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Goldfish red cap care. Breeding red cap fish at home in an aquarium. Beautiful photo of Oranda - goldfish

gold fish– Oranda Little Red Riding Hood(Tancho Oranda) - aquarium fishCarp family (Cyprinidae) .


Oranda Little Red Riding Hood – selectively bred form Goldfish (CARASSIUS AURATUS).

Appearance and gender differences

Oranda Little Red Riding Hood has a slightly oblong body, shaped like an egg. Little Red Riding Hood similar to veiltail. She has a high dorsal fin, the caudal and anal fins are double, long, and freely hanging. U Red Riding Hood Orandas a small head on which there is a bright red fatty growth that covers almost the entire head except the mouth and eyes. That is why fish has this name. The size of the “cap” determines the value of a particular individual. Body and fins Red Riding Hood Orandas have a white color. The length of this aquarium fish grows up to 23 cm. Life expectancy depends on the conditions in which it is kept, while its average age is 15 years.

Conditions of detention

Oranda Little Red Riding Hood fish calm and peaceful. It's quite possible contain together with other non-aggressive fish. For her content you will need a light one aquarium with a volume of at least 50 liters per fish, it is better if it is an aquarium of at least 100 liters, in which a couple of fish will be placed. By increasing the size of the aquarium, the population density can be increased slightly, so 3-4 fish can be placed in an aquarium with a volume of 150 liters, 5-6 in a 200 liter aquarium, etc. But with increasing population density, attention should be paid to good water aeration. Hard-leaved plants are planted in the aquarium aquarium plants, such as egg capsule , Vallisneria, sagittaria, or elodea. It is also necessary to leave free space for fish could swim freely. Do not put in aquarium stones, especially sharp ones. The water parameters in which the Little Red Riding Hood will feel comfortable should be the following: water hardness - 6-80, pH 7.0; water temperature - 16-24 0C, avoid overheating. A necessary condition also filtration using a biofilter and powerful aeration, since fish very sensitive to the amount of oxygen in water. Don't forget to change the water in aquarium up to 25% of the volume once a week. Oranda Little Red Riding Hood loves to dig the soil, so it’s better to put it on the bottom aquarium pebbles or coarse sand, which fish It will be difficult to scatter. Feeds Oranda Little Red Riding Hood mainly plant food: lettuce or spinach. Can also eat live food and substitutes.


Puberty in Red Riding Hood Orandas occurs at the age of 1.5-2 years. For her breeding A spawning tank with a volume of about 30 liters is suitable, in which you need to place small-leaved plants, the roots of which are pressed to the bottom with smooth pebbles. Ground in this aquarium must be sandy. Before spawning, the producers, 2-3 males and 1 female, are kept separately. Spawning begins early in the morning and continues for several hours. Those eggs that have turned white must be removed from the spawning tank. The larvae begin to hatch on the 4th-5th day. After another 2-3 days, the fry can swim and feed on their own. The initial food for them is “live dust”. Today you can buy food specifically designed for feeding fry. goldfish, for example, Sera Mikron. Malkov OrandaLittle Red Riding Hood transferred to larger ones aquariums as they grow.

The oranda variety, or, as it is also called, the red cap, has been known in Japan since ancient times. This fish belongs to the selective helmet-shaped form of goldfish. Its body shape is ovoid, the fish grows up to 23 cm in length. The oranda received its name for the red fatty growth located on the head. This fish is considered more valuable if the red cap on its head is large.

Another distinctive feature of the red cap goldfish is the presence of an unpaired fin on its back, while its other fins are forked. Other helmet-shaped fish do not have a fin on their back at all. In purebred orandas, the caudal fin cannot be in the form of a fork, and its length must be at least 70% of the length of the fish’s body.

The colors of the red cap can be different, but the most popular are white fish with a red head or calico fish.

Little red cap fish - care

Little Red Riding Hood is an aquarium fish that is quite capricious and delicate. It feels good in water with a temperature of 18-24°C and cannot tolerate either colder or warmer water. Oranda is a rather large and clumsy fish, so only a couple of individuals should be kept in a 100-liter aquarium. This fish is calm and peaceful, easily getting along with other non-aggressive neighbors.

