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Bird cherry is beautiful, useful and dangerous. Medicinal plants

For many of us, bird cherry is a beautiful tree or bush that delights us every spring with attractive and deliciously smelling clusters of inflorescences. But this plant is also very common in traditional medicine, although, before resorting to treatment with it, it is worth knowing that bird cherry has both useful properties, so and contraindications.

Nutritional value of bird cherry

Bird cherry can be both beneficial and harmful to human health, which is influenced by the multicomponent composition of this plant. In addition to essential oils, it also boasts big amount polysaccharides (cellulose, starch), tannins (good for diarrhea), flavonoids (have an antibacterial effect, powerful antioxidants) and vitamin C.

Bird cherry also contains a wide variety of organic acids, the receipt of which together with food allows you to normalize acid-base environment human body. It is also worth noting that Its regular use promotes a diuretic and choleretic effect.

It is worth paying attention to the calorie content of bird cherry, which is 100.8 Kcal per 100 g of product. Thus, despite medicinal effect, bird cherry berries are not able to affect weight. The amount of carbohydrates in them is also small - only 16.8 g, and proteins - 8.4 g.

Important! The calorie content of bird cherry fruits increases only if they are consumed in dried form. Fresh berries have almost zero calorie content, which significantly sets them apart from all other fruits.

The use of bird cherry in medicine

Answering the question of what bird cherry helps with is not so simple, since this plant is very widely used in traditional and folk medicine. At the same time, not only its fruits, but also leaves, flowers, and even properly collected bark can bring benefits.

Useful properties of bird cherry fruits

The medicinal properties of bird cherry fruits cover a fairly wide range of diseases. Their regular use improves the condition of the stomach walls, thereby preventing the likelihood of developing gastritis and ulcers. But berry decoctions are also used for colds and even for malaria. The effectiveness of this decoction is noted even for rheumatism.

Purulent wounds are often treated directly with the juice of the berries, which conventional medicines cannot cope with. In addition to the healing effect, the juice helps to cope with inflammatory process and stops him.

Did you know?Scientifically, bird cherry fruits are called sweet black spherical drupes. You should start collecting them no earlier than at the end of summer, in the first weeks of September.

Bird cherry berries have a good effect on the body in case of indigestion and normalize intestinal function. They also nourish the body useful vitamins, thereby significantly increasing his immunity. They even help with inflammation of the eye mucosa.

Useful properties of bird cherry leaves and flowers

The use of bird cherry leaves is even wider than the use of its fruits. In particular, they also help with diarrhea. It is very useful to use them due to their high saturation of vitamins (including vitamin C), which helps fight even serious stages of vitamin deficiency.

Infusions of bird cherry leaves are useful for coughs, bronchitis and even in the treatment of tuberculosis. The leaves have also been found to be used externally - in the formation purulent wounds or boils, it is recommended to simply apply the leaves or smear the juice from them to the inflamed areas. An infusion of leaves helps with caries and stomatitis, for which it should be used daily as a mouth rinse.

The medicinal properties of bird cherry flowers are especially valuable in medicine, as they have the ability to relieve inflammation and lower body temperature. Made from flowers antimicrobial agents, as well as lotions for inflamed mucous eyes. Infusions from flowers can even act on the body as a painkiller, which is why they are used for rheumatism and gout.

Did you know? Previously, bird cherry flowers were used as contraceptive, however, due to the presence a large list contraindications, doctors advise against this method of preventing pregnancy.

The medicinal properties of bird cherry bark are most controversial, since under certain conditions hydrocyanic acid can be released from it, which is a rather dangerous substance that is toxic to the human body. But, despite this, tinctures from bird cherry bark are used as an excellent diaphoretic for colds, which also allows you to quickly normalize body temperature.

Important! At integrated use bird cherry as a prophylactic agent has a calming effect on nervous system, as well as improving the condition of capillaries, the walls of which are strengthened.

The use of bird cherry in cosmetology

In cosmetology, bird cherry is used no less intensively than in medicine. The chemical composition of bird cherry fruits is especially successful in helping to cope with acne. For this purpose, it is recommended to just squeeze the juice from the berries and periodically wipe your face with it.

But bird cherry also helps with more complex skin diseases, such as various dermatitis. To do this, three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, it is recommended to take a third of a glass of infusion from bird cherry bark. It is prepared as follows: 10 g of tree bark is poured into a glass of boiling water and kept in steam for half an hour. After this, the resulting infusion is filtered and diluted to the original volume of liquid. Against sunburn A four-day infusion of a tablespoon of bird cherry flowers in 100 ml of vodka will help. The infusion simply wipes the problem areas.

