslims, according to her, had to start a chemical war against the surviving Europeans.

Deserted Europe

After the chemical war, most people will suffer from ulcers and skin cancer, and in 2016 Europe will become practically deserted.

Last US President - Obama

Vanga predicted that the 44th president of the United States would be black. And supposedly it will be the last for the country, because America will either freeze or disappear from the world map after the economic crisis. On December 20, Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States.


Solar powered trains

Vanga predicted that in 2018 trains will fly on wires from the sun. Scientists have another year to make Vanga's prophecy come true. However, this prediction seems unlikely, because today no car can drive solely on solar energy.

China's dominance

According to the seer, already in 2018 China will become a world superpower, and developing countries will turn from exploited to exploiters.

Muslims rule Europe

Vanga said that by 2043, Europe will be ruled by Muslims. Considering the recent terrorist attacks in European countries, this forecast does not seem so unrealistic, which is frightening.

Organ growing

By 2046, scientists will be growing any human organs. Vanga predicted that the best method of treating any disease would be organ replacement. Today, growing organs is the most promising bioengineering technology.

Classless society

Vanga believed that by 2077 our society would become classless and all people would be equal. The modern world is still very far from this model.

4. We didn’t defeat cancer, and we still live the same...

Cancer is one of the problems that has worried humanity throughout the entire time when cancer was first described and diagnosed. Years and decades passed, society was sometimes blown up by sensations: a cure for cancer had been found. What did they try to make it from! From the venom of snakes, scorpions, from mold, spiders, shark liver and octopus heart. But until now it has not been possible to completely defeat cancer. Cancerous tumor It can be removed surgically, its development can be slowed down with various drugs, but it is practically impossible to cure. Doctors did not come up with this, did not reveal this strange mechanism by which a normal healthy cell suddenly degenerates, ceases to perform its functions - and infects other cells with this reluctance to work...

Therefore, Vanga was asked more than once or twice about when will humanity finally get rid of the fear of terrible cancer?

Vanga's fans rushed to satisfy people's curiosity and announced: Vanga predicted that a cure for cancer would be created in 2008.

This prediction was made back in the last century, in the mid-90s. Then, it probably seemed that the 21st century was a certain milestone, which would be followed by a powerful breakthrough in all directions. People have such a mystical attitude towards numbers, especially towards dates, that the year 2000 almost meant a new era.

Well, here it is. And practically nothing has changed. Because numbers are a man-made convention. And if so, then a breakthrough in medical world did not happen, a cure for cancer did not appear in 2008.

Let us again pay attention to when the prophecy was made - already in the 90s, when Vanga was left without her patrons in the form of the Institute of Suggestology. And isn’t that why her prophecy looks so ridiculous, especially in the “technical” part, where Vanga describes that the cure for cancer will contain a lot of iron, since it is iron that is lacking in human food and drinking water.

My God... In Russia and (I know for sure) in Belarus, water deferrization stations are being built? You see, what a problem: doctors see a lot of iron in artesian water. The norms exceed the permissible ones by tens, hundreds of times! There is only one way out - in iron removal stations.

Vanga didn’t know such technical subtleties? Of course, how could she know this... She couldn’t know for sure that such available products, like cereals, beans, apples, liver, poultry, rabbit. I also couldn’t know that a lack of iron leads to dry skin, brittle hair, curvature of nails and bones, weakness, and frequent colds.

But excess iron directly provokes - attention! – liver and intestinal cancer.

Well, how do you like Vanga’s medicine?

If you are not yet convinced of the complete illiteracy and deep ignorance of grandmother Vanga in the field of health, here is another of her predictions: in 2018, a cure for old age will be invented. A person’s strength and health will be restored – “one tablet is enough.” And this tablet will consist mainly of horse, dog and turtle hormones.

Why such an amazing list? Everything is very simple, Vanga explained: a horse is strong, a dog is hardy, a turtle lives a long time.

It's so elementary. All that remains is to figure out how many parts of which animal to mix in what proportion. And what to insist on: vodka or medical alcohol.

You know, the aging process of a person, and of all living things, has practically been revealed today. Yes, he has worried humanity for as long as it has existed. You can maintain maximum strength and health for a long time, but there is no way to stop aging. As it turned out, the cells of our body have a certain resource inherent in them initially. For example, our skin is constantly renewed throughout life. Cells live, divide, die. But suddenly there comes a moment when the cell stops dividing. New cells are not formed, old ones wear out to the limit - and now, the physical death of the body. Scientists have discovered the mechanism of division. It turned out that each cell has a kind of counter; it decreases with each new division. The newly born cell inherits this counter, decreased by one. And so on - until the counter reaches zero.

But since grandma said it was possible, it was probably possible. Let's try to believe. Let's go back to grandma's recipe and look at its ingredients. Is a horse really the strongest living organism? Why not an elephant? He seems stronger. And who is the strongest anyway? Well, you understand that you cannot talk about the strongest by simply comparing one animal with another. For this assessment, the ratio of the animal’s body weight and the weight of the load that it can carry is used. And then, of course, you remembered little ant. An ant lifts and carries a load 50 times its weight. By the way, a gorilla can lift a load 10 times heavier than its own weight. And a person – only 3–3.5 times. But an elephant can only carry 1.5 times its own weight. The same goes for the horse. Even an eagle bird weighing 4 kilograms can lift a load of 16 kilograms into the air. But the common dung beetle is superior to everyone: it lifts and carries 200 times more weight than itself. And his brother, the rhinoceros beetle, is 800 times more powerful... If a person were as strong, he would lift and carry 20 tons on his shoulders.

The horse pales next to the beetle! Why didn’t anyone tell Vanga these things that any schoolchild knows about?

Dog hormones... According to Vanga, she is the most resilient. Will endure heat and cold, hard work. Again, the young naturalists did not tell the grandmother that a crocodile is hundreds of times more resilient than a dog and can go without food for almost a year. Yes, there are also hundreds of other living creatures on earth that will survive a dog in the same difficult conditions. Grandmother knew a lot about the religion of Ancient India, about the new religion “Living Ethics,” but no one told her about crocodiles. It's a pity, otherwise her recipe would have been more convincing.

