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Traditions, signs and customs for the New Year. How to celebrate? Traditions, signs and customs for the New Year A trip to warmer lands

As is known, the year eastern calendar does not start on the first of January at all - every time it different days and months. So, the Fire Cockerel will say goodbye for twelve whole years only on February 16, 2018.

Unlike the wise and slow rooster, the Yellow Dog will be active, but will definitely maintain well-being. And since the dog is a loyal animal, the year will be calm. The element of the attacker will be earth. This is wisdom, an appeal to the roots and origins, purity of character and devotion to cultural traditions.

However, you shouldn’t relax, it’s not possible in 2018, but you need to boldly take on new things, plunge into them headlong, and be active. Next year may be the beginning of a personal era for you. But don’t forget about your principles; a proud dog will never compromise on its ideals. In addition, the year Yellow Dog favorable for getting rid of bad habits.

A dog always senses falsehood, because no matter how well it treats someone, it will not tolerate betrayal and can break off the relationship.

People born in , know how to choose friends and always come to the rescue. Dogs make excellent husbands and wives - they are monogamous, capable of making a cozy nest for a family out of any “booth.”

2018 will be a fruitful year in terms of marriages; couples who are going to get married in the Year of the Dog will live in harmony, their union will be strong. It is best to approach any task in the New Year creatively and with enthusiasm.

Yellow, which became the key color in the Year of the Dog, is the color of the planet Jupiter, which carries social well-being, prosperity and determination.

What to wear to celebrate the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog

In the philosophy of the East, the color yellow carries wisdom, balance, and constancy. This color will only enhance the Dog’s inherent properties, making him even more devoted to his principles and successful in his endeavors and family affairs. It is better to prepare for the New Year in advance. Of course, not every person has yellow in their wardrobe, but brown, orange, golden, mustard and saffron colors are also suitable for an outfit. However, if you are going to meet New Year not at home, then remember that yellow itself is a very capricious color and is not suitable for everyone, and therefore you need to choose an outfit carefully and tastefully.

What to give for the Year of the Yellow Dog

Despite the fact that the New Year according to the Eastern and Gregorian calendars does not begin on the same day, people are still accustomed to giving each other holiday symbols on the night of December 31 to January 1. A gift for this holiday does not have to be very expensive or very large - it is just a symbol. And therefore pleasant surprise in 2018 there will be, for example, a keychain or a figurine in the shape of a dog. You can also give a painting, socks, a sweater, a cozy blanket or a phone case with a picture of dogs.

In addition, a puppy would be a wonderful gift, but you must be sure that this is the desired gift.

How to decorate a Christmas tree for the Year of the Dog

It is not at all necessary to select themed decorations for the 2018 New Year tree. However, if you like to follow fashion trends in decorating, then it is better if this spruce is designed in the same style. For example, these can only be balls in golden color. You can also add a few dog figurines. The main thing is that, looking at the decorations, you feel at peace so that the image of the New Year's tree is complete.

This year it is better to do without fantasy delights; the Yellow Earth Dog is constancy and calm.

How to set the table for the Year of the Earth Dog

It is best to celebrate New Year 2018 not alone, but in the company of friends and people close to you. The dog does not like loneliness, it loves “packs” - large companies. Since the symbolic colors of the next year will be yellow, brown and gold - decorate your festive table with these shades. However, as with decorating your tree, don't go overboard with the decorations.

As for the dishes themselves, it is advisable that New Year's menu there were yellow and Brown: corn, pineapples, lemon, pumpkin, potatoes, bell pepper.

The dog is a big meat lover, so don’t forget about meat dishes on the festive table. It can be boiled pork, chops, cutlets, aspic, steaks and even barbecue.

In addition, it is advisable to have sausage and ham snacks.

It is important to remember that in the year of the Dog the main qualities should be honesty and friendliness, this applies to personal relationships and work relationships, for example, with business partners. Be open and kind not only to others, but also to yourself, and then the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will be filled with only positive results.

