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Aquarium water cloudy. Cloudy water in the aquarium: why does this happen and how to correct the situation? How to quickly remove cloudiness from an aquarium

Nothing has a more fascinating effect on a person than the movement of fish in a home aquarium. Yes, you can spend hours enjoying the view of a virtual aquarium, looking at your computer monitor. You can watch the fish on the TV screen. It is possible, in as a last resort, go to the aquarium and see real, live fish. But the brightest, most impressive observations are obtained by the owner of a real home aquarium.

However, the whole impression of what is being observed is spoiled by the cloudy, quickly becoming cloudy? The reason for this may be either improper water replacement or improper feeding of the fish.

Turbid, polluted water sometimes leads to the death of plants or even fish. When a new aquarium is first filled with water, a so-called “bacterial outbreak” occurs, when single-celled organisms begin to reproduce very rapidly. Therefore, you cannot immediately introduce fish into the aquarium. You need to wait until the water is clear, i.e. balance will be restored in the water. There is no need to change the water at this time, because it will become cloudy again. The fish are placed in " new house"after six to seven days, and to speed up the restoration of balance, you can add water from the old aquarium.

The water in the aquarium also becomes cloudy when the fish are regularly overfed. The little inhabitants of the aquarium eat so funny, so you want to feed them endlessly. But uneaten food settles on the bottom, on the walls of the aquarium and leads to contamination of the water itself. The situation is further complicated by the fall of the remaining food between the stones, into the ground, where it is not visible.

With poor filtration, the water in the aquarium also becomes cloudy and therefore it is important to have a good water purification system, because the breakdown of products can cause poisoning and death of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

If a lot of organic matter has accumulated at the bottom of the aquarium or there is an overabundance sunlight, then it happens fast growth microscopic plants, water blooms are observed. You can combat flowering by reducing the amount of direct sunlight in the aquarium. And if it is impossible to move the aquarium to a darker place, then you just need to temporarily shield it from the sun with some translucent material. Most often this is done using ordinary tracing paper.

When, on the contrary, there is not enough light, the algae begin to die, rot and turn brown. When you hear it specific smell cloudy water, this may be due to the rapid growth of blue-green algae.

When the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy, careful observations will tell you what to do.
If you determine that the aquarium is overpopulated, then you urgently need to reduce the number of fish or increase water purification.

When the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy because uneaten food remains at the bottom, reduce the portions or introduce fish that live on the bottom and feed on the food that has settled to the bottom. The food should be completely eaten within 5 - 10 minutes.

When the water blooms, you need to either replace the aquarium or install a new, good lighting system.

To prevent algae from growing too much in the aquarium, add snails or fish that feed on vegetation. This will save you from the decomposition of plants in the water, and, therefore, from cloudiness.

We must remember that maintaining an aquarium requires a good filtration system. When the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy, special additives are added to it to purify the water. But you shouldn’t do this, because... living water- this is the interaction of microorganisms that live in it. Create certain conditions and wait a little, and the correct balance will be restored on its own. And wrong actions can lead to even greater imbalances.

Proper water replacement also plays a significant role in maintaining balance in the aquarium. It is necessary to change a small amount of water! With a small aquarium volume, the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy and this leads to the death of the inhabitants of your underwater world. First you need to check the quality of the water, its temperature and its acidity, and only then start replacing it. In a new aquarium, the water should be changed three months after equilibrium has been established.

Therefore, you must immediately purchase the necessary correct equipment for the aquarium, and only then stock the fish.

Both professionals and novice aquarists may encounter such a phenomenon as a change in the color of the water in the aquarium and its cloudiness. There are many reasons why this happened, but not all of them are actually dangerous. Why does the water in the aquarium sometimes become cloudy and how to deal with this phenomenon?


Causes of cloudy water

For certain reasons, the liquid in an indoor pond may unexpectedly change color. At the same time, it is important to understand that it is the shade that has changed - sometimes the water appears cloudy because the front glass is dirty. Let's find out why the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy.

Main reasons

There are two types of reasons why the water changes its color and ceases to be transparent. This can be ordinary mechanical contamination of the liquid or biological or biochemical. The water in an indoor pond becomes cloudy for the following main reasons:

  1. Improper feeding. The reason that the liquid has become less clear is often due to excess feed. It settles to the bottom, begins to decompose, and the water changes color and begins to have an unpleasant odor.
  2. Crowding. If there are too many inhabitants, then there is a high probability that the cause of turbidity in the water is overpopulation. You should not release too many fish into the pond.
  3. Poor filtration. Often observed in those reservoirs where there are too many inhabitants. At the same time, careless aquarists may forget to install a compressor. A well-designed pond cleaning system is the key happy life aquatic inhabitants. Otherwise, the water becomes cloudy and stinks.
  4. Excessive lighting. If the reservoir is illuminated excessively, then microalgae begin to actively multiply in it. Due to their growth, the liquid quickly turns green and becomes cloudy.
  5. Improper care. The quality of water especially changes when it is renewed or when a reservoir is started.
  6. Poorly washed soil. Before placing it in, it is necessary to wash it.
  7. Peat use. Many people use natural peat to soften water. But it can quickly give the liquid a cloudy brown tint.
  8. Availability wooden products . Remember that wooden decorations and decorations can also cause the water in the aquarium to become brownish-cloudy. This is due to the fact that the tree releases certain substances.

After changing the water

If the aquarium has been standing for more than a day, and you decide to change the water for some reason, then sometimes it may become cloudy. This usually happens because all microflora has been removed along with the old fluid.

