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Tarragon grass: beneficial properties, contraindications, benefits and harm. The herb tarragon is tarragon. Useful properties and applications

Tarragon belongs to the genus Wormwood, which in our perception is strongly associated with bitter taste. However, tarragon stands out from this genus for its taste, which is why it is included in a number of cultivated plants. The taste of tarragon is sweetish, with a slight bitterness, with hints of pungency and freshness. It can be compared to the taste of anise, licorice or fennel, but at the same time it is a unique taste and aroma. When cooking, very little tarragon should be added, as it can drown out all other flavors.

The taste and aroma of tarragon may vary depending on the variety.. For example, the Goodwin variety is characterized by a predominance of bitter taste. “Aztek” and “King of Herbs” have aniseed undertones, and the variety “Zhulebinsky Semko” tastes sweetish. The spicy taste of the Monarch variety finds its way into drinks and pickles, for which it is often used.

The taste of fresh and dried tarragon differs. To enhance its taste, you can add a little lemon juice to it.

When heated, tarragon becomes bitter, so it is prepared without heat treatment or added to the finished dish.


Check out the photo of tarragon to find out what kind of plant it is, which is such an important component of many culinary recipes, and also found wide application in medicine.

What is it used for in medicine?

Let's consider where tarragon is used in medicine, how to eat it for various diseases.

For preventive purposes

Tarragon has the ability to remove toxins from the body. At the same time, it improves appetite and digestion, which has a beneficial effect on general condition human health. Tarragon takes care of circulatory system person, removing toxins and free radicals, promoting the formation of plaques in the blood. Thus, it serves as a prevention of heart attacks and strokes.

Tarragon contains a large number of vitamins (especially vitamin C) and minerals. This helps strengthen the immune system. To do this, it is enough to add it to drinks or food during periods of seasonal vitamin deficiency.

Recipe: pour one teaspoon of dry tarragon into a glass of boiling water, leave and drink a third of a glass on an empty stomach.

How to use for bronchitis?

Antiviral and antibacterial properties help tarragon fight bronchitis. Infusions, decoctions, and teas cope best with this. Dried leaves can be used to prepare them.

Recipe for bronchitis: Mix greens (5-6 sprigs) with a teaspoon of sugar and leave until juice appears. Pour in 0.5 liters of vodka.

Leave for three days, shaking occasionally. Drink the tincture before meals, 20-25 drops, dissolved in water. No more than 75 drops per day.


Strengthening blood vessels, tarragon increases blood flow in groin area and, as a result, stimulates potency in men. How to eat tarragon for impotence? To do this, simply add tarragon to your food as a seasoning.


Residents Ancient Greece They noticed that tarragon greens relieve toothache, and chewed this plant. Later, scientists found that the analgesic effect is provided by eugenol contained in tarragon juice, and antioxidants prevent the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity. In addition, tarragon greens are a great breath freshener.

Ointment with tarragon is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity. To prepare it, take 20 grams of dry tarragon, ground into powder, mix with 100 grams of butter. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly. After the ointment has cooled, lubricate the gums with it. Store in a cool place.


The analgesic properties of tarragon help relieve headaches. It can be used both for individual cases and for chronic migraines. Essential oil or herbal teas made from fresh herbs or dry tarragon are suitable for this.

Tea recipe for headaches:

  1. Ingredients: water, tarragon, honey.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of leaves into a liter of boiling water (you can pour herbal or green tea).
  3. After twenty minutes, strain and drink. Can be used several times a day.

Menstrual irregularities

Tarragon normalizes menstrual cycle among women and also relieves pain and discomfort during menstruation. It can be used as decoctions or various infusions.

For treatment genitourinary system A tincture of tarragon with vodka is suitable. To prepare it you will need 100 grams of greens and two glasses of vodka.

Pour vodka over tarragon and leave for a week.. After this, drain the liquid and take 1 tablespoon 2-4 times a day for 5-6 days. This recipe also helps with cystitis.


You can use tarragon to restore vitality different ways. It is effective in the form of essential oil, which can be dripped into an aroma lamp, added to a bath, or given a relaxing massage. A decoction or tea will also help.

A decoction of tarragon helps with fatigue in the form of a compress.:

  1. pour a tablespoon of dried tarragon into one glass of water;
  2. boil for five minutes;
  3. Leave the broth for an hour and strain;
  4. moisten a towel with the broth and wrap your head for ten minutes before going to bed.


  1. boil 1 liter of water;
  2. add 6-8 drops of essential oil;
  3. breathe over the vapors, covered with a towel.


Infusions and teas based on tarragon are good for colds. This is explained by antiviral and antibacterial properties plants. For colds, you can make this healing tea:

  1. mix 1 teaspoon of dry tarragon, half a teaspoon of grated ginger, add a slice of lemon;
  2. pour the ingredients into a glass warm water and leave for half an hour;
  3. drink after eating.

