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The aquarium water is cloudy and stinks, what should I do? Why is the water in the aquarium cloudy after changing? Whitish or gray color

When purchasing an aquarium, people usually do not think that any problems may arise with it or with its inhabitants. But in practice, after some time, many people encounter various kinds of difficulties - cloudy water, a film on the surface, accumulation of green mucus on the walls inside the aquarium, dead plants, etc. Someone turns to a specialist to find out the cause and eliminate the problem, but if there is no desire to fight, then aquarium life gradually fades away.

You can try to cope with the problem with water in the aquarium yourself. But first you need to identify the cause, and then eliminate the consequences.

Why does the water in the aquarium become cloudy? How to fix the problem?

Reason 1. Mass reproduction of bacteria in water

This problem with water in an aquarium most often occurs when the arrangement is relatively recent. Usually, after waiting for the so-called “maturation” period, the water is purified. If the problem arose in an existing aquarium that has been equipped for a long time, then this indicates severe organic pollution, and the aquarium inhabitants usually die. The remaining fish are moved to a quarantine aquarium, and the contaminated aquarium is thoroughly cleaned until biological equilibrium is established.

Reason 2. Unicellular algae multiply massively in the aquarium

This water problem usually occurs in aquariums with strong bright lighting, as well as high concentration nitrates In other words, there are problems with the equipment, the aquarium is not being maintained correctly, or there are problems with feeding the fish.

Reason 3. Change in pH due to improper use of special chemical substances for aquarium

A water problem in an aquarium may arise because the aquarist simply did not follow the manufacturer's instructions for using chemicals and introduced the product into the aquarium at the wrong time. pure form without first dissolving. At the same time, the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy or a layer of sediment appears on plants and decorations of a whitish color. In addition, aquarium inhabitants may suffer from poisoning with the substance. In this case, the fish should be transplanted into a quarantine aquarium until the issue of cleaning the aquarium is resolved.

Reason 4: Water may change color due to the use of certain medications

To solve this problem, simply filter the water through Activated carbon. However, some medicines will not have any necessary therapeutic effect.

Reason 5. The water has turned tea-colored due to filtration through a layer of peat or there is a wooden piece of decoration (driftwood) in the aquarium.

If the water remains perfectly clean, there is nothing wrong with it. But sometimes this phenomenon can be accompanied by a change in pH level and even poisoning of aquarium inhabitants.

Reason 6. Suspended substances in aquarium water

Cause of water problem in aquarium What to do?
When starting a new aquarium, the “maturation” period was not maintained, which is why dirt from decorative objects and substrate did not pass filtration and remained in the water – observe the start-up period for the aquarium

– thoroughly clean aquarium items beforehand

Untimely or improper care behind the aquarium – promptly and carefully, without lifting contaminated substances from the bottom, clean the aquarium

– debug the water filtration system

– do not add unsettled tap water to the aquarium

– do not add water at a temperature significantly different from the aquarium temperature

Rapid proliferation of aquarium pests due to poor-quality food or improper feeding of fish, when food settles on the ground and is retained by the filter, which leads to organic overload – choose another food

– clean the bottom of the aquarium from food residues more often

The filter does not cope with its tasks, does not retain suspended matter, resulting in insufficient water filtration – clean the filter

– repair the filter

– replace the filter with a more powerful one

Bottom filters under the soil layer are very powerful – replace the filter

A film has appeared on the water in the aquarium: what to do?

It is almost impossible to see the film that has formed on the water of a modern aquarium, since it is dispersed by the filter, which in principle creates a problem, since the presence or absence of such a film is one of the main indicators of the health of the aquarium. The resulting film interferes with the supply of oxygen to aquarium inhabitants, being located on the border separating water and air.

If the film appeared in a new aquarium immediately after launch, you should:

  • thoroughly rinse the soil;
  • Before placing, wash the decorative items of the aquarium well;
  • wait a period of several days until the film dissolves on its own.

An “oily” film may appear due to poor-quality fish food or its excess. Accordingly, you need to choose a different food or reduce the amount of food.