You can feed redcaps, like other goldfish, with live food or food substitutes, or plant foods such as lettuce or spinach.

It should be remembered that if the oranda feels uncomfortable: cold or hungry, then its main decoration - the red cap on its head - may simply disappear.

Orandas go well with these aquarium plants, like cabomba, elodea, vallisneria. You should not put sharp stones in the aquarium where red caps live, which could injure the fish. Since the fish really likes to rummage in, it is better to use pebbles or coarse sand as a substrate.

It is best to install a biofilter and powerful aeration in the aquarium, since the red cap is very sensitive to the lack of oxygen in the water. Every week it is advisable to do a water change of approximately 25% of the total volume.

At the age of one and a half to two years, the red cap becomes sexually mature. If you decide to breed oranda, put two or three males and one female in a separate container and after a while fry will appear in the aquarium, which, as they grow, can be transferred to the general aquarium.

At good conditions When kept in an aquarium, a red cap can live up to 15 years.

Good for everyone known fact that spending time near an aquarium, a mini ocean in an apartment, taking off nervous stress and tension. Half an hour of silent communication with is enough to forget all the troubles and sorrows. Psychology has long used such treatment methods, called zootherapy.

And how significantly an aquarium, no matter what size, with bright colorful algae, pebbles, and shells will decorate the interior of an apartment or house. Improve the microclimate, humidify the air, create comfort.

Description and features of oranda

One of the brightest representatives of aquarium inhabitants is Oranda fish., which came to us from the Asian continent back in the fifteenth century, it reached Russia already in the eighteenth. Today, there are about three hundred breeds of these gold ones, with very different colors. Its distant ancestor is the golden carp.

It is called so because on the head there is a red cap, a huge dome, which begins to grow from the first days of life. And especially active in the second and third years of development aquarium fish oranda, which is its greatest value.

Oranda Not large sizes, with a long flat or short rounded body, similar to veiled tails. The length of the tail is almost twice the length of the body itself. Its shape, like the fins, is different, it can be fork-shaped or in the form of a skirt.

The eyes are the same as those of other aquariums, only depending on the species they have different convexities. She has large gills. And depending on the breed, the scales can be either large or very small. In some species it is completely absent. Eat distinctive feature oranda fish, no matter what color it is, the abdomen is always lighter.

As seen oranda in the photo, measuring just over ten centimeters, not counting the tail. But in nature there are also forty centimeter specimens. Their life expectancy is also different. Round shape fish live up to ten years, oblong ones longer.

Maintenance and care of oranda at home

For some reason, people have the misconception that for oranda content doesn't need a lot of space. It is not right. The aquarium must have a volume of more than fifty liters.

The water temperature is at least twenty degrees. Since this fish is voracious, it quickly pollutes the water. Therefore, you need to clean it as often as possible. Enrich with oxygen as much as possible and change the water every week, one quarter of the volume is mandatory.

It is advisable that there is not too much vegetation in the aquarium, but rather more space for free swimming. In a small space they have problems with digestion. To prevent fish from damaging their eyes or fins by swarming on the bottom, it is covered with large sand grains or well-rounded pebbles.

Oranda species

They differ according to the following criteria: body shape, color, size of scales and fins. Oranda red- it is also called red riding hood, thanks to the red fatty growth that covers the entire head except the eyes.

Her body is swollen, egg-shaped, slightly oblong. The fins and tail are large, translucent, and elegantly developing. Compensating for and decorating the small body, gently white.

Golden Oranda– the conditions for its maintenance are the same as for other types of gold. It got its name due to its bright orange color, like a fairytale golden one. The body is oblong, slightly flattened. The fins on the belly and the tail are rounded.

In the photo there is a golden oranda

Oranda black– in spacious aquariums and home ponds it grows more than fifteen centimeters in length. It has a round shape, with a large black cap on its head. With large black fins and a fork-shaped tail. The scales are not small, with a beautiful golden-black tint.

The photo shows a black oranda

Oranda white – or white - red. Small round gold shape. With a huge cap on his head of bright red, orange or pale yellow color. With shiny white scales and gorgeous silky fins and tail.