There are many signs on how to celebrate the New Year of the Dog 2018. And it’s not even a matter of superstition. Following signs, as well as practical jokes, making wishes, and giving gifts is a wonderful opportunity to turn the New Year's Eve into a bright, unforgettable and, most importantly, fun celebration. After all, signs are not articles of the Criminal Code. They can be supplemented, creatively played out, turned into exciting competitions, and the Dog - the patron of the year - will only be pleased. After all, she herself is not averse to playing and having fun in a friendly company.

Features of the Year of the Dog

So, 2018 eastern horoscope– Year of the Yellow Earth Dog. Chinese sages have always had special hopes for this year. It is believed that the attributes of the year - yellow color and the element of Earth - make it stable and rich, and the Dog gives peace and harmony.

In the Year of the Dog, people with the following qualities should be lucky:

  • responsibility;
  • loyalty;
  • friendliness;
  • integrity;
  • thrift;
  • love for children;
  • reliability;
  • kindness;
  • hard work;
  • sociability;
  • nepotism.

However, the Dog has one trait - whoever it dislikes, then hold on. In order not to take risks, it is better to follow the signs and other recommendations for celebrating the New Year.

How to celebrate New Year 2018

The first question that arises before the arrival of any New Year (especially for women) is what to wear to celebrate it, what outfit to choose?

In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, you can finally forget about bright, “rooster” colors and choose a soft, pastel palette. This applies not only to clothing, but also to room decoration and table setting. Down with red tablecloths and other richly colored accessories. Now harmony and comfort should triumph.

By the way, the table should be rich and plentiful, full of a variety of “goodies”. The dog loves to eat and adores those who pamper it with all sorts of delicacies.

The best combination in room decoration and clothing would be the harmony of green and gold. It is believed that the Yellow Earth Dog likes this combination of colors, which is sophisticated and elegant at the same time.

By the way, about signs. For a rich and successful year, you must have at least one new item or accessory in your wardrobe.

Brief horoscope for all zodiac signs

The dog values ​​hard work, thoroughness and a sense of family, so one of the main criteria for success in 2018 will be a career and a strong family. How will things turn out for the zodiac signs?

Aries Success awaits business and enterprising Aries in the spring, then you need to consolidate it
Taurus The year will be quite stressful for them; they may even have to reassess their values.
Twins Geminis need to direct all their energy to their family and get their household affairs in order.
Cancer Suspicious Cancers should be even more prudent; a pleasant meeting with the past is also possible
a lion Brave and determined Leo will have great success in business, the main thing is not to forget about family
Virgo But Virgos will be lucky in their personal lives, and some of them will finally cast aside all doubts
Scales Harmonious Libra will draw the right conclusions and make serious and fruitful financial decisions
Scorpion Scorpios must take risks, and everything will work out for them
Sagittarius Purposeful Sagittarius can safely start a new business
Capricorn Capricorns will choose between intense love and the need to work hard
Aquarius New horizons will open to Aquarius only by the end of the year, so you can rest a little
Fish The Dog will give stability and confidence to changeable Pisces

Signs for New Year's Eve

What is really important in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog is that the signs in New Year's Eve were made according to Feng Shui. Although she is a Dog, she is Chinese.

This is especially true for signs of, as they say, money. In our financially difficult times, it is unlikely that anyone will refuse such manipulations. What if it works?

So, in order for money to be transferred, it is necessary:

  • take 4 yellow coins and place them under the tablecloth in the corners of the festive table;
  • do not completely clean the festive table after the New Year. It’s good if there is a vase with tangerines or other dishes on it yellow color;
  • hang yellow or green bills on the New Year tree;
  • Glue golden Chinese coins onto the paper. Then fold the paper, tie it with a yellow cord and hang it on the Christmas tree.

On the eve of the New Year 2018, bustle, preparations and thoughts about where to celebrate this holiday are commonplace. As usual, there is a lot of worries and troubles, as well as running around the shops in search of gifts for loved ones. After all, you want the outfit to be appropriate, the dishes on the table to be delicious, and the house to be decorated with bright attributes. So, the rhetorical question: “How to celebrate 2018?” really worries each of us. The patroness of 2018 will be the Yellow Earth Dog. In the eastern calendar, this animal is especially loved and revered, because the Dog bestows warmth, comfort and good intentions. If you are thinking about where to celebrate 2018, then there is only one answer - among your family and loved ones. Need to pick up festive outfit, put the favorite treats of the hostess of the year on the table and, of course, purchase symbolic gifts.