An aquarium is a separate ecosystem in which biological orders are established over many days. A complete water change means starting the aquarium from scratch. If the liquid has been drained completely, then after filling the reservoir it will be populated beneficial microorganisms only after a while.

Sometimes the water becomes cloudy after a partial water change. This procedure serves as an impetus to disrupt the balance in the ecosystem. The replacement should be done by approximately 10-30% of the liquid of the total volume. Haze can also cause incorrect chemical composition water, lifting debris from the bottom of the reservoir.

After launch

If you have recently become interested in aquarium keeping and purchased a new indoor pond, you should know that fish are added to it after a while. On the first day, place soil in a container, add water, and after a while plant the plants. The colonization of fish occurs at the end of the second week. This period is necessary for an ecosystem to be established in the reservoir.

After starting, a “bacterial outbreak” occurs in the aquarium. Microorganisms begin to multiply in the water, causing it to become cloudy. If you change it again, the liquid will change color again. The cloudiness disappears after 7 days. After this, you can populate the aquarium with fish.

To ensure that the process of establishing balance occurs quickly, you can add a little liquid from another aquarium to fresh water. Then the fish will be able to move to a new home in a shorter time.

The water turned white

White water appears in a new aquarium if it was not started correctly. We talked about this in the previous section.
If the water in the aquarium turns white not after starting, but where the ecosystem is established, then it is important to focus on the feeding regime. Overfeeding is to blame, and a bacterial outbreak has occurred due to leftover food. A sudden change in population may also play a role. large quantity new fish, which will upset the established balance.

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The solution to the problem will depend directly on its cause. What to do if the water in the aquarium suddenly becomes cloudy?

In the new aquarium

Cloudy water in an aquarium, if it is new, is a consequence of natural biological processes. There is no need to fight this - after a while the suspension will subside on its own. If you managed to make mistakes, immediately populated the pond with fish, and fed them, then it’s not surprising that the water quickly became cloudy.

  • If possible, transplant the fish into a second or old aquarium. Lightly shade the new one and leave it for several days. The remaining food can be caught.
  • If the water becomes cloudy after replacing the soil, then you may not have cleaned it properly. It should be washed.
  • If the reason is wooden decorations, then they need to be removed from the aquarium and soaked in water for several days. The liquid in a new reservoir must be changed.

In an old aquarium

Correctly dealing with cloudiness is not difficult. The main thing is to follow a few recommendations to get rid of it:

  • If the cause of cloudy water is overpopulation of the reservoir, then some of the fish should be resettled. Or you can improve water filtration. After these measures everything will return to normal.
  • If the reason is overfeeding, then the fish should be given a diet. Don't feed them for a couple of days and shade a container with water.
  • By the way, in order to prevent leftover food from accumulating at the bottom, we recommend getting a couple of species of fish that feed on leftover food from the bottom.
  • It’s a good idea to get snails that will act as natural “cleaners” of the aquarium. By the way, not only snails, but also fish that eat them will help cope with excessive algae growth.
  • If turbidity appears, look at the condition of the filters. It is quite possible that they need cleaning or replacement, after which the water condition will return to normal.
  • An aquarium standing in the light is shaded - then microalgae will begin to multiply more slowly, and the turbidity will subside after a while. If the pond is in a dark place, then it needs to be slightly illuminated.
  • If the reason is wooden decorations, then they need to be removed from the aquarium and soaked for several days. Completely replace the water in the container.

If none of the above helped to cope with the cloudiness, then you can try using chemicals. Water purifying additives are sold in pet stores.

How to prevent cloudiness

In fact, if you follow all the rules for starting and caring for an aquarium, then there should be no problems with clouding. Experienced aquarists are, of course, familiar with them, but it is useful for beginners to learn the basics of caring for an aquarium. The key to the absence of dregs is to constantly perform simple rules. By the way, tips for beginners are in the video below.

Correct launch

Once you have purchased an aquarium and everything you need, do not rush to start it. Do everything step by step and measuredly. To start, buy only an aquarium, soil, lighting, a heater and a filtration system.

Rinse the soil well with running water and place it on the bottom of an aquarium placed on a flat surface. Fill with water and turn on the heater to 25 degrees and the filtration system.

At least a week later, the plants should be planted in the ground and the lights should be turned on. The next day after this, frogs and newts are settled in. And only a week after this, small quantities of fish are released into the reservoir. Remember that overpopulation is fraught with the appearance of turbidity.

Proper care

Previously, there was an opinion that the water in the aquarium needed to be completely changed several times a year. In fact, you shouldn't do this! The water is changed only in certain cases. The point is that such dramatic changes constantly destroying the barely established ecosystem. In essence, a complete water change is starting a reservoir from scratch.

You can perform partial water changes periodically. It should be settled, but you can add a liter of water from the aquarium itself. Water changes are necessary to maintain normal chemical balance. But you should not change more than 30% of the liquid in the aquarium - this can lead to shock for the aquatic inhabitants.

Typically, restoration of the balance disturbed due to water changes takes a day or two in a large reservoir. And in a small one, sometimes the ecosystem is restored in a day or even a few hours.

Lighting is also very important, it must be correct. If the pond is placed in a dark corner of the room, then even if the day is sunny, it may not have enough light. Take care of artificial lighting. Remember that too much light is just as dangerous as too little.

The fish should be fed once a day, and they should be given a fasting day once a week. To make it easier, choose one specific day. Avoid dry food, because pets eat it poorly and it will often end up at the bottom. After feeding the fish, make sure after 10-15 minutes that they have eaten everything; you should get rid of the leftovers.