Tea will not only help cope with colds, but also normalize digestion.


  1. Pour a tablespoon of dried tarragon into 250-300 ml of water.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer for no more than 5 minutes.
  3. Take half a glass on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is no more than one month.

High blood pressure

Consumption of tarragon in food various types reduces arterial pressure. For hypertensive patients, this plant is also useful because it can serve as a substitute for salt, which is not recommended for those with high blood pressure.

Hair loss

Tarragon is widely used in cosmetology. It is especially known for its ability to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss. There are tarragon-based shampoos, but you can simply add tarragon essential oil to your regular shampoo (10-15 drops per 0.5 gram of shampoo). Strengthening hair mask with tarragon:

  1. pour a handful of tarragon (dried or fresh) with water and boil for 4-5 minutes;
  2. pour the resulting decoction into a bag of colorless henna;
  3. cool to such a temperature that your hand can tolerate it;
  4. add three drops of chamomile essential oil;
  5. apply to hair, cover with a bag;
  6. Keep the mask on for an hour and a half and then wash off.

Use for weight loss

The calorie content of tarragon is only 25 kcal per 100 grams of product, so it can be used without fear during any diet. In addition, the spicy taste of this plant decorates food and helps to avoid or limit the amount of salt. It is especially good to add it to fresh.

A positive effect when losing weight is also given by the fact that tarragon stimulates the digestive organs and makes the process of food absorption more efficient. Including tarragon dietary ration dosages should be kept in mind. Fresh herbs added to food are best suited for this purpose, but dried tarragon will also be effective.

Use in cooking

What can you cook with the addition of tarragon, what dishes are good to make with it, where is it added fresh and dried, what is it usually eaten with? The spicy aroma of tarragon has found its place in the cuisines of many countries around the world. In Arab countries, France and the Caucasus, tarragon is added to national meat dishes. Fresh or dried tarragon is used to season soups, side dishes, appetizers, and salads.. When preserved, tarragon leaves add a piquant taste and aroma to pickles and marinades. Dried tarragon can be added to baked goods to add a forest-like flavor. Tarragon is the basis for different types sauces. Finally, drinks are prepared on its basis - tea, lemonade, the familiar “tarragon”.

Tarragon gives dishes a fresh aniseed aroma and a piquant, spicy taste. When heated, tarragon begins to taste bitter, so you need to add it to ready meals, or 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking.

Only fresh herbs are added to the salad.. It is also used to make sauces and dressings. Dried tarragon is added to hot dishes. Recommended for use in canning and preparing drinks. fresh leaves tarragon.

Tarragon goes well with many other spices, such as thyme, rosemary, marjoram, oregano, and lavender. It will create an excellent flavor composition in the company of parsley, dill, celery, pepper, ginger and onion. Lemon juice enhances its taste, so they are often used together.


Tarragon should be consumed in very small quantities.

  • Excessive consumption may cause nausea and dizziness. You can eat no more than 50 grams of fresh herbs per day, dry tarragon - no more than 5 grams, and tea - up to 500 ml. The children's norm is 2 times less.
  • If you are allergic to chamomile, marigold or ragweed, you may also be allergic to tarragon. People suffering from cholelithiasis, ulcers or other stomach diseases should not eat or drink tarragon.
  • Also, dishes with tarragon are contraindicated during pregnancy, as they can cause miscarriage, and if breastfeeding Recipes with tarragon should be treated with extreme caution.
  • Tarragon helps thin the blood and reduces its clotting, so before surgical operations you should stop using it at least 15 days in advance to avoid possible complications.
  • It is not recommended to give tarragon to children under five years of age.

Tarragon is unique for its beneficial properties, it surprises with its wide range of applications at home. Decorating everyday food with fresh and refined taste, it will heal the human body, take care of its beauty and longevity.

This unusual herb has several names. It is sometimes said to be dragon's wormwood, sometimes it is called tarragon, but the most commonly used name is tarragon. This Syriac name spread from Asia Minor throughout the Asian region and Russia. very wide, this herb can be found in all regions northern continents. Siberia and Mongolia are considered the homeland of tarragon. In Russia it grows almost everywhere. Prefers to settle on the southern slopes of mountains and on well-lit forest edges.

Two types of tarragon

Tarragon is a perennial grass, reaching one and a half meters in height. The leaves are narrow, elongated, the inflorescences are in the form of yellowish-green baskets, collected in panicles at the ends of the branches. In nature, there are two forms of this herb, which are divided into varieties. In Europe, the French type of tarragon has become widespread. It has a strong smell and is more elegant in appearance. But it practically does not bloom or bear fruit. Large, branched tarragon grows in Asia and Russia. It is more frost-resistant than its European relative, but its smell is weaker. But it also blooms in warm regions It even bears fruit.

