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Lemongrass tea, beneficial properties of lemon grass. Useful properties and uses of lemongrass

Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

Photo medicinal plant Lemongrass (Lemongrass)


Beneficial features lemongrass- found application in folk remedies during treatment gastrointestinal diseases, gastroenteritis, colitis, sore throat, flatulence, laryngitis, herpes and fever, acne, to stimulate the glands internal secretion, maintaining skin tone, as a diaphoretic.

Latin name: Cymbopogon citratus.

English name: Lemon grass.

Family: Cereals - Poaceae.

Synonyms: cymbopogon, lemongrass, lemongrass, lemongrass, citronella, blackbeard.

Lemongrass parts used: grass.

Botanical description: lemongrass - perennial herbaceous plant up to 1 m tall with a fibrous root system and articulated cylindrical shoots with alternate ribbed leaves that cover the stem and have a pleasant lemon scent. The leaves are hard and pale green. The paniculate inflorescence is formed by spikelets.

Habitat: Lemongrass is cultivated in the tropical and subtropical regions of America, Asia (India, Sri Lanka), and Africa. In tropical Africa, planting lemongrass is recommended in areas where the tsetse fly, which cannot tolerate the smell of this plant, is widespread.

Collection and preparation: The aerial part of lemongrass containing essential oil is used. The oil is obtained by steam distillation of the dried leaves, which is a mobile liquid of yellow-red to red-brown color with a fresh lemon aroma.

Active ingredients: fats (myrcene, limonene, methylheptenol, citral, etc.). Also aluminum, calcium, chromium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, sodium, protein, vitamin C. The essential oil contains citral (up to 80%) and geraniol.

Useful, medicinal properties and applications

Lemongrass (lemongrass) included in dietary supplement CC-A , produced by international standard GMP quality for medicines.

Lemongrass (lemongrass) as part of the drug (dietary supplement) in capsules

Lemongrass eliminates runny nose, sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis. Stimulates the work of the vasomotor and respiratory centers. Eliminates hypotension, dizziness, weakness and darkening of the eyes. Stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Increases efficiency metabolic processes in organism. Prevents varicose veins.

Lemongrass analgesic, antidepressant, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorizing, healing, fungicidal, insecticidal, sedative traditional medicine.

Lemongrass increases blood circulation and lymph flow, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and connective tissue, helps strengthen ligaments and muscles, increases their endurance (used in sports practice), improves performance gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the functioning of the stomach during low acidity and enzyme deficiency, stimulates the respiratory center, regulates metabolic processes, promotes weight loss, increases lactation, and has disinfectant properties.

Lemongrass tea

Photo of lemongrass tea ( lemongrass)

Making lemongrass tea is quite simple: just one tablespoon per glass of boiling water and steep for about five minutes, then strain into a cup. Use a natural sweetener such as honey or.

Lemongrass (lemongrass) tea has analgesic, deodorizing, bactericidal, diaphoretic, diuretic, tonic properties, normalizes stomach function and menstrual cycle. The tea is used for fever, digestive problems and menstrual irregularities. IN Chinese medicine Lemongrass tea is a remedy for rheumatism. Can be used externally - applied to the sore area for arthritis.

However, tea from lemon grass should not be used in large quantities, one or two glasses a day is enough. If you feel unwell after drinking lemongrass (lemongrass), pause for a few days and then try one cup again.

Lemongrass essential oil

Lemongrass essential oil

The antiseptic effect of lemongrass essential oil helps fight infectious diseases not only skin infections and defeats. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect is quite pronounced for laryngitis, herpes and sore throat.

Lemongrass oil perfectly relieves headaches and muscle pain, while stimulating blood circulation, increasing muscle elasticity and promoting accelerated elimination lactic acid. It actively influences metabolic processes, allows you to cope with dizziness, darkening of the eyes, hypotension, weakness, and accelerates recovery after protracted illnesses and general exhaustion.

Essential oil from lemon grass has a general invigorating effect on the body, stimulating the glands and promoting the effective functioning of smooth muscles and digestive organs, increasing appetite and making you forget about problems such as heaviness in the stomach, colitis, and flatulence.

Topical use of lemongrass essential oil

Taking an aromatic bath will help against diseases of the upper respiratory tract, asthma, cough, bronchitis and against skin and fungal diseases. Mix 3-4 drops of oil with 10 ml of emulsifier - bath salt, liquid soap, cream and honey.