New Year 2018: what to celebrate in

Before you celebrate the new year 2018, you should take care of your wardrobe. It should be taken into account that the Dog does not welcome overly lush and pretentious outfits. This means that clothing should be modest and restrained in shades. Eg, short skirts and it is better not to wear open, low-cut dresses. Glitter, chic and sequins in decorating clothes will also not be to the taste of the Dog. So, what should you wear to celebrate the New Year 2018? Better in classic style outfits. Well, as for the colors, it should be yellow and brown tones. You should also be careful with jewelry. Gold and silver chains, beads from natural wood and pendants with stones - aventurine or amber. Immediately hide away from the Dog everything that will remind him of his competitors - leopard leggings, tiger prints and prints in the same “spirit”. Shades such as beige, gray, fawn, smoky, golden, coffee and black will look original in the outfit. Please note that everything should be in moderation.

New Year's look: hairstyle, manicure and makeup

Naturally, how to celebrate the 2018 Year of the Dog if your external image is a thing of the past? It is necessary to do something urgently, that is, get a new hairstyle, manicure, etc. Just not “combat” and neon, but natural and gentle. You need to choose eyeshadows with a crumbly structure for makeup. Different tones are chosen, but it is better to exclude pink shades. Set the glitter eyeshadows aside. The dog will like makeup that gently harmonizes with the shade of clothing, eye and lip color. Before you welcome 2018, you need to get a neat and discreet manicure. If you decide to make designs on your nails, then do them in small and calm tones.

In New Year's, everything should also be concise and without unnecessary curls and strands. You can braid your hair or simply let your hair down, or make large curls and style them in a cute hairstyle. The dog will be delighted with such a lovely image. Well, if you have a short haircut, then you can put it up in an original way. To fix the hairstyle, you can use gel or varnish. As for the hair color, it should be natural, not purple or crimson.

New Year 2018: what to wear for men

What to wear to celebrate the New Year 2018 for men who also don’t mind dressing up, attracting attention and looking their best. The dog is distinguished by its loyalty to traditions and style, which representatives of the stronger sex can adopt from it. It is best for men to celebrate New Year's Eve in a classic style. Just don't necessarily wear a gloomy, dark office-type suit. You can wear a slightly fitted tailcoat or jacket. You can choose colors from cream and nut to brown and sand. A wallet, belt and shirt will look wonderful in an ensemble with a dark gray suit. Well, don't forget about the tie. It can be stylish and orange, as the song says.

Year of the Yellow Earth Dog: with whom and where to celebrate

Where to celebrate 2018 to appease the hero of the occasion? The main thing is not to sit at home and alone. You can go to visit friends, organize a noisy party and have fun. The dog is a welcoming and friendly animal, so you can invite guests to your home. Good ideas for the New Year would be a trip, a tourist base and a trip out of town big company.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 so that it will be remembered for a long time? The dog is an energetic and sociable animal, so it will enjoy entertainment, dancing and singing. Well, as well as sports and active games. This means that during the celebration you can easily arrange the following events:

1. Visiting friends, colleagues and acquaintances with whom you can chat about everything and have fun
2. Family holiday with a bunch of relatives and children, when you hear laughter and jokes
3. In a restaurant, cafe or camp site, where you can not only fresh air run, eat barbecue, but also taste exotic dishes
4. Organize a show-fest with fireworks, fireworks, surprises and marabou dancing
5. On a long journey and in another country, where there is a completely new atmosphere, exciting acquaintances and a lot of impressions

Before you celebrate the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, you need to accurately choose the place or establishment where the celebration will take place and the most Magic night per year. After all, each of us expects from her not only miracles, but also the fulfillment of our cherished desires.