Well, and the third animal is a turtle. She lives the longest.

Indeed, turtles live 100–150 years. One individual is known to have set a record of 225 years.

But the sea urchin surprised scientists by the fact that they did not find any signs of aging in any of the caught individuals. Yes this is true. A hedgehog can die from disease or from predators, but it cannot grow old. And at one hundred years old, he can produce offspring in the same way as a young one. This means that he can live practically forever. And this is not a joke at all. Scientists have found one sea anemone ( Living being, even if it looks like a flower), the age of which was determined almost without error. And the figure was shocking - 1600 years.

This is where the real storehouse of hormones for anti-aging medicine lies! How wrong Vanga was...

As you can see for yourself, these unfounded predictions can only cause bewilderment: was it possible for Vanga’s supporters to publish such predictions, and even with “technical details”? I understand that such details seem to add weight to what was said, but they also serve to completely expose the entire prediction.


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Part I This is how we live

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We don't live in the forest. My leg hurts. Left. She fell ill unexpectedly, with a dull aching pain. Every self-respecting man must despise pain. But this must be done skillfully. Contempt should be so obvious that others do not have even a shadow of doubt about your courage. I

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Chapter 12. And having survived, we won. I traveled to the new location of the army in one of the echelons. Conversations in the headquarters carriage vary on the same topic: where, to what front will the army be thrown? The situation began to become clearer when the train arrived at Kastornoye station late at night.

From the book Invented in the USSR author Zadornov Mikhail Nikolaevich

We live well! My wife and I live well! We have a wonderful TV! His pipe is made in Finland under a Japanese license. True, everything else is done here. Therefore, the second program ripples, and the third does not work. But when guests arrive and we turn on the first program,

The powerful invasion of new technologies in all areas of life is tearing the thin threads connecting man with nature, who himself is its creation. Over the course of millions of years, many thousands of microorganisms and plants died in order for man to achieve perfection. Modern man often ignores the laws of nature, forgetting about his true essence. Anyone who does not observe natural laws and order, neglects their interdependence and harmony, destroys his health.

This is exactly how Vanga healed: she restored broken connections between man and nature with the help of a great variety of medicinal herbs and other natural remedies.

For everyone who turned to her, she found her own method of treatment, different from others, since each person is a unique universe, and the disorders occurring in the body are different for everyone. But at the same time, according to Vanga, there are rules and laws common to all people, which the sister never tired of repeating.

1. Love each other, strive for good thoughts and deeds - this is best medicine for all.

2. Bulgaria is a blessed country because a lot of plants grow here medicinal plants. Take care of them, and they will help you cope with ailments.

3. Excessive use medicines harms health - medications close the door through which natural forces enter, together with herbs, restoring the disturbed balance in the patient’s body.

4. In summer, be sure to walk barefoot so that your connection with the earth is not interrupted.

5. Allow children to play wherever they want in the summer. Let them get dirty, run around, go into the forest more often. In winter, this will protect them from diseases.

6. In the evening before going to bed, be sure to wash your feet, or better yet, if conditions permit, take a shower. Water washes away not only dust and street dirt from your body, but also fatigue and everything bad thoughts and experiences that may disrupt your sleep.

7. Learn to rest properly. The day is made for work, and the night is for sleep. To be healthy and maintain your ability to work for a long time, go to bed no later than 10 pm and get up at 5–6 am.

8. Drink tea made from forest fruits and plants more often. They contain purity and a source of health.

9. Eat boiled wheat at least once a week, washing it down with clean water. In this way, you will constantly cleanse your body, and therefore maintain your vitality.

10. Move more and work hard. Idle pastime is a disease that destroys not only the soul, but also the body.

11. Cleanliness should become an indispensable condition of your life! Dirt - physical or spiritual - is disgusting to God's creation, which is always clean and beautiful.

12. Do not wash with very hot water.

13. Use homemade soap more often and natural means that are not harmful to health.

14. Do not add a lot of fertilizers and chemicals to the soil. Nature is choked by them, which causes poisoning and leads to many diseases.

Medicinal herbs and other healing agents Vanga

Allergy. Soak a teaspoon of dried wormwood in a glass of cold water in the evening. In the morning, strain and take 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals, adding a little honey. For prevention, you can drink a glass of wine infused with wormwood; It is especially recommended to do this in the spring.

Amenorrhea. Boil the peels of 2 kg of onions in 3 liters of water until the water turns brown. Drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening.

Anemia. (For children.) In early spring, as soon as the leaves on the hazel tree unfurl, and in September, pour water over the child for several days, in which the nut leaves were boiled for 30 minutes.

Anemia. Grind 100 g of dried marshmallow fruits into powder. Mix the powder in a glass of fresh sheep's milk and take 1/2 teaspoon once a day. You can add a little honey.

Arthritis. Boil half a sachet of hemp seed in 500 ml of strong brandy (vodka) until half the liquid has evaporated. Wipe sore spots with the decoction in the mornings and evenings. Make baths from a decoction of scumpia.

Arthritic, rheumatic pain in bad weather. Make compresses on the knees and hands from a paste prepared from boiled leaves of mackerel.

1. (In children, in initial stage.) Prepare an ointment from ground aspirin and pure pork fat. Apply to the breast for 10 days.

2. (For children.) Boil dried coltsfoot flowers in large quantities water and bathe the child in the broth. After the bath, lubricate the body with honey and rakia (vodka).

3. (For children.) Soak 40 leaves of coltsfoot for a day in strong brandy (vodka). On the first evening, place a leaf on your chest, on the second evening, place another leaf on your back. Alternate in this manner until the leaves run out. The procedure should be carried out only in late autumn.

4. Boil 40 heads of onion seedlings in water until soft. Then bake them in 500 ml olive oil and grind well. Take the resulting mixture 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening.

5. Drink tea from coltsfoot flowers. Pay special attention to the nasopharynx.

Infertility. (For women.) Take a handful of soil, which can be found near a mole hole in the spring. Place the soil in a basin and pour boiling water over it. The patient should sit over the steam for 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times.