Inhalations relieve colds. To do this, add 1-2 drops of oil to a glass. warm water and carry out the procedure for 4-6 minutes.

To aromatize the air, to improve general well-being and mood, add 2-4 drops per 15 sq.m. to the aroma lamp. premises. You can also add 1-2 drops to the aroma pendant.

Massage helps with infections, various types pain and colds. Mix 3-4 drops of lemongrass with 10 ml cosmetic oil(jojoba, avocado, peach, etc.).

Lemongrass is effective means against insects. It refreshes rooms and clothes well.

Growing lemongrass at home

Lemongrass (lemongrass) is often grown as an ornamental houseplant.

Contraindications. Pregnancy, not recommended for use during breastfeeding.

Lemongrass, shuttlebeard, lemongrass, cymbopogon - names amazing plant lemongrass, cultivated in tropical and subtropical climates. It has more than 50 species and is found in Africa, Asia, America, and China. The peculiarity of the plant is its pleasant lemon smell, sought after by chefs and perfumers. The beneficial qualities of the herb were highly appreciated by doctors and cosmetologists.

Two types of plants are popular. Their names indicate the geographical location of cultivation. The homeland of West Indian lemongrass is Malaysia. It is used mainly in cooking and medicine. East Indian shuttlebeard (aka Cochin lemongrass) is native to Thailand, Sri Lanka and Cambodia. Used in the production of cosmetics and perfumes.

Lemongrass is a powerful perennial, reaching up to 1.5 meters in height. Erect, rigid, cylindrical shoots are covered with alternately arranged leaves of light green color. Lemongrass grows very quickly. To meet its needs for water and minerals a fibrous powerful root, like a pump, pumps out of the ground nutrients, depleting the soil in short time. The grass from the cereal family produces inflorescences in the form of spikelets.

The peculiarity of the plant is the lemon smell that the ribbed leaves emit. Where grass grows, a lemon aura fills the air, repelling harmful insects, including dangerous fly tsetse. To prevent encounters with dangerous insects, the population plants lemongrass on plantations everywhere.

Composition and nutritional value

Lemongrass acquired its special properties due to unique composition green parts - stem and leaves. The main part (up to 80%) comes from essential substances. Geraniol and central are sources of an unusually pleasant citrus scent with a pronounced healing effect.

In addition to essential oils, the plant contains B vitamins and ascorbic acid, microelements (iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium salts, selenium), nicotine and fatty acid, natural antioxidants and antiseptics.

Healing properties

Rich in vitamins, microelements and essential oils, lemongrass has unique useful qualities, known in medicine and pharmacy in India, China, Asia, Africa. Medicinal properties appear:

  • antioxidant;
  • bactericidal;
  • fungicidal;
  • insecticidal;
  • astringent;
  • regenerating;
  • painkillers;
  • tonic;
  • sedative;
  • deodorizing effects.

The beneficial components of the plant work both when taking medicinal teas internally and when essential oils are applied locally to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes.

Application in medicine

Lemongrass tea

Lemon grass in tea has a general tonic effect on the body. The drink, cold or hot, perfectly refreshes, saturates the body with a complex of vitamins and microelements, increases resistance to infectious diseases, removes toxins. Nice citrus aroma has a beneficial effect on nervous system, relieving emotional stress.

The healing properties of lemongrass are manifested in stimulating blood circulation and lymph flow, increasing endurance during physical activity, optimizing metabolic processes in the body, and increasing lactation. Pronounced beneficial effects: elimination of intestinal dysfunction, flatulence, inflammatory changes in the gastric and intestinal mucosa.

Making tea: a tablespoon is equal to a glass of boiling water. After 3 minutes of infusion healing drink ready for use.

Healing properties of essential oil

Essential oil, the raw material for which is lemongrass grass, is used externally for treatment skin diseases. Pronounced healing, anti-inflammatory effect and impact on wide range pathogens have made it possible to widely use the beneficial qualities of the plant in dermatological practice.

Lemongrass – natural spring essential substances, is known as a herb that can cure fungal and microbial diseases of the skin and nails. The antibacterial effect is manifested in therapeutic effects for pustular skin lesions: boils, acne ( acne), microbial eczema. The properties of the plant are characterized by high healing qualities. The herb quickly restores the damaged epithelium.

Lemongrass oil for inhalation and treatment of the oral mucosa relieves symptoms colds respiratory tract (laryngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis) and manifestations of herpetic, fungal and microbial lesions of the oral cavity.