The photo shows a white oranda

Blue oranda– hardy, well suited for cold-water aquariums or small ponds located outside in the garden. Loves well-lit places and lots of space. Its scales are colored gray-blue, with bluer spots on the back.

Round body with large fins and tail. It is very important in keeping goldfish to correctly determine their sex, especially for those who are aiming to breed them. But it’s difficult to do this if the fish is not at least a year old.

The photo shows a blue oranda

There are several differences. The easiest time to do this is during the spawn period. In oranda males, Light tubercles appear at the level of the pectoral fins. Also in this area, scales with sharp jagged ends grow, and after several periods of spawning, this area of ​​the body becomes much harder.

From the rear pelvic fins to the anus, males grow a characteristic growth. And the scales there are tough. The fins themselves on the abdomen are pointed in shape; in the female they are rounded and shorter.

Males are duller in color than females and are less active. Also, when they see a new passion in their habitat, males will swim up to their future chosen one with great interest. The period of puberty in goldens reaches two years of life, and it is preferable to keep two females for one male.

Oranda compatibility in an aquarium

They can injure the oranda's fins by biting them. Very small fish or fry should not be kept in the same aquarium with a goldfish. Because of her large mouth, she can simply swallow them. Goldfish are absolutely compatible with their own kind and carp. Limited compatibility - with catfish.

Oranda food

The photo shows a yellow oranda

You also need to remember about oranda diseases. At proper care and maintenance, it is quite healthy - long-lived. But if the volume of the aquarium is not so large, or the water temperature is inappropriate, or the acidity is incorrect - all these factors lead to various diseases. Poor water purification ends in poisoning and death.

Incorrect proximity to other, more aggressive fish threatens to injure the fins, which can consequently lead to fin rot. If the water in the aquarium is not warm enough, it will lead to the development of a disease such as ichthyophthyriosis.

The body is covered with small, light grains. It is possible to cure fish only if the disease is detected early. With an unbalanced diet, in search of the right feed begins to intensively rummage the bottom, and can swallow small pebbles. In this case, treatment is powerless.

Price and reviews about oranda

Buy oranda You can do it in any pet store, online store or from hand, since aquarium farming is already very developed these days. Also, by purchasing in specialized places, beginners can receive qualified advice from specialists on their contents.

Oranda price depends on external signs, the larger the hat on her head, the more valuable it is, also depending on the breed. Starting from forty rubles for a golden veiled tail. Black gold oranda is more expensive - from one hundred rubles. But there are also more expensive, already adult specimens costing five hundred rubles and more.

Of all the varieties of goldfish, Oranda is a clear favorite. And for good reason... How can you not like that funny puppy face?

What gives this fish its unique appearance is its Wen, a fleshy, brain-like growth on the top of the fish's head. Sometimes it grows around the eyes and gills.

Sometimes Wen gets too big - then the goldfish can't see !

Want to know something interesting?

Wen can be cut like hair (it has no nerves, so it will not harm the fish). To do this, you need to give the fish a sedative.

Orandas have tall and round bodies. You can meet them Various types tails, including ribbed, ribbon, skirt, tubular. In Britain the tail standard for the Oranda tends to be broad rounded. Veils are preferred in Asia. In the US, finned and tubular are preferred.

A new breed called Thai Oranda has a kind of torn tail located almost at an angle of 90 degrees to her body!

As for the coloring...

Orandas are found in almost every color of the rainbow.

The most popular are bright red and orange.

Red cap is also common, this is when the body of the fish is white with a red wen on top. Now you even come across an unusual BLACK red cap with a black body instead of the traditional white one!

Other oranda coloring colors: red and white, calico, panda, mother-of-pearl, black, silver, blue, chocolate and many others.

Incredible, but:

Oranda is the largest of all goldfish when it comes to size.

They can reach more 30 cm long(including tail) - more than small cat, For example!


. Temperature: 18 - 25 degrees C

. Species name: Carassius auratus auratus

. Unpretentiousness: quite hardy

. Lifespan: 30-40 years on average

. Size: from 20 to 25 cm on average, sometimes more

Reproduction of Oranda

Like most fancy goldfish, Oarndas are difficult to breed.