1. (For children.) Wrap the child in a cloth moistened with morning dew. To do this, the fabric is spread out in the clearing before dawn so that it is saturated with moisture.

2. (For children.) Boil 1 kg of river sand in a large amount of water. Cool the water and pour it over the child. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

3. It’s good to sleep on a pillow filled with dried forest herbs.

4. Fill the pillow with dried hops.

5. Before going to bed, take 1 tablespoon of honey.

6. In May, collect more wild red poppy along with roots and flowers. Rinse the roots thoroughly and dry together with the stem in the shade. Fill your pillow with dried grass and sleep on it.

7. Before going to bed, eat a tablespoon of granulated sugar with a glass of warm water.

Chest pain (old). According to Vanga, this means that the lining of the liver is inflamed. The patient is recommended to make compresses from wheat flour. Mix flour with homemade kvass, add 100 ml of sunflower oil and wine. Place a piece of dough on your chest in the place where the pain occurs.

Chest pain due to hormonal disorders. Make compresses from a decoction of wormwood and coltsfoot. Soak a cotton cloth in the water in which the herbs were boiled, wring it out and place it on the chest, covering it completely. Wrap the fabric with a bandage and keep it overnight.

Stomach pain.

1. Chew 1 red clover leaf every day. Swallow the juice only.

2. A decoction of basil, chamomile or mint quickly relieves pain. Boil 1 tablespoon of herbs in 600 ml of water for 3 minutes. Adults drink 1 cup of coffee 3 times a day after meals, children – 1 tablespoon.

Pain in the gallbladder, accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen and vomiting (usually after eating fatty foods). Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to the juice squeezed from half a lemon. Stir and drink.

Pain in the hands (with arthritis).

For 10 days in a row, take baths in the evenings from a cool decoction of sweet fern.

Knee pain. Prepare homemade kvass, moisten a linen cloth with it and soak it in ammonia. Wrap the sore knee with this cloth and leave the lotion overnight. Repeat the procedure 3 evenings in a row.

Leg pain.

1. Boil a bunch of clover in a large bowl. Let the water cool and add a tablespoon of kerosene. Do foot bath 3 – 4 evenings in a row.

2. Wash your feet well cool water, then coat them with fresh pork fat. Before going to bed, put light cotton socks on your feet and sleep in them.

Lower back pain.

1. (Long time.) Finely crumble the old tiles and sift through a sieve. Add 3 beaten egg whites, 1 packet of white incense and a glass of grape brandy. Apply the resulting mixture to linen cloth and wrap it around your lower back for one night.

2. Prepare a homemade patch from 2 egg whites, whipped into a strong foam, 1 tablespoon of grated homemade soap and 1 bag of ground white incense. Apply the resulting mixture to a woolen cloth, wrap it around your lower back and hold until it falls off. Carry out treatment for 1 – 2 days.

Pain in the back and under the right shoulder blade. (According to Vanga, they can arise from a fall many years ago.) Sprinkle the skin of a recently skinned hare (rabbit) with red pepper and pour in sunflower oil. Apply to your back in the evening.

Back pain.

1. Spread honey on your back. Massage the affected area, pulling the skin.

2. Soak approximately 1 m of clean white cloth in 100 g of gun oil. Cut the fabric into three parts and apply to the sore spot for 3 evenings in a row.

Joint pain (caused by arthritis or rheumatism). Drink tea from crushed scumpia leaves. The effect will be enhanced if sore spot Apply a hot poultice of boiled mackerel leaves.

Sore throat. Before going to bed, smear your feet with a mixture of fat, dried wormwood (soaked or powdered) and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Wear clean cotton socks.

Sick liver. Grind 100 g of dried or 200 g of fresh yellow yarrow into powder. Add 100 g flour and a little water. The mixture should resemble a paste. Roll into 60 small balls. Dry them and store them in a cool place. Before starting treatment, be sure to drink Epsom salts once at night. Take 1 capsule in the morning and evening for a month.

Sick kidneys.

1. The patient should often drink tea from boiled pumpkin seeds. Mix 2 bags of ground flaxseed with a little water. Apply the poultice to the kidney area.

2. Pour apple cider vinegar into pottery clay and mix well. Apply the mixture to a cloth and place on the kidney area.

3. Boil one large blackberry root in 5 liters of water until the liquid has evaporated by half. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day.

4. Once a week, the patient should eat only boiled wheat and drink water.

1. (For children.) Fry 2 eggs in pork fat. Sprinkle with salt. Cool and place on baby's chest overnight.

2. (For children.) Remove the middle from the head of the red onion and pour a teaspoon of granulated sugar into the cavity. The child should eat 1 onion per day.

3. Boil 2 - 3 coltsfoot leaves in 1/2 liter of fresh milk. Add fat at the tip of the knife. Drink 1 cup of coffee in the evening.

4. Chronic. For 3 weeks, take 1 teaspoon of medicinal marigold decoction on an empty stomach.

Bronchopneumonia (after illness, for rehabilitation). With 1 kg of honey, mix freshly ground the following ingredients: 1 teaspoon turmeric, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 teaspoon of white Balkan pine resin, 5 - 6 cloves.

Take 1 tablespoon twice a day after meals. Children take 1 teaspoon for 10 days.


1. Cut pork lungs into slices and apply to sore spots.

2. The patient should put on cotton socks and walk through the dew in the mountain meadow in the morning. When the socks get wet, they need to be dried in the sun without removing them from your feet.

3. Place green walnuts in glass jar, pour olive oil and place in the sun for 40 days. Smear your feet with the mixture until it’s gone.

Spring Fatigue: Some people experience spring fatigue with nausea, while others experience fluid retention and painful swelling in the ankles and other parts of the body. In both cases, you can get rid of suffering by drinking tea infused with mustard seeds. 1 tablespoon of seed should be boiled for 5 - 6 minutes in 600 ml of water. Drink 1 cup of coffee 3 times a day before meals.

Hair.Giving hair shine, enhancing growth. Every time after washing your hair, rinse your hair with a decoction of lanceolate plantain or nut leaves.