The water in the aquarium smells unpleasant: what to do?

An unpleasant odor in the water in the aquarium usually signals that it needs to be cleaned urgently. Untimely cleaning can cause poisoning of aquarium inhabitants and death of aquatic plants.

Various preparations, medicines, fertilizers, solutions and stabilizers for the aquarium have characteristic odors that disappear after weathering, without posing a threat to aquarium fish and plants.

The water smells unpleasant when the fish are regularly overfed, the food sinks to the bottom and the aquarium for a long time not cleaned. Accordingly, the problem is solved by timely cleaning the aquarium with a 30% water change, as well as adjusting the amount of fish food.

If the water has a marshy, musty, stagnant odor, and its color becomes greenish, we're talking about about the “blooming” of water. The reason for this phenomenon lies in excessive long-term lighting. You need to combat this by regulating lighting and adjusting the duration of lighting, using special means for water purification.

A putrid smell of water in an aquarium can occur due to rotting plants, death of arthropods or fish. The smell will disappear with cleaning the aquarium, changing the water by 30% and removing rotting residues. At the same time, it is worth finding out the reason for the death of fish and rotting of plants in order to eliminate the problem with water in the aquarium as a whole.

The specific smell of hydrogen sulfide in aquarium water occurs due to acidification of the soil, or more precisely due to the activity of bacteria in it. The problem can be solved by siphoning the soil.

A specific herbal odor in water may indicate active growth Cladophora algae, which in the form of bunches with short green threads are attached to any objects in the aquarium. The problem is solved by removing such beams.

In contact with

Nobody likes cloudy water in an aquarium: neither the fish, nor the plants, nor the owners of the aquarium. This makes the aquarium unattractive, reduces visibility, promotes poor plant growth and reduces the brightness of fish colors.

Why does the water suddenly become cloudy?

When purchasing new equipment for an aquarium and the glass fish house itself, a novice aquarist expects impeccable cleanliness, safety and the absence of any risk factors for pollution of the aquatic environment. In fact, sometimes it turns out the other way around. The materials used in the manufacture of aquariums often have a non-uniform structure, which leads to its destruction when long stay in water.

Design elements purchased from random sellers may have chemical composition, which under the influence of water forms finely dispersed compounds that precipitate.

Being heavier than water, such particles settle to the bottom, covering it with a thin layer, as well as large plant leaves and other decorative elements. At the slightest movement of water, including even sudden movements of fish, this veil rises from the bottom and spreads throughout the entire thickness of the water. This suspension is usually white, odorless, does not depend on light intensity and water temperature. It cannot be removed using a net, siphon or other mechanical means.

Another reason that the water in the aquarium is cloudy is the settling of excess fish food. Some of its species soak into flakes without being eaten and, being heavier than water, settle on the ground and create a soft multi-colored layer there.

How to help clean your aquarium?

If the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy, what should you do? This question faces many professionals and amateurs when an unusual presence of light suspended particles appears in the water. How can I make it transparent and clean again?

There are several ways. The choice between them depends on the reason that caused the liquid medium to become cloudy.

First, you need to disassemble the aquarium and thoroughly wash all its components using special detergents for aquariums.

Then use a brush to process all design elements (stones, grottoes, remains of destroyed ships, etc.). Crushing of homemade decorations made from plasterboard, polystyrene foam, shell rock and other heterogeneous raw materials is especially common. If crumbling continues during the cleaning process, it is necessary to treat such parts with adhesive compounds and cover them with waterproof paint.

When pouring water, you need to be sure of its quality. It is better to use purified options. In areas with high natural hardness of water, stand it in an open container for 3-4 hours to allow any sediment to settle.

In the fight against such water suspensions, fine filters installed in certain places are effective.

Experts also recommend the sedimentation method. It is necessary to turn off all injection devices and allow the suspension to settle freely. Then carefully suck out the resulting soft supersoil layer using a regular homemade or professional siphon. Dip one end of the hose into this suspension, begin pulling movements in it, lower the other end into a container to collect the unnecessary mixture and keep it in this state until the sediment is completely drained.

