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Where does red viburnum grow? Is caution necessary? Viburnum flowers: application

Family: honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae).


In nature, viburnum is distributed in the temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere, in Europe, Asia, North America, and North Africa. The genus contains about 150 species.

Form: deciduous (less often evergreen) shrub or tree.


Viburnum is a perennial shrub or small tree up to 4 m high. The leaves of viburnum are usually opposite, less often whorled, simple, with stipules, entire, lobed or serrated. Viburnum flowers are white, creamy white or pinkish, collected in racemes. Viburnum fruits are red or blue-black, depending on the type. Most types of viburnum bloom in late May - early June; long-lasting flowering. The root system of viburnum is fibrous. Viburnum is an excellent honey plant. Plants are decorative with their flowers, leaves and fruits.

Viburnum common , or Red viburnum (V. opulus). A large, wide, vertically growing shrub or tree up to 4-5 m tall and wide, often forming thickets. The bark of the red viburnum is gray-brown, with cracks. The leaves of the plants are large, broadly ovate, three- or five-lobed, light green in spring, dark green in summer, reddish in autumn. Red viburnum flowers are large and white. The fruits of the species are red, shiny, round or elliptical, edible, look impressive against the background of foliage, and stay on the plant for a long time. The growth rate of red viburnum is medium or high. The root system of plants is superficial, wide, and not sensitive to flooding or compaction. Red viburnum suffers from high temperatures and drought.

Viburnum black , or viburnum gordovina, or pride (V. lantana). Dense powerful bush up to 5 m tall with a dense, wide, compact crown. All parts of the black viburnum are covered with small white hairs. The leaves of the pride are wrinkled, ovate-oval, dense, wide, dark green above, bluish below. The flowers are creamy white. The fruits of black viburnum are shiny, edible, initially red, later turning black. The pride is simultaneously decorated with both red and black fruits; the fruits turn completely black in September. In nature, black viburnum is found in Central and Southern Europe, Asia Minor, North Africa, and the North Caucasus.

Viburnum canadian (V. lentago) - a tall shrub or small tree up to 6 m tall with an ovoid crown. The leaves of Canadian viburnum are broadly oval, pointed, smooth, shiny, finely toothed along the edges, bright green in summer, all shades of red in autumn. The flowers are small, creamy white. The fruits of Canadian viburnum are initially green, later bluish-black, with a bluish bloom, and are edible. Canadian viburnum differs in that it reacts poorly to waterlogged soils. In nature, the plants are found in Canada and the USA.

Viburnum bureinskaya , or viburnum buryat (V. burejaeticum). Strongly branching shrub up to 3 m tall with a spreading openwork crown. The leaves of the Buryat viburnum are elliptical or ovate, pointed, sharp-toothed along the edges, dark green above, slightly pubescent, lighter below. The flowers of Buryat viburnum are yellowish-white, the fruits are black and edible. Buryat viburnum is light-loving and demanding on soil fertility. In nature, plants are found in the south of Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, Northeast China, and North Korea.

(V. Sargentii). Spreading multi-branched shrub up to 4 m tall. The leaves of Sargent's viburnum are located on long petioles and have a deep central vein. The flowers are larger. The fruits of the plants are bright red and ripen in early October. Viburnum Sargent is undemanding to soil conditions. In nature, plants are found in Eastern Siberia, the Far East, Sakhalin, Korea, Northern China, and Japan.

Kalina Raita (V. wrightii). A straight-trunked, densely branched shrub up to 2.5 m tall with smooth, gray-brown bark. The leaves of Wright's viburnum are obovate, jagged along the edge, pubescent, green above, paler below. The flowers are white, the fruits are bright red, round. In nature, Wright's viburnum grows on Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Japan and Korea.

Viburnum folded (V. plicatum, tomentosum). Shrub up to 3 m high. The leaves of folded viburnum are broadly oval, herbaceous green, with numerous veins, and look velvety. The inflorescences on each branch arise from two lateral opposite buds (each with one inflorescence and two leaves), so the creamy white inflorescences are arranged in layers, alternating with velvety, lush green leaves, which creates a stunning effect. The homeland of folded viburnum is Japan and China.