Inflammation of the bronchi. Boil 1 in 100 ml of water Bay leaf until half the water has evaporated. Drink 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Inflammation of the eyelids. Prepare a concentrated decoction of wormwood. Place tampons soaked in the broth on your eyelids and keep for about 2 hours. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Sore throat. Drink tea made from thyme, chamomile and a pinch of mackerel. /7guru/

Inflammation of the gums.

1. Rinse your mouth with the decoction wild thyme with a pinch of alum.

Inflammation of the gallbladder. Pour a 3-4 cm root of yellow gentian with dry white wine and leave for three days. Remove the root and drink wine 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon with meals.

Inflammation of the facial skin. Collect moss from stones in running water. Apply to face.

Skin inflammation. Boil one and a half tablespoons of dried lemon balm leaves in 500 ml of water until half the water has evaporated. Soak a cotton cloth in the broth and lightly wring it out. Apply lotions until the inflammation goes away.

Inflammation of the facial nerve. Heat a metal needle over a fire. Lightly tingling, burn the skin with a needle, first on the healthy side of the face and then on the sore side of the face. Light burns go away quickly, leaving no traces.


1. Grind the dried hellebore roots thoroughly. Place the resulting medicinal powder on the rolled out dough and apply the dough to the sore throat. Children are recommended to apply a compress 2-3 times a day. For adults, leave it overnight.

2. Collect rip-grass, which grows in water and has the greatest healing properties in mid-March. Grind thoroughly, mix with lard, then put the mixture on a cotton cloth and apply compresses to the throat.

Inflammation of the appendages.

1. Scald unwashed wool with boiling water. The patient should sit over the steam.

2. Boil white cabbage in fresh milk. The patient needs to sit over the steam.

3. The patient should sit over the steam from a hot decoction of dried forest herbs. Carry out the procedure every day until the inflammation goes away.

4. Boil the willow bark by adding a little olive oil. The patient is recommended to sit over a hot broth.

Inflammation of the salivary glands. Make hot poultices from marigolds.

Inflammation of the tendons of the hands (in acute form). Infuse the gentian capsule (fruit) in 500 ml of water for about 12 hours. In the evening, apply a compress to the sore spot. To do this, soak gauze or cotton cloth in the infusion, wring it out and bandage the sore hands tightly. It is advisable to do this procedure before going to bed so that your hands can rest at night. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Ear infection. Drink a decoction of coltsfoot. Take baths with the water in which coltsfoot was boiled, after which the body is lubricated with lard and rakia (vodka).

Hair loss.

1. (For children.) Grate 3 clover roots the size of an olive on a fine grater and pour in 100 ml of pure alcohol or strong grape brandy (vodka). Leave for 24 hours, wipe the exposed areas with a swab soaked in the infusion 1 – 2 times a day.

2. Boil three hellebore roots and 4 - 5 stems with roots and nettle leaves in 500 ml of wine vinegar until half the liquid remains. Strain the vinegar, cool and store in a cool place. Rub into scalp every time after washing until it runs out. If necessary, prepare a second portion of the product.

3. Boil 200 g of grape mustaches in 500 ml of grape raki (vodka) in a tightly closed vessel. After the broth has cooled, strain. Rub into head after washing.

4. Rinse your washed hair with ivy decoction.

5. Wash your hair with white clay. Then, for a month, wipe the bare areas with lightly baked lemon slices.

6. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with a decoction of hazel and plantain leaves.

Rectal prolapse (in children.)

1. Heat a copper basin and turn it upside down. Place a damp woolen cloth on top. When the temperature is appropriate, place the child on the cloth.

2. Heat the brick and pour it cold water. Place a damp woolen cloth on top. When the fabric is hot, place the child on it. It should sit until the brick cools down.

High temperature. (In children.) Boil sour plums, apples and pears in plenty of water. Add a packet of anise. Do not strain the water. Allow to cool, pour into the bath and place the child in it. After 20 minutes, rinse the child with clean water, wipe with grape brandy and put on pajamas. After the child has sweated, he is changed into dry clothes.

2. (In children.) It can be knocked down by bathing the child in the water in which sour grapes were boiled. After this, the child needs to be rubbed with lard and grape brandy.

High blood pressure.

1. Take 1 tablespoon of dried white mistletoe. Pour a glass of cold water and leave for one night. Drink the infusion in the morning on an empty stomach.

2. Pour 1 tablespoon of corn flour into a glass hot water. Drink the infusion (without sediment) in the morning.

3. Boil 1 tablespoon of gorse leaves in 500 ml of water until half the water has evaporated. Cool, then strain and drink throughout the day - one glass in the morning and evening. During a crisis, drink the entire amount of tincture immediately on an empty stomach in the morning.

Gangrene. If your toe is affected, you need to prepare the following ointment: mix 1 tablespoon of fresh lard with 1 teaspoon of oak bark ash and 1 teaspoon of slaked lime. Lubricate your finger three evenings in a row. If gangrene is on another part of the leg, you need to make a cake from this mixture and tie it to the sore spot for three evenings. The blue spot first turns red, then pink, and then disappears.

1. (Spicy) Boil 200 g of lanceolate plantain leaves for 5 minutes in 500 ml of pure grape brandy (vodka). Strain. Take 1 tablespoon of tincture in the morning on an empty stomach an hour before getting up. You should not smoke during treatment.

2. In the morning, drink a cup of white willow tea on an empty stomach. Wash it down with a cup of fresh milk.

Hemorrhoids (external nodes).

1. Take sitz baths in a decoction of water pepper.

2. Prepare a decoction of purslane and take sitz baths.


1. (Permanent, in a child.) Place a large bunch of dried yellow dried flowers in a bag made of clean linen and use it as a pillow. After the child sleeps on it for one night, prepare a decoction of the same herb and pour it over the child’s head.

2. (And restless sleep.) Boil 1 – 2 agave leaves in 2–3 liters of water. In the evening, pour the broth over your head and body several times.

3. (Chronic.) In the evening, wet your head and pour thyme decoction over your body.