Recently, bird cherry flowers have also become an excellent panacea in the fight against dry skin and the appearance of wrinkles. To prevent this condition, it is recommended to wash your face with an infusion of the plant’s flowers, which must first be brewed with boiling water for half an hour (for 1 tablespoon you will need 1 glass of boiling water).

The use of bird cherry in cooking

The rich chemical composition of bird cherry allows this plant to be used as one of the components of dishes. In particular, its fruits are most often used in cooking, from which compotes, alcoholic liqueurs, pie fillings, jams, jelly and even kvass are prepared. At the same time, they are excellent for cooking as fresh berries, and dried. Dry bird cherry is often ground to a powdery state, which subsequently allows it to be added to wheat flour and bake fragrant pies.

Important! When preparing dishes from bird cherry fruits, it is recommended to blanch them and pass them through a sieve. This simple operation will allow you to get rid of seeds that can spoil the taste of the dish.

Healthy and fragrant fresh leaves Bird cherry trees are commonly found as a component of salads, to which the leaves can be added either fresh or frozen. There are recipes for making cakes from bird cherry leaves.

Harvesting and storing bird cherry fruits

Thanks to the presence of a large number medicinal properties bird cherry fruits, as well as its leaves and bark, this plant is recommended to be collected and stored in a timely manner winter period. Bird cherry flowers are collected immediately at the beginning of the flowering period, when all the flowers on the inflorescence have fully opened. At the same time, it is important not to pick all the clusters with flowers, but to thin them out on the tree or bush, so that later you can wait for the fruits. Flowers are dried protected from direct contact sun rays place.

As for the bird cherry berries themselves, you need to start picking them already at the stage when they are fully ripe, that is, they will lose their original astringency and become sweeter. The fruits must be picked together with the stalk and dried in the same condition in a warm oven, gradually raising the temperature from 40 to 60˚C. After complete drying, the berries can be removed from the stalks and placed in a glass container, which should be tightly closed (but not rolled up!).

In this state, bird cherry fruits can be stored for 2 years without losing their beneficial properties. Dry berries are used to prepare compotes, jelly, fruit drinks and even jellies.

When you hear the word bird cherry, you usually remember the fragrant flowers of this tree, and even folk sign, that during its flowering it can be quite cool. Much less is known about the many beneficial properties of bird cherry.

Useful properties of bird cherry

Bird cherry is used very widely for medicinal purposes. Herbalists use its flower clusters, leaves, bark and berries.

Bird cherry blossoms in late April-May, which is when its inflorescences are harvested. The bark is cut off even earlier before flowering. Tassels with berries are collected two months after flowering, leaves - in early summer.

Using bird cherry bark

Bird cherry bark contains substances that have a sedative and tonic effect on the body. These properties of bird cherry make it possible to use decoctions and infusions from its bark as an additional remedy for heart disease and to relieve headaches. Diseases gastrointestinal tract They can also be treated well with a decoction of bird cherry bark; it is traditionally used for diarrhea.

Infusion recipe : take 2 tablespoons of dried bark and pour boiling water (3 cups) in a glass or enamel container, wrap well and leave for 6-7 hours. Strain the resulting infusion and drink half a glass 3 times a day before meals.

Tincture of bird cherry bark is used to treat sore joints.

Tincture recipe : pour 50 g of bark into a glass of vodka and leave for two weeks in a dark place, for example, in a closet. Use to rub joints.

Use of bird cherry leaves

Bird cherry leaves are used to prepare infusions, decoctions and alcohol tinctures. Used for the same indications as the plant bark. In addition, fresh leaves, especially if crushed, release phytoncides that can kill pathogens.

A decoction of bird cherry leaves cleanses the skin well from boils, is used as an expectorant and for gargling a sore throat, as well as for the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease.

Decoction recipe : pour 20–25 g of leaves in a saucepan with a glass of water, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 5-6 minutes, leave for 2-2.5 hours, then strain. Drink a quarter glass 3 times a day before meals.

Using bird cherry flowers

Bird cherry flowers contain a large amount of phytoncides (quercetin and others), which are destructive to microbes.

There is even a popular belief that if you stand under blooming bird cherry, the onset of illness will go away and the person will be healthy.