Viburnum triloba (V. trilobum). Shrub up to 4-5 m tall with an openwork crown. The leaves of the three-lobed viburnum are lighter than those of the common viburnum; turn purple in autumn. The fruits of the plants are bright scarlet, edible, and taste like red currants. Three-lobed viburnum is very resistant to diseases and pests. In nature, the plant is found in North America.

Viburnum edible (V. edule). Shrub up to 1.5 m tall. In nature, edible viburnum grows in the mountain forests of North America.

Non-winter-resistant types of viburnum

Viburnum evergreen , or viburnum laurel (V. tinus). Evergreen, densely branched shrub up to 3 m tall. The leaves of evergreen viburnum are very decorative - leathery, elliptical, entire, shiny on top, bright green, pubescent below, lighter. The flowers of laurel viburnum are pinkish, fragrant, and bloom early. The fruits of evergreen viburnum are spherical or ovoid, blue-black. Plants are drought-resistant, undemanding to soil conditions, and trim well. In nature, evergreen viburnum is common in the Mediterranean.

Kalina David (V. davidii). Slow-growing dwarf evergreen shrub up to 1 m tall with a compact crown and horizontally growing shoots. The leaves of Viburnum David are evergreen, elliptical, leathery, dark green, with deep veins. The flowers of the plants are pinkish. The unusual blue fruits of David's viburnum ripen in October. Plants often suffer from sunburn. The birthplace of David's viburnum is Western China.

They also do not winter in central Russia Viburnum Carls (V. carlesii), viburnum rugosafolia (V. rhytidophyllum), fragrant viburnum (V. odoratissimum), fragrant viburnum (V. farreri), Japanese viburnum (V. japonicum) and many hybrid viburnums (V. x burkwoodii, V. x bodnantense, V. x caricephalum).

Growing conditions

Most types of viburnum are shade-tolerant, but develop better in illuminated areas. Due to their dense root system, viburnums are suitable for planting to prevent soil erosion. Viburnums are moisture-loving and can withstand excess moisture, so they are planted in areas with close proximity or in places where water accumulates. Viburnums grow on different soils, as a rule, they prefer or, but there are exceptions, for example, red viburnum, or common viburnum, which grows even on soils. Viburnum is highly frost-resistant (with the exception of some species listed above).

Plants prefer deep, fertile substrates, from to. Growing common viburnum throughout Europe, except for the Far North, Western Siberia, Central Asia, North Africa and Asia Minor.


Viburnum is a highly decorative plant that will look great in a summer cottage. Viburnum is planted in group and mixed plantings, or used as a plant, excellent for. Low-growing varieties can be planted in. Viburnum is a shrub that looks impressive with other deciduous and coniferous trees:, . Viburnum will decorate the garden in winter with bright red clusters of berries.


Viburnum is a moisture-loving plant that needs abundant watering. Fertilizers are applied twice a year - before the beginning of the growing season and before leaf fall. After loosening the viburnum. Caring for viburnum also involves rejuvenation, in which old plant branches are removed (at a distance of 15-20 cm from the surface of the earth). Pruning is carried out in early winter or early spring before the buds open.

You will learn how to grow viburnum from the corresponding one.


Viburnum can be propagated by seeds () and vegetatively (green,). Low-lying branches of viburnum often produce layering. Viburnum is planted in spring in April or autumn in October. The distance between plants is 1.5-2 m.

Viburnum seeds and viburnum seedlings can be bought at.

Diseases and pests

Viburnum is often affected by the viburnum bark beetle (leaf beetle), the larvae of which eat away the leaf blades, leaving only the veins. The black viburnum aphid is also dangerous - it sucks out the cell sap from young shoots, after which they become deformed and slow down in growth. Possible diseases viburnum - spotting and powdery mildew.

Popular varieties

Varieties of red viburnum or common viburnum

Varieties of black viburnum, or pride

    'Aureum'. Fast-growing shrub up to 3 m tall. The leaves are oval, golden above, pubescent below, silvery.