4. (Chronic.) Anise tea helps with migraines, neuralgia and other diseases. You can prepare it as follows: boil three teaspoons of anise in 600 ml of boiling water for 5 minutes. Take 3 times a day, 1 cup of coffee before meals.

5. (For ear pain, especially in small children.) Melt 1 tablespoon of sugar over heat in a cast-iron frying pan. As soon as the sugar begins to darken, add 1 cup of cold water. To stir thoroughly. Take 1 – 2 glasses per day.

6. Wash your hair with a decoction of field parsley.

7. Collect 2 kg of wild millet at waxy maturity. Divide into 10 equal parts. Before use, pour each part with a slightly larger volume of water and cook for about 10 minutes. When the water has cooled, pour over the entire body every evening for ten days.

8. (Strong after stress.) The patient should drink a glass of cold water before going to bed, putting a tablespoon of sugar in his mouth before going to bed.

Fungal disease of fingernails. Brew strong coffee and immerse your hands in water with grounds several times a day.

Fungus on the feet (unpleasant odor). Rinse your feet in basil decoction.

Fungus on toes.

1. Mix crushed mint with salt and place between your fingers.

2. Wash your feet in cold water, dissolving 1 tablespoon of baking soda and salt in it.

3. Wipe thoroughly washed feet with a strong solution of wine vinegar. At night, wear clean socks soaked in vinegar.

Dermatitis. (In children.) Bake 3 walnuts in the oven until dark brown color. Cool the nuts, chop them, grind the kernels. Add a spoonful of fish oil. Clean the sore spot and apply the resulting ointment to it.

Children's baldness. Boil marigolds in grape brandy (vodka), rub into bare areas in the evenings.

1. (In initial form.) Drink a decoction from the tops of blackberry bushes.

2. (In children, in the initial form.) 10 sour apples Boil in 5 liters of water. After bathing, rinse the child with this decoction.

Diathesis. (In children.) Bath in the water in which barley was boiled.


1. Pour 1 liter of water into fresh oak bark (about 10 cm long) and cook until half of the water has evaporated. When the decoction has cooled, drink 1 cup of coffee per day on an empty stomach.

2. Prepare a decoction of marigolds and drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning for 2–3 days.

Dystrophy. (In children.) Boil any sour, unripe fruits in a large container until soft. When the broth has cooled, pour it into the bath without straining. Place the child in the bath for half an hour so that the body is immersed up to the neck in the broth. After the bath, rub the baby with lard and grape brandy (vodka).

Jaundice. (In children born in summer.) Pour over cuckoo-colored decoction.

1. Grind Balkan pine resin into powder, mix with olive oil and take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

2. Take 1 – 2 times a day 1 tablespoon of marmalade made from black elderberry without sugar, and 1 tablespoon of honey.

3. (In children.) Most often, constipation occurs in many children due to nervousness. To get rid of this problem, try this remedy: bake an apple and pour hot sugar syrup over it. After the apple has cooled, give it to your child to eat.

Pinched nerve as a result of a fall. Prepare a mixture of equal parts of olive oil, melted wax and foundation. Apply the mixture to a cotton cloth and apply it to the entire length of the spine - from the neck to the tailbone.

Itchy skin.

1. The patient needs to douse himself with the water in which the barley was boiled.

2. Mix 500 ml of methyl alcohol with 50 ml of salicylic acid. Lubricate inflamed areas morning and evening.

Hysteria. Place a large bunch of balsam in a bucket of cold water overnight. The next day, bring the water with the plant to a boil and cool. Douse yourself with balsam decoction.

1. (For children, continuous.) Boil 1 potato, 1 onion and 1 apple in a liter of water until half of the liquid has evaporated. Give your child 1 teaspoon three times a day.

2. (For children.) Mix 100 g of honey and 100 g of butter and add a packet of vanillin. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

3. (Old, from a smoker.) Boil marshmallow roots in milk and drink one glass several times a day.

4. (Chronic, in adults.) Boil a piece of yellow cherry resin the size of a nut in 1 liter of water. Strain and add 200 g of honey, 3 cloves and ground turmeric on the edge of a knife. Take 1 tablespoon before meals in the morning and evening.

5. (Strong.) Boil 4 walnuts, 1 tablespoon of elderflowers and 1 tablespoon of bee honey in 1/2 liter of water. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

6. Boil 1 teaspoon of dried gorse flowers for 5 minutes in 200 ml of water, strain and drink the warm decoction in two doses: in the morning after meals and in the evening before bed. If necessary, repeat treatment the next day.

7. Boil coltsfoot leaves and drink as tea.

9. (Strong.) For a week, the patient should drink tea brewed from flaxseed. /7guru/

Whooping cough. Balls resembling rolled wool are formed in the roots of the rosehip. Boil two of these balls in 1 liter of water and drink 1 cup of coffee in the evenings.

Colic in children. Collect more storks in the summer. Boil two handfuls of stork in 5 - 6 liters of water. Without straining, cool to a suitable temperature, lower the child into the water up to his waist and hold for about 20 minutes. After the bath, rinse it with clean water. Spread the baby's tummy with pure unsalted pork fat and rub with diluted grape brandy (vodka). Wrap the child well and put him to bed. After the third procedure, the colic will go away.

Conjunctivitis. Grind fresh leaves marshmallow and apply lotions to the eyelids for three evenings in a row.

Bone growths (so-called “dead bone”).

1. Heat a piece of old tile over an open fire until red and pour cold water on it. Soak a woolen cloth in kerosene. On bone spur put a cloth and hot tiles on top of it. Hold as long as the patient can bear it. Repeat the procedure 4 – 5 times until the growth disappears.

2. Warm up fine river sand, pour it into a linen bag and apply to the sore spot. Hold until the sand cools down. Treatment is carried out at every opportunity until the growth completely disappears.


1. (Abundant, chronic, in women.) Beat six egg whites thoroughly, add 1/2 teaspoon citric acid, stir and drink the resulting mixture.

Bleeding gums. Grind green sorrel leaves and apply to the gums.

Bleeding hemorrhoids. Infuse gorse fruits in olive oil in the sun for 7 days and take 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. After eating, drink tea from the same fruits.


