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Do dreams come true on Christmas night? (Added). Prophetic dreams for Christmas: interpretation, time of fulfillment A dream comes true on New Year's Eve

The long-awaited Christmas has come - one of the biggest and brightest holidays in Christianity. We also like Christmas because of the traditions and customs that are inextricably linked with it. This is also a traditional Christmas table, with unique recipes and singing carols and telling fortunes. Many of these traditions came to us from hoary antiquity, from pagan times, and only slightly changed under the influence of Christianity. Many people believe that New Year's and Christmas dreams come true. Maybe it's time to believe in magic? Dreams will help us understand what year awaits us ahead. You just need to interpret dreams correctly. The interpretation of holiday dreams differs from ordinary ones.

When do dreams come true?

They say that dreams dreamed on Christmas Eve come true on Christmas and Epiphany. Every dream has meaning. After all, the spirit of the holiday is soaring around.

Always, one of the most magical days of the year in Russia was considered the period between Christmas and Epiphany. Dreams on Christmas night are often prophetic. After all, on this day spirits visit us in our dreams and predict our fate.

Christmas dreams are the most important. After all, fate tells us what needs to be done to make our wishes come true or what to do to avoid trouble. Therefore, Christmas dreams need to be given due attention; they always come true. They can be fulfilled within a month or a year. The main thing is that they are prophetic. It is believed that on Christmas, the souls of ancestors visit their living relatives in their dreams, predicting their future fate. Undoubtedly, such dreams that occur before noon on a holiday will be prophetic, but it is important to interpret them correctly and in a timely manner. A dream that is based on real events and people from your life can be considered prophetic. About 80% of the fact that the dream will come true and be fully realized will not be possible to change anything. You can only slightly adjust reality and wait for the dream to come true.

But symbolic dreams can be from the world of fantasy.

We can walk through the layers of reality and jump over the expanses of time in a dream. We meet non-existent creatures and animals. We talk to them or run away... We do strange things. All these symbols mean something, and they need to be looked at in the dream book.

The world of dreams can open the curtains of reality for us and show us what lies ahead. Maybe a loved one will break our heart or a friend will betray us. But we will be ready for this. There is no need to be afraid of the meaning of sleep. They set us on the right path and prepare us for the future. You can change your life in better side, if you know what to expect.

A bright candle seen in a dream is a symbol of excellent health and good spirits.

Dreams that occur on Christmastide come true within six months. These dreams reflect our actions and emotions. We will understand what we are doing wrong and what actions need to be corrected. They are not associated with serious problems. They simply predict our ordinary events.

If unmarried girl dreamed of a young man, it is possible that he would become her betrothed.

An unmarried woman dreams of new shoes - for her wedding this year. But if the shoes are not the right size, expect trouble.

For an imminent wedding, I also dream of a clock, a rainbow, a butterfly.

Constantly bumping into the same person in a dream means a spiritual connection with him. Perhaps this person will soon mean much more to you.

Dreaming of a decorated Christmas tree in the house means joy and fun. An ordinary spruce means trouble.

If you saw a burning candle in a dream, it is a sign of harmony and life; no dangers will await you.

I dreamed of an angel - you are under the powerful protection of your guardian angel. Usually an angel is a harbinger of good news.

If you dreamed on Christmas night that you were sick with something, it means that you will have a small quarrel with your loved ones. But if the patient dreams that he is in the bedroom or in the kitchen, recovery is very close.

If you dreamed of ducks or swans swimming on the lake, a successful and strong marriage awaits you soon. If you are already married, this means that your feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

Serious trials await those who in a dream put on shoes that do not fit. Dreams in which you happened to enter an open door or scatter small money also warn of danger. A large body of water seen in a Christmas dream is a harbinger of imminent disaster. But not everything is so bad if you sailed along it in a boat: it means that you are moving through life in the right direction and will keep any unforeseen situation under your control. And ducks or swans swimming on the lake predict a successful marriage or a new outbreak of faded feelings. A butterfly seen in a dream or a clock heard chime promises a quick marriage. “Wedding” dreams also include Christmas dreams in which you had a chance to draw, see a rainbow, firewood or various small objects.