    ‘Aureo-variegatum’. This variety of viburnum is distinguished by unusual decorative leaves - with yellow strokes and spots.

Sargent viburnum varieties

    'Sterile'- has only sterile flowers.

    'Flavum'- variety with yellow fruits.

Variety of folded viburnum 'Pink Beauty'. Viburnum 'Pink Beauty' blooms long and profusely. The flowers are initially white, later becoming light pink.

» Kalina

Kalina! Where did the name of this come from? medicinal plant and what does she look like? According to one version the berries of the bush become tasty and sweet after they are “hardened” by frost. Let's take a closer look at the common viburnum, its varieties and species, described below.

Viburnum viburnum is a shrub, the fruits of which have been used as food by our ancestors for many centuries. In our harsh conditions, this was an additional source of vitamins, especially in late autumn, when the period of fruiting and ripening of other berry crops was already completely completed by this time. People started eating bright red berries after the first frost., when the bitterish astringent taste disappeared, the silt became smaller.

Great-grandmothers had a sign: if you put a sprig of blooming viburnum in the bedroom, then even a tired husband, after a heavy working day, will love more deeply.

The peculiarities of the root system of the berry crop were successfully used. It is powerful and extensive. As a result, a continuous sod formed in the top layer of soil. That's why Viburnum was often planted in courtyard areas where the soil was most susceptible to erosion(hills, slopes, ravines).

Common viburnum is an unpretentious plant, but to successfully grow it in your summer cottage, you need to know some tricks. For example, if in its natural habitat, viburnum loves moist places, then in cultural plantings, if possible, it is better to give preference to dry soils with low level groundwater.

What does a hedge look like?

For a long time, villagers grew viburnum around the perimeter of the site. The result was a dense hedge that hid the house from prying prying eyes. Modern owners can use this experience of their ancestors. Now, if you have a variety of gardening tools, you can form an ecological fence any height and shape. After all, viburnum is a universal plant.

It goes well with various trees and shrubs, so you can use both group plantings and single ones. It’s a good idea to plant viburnum in areas with slopes and slopes to strengthen them, using biological feature well developed rhizome.

Description of viburnum: benefits and harms

Viburnum berries have healing properties at various diseases. The fruits contain large amounts of vitamin C, twice as much as in citrus fruits, in 100 grams - daily dose necessary for a person.

Viburnum fruits, due to their high vitamin C content, are the best hematopoietic agent compared to others. medicinal plants. The fruits also contain vitamins E and K, carotene and vitamin P. large quantities. Thus, vitamin C strengthens the immune system, and vitamin P promotes better absorption.

The bark of the plant has healing properties. It contains ester-like, tannin and resinous substances, from which, upon hydrolysis, various organic acids and chemical compounds are formed. This huge variety of chemical composition of the viburnum fruit bark forms pharmacological properties plants.


  • Reduces the level cholesterol;
  • Possesses expectorant effect;
  • Improves general state for heart diseases(hypertension, ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis);
  • Helps with skin diseases (eczema, carbunculosis);
  • Increases bile production(hepatitis, cholecystitis);
  • Increases tone uterine muscles;
  • Used for illness diabetes mellitus;
  • Improves digestion;
  • Use with heavy menstruation;
  • Reduces swelling(heart, kidney);
  • Decreases arterial pressure .


  • Low pressure;
  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Exists risk of developing pathologies in the fetus, so pregnant women should avoid using this plant.

Types and varieties of red and black berries

Viburnum has a huge number of species - about 200. There is viburnum with black fruits, and there are forms in the form of evergreen shrubs. In our latitudes I received wide use common viburnum. Thanks to selection, cultivated fruit varieties are superior to wild ones in terms of yield, size of berries and chemical composition.


Good variety For home use. Suitable for both storage and processing. The pulp will please you with the minimal presence of bitterness, the yield is 5 – 6 kg per bush.


Berries bright red, pea-shaped, weighing 0.5 g. Bitter taste, after processing it becomes slightly bitter. The plant grows up to 3 m. Productivity 6 – 10 kg per bush.