1. (For children.) Drink marshmallow juice.

2. (For children.) Crush the dried marshmallow fruits and mix with the dried rennet of a young lamb. Take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day with a small amount of water.

3. Drink juice from marshmallow roots.

4. Divide the rennet of a young lamb, which was fed only with sheep's milk, into 7 parts. Keep refrigerated. Dissolve one part of the rennet extract in 1 liter of sheep's milk and drink it in four doses a day. All treatment requires 7 liters of sheep milk.

Excess weight.

1. Take 1 cup of burnt oak bark coffee 3 times a day.

2. If you want to have a good figure, instead of expensive pills and imported drugs, you need to take herbal baths and follow a diet. You will achieve quick effect, if you douse yourself with a decoction of Datura herb.

Pour water into a large saucepan and, as soon as it boils, add 100 g of dried herbs and cook for 5 minutes. Cool the broth and strain. Perform the douche three days in a row after the bath, and in the evening you need to drink a cup of lemon balm infusion.

Lumbago. If you suddenly have pain in the lower back, so that you cannot straighten up, you need to take a terry towel, soak it in ice water, wring it out and apply it to the sore spot. Cover the top with cellophane and put on thick cotton pajamas. The next morning the pain will go away.

Malaria. Wash a fresh chicken egg, put it in an enamel bowl, pour in 200 ml of wine vinegar. Leave the bowl open. After the shell has dissolved, beat the mixture thoroughly and drink on an empty stomach.

1. Make compresses from a decoction of wormwood and coltsfoot.

2. Place a flat cake from beeswax on the skin over mastitis. Secure with adhesive tape. Repeat 3 nights in a row.

3. Knead soft dough from rye flour, melted butter and fresh milk. Make a cake and apply it to the sore spot. Repeat the treatment several times, leaving the dough overnight.

Intervertebral hernia. Mix crushed old tiles with two egg whites, 1 teaspoon of white incense and a glass of grape rakia (vodka). Apply the mixture to a woolen cloth, apply it to the sore spot and hold until it falls off on its own.


1. Eat 3 olives during meals.

2. Drink tea from a collection of forest herbs, and only mineral water.

3. Drink a decoction of coltsfoot.

Uterine fibroids. Drink 1 coffee cup of hemp seed decoction 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 15 days.

Calluses: If you keep getting calluses on your feet, don't cut them off. Place a pinch of salt on a thin cloth and add 2 drops of water. Tie to the callus overnight. you will feel severe pain, but if you repeat the procedure 2-3 times, the calluses will disappear.

Suppuration of the finger at the nail. Take a hot pepper, cut off the top and remove some seeds. Pour strong brandy (vodka) into the resulting cavity. Place the pod on your finger, tie it with a bandage and leave overnight.

Menstrual irregularities. Steam baths from boiled mackerel leaves help.

Metabolic disease.

1. Drink St. John's wort infusion only in the morning: 1 teaspoon of herb per glass of hot water.

2. Icelandic lichen can be used to stimulate metabolism. Boil 1 tablespoon of lichen in 600 ml of water until it evaporates by half. Drink 1 coffee cup 3 times a day after meals for a month.

Neuralgia (inflammation of the facial nerve). Drink 1 glass of anise infusion 3 times a day before meals (boil 3 glasses of anise fruit in 3 glasses of water for about 5 minutes).

Urinary incontinence.1. (Small children.) Prepare a mixture of 1 tablespoon of grated homemade soap, 2 egg whites, 1 teaspoon of ground Balkan pine resin, 1 teaspoon of crushed valerian root and 20 ml of grape brandy (vodka). Apply the mixture to a white woolen cloth and make compresses: one night on the lower back, the second night on the lower abdomen.

2. (In children.) About 2 kg of cinquefoil (most of it medicinal properties appear in May, just before flowering) boil in 10 liters of water. Strain the broth, cool and 7 evenings before going to bed, do waist baths with this broth. Mix the boiled herb with pork fat and place it on the stomach the first evening, and on the lower back the next evening. Leave the compress overnight.

3. (For girls.) Dig up the roots of the grass, dry them and grind them into powder, then put them on a hot brick. As soon as the grass begins to smoke, the girl should sit above the smoke.

4. Both children and adults will benefit from a decoction of young shoots of Cossack juniper. Boil one shoot in two glasses of water for 5 minutes. Drink one glass in the morning and evening.

Nervous disorder.1. (For women.) Drinking geranium decoction (boil 1 leaf in 200 ml of water). Drink 1 cup of coffee 2 times a day.

2. (For men.) Mix 500 g of sugar and 500 g of honey in a jar. Take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.

3 (For children.) Bathe in water in which dried forest herbs were boiled.

4. Drink a decoction of nettle tips.

5. The patient needs to drink a decoction of blackberry roots.

6. Drink lemon balm decoction.

7. Drink regan tea.

Dousing with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Strengthens, cleanses and acts as a means for weight loss. Such procedures are especially useful after a long winter, when the human body is weakened. Boil dried mackerel, wormwood, chamomile, and anise separately in an arbitrary amount of water. Determine the amount of raw materials by eye. (You only need to use 1 sachet of anise per procedure.) The decoctions are ready in 5-10 minutes. Cool, strain and pour into one vessel. To achieve the effect, dousing must be carried out for 3 days in a row.

Exposed gums.

1. Boil 40 gorse fruits in 1 liter of water until the liquid evaporates. Cool and rinse your mouth with the broth several times during the day, then massage your gums.

2. Collect flowering purslane (Portulaca oleracea), finely chop, pour with olive oil and eat as a salad.

Shortness of breath. Mix 200 g of honey, olive oil and grape brandy (vodka). Drink a glass 3 times a day.

Burns. Vanga was approached by a patient whose burns on his legs caused by gas were not healing. Vanga said that this fire is still smoldering in her legs. She recommended the following remedy: 6 egg yolks and 6 teaspoons of fresh melted butter, mix well - the mixture should resemble mayonnaise. Wrap your feet in gauze soaked in the resulting medicine.