If you beat your spouse in a dream, do not doubt his great love for you. However, married women who drop a ring or eat candy in a dream should think about what needs to be corrected in their marriage. family relationships so that her husband’s betrayal does not happen.

If an angel visits you on Christmas night, be sure that he will take with him all the troubles that haunted you last year. Rare luck awaits those who received Christmas gifts not only in reality, but also in their dreams.

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New Year's holidays, Christmas, Christmastide week, Epiphany - a time filled with magic and miracles. And dreams at this time are often amazing, filled with magic and witchcraft. Dreams from January 1 to January 19 may well be prophetic, lifting the veil of the future before us.

IN New Year's Eve on January 1, dreams can come true within a year. You can understand them literally without any allegories. If in a dream you find yourself in a new place, then you will travel, perhaps change your place of residence or simply go on vacation. If in a dream you are on equal terms with significant people, then expect a promotion. If you see a New Year tree in a dream, decorate it or look at tinsel and shiny decorations, then your cherished wish will come true. If you dream of snowfall, the year will be rich in good events.

Dreams on Christmas Eve, for Christmas

On January 6 and 7, dreams can talk about the fulfillment of desires. On Christmas Eve, the dream can be interpreted literally. There is a high probability that what you dreamed will come true. To understand when it will come true, remember what surrounded you in the dream, it is important to remember all the details of the dream, what time of year it was. This will help you understand when to expect execution.

At Christmas you also have prophetic dreams, but they can be allegorical, but by the general mood you can understand what will happen. But even if you didn’t remember the dream, but you woke up with a feeling of joy and happiness, then the year will be good and your wish will come true.

It is a good sign that if you dream that you receive gifts, then you will receive gifts from fate. Trees, forest - new acquaintances, possibly promising relationships. What is the forest like and what are the acquaintances, dense green, with lush foliage - to good relationship.
Dead wood and thicket – it is better not to trust such relationships. Clouds and wind - expect help from someone around you. A brightly burning candle means good health. Fluttering butterflies and a colorful rainbow can promise a quick marriage. If you lose something, for example, a wedding ring, perhaps you should think about the strength of the union. It can be considered a good omen if you see a Christmas tree and decorate it, then your plan will come true.

Christmas time

Christmastide dreams can come true within half a year. These are not as global dreams as, for example, at Christmas, but also important.
  • From January 7 to 8, you may suddenly understand how to solve the problem that has arisen or what needs to be done; a dream may suggest a way out.
  • From 8 to 9 you can not attach importance to dreams, they are not fateful, they are just dreams.
  • 10 and 11 - dreams are associated with family and relatives, with the fulfillment of desires associated with loved ones and relatives.
  • On the 12th, you can understand from your dream how to solve the problem of finances, what prospects await you in your career and business.
  • On January 13, you most likely already know what the dream will tell you; the dream will help clarify the situation.
  • If before going to bed on the night of the old New Year formulate a desire, then perhaps you will receive the answer in a dream. Someone from your dream will voice it, but it can be interpreted both directly and allegorically.
  • You can understand your relationship with your rivals from a dream on January 15th.
  • On January 16 and 17, dreams will help you understand what is tormenting you, perhaps in a dream you will unravel the tangle of problems.
  • On the night of the 18th, you can see a dream related to relationships with loved ones and close people.
  • And at Epiphany, dreams are more global; they can relate to events throughout life.

The New Year is just around the corner and it’s time to make a wish. Many people believe that New Year's and Christmas dreams come true. Maybe it's time to believe in magic? Dreams will help us understand what year awaits us ahead. You just need to interpret dreams correctly. The interpretation of holiday dreams differs from ordinary ones.

Significant dreams can come after the holidays.

When exactly do prophetic dreams occur? new year holidays and after? There are so many of them at this time - starting with Catholic Christmas, New Year itself, Old New Year, Christmas time, Epiphany! These days always remain the most magical and desirable for us, no matter how old we are. Wonderful New Year's days are truly magical, because... and dreams in them are considered the most prophetic. Starting from January 1 and ending with Epiphany, you can completely surrender to the power of the subconscious - it will give us answers to the most intimate issues, which we cannot ask anyone. And, of course, this same subconscious will reveal its deepest secrets to us.