How to feed fish correctly to avoid cloudy water?

Depending on the number of inhabitants inhabiting the aquarium, it is necessary to approximately determine the amount of food required. It is defined as follows. Feeding is carried out at the same time for 7-10 days. The food should float in the water for no more than 20 minutes. After this, the remains must be carefully collected with a special net. Subsequently, the fish will get used to this regime and there will be no need for free floating food. In this way, it is possible to determine how much food the inhabitants of water need to satiate.

True, there are species that feed on food that has settled to the bottom, for example, catfish. For such fish they buy special food, which is heavier than water and when poured into an aquarium, it immediately sinks to the bottom. The timing and duration of their feeding can also be precisely calculated.

Food must be given of high quality, epidemiologically reliable and safe for health. Its presence should not cause the water to become colored, cloudy or acquire an odor. It is unacceptable for it to bloom or lose transparency.

Before getting rid of cloudy water, it is necessary to determine the cause of this phenomenon. If visible risk factors are reduced to a minimum, you can apply chemicals, the selection of which must be carried out only in specialized stores that guarantee their quality and safety.

The problem of water turbidity can be overcome. The main thing is not to despair and follow the goal confidently and systematically. The aquarium must be transparent, spotlessly clean and perfectly neat!

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Why does the water in an aquarium with fish quickly become cloudy?

An aquarium is not only an interior decoration, but first of all an ecosystem that lives according to laws common to all ecosystems. It is stable when there is biological and chemical balance in it. An imbalance immediately affects appearance aquarium, and primarily on water quality.

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Why does the water become cloudy?

Cloudy water in an aquarium is usually caused by the massive development of various bacteria. Where do bacteria come from? They, like other microbes, end up in an aquarium with fish and plants. Their source can also be soil, fish food, and even the air with which the water comes into contact. A certain amount of bacteria is always present in each element of the ecosystem. In a certain amount they are harmless to other inhabitants of the aquarium. At the same time, the water remains clean and transparent. You will definitely encounter a massive proliferation of bacteria two to three days after filling the aquarium with fresh water. This is due to the fact that in the absence of sufficient numbers of other organisms, bacteria begin to multiply rapidly. Outwardly, it looks like a light whitish or pearlescent homogeneous turbidity. The process of bacterial reproduction goes faster if there are plants and soil in the aquarium.

Establishing balance

After another 3-5 days, the cloudiness disappears. This is explained by the appearance of ciliates in aquarium water, which intensively eat bacteria. The moment of equilibrium of the ecosystem comes. Only from this moment on can fish be introduced into the aquarium. Plants should be taken from an aquarium with healthy inhabitants.

Organic suspension

Turbidity in the water in an aquarium where there are already fish can be caused by organic matter. The suspension is formed from waste products of fish and plants, as well as from improper feeding and excess dry food. To combat suspended matter, aquarium filters are used, including biological ones, in which organic matter is actively absorbed by bacteria living on the filter material. Mandatory measures also include cleaning the bottom, removing dead parts of plants, dead organisms, and excrement.

Disequilibrium in the presence of fish

Rapid turbidity of the water in an aquarium with living fish may also be a manifestation of an imbalance and may be the first symptom of a disease in the entire ecosystem. For example, precede the blooming of water. In this case, the aquarium has a large volume; frequent complete changes of water in it are impractical. It is easier to restore biological balance by adjusting the light regime and replacing only part of the water. In large aquariums, biological balance is easier to maintain than in small ones, but it takes longer to establish. Good absorbers of turbidity are cladocera crustaceans (daphnia, moinae, basmina, etc.), which, feeding on bacteria, themselves become good food for fish. Aeration and filtration of water should be considered an obligatory factor of balance. Filters need to be cleaned regularly.

Why does the water in the aquarium become cloudy?

The water in the aquarium quickly becomes cloudy: what could be the reasons?