Tumors on the chest, boils, ulcers. Mix 500 g of rye flour with 100 g of fresh butter and 1 glass of milk. Place the dough on a cloth and apply to sore spots three evenings in a row.

Tumors on the body. Apply a mixture of wax, ground wormwood and brandy as compresses to the sore spot.

Swollen ankles. Boil 1 tablespoon of mustard seed in 3 tea cups of water for 5 minutes. Drink 1 cup of coffee 3 times a day before meals.

Weakening of the immune system. Once a month, douse yourself with thyme decoction.

Weakening of muscles. (In children.) Mix 200 g of honey and 20 g of sulfur and massage the body thoroughly with this mixture until the child sweats three times.

Weakened children. Boil 1 kg of green purslane in 6 liters of water and, when the broth has cooled, give the child a bath, immersing him in water up to his neck. Add 1 packet of anise fruit and a handful of wild pears to the water. After 15 - 20 minutes, remove the child from the water, rinse and put him to bed.

Swelling on the body. Pour the crushed incense onto a cotton cloth soaked in a decoction of mustard seeds and smeared with honey. Apply to the painful area.

Overeating. When overeating, especially fatty foods, you need to drink the juice of one lemon mixed with a teaspoon of baking soda and sugar to taste.

1. Boil 1 tablespoon of alum in a saucepan of water. After washing, rinse your hair with this mixture.

2. Prepare a mixture of 1 cup apple cider vinegar, 1 coffee cup olive oil and a pinch of salt. Wash your hair with liquid soap and apply the resulting mixture to your skin. Carry out the procedure until the medicine runs out.

Pyelonephritis. (In children.) Follow a diet and eat cornbread. Drink more broth corn silks. /7guru/

Plexitis (severe pain in the arms).

1. Grind willow leaves and apply to the sore spot.

2. Apply a woolen cloth soaked in apple cider vinegar with crushed valerian root. Carry out the procedure several times until the pain goes away.


1. Take flaxseed decoction for 1 week. Don't drink cold water.

2. Undress the patient and, wrapping him in a sheet, place him on the hot sand.

1. (In the initial stage.) Knead the dough from corn flour and pure wine vinegar. Use for poultices.

2. (In the initial stage.) Mix red clay with wine vinegar, apply to a cloth and apply to the sore spot.

3. The patient can relieve his suffering with the help of goldenrod. Put 1/2 spoon of herb in 500 ml of water. Cook until the liquid has reduced by half a finger. Drink the decoction half an hour before meals, 2 times a day, one glass. For treatment to be effective, it must be combined with a strict diet that excludes the consumption of meat and alcohol. The diet should consist of fruits and vegetables. Good to take mineral baths or go to the mountains and drink tea from mountain herbs.

Cuts. Heal quickly if they are lubricated with olive oil, in which St. John's wort flowers have been infused for 20 days. This remedy is also suitable for the treatment of bleeding stomach ulcers: take 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Sweating. (In children and adults.) Grind an insect-eaten oak board into powder. After washing, powder your skin with powder.

For neuralgic disease. Drink tea brewed from lemon balm and geranium.

Prostatitis. Crush the coal of a burnt linden tree. Brew like tea and drink 1 cup for seven days in a row.


1. (Very strong.) Prepare a mixture of 10 leaves of dried and crushed tobacco, honey and strong brandy. Apply the mixture to a cloth and tie it to your lower back overnight. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated.

2. (With a cough.) Inflamed bronchi can be calmed by taking the following medicine: boil 1 bay leaf in 100 ml of water until half of the water has evaporated. Take 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

At sore throat and cough with the release of blood clots is helped by tea from mackerel. It is not poisonous, as some people believe, and it can be used to treat many diseases. In this case, you need to boil 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves in 500 ml of water until the liquid has evaporated by half. Drink the decoction with honey 3 times a day.

Proteinuria (exceeding the permissible norm). Dry thin transparent birch bark, which can be easily removed from the birch trunk in the spring. Boil 1 tablespoon of dried birch bark in two glasses of water for 5 minutes. Strain and drink 100 ml in the evening for 3 days.

Psoriasis. Scaly and gallbladder large sea ​​fish(weighing approximately 3 kg) cook in 1 liter of white wine for 30 minutes, strain and stir with 200 ml of olive oil. Rinse the affected areas thoroughly and lubricate with the resulting mixture. Continue treatment until the mixture runs out. For washing, it is best to use egg soap.

Skin irritation on the hands caused by chemical detergents. Make cool hand baths by dissolving a teaspoon of baking soda in water. After this, be sure to hold your hands in slightly warmed olive oil for 10 minutes.

Wounds (not healing well). Wash wounds with St. John's wort decoction.

Stomach upset.

1. (For children in the summer.) For 3 days in a row, drink tea from the fruits of the tree (buckthorn family), which resemble the shape of a coin. Boil for a few minutes, 3–4 “coins” per glass.

2. (Provided that the reason is not fatty foods.) Boil ten tops of blackberry bushes in 1 liter of water until half of the liquid has evaporated. Drink 1 cup of coffee 3 times a day for three days.

3. Drink tea brewed with mint.

Stretching the arm muscles. Make a hand bath from a decoction of green elderberry with the addition of 1 tablespoon of baking soda.

Rheumatism. Dig up the root walnut at a depth of 60 cm during the flowering period of the tree. Cut off the first root from the rhizome, which resembles a wire as thick as a finger. The piece should be about 20 cm. Place the root in a bottle with 1 liter of olive oil.

Bury the bottle in the ground to a depth of 60 cm in the place where the root was cut off. After 40 days, dig up the bottle and store it in a dark place. The patient should lubricate the entire body with this oil until the oil runs out.

Sarcoma (with edema). Apply game meat sprinkled with ammonia to the swollen areas.

Pig. Pierce the wrapping paper (blue) with a needle in many places. Apply honey, rakia and crushed valerian root to it. Use as a compress placed behind the ears. The disease goes away in three days.

Sinusitis. Alternately place a piece of fresh butter the size of a corn grain into each nostril.