If a dream containing all of the above occurred on the night before Christmas or Epiphany, this is a special blessing. But significant dreams can come after the holidays and throughout the first month of the year. The entire month of January can be considered special. The name of the month is associated with the name of the ancient Roman deity Janus (“Januaris” means January in Latin) - the ruler of all entrances and exits, the lord of beginnings and first steps. It’s not for nothing that we strive to start with the New Year new life! By the way, you can also dream and make wishes all month long.

Arches and gates were considered a symbol of Janus and the passage to a new life. When in a dream you pass through gates, arches and even underground passages, you are taking steps towards change, entering a new situation, and perhaps radically changing your destiny.

At Christmas it is customary to tell fortunes, and when going to bed to make a wish: what you dream will come true. However, the language of dreams remains symbolic, and it is almost impossible to see a picture of the future explicitly: it will be transformed into images and symbols. If the plot of the dream looks attractive, and the mood after waking up is good, then the forecast promises to be good. TO good signs everything related to nature can be attributed - beautiful landscapes, pure water, spring or fountain, green color, juicy fruits and sun.

The year will be lucky if you dream of snowfall.

Dreams that occurred on the night of December 31 to January 1 come true within a year. They should be interpreted globally, because they foreshadow important events. The meaning of such dreams lies on the surface. If you see yourself in an unfamiliar place, it means a journey awaits you. A change of residence is quite likely. If you have a heart-to-heart talk with famous person, the dream promises you an ascent along career ladder. The fulfillment of your wishes promises a dream in which you decorate a Christmas tree or simply see Christmas tree decorations: balls, garlands. The year will be lucky if you dream of snowfall. And if you play snowballs in a dream, then in reality you will definitely win an important argument.

If in a dream a girl sees a bucket filled to the top with water, then this will indicate that her married life will be truly fulfilling. If she sees water flowing from the tap, then this sign for a future marriage cannot be called good.

A dream indicating imminent marriage, may contain such an image as a person walking with your arm. If this person himself directs you on the path known to him, then the man will be the leader in the family. If the dream tells you that you are walking with difficulty as a couple and are trying to find your way yourself, then marriage will be difficult and contradictory with many trials that not every woman is destined to endure.

If an unmarried girl happens to see an animal in her dream on Christmas night, then its character can say a lot about the character of her future husband. For example, a cat in a dream will show a man inclined to go “to the left,” but a dream in which a dog flashes will speak of the fidelity of the future spouse. “Copies” of all creatures on earth are imprinted in the stars. The biblical story about the birth of Jesus and how that the way to the location of the baby and Mary was shown to the Magi by someone who appeared in the sky bright Star, is known to everyone. For some this is the truth, others doubt the authenticity of the story. But even the most ardent atheists, deep down in their souls, probably believe that somewhere there is some kind of force that can help in difficult times, can show the path where to move - his personal guiding star. That is why every time we raise our heads and look with inspiration at the dark sky, dotted with many bright lights.

But a star can express sublime ideas about itself as part of the universe, a certain chosenness. It’s not in vain that the most bright personalities we call them stars. There is a legend that “copies” of all creatures on earth are imprinted in the stars; the star reflects the fate of a person and his purpose. If you dream of a bright celestial phenomenon, you can perceive it as a sign from above - in this dream, most likely, the secret of personal destiny or some great idea will be revealed. You should be attentive to the chances that appear in reality so as not to miss your luck.

If you dreamed of a bright star, expect success in all your endeavors, but if the light burns dimly or goes out, this is not good. Faded stars can mean failure in business or loss of yourself, your inner light. Night, dark time days in a dream - in reality it means a state of uncertainty and loss. When a star lights up in the sky, it means hope and light appear, the situation will soon be resolved.

Also, dreaming stars can mean some kind of rewards or gifts of fate: then in your dreams you find a star somewhere in the grass or accidentally discover it in your palm. If you experience joy in a dream, then wait in reality pleasant surprises. Five pointed star means perfect person

A falling star in a dream - in reality it can mean a flash of insight or a memory of for a brief moment pleasure. It is believed that when you see a shooting star you should make a wish. But in a dream everything is a little different: everything depends on your emotions. When a fallen star causes regret, you want to return it to the sky - there may be losses or a feeling that you are not up to par.