Infusions are prepared from bird cherry flowers to alleviate the condition of a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis and for washing bedsores, wounds, abrasions, ulcers, as well as for lotions for conjunctivitis and other eye diseases.

Infusion recipe : 20 g of bird cherry flowers, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 10–15 minutes, cool and strain.

To treat eye diseases, bird cherry water is obtained from bird cherry flowers by distillation using hot steam. Used as lotions.

Using bird cherry berries

Black, shiny drupes (fruits) of bird cherry are the most useful thing that gives us this beautiful plant. They, like the bark, leaves and flowers of bird cherry, contain large amounts of flavonoids. The fruits of bird cherry contain acids (citric, chlorogenic, malic), carotene, vitamin C, carbohydrates (sugars and pectin). In folk medicine, it is believed that amygdalin contained in bird cherry fruits has an anti-cancer effect, although there is no scientific confirmation of this.

Fresh juice of bird cherry fruits with honey is used for metabolic disorders. A spoonful of honey in half a glass of juice - three times a day before meals.

Infusion recipe : 20 g of dried bird cherry fruits pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a thermos. Leave for 10–12 hours. Use for the treatment of diarrhea, as well as for gastritis and colitis, 100 ml three times a day before meals.

Infusion recipe for the treatment of fungal skin infections: pour two tablespoons of fresh berries into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 7–8 hours, strain. Use as a lotion on affected areas.


The healing properties of bird cherry are diverse, but we must not forget about contraindications. The use of bird cherry preparations internally is prohibited for pregnant women and children under two years of age. Medicines, made from bird cherry, cannot be stored for a long time. Because when the glycoside amygdalin contained in them is broken down, poisonous hydrocyanic acid is formed.

Beneficial features bird cherry as a medicinal plant and delicious berries, have been known since ancient times. Its small seeds were discovered by archaeological scientists at the sites of ancient people, which gave impetus to a full-fledged study of its properties and composition. Today, this plant is highly valued in folk medicine: not only the berries, but the bark, leaves and flowers of bird cherry are used for medicinal purposes.

Composition of bird cherry

Chemical composition bird cherry inspires respect. All parts of the plant contain various beneficial substances:

  • In fruits: polysaccharides, essential oils, tannins, apple and citric acid, flavonoids, anthocyanins, rutin, vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, cobalt and other micro- and macroelements.
  • In the kernels of the ossicles: fixed oils and glycosides (amygdalin, prulaurazine, prunasin). In addition to them, hydrocyanic acid was found in the kernels of the seeds. high degree concentration, so it is not recommended to bite them.
  • In fruits, flowers, bark, buds and leaves of bird cherry: benzoaldehyde, which promotes the formation of phytoncides.
  • The fruits, bark and leaves also contain a lot of tannins and hydrocyanic acid.

Amazing fact: with all the volume useful substances As part of bird cherry, the fresh fruits of the plant are practically calorie-free. In the same time dried berries have a calorie content of up to 100 kcal per 100 g. As for nutritional value bird cherry, then it contains no fats, and the content of carbohydrates and proteins is quite high: 16.8 g of carbohydrates and 8.4 g of proteins per 100 g of fresh berries.

Beneficial features

Rich in pectin, tannins and phytoncides, bird cherry retains its beneficial properties in any form: fresh or processed during cooking. Thereby, bird cherry has the following beneficial properties:

  • Digestive: normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the walls of the stomach, promotes the absorption and destruction of food harmful bacteria.
  • Germicidal: fights germs in the body as well as in environment. Bird cherry extract is an excellent remedy for treating premises against flies and mosquitoes.
  • Strengthening: thanks to potassium and vitamin P, it strengthens the walls of capillaries, stimulates the immune system and is an anticarcinogen.
  • Purifying: cleanses the blood and prevents absorption into it bad cholesterol, removes toxins and waste.
  • Diuretic: cleanses the kidneys and heals the organs of the urinary system.
  • Anti-inflammatory: disinfects and regenerates internal organs and external fabrics.
  • Diaphoretic: removes from the body excess water.
  • Contraceptive and hormone stabilizing: this issue is still being researched, but it has already been proven that bird cherry has a similar effect on work reproductive organs. In this matter, you should not completely rely on the action of bird cherry.