New Year 2018: how to decorate your home interior

How to celebrate the year of the Yellow Earth Dog so that it will be remembered for many years? Of course, it is necessary to pay due attention to the decoration of your home. The dog loves everything related to home and warmth, although he also treats any updates with joy. Before you welcome 2018, you can buy new bedspreads, curtains and a tablecloth for the table. All interior decorations should be in yellow and brown shades. There should be a minimum of drawings, flowers and ornaments even in napkins. You can place a candle in the middle of the festive table white, put fir branches and golden satin ribbons around them.

You can draw or cut out snowflakes on the windows. Just don’t overdo it with this decoration, otherwise it will lose its “zest”. The dog prefers restraint in decorations. You can add silver, yellow and golden tinsel to the interior.

Before you celebrate the New Year 2018, you need to hang a wreath above the front door. It is pre-decorated with brown and golden ribbons. Don't forget about the bell, which will serve as a kind of bell. After all, the owner of the year, the Dog, must know who came to visit her. Candy medals, pyramids made of natural wood and original golden balls are hung on the chandelier.

New Year 2018: traditional dishes

How to celebrate the 2018 Year of the Dog so that this animal remains satisfied with the treats on the festive table? One detail needs to be taken into account - all served dishes must not only be filling, but also aesthetically pleasing. The plates should be white and have a gold border. You can put meat rolls with herbs on them. Thinly sliced ​​sausage is laid out on small sandwiches and canapés. Mashed potatoes are served as a side dish, to which you can add a little boiled meat. In general, you don’t have to skimp on meat dishes, because the Dog loves barbecue, pork ribs, chicken wings and a leg. It is advisable to place all this in the middle of the table on a huge platter. Drinks should be the most ordinary and familiar, and dessert should be ice cream, curd pudding or cake homemade recipe. All this needs to be laid out in miniature rosettes made of transparent glass.

New Year 2018: table setting

So, how to celebrate the New Year 2018 so that the table setting pleases the hostess - the Earthy Yellow Dog. When choosing a tablecloth, you need to pay attention to products made from natural fabrics - cotton and linen. They should be soft shades, preferably brownish or yellow. Starched snow-white napkins will be a wonderful addition to the New Year's table.

Don't forget about fruits and vegetables, which can be placed on a platter at the edge of the table. Juices and compotes should only be fresh, not concentrated. The 2018 Dog owner will enjoy tangerines, oranges and even pineapples, which will add exotic motifs to the table and will be reminiscent of a carefree childhood.

Before you celebrate the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog, you need to stock up chocolates in golden and red wrappers, aromatic tea and rich pastries. By the way, use your imagination and bake something in the shape of a dog. This could be an animal's face, paws, or even a sugar tail. The patroness of the year loves creative ideas.

Well, to be honest, she eats everything, so you can without a doubt decorate the table with any dishes. The main thing is not to buy something insanely expensive and sophisticated. It is important that the dishes are tasty and easy to prepare.

Each of us is waiting for this New Year's holidays, worries and fusses in his own way. There is nothing strange about this, because we all want the next year to bring good luck, love and prosperity. If you take care of where to celebrate 2018 and remember your owner, the Yellow Dog, more often, then she will not forget about you, but will give you all the best and brightest.

New Year 2018: what to give

The best and most symbolic gift for the New Year 2018 will be a dog. Of course, alive. Therefore, if your budget allows, and your house is spacious, do not skimp, but get this loyal and cute animal. By the way, it is not necessary to buy a purebred puppy, because you can take it from the street or from a shelter. But, if your household is against a live dog, then give them a large toy Laika or Moska. Both children and adults will be happy with such a gift. The gift must be presented with the chiming clock.

So, what to give for the New Year 2018, so as not to disappoint anyone, but to sincerely please? For example, you can buy a door lock in advance that “barks” like real dog. A couple more original ideas– this is a whistle for a teapot, slippers in the shape of a dog’s face. As a present, the Dog welcomes towels, pajamas and bathrobes with her image. Well, you can give your grandmother or aunt something useful for health - a belt made of dog hair.

