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Beautiful passionflower: using the plant for calm. Passion flower (passionflower)

According to Wikipedia, passionflower or passionflower is a large family of flowering plants. It includes more than 550 species native to Mexico and Central America. Some representatives were discovered quite recently, for example, P. pardifolia became known to scientists only in 2006.

Our story will concern Passiflora incarnata.

The second name is meat-red passionflower. This particular specimen is edible and is famous as a sedative.

The Spanish conquerors learned about the beauty from the Indians, who drank a decoction of the plant to dull pain and treat insomnia. Interestingly, they also dried the leaves and smoked them as tobacco.

Nowadays, passionflower incarnate is included in the national pharmacopoeia of France, Germany, Great Britain and Switzerland. These are countries where homeopathy and herbal medicine are traditionally strong. In developed countries, incarnata is available in the form food additives . In Russia and the Near Abroad, meat-red passionflower is used to produce the popular remedy


Beneficial features

The raw materials have a complex composition. The leaves contain a huge amount of alkaloids and flavonoids. Among them is the promising anti-cancer apigenin. Today it has been proven that the leaves of the plant provide the brain with a natural calming neurotransmitter - gamma-aminobutyric acid

(GABA, English GABA). Indian scientists also found that flowers and roots do not have a sedative effect. ()

  1. Under what conditions does it make sense to try our heroine?
  2. Anxiety. For health benefits, it works as an effective sedative.
  3. Menopausal disorders. It will help relieve irritability, headaches, and depressed mood. ()
  4. Quitting nicotine use. As a mild adaptogen, it softens excitability and irritability. ()
  5. Insomnia. Passion flower decoction is considered especially effective. ()
  6. In experiments on rats, the heroine of the review helped restore sexual activity in aging males. Although no human studies have been conducted, older men may benefit from taking a course of the pill.

It has been suggested that passionflower may be effective in treating asthma, epilepsy, and diseases of cardio-vascular system And high blood pressure. These beneficial features just has to be confirmed or refuted clinical trials with the participation of people.

Huge benefits for stress: how it works

Agree, we constantly come across calls to reduce chronic stress levels. Time management, instructions on deep breathing and other organizational “pills”. In response, we most often shrug it off and move on. And in vain! The price the body pays for nervous overload is extremely high.

The basis of most diseases and early old age is nervous exhaustion. It supports systemic age-related inflammation, distorts metabolism, forms clamps in the spine and stagnation in lymphatic system. What can we say about visible damage in the form bad habits, overeating, endless fatigue and depression.

This is largely due to stress causes the production of cortisol. This is an ancient and very strong hormone that helps to survive. However, synthesizing it is extremely costly for the body.

In ancient times, the cortisol mechanism was completely justified. It was difficult for a person to survive physically. And the biochemistry of the body with the strongest substances worked in his favor every day.

However, today most of our problems lie on the psychological plane. A constant production and the accumulation of powerful hormones detrimentally takes away resources from all body systems.

What to do? - you ask.

The first is to use up the already produced cortisol. In our power different means: easy and enjoyable physical exercise, cold and hot shower, massage, proper warming up in the bath.

The second is to use a suitable sedative medicine, including passionflower, to help.

Contraindications and harm to health

A barrel of delight cannot do without a fly in the ointment. Because of complex composition passionflower leaves also have side effects.

Here are the cases when the herb should absolutely not be used.

  • During pregnancy. The product stimulates uterine contractions.
  • When breastfeeding. The effect of passionflower on breast milk has not yet been studied.
  • Before surgical intervention. The medicine may interfere with the effect of anesthesia. Use should be discontinued at least two weeks before surgery.
  • In combination with other sedatives. Otherwise, you risk turning into a somnambulist.
  • You should not take drops or tablets together with anticoagulants. The raw material slows down blood clotting.
  • Delay taking the supplement if you are taking medications that lower your blood pressure.

Let us note that we have encountered the prescription of the drug Alora to pregnant women. It is unknown what guided the doctors. Perhaps superficial knowledge of the subject. Alas, it is customary to take “ant-weeds” lightly. With the information presented, we would not take any risks with the use of passionflower during pregnancy.

In addition to contraindications, do not forget about precautions!