Video “Why does the water in the aquarium become cloudy?”

In the video, the Uncle Vasya channel will tell you why the water in your home pond can become cloudy and how to deal with it.

Many breeders of underwater animals are faced with the fact that the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy. This problem may appear after washing the container, after changing the water, when planting new plants, introducing new fish, or installing decorations in the aquarium.

Sometimes it happens that the water in an aquarium that has not been cleaned for a long time quickly becomes cloudy. In any case, all fauna suffer from turbidity. This is the main signal of an imbalance in the ecosystem. The sooner measures are taken, the less damage this harmful factor in the aquatic environment will cause.

The turbidity of water can have several shades. Cloudy water can be green, brown, whitish or gray. Each shade has its own reason for its occurrence. More often, aquarists are faced with the fact that the water turns green. It may even acquire an odor and lose transparency. Cloudy green water is caused by the growth of microscopic algae under the influence of an abundance of sunlight or the presence of phosphates and nitrates in the water.

Brown water can be caused by lack of light and decorative driftwood at the bottom. Some items may not be properly processed or prepared. The tree begins to release tannins and humic acid into the water, which are distinguished by yellow and brown shades. Sometimes dark color and turbidity is caused by low-quality peat from the filter.

Turbid water with a whitish tone occurs from an overabundance of fish in the aquarium or if some living creature has died, lies at the bottom unnoticed and gradually decomposes. The whitish tint is given by unicellular algae, which, when unfavorable factors begin to actively reproduce. Another reason why the water becomes cloudy is uneaten and decaying fish food. Protein food– a source of harmful microorganisms.

Grayish color of water and turbidity occurs if the water is contaminated with heavy metals, silicates or phosphates. The exact composition of water can be determined in the laboratory, and the acidity of the medium can be determined at home using special indicators, for example, litmus paper. The optimal pH in the aquarium should be kept at 6.5-7. Strong deviations from these values ​​indicate water contamination chemical elements and imbalance.

What to do if the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy

The first thing a novice aquarist needs to do if he is faced with the problem of cloudy water is to check the quality of the soil, decorative elements, and artificial plants. It is better to give preference to natural and well-processed materials.

The soil must be washed to remove debris and dust. Decorations and painted primer need to be kept for some time after washing. ordinary water, insist. This is done to ensure that all chemical impurities remaining after treatment are removed from the tap water. And only after this the soil, driftwood, shells, stones can be installed in a permanent place in the aquarium.

What else to do to reduce the likelihood of cloudy water to a minimum:

  1. Add fish to the aquarium on the second day after filling it with water. A settling period is needed so that the aquatic ecosystem has time to return to normal.
  2. Renew the water regularly, about once a week, no more than 1/3 of the main volume.
  3. Do not place the aquarium in direct sunlight.
  4. The number of fish must correspond to the volume of the tank. There should be at least 2 liters of water per 1 cm of fish.
  5. Feed in such quantity that it is all eaten within 15 minutes.
  6. For any type of living creature, installing an aquarium filter is mandatory.
  7. Clean the aquarium whenever it gets dirty. No filter will remove fish waste products from the bottom.

Many people wonder how to eliminate turbidity in water if it has already occurred. First, you need to check the effectiveness of the filter. The filter may need to be washed or replaced, or the filter may have already failed. It is necessary to adjust it or change the filter element.

Green turbidity is removed by introducing daphnia into the aquarium. They absorb green microalgae, thereby cleaning the water column and surfaces. Good effect Replacing the sponge in the filter with a piece of synthetic padding gives you the answer. With a powerful pump, the effect becomes noticeable within a few hours.

For chemical contamination and resulting turbidity, use Activated carbon or zeolite. These sorbents are placed in the filter for 1-2 weeks to purify the water. Then, they must be removed so that they do not begin to release accumulated impurities back into the water.

Exist ready-made drugs for purifying the water in the aquarium and making it more transparent, for example, before taking photographs. These products can be in granules or liquid form. They are introduced into the aquarium according to the instructions. Under their influence, large flakes are formed from small particles suspended in water, which are easily retained by filters. You can purchase such preparations at any pet store in the aquarium department. The most common brands producing similar products are “Sera” and “Tetra”.

How does cloudy water affect fish?

Turbidity of water is an abundance of harmful bacteria and filamentous algae weeds. The oxygen concentration in such water is sharply reduced, and the fish become uncomfortable. In muddy water, the natural balance is disrupted, and fish do not live long. Her immunity is weakened and she may get sick. bacterial infection and die.

Prevention against cloudy water in the aquarium is important. Water changes should not occur frequently or in large quantities. Fish need “live” aquarium water with beneficial microorganisms. There should be enough light, but not in excess.

Properly selected aquarium plants provide great assistance in creating a good microclimate and in purifying water. They are planted in bunches of one or two types. Best options for beginners are: vallisneria, ludwigia and pinnate. Plant roots feed on mud particles that settle to the bottom, and stems and leaves support microorganisms.

“The fish was catching up with the fish, and its tail was wagging.

She poked me in the abdomen and caught up! Hey girlfriend, how are you?”

T. Vtorova

How interesting it is to watch the inhabitants of your home aqua world! Admire the beauty of the fish, watch them feed and flicker among the underwater flora. But sometimes it happens that the aquarium water environment becomes cloudy very quickly.

To such an extent that it is impossible to see anything. This problem is familiar to aquarists, especially beginners. It's time to figure out why the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy.