Universal variety, different late maturation. The berries are bittersweet in taste, store well and are easily processed. Productivity per bush 5 – 8 kg.

Taiga rubies

An annual fruiting, winter-hardy variety. The berries attract attention with their unusual dark ruby ​​color. Average yield per bush 7 – 8 kg.


The variety is winter-hardy, stable yield for 20 years. The color of the berries is bright red. Average yield per bush 6 kg.

Rules for planting and care

All of the listed varieties can be successfully grown at dachas in the Moscow region. In Western Siberia, this plant is cultivated south of 61°N latitude; in Eastern Siberia, it grows in the basins of the Yenisei and Angara rivers.

Plant viburnum in spring or autumn. Autumn planting is no different from spring planting. Before you start planting this medicinal plant you need to pay attention to the quality of planting material. We visually check for the absence of visible defects. It is necessary to buy 2-3 year old seedlings for planting.

It is better to plant according to the classic scheme of 5 by 3 meters.

We dig a hole with 2 shovels wide and 1.5 deep. It is important that there are at least 3 well-developed buds on the surface of our cuttings. The bush will delight you with the first healing harvest in 3–4 years. Maintenance is easy. In the fall, it would not be a bad idea to fertilize with manure if it is not possible to get this valuable biological material, you can successfully use potato peelings, tea leaves, and banana skins.

These seemingly simple elements will enrich the soil minerals. In our technological age, it is better to use as little chemicals as possible on your summer cottage. But if absolutely nothing, then go to the store: they have the widest selection of complex fertilizers and fertilizers. Usually in our climate plants do not need watering. But even in the temperate zone there are dry summers. In this case caring owner Don’t forget about this unpretentious culture.


Collection and preparation for the winter

Viburnum is harvested in September-October, depending on the variety. Clusters of berries are cut off with pruning shears. Fruits in clusters are stored in the refrigerator or freezer. Viburnum makes aromatic jam, jam, delicious juice and kvass.

Healing juice

Recipe No. 1. Take 1 kg of berries and squeeze the juice. Pour a glass of water over the pulp and boil for 5 minutes. Then strain and combine with juice. Add 200 g of sugar to the mixture, bring to a boil and pour into containers. Seal tightly.

Marmalade from viburnum berries and apples

Recipe No. 2. You need to take apples and viburnum berries, wash, cook separately until soft, mix and rub through a sieve. Pour sugar into the resulting product in a one to one ratio and simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally until thick mass. When this mass leaves the spoon and the bottom of the dish, the dish is ready.

Pour the resulting marmalade into a shallow bowl, let the product cool and dry it in the oven at a temperature of 60 o C.


Viburnum viburnum has beneficial properties in such quantities that it can compete with many other gifts of nature. Summer residents and gardeners should take a close look at this healing and unpretentious plant. After all this healing culture will benefit the whole family, especially during colds , and for better preservation of valuable qualities you need to use a freezer.

Experienced gardeners always have crystalline iron sulfate, or ferrous sulfate, in their garden medicine cabinet. Like many others chemicals, it has properties that protect garden and berry crops from numerous diseases and insect pests. In this article we will talk about the features of using iron sulfate to treat garden plants against diseases and pests and about other options for its use on the site.

Retaining walls are the main tool for working with complex terrain on a site. With their help, they not only create terraces or play with planes and alignment, but also emphasize the beauty of the rock garden landscape, the change in height, the style of the garden, and its character. Retaining walls allow play with raised and lowered areas and hidden areas. Modern dry or more solid walls help turn the disadvantages of the garden into its main advantages.

There were times when the concepts of “garden tree”, “family tree”, “collection tree”, “multi tree” simply did not exist. And it was possible to see such a miracle only on the farm of the “Michurintsy” - people who were amazed by their neighbors, looking at their gardens. There, not just varieties ripened on one apple, pear or plum tree different terms ripening, but also in a variety of colors and sizes. Not many people despaired of such experiments, but only those who were not afraid of numerous trials and errors.