  • The long-term effects of use have not yet been studied. It is not recommended to drink the adaptogen for longer than two months.
  • Passionflower may reduce the reaction rate. This is important if you drive a car or engage in hazardous work.
  • Immediately stop the sedative with our heroine if there is severe lethargy, dizziness, confusion, or problems with coordination of movements. In addition, overdose sometimes leads to nausea and bloating. Fortunately, if you follow the dosage that suits you, such effects are very rare.
  • Haven't taken this herbal help before? Start with the minimum therapeutic doses and don't rush to build up.
  • Buy medicinal extracts, which are made exclusively from Passiflora incarnata. Other members of the family can be dangerous. Among the harmful specimens is Passiflora alata. ()

Forms of the drug, doses and where to buy

Dry herb tea.

  • How to make medicinal tea. Boil 2 grams of dry leaves in 150-200 ml of water for 10-15 minutes. Let it cool. We drink 3-4 times a day. For better brewing, it is recommended to grind the leaves into powder. It is advisable to drink not only the liquid itself, but also the resulting sediment. ()

Alcohol based drops.

This remedy works faster than others. We drip and dissolve from the tongue. You can try it like ambulance. The dosage depends on the concentration. Decent products come with instructions for use, which indicate the dosage range. For example, these drops (30 ml) are taken 26-58 drops up to 3 times a day. This dietary supplement is also available in the most economical bottle - 60 ml.

Convenient form - capsules and tablets.

The supplement can be purchased at a pharmacy or on iHerb. This passion flower also comes with instructions. You can compare the price online, as well as reviews from people who have already purchased the product.

On average, the effective and safe amount of extract starts from 90-100 mg per day and varies depending on personal tolerance. () Do general conclusion will not work.

According to reviews of European doctors, who often praise passionflower, the following scheme can be used.

  • Prevention of stress - tablets of 100-200 mg 1-2 times.
  • Mitigation of an already advanced reaction - 500-700 mg 1 time per day.
  • A way out of severe nervous overload is 500 mg up to 3 times a day.
  • If during use there is strong desire"cry it out" no need to choke him. On the contrary: cry! And add movement. Dance, do squats, swing your arms and legs, break a sweat on the aerobic machine. And even bang your fist on the wall and bang pillows on the sofa. Or arrange contrasting douches from a bucket, which are even more powerful than a shower.

Our opinion is clear.

The effects of stress must be removed from the body quickly and as much as possible. To healthy devastation, to become bored with negative emotions and anxiety. Boredom is the first step to a positive perception of life, to new interests and joy. This is the only way cortisol will not steal years of life and tons of health from us.

We hope you were interested in learning about passionflower. Its tablets are affordable, the instructions for use are clear, and the reviews Russian doctors the medicine is as favorable as the opinions of naturapaths in Europe and the USA.

Of course, it will not do without testing and selecting doses to assess your personal reaction. Regardless of what you choose as your best anti-anxiety medication, the benefits of recycling excess cortisol are enormous. And reducing stress is the most sensible strategy for both weight loss and overall health, beauty and happy longevity.

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Passionflower(passion flower, cavalier star) - a plant with curly smooth stems, reaches 10 meters, leaves are green at the top and gray below, flowers are light purple, white or red. The fruits reach the size of egg. Flowering continues throughout the summer months and ends in autumn.

Passionflower - types and places of growth

Passiflora was first discovered in North America; this area is considered the original homeland of the plant. Currently, passionflower is common in countries with warm climates, for example, on the Asian and Australian continents, as well as in Polynesia. The plant loves warmth and moisture.

Passionflower - medicinal properties

Passionflower has a tangible medicinal effect, with its help they relieve a person from nervous disorders, insomnia, relieve rheumatic pain and cramps, the plant also normalizes hormonal balance. Passionflower extract is taken for elevated blood pressure. The Cavalier Star helps restore heart function in case of disturbances in the activity of the cardiovascular system. The plant is often used for frequent attacks asthma.

Most pronounced action Passionflower works in combination with hops, valerian and St. John's wort.
Alcoholism is treated with passion flower extract, however, you need to be prepared for the fact that this process will require a lot of time (from 4 months to a year).

Passionflower - dosage forms

IN medicinal purposes All above-ground parts of the plant are used, collected during flowering and thoroughly dried in the fresh air.