For inhalation, add no more than 2 drops of essential oil to a glass of warm water. Duration medical procedure: 4 to 6 minutes.

Has healing properties aromatic baths, air aromatization and massotherapy with lemongrass oil. These procedures help fight pathogens, normalize metabolic processes and create a positive mood with an optimistic citrus aroma.

Cosmetology and perfumery

Lemongrass has found application in cosmetology as a remedy effective care for problematic oily skin.

Shampoo with essential oil components exhibits beneficial qualities. It eliminates dandruff, normalizes function sebaceous glands, strengthens hair follicles and restores hair structure.

Essential oil is in demand in perfumery, giving perfume, eau de toilette and other products a refined scent.

Use in cooking

Lemongrass, with its rich citrus aroma and lemon-ginger flavor, has long been used in the national cuisine of Asia and the Caribbean islands. The preparation of traditional Thai Tom Yam soup cannot be done without it. Poultry, meat, vegetable and fish dishes acquire a special taste and useful characteristics by adding shoots and crushed dry lemongrass leaves.

The aromatic lemon spice is present in a variety of sauces and marinades, and is desirable in the preparation of noodles.

Tea, hot or cold, has a beneficial effect on the body, tones and quenches thirst.

The classic spice “Lemongrass” is indispensable in the preparation of pastries, pastries, cakes and delicious desserts based on nuts, milk and coconut pulp.

Thanks to lemongrass, cooling drinks and liqueurs acquire a refined aroma and refreshing properties.


The herb may have a local irritant effect on skin and mucous membranes in persons with individual intolerance to essential oils and other components that make up the plant.

TO absolute contraindications to the use of lemongrass in medicinal purposes relate:

  • children under 7 years of age;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • stomach ulcer due to high acidity.

When taking medicinal teas orally, two-week courses are prescribed. After a break for 7 days, treatment is continued. Tea, which includes lemon grass, is consumed in an amount of no more than 2 glasses in the first half of the day.

The above-ground part of the plant is used as raw material - the leaves are dried and crushed. To obtain aromatic lemongrass oil, the method of steam distillation of slightly dried leaves is used.

Externally, cymbopogon is similar to tall grass, which can grow up to 2 meters. Its leaves are narrow and spreading, the petioles are mostly red. In nature, it is found exclusively in warm, humid areas - North Africa and Southern Europe, as well as India and Indonesia. It is cultivated in whole plantations, but In nature, bushes growing alone are often found.

Lemongrass has rich green shades. At the same time, the grown leaves begin to sag under their own weight, as a result of which the plant looks like a real bush.

Chemical composition and healing properties of cymbopogon

In addition to your nutritional value, lemon grass has a beneficial effect on the body due to the fact that it contains many useful substances:

  • microelements, including rare ones (iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, selenium);
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP);
  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins;
  • essential oils.

Thanks to this composition Cymbopogon has a complex effect on the body:

  • disinfectant (copes with many harmful bacteria, fungi and even insects):
  • tonic;
  • pain reliever;
  • sedative (calming);
  • anti-inflammatory and wound healing.

Cymbopogon also helps tissue restoration and normalizes metabolic processes, which contributes to a more complete course of digestive processes in organism.

Features of collecting and storing lemongrass

Lemon grass greens are harvested when they have already reached medium size (from one and a half meters). It is dried in the open sunlight for several weeks, and then crushed into plant material or into a fine powder.

If the plant is grown at home, it can be frozen directly in fresh. To do this, the torn leaves should be rinsed well under running water. cold water and then place them in the freezer. In this form they will not lose freshness for several months.

Growing lemongrass (video)

About the benefits and rules for brewing lemon grass tea

Dried raw materials are purchased for brewing tea.. To make the drink truly tasty and healthy, you need to take several conditions into account.

  1. It is best to infuse tea only in ceramic containers that retain heat well.
  2. The amount of the mixture is taken to taste, but often it is recommended to take at least a tablespoon of herb for a glass of boiling water.
  3. You don’t need to brew the tea for too long – just leave it for 5-10 minutes.
  4. After brewing is complete, the cake can be immediately removed, but you should not throw it away - it is quite suitable for making tea 2-3 more times.
  • relieves heaviness in the stomach;
  • tones muscles;
  • gives an invigorating effect;
  • stimulates sexual functions, has a beneficial effect on potency.