Pantry useful substances

How is cultural used in Western Europe since the 10th century. In Russia, widespread use began in the 18th century. The plant is endowed by nature remarkable properties, which make it beneficial for the human body. Specifically, tarragon contains:

  • alkaloids with antibacterial properties;
  • flavonoids that promote enzyme activation;
  • essential oil, ;
  • carotene - improves immunity;
  • coumarins, which strengthen capillaries;
  • ascorbic acid, which accelerates the absorption of iron.

Tarragon grass has long been used in many cuisines around the world, but it is especially popular among the peoples of the Caucasus.

Use in cooking

Due to its unusual smell and taste, tarragon was added to food as a spice back in ancient times. Young shoots collected during flowering and pre-dried are used. The taste of tarragon grass is pungent and the aroma is slightly spicy. Salad varieties are common in Transcaucasia, while spicy-aromatic varieties predominate in Ukraine and Moldova. Fresh green mass of the herb is used as a seasoning for pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. Various marinades are prepared from it. Tarragon is used as a spice in rice dishes and boiled fish. Used as an additive to sauces.

With its help you can enhance the taste of fried game, lamb, and pork. Tarragon is also a plant that is used to make a tonic drink and flavor some wines and liqueurs.

Medicinal plant

The herb tarragon has also found use in folk medicine. It has long been noted that tarragon greens effectively help with scurvy and swelling. The plant also has the following healing properties:

  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • puts your sleep in order;
  • removes helminths.

Tincture from the herb is drunk for arthritis, cystitis, rheumatism, and for inflammation of the oral mucosa it is used as a rinse. As an external remedy it is used to treat scabies, eczema, and burns. How to use tarragon medicinal product should be taken in small quantities and only after consulting a doctor.

The Asteraceae family is represented in the home collections of flower growers and gardeners by an olive-green tall plant tarragon (tarragon), blooming in August-September with pale yellow (most often) flowers. It can be odorous or not.


Aztec owes its name to ancient Mexican origins. Strongly branched and well leafy. The plant's thick aroma has anise-like undertones. Most often the plant is used as a culinary seasoning. The bush rises up to 1.5 m in height. Cultivated in one place for up to 7 years.


The matte leaves of Tarragon Walkowski have a faint aroma. This is a cold-resistant tarragon variety of Russian cultivation. It is unpretentious and inaccessible to diseases. In small whitish flowers There is some essential oil that is used in cooking and perfumery. From germination to ripening in May – 2 months.

Important!Does not tolerate excess moisture.


One of the most famous fragrant varieties of tarragon. At a meter height it differs big amount green mass - more than 0.5 kg in the second year of vegetation. The bright smell has a bitter taste. The leaves of this tarragon are used to season pickles and a variety of foods. Can be bred as in open ground, and in a pot on the windowsill.


Tarragon Gribovsky has earned wide popularity due to its frost resistance and duration of growth in one place (up to 15 years). The long, sharp leaves on the meter-long plant provide a dark green background for the small whitish flowers. Usage is classic for all varieties of fragrant tarragon - seasoning for salads, pickles, meat and fish dishes.


The usual meter height of Tarragon Dobrynya is combined with an unusually high content of nutrients - ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins and microelements. This herb demonstrates all the benefits of tarragon. Feels good in drought and is not afraid of the cold. Capable of growing in the same place for 10 years.

Did you know?Tarragon must be rejuvenated when dividing the bushes every 3 years.

Zhulebinsky Semko

Compact frost-resistant bush with matte green leaves. It has small yellowish flowers in round inflorescences. Within 7 years, it grows up to 150 cm in one place. A versatile sweetish spice, it is suitable for baking and preparing soft drinks.

Did you know?Woody tarragon stems in the lower part lose their foliage early.

King of Herbs

Blooms in summer. The height of the bush (up to 1.5 m) is similar to Tarragon Monarch and some other varieties. Like Tarragon Aztec, in strong smell Anise aroma predominates. The foliage contains substances that help home-prepared products preserve their color, increase their strength, and improve their smell and taste. Helps cure many diseases.

Important!In the first year of plant development, harvesting is done once - before flowering.


An upright bush (from 0.8 to 1.5 m) has a large number of stems. The leaves of tarragon are narrow, of bright emerald color. A whole year passes from sowing seedlings to planting in a permanent place (from spring to spring). Fresh Tarragon Monarch herbs are especially good in salads.

The spicy taste of plants of this variety is preferred for use in drinks and pickles. Available medicinal properties: tarragon improves stomach function, increases appetite, reduces inflammation. Diseases are treated with tarragon respiratory tract- pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis.