Passionflower is used both in official medicine, and in folk. You can always buy passionflower extract at the pharmacy; it is used as a homeopathic tincture and is extracted from cultivated plants. Pharmaceutical product used undiluted, patients take it 20-40 drops three times a day. IN folk medicine Healing tea is prepared from the dried plant.

Passionflower - recipes

Recipe medicinal tea based on passionflower
One teaspoon of dried and crushed passionflower herb should be poured with 100-150 milliliters of boiling water, let the medicine brew for 10 minutes, then strain through gauze and drink passionflower tea daily, one cup half an hour before bedtime in case of nervous anxiety, insomnia or disorders at work gastrointestinal tract(if it arose due to a nervous disorder).

Passionflower - contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that many reference books write that the plant does not cause side effects and its use is quite acceptable for both adults and children, some points should still be taken into account. For example, use this medicine without a doctor’s prescription for people who suffer from serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract ( chronic gastritis, ulcer, etc.), as well as for arrhythmia and angina pectoris, is strictly contraindicated, otherwise health problems may arise.

People with disabilities should not get carried away with drinking passionflower tea. low pressure, since the medicine tends to lower it, you should be especially careful when treating children with Cavalier Star extract or herb.

Pregnant women should drink medicinal tea It is possible, but in small quantities, but, again, it is better to consult a doctor.

One hundred percent contraindications for taking passionflower are cerebral atherosclerosis and the presence of salts in the body uric acid, previous myocardial infarction and individual intolerance.


Tatiana 09.19.2016

Today for the first time I saw this flower of extraordinary beauty, it’s fantastic, and I read that it’s also medicinal! But only positive emotions contemplation of it will help!

Vera 06/20/2016

That’s how I felt. That I shouldn’t take them. I went to sleep. But my heart was making itself known, although I had undergone surgery for arrhythmia.

Vera 06/20/2016

We have passionflower growing instead of a fence, it climbs very well and we made a canopy out of it over the entrance to the house. There are a lot of fruits. The kids eat them with pleasure. But the Calmaneurin tablets, which includes passionflower. It turns out they can do harm. I took them at night. to sleep better. I have arrhythmia.

Passionflower, also known as passionflower and cavalier's star, is a perennial herbaceous plant with long curly stems and leaves Green colour with a gray base and flowers in blue, purple, white or red. Flowering begins at the very beginning of summer and continues until the end of autumn. After its completion, fruits the size of a chicken egg appear, which are actively used for culinary purposes.


North America is recognized as the original homeland of passionflower. The plant prefers moisture and warmth. Once in other conditions, it quickly withers and dies. Today, passionflower is distributed throughout the Asian and Australian continents, as well as in Polynesia.

Use of ready-made blanks

All above-ground parts can be used for medicinal purposes. The collection is made during the flowering period, after which the raw materials are dried in the open air.

The healing power of passionflower is recognized by both traditional and folk medicine. You can purchase plant extract and various preparations at the pharmacy. The extract can be used undiluted. The recommended dosage is 10 to 20 drops, taken 3 times a day.

Medicinal properties

Passionflower has a positive effect on diseases of the nervous system such as nervousness, insomnia, nervous overexcitation and anxiety. Acting as a natural tranquilizer, the plant gently calms the nervous system and helps restore normal functioning of the body.

It is also possible to use the plant for disorders of the cardiovascular system and asthma attacks.
Passion flower extract is often used in the treatment of alcoholism. But at the same time, it is important to be prepared for the fact that the recovery process will be quite difficult and will drag on for at least 4 months.

Passionflower is often used in combination with hops or. So she has more pronounced impact on the nervous system.

Traditional medicine recipes

For cooking herbal tea from passionflower you will need 1 teaspoon of preparations and 150 milligrams ( small cup) boiling water. Let stand for 15 minutes, then strain and consume while still warm. Can be taken when nervous fatigue or insomnia. Due to the pronounced sedative effect, it is recommended to drink immediately before bedtime.