The sky in “diamonds” - in life, portends abundance, extraordinary joy.

Fly among the stars - special condition spirituality. But it can convey a disconnect from reality, which threatens to turn into disappointment in life. A star reflected in water can mean spiritual anguish and disappointment. If the water is clear, and in a dream you do not experience any negative emotions, it means that you are ready to let go of relationships, ambitions or achievements that are significant to you. The five-pointed (pentagram) star is the oldest symbol in the world, it means a perfect person, harmony and health, protection from evil forces, the union of heaven and earth. Appearing in a dream, a five-pointed star will remind you of the 5 virtues of Christ that are necessary for personal development: love, wisdom, truth, justice and kindness. Perhaps in real life have you forgotten about them or is this what you need this period. The octagonal star (of Bethlehem) symbolizes the cooperation of God and man. If you dreamed about it, it means that the stars are favorable to you and some force is now with you.

If you dreamed of an angel, expect happiness.

Dreams that occur on Christmas Eve (January 6 and 18) most often tell about the fulfillment of desires. If you dreamed of something that you have been dreaming about for a long time, try to remember the details of what you saw. Information from the dream will tell you when your wish will come true. Moreover, such dreams should be interpreted literally. So, for example, if you dreamed that you were getting married, then rummage through your memory for clues. What was the weather like? What were the people around you wearing? All this will help you understand when to expect important event. Expecting a promotion and seeing how you are nominated for new position? In this case, you should pay attention to what specific merits they decided to honor you with a high position for. After such a dream in real life it will be easier not to miss a happy opportunity.

And at Christmas you have fateful dreams. They are not always literal, so pay attention to the sensations. Even if you cannot remember the dream, you will wake up in good location spirit, with a feeling of happiness and joy, it means that the year will be successful. If you dreamed of an angel on this holiday, then you can be sure that happiness awaits you.

A quick wedding is promised by butterflies or rainbows seen in a dream.

Good luck is promised by gifts that you receive in a dream. Such a dream can be interpreted as a “gift of fate”: throughout the year you will be presented with opportunities, and your task is not to miss them. You can expect outside help if clouds or wind appear in your Christmas dream. A candle that illuminates the room with bright light will be a symbol of health.

A new promising acquaintance will soon occur if you see trees: the denser the plantings, the more serious such a relationship will be. But their character can be judged by appearance plants. Strong branches covered with greenery speak of a fruitful union. And dry trees will indicate that you should not trust a stranger too much.

Christmas dreams sometimes talk about a love future. A quick wedding is promised by butterflies or rainbows seen in a dream. But if a married woman sees the ring falling from her hands, it’s worth thinking about family relationships.

You must wait for happy changes in fate if you see a Christmas tree in a dream. Decorating a tree means that all your planned tasks will be easy for you, but if you throw away the tree, expect obstacles, but you shouldn’t give up. You just have the opportunity to strengthen your character.

Yuletide dreams help solve pressing problems

Dreams that occur during Christmas time (January 7-19) usually come true within six months. They tell you what to do in a given situation. And if dreams at Christmas talk about global events, then Yuletide dreams help solve pressing problems.

On the night of January 7-8, you have dreams about rivalry, about plans that need to be brought to life. In a dream you will find Yuletide dreams the right way out.

From the 8th to the 9th you have empty dreams; they do not have much meaning.

However, on January 10 and 11 there are dreams that will tell about the state of affairs in the family, about the fate of loved ones, about the fulfillment of desires that are associated specifically with the hearth. On the night of the 12th, you can learn about how to cope with financial difficulties, if any, about career prospects, in general, about everything related to material values.

On Epiphany you have dreams that relate to your whole life. On January 13, in a dream you will be able to comprehend your state of mind, although in fact you will not learn anything new; rather, you will be convinced of what was already known.

On the old New Year, you should ask a question before going to bed, and you will receive an answer to it. It may come from the mouth of one of the characters in your dream, or it may not be so obvious and appear symbolically. Information about relationships with an opponent or rival will come on the night of January 15.