The main culprits of dregs

This manifestation is dangerous, capable of causing pestilence in pets. To save aquatic life, figure out the source of the “turbid phenomenon.” Logically, it is clear that turbidity is the effect of the appearance of solid particles, microorganisms or small algae in an aquatic system with fish.

Mechanical factors

An aquarium is a closed ecosystem where the natural living environment is recreated by artificial decorations and aquatic flora. The causes are dirt, dust, debris. What are they formed from? The main culprits are the owner’s laziness and illiterate care.

Common mistakes:

When starting the aqua system. For beginners, the start of a fresh aquarium takes place on a wave of euphoria - the owners pour in pebbles, install decorative decorations and immediately pour in water. Haste leads to the appearance of turbidity caused by the dirt of ground pebbles and decor.

Before laying pebbles or installing decorations, they are thoroughly washed 2-3 times. Otherwise, microparticles of dust will “spread” throughout the container and contaminate it.

Cichlids, cockerels, veiltails and goldfish contribute to the cloudiness of the aquatic system due to the lifting of stones. These breeds love to dig through pebbles, looking for food there. Aquariums with frogs also quickly become dirty - frogs love to dig in the soil, constantly raising it to the surface.

Be responsible when choosing decorations! Do not take dirty, waterproof or loose items for decoration. Their components are quickly washed out. This situation is fraught not only with deterioration in the quality of the aquatic system, but with chemical intoxication of the inhabitants.

Illiterate care. Fish, crustaceans, aquatic flora are living creatures and they form waste (dead organic matter, excrement). If the owner is lazy and does not clean the aquarium regularly, organic dirt will accumulate there over time, causing cloudiness.

Uncleaned food left after feeding the fish also pollutes the aquarium. Turbidity can also be caused by improperly installed/non-working filtration (even if the filter is in place, this does not mean that it works well). To improve the situation, follow these tips:

  • Clean up (thoroughly clean walls, gravel, decorations).
  • Replace 2/3 of the aquarium water medium (add clean and always settled water).
  • Remove unsuitable decorating elements.
  • Increase aeration. Clean and wash the working filter thoroughly. Install another backup to it. Or buy a new, powerful device.

Advice. Dirt caused by mechanical reasons is microscopic. Under the influence of water vibrations, it rises upward. Therefore, before global cleaning, turn off the compressor and filter for 4-5 hours. Dust microparticles will sink to the bottom and decorations. This makes them easier to remove.

Biological phenomena

Aquarium water is not a sterile environment. Even when it is perfectly transparent, there are microscopic organisms. This is normal. Microorganisms are very important for the health of underwater pets. Single-celled organisms help decompose organic waste and destroy toxins.

Violation natural process the work of fungi provokes the appearance of turbidity. Aquarists call this phenomenon “bio-equilibrium imbalance.” The culprits of turbidity are divided into two types (depending on the operating time of the ecosystem):

New aquarium. The first week after startup, cloudiness is observed in the aqua system. The haze has a whitish tint (sometimes green) and is similar to a foggy haze. It soon dissipates. At this time, the processes of adjusting bioequilibrium occur in the created aquatic environment:

  • Microorganisms (fungi, bacteria) are actively growing.
  • At the same time, waste products of the inhabitants accumulate.

While the ecosystem is not balanced, the owner observes turbidity. Over time, the formation of the biochain levels out - the dregs disappear. This occurs when the amount of waste is compared to the level of the bacterial colony.

Old aquarium. In an established, long-running aquatic system, a violation of the biobalance occurs due to the fault of the owner (oversight, poor care and ignorance of the rules for caring for pets). What is the culprit of haze? To understand the reasons, let's look at the work of microorganisms:

  1. Dirt is formed from the remains of food, excrement, and dead organic matter. Under the influence of bacteria, this biowaste is converted into ammonium (ammonia). Ammonium is the strongest poison for the inhabitants of the underwater world.
  2. Other microorganisms get to work, decomposing ammonia into nitrites and nitrates. These components are also poisonous, but to a lesser extent.
  3. Under the influence of bacteria, toxic substances are destroyed, turning into a gaseous state.
  4. Gases leave the glass container and evaporate.

If the operation of at least one link is disrupted, the entire chain falls apart. This provokes the appearance of strong turbidity. But, unlike a new aquarium, cloudiness in an old one threatens the death of underwater flora and fauna.

Toxins destroy the fish's immunity, and pets cannot resist the effects of harmful bacteria. The fish gets sick and dies (if left untreated).

Cloudiness is caused by the use of dry fertilizer Bad quality, and excess living food. Heavy feeding instantly sinks to the bottom. The same thing happens with live food. Its excess falls on the ground and buries itself where it dies. Underwater pets do not eat spoiled food. It rots, spoiling the water.

In addition to bacteria, spoiled food is also eaten by aquatic snails, which rapidly multiply in the aquatic system when there is an excess of food. You should not catch them - these creatures help maintain the cleanliness and transparency of the aquatic environment.

Determining the problem by water color

The water in the aquarium can not only become cloudy, but also change color. The cause of the situation can be easily determined by its color.

Green. The aquatic environment also turns green in closed stagnant bodies of water (lakes, swamps, ponds), especially towards the end of the summer months. The greenness is caused by unicellular algae. Due to their rapid growth, the glass walls are covered with a kind of green “carpet”. It's in the aquarium bad smell, and rags appear.

The abundance of algae provokes violent reproduction of microorganisms (rotifers and ciliates). This process is called flowering. The green color of the water worsens the fish’s well-being, provoking the development of fin rot, and does not add aesthetics to the aquarium (when flowering, the aquatic environment foams and stinks). What to do?