Muddy water in an aquarium - not uncommon when starting a home pond. This is due to the fact that a bacterial outbreak occurs, which is caused by the active reproduction of single-celled organisms in the water. That is why it is better to postpone the introduction of fish for a while. You need to wait a while for balance to be established in the water and it will become transparent. If you change the water, the water in the aquarium will become cloudy again.

If the water in a new aquarium becomes cloudy, at least 5-7 days should pass. Only after this can you safely release the fish. During this time, biological balance will be restored. To speed up this process, you can add some water from an old aquarium.

Often the aquarium becomes cloudy due to overfeeding the fish. Water deteriorates quite quickly if the food is not completely eaten by the inhabitants of the mini-reservoir. It settles at the bottom of the tank and can spoil the life-giving moisture. This is another common cause of this problem.

Video - cloudy water in an aquarium

The aquarium is cloudy: what to do?

If the water becomes cloudy after starting the aquarium

What aquatic environment is typical for new aquariums?

A few days after installation and startup, the water in the aquarium suddenly became cloudy. Why is this happening?

  • The fact is that in “immature” reservoirs a biological environment has not yet formed, beneficial bacteria have not spread sufficiently, and are in a state of “stress.” For now they are multiplying en masse, and after a few weeks their colonies will adapt to the new body of water. In old aquariums, bacteria do not multiply abundantly.
  • The water in a new aquarium also becomes cloudy from light particles of soil, which rises under the influence of frequent water changes. When you pour water directly onto the ground, its grains rise sharply, floating for a long time. This process creates a visual cloudiness in the water. To avoid this, you need to carefully and gradually pour liquid into the reservoir. After this, the sediment will “calm down” and settle to the bottom. Purchased fish are unlikely to create a “hurricane” in their new home - they are shy and often hide in shelters. Water with sandy sediment is harmless to fish and plants.

  • Beginners in aquarium keeping can overfeed the fish, which is why food debris remains floating in the middle layers of the water, or settles to the bottom, mixing with the soil. Later, putrefactive bacteria multiply in the water, releasing toxins. Ammonia, nitrates and nitrites are their breakdown products that can poison all inhabitants of the aquarium. Better to give to pets less feed rather than overfeeding.
  • Why do small grains of white sediment appear in the water? To clear cloudiness from the water, some home aquarium owners immediately add water purifying chemicals to the water. Before adding them to the tank, they must be diluted in a separate container until completely dissolved. These substances, in addition to filtration, change water parameters. White sediments appear on snags, decorations and in the water itself, and the fish feel unwell. In this case, it is better to move the pets to another container.
  • Watch a video about why the water in an aquarium becomes cloudy.

  • New water may become cloudy due to the proliferation of single-celled algae. After starting a reservoir where the lighting is too bright and the aeration and filtration system is poorly established, algae actively multiply, causing turbidity.
  • You should remember about ciliates - microscopic orderlies of water. In the first days they also multiply quickly, giving the water a milky white color. At this time, fish should not be stocked; first, let the parameters of the reservoir stabilize.
  • The gray color of the water after startup indicates insufficient washing of the gravel before laying. You need to rinse until it becomes crystal clear in running water. If the sediment does not disappear, it means that the stone contains impurities of phosphates, silicates and heavy metals. To accurately detect the problem, it is better to use litmus paper with an indicator alkaline environment. Perhaps you should get rid of such gravel and replace it with high-quality one.
  • After starting, the water turned cloudy brown, what should I do? The reason is obvious - wooden decorations can stain the water, and the use of peat to soften the water or filter the soil imposes its brownish color on it. Tannin and humus are safe for fish, but they change the pH level, which may not be suitable for some species of pets. The steps are as follows: remove the driftwood from the water and soak it for several days in infused running water. Evict the fish and replace the soil.
  • If the water becomes cloudy and turns an unnatural color (pink, black, blue), take a closer look at the color of the soil and stones. Bring water to regular color Activated carbon will help - it discolors the paint.