And on January 16 and 17, you will have dreams that will be related to finding a solution to a problem that bothers you. You should expect a dream telling about love and relationships with a loved one on the night of January 18th.

At Epiphany, you have dreams that relate to your whole life; sometimes they predict fateful events that can happen in a few years.

Place bags made of natural fabrics under the pillow

Certain settings and magical actions will help induce prophetic dreams before Christmas: ask yourself a question that worries you, say it mentally before going to bed.

If you want to see your betrothed in a dream or are telling fortunes about love, place bags made of natural fabrics under your pillow: wrap them in a round or square flap necessary flowers or herbs, tie them with a ribbon, mentally ask a question. This will help you: fragrant jasmine, acacia, calendula flowers. And for good sleep choose other herbs: lavender, mint, valerian or chamomile.

The first month of the New Year can truly be called magical: during this period you can guess, dream and see dreams - revelations. Like a Christmas star, they can point the way in which direction to move in the coming year.

The New Year's time is coming - the time when we are ready to make wishes and wait for prophetic dreams. It is believed that dreams at this time are endowed with sacred meaning and they contain information that can tell what year will it be . We are trying to correctly understand the images received in a dream - they sometimes delight, sometimes frighten... To give to all dreams great importance it would be a mistake, in addition, the interpretation of “holiday” dreams differs from the traditional interpretation.

When dreams come true

New Year's dreams, as well as dreams on Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmastide and Epiphany, differ from ordinary dreams and are often performed. Only each dream has its own order of “realization”, duration and area that it can affect.

New Year's dreams from December 31 to January 1 carry information about the coming year and are fulfilled during the coming year.

On Christmas Eve pay attention to dreams in which your wishes , and the time they imply. If in a dream you achieve success in the professional field in the spring, then it is in the spring that you should expect the dream to come true. If you see your wedding , but at the same time you are older than in reality, then the wedding will not happen in the coming year; most likely, this event will take place several years later.

At Christmas dreams can be fateful; they contain hidden hints on what to do to make the desired changes happen in life, and how to save yourself from failures. These dreams should be given close attention, because they almost always turn out to be prophetic. The fulfillment of these dreams can be expected within a week, but they can come true for as long as 5 years.

Dreams on Christmastide are completed within six months. They characterize our actions, determine right and wrong actions, reflect our emotions and are somehow related to entertainment. Unlike Christmas dreams, they do not characterize any global events, but relate to everyday affairs.

For Epiphany dreams should be interpreted in relation to the whole of life, fate, and their fulfillment can be expected within 20 years.

When dreams are insignificant

Many are sure that the Old New Year can also be used as a time for dream interpretation. However, we live according to a different calendar, and the Old New Year cannot even be considered a holiday of the old calendar, it is just an excuse for a meeting. If this is an ordinary date, then you shouldn’t expect prophetic dreams from it.

A dream on Christmastide will be perceived completely differently, and if it is always in front of your eyes, it may be somehow connected with reality. But if you didn’t dream of anything special or noteworthy, then don’t bother interpreting dreams for the Old New Year. Although divination this night it is practiced, including in dreams. Such is the paradox.

Dreams do not mean anything in the period from January 1 to Christmas Eve, and also from January 8 to Christmastide. We can consider this time a period of respite, which is given so that we can again concentrate on “tips from above.”

However, everything is absolutely individual, and angels can reveal to us the edge of what is inaccessible even on ordinary days: for example, a person must be urgently warned about something vitally important.

What else should you know about New Year's dreams?

There is no need to try to remember all the dreams that you see on certain dates. There is no such need, because significant dream you will definitely remember, since such dreams do not leave your memory for several days in a row, or even for several years. If the dream remains clearly in your memory until the evening, you can write it down in all the details that you remember. Then it might be worth thinking about the meaning of the dream.

If a dream almost completely reflects what happened, you should not take it into account. Such a dream simply absorbed the events of the past. If in a dream every time there is a person who is not in reality, then this person can play a special role in your destiny. What his role will be - positive or negative - depends on the relationship that united you with him in the dream.