  • Reduce lighting and the amount of fertilizer for underwater flora. Ideally, the aqua system should be illuminated for up to 10-12 hours every day. Make sure that the glass container is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Replace water. Do not forget that it is changed in the aqua system every 10-14 days in the amount of 1/5 of the total volume. The aquatic environment of long-lived aquariums changes every 1-1.5 weeks, and in new ones the first replacement is made after 2 months. The larger the container, the less frequently water is added.
  • Clean the soil. To facilitate the process, use a special device “Siphon” (it is sold in pet stores).
  • Clean the glass. In the pet department, purchase a glass cleaner that will help you manually remove deposits from glass walls.

Some decorative fish, such as the brocade pterygoplicht, clean glass and soil. The diet of this catfish includes unicellular algae, food debris and waste. But such an orderly requires a large living space (he grows to large sizes).

It can only be started in aquariums over 100 liters in volume. Other algae eaters are suitable for small containers: otocinclus and loricaria.

Brown or dark yellow. New decorative wooden driftwood gives the water a brown color. Once in the water, the tree emits humic acids and tannin. These substances often add a brownish color to the aquatic environment (sometimes the water turns yellow and smells unpleasant).

To avoid this problem, soak the decor in a bleach solution before installing new driftwood. The brownish-yellow tint goes away on its own, but you can speed up the process by adding activated carbon to the filter compartment.

Other shades(gray, white, multi-colored). The water is colored by unwashed multi-colored gravel. Add color using medicines for treating fish. After completing the therapeutic course, replace the aquatic medium or add aquarium carbon to the filter.

How to deal with it

What to do if the water is cloudy? To get rid of cloudiness in the aquatic environment caused by a failure of the biobalance (biological turbidity), follow simple rules:

  1. Neutralizing toxins.
  2. Favorably influences the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Anti-toxin medications. The main component of such substances is zeolite. In its action it is similar to aqua coal. But, unlike coal, zeolite absorbs toxic substances. By the best means are considered:

Fluval Zeo-Carb. A preparation consisting of aquacoal and zeolite. The filter filler thoroughly cleans the water, freeing it from odors and toxins, giving the aquatic environment purity and transparency. Acting simultaneously, ion exchangers adsorb dyes, residual drugs, phosphates and waste from underwater inhabitants.

Aquael ZeoMAX-Plus. The product is in the form of small crumbs, consisting entirely of zeolite. The drug destroys phosphates and ammonia derivatives, leveling the pH level. But this remedy should not be used for more than a month.

Sera Toxivec. Strong chemical. It instantly removes all types of contaminants that negatively affect the health of the fish. The product eliminates excess chlorine in tap water, residual disinfectants, bleaches and medications.

Sera Toxivec can combine toxic metal ions (mercury, lead, copper, zinc). These pollutants entering the aquarium have a detrimental effect on the life of fish and beneficial bacterial microflora. Using the substance, you can change the water in the aqua system less often.

Agents that have a beneficial effect on bacterial growth. Such substances help to quickly achieve the establishment of biological balance in the aquarium ecosystem. They increase bacterial colonies or are a concentrate of ready-made bacterial flora. The best drugs include:

Tetra Bactozym. A conditioner that accelerates the process of forming a healthy ecosystem. A drug containing concentrated substances and enzymes helps develop beneficial bacterial microflora. The product purifies water to crystal purity, decomposing organic matter.

The use of Tetra Bactozym biostarter reduces the stress experienced by fish during water changes and restores the necessary microorganisms. This is especially true after medicinal procedures underwater inhabitants, after which the microorganisms are greatly weakened and damaged.

Tetra NitranMinus-Perls. Granular supplement reduces nitrate levels. The product helps against water blooms by reducing the nutrients that unicellular algae feed on and improves water quality for a long time.

Tetra Nitrate Minus. The drug has a gradual, gentle effect, designed for a year of use. The product, in the form of a liquid conditioner, improves the pH of the aquatic ecosystem, preventing the formation of algae, accelerating the conversion of nitrites to nitrogen. It should be used once every seven days after changing the water.

This substance is developed using biological processes that are safe for fish and is combined with other drugs that accelerate the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Sera Bio-Hitrivec. A product specially created to speed up the launch of a new aquarium. A high-quality mixture of ready-made water purifying bacteria. It works immediately. Its use allows you to stock fish on the second day after starting the aquarium.

But not only special drugs needed to create a healthy biobalance. Don't forget about living water orderlies - aquarium plants, snails and some types of fish (algae-eating catfish, corydoras, girinocheilius, thoracatums and ancistrus). For a full-fledged aquarium, multi-stage water purification using powerful filters is also important.

The following remedies help against cloudiness caused by mechanical factors:

Aquarium charcoal. Adsorbent that resists pollution of the aquatic environment. The powder is added to the filter capsule and left for 1.5-2 weeks. After use, a fresh portion is placed in the compartment.

Tetra-Aqua Crystal-Water. A product that binds microparticles that pollute water, making them larger. The grains settle in the filter compartments. Within 5-6 hours after using Tetra, the water becomes crystal clear. It is also recommended to use the substance in case of extensive contamination of the aquarium.

Sera Aquaria-Clear. A similar biological drug that acts in a similar way to Tetra from a different manufacturer. It binds microparticles of dirt together, helping to remove them from the aquatic environment through filtration.

To prevent cloudiness of the water, it is necessary to achieve balance in the aquarium biosystem. This is not difficult to do. It is important to adhere to the competent implementation of the five main factors.