The front garden is the face of the garden and its owner. Therefore, for these flower beds it is customary to choose plants that are decorative throughout the season. And, in my opinion, front garden perennials that bloom in spring deserve special attention. Like primroses, they bring us special joy, because after a dull winter, more than ever, we want bright colors and flowers. In this article, we suggest getting acquainted with the best ornamental perennials that bloom in spring and do not require special care.

The climatic conditions of our country, unfortunately, are not suitable for growing many crops without seedlings. Healthy and strong seedlings are the key to a high-quality harvest, in turn, the quality of seedlings depends on several factors: Even healthy-looking seeds can be infected with pathogens that long time remain on the surface of the seed, and after sowing, getting into favorable conditions, are activated and affect young and immature plants

Our family loves tomatoes very much, so most of the garden beds are devoted to this particular crop. Every year we try to try new interesting varieties, and some of them take root and become favorites. At the same time, over many years of gardening, we have already developed a set of favorite varieties that are required to be planted every season. We jokingly call such tomatoes “special purpose” varieties - for fresh salads, juice, pickling and storage.

Coconut pie with cream - “kuchen”, or German coconut pie (Butter milch shnitten - soaked in milk). Without exaggeration I will say that this is incredible tasty pie- sweet, juicy and tender. It can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time; cakes with cream are prepared on the basis of this sponge cake in Germany. The recipe is from the “Guests on the doorstep!” category, since usually all the ingredients are in the refrigerator, and it takes less than an hour to prepare the dough and bake.

The snow has not yet completely melted, and restless owners of suburban areas are already rushing to assess the work ahead in the garden. And there really is something to do here. And, perhaps, the most important thing you need to think about in early spring is how to protect your garden from diseases and pests. Experienced gardeners know that these processes cannot be left to chance, and procrastination and postponing processing can significantly reduce the yield and quality of the fruit.

If you prepare your own soil mixtures for growing indoor plants, then it’s worth taking a closer look at a relatively new, interesting and, in my opinion, necessary component - coconut substrate. Everyone has probably seen at least once in their life a coconut and its “shaggy” shell covered with long fibers. Many delicious products are made from coconuts (actually a drupe), but the shells and fibers used to be just industrial waste.

Pie with canned fish and cheese - idea simple lunch or dinner for the daily or Sunday menu. The pie is designed for small family of 4-5 people with a moderate appetite. This pastry has everything at once - fish, potatoes, cheese, and a crispy dough crust, in general, almost like a closed pizza calzone, only tastier and simpler. Canned fish can be anything - mackerel, saury, pink salmon or sardines, choose according to your taste. This pie is also prepared with boiled fish.

Fig, fig, fig tree - these are all names of the same plant, which we firmly associate with Mediterranean life. Anyone who has ever tasted fig fruits knows how delicious they are. But, in addition to their delicate sweet taste, they are also very beneficial for health. And here’s an interesting detail: it turns out that figs are a completely unpretentious plant. In addition, it can be successfully grown on a plot in the middle zone or in a house - in a container.

This delicious creamy seafood soup takes just under an hour to prepare and turns out tender and creamy. Choose seafood according to your taste and budget, it can be Seafood Cocktail, and king prawns, and squid. I made soup with large shrimp and mussels in their shells. Firstly, it is very tasty, and secondly, it is beautiful. If you are preparing it for a holiday dinner or lunch, then mussels in their shells and large unpeeled shrimp look appetizing and pretty on the plate.

Quite often, difficulties in growing tomato seedlings arise even among experienced summer residents. For some, all the seedlings turn out to be elongated and weak, for others, they suddenly begin to fall and die. The thing is that it is difficult to maintain ideal conditions for growing seedlings in an apartment. Seedlings of any plants need to be provided with plenty of light, sufficient humidity and optimal temperature. What else do you need to know and observe when growing tomato seedlings in an apartment?

Tomato varieties of the “Altai” series are very popular among gardeners due to their sweetness. delicate taste, more reminiscent of the taste of a fruit than a vegetable. These are large tomatoes, the weight of each fruit is on average 300 grams. But this is not the limit, there are larger tomatoes. The pulp of these tomatoes is characterized by juiciness and fleshiness with a slight pleasant oiliness. You can grow excellent tomatoes from the “Altai” series from “Agrosuccess” seeds.