Contraindications and harm of lemongrass

Of course, there are contraindications to the use of this useful herb. There are several categories of people who you should refrain from consuming it:

  • pregnant women;
  • chronic patients with hypertension;
  • people with diseases of the nervous system (easily excitable);
  • persons with individual intolerance to individual components that make up cymbopogon.

The fact is that the components of cymbopogon have a stimulating effect on the body, increasing blood flow and increasing muscle tone. This may lead to slight increase blood pressure, which is unacceptable for hypertensive patients. As for those suffering nervous diseases, then lemon grass stimulates excitation processes in neurons ( nerve cells) is also unacceptable for their health. Restrictions on the use of the plant during pregnancy associated with not influencing physiological processes, occurring in the fetal body.

Long-term use of lemongrass does not cause any severe complications, however may lead to some side effects:

  • burning, tingling and redness of sensitive skin when lemongrass essential oil comes into contact with it;
  • slight hoarseness of voice;
  • increased blood pressure if the product is used for more than 2-3 weeks;
  • allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance to individual components of cymbopogon.

Important! You should carefully monitor the characteristics of changes in the body during the first week of using lemongrass-based drugs. If severe discomfort occurs (especially those associated with increased blood pressure), then the course should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.

Plant use options

Lemongrass is used in various fields:

  • medicine in the fight against certain diseases;
  • culinary seasoning;
  • flavoring agent;
  • cosmetic product.

Such a wide range of applications is explained by the valuable components of the plant, which can heal, produce a good aroma and create a piquant taste.

Lemongrass in medicine

The main valuable component of cymbopogon is its essential oil, which is used in the treatment of various skin lesions. It acts as a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent, effectively preventing infections from entering the body.

This healing property herbs are used in the treatment of:

  • skin boils;
  • microbial eczema (skin rash caused by bacteria);
  • acne (acne);
  • various respiratory viral infections(bronchitis, tonsillitis, runny nose);
  • drowsiness and fatigue;
  • hypotension;
  • headaches.

This list is far from complete - lemon grass has a beneficial effect on different systems organs, which explains its complex action.

Pharmacy forms of this drug are represented by the following drugs:

  1. Alcohol tincture (it is used to treat viral diseases, and also taken as a sedative).
  2. Essential oil used as a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and flavoring agent.
  3. Lemon grass can also be purchased at a pharmacy in the form of dried raw materials, from which you can create different medicines according to prescriptions.

Properties of lemongrass aroma oil (video)

Lemongrass in cooking

The herb is widely used as a base for brewing tea and as a pleasant flavoring addition to some Asian and Caribbean dishes. Sorghum has a pleasant lemon aroma, so tea made from it resembles tea with lemon. This tea is very useful because it has a good effect on blood pressure And general tone the body, helps quench thirst (especially when cold), which is very important for hot tropical countries.

As a spice, cymbopogon is added to fish, poultry, and seafood dishes. This not only improves their taste, but also makes food healthier for the body.

Weight loss and cosmetology

In cosmetology, cymbopogon has found application due to its essential oils, which dissolve the aromas of perfumes well and ensure their durability. Lemongrass is also used as good remedy to solve some cosmetic problems:

  1. Sorghum copes well with problem skin, effectively eliminating excess fat from the sebaceous glands and thereby normalizing metabolic processes in the dermis of the skin.
  2. Provides intensive growth hair, and also helps strengthen brittle hair.
  3. Significantly strengthens hair follicles, which prevents excessive hair loss.

Other Applications

Another quite popular use for lemongrass is using its pleasant scent for:

  • air aromatization;
  • aromatic baths;
  • production of oils used in massage procedures.

Lemongrass is used in aroma lamps, which not only create a pleasant atmosphere and uplift the mood, just like any other citrus scent.

The use of lemongrass as a flavoring agent creates additional protection against blood-sucking insects - flies, mosquitoes. Lemongrass essential oil works especially well when combined with oils from other plants.(lavender, orange, rosemary and others). It is enough to add a few drops of the mixture to the aroma lamp to repel insects for at least several hours.