They require a period of cooler temperatures, followed by warmer water and sufficient space in the aquarium.

In ponds they can reproduce at a breakneck speed.

Interesting fact:

They can lay up to 1000 eggs at a time!

It leads to a large number fry

How to properly care for your Oranda

Although they are not considered the most difficult breed of goldfish, Oarndas require special care.

Because they are subjected to selective breeding, their shorter bodies (which squeeze organs closer together) are more susceptible to problems such as Bladder. For this reason they must have ideal diet And environment in an aquarium or pond.

Then they can live without getting sick for 40 or more years!

Tips for maintaining and caring for Orandas

1. Choice correct size aquarium

30-60 liters of water per fish

As we've already said: Orandas are larger than other goldfish - which is why it's really important that they have enough space to grow to their full potential.

So if you're thinking about using round aquarium- it's out of the question.

They are not suitable for goldfish for a variety of reasons - stress, developmental delays and difficulty in cleaning.

The larger the aquarium, the better.

2. Correct water temperature

It so happens that (unlike many other species) goldfish adapt well to their environment.

Of course too much warm water also causes stress.

Optimal: For goldfish, this is actually 21 degrees C.

3. Proper diet for feeding Oranda

Feeding plays a critical role in the Oranda's well-being as well as its growth.

Orandas are omnivores, which means they eat both plant and animal foods.

A balanced diet is really important for orandas because with their short body shape they are prone to bladder problems. It is best to use premium food from well-known brands.

4. Selecting the best neighbors with good compatibility

Maybe your pet is craving another friend's fish?

If this is the case, you need to find out what other fish can be safely kept with your Oranda.

The answer is just another goldfish, all other tropical fish are not suitable!

Oranda Little Red Riding Hood

Calico oranda

Black oranda

Blue oranda

Oranda (Tancho Oranda, Red cap) also received the playful nickname “Little Red Riding Hood” from aquarists. This is the result of color selection of other types of goldfish, it was bred in China. It is believed to be a related species.

photo: Oranda goldfish or “little red riding hood”

There are characteristic granular growths on the head and gill wings of the fish. The body of representatives of this species is ovoid, quite short, and may even appear swollen. The fins are long and translucent. The color variations of oranda can be different: chocolate, red-black, red, blue, calico, black and others.

photo: The Oranda goldfish is prized for its growth on its head

First of all, you need to choose a large aquarium, it does not need to be cluttered with plants, since orandas need free space for swimming. Ideally, there should be 50 liters of water per individual. If orandas do not have enough space, they will begin to have metabolic problems. Temperature can vary from 15 to 25 degrees, hardness - up to 20, pH 5.0-8.0. The oranda can reach 26 centimeters in length, it is quite voracious, so the aquarium must be equipped with aeration and a filter; it is advisable to change a quarter of the water once a week. The soil in the aquarium should be rounded so that the fish do not damage their eyes and fins. Do not overfeed the inhabitants of the tank; orandas are quite voracious; they eat plant and live food. Juveniles are fed twice a day, while adults are fed once a day. If you see that the fish begins to swim sideways, this is a sure sign that you have overfed it - give it a fasting day and reduce its diet.

photo: Oranda goldfish can live up to 15 years

Oranda requires a spawning aquarium of 50-100 liters. Before placing a female and a pair of males for spawning, they need to be separated from each other for a couple of weeks and fed with live food. The aquarium must have smooth soil and plants. Spawning lasts several hours, after which adult fish are removed. After incubation period(this is 2-3 days), the fry should already be swimming, their first food can be “live dust”.

  • The value of individuals is determined by the size of the growth on the head: the larger the “cap,” the more expensive the fish is;
  • Orandas are long-lived, in an aquarium with good care they can live up to 15 years;
  • Make sure that there are no decorative elements or soil with sharp edges in the tank - fish can be injured by them;
  • Despite their size, goldfish are very peaceful; they are not recommended to be housed with aggressive fish; they get along better with representatives of their own species.