Viburnum opulus L.

Description and places of growth of viburnum

Viburnum viburnum is a shrub from the honeysuckle family with opposite leaves. The height of the bush is up to 3 m. Viburnum blooms in May-July. The flowers are five-membered, white, in flat semi-umbrellas of two types: the marginal flowers have large wheel-shaped corollas up to 2.5 cm in diameter, these flowers are sterile; medium-sized flowers with a smaller corolla (about 0.5 cm across) produce fruit. The fruits ripen in August-September. The fruit of the common viburnum is a bright red, ovoid-spherical drupe up to 1 cm in diameter, with a flattened stone.

Viburnum is common in forest-steppe and forest zones. It grows in damp deciduous and mixed forests, mainly in clearings, edges and thickets of bushes, as well as along the banks of lakes, rivers, and swamps. As an ornamental plant, viburnum is grown in parks and gardens.

Harvesting viburnum for the winter

The fruits and bark of viburnum are used in medicine. The fruits contain a lot of sugars (up to 32%), ascorbic acid, organic acids, tannins (up to 3%). The bark contains organic acids, tannins (up to 2%), viburnin glycoside, resins, vitamins C and K.

Harvesting viburnum for the winter can be divided into two periods, depending on the raw materials being harvested:

  1. Harvesting viburnum bark for the winter They are produced already in April-May - during the period of sap flow. At this time it is easy to separate it from the wood. When harvesting bark, bushes are cut down, the bark is peeled off, and then the bark is cut into pieces up to 10 cm long. The bark is dried spread out on a bedding in sheds, attics or in the open air. When drying, the bark should be protected from dust. Under-dried bark bends, and dry bark breaks when bent. In dry form, viburnum bark can be stored for about 4 years.
  2. Harvesting viburnum fruits for the winter they begin in September-October, when they are already quite mature. The fruits are air-dried and then dried in dryers, ovens or ovens to a solid, free-flowing state.
Medicinal properties of viburnum

In medicine, viburnum bark is used as a hemostatic agent in gynecological and obstetric practice. The bark is good for painful menstruation and uterine bleeding. Ready liquid extract viburnum can be purchased in pharmacies. It is taken 2-3 times a day, 20-40 drops per dose. At home, prepare a decoction (1:10), which is taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon. The same decoction can be used externally for nosebleeds: moisten cotton swabs with a decoction of viburnum bark and insert them into the nose.

Also, preparations from viburnum bark have an anticonvulsant and sedative effect. Traditional medicine actively uses the medicinal properties of viburnum when prescribing decoctions for insomnia, hysteria, convulsions, etc.

As a sedative, prepare a decoction of 2 tablespoons of bark per glass of water. Drink half a glass of the decoction 2 times a day.

IN folk medicine The decoction is sometimes given orally to children for scrofula and colds.

Viburnum fruits also have a calming effect. They are used like this: brew 1 tablespoon of viburnum fruits in a glass of boiling water, like tea, and drink half a glass twice a day. This tea also contains large amounts of vitamin C.

You can eat viburnum fruits in in kind if there is a lack of vitamins in the body, in addition, jelly, juice, jelly, etc. are prepared from the fruits.

The use of the medicinal properties of viburnum is also not forgotten in the food industry, where, for example, viburnum fruits are used as a vitamin supplement, especially in the confectionery industry.

In folk medicine, berries are used as a disinfectant, diaphoretic and laxative.

Against diarrhea and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract drink a decoction of berries with honey.

For gastric ulcers and duodenum drink infusion of viburnum berries.

For ulcerative and pustular skin diseases, 10-20% is used externally water solution juice from viburnum fruits as a disinfectant.

Against acne on the face home cosmetics You can use viburnum juice.

A bunch of useful information You will learn about viburnum from this video, and as a bonus, you will also hear about rowan:

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In the article we discuss the common viburnum, talk about the beneficial properties of the plant and the use of its fruits in folk medicine. You will learn how to cook medicines with viburnum berries for colds, coughs, hypertension and