Mackerel is also used in the treatment of spurs. Three evenings in a row you need to do hot bath for a sore spot from a decoction of scumpia. Continue the procedure until the broth cools down.

Displacement of intervertebral discs. Apply chopped potatoes to the sore spot. Leave it on all night. Repeat the treatment until the pain goes away.

Spasms. (In children.) Place dried forest herbs in the pillow on which the child sleeps.

Stomach cramps.

1. (For low acidity.) Collect leaves of lanceolate plantain before flowering. Boil 200 g of washed leaves in 500 ml of grape brandy until half of the brandy has evaporated. Strain, cool, store in the refrigerator. Every day at 5 o'clock in the morning on an empty stomach, take 1 tablespoon, after which the patient should remain in bed for another 1 hour. Have breakfast at 7 o'clock. Treatment continues until the tincture runs out. If necessary, prepare a new portion and repeat the course of treatment.

2. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water with 1 tablespoon of aniseed vodka. After 10 - 15 minutes, drink 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Spastic bronchitis.

1. (For children with allergies.) Mix 10 g mustard powder and powder from the root of tsitvarny wormwood with 100 g of honey. Give 1 teaspoon after dinner.

2. Pour 1 tablespoon of scumpia, coltsfoot and wormwood into 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 1 minute. Strain the infusion and take 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening after meals, adding a little honey.

Abrasions. Mix 1 teaspoon each of lard, honey and baking soda and lubricate abrasions with this product.

1. (Small.) In summer, during flowering, collect the roots of celandine. Boil 10 roots in a bucket of water. Take a warm shower and then rinse with the water in which the roots were boiled. Repeat dousing 2 – 3 times.

2. (In children, it appeared suddenly, for no apparent reason.) Mix equal parts of wine vinegar and sunflower oil. Rinse the sore spot and then wipe with a swab dipped in the prepared mixture.

3. (For children.) Boil nettle and elderberry in equal parts. Douse the child with this decoction.

4. You need to drink a decoction of rye.

5. Prepare a decoction of blue cornflower flowers and pour yourself over it.

6. Wash a handful of nettles, dry and fry in 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Strain the oil and apply it to the sore spot. For urticaria, treatment is carried out daily for 5 days.

7. The patient should take baths from a decoction of oak bark. /7guru/

8. Drink tea from vetch seeds.

Nausea. Drink mustard seed infusion.

Crack in the bone. Beat 2 - 3 whites taken from fresh chicken eggs, add 2-3 full tablespoons of flour. The dough should be soft, like for pancakes. Soak a bandage or gauze in this mixture and bandage the sore spot. The flour will harden and act as a splint, and the protein will help the bone heal.

Cracked heels. Drink a decoction of rye more often.

Cracks on the hands. Make 2 - 3 hand baths from a cold decoction of water pepper.

Thrombophlebitis. Sprinkle pork lung with sulfur and, after applying it, bandage the sore spot for three evenings in a row.

Acne. Soak a cotton cloth in a decoction of lemon balm, soapwort and black elderberry and make lotions before bed.

Insect bites: Green elderberry leaves prevent itching and swelling.

Fatigue. (In children and adults.) Biennial aspen, especially growing near water, helps relieve fatigue. Peel the stem to a soft core and eat as a dessert. Fatigue will go away if you eat 10 stems of aspenberry.

Tired legs.

1. (Restoring motor functions of the limbs.) Prepare an ointment from 100 g of lard and 1 tablespoon of salt. Apply the mixture to a cloth and wrap it around your feet.

2. (Swelling.) Apply a mixture of melted wax, olive oil and water to oilcloth and wrap it around your legs.

Rapid heartbeat (due to nervousness). Grate 500 g of unpeeled lemon, add 200 g of honey and 40 ground kernels apricot kernels. Take 1 tablespoon morning and evening.

1. Apply potato cut into circles to the sore spot.

2. Grease the skin of a recently skinned hare (rabbit) with olive oil and sprinkle with black pepper. Apply a bandage to the sore spot. On the first night the patient may experience severe pain, the next night the pain will subside and soon disappear completely. If the hematoma is not very large, the skin should be cut into three parts and stored in the refrigerator. Every evening it is advisable to apply a new piece to the sore spot.

3. Boil 500 g of white beans, knead well and apply to the bruised area 1 – 2 times.

Liver cirrhosis.Take human milk, mixed with white flour.

Cystitis. Collect corn silks, dry in the shade and store in a thin cloth bag. Drink a warm decoction of corn silk every day, 1 to 2 glasses.

Boil.Knead the dough from rye flour, milk and fresh butter overnight. Tie a piece of dough to the inflamed area.

Spurs on the heels. Heat a copper basin, lay a woolen cloth on top. The patient should stand on the pelvis until it cools down.

Spurs on the hands. Sprinkle crushed valerian root onto a woolen cloth soaked in apple cider vinegar. Apply to the sore spot.

1. Cut the onion in half, add 1 drop of tar to each half. At night, tie it to the sore spot.

2. For three evenings in a row, take a hot bath for the sore spot using a decoction of mackerel. Repeat the procedure until the broth cools down.

Scars, reduction. To do this, you should moisten the wounds more often with the juice of the blue crocus.

1. Place salicylic acid crystals on the tip of a knife in 1 coffee cup of methyl alcohol. Mix well. Apply to affected areas 1 – 2 times a day until all the alcohol is gone.

2. Squeeze soapwort juice. Rinse and clean the affected area with alcohol, then wipe it with juice.

3. Bake 30 walnuts. Grind the kernels and mix with fish oil. Clean the affected area and lubricate the resulting mixture.

4. Rinse the affected areas and wipe with cotton wool soaked in a mixture of 1 coffee cup of sunflower oil and 1 coffee cup of wine vinegar.

5. Wipe sore spots with a mixture of equal parts of machine oil and gasoline.

7. Many varieties of this disease can be cured by rubbing the affected areas of the skin with a liquid that can be collected in May from elm buds.

Epilepsy. (In children.) Bath the child in a decoction of dried forest herbs, put him to sleep on a pillow filled with herbs.

Duodenal ulcer. Beat 1 egg white with 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach for 10 days.