Priming. This is not just a decorative element, but an important part of the biosystem and the main component normal life water inhabitants. Aquarium pebbles normalize the pH of the water, stop the accumulation of toxins and harmful substances.

It is in the soil that beneficial anaerobic bacteria live, purifying water from turbidity and helping the normal passage of the nitrogen cycle. In order to recognize problems with the soil in time, carefully look at the behavior of the soil inhabitants.

If the mollusks are urgently evacuated to the walls of the aquarium or to underwater plants, problems have arisen with the soil. The time has come to revive the aquatic environment and clean the soil. A siphon will help in ground cleaning. The water jet perfectly washes away decay particles, dirt and fish waste.

Filter. With the help of filtration, aquarium water is purified and healed. It removes toxins, chemicals and organic products decay. The filter is a place of residence for nitrifying anaerobic bacteria. Microorganisms convert ammonia into safe chemical compounds.

The larger the filter sponge, the more anaerobic bacteria will populate it, and the better its performance will be.

For maximum conservation of biobalance, the filter needs to work around the clock (even with crystal clear clean water). During operation, the filter becomes clogged; clean it regularly. Powerful, large filters monthly, weak filters once every 10-14 days. Filter elements are changed every 5-6 months.

In order not to destroy the bacteria inhabiting the sponge, it should be washed only with water from the aquarium without using additional chemicals.

Underwater plants. Aquarium vegetation, in addition to its decorative function, plays important role in water purification. Plants absorb carbon dioxide, secreted by the inhabitants of the aquarium, and enrich the aquatic environment with oxygen. These are the “lungs” of the aquarium and an indicator of the health of the biosystem.

Underwater plants serve as food for some species decorative fish. And an aquarium with turtles (red-eared, marsh, trionix) simply cannot do without them. Aquatic flora – main food water turtles.

They are also involved in removing formed nitrites, helping bacteria purify water. If the underwater flora suddenly rots and turns yellow, this is the first sign of emerging problems in the biological system. For the health of underwater plants, it is important to comply with three factors:

  1. Priming. The selection of soil for plants is individual. Some types do not require pebbles, while others require 3-5 cm of medium grit coating. In order for the plant to take root, after planting it is lightly pressed with decor or pebbles (make sure that the roots of the plant are straightened when planting).
  2. Fertilizers. Like all inhabitants of the underwater world, plants need food. Do not forget to regularly add fertilizer to the aquarium (they are sold in pet stores). Fertilizers are produced in tablet form or as a liquid concentrate. They are applied monthly at the root of the plant.
  3. Lighting. For the successful growth of underwater flora, light plays an important role. It ensures the process of photosynthesis and has a beneficial effect on development. Plants need lighting for 10-12 hours, but prolonged lighting has a detrimental effect on the condition of the water. Therefore, it is recommended to apply the “golden mean” rule and turn on the lights for 6-7 hours every day.

Bacteria. Beneficial microorganisms work hard to keep the water clean, converting harmful toxins and removing harmful compounds from the aquarium environment. Oxygen is vital for their healthy functioning. Therefore, be sure to provide a compressor for aeration in the aquarium.

With a lack of oxygen, dangerous substances multiply in the water. anaerobic microorganisms, creating hydrogen sulfide. This compound has a detrimental effect on living creatures, poisoning fish.

Number of fish inhabitants. A healthy biosystem directly depends on the number of inhabitants and the volume of the aquarium. Fish, bacteria and plants need enough space to thrive! Abundance of fish in small aquarium negatively affect the biobalance, leading to cloudy water.

It is recommended to purchase an aquarium with a volume of 50 liters or more - this makes it easier to create a healthy biological ecosystem. A smart step would be to populate all layers of the aquatic environment (each fish has its own preferences). To understand where fish like to live, pay attention to the fish's mouth:

  • The mouth is raised upward. This breed prefers to settle in the upper layers of water.
  • The mouth is directed along the line of the body. These fish will inhabit the middle areas of the aquarium.
  • The fish mouth is tilted downwards. Bottom rocks, they form the surface above ground.

To determine the number of underwater pets, you should take into account the volume of the aqua system and the size of the fish. The following rules will help you not make a mistake in the number of pets:

  • A liter of water is needed for a fish up to 5 cm long.
  • If the fish grows from 6 cm, 6 liters are allocated for each.
  • For large fish, add 1-2 liters (7-8 liters).

Please note that some types require a spacious area (from 100 liters). This will be an aquarium with crucian carp, telescopes, redtail and shark catfish. Living space is required by shark and torpedo barbs, carp, goldfish, discus and other large breeds.

Consider the characteristics of some fish. Angelfish and gouramis choose one corner of the aquarium for themselves and drive away fish trying to swim into the “apartment” (this volume can be safely crossed out from the total number of liters). But barbs willingly settle over the entire surface of the aquatic environment.

Consider one more point when choosing fish - compatibility and character. You should not place pugnacious pets in the same water layer along with phlegmatic relatives. Aggressive fish include the following breeds:

  • Astronotus (attacks cockerels and goldfish).
  • Labeo (loves to chase slow fish, leading to exhaustion, which is why the fish die).
  • Gourami (they eat snails).
  • Ancistrus (sucker fish attach themselves to their neighbors at night, seriously injuring them and leading to death).
  • Tetradons (an aggressive and uncooperative fish breed).
  • Barbs (solitary fish that live in groups and do not tolerate other neighbors).
  • Knife cichlid (eater) fish eyes, fatally injuring relatives after feeding).