Secrets of growing lemon grass at home

It is not necessary to purchase lemongrass at a pharmacy - if you have the desire and opportunity, then it is quite possible to grow the grass at home. The plant is propagated by seeds, and their germination rate is quite good. To make lemongrass feel good and grow quickly, you need to try to follow a few simple rules:

  1. It is better to grow lemon grass in a large pot (in the first one and a half to two years, take soil at the rate of 1 kilogram per 1 sprout).
  2. The seeds do not need to be planted too deeply - just place them in moist, loose soil, lightly sprinkled with soil on top.
  3. Seed germination occurs faster in conditions of high humidity and darkness.
  4. When the seedlings have reached 20-25 cm in height, they need to be planted one at a time.
  5. The soil for the plant is taken in the same way as that on which succulents grow. In this case, it should be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers.
  6. Lemongrass loves the sun very much, so it grows best on windows facing south and east.
  7. And the main requirement is daily moderate watering. Lemon grass loves moisture, so it is advisable to water it twice a day - morning and evening. It will also not be superfluous to irrigate the leaves weekly with a spray bottle.

Options for preparing lemongrass (video)

The technique of growing lemongrass is not complicated, but in the end you can get absolutely free medicine, seasoning and aromatic remedy on your own windowsill.

The content of the article:

Lemongrass or lemongrass is a cultivar called cymbopogon from the Poaceae family. It is also called lemon grass, but it has nothing to do with the lemon we are used to. The plant loves warm and humid climates, and therefore grows actively in the tropics, especially common in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Malaysia. In addition, it is found quite often in Burma, Cambodia, in some regions of the USA, South America and Africa. It has powerful roots and thin, hard, reed-like stems with a soft core. The stems have a distinct citrus aroma; it is this part of the plant that is used in cooking as a seasoning. It has a special place in Asian and Caribbean cuisines. The stems are used fresh and dried. The spice harmonizes perfectly with poultry, fish and seafood dishes, first courses, but is generally considered universal. In Africa, aromatic tea is brewed from the grass.

Composition and calorie content of lemongrass

The seasoning is a low-calorie product, which means it can be safely used in a diet.

Calorie content of lemongrass is 99 kcal per 100 grams, of which:

  • Proteins - 1.82 g;
  • Fats - 0.49 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 25.31 g;
  • Water - 70.58 g;
  • Ash - 1.8 g.
Macroelements per 100 g:
  • Potassium - 723 mg;
  • Calcium - 65 mg;
  • Magnesium - 60 mg;
  • Sodium - 6 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 101 mg.
Microelements per 100 g:
  • Iron - 8.17 mg;
  • Manganese - 5.224 mg;
  • Copper - 266 mcg;
  • Selenium - 0.7 mcg;
  • Zinc - 2.23 mg.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • Beta carotene - 0.003 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.065 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.135 mg;
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.05 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.08 mg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 75 mcg;
  • Vitamin C - 2.6 mg;
  • Vitamin RR, NE - 1.101 mg.
Sterols (sterols) per 100 g:
  • Phytosterols - 6 mg;
  • Campesterol - 1 mg;
  • Stigmasterol - 1 mg;
  • Beta Sitosterol - 4 mg.
Fatty acids per 100 g:
  • Omega 3 - 0.031 g;
  • Omega-6 - 0.138 g;
  • Saturated - 0.119 g;
  • Monounsaturated - 0.054 g;
  • Polyunsaturated - 0.17 g.
The herb also contains valuable essential oils, one of which includes such rare components as geraniol and central - they are excellent natural antiseptics and antibiotics. In addition, they have regenerating properties.

Beneficial properties of lemongrass

As you can see, the essential oil of the herb alone carries great benefit. Add to this the fact that the plant contains an impressive vitamin-mineral complex and other necessary for the body biologically active substances, and you will understand why this seasoning is so useful. It is not without reason that since ancient times the use of lemongrass has gone beyond cooking. The culture is widely used for health and cosmetic purposes.

So, let's take a closer look at the benefits of lemongrass:

  1. Prevention and treatment of colds. The plant has a beneficial effect on the immune system and strengthens the body's defenses. Thus, even during cold season, when regular use lemon grass, you can be calm about your health. However, citrus seasoning is not only a preventive remedy, but also a therapeutic one. It actively helps fight the virus and alleviates symptoms.
  2. Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Lemongrass regulates intestinal motility and speeds up metabolism. Thus, a natural healthy digestion process is established. The effect on metabolism will be especially appreciated by those who struggle with overweight, and a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract is those who suffer from various disorders - constipation, flatulence, colitis, etc.
  3. Beneficial influence on circulatory system . Lemongrass improves blood circulation and lymph flow, and also has a strengthening effect on blood vessels. Due to these effects, the risk of developing various diseases is reduced, including varicose veins veins, thrombosis, etc.
  4. Strengthening the muscle corset. This beneficial effect Athletes will especially appreciate it; the plant not only makes ligaments and muscles stronger, but also generally increases endurance. So lemongrass tea before a workout or marathon is a great idea.
  5. Activation mental activity . A powerful tonic effect is another important beneficial property of lemongrass. The components included in its composition stimulate brain activity, improve concentration, fight mental fatigue. That is, it is useful to drink drinks and dishes with lemongrass not only before the upcoming physical activity, but also mental - an exam, an important meeting. By the way, they specifically note the ability of lemongrass, due to its tonic effect, to increase the composure of drivers behind the wheel, and therefore, when choosing car flavors, pay attention to those that have at least a hint of lemongrass scent.
  6. Anti-aging effect. The plant contains antioxidant substances that actively fight excess levels free radicals and prevent premature aging, and also reduce the likelihood of developing cancer.
  7. Prevention and treatment of various types of inflammation. The essential oil contained in the herb, containing geraniol and central, has a powerful bactericidal effect and works as an antiseptic, which means it helps prevent the development of pathogenic processes or inhibit them. The regenerating properties of these components allow you to recover faster from a particular illness.
  8. Prevention of oral diseases. Antiseptic effect in combination with another important effect of the plant, deodorizing, turns lemongrass into excellent remedy to prevent oral diseases - stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.
  9. Beneficial effect on the nervous system. Lemongrass - good antidepressant, it relieves nervousness, lifts your mood, and with regular use even helps overcome depression.
It is noteworthy that the beneficial properties of lemongrass are recognized not only by ethnoscience, but also official, many are made based on lemongrass pharmacological drugs.

In folk medicine, the product is used mainly in three areas - the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, colds and fungal diseases. The effectiveness of the herb in the latter case is determined by the twice-mentioned essential oil containing geraniol and central, which also has a fungicidal effect - that is, it actively kills fungi and mold.

Harm and contraindications to lemongrass

The list of beneficial properties of lemon grass is truly impressive, however, unfortunately, not every person has the opportunity to appreciate them fully. If a person is absolutely healthy and does not take any serious medications, add seasoning to food or cook based on it various drinks, of course, is not prohibited. The main requirement is compliance with the measure.

However, if you have certain diseases, it is better to first consult with your doctor before adding the product to your diet.

Lemongrass can be harmful primarily to people suffering from hypertension and high blood pressure. nervous excitability- in this case, the tonic effect can play a bad joke.

It should be introduced with caution into the diet of allergy sufferers, pregnant and lactating women and children, since for us it is still an exotic product, unusual for our climate, and therefore individual intolerance to the plant’s components is a common practice.

Common in people allergic to lemongrass discomfort even its aroma evokes. Thus, if you feel uneasy, you experience dizziness, nausea, etc. just from the smell of the plant, you, of course, should not eat it.

How to Make Lemongrass Seasoning

The main task of lemongrass in cooking is to play the role of a seasoning that will make the taste of the dish more interesting and richer.

But what is the correct way to use lemongrass as a spice? Of course, it is best to add the plant to dishes fresh, as it stores more vitamins and beneficial properties. But do not forget that the grass stems are soft only on the inside, and therefore, before putting them, say, in soup, you need to cut them either thinly or coarsely, but place them in a dish in a bag made of natural fabric, and remove it when ready. Also, you don’t have to cut the stems, just beat them a little with a rolling pin and, again, remove them from the dish when ready.

With dried lemongrass you don't have to worry about hardness. To dry the grass, you need to wash it, then wait until it dries, cut the stems into small “pieces” and place in an oven preheated to a temperature of 40-50 degrees. When ready, the seasoning can be ground.

Lemongrass Recipes

Well, now, let's get straight to the uses of lemongrass. In fact, this spice is universal: soups, sauces, meat, fish, seafood dishes, desserts - the range of uses is limited only by your imagination. Just remember, if you want a little acidity and a nice citrus flavor, lemongrass is a great idea.

However, of course, there are signature dishes with this seasoning, typical of the cuisines of those countries in which it is especially popular.