After life awakens in the new aquarium, you need to do necessary procedures so that it does not become cloudy.

  1. In a new aquarium, do not partially replace the water for 2-3 weeks until the microflora stabilizes. A complete water change is harmful to both fish and plants.
  2. To avoid organic sediment at the bottom of the aquarium, you need to do it for the fish fasting days. Give the fish as much food as they can eat in 1-2 minutes. Uneaten leftover food can be collected with your own hands using a special siphon.

    See how to properly feed aquarium fish.

  3. Install a high-quality filter and aerator in the aquarium. Often cloudy water appears due to a poor purification system.
  4. Use heavy soil with a sinking fraction. Some types of sand or gravel are not able to settle to the bottom even a few days after installing the pond. Such soil is deadly for all inhabitants of the tank. Either rinse it thoroughly or use coarser sand.

Causes of green sediment in the tank

Precipitation in the form of bubbles

What to do if the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy:: The water in the aquarium becomes cloudy, what to do:: Care and education

Beginning aquarists often encounter the phenomenon of cloudy water in an aquarium. This can happen by various reasons and it is important to know how to quickly solve this problem so as not to harm its inhabitants.

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Some beginners are in a hurry to set up their first aquarium and populate it with fish. Therefore, after a few hours the water becomes cloudy with a whitish tint. This occurs due to a violation of the biological balance - the number of bacteria increases sharply. The water must first go through a period of “maturing”. To do this, you first need to plant aquarium plants, pour in water that has settled for two days and leave the aquarium for several days. During this time, the water will become clear, sometimes slightly greenish in color. The biological balance will be restored and now you can release the fish.

In some cases, even in a long-functioning aquarium, a massive proliferation of bacteria begins; this happens when there are a lot of fish and the aquarium is not cared for. In this case, you should do a general cleaning. Place the fish in another container, clean the soil, remove excess plants, replace the water and wait a few days until the water clears up - the balance returns to normal.

Sometimes the water may become cloudy if you feed a lot of dry food. Fish do not eat it well, the remains begin to rot, which promotes the growth of bacteria. Therefore, it is recommended to switch to the use of live food, for example, bloodworms. It should be given at the rate of up to 5 pieces per average fish. Also great help Snails help destroy uneaten food residues, but their numbers also need to be controlled.

If the lighting is incorrect, the water may turn green, become cloudy, and a coating may appear on glass, plants and decorations. This is due to the rapid increase in the amount of algae. In such cases, change a third of the water once a week, add algae-eating fish, and increase or, conversely, decrease the lighting. Be sure to turn on water filtration. Remove plaque from the glass with a special scraper.

The problem of cloudy water is easier to prevent than to eliminate. Therefore, follow a few rules:

- do not completely change the water in the aquarium, except as an emergency measure;
- regulate the amount of food, normally it should be eaten by the fish within 10-15 minutes;
- monitor the number of fish in the aquarium, do not allow overpopulation;
- regularly change some of the water;
- do not forget to remove overgrown plants, clean the soil and filter the water.

Why does the water in the aquarium smell like a swamp?

With the help of an aquarium, your home will be filled with the beauty, comfort and warmth of exotic bodies of water. An aquarium is a great place to observe beautiful fish and calm meditation. However, a damaged tank can ruin both your mood and the health of its inhabitants. Sometimes the water goes bad and smells like a swamp. Muddy water spoils the impression and makes the nursery unsuitable for further use. The problem requires an immediate solution, which involves identifying the cause and its immediate elimination.

If the water in the aquarium stinks - reasons

The main reasons why aquarium water smells unpleasant are listed below:

  • Irregular cleaning of the tank or poor quality cleaning (filtration);
  • Improper aeration, due to which the water is not saturated with sufficient oxygen;
  • Unsuitable aquarium plants;
  • Overpopulation of the nursery - not enough water is allocated for one adult animal;
  • Overfeeding fish, reptiles or amphibians;
  • Feeding pets with low-quality food;
  • Sudden death of the inhabitants of the reservoir, the body rots and decomposes;
  • The appearance of silt in soil and water.