Newbie mistakes. To create and subsequently properly maintain a healthy biosystem, it is important not only to comply with the conditions for maintaining balance, competent care, but also correct launch aqua systems. To avoid mistakes, beginners need to use the following scheme when “turning on” a fresh aquarium:

  • First day. Installing the container, laying the washed soil, adding settled water.
  • Fourth day. On the fourth day, the filter and compressor are turned on for aeration.
  • Sixth day. Planting underwater plants.
  • Ninth day. Launching snails.
  • Fourteenth day. The first ceremonial settlement of fish.
  • Thirtieth day. Populating the aquarium with the next batch of fish.

For inexperienced beginners, it is advisable to populate the home underwater world with unpretentious fish at the beginning of the difficult path of an aquarist. These include tetras, swordtails, gupias, mollies, platies and rainbow fish. And put off creating an aquatic system with cichlids, spectacular and difficult-to-care fish, for the future.

If equipped fishbowl, populate it with goldfish, gupias, gouramis, and swordtails. In container round shape Neons, platies, aecitruses and molynesias feel comfortable. Such breeds do not suffer from the peculiar refraction of light and get along together.

Only with a competent approach to arranging a new aquarium, proper care and following all the rules, the house for underwater pets will always shine with cleanliness and delight with the crystal purity of the water.

Have a beautiful aquarium!

If the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy, this indicates an unfavorable microclimate in the indoor pond. In addition to the fact that this sight in itself is not very pleasant, it can also be dangerous for the inhabitants of your home lake. Especially if the water has become cloudy, which was previously clear as a tear. This situation sometimes requires emergency intervention in the ecosystem. artificial pond.

With all the variety of reasons described on many forums, all of them can be reduced, by and large, to just two main mechanisms due to which the habitat of your pets can become cloudy.

  1. 1. The first mechanism is the safest - stirring up the smallest particles.
  2. 2. The second mechanism is more diverse, variable, and also dangerous for your pets. This second mechanism, due to which the aquarium environment can become cloudy, is designated by the phrase “disturbance of biological equilibrium.”

Each of these mechanisms can also be divided according to the time the problem occurred, namely:

  1. 1. The water in the aquarium is cloudy immediately after its launch.
  2. 2. The water in the aquarium is cloudy with a long-established biological equilibrium.

Let's first consider a simpler and safer case. The medium may become cloudy due to the rise of tiny soil particles from the bottom.

These particles are so small that they can remain suspended for several days. They cause the crystal clear environment to become cloudy. More often, this problem occurs after starting a new aquarium, if poorly washed soil was laid on its bottom. By the way, even soil purchased from a pet store counter from world-famous manufacturers also requires thorough rinsing before use, which can be found out by reading the instructions for using the soil.

Such turbidity is safe for the inhabitants of the underwater world. But it is also advisable to get rid of it. Firstly, some types of fish still do not tolerate turbidity well. Secondly, the dregs do not add aesthetics. To prevent such a situation, as already mentioned above, you should thoroughly rinse the new soil before use, regardless of whether it was purchased in a store or collected independently at the bottom of the nearest river.

If, nevertheless, insufficiently washed water was placed on the bottom, then sometimes it is possible to get rid of mechanical turbidity with the help of a powerful mechanical filter. After part of the turbidity settles to the bottom, and another smaller fraction is filtered out by the filter, its filter element must be thoroughly rinsed under pressure.

If you keep fish that like to dig, such as various varieties or American ones, then they can raise new portions of fine turbidity from the bottom for a long time. If the mechanical filter has sufficient power, this is safe and does not require any emergency intervention on your part. Although the environment may become crystal clear only after a few weeks.

It is much more dangerous if the water becomes cloudy due to a violation of bioequilibrium.

Again, if this happened immediately after the launch of a new biotope, then, as a rule, it is safe for your pets. This is due to the fact that the water is not sterile and chemically pure. It always contains some amount of mineral as well as organic compounds, representing a weak solution of these

Greenish cloudiness indicates rapid algae growth

substances and a certain amount of bacteria. Even if you use it from the tap, it is also not sterile and does not consist solely of H 2 O molecules. It is free from pathogens, and toxic substances, but it still contains some organic matter and harmless microorganisms. Once in your artificial lake, these harmless bacteria begin to multiply vigorously, absorbing organic compounds from the solution. The growth of bacteria can be so rapid that the environment from such a number of microorganisms becomes cloudy, usually whitish, as if a small amount of milk had been poured into it.

After microorganisms absorb all the organic compounds edible for them, they will be left without a food base and will quickly die off. But they will partially die off. Their quantity will remain at a level that will be sufficient to process organic matter supplied with fish food. A so-called biological balance will be established, which, with proper arrangement of an indoor pond and proper care for it, can be maintained for years.

The processes of establishing bioequilibrium are greatly simplified here for the sake of brevity. In fact, there is not just one strain of bacteria, but sometimes several dozen of them. In addition, different strains can successively replace each other, compete with each other, with unicellular algae, as well as protozoa.

After starting a new vessel, bioequilibrium is established independently within two to three days. None additional measures There is no need to do this. Moreover, active actions can only delay the establishment of biological equilibrium. Thus, beginners, often seeing turbidity in their underwater living area a few days after its launch, rush to change the water completely or almost completely, and the process of establishing bioequilibrium, before it can be completed, begins all over again. And the unlucky newcomer, seeing that the liquid, which was poured in crystal clear just yesterday, has again become cloudy, changes it again, interfering with the completion of the processes of establishing biological balance.