The use of bird cherry in folk medicine

The range of uses of bird cherry is enormous in both folk and traditional medicine. It is used in all types for many purposes:

  • The bark, which has a tonic and sedative property, is used in the form of a decoction for heart disease, headaches, and illnesses. digestive tract, pancreas, gall bladder and dysentery.
  • The bark is also used against fever, acute respiratory infections and infectious diseases respiratory system thanks to diaphoretic and antipyretic properties.
  • Sore throat, bronchitis, laryngitis, ARVI can be cured by using a tincture of the bark and fruits of the plant.
  • Bird cherry bark is also effective against venereal diseases And hormonal imbalances among women.
  • Externally, decoctions from the bark are used for rheumatism, arthritis, gout, arthrosis, and radiculitis.
  • Bird cherry decoctions are used to rinse teeth to relieve pain from caries and stomatitis, and also to wash eyes for conjunctivitis.
  • Ancient recipes infusions have long been helpful in the fight against cancerous tumors, kidney diseases and nephritis. The antipyretic and tonic properties of bird cherry lower blood pressure in hypertension.

Bark Recipes

An infusion of bird cherry bark is especially effective against many diseases of internal organs (heart failure, hypertension, digestive problems), as well as viral diseases respiratory system.

The most famous recipe for infusion of bird cherry bark is:

  • 2 tablespoons of pre-crushed shoots, flowers and dry bark are poured into three glasses of boiling water in an enamel bowl.
  • The container with the infusion is wrapped in a warm towel and left for 6-8 hours.
  • The dark liquid is filtered, the used raw materials are thrown away.
  • The tincture is drunk, heated like tea, 3 times a day before meals, half a glass.

Tincture of bird cherry bark has a general strengthening, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial property, lowers fever, tones the body and gives vigor.

A simple remedy helps against radiculitis, rheumatoid pain and osteochondrosis. decoction of bird cherry bark:

  • 100 g of raw material is boiled for 10 minutes in 200 ml of boiling water.
  • The broth is infused for 2 hours.
  • Take 1 teaspoon 2-4 times during the day before meals.

Against more severe pain A tincture of 50 g of bark powder mixed with a glass of vodka helps. This remedy must be infused for at least two weeks, but rubbing the tincture into the painful area twice a day effectively relieves painful sensations.

Leaf Recipes

Bird cherry leaves and flowers also have many beneficial properties: the leaves strengthen and vitaminize the body, and the flowers relieve inflammation and help heal wounds. Infusions of the leaves are taken as a mucolytic for colds, used as a rinse for teeth, gums and throat, and also to wash wounds and boils.

Tinctures of bird cherry flowers are used to wash eyes and wounds, and are also used orally for pulmonary tuberculosis.

The recipe for decoction of the leaves is quite simple:

  • Pour 20 grams of fresh or dried raw materials into 200 ml of water and boil for five minutes.
  • Let the broth brew for another 5 minutes and strain.
  • Drink a quarter glass 3-4 times a day.
  • Prepare the next day fresh remedy of necessity.

Flower infusion recipe a little more complex, but effective against severe diseases:

  • Pour 10 grams of dried flowers into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes in a warm place.
  • Carefully strain the infusion so that no small petals remain in it.
  • Rinse eyes and wounds with inflammation with warm tincture.
  • Take internally with honey or lemon for a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect on internal organs, instead of tea.

Flowers and leaves should be dried in the shade, avoiding direct sunlight, and stored in paper bags or cardboard boxes.

Recipes from fruits and berries

From the tasty astringent-bitter fruits of bird cherry, reminiscent of small bitter cherries, they are made healing infusions, teas and tinctures. These fruits have a pronounced astringent property and help with indigestion, diarrhea and indigestibility of food.

A decoction of bird cherry berries that improves digestion It is prepared like this: 15g of dry or fresh raw material is poured with a cup of boiling water and left to infuse for 15-20 minutes in a warm place. Take 2 tablespoons before each meal.

Gastric astringent tea No. 29, which is sold in pharmacies, also contains bird cherry berries. This tea is easy to prepare at home. You need to take bird cherry berries and blueberries in a ratio of 3:2, pour boiling water (a glass for every tablespoon) and boil for 20 minutes. The cooled and strained broth is taken 2 tablespoons before meals.

A decoction for inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, dysentery, colitis, enteritis, enterocolitis, gastroenteritis and gastroenterocolitis is prepared as follows: 10g dried fruits Cook for 10-15 minutes in a water bath. Next, the decoction is filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze, cooled and taken orally every day, half a glass half an hour before each meal.