Let's look at some of them:

  • Citrus chicken in coconut milk. Cut a whole chicken (weighing approximately 1-1.5 kg), rub with black pepper and salt. Wash the lemon thoroughly, cut it into slices and remove the seeds (no need to remove the peel). Thinly slice 7 lemongrass stems. Place a few slices of lemon and some lemon grass, as well as garlic (5 cloves), into the chicken carcass. Lightly whisk coconut milk (800 ml), pour it into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add the remaining lemon and lemongrass, as well as garlic (4-5 cloves) and cilantro (1 bunch). Bring the sauce to a boil, put the chicken in the sauce and bake the dish in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for about an hour.
  • Mussels in wine sauce. Heat in a saucepan butter(50 grams), fry finely chopped onion (1 piece) and garlic (3 cloves) until soft. Add white dry wine(0.5 l), Bay leaf(1 piece), lemongrass (1 stem). Simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Pour in the mussels in their shells (1 kg) and continue to simmer the dish until they all open. Unopened mussels can be thrown away, or you can tinker with them and open the doors with a knife. Place them on a serving plate. Prepare the sauce: strain the broth, mix it with cream (100 ml), a pinch of saffron and cayenne pepper. Pour sauce over mussels.
  • Vegetarian thai soup . To the vegetable broth or water (800 ml), add a stalk of lemon grass (1 piece), beaten with a rolling pin, as well as star anise (2 stars), finely chopped ginger (root 10-15 cm) and garlic (3 cloves). Cook for half an hour, then remove the lemongrass and star anise, add chopped Chinese cabbage(200 grams). Cook for 5 minutes, remove the soup from the heat and when it has cooled slightly, add soy or fish sauce (1 teaspoon) and lime juice to taste, and green onions(a couple of feathers) and finely chopped chili (1 piece).
  • Thai salad. Prepare the dressing: finely chop the chili (2 pieces) and garlic (3 cloves), crush in a mortar, you should get a rough paste. Also add lime juice (50 ml), fish sauce (3 tablespoons) and honey (1 teaspoon). Leave the dressing for half an hour. Boil water and throw in squid (400 grams), pre-cut into squares of about 5 by 5 centimeters. Cook for 3 minutes. Beat off the lemongrass (1 stalk) and chop it very finely, do the same with the ginger root (2 cm). Mix these ingredients and grind into a paste in a mortar. Thinly slice shallots (1 piece), mint leaves (from 3 sprigs), Chinese cabbage (3 leaves). Mix the cooled squids with the two pastes and the rest of the prepared ingredients. After 10 minutes the dish can be eaten.
Of course, all these recipes are quite exotic and some of the ingredients necessary for preparing the dishes are not sold in every Russian store. However, we repeat, the use of lemongrass in recipes is purely a matter of your imagination, no one limits you.

Lemongrass Drink Recipes

At the beginning of the article, we talked about the fact that in Africa they like to make tea from lemongrass, and in the section on the benefits we mentioned that it perfectly tones and fights physical and mental fatigue. However, we still haven’t told you how to brew lemongrass correctly.

In fact, the recipe is very simple: pour a tablespoon of herb with a glass of boiling water and brew for 5-10 minutes. Strain and drink, adding honey to taste. But, of course, you can drink not only “naked” lemongrass, but combine it with various ingredients.

Let's look at a few lemongrass recipes for different drinks:

  1. Tea with ginger and lemongrass. Boil water (0.5 liters), add green or black tea bags (2 pieces), ginger root (3-4 thin slices), honey (2 tablespoons) into it. Infuse the drink for 5-10 minutes. You can add a little lemon juice taste.
  2. Indonesian Bandrek. Place a pinch of ground ginger, cinnamon and lemongrass, and a stick of cloves into boiling water (1 cup). Add honey to taste. When the drink has cooled down a little, you can drink it. This classic recipe Indonesian bandrek, but you can also add coriander, cardamom, black pepper, anise, chili and other spices to taste.
  3. Healthy soda. Add thinly sliced ​​lemongrass (2 stems), a bunch of mint and sugar (1 cup) to boiling water (1 cup) - you can replace natural sweetener to taste, for example, stevia. Strain and cool. Place the resulting syrup in the refrigerator; it will be enough for several servings of cocktail. To prepare the drink, pour a tablespoon of syrup into a glass, add a little lemon juice and fill with sparkling mineral water.
Lemongrass drinks are not only tasty, but also very healthy. However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t abuse them; you definitely don’t need to drink more than a glass a day. In addition, if you drink the drink daily, you need to take a short break every two weeks.

By old legend Native to Malaysia, lemongrass is a sacred plant. Previously, they believed that it could protect against wounds and death, and therefore warriors took stalks of lemongrass with them into battle or rubbed themselves with its oil, whispering special spells.

In Africa, they still believe in the magic of lemongrass; it is believed that if planted around the house, it will repel snakes. By the way, on this continent the plant is called Voodoo grass.