It is worth taking into account dreams in which we see deceased relatives. Remember what words they spoke: often the words of the deceased are prophetic, and they can also provide guidance for action in relation to your situation.

If in holidays On New Year's Eve you see nightmares, this may well be a sign of your wrong position in life, and perhaps you have made mistakes in your life that require serious reflection. Of course, after deep analysis own life what was wrong should be corrected. Otherwise, you may provoke a series of unpleasant events.

You can't do without adjustments here: a nightmare can be caused by ordinary alcohol intoxication or overeating, so do not take sleep too seriously, but set aside a day for fasting, and only then perceive the “hint” and draw conclusions.

Also determine the mood in which you wake up on these days. Catch the impression that the dream makes on you, as it affects dream interpretation and a hint of prediction.

The impression can be applied, for example, to a frightening dream in which you woke up in in a great mood: Negative events may foreshadow positive changes, or images in a dream should be interpreted with the opposite meaning.

Flashing lights and loud sounds in dreams received on New Year's Eve, they do not carry semantic information. All this is too typical for holidays in reality - fireworks, firecrackers, decorations do not have any special meaning. However, if you dreamed of something similar on other days, be wary.

Dreams during the Christmas holidays and New Year: interpretation of prophetic dreams

About a dream that shows the body’s reaction to abundance festive table , you can say the same thing - for example, if you look plump, this does not bode well for imminent material profit. In this way, the subconscious mind reacts to the intake of calories, and in a dream, being overweight may simply mean fear of gaining weight.

Prophetic and symbolic dreams: difference and interpretation

Dreams received on New Year's Eve are divided into prophetic, those that come true exactly as dreamed, and symbolic, incomprehensible in their direct meaning, which must be interpreted in accordance with the set of symbols. The meaning of the dream also depends on how the current event looks in reality, whether it has come true or is just getting ready to come true.

If anyone remembers (although it’s unlikely, because so much time has passed), the Old New Year 2012 coincided with Friday the 13th... More precisely, New Year’s Eve (old style) fell from Friday to Saturday, which for some turned out to be not a very good omen, in particular, for those who are especially superstitious and believe that the number thirteen is a “bad number.”

We returned to rumors about the imminent end of the world, which, according to the predictions of Nostradamus, should occur in December 2012. Is it because 2012 is followed by 2013? But, after all, the year 1913, nevertheless, has passed, like all the previous ones, ending with the number 13... Russia is the only country in the world that celebrates the New Year twice. This began to happen from the moment the Decree on the introduction of the Western European calendar in Russia was signed in 1918. It was prescribed that the first day after January 31 should be considered February 14...

This is how time has moved. And, although more than one century has passed since then (January 1, the New Year in Russia began to be celebrated by decree of Peter the Great, in 1700), Russia still celebrates the New Year twice. According to the Julian calendar (the time of Peter the Great) and the Gregorian calendar, still in effect today.

According to ancient Russian customs, Christmastide came after Christmas, and accordingly, Christmas fortune telling. It must be said that Christmas fortune-telling was not much different from Christmas fortune-telling. And most often, young girls (and even married women) used fortune-telling on mirrors. Young girls tried to see in the dark emptiness the mirrors of their betrothed, women tried to find out if they could give birth to an heir... especially if the young family was still childless, or only girls were born in the family.

Science has now proven that neither childlessness, nor even more so, the “gender formation” of the unborn child can be the fault of the woman alone. But then, in those distant times, all responsibility fell precisely on the woman. Therefore, it is quite understandable that any fortune-telling married woman boiled down to whether she could give birth to a son. Her position in the family often depended on this, and it must be said that families at that time were patriarchal, which speaks for itself. The woman was absolutely powerless.

But here’s another (very simple) fortune-telling that girls resorted to without risking going crazy with fear, which sometimes happened when fortune-telling on mirrors.

On the night of January 13-14 (New Year's Day according to the old style), the girl had to put a comb under her pillow and say three times: “The betrothed is dressed up, come to me dressed up, ask for a comb, and fix your hair”... After saying these words, it was no longer possible to speak... And if a girl saw her beloved in a dream, this meant that she should wait for matchmakers.