Diaphoretic and diuretic infusion prepared from a teaspoon of berries and a teaspoon of flowers. The raw material is poured with 300 ml of boiling water and infused for 3 hours. This infusion is consumed warm three times a day before or after meals for half an hour.

Decoctions are stored in a dark and cool place for no more than 3 days; in summer it is recommended to consume the entire volume during the day and not leave it for the next day. An important point When cooking a decoction, the integrity of the seeds is important: they should not be crushed to prevent hydrocyanic acid from entering the liquid.

The use of bird cherry in cosmetology

Thanks to the beneficial properties of bird cherry described above, its components have found application in cosmetology. In particular, extracts from berries, barks and flowers are used for the following purposes:

  • softening, cleansing and nourishing facial skin;
  • getting rid of early and facial wrinkles;
  • rejuvenation and tone of the skin;
  • healing of skin inflamed from sunburn;
  • softening inflammation of the eyelids and bags under the eyes;
  • fight against skin diseases, acne and;

To get rid of from acne , cosmetologists recommend wiping problem areas of the skin with the juice of fresh berries. A decoction of the bark, taken orally 60-70 ml half an hour before meals, will help in the fight against dermatitis.

For sunburn The recipe is as follows: pour a tablespoon of bird cherry flowers into 100 ml of vodka, leave for 4 hours, then wipe the skin with the infusion. Repeat as necessary.

Dry facial skin And early wrinkles They are treated by rubbing an infusion of flowers soaked in boiling water for half an hour.

The bark, fruits and leaves of bird cherry contain quite a lot of useful substances, which makes bird cherry in demand. However, many experts recommend being extremely careful and following the dosage exactly so as not to make the medicine poisonous.


The only contraindication in the use of bird cherry is due to the content of hydrocyanic acid in the seeds (seeds) and leaves of the plant. Hydrocyanic acid, which gives the plant a slight bitterness, does not harm humans when consumed in minimal quantities. Moreover, microdoses of hydrocyanic acid are even beneficial for digestion and respiratory function.

However, the line between a permitted and a risky dose of hydrocyanic acid is very blurred; its excess can lead to breathing problems or even death. It is strictly forbidden to bite into the bones and cook them crushed, as the consequences can be disastrous.

Possessing, in addition, contraceptive properties, bird cherry is strictly prohibited for pregnant women in order to avoid fetal development disorders and spontaneous abortion. Some doctors do not recommend that pregnant women even approach trees and inhale the smell of bird cherry.

Breastfeeding mothers and young children should absolutely not consume bird cherry.

The use of bird cherry during pregnancy and breastfeeding, however, is the only prohibition. Bird cherry practically does not harm the body, excluding the danger of exceeding the dose of hydrocyanic acid.

Bird cherry is a beautiful plant that is associated with the Russian people. He is appreciated for decorative types, especially during the flowering period, are planted in gardens to be enriched with vitamins and mineral composition not only in summer, but also in winter, they are collected to give culinary dishes refined taste. But bird cherry is valued in Rus' due to its wide range of effects in medicine; thanks to its rich composition, folk healers cured people of various ailments.

Description of the plant

Bird cherry is a deciduous shrub that is very similar to a tree, as it reaches a height of up to 10 meters. There are several types:

  • ordinary;
  • late;
  • maaka;
  • Pennsylvanian;
  • Virginia;
  • antipka.

By ear, everyone knows only the ordinary species and the late bird cherry. In fact, on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, and also in Asia, each of the listed types of bird cherry can be found. They differ from each other only in the shape and color of the inflorescences, as well as the size of the fruits.

There is some conflicting information about what genus this plant belongs to. Some sources claim that bird cherry belongs to the plum genus, others say that it is a variety of cherry and at the same time a member of the Rosaceae shrub family.

One way or another, this shrub prefers mineral-rich, moist soil, next to which groundwater lies, which is why it can often be found near rivers. The trunks of the plant are thin, covered with matte grayish bark. The leaves are elliptical in shape, pointed at the end, with short petioles, and bright green.

The flowers are small, collected in oblong racemes. Most often you can find white inflorescences, but there are also pink ones. The smell of bird cherry during flowering is strong and fragrant. The tree blooms in late May and early June.

Bird cherry fruits are round in shape and black in color. In the middle there is a large, round bone. The berry tastes sweet and slightly astringent. The flesh is deep purple.