There is an opinion that the tonic effect of lemongrass extends to sexual desire, however scientific explanations to this fact no.

Lemongrass can be grown indoors.

Lemongrass is sold not only in supermarkets, but also in pharmacies, although in the latter it is present in a purely dried form.

Lemongrass stems can be used as skewers for meat or fish.

The name of the plant cymbopogon, of which lemongrass is a variety, is made up of two Greek words - “kymbe” and “pogon”, which translate as “boat” and “beard”, respectively. This strange name is understandable; it is believed that the stem of the plant resembles a fishing boat, and its lush flowers resemble a thick beard.

In the Middle Ages, lemongrass was one of the favorite products of brewers and winemakers.

Watch a video about lemongrass:

Lemongrass - useful spice, which not only diversifies the taste of dishes and drinks, but also helps the general and local healing of the body. In our country it is not very popular, and in vain. We would highly recommend using it at least occasionally in your kitchen, of course, if you have no contraindications to its use.

Lemongrass or lemongrass is a cereal grass native to India, Cambodia and Thailand. The plant is also known as citronella, cymbopogon, blackbeard or lemongrass and is used in a variety of fields - medicine, cooking, and the beauty industry. Particularly popular are lemongrass tea and Tom Yum soup.

Lemongrass is loved not only for its pleasant lemony taste and aroma, but also for its versatility. After all, the herb can be used as tea leaves, a seasoning or an addition to nourishing mask. But few people think that lemongrass is a real storehouse of nutrients.

Its composition is rich in amino acids, trace elements, natural antioxidants and essential oils. In a unique combination, they have a beneficial effect on the body. Positive properties benefits from drinking lemongrass tea include:

  • the beneficial components of the plant in the drink, coupled with a pleasant taste and aroma, have a calming effect during stress, normalize sleep, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • Lemon grass is often used for headaches, muscle pain, digestive problems, and to normalize metabolic processes in the body;
  • lemongrass is an excellent diaphoretic, effective in treating colds and relieving the condition during viral or infectious diseases;
  • strengthens immune system, removes waste and toxins.

But it is important to understand that no tea collection can replace complex treatment with specialized drugs. Lemongrass is only auxiliary, which will help keep the body in good shape when feeling unwell.

Contraindications to drinking tea with lemon grass, as well as dishes containing it, are:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • individual intolerance and allergies;
  • epilepsy;
  • increased excitability;
  • insomnia;
  • hypertension.

If you are using the mixture for the first time, you should definitely check your body for allergies. To protect yourself, for the first time you need to drink only 40-50 ml of the drink. If no reactions appear the next day, then you can safely enjoy the wonderful taste and aroma.

Lemongrass Tea Recipes

Sorghum has a unique citrus aroma, which is why it is so popular in tea drinks. In this case, lemongrass can be used as an independent component during brewing, or supplemented with various ingredients:

  • Classic recipe. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry herb into a glass of boiling water. Leave for about 3-5 minutes, during which time it will fully reveal its bouquet. Strain and enjoy the wonderful taste and aroma.
  • With ginger. Mix 1 tablespoon lemon grass, small, cut into pieces fresh root ginger (or dry 20 g) and 1-2 teaspoons of green or black tea without flavoring. Pour boiling water over it. Infuse the drink for 5-7 minutes, then strain.
  • With tea. Place 1 teaspoon each of dried lemongrass and green tea into the teapot. Pour 500 ml of hot boiled water at a temperature of 90-95° C. Leave for 5-10 minutes. Strain before use.

A drink based on lemongrass has an excellent tonic and refreshing effect, so it will be very useful on hot days. To do this, you need to brew tea according to any of the above recipes, then cool or add ice before drinking.

Mint or lemon balm also goes well with lemongrass. The aroma and spicy taste of the drink become more intense, and the calming properties of plants in this tandem are only enhanced.

Lemongrass tea is consumed for medicinal purposes for no more than 14 days, then a week break should follow. The optimal dosage is no more than 1-2 cups of not too strong tea in the first half of the day.

For brewing, a ready-made dry collection of lemon grass or a tea mixture from Thailand, to which pandanus leaves are added, are suitable. Also, for more convenient use, you can find tea bags, both single-ingredient and with many additives: mint, lemon balm and even strawberries.

Tea, which includes lemongrass, is extremely soothing and is a pleasant addition to complex treatment cold symptoms. In addition, the herb can be used not only to prepare a drink, but also as spices for various dishes.