If you have already decided where to celebrate 2018, then buy a gift in advance. Presents should primarily be distinguished by practicality, quality and convenience. After all, the Dog values ​​coziness and comfort above all else. Tableware, textiles and bed sheets She will frankly be pleased, because all this is necessary and pleasant to use. By the way, what to give to your loved one for the 2018 Year of the Dog? You can present a cute and not necessarily expensive pendant in the shape of a dog. It will constantly remind the person of you and your warm feelings.

New Year 2018: what not to give

Anything that can offend and even offend the Mistress of the Year, Dog, should under no circumstances be given as a gift. For example, a chain. After all, it even mentally fetters this animal, depriving it of freedom and movement. Please note that even chains made of expensive metal - gold and silver - cannot be presented. Soft and plush toys in the shape of a dog are also not welcome by the patroness of 2018. Then she will think that there is a rival in the house. As for a cat, you can give it to a child, but only after the New Year holidays or before them.

So, what to give for the New Year 2018, so as not to get into trouble and an awkward situation. The dog can’t stand strong odors, so don’t even think about presenting perfumes or perfumes. If the mistress of the year does not like the scent, she will be very angry. Everyone knows what to expect from an animal that becomes uncontrollable. Therefore, if you want to present perfumes to a loved one, then just not on the night of December 31 to January 1.

New Year 2018: how to decorate the Christmas tree and the house

How to celebrate 2018 if there is no festive atmosphere at home? Of course, the Dog is not against decorations, toys and the hero of the occasion herself -. But she does not accept excessive pomp. This animal prefers a calm and cozy environment, where you can have a little fun and then fully relax. This means you shouldn’t overdo it with toys.

A symbolic attribute for the New Year 2018 will be curly and tender angels that you can make yourself. They can be placed throughout the house, hung on a Christmas tree or on a chandelier. By the way, you can screw colored light bulbs into the chandelier to create the impression of illumination.

So, how to celebrate the 2018 Year of the Dog so that the coming months go well? You can place dog figurines in your apartment. Looking at them, guests will always remember the hostess of the year, say toasts in her honor and light sparklers. The main thing is not to spend a lot of money on all these attributes. The dog is economical, so it loves everything that is useful and made from the heart.

Well, the tree itself does not have to be alive. The dog also welcomes the artificial beauty, who should be dressed up without frills. Christmas tree decorations should be chosen in yellow, red and brown shades. They shouldn't be bulky or flashy. Rain, tinsel, wooden toys, twigs, baked goods, hay and golden balls will look unique but attractive on the tree.

New Year 2018: how to attract good luck

Children and adults are looking forward to the New Year 2018, so it is not surprising that this magical holiday is the most favorite for many. We look forward not only to the chimes and fireworks, but also to the celebration with special inspiration. But we strive even more to make a wish under the tree so that life can be happy and cloudless. So, how to attract good luck in the year of the Dog. It turns out there are several effective ways on this score.

1. The owner of 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog, must be appeased. After all, our mental comfort and material stability depend on its location. To do this, you need to feed the stray dog ​​enough. If she thanks you for this, wags her tail and fawns, then the Year of the Dog will pass successfully and calmly in all directions.

2. Before welcoming 2018, you need to put everything in order, wash and clean everything. This allows you to free yourself from negative energy and all the bad things that have accumulated over the year. So, if you throw the trash out of the house and thoroughly clean it, as well as wash the doors and windows, then happiness and good luck will not leave the house.

3. Do you want to be wealthy throughout the year and regularly make a profit? This means you need to buy a piggy bank in the shape of a dog. Another the right way attract money and increase capital - make it from paper or wood doghouse. You can take coins from it, but in moderation. The main thing is that at least a few of them lie at the bottom of the piggy bank.

4. Before celebrating the new year 2018, you need to pay off all existing debts. It's about not only about money, but also about moral grievances, revenge, pride and dark thoughts. First, you need to apologize to those people whom you offended or offended. Then your soul will be pure before the New Year, and your heart will be calm for those whom you have returned to your life.

5. In order to bring understanding, peace and tranquility into your home, you need to make or sew a small dog talisman yourself. The animal must be three-colored: the body is red (to mutual love), head – white (positive thoughts), paws – yellow (energy of the Sun). This amulet is placed in the place in the house where you most often communicate with loved ones.