In order for biological equilibrium to be established in a new aquarium or when it is forced to restart as soon as possible, it is best to fill it with part of the water from the old one, which already has an established bioequilibrium. This will speed up the reproduction of exactly those harmless microorganisms that are necessary for your living area. These harmless microorganisms will compete for food supply with other bacteria that can cause disease in fish and will prevent them from multiplying by depriving them of food.

As a rule, if two or three days after its launch, you only need patience to deal with this phenomenon. In another two to three days, biological equilibrium will occur, the environment will again become clean and transparent.

A situation where the water in an aquarium with previously established bioequilibrium will require more attention on your part.

This situation may indicate that over the past few days or weeks you made some mistake while caring for your underwater kingdom.

First of all, you need to decide what color this dregs are.

  1. 1. If it is greenish, then most likely there is a rapid proliferation of unicellular algae.
  2. 2. A brownish tint can be caused by humic and tannin substances contained in peat or poorly prepared driftwood.
  3. 3. whitish color Muti indicates the rapid proliferation of bacteria has begun.
  4. 4. If the color matches the color of the soil or with the “such a beautiful pebble” that was recently dragged and lowered to the bottom, then the cloudiness may be due to the soil being stirred up by burrowing fish or the fragile structure of the object that you considered a stone and recklessly lowered to the bottom of your vessel with fish.

Let us repeat again, stirring up the fine fraction of soil is not a pleasant thing, but, as a rule, it is safe. A mechanical filter of sufficient power will cope with such cloudiness easily.

You should be wary if the cloudiness is clearly bacterial in nature or if it is caused by unicellular algae.

As a rule, this can be caused by an increase in the amount of nitrates. Their increased amount promotes rapid development of nitrifying bacteria. The bacteria themselves are safe unless pathogenic species get inside the jar. Much worse reason, which caused their rapid growth. Namely, the accumulation of waste products of your pets - nitrates, nitrites. Unfortunately, by the time

the soil here was poorly washed

In this case, the most delicate or least hardy fish are already dead.

It is urgent to replace half the volume of water with fresh, settled water at the same temperature. This is not the case when one should wait for the spontaneous establishment of biological equilibrium. If you have a simple filter, you should rinse its filter element under a powerful stream. The biofilter may also need to be restarted. If there is somewhere, then you need to transplant the surviving fish into a clean vessel. In the following days, you should also replace 1/3 of the water, fresh, settled. In this case, turbidity is only a sign of rapid proliferation of bacteria or single-celled algae. And their rapid growth is an indicator of pollution big amount organic residues. Unfortunately, you cannot rely on this indicator. When it works, it is often too late.

In stores selling aquarium products you can purchase kits for determining nitrates, nitrites, and total ammonia. If you are planning to start fish farming or your indoor pond is overpopulated, then you need to purchase these kits, learn how to use them and periodically monitor contamination with the substances listed above.

To prevent the water in the aquarium from becoming cloudy, the hobbyist should adhere to the following recommendations.

  1. 1. Before laying the soil on the bottom, it should be thoroughly washed to remove any turbidity.
  2. 2. You cannot overpopulate your underwater world. It is better to adhere to stocking standards for aquariums that are not equipped with filters or artificial aeration. The more inhabitants, the more difficult it is for the artificial ecosystem to cope with their waste products.
  3. 3. It is advisable to choose a vessel large sizes. The larger its volume, the faster bio-equilibrium is established in it and the easier it is to maintain it there.
  4. 4. Do not overfeed your pets. And after feeding, you should remove the remains of uneaten food. Left at the bottom, food particles can rot. As they decompose, they will greatly disturb the biological balance, providing food for bacteria that will hasten to multiply.
  5. 5. It is advisable to equip the container with artificial additional aeration, as well as mechanical or biological filters.
  6. 6. Not a rule, but a recommendation. To use chemical means for correcting the aquatic environment of an artificial pond, you should clearly understand what you are doing. Thoughtless use of chemistry can bring more harm than good.
  7. 7. Not a rule or a recommendation. Thinking out loud. Previously, at the dawn of aquarium hobby, art consisted precisely in the ability to create a balanced ecological system in a closed volume, which could itself maintain balance for years. Today we increasingly rely on the miracles of technological progress. However, no super-powerful, state-of-the-art filtration systems or chemical reagents can replace your knowledge and experience. Let your hundred-liter aquarium serve as a home for only a dozen medium-sized fish, but let them feel comfortable there. And as you gain knowledge and experience, you can increase the number of fish by the same volume using technical means and chemistry.

Let's summarize some results. Turbidity is a consequence of the proliferation of bacteria or single-celled

brownish cloudiness can be caused by poorly prepared driftwood

seaweed Their rapid growth is due to the accumulation of organic substances that are unsafe for your pets. Bacteria and algae process harmful substances, so it’s not them that you need to fight. Their rapid growth is just a consequence, and needs to be eliminated dangerous reason. But by the time they multiply in sufficient numbers to process harmful substances, some fish may already die.

Therefore, you need to monitor the increase in the concentration of harmful substances, and if this has happened, take all measures to urgently reduce their concentration and draw the right conclusions for the future. Sometimes rapid development of individual strains of bacteria is possible when normal indicators organic nitrate-containing compounds. Then you should look to see if there are dead, rotten parts of plants or dead fish somewhere.

To avoid this, control the accumulation of nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia compounds in it. To do this, populate the aquarium at a rate corresponding to its volume, feed its inhabitants moderately, and promptly remove any leftover food, as well as dead, rotten parts of plants. If there is no biofilter, be sure to replace one third of the water with fresh, settled water once a week. It is necessary to replace, and not refill the evaporated one. Then your aquarium will bring you only joy.