The fruits ripen in late July or early August. Not only berries, but also bird cherry bark, leaves and roots are used as raw materials in various industries.

Beneficial properties of fruits

Bird cherry berries are very small in size, but they are called a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. They include the following components:

  • tannins up to 15%;
  • hydrocyanic acid up to 0.1%;
  • organic acids: citric and malic;
  • vitamins: rutin, ascorbic acid;
  • Sahara;
  • anthocyanins;
  • essential oil;
  • flavonoids;
  • fixed oils;
  • benzoaldehyde;
  • phytoncides;
  • glycosides – prunasin, amygdalin, prulaurazine.

Beneficial features:

  • the bactericidal effect is characterized by the presence in the fruits of a large amount of citric and malic acid, as well as phytoncides;
  • fungicidal and insecticidal properties are formed due to ascorbic acid;
  • the astringent effect is provided by tannins;
  • the anti-inflammatory effect occurs due to anthocyanins, organic acids and essential oils;
  • diaphoretic and diuretic effects are provided by flavonoids and glycosides;
  • general strengthening property forms a combination vitamin composition and phytoncides;
  • disinfecting effect due to hydrocyanic acid;
  • the regenerative effect is due to the presence of rutin, fatty and essential oils in the fruits;
  • Anthocyanins and benzoaldehyde have an analgesic effect;
  • Vitamins, phytoncides and minerals provide immunostimulating properties.

Due to such a large number of different substances, bird cherry is used to treat the following diseases:

  • gastrointestinal disorders – non-infectious nature diarrhea, impaired gastrointestinal motility, increased or decreased secretory activity of the stomach, inflammatory diseases;
  • skin diseases: furunculosis, dermatitis, psoriasis;
  • ophthalmological diseases: purulent-inflammatory processes of the eyelids, burns;
  • in gynecology it is used as a contraceptive;
  • joint diseases: rheumatism, gout, radiculitis;
  • diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract: rhinitis, tuberculosis, bronchitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity: stomatitis, toothache.

In addition, bird cherry has a very powerful phytoncidal effect; its particles spreading through the air can improve the health of the atmosphere, as well as destroy small insects - midges, flies, mosquitoes.


This plant, rich in beneficial properties, was used in folk medicine many centuries ago, unaware that in addition to its benefits, bird cherry can also cause harm. As mentioned above, it contains hydrocyanic acid - this substance is large quantities and concentration is a deadly poison. Therefore, it is forbidden to eat bird cherry berries in large quantities, especially without seeds, since they contain the most poison.

An important contraindication is increased sensitivity body to the components of bird cherry.

High concentration phytoncides, especially in flowering tree worsens general health especially older people. As a result, it is not recommended to enjoy blooming, fragrant bird cherry for a long time if you suffer from migraines, increased sensitivity to odors, or if you have anemia.

Pregnancy and lactation are relative contraindications, since moderate consumption Bird cherry fruits will not harm the expectant and nursing mother, as well as her baby.

To people who suffer diabetes mellitus the use of this berry is also contraindicated due to great content sugars in fruits. If you are on a diet, then you should not include bird cherry in your diet, as it is a high-calorie product.

Features of application

Since ancient times, healers have used folk medicine, found individual approach to each patient from the old man to the baby. They also studied each plant in such detail that the specifics of using each part of the medicinal raw material were found. Today, almost all of this long-standing knowledge has been improved, and the dosage is calculated for each child and adult depending on age and characteristics of the disease. There are some special features for consuming bird cherry fruits.

For adults

The most safe use bird cherry is practiced by healthy adults who eat berries with for preventive purposes. To a healthy person You can eat 250–300 grams of ripe fruits per day, thus the body will be enriched with the necessary components, and the product will not cause harm to health.

People who suffer from any pathology usually use pharmacy or homemade raw materials from bird cherry parts. If you purchased the bird cherry preparation at the pharmacy, be sure to follow the instructions. Many are made from it medicinal drinks in the form of tincture, decoction, compote, tea, infusion, fruit drink. To do this, use edible ripe berries, either fresh or dried, leaves and bark.


  • From diarrhea. Take 1 tablespoon of dry fruits and pour 1 glass of boiling water. Let the medicine brew for 30 minutes, and then drink 50 ml 4-6 times during the day.
  • Headache remedy. You need to pour 3 tablespoons of bark into 0.5 liters of boiling water, then place the container on low heat and cook until it boils. Cool the broth and strain. You need to take 3 times a day before meals, 3 sips.
  • To enhance immunity. 300 grams of bird cherry berries pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Place in a dark place and let the medicine steep for about 20 days. Then strain the drink and use 1 tablespoon after meals during viral epidemics.