Prefers open, flat areas. The stems are erect, the height is within 80 cm, the dense foliage becomes stiff at the beginning of flowering. Narrow panicles of inflorescences are formed by baskets in the form of balls, where yellowish flowers are collected. Salting, canning and amateur cooking use the leaves and young shoots of Tarragon Smaragd. Tarragon of this variety is also often used by flower growers for decorative plantings.

In your garden or on the windowsill, you can easily grow a variety of herbs, which will then become an excellent component for culinary experiments. Such plants are very popular among representatives of different nations of the world. One of the common herbs ok is the herb tarragon, the beneficial properties and use of which in cooking will be discussed on this page “Popular about health”, and we will also consider recipes using it.

Tarragon looks like a plant with erect stems that are yellow-brown in color. They have many pointed, elongated leaves. This plant is also known as tarragon. And now you can grow it in your garden without much difficulty.

Beneficial features tarragon herb

Tarragon leaves contain a lot of elements needed to the human body. They contain a significant amount of vitamin C, carotene, rutin and (B1 and B2). In addition, such a plant saturates our body with alkaloids, essential oils, flavonoids and nearby minerals: magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, etc.

Tarragon is used by specialists traditional medicine. There is evidence that this herb has good anthelmintic properties and helps cope with inflammatory processes different localization and has an unexpressed diuretic effect. Tarragon greens perfectly strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve potency and help cope with digestive disorders.

Traditional medicine specialists advise taking tarragon grass as food for hypovitaminosis and headaches. This plant has a positive effect on the functioning nervous system and helps improve the quality of your night's rest.

Tarragon quite effectively normalizes the menstrual cycle and the activity of the sex glands. Its use helps cope with a variety of ailments respiratory organs, including pneumonia, bronchitis, and even tuberculosis.

Healers use tarragon roots to prepare alcohol tincture. This medicine has anticonvulsant and sedative effects.

Tarragon is often recommended for use by people who are forced to adhere to dietary nutrition, because such a plant has a positive effect on vitality, strengthens the immune system, delivers a number of nutrients and cleanses the blood of various aggressive substances.

It is worth noting that the use of tarragon grass has a number of contraindications. Under no circumstances should it be used while pregnant or for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. An overdose of tarragon can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, up to convulsions and loss of consciousness.

Tarragon herb - use in cooking

Tarragon is widely used in cooking. It has a piquant, pungent taste and a strong spicy aroma, which significantly distinguishes it from other herbs.

Quite often, tarragon grass is added to vegetable dishes, for example, appetizers, okroshkas, broths and a variety of vegetable soups. Tarragon also perfectly complements the taste. meat dishes, salads and sauces.

There are recipes in which tarragon leaves become an important component of canned vegetables. In this case, this plant adds finished product special fragility and characteristic pleasant taste. In addition, it is believed that the use of tarragon when fermenting cabbage and soaking apples helps to increase the shelf life of such dishes by an order of magnitude.

Tarragon is also used in cooking to prepare spicy vinegar for fish dishes, soda and various alcoholic drinks.

How exactly is tarragon used (recipes for use):

You can easily make delicious homemade lemonade from the tarragon herb. To create such a drink, you need to use one hundred grams of fresh plant materials, one lemon and one lime, several sprigs of sugar, fifty grams of sugar and a glass of water.

First, rinse the tarragon thoroughly. Then tear off all the leaves and chop them into random pieces, simply tearing them with your hands. Cut the stems into small pieces - about a centimeter in length. Boil water, add chopped stems and sugar into it. Keep this mixture on the fire for five minutes, then remove from the stove.

Combine the torn leaves with citrus juice and pour into the prepared and hot syrup. Cover the container with the drink with a lid and leave for an hour to infuse. Then strain the infusion and bring to the desired concentration using sparkling water or still water. To decorate the finished drink, you can use lemon slices and tarragon leaves.

Cod in cream with tarragon

To prepare such a tasty and aromatic dish, you need to use half a kilogram of cod, two hundred and fifty grams of champignons, a couple of onions, one glass of cream, a bunch of tarragon, half a glass of dry white wine (a couple of tablespoons), and pepper (to taste).

Chop the onion into smaller pieces, sauté until translucent butter. Wash the cod fillet, dry and chop into small pieces. Add the mushrooms to the onions and fry for a few minutes. Then move the onions and mushrooms to the edge of the pan and fry the fish pieces on both sides. Pour in the cream and stir. Bring the mixture to a boil, pour in the wine and add finely chopped tarragon. Boil for a few minutes and the dish is ready.

Thus, the spicy tarragon herb can be useful for preparing simple, affordable and very delicious dishes.

Ekaterina, www.site

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