6. In order to free yourself from everything bad and negative on the eve of the Year of the Dog, you need to lay your front door small rug. Then take a piece of paper and write on it everything that happened to you in last year. The next step is to trample the leaf on the mat and burn it over a candle. You need to shake out the rug on the street and say: “I shake the rug and I’ll remove the negativity.” Then it will be laid at the door until January 14th. Standing on the mat, you can hug, kiss and have fun. But just don’t get angry, discuss or scold someone. After the designated date, it should be hidden somewhere in the house.

7. What do you dream about most and what do you want to celebrate in the new year 2018? If it's about love, then you need to hang paper hearts on the Christmas tree. If about money, then bills. If about good health, then the pictures where the gym is drawn. If you are talking about becoming slimmer, the figure silhouette is 90-60-90. If about a child, then the image of a baby. When the chimes begin to strike midnight, you need to go up to the tree and lightly touch your dream. Now take a couple of sips of champagne and say: “Let everything come true!”

8. They say that if you find something on New Year's Eve, you will collect surprises throughout the year. Naturally, pleasant. In order for this sign to become effective, gifts need to be hidden, and not presented in person.

New Year 2018: make a cherished wish

The more correctly you interpret your cherished desires, the faster they will come true in the new year 2018. Many people believe that dreams will instantly come true if they are mentally uttered at midnight and after a couple of sips of sparkling wine. Of course, no one disputes this sign, but there are others effective ways to make a wish come true.

1. According to the eastern calendar, the Mistress of 2018 is considered to be the Yellow Earth Dog, which means that on the eve of the celebration you need to buy or make yourself a small toy in the shape of a dog. It should be yellow or brown. IN as a last resort, you can tie a bow of this color around the dog’s neck. Then the figurine is placed in a prominent place, and the wish is pronounced mentally. If at midnight you lightly sprinkle melted snow water on your dog and say the right words, then the wish will come true: “I will tell you a wish, with water and a snowy field. Let it be imbued with magic and come true quickly.” The toy cannot be removed from its place until the dream has become a reality.

2. This method To implement your plan, it is suitable for those who already have a dog. At midnight you need to put a birthday cap on the animal, and before that you need to tell him your cherished dream. While the dog is wearing the cap, it is filled with her energy. This means that there is a chance that your wish will come true in the Year of the Dog.

3. You need to take a white sheet of paper and write your cherished wish. Then call the dog, treat it with something tasty and place a leaf next to it. Now you need to say: “Seek and fulfill as soon as possible.” If you haven’t moved, then there is still hope that your wish will come true in the future. After all, the main thing in this matter is to believe!

4. In order for your wish to come true, you need to take a sheet of paper and draw an angel on it. Then on its wings you should write what you dream about. The angel is cut out and hung on the tree so that no one can see it. When January 14 of the new year 2018 arrives, the paper toy must be removed and sent into the wind through the window. Soon the wish will come true.

5. Another way to implement your plan. You need to take a tangerine, carry it in your pocket for a while, and then make your dream about this New Year's fruit. This must be done before the chimes strike. Well, after midnight you need to eat tangerine in splendid isolation.

6. To fulfill a wish in the year of the Dog, you need to do the following. Buy a ball of thread from the fair-haired seller before lunch on December 31st. Then you need to sew a button to your clothes with these threads. Preferably with underwear. While sewing, you need to whisper the following words: “I sew on a button - I fasten the fulfillment of a wish.” Only after the wish comes true can the button be torn off. Then it should be thrown out the window, standing with your back to it, over your left shoulder.

Of course there are many in various ways, helping your cherished desire come true. In order to find out what the new year 2018 will bring, you can tell fortunes using candles, Christmas tree decorations, balls, dishes and paper. But everyone knows that only sincere faith helps to realize your plans. Then the Dog, the mistress of the year, will believe in you, and, therefore, will bring happiness, love and joyful events to the house.

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To replace two fiery years the element of Earth and its representative, the Yellow Earth Dog, arrives. It is under the auspices of this sign that the upcoming 2018 will pass. The coming year will be characterized by a calmer and more peaceful atmosphere, passions and emotions will fade into the background, the soil under your feet will be strong and dense. This will affect all areas of people's lives and activities, including politics and even nature.