Muddy water that smells like a swamp - what to do?

The liquid in the aquarium is rotten and smells like a swamp - how to clean the water?

  • minimum 5-10 liter jar with infused water of appropriate parameters for the temporary settlement of fish;
  • net, scraper and sponge;
  • large bucket;
  • thermometer;
  • a special liquid for removing dirt from aquarium glass (available in stores);
  • aquarium pump;
  • pH level regulator.

Remove all animals from the nursery using a net, placing them in a jar of water. Disconnect the tank from the power supply, light, turn off the filter and aerator. Rinse and clean the filter sponge. Using a scraper and sponge, clean the glass, removing plaque, algae and other debris. Take the pump, lower one end into a bucket, the other into a container with dirty water, then pump out 20 to 50% of all water, depending on when it was changed in last time. Put gauze on the pump and move it along the bottom of the soil; the air will siphon the bottom. After cleaning, remove all decorations.

The decorations should be removed and processed, leaving them in a separate container with slightly salted water (1 teaspoon per 20 liters) or scalding them with boiling water. If plaque has formed on them, scrape it off with an unnecessary toothbrush or gauze. After processing, place the decorations on a clean cloth to dry, and then reinstall them in the aquarium.

Pour a new one into the aquarium, clean water the same parameters to which fish and plants are accustomed (temperature, pH, hardness). The infused water needs to sit for three days for the chlorine to evaporate. Polish the outer glass of the tank (with aquarium glass cleaner) and then reconnect all devices. After the procedure, gradually introduce the fish. Cleaning can be done in a few hours, the main thing is to be careful.

Experienced breeders strongly advise placing in the nursery the “orderlies” of the reservoir - freshwater snails, speckled catfish, mollies, ancistrus, girinocheils, labeo, Japanese pond shrimp. Fish living in the lower layers cope well with half-eaten food that has fallen to the bottom, snails feed on carrion, and shrimp and other above-mentioned fish cope well with algae. When settling, you should take into account compatibility with each other, then your aquarium will begin to resemble a natural biotope, with crystal clean water and beautiful living creatures.

Both professionals and novice aquarists may encounter such a phenomenon as a change in the color of the water in the aquarium and its cloudiness. There are many reasons why this happened, but not all of them are actually dangerous. Why does the water in the aquarium sometimes become cloudy and how to deal with this phenomenon?


Causes of cloudy water

For certain reasons, the liquid in an indoor pond may unexpectedly change color. At the same time, it is important to understand that it is the shade that has changed - sometimes the water appears cloudy because the front glass is dirty. Let's find out why the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy.

Main reasons

There are two types of reasons why the water changes its color and ceases to be transparent. This can be ordinary mechanical contamination of the liquid or biological or biochemical. The water in an indoor pond becomes cloudy for the following main reasons:

  1. Improper feeding. The reason that the liquid has become less clear is often due to excess feed. It settles to the bottom, begins to decompose, and the water changes color and begins to possess unpleasant smell.
  2. Crowding. If there are too many inhabitants, then there is a high probability that the cause of turbidity in the water is overpopulation. You should not release too many fish into the pond.
  3. Poor filtration. Often observed in those reservoirs where there are too many inhabitants. At the same time, careless aquarists may forget to install a compressor. A well-designed pond cleaning system is the key happy life aquatic inhabitants. Otherwise, the water becomes cloudy and stinks.
  4. Excessive lighting. If the reservoir is illuminated excessively, then microalgae begin to actively multiply in it. Due to their growth, the liquid quickly turns green and becomes cloudy.
  5. Improper care. The quality of water especially changes when it is renewed or when a reservoir is started.
  6. Poorly washed soil. Before placing it in, it is necessary to wash it.
  7. Peat use. Many people use natural peat to soften water. But it can quickly give the liquid a cloudy brown tint.
  8. Availability wooden products . Remember that wooden decorations and decorations can also cause the water in the aquarium to become brownish-cloudy. This is due to the fact that the tree releases certain substances.

After changing the water

If the aquarium has been standing for more than a day, and you decide to change the water for some reason, then sometimes it may become cloudy. This usually happens because all microflora has been removed along with the old fluid.

An aquarium is a separate ecosystem in which biological orders are established over many days. A complete water change means starting the aquarium from scratch. If the liquid has been drained completely, then after filling the reservoir it will be populated beneficial microorganisms only after a while.

Sometimes the water becomes cloudy after a partial water change. This procedure serves as an impetus to disrupt the balance in the ecosystem. The replacement should be done by approximately 10-30% of the liquid of the total volume. Turbidity can also be caused by incorrect water chemistry and the rise of debris from the bottom of the reservoir.

After launch

If you have recently become interested in aquarium keeping and purchased a new indoor pond, you should know that fish are added to it after a while. On the first day, place soil in a container, add water, and after a while plant the plants. The colonization of fish occurs at the end of the second week. This period is necessary for an ecosystem to be established in the reservoir.

After starting, a “bacterial outbreak” occurs in the aquarium. Microorganisms begin to multiply in the water, causing it to become cloudy. If you change it again, the liquid will change color again. The cloudiness disappears after 7 days. After this, you can populate the aquarium with fish.

To ensure that the process of establishing balance occurs quickly, you can add a little liquid from another aquarium to fresh water. Then the fish will be able to move to a new home in a shorter time.

The water turned white

White water appears in a new aquarium if it was not started correctly. We talked about this in the previous section.
If the water in the aquarium turns white not after starting, but where the ecosystem is established, then it is important to focus on the feeding regime. Overfeeding is to blame, and a bacterial outbreak has occurred due to leftover food. A sudden change in population may also play a role. large quantity new fish, which will upset the established balance.

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The solution to the problem will depend directly on its cause. What to do if the water in the aquarium suddenly becomes cloudy?

In the new aquarium

Cloudy water in an aquarium, if it is new, is a consequence of natural biological processes. There is no need to fight this - after a while the suspension will subside on its own. If you managed to make mistakes, immediately populated the pond with fish, and fed them, then it’s not surprising that the water quickly became cloudy.

  • If possible, transplant the fish into a second or old aquarium. Lightly shade the new one and leave it for several days. The remaining food can be caught.
  • If the water becomes cloudy after replacing the soil, then you may not have cleaned it properly. It should be washed.
  • If the reason is wooden decorations, then they need to be removed from the aquarium and soaked in water for several days. The liquid in a new reservoir must be changed.

In an old aquarium

Correctly dealing with cloudiness is not difficult. The main thing is to follow a few recommendations to get rid of it:

  • If the cause of cloudy water is overpopulation of the reservoir, then some of the fish should be resettled. Or you can improve water filtration. After these measures everything will return to normal.
  • If the reason is overfeeding, then the fish should be given a diet. Don't feed them for a couple of days and shade a container with water.
  • By the way, in order to prevent leftover food from accumulating at the bottom, we recommend getting a couple of species of fish that feed on leftover food from the bottom.
  • It’s a good idea to get snails that will act as natural “cleaners” of the aquarium. By the way, not only snails, but also fish that eat them will help cope with excessive algae growth.
  • If turbidity appears, look at the condition of the filters. It is quite possible that they need cleaning or replacement, after which the water condition will return to normal.
  • An aquarium standing in the light is shaded - then microalgae will begin to multiply more slowly, and the turbidity will subside after a while. If the pond is in a dark place, then it needs to be slightly illuminated.
  • If the reason is wooden decorations, then they need to be removed from the aquarium and soaked for several days. Completely replace the water in the container.

If none of the above helped to cope with the cloudiness, then you can try using chemicals. Water purifying additives are sold in pet stores.

How to prevent cloudiness

In fact, if you follow all the rules for starting and caring for an aquarium, then there should be no problems with clouding. Experienced aquarists are, of course, familiar with them, but it is useful for beginners to learn the basics of caring for an aquarium. The key to the absence of dregs is to constantly perform simple rules. By the way, tips for beginners are in the video below.

Correct launch

Once you have purchased an aquarium and everything you need, do not rush to start it. Do everything step by step and measuredly. To start, buy only an aquarium, soil, lighting, a heater and a filtration system.

Rinse the soil well with running water and place it on the bottom of an aquarium placed on a flat surface. Fill with water and turn on the heater to 25 degrees and the filtration system.

At least a week later, the plants should be planted in the ground and the lights should be turned on. The next day after this, frogs and newts are settled in. And only a week after this, small quantities of fish are released into the reservoir. Remember that overpopulation is fraught with the appearance of turbidity.

Proper care

Previously, there was an opinion that the water in the aquarium needed to be completely changed several times a year. In fact, you shouldn't do this! The water is changed only in certain cases. The point is that such dramatic changes constantly destroying the barely established ecosystem. In essence, a complete water change is starting a reservoir from scratch.

You can perform partial water changes periodically. It should be settled, but you can add a liter of water from the aquarium itself. Water changes are necessary to maintain normal chemical balance. But you should not change more than 30% of the liquid in the aquarium - this can lead to shock for the aquatic inhabitants.

Typically, restoration of the balance disturbed due to water changes takes a day or two in a large reservoir. And in a small one, sometimes the ecosystem is restored in a day or even a few hours.

Lighting is also very important, it must be correct. If the pond is placed in a dark corner of the room, then even if the day is sunny, it may not have enough light. Take care of artificial lighting. Remember that too much light is just as dangerous as too little.

The fish should be fed once a day, and they should be given a fasting day once a week. To make it easier, choose one specific day. Avoid dry food, because pets eat it poorly and it will often end up at the bottom. After feeding the fish, make sure after 10-15 minutes that they have eaten everything; you should get rid of the leftovers.

Video “Why does the water in the aquarium become cloudy?”

In the video, the Uncle Vasya channel will tell you why the water in your home pond can become cloudy and how to deal with it.

- this is not only an unpleasant sight, but also a dangerous phenomenon for its inhabitants. In some cases, cloudiness of the water indicates a disruption of the ecosystem in the home pond. And such a situation requires immediate intervention and elimination. unfavorable factors that led to her.

Causes of cloudy water in an aquarium

There are two main reasons why the water in an aquarium becomes cloudy:

  1. The smallest particles were lifted from the bottom of the aquarium.
  2. The biological balance in the aquarium is disturbed.

The second reason is the most dangerous because it means the presence of bacteria and other organic matter that multiply quickly. Particular attention should be paid to the situation when the cloudiness did not occur after introducing new fish and refilling new water, but, as they say, for no reason, no reason. But let's talk about everything in order.

Why does the water become cloudy after cleaning the aquarium?

Cleaning the aquarium leads to the raising of particles of food and fish waste that have settled on the ground, and also involves scraping off plaque from the walls of the aquarium. Naturally, after this the water turns into a suspension with all these tiny particles.

Many inexperienced aquarists immediately panic and do not know what to do if the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy. In fact, you don't need to do anything. A filter installed in the aquarium will partially remove solid particles floating in the water. The rest will settle to the bottom again, and gradually the water will become clear again. As a rule, you just need to wait 2-3 days.

What to do if the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy after adding fish?

Natural turbidity is also caused by the introduction of new fish. Since together with them you release part of the liquid, which has its own biological composition, you can observe that the water in the aquarium has suddenly become cloudy. You will have to be patient, because some time must pass until bio-equilibrium is restored in the aquarium.

And in order for this balance to be established as soon as possible, there is no need to immediately rush to change the water. Frequent change water only delays the process of establishing balance, since everything starts from the beginning.

Microorganisms that enter the water must undergo a competition process, which usually takes 2-3 days. No measures need to be taken, all “extra” microorganisms will self-destruct or will be destroyed beneficial bacteria, and the water will become clear again.