An aqueous infusion of stems and leaves can be used for all of the above diseases. You will need 2 tablespoons of prepared raw materials and 1 liter of clean still water. Mix thoroughly and leave in a dark place for 6 hours. Strain and drink ¼ glass 3-4 times a day. The remaining infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Contraindications and possible side effects

According to most medical sources, passionflower is considered absolutely safe. medicinal plant, which can be used by both adults and children of any age. But when taking medications for the first time, it is recommended to take certain precautions.

  • Refuse self-treatment should be used by people suffering from chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.
  • For angina pectoris, you should also look for another remedy. Due to the fact that passionflower is known for its ability to lower blood pressure, its use for angina pectoris and arrhythmia is also prohibited.
  • Pregnant women should consult a doctor before starting treatment.
  • An unequivocal ban on treatment is imposed by diseases such as brain disease, an excess of uric acid salts in the body, or a previous heart attack.

Do not forget about the likelihood of developing individual intolerance, so begin treatment with extreme caution.

Passionflower, or, as this wonderful plant is also called, passion flower, is not just a beautiful flower that will decorate any home, but also healing agent from many diseases. It can calm you down stressful situations and will help you fall asleep when you can’t for a long time. Let’s look further at what makes it so useful.

What it looks like and where it grows wild

This plant is a liana-like plant, it blooms with flowers all year round. It was brought to us from Brazil. The flower received its name more than 200 years ago - passionflower unites about 500 species and 20 genera. Each of them is unique in its appearance.

The heat-loving flower grows like a vine, it has large fleshy leaves up to 10 cm long, and the stems harden as they grow, becoming like tree branches. It is used as an ampelous plant: it is suspended in a pot, and branches with flowers fall from it.

Did you know? The most ancient medicinal plant- ginseng, it has been prescribed for various ailments for more than 3 thousand years.

Special attention should be paid to the inflorescences: Each species is unique. Name "passion flower" (literal translation Latin word"passiflora"), the plant received thanks to the missionaries of South America, who believed that the shape of its flowers resembles stigmata - signs, ulcers that occur among believers in places where the wounds of the crucified Christ were. Due to its characteristic shape, this flower is also called “cavalier star”.

All types of flowers can reach sizes of 10-12 cm in diameter, they are star-shaped, the petals are arranged in several layers - they can be different in color, or they can be plain. Typical colors are purple, red, white, green, pink. Large stamens surrounded by fringe-like growths are noticeable inside.

IN South America These plants are pollinated by hummingbirds, and where there are none, the flowers are fertilized by hand to produce fruit.

Did you know? The oldest information about the use of plants in folk medicine is 6 thousand years old.

Chemical composition

Passionflower extract has medicinal properties what is caused chemical composition plants. It contains chlorophyll, protein, pectin, vitamins (mostly in the composition), carotenoids, free acids, mineral salts and fiber. Flavonoids are also present- quinones, coumarins, saponins, alkaloids, cyanogenic glycoside. The plant also contains a lot of minerals, including iron and more.

Medicinal properties

Most often, a preparation based on passionflower is used as sedative . Positive influence on the human central nervous system helps calm the nerves, get rid of insomnia and headaches, as well as cope with other pathologies and menopausal disorders.

Interestingly, this plant is also used in the treatment chronic alcoholism. Taking the drug helps reduce the craving for alcohol, increases productivity, improves mood and sleep.

In general, infusions have antiseptic, antifungal, and antispasmodic properties.

The plant extract is sold in pharmacies, and it is also found in capsule form. However, a plant collected with your own hands can be more effective.

Recipes for use in traditional medicine

Each human health disorder has its own way of using passionflower herb. However, it must be properly collected and prepared before use.

Important! It is necessary to pick the plant only during the active flowering phase, which will soon develop intophase fruitfulness.

Throughout the summer, several grass collections are carried out:

  • shoots up to 60 cm long - this stimulates the development of lateral branches;
  • during the formation of buds, the most developed ones are collected;
  • during active flowering, they tear off all top part, while only the rhizomes remain for the winter.

The grass needs to be dried- to do this, you can place it in a stove or oven at a temperature of 50-60°C. Or simply leave it in a warm room to dry for several weeks. To do this, you can tie the branches into bunches and hang them on clotheslines. The inflorescences are laid out on paper or fabric. Can be stored for several years.

When the raw materials are prepared, we begin to use them for medicinal purposes.