For children

The use of bird cherry for children is somewhat limited. For example, children under 3 years of age are strictly prohibited from using this delicacy. Older adults can take 150–200 mg per day. Delicious compotes, decoctions, and juices are made to prevent and treat childhood diseases.

Mainly with therapeutic purpose Bird cherry is used for diarrhea, children drink the tasty drink with pleasure, after which they soon get rid of the unpleasant illness.


  • Compote for the prevention of colds. For 1 liter of water you will need 0.5 kg of bird cherry fruits and 300 grams of granulated sugar or honey. Mix all the ingredients, put on low heat, and cook the compote for 45 minutes. Cool the drink, after which you can give your child 1 glass 2 times a day, preferably during or after meals.
  • Bird cherry juice. For the juice you will need 5 kg of frozen bird cherry, which you will need to pour boiled water and put on low heat. You need to cook until it boils so that the berries release as much liquid as possible. The drink turns out to be very concentrated, so it is best for children to add 1 tablespoon per mineral water or tea.

You can use another method, but it will take more of your time. You need to remove the seeds from the berries, then pass the pulp through a juicer, dilute it a little with water and bring the drink to a boil. When the drink is ready, you can consume it following the above instructions for use.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Some sources say about strictly prohibited taking bird cherry during pregnancy. But there is evidence that pregnancy and breast-feeding- This relative contraindication. In these conditions, it is best to consult a gynecologist and pediatrician.

In any case, bird cherry intake should be in small dosages. It is best to consume fresh berries or compote in small quantities. When breastfeeding, you need to introduce bird cherry into your diet gradually at the 3rd month, it is at that time that the baby most needs the auxiliary components that he receives with milk for better growth.

It is important to remember that before using bird cherry fruits, you must follow the following rules:

  • V fresh eat only ripe berries;
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat the whole fruit; the seed must be thrown away;
  • do not overuse large amounts of berries;
  • for prevention and treatment with bird cherry, consult a doctor so that he can select an individual dosage for you;
  • if you plan to prepare raw materials for the winter yourself, use only whole and fresh fruits, leaves, bark, follow proven canning or drying technologies, store in a dark, dry place;
  • When using raw materials for medicinal purposes, follow the required concentration of the medicine and proportions for home production.

For more information on the benefits of bird cherry berries, watch the following video.

All the beneficial properties of bird cherry fruits were discovered by man back in the Stone Age. But they continue to be used to this day to treat many diseases. The color of the fruit is black and the taste is tart.

Application of bird cherry fruits

The harvesting of bird cherry fruits is carried out at the beginning of summer, but you can purchase a ready-made collection at the pharmacy at affordable price. They are recommended to be used for medicinal infusions, jams, compotes, decoctions.

Regular use of bird cherry fruits will help:

  • strengthen immune system;
  • get rid of conjunctivitis;
  • cure;
  • relieve rheumatoid pain.
  1. Take 200 grams of boiling water.
  2. Pour in 1 tablespoon of bird cherry fruit.
  3. Drink two to three sips every 2 hours.

Drinking this tea will relieve diarrhea throughout the day.

What are the benefits of bird cherry fruits?

These berries have a strong antimicrobial effect due to the content of phytoncides in their composition. Bird cherry fruits are distinguished by their wide range actions and contribute to:

To enhance the diuretic effect in diseases Bladder A tincture of bird cherry fruit is recommended. To prepare it you need:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water into a metal bowl.
  2. Put 15 grams of bird cherry fruits and close the lid.
  3. Heat in a water bath for 10 minutes, and then set to cool.
  4. Strain the fruits.
  5. Store in a cool place for no more than three days.

Decoctions have established themselves as an indispensable anti-inflammatory agent. To prepare them you need 15 grams of fruit pour bird cherry hot water and boil for no more than ten minutes. Then the broth is filtered and applied as a lotion to the sore spot.

Contraindications to the use of bird cherry fruits

When eating bird cherry fruits, do not forget to get rid of their seeds, as they contain toxic substances, causing poisoning. Prepared tinctures and decoctions of these berries cannot be stored for too long, as hydrocyanic acid may form.