In order for luck to be a faithful companion throughout the year, it is important to properly prepare for the New Year 2018 and get to know better the character of its owner. The Yellow Earth Dog does not have a simple disposition, except for such positive qualities like: friendliness, honesty and devotion, the animal can allow itself to be lazy and treat what is happening, which is called “careless”, this makes the Dog an unpredictable sign. In general, 2018 will be a fairly stable and calm period. This year it will be possible to achieve harmony and order in many areas of life, stability in the economy. The Year of the Yellow Dog will be an excellent period for concluding marriages and having children.

For many, the Year of the Earth Dog will be a symbol of fulfilled hopes and secret dreams, so you should think about how to celebrate the 2018 Year of the Dog in advance. How to please the new owner of the year, how to pamper her, what to wear and how to decorate the apartment to attract attention? Proper preparation, planned events, delicious and useful menu will help you celebrate the New Year in a fun and interesting way, and attract good luck for the next 365 days.

The hostess of the year must like everything so that we can count on generous gifts. Dogs love and value their home very much; this is perhaps one of the most striking characteristics of the sign. The animal is attached to the home, to cleanliness, coziness and comfort, and therefore the apartment on the eve of the holiday should shine with cleanliness, radiate comfort and coziness. If the first part can be dealt with with a vacuum cleaner and wet cleaning, then we should talk in more detail about how to give the house beauty and comfort. First of all, you need to pay attention to the textiles; perhaps it’s time to change them? If on the eve of the New Year such a decision was made, then it is better to opt for bedspreads, blankets and curtains in yellow-brown shades. This choice will not only please the Dog, warm colors in the interior will bring coziness and comfort to every room.

New Year's interior 2018

You should not ignore the decorative part of the festive transformation of the apartment. To decorate your apartment, you can use snowflakes, golden rain, fir branches and pine cones, small figurines of dogs, and images of animals. The dog must understand that they are waiting for it here and are glad to see it. In order not to accidentally frighten off the animal, there is no need to use intrusive flashy details in the interior design. Dog animals, although cheerful, are quite modest, they are unlikely to like too original and bright decor. It will also be necessary to exclude figurines and images of cats and their wild relatives, including in the form of prints on textiles.

What is New Year without a Christmas tree? When decorating a forest beauty, you don’t need to overdo it with the number of toys, tinsel and snowflakes. It is important to decorate the Christmas tree elegantly and tastefully: use two or three colors of balls, a small amount of rain and tinsel, while maintaining the appropriate color range.

What to cook for New Year 2018

An equally important step in preparing for the New Year is setting the festive table. When choosing a tablecloth, preference should be given to the colors of the year: yellow, golden, beige and other options in the corresponding range. To add elegance to the upcoming feast, you can use napkins pre-decorated with metal rings. The table should have beautiful dishes and glasses, original cutlery will look impressive and festive. Use any New Year paraphernalia as decorative elements: candles in candlesticks, fir cones, golden braid for decorating glasses.

Menu for the 2018 meeting The Yellow Dog should be considered especially carefully. In order for the hostess of the year to enjoy the feast, it must include meat products. It is better to serve hot meat with aromatic meat, because dogs cannot remain indifferent to this delicacy. For cold appetizers: prepare the dish using deli meats: boiled pork, cold smoked meat. Guests and the hostess of the year herself will be pleased with delicious tender kebab and meat on the bone from the grill. Treats should be tasty and simple, without unnecessary exoticism. It is better to prepare vegetables for a side dish using different colors products. The theme of yellow color will be perfectly supported by assorted fruits, tasty and healthy desserts, nice soft drinks.

New Year's outfit 2018

During the New Year's celebration important role and the right outfit also plays a role, not only the success of the holiday party depends on it, but also the mood, comfort and next year. The Dog should like the selected wardrobe so that she generously bestows her gifts in the New Year. Due to the fact that dogs are picky and kind animals, they will not tolerate despondency or excessive vulgarity, it is important to maintain a sense of proportion and taste in outfits. It is better to choose clothes so that they do not interfere with having fun, spinning in a whirlwind of entertainment, this is what the energetic and cheerful Dog expects from his admirers.