To prepare a hot drink, you will need 1 teaspoon of inflorescences, which you need to pour 300 ml of boiling water. Cover the bowl with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. It is recommended to consume the infusion a couple of hours before bedtime. It helps you calm down, relax and fall asleep easily.

Alcohol tincture

Tinctures that contain alcohol are best used for treatment of wounds and cuts, and also after insect bites - they will help soothe the skin, and at the same time disinfect sore spot. For 100 ml of vodka, 2 tbsp is required. spoons of dry plant. Infuse for several weeks in the dark, cool room. If taken orally, the dosage is 20-40 drops in half a glass of water.

You can also prepare infusions without adding alcohol. They are used to get rid of alcohol and drug addiction. Prepare this way: pour hot leaves over boiled water so as to completely cover them. The infusion should cool and stand for at least a day; then it needs to be expressed through cheesecloth so that there is no trace of grass. After which you can take a teaspoon three times a day.

Treatment fees

The most common and useful herbal tea- from lemon balm, mint And passionflower. Prepare this way: add a glass of boiling water to a tablespoon of dried and chopped herbs. Leave until it cools down. Take a third of a glass per day.

Important! Cannot be accepted medicinal herbs at high blood pressure along with the tablets.

It will help with blood pressure gastrointestinal disorders, sleep problems, will serve as an anti-inflammatory lotion for minor wounds. Also perfect for a mix with passionflower hops, St. John's wort or hawthorn.

Contraindications and harm

Like anything treatment plant, this has its contraindications for use. The duration of use should not exceed 2 months. Possible side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • foggy thinking;
  • drowsiness (all day, not just before bedtime);
  • nausea, vomiting.

You cannot take:

  • with other medications (antioxidants and antidepressants);
  • before and after surgical interventions;
  • people with a tendency to thrombosis.
The plant can cause harm only in case of overdose or non-compliance with advice on administration.

So, you are convinced that passionflower can become an indispensable herb in every person’s medicine cabinet. However, it is worth remembering that self-medication of even minor illnesses can end badly. It is better to consult your doctor and make sure that you are not at risk.

Pharmacotherapeutic group N05CM50 - other hypnotics and sedatives.

Main pharmachologic effect: improves mood in cases of depression, reduces anxiety and mental stress, has a light hypnotic effect without symptoms of depression upon awakening, has anticonvulsant properties.

INDICATIONS: as a sedative for patients with neurasthenic and depressive states, under stress, anxious state, nervousness, sleep disorders, during menopause and premenopause; effective for vegetative symptoms diseases of the nervous system (neurocirculatory dystonia, hypertension, cerebral vascular crises, increased sweating, palpitations), as well as with post-infectious asthenia.

Directions for use and dosage: for adults - to achieve a sedative effect, you should take 5 - 10 ml of syrup (1 - 2 tsp) 3 times / day (number of times per day) before meals, for sleep disorders - 10 ml (2 tsp) .) before bedtime, for children (over 3 years old): 2.5 ml (0.5 tsp) syrup 2 - 3 times / day (number of times per day), the duration of the course of treatment is set individually depending on the indications and clinical effectiveness of the drug.

Side effect when using drugs: emergence side effects unlikely, sometimes - AR (allergic reactions).

Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, childhood up to 3 years.

Drug release forms: syrup 100 ml in vial. (Bottle), 200 g (700 mg / 5 ml) per vial. (Bottle) tab. (Tablets), film-coated, 100 mg each

Visamodia with other drugs

CNS depressants (central nervous system) (alcohol, sedatives, hypnotics), potentiate the effect of the drug

Features of use in women during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy Use when benefit potentially outweighs risk to fetus
Lactation: Use when the benefit potentially outweighs the risk to the child.

Features of use for insufficiency of internal organs

Dysfunction of the cerebrovascular system:
Dysfunction of the liver: No special recommendations
Renal dysfunction No special recommendations
Dysfunction respiratory system: No special recommendations

Features of use in children and the elderly

Application measures

Information for the doctor: The drug is addictive.
Patient Information: Caution - when working with mechanisms that require attention, and drivers Vehicle. Alcohol consumption is contraindicated.

Combination preparations containing Passiflora

  • Guaifenesin + valerian officinalis + lemon balm + St. John's wort + hawthorn + passionflower + hops + black elderberry