As for the color scheme, it is better to stick to the colors of the coming year - all shades of yellow and brown; it is not forbidden to use the colors of the Earth in clothes. In an effort to please the mistress of the year, there is no need to use jewelry and accessories reminiscent of cat colors or images of cats of any size and color. It is better to choose jewelry from amber, gold; you can complement the image with elegant and appropriate jewelry in yellow-brown or olive shades.

You should not get carried away with accessories and jewelry in the form of large chains; this is unlikely to please the freedom-loving Dog.

New Year gifts 2018

As gifts for the New Year 2018, you can choose things that will help make your home more beautiful and comfortable, remembering that the owner of the year is very attached to her home. You can present dishes, interior items, and textiles to your family and friends. For older relatives, prepare gifts that are not only beautiful, but also useful: knitted socks, scarves, hats, warm blankets. Children will be delighted with gifts in the form of soft toys; if possible, it is better to surprise the baby by giving him a real puppy on New Year's Day, which he has long dreamed of. Stuffed Toys, keychains, paintings, appliques with the symbol of 2018, any gifts in which the main attribute will be a dog or its image will be appropriate.

It is better to postpone gift ideas in the form of perfume sets, perfumes and other pleasant but strong-smelling things for another time. A dog's nose is very sensitive to odors, so do not frighten him with strong aromas. Also, the Dog may be afraid of cats and their closest relatives, even drawn ones, of chains of any kind; it is also better to wait with such gifts.

You should welcome 2018 in good company, this condition will certainly place the Yellow Dog in your favor, because she herself is not averse to having fun in a pleasant company. There should be no place for boredom and melancholy in the New Year; the year of the Yellow Dog favors harmony and relaxation, building relationships, and a pleasant, peaceful pastime. The main companions in all endeavors in the New Year will be a positive attitude, good mood and good luck, the mistress of the New Year will certainly take care of this. Happy New Year!

How to celebrate the 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog, what to cook for the holiday table to surprise your loved ones and friends - all this today in a hot article on the site “Beauty's Health” and its entertaining section of women's advice!

The New Year is rapidly approaching us with every passing day! And the friendly mistress of the next twelve months, the Yellow Earth Dog, according to the eastern calendar, is already ready to protect our health, well-being and comfort!

Garlands are hung on the streets, shop windows are filled with a variety of gifts and costumes, and the smell of citrus fruits and firecrackers is barely noticeable in the cold air. At the same time, one can increasingly hear the question of what to cook and how to celebrate the coming 2018 in order to guarantee the patronage of this friendly guard?

Many of us want to believe that if we please and appease the symbol of next year, then we will definitely have time to grab luck by the tail and become even more successful and happier. This is how man is made.

How to celebrate and what to expect

So, the role of the “mistress” of 2018 is a dog, symbolizing friendliness, honesty, devotion and fidelity. This is a purposeful and strong animal that values ​​comfort and puts the good of the family above its own needs.

According to the eastern calendar, the color of the animal symbol is determined by the element of the year. In the case of the next twelve months, this is the earth, which symbolizes constancy and wisdom in the East. In China, this element has a yellow color scheme and therefore, adding all the pieces of the puzzle we get the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog. The Chinese themselves believe that under the attention of a dog in next year Stability, calm, harmony and peace will reign in the life of every person (oh, if only this were really possible!).

2018 will give lonely people friends and improve their personal lives, those who are disappointed, filling their souls with tenderness, care and warmth. This period especially favorable for creating a happy and strong family! In addition, success will accompany hardworking people and those who cannot live without adventure and travel!

  1. We gather a close, friendly and cheerful company;
  2. We put meat dishes on the New Year's table;
  3. decorate the celebration place in yellow tones;
  4. we select a discreet outfit in the same color scheme as the symbol of the year;
  5. we give loved ones a toy dog;
  6. and, of course, add our site to your bookmarks!

Good luck to you, Dear Women and Health in the New Year 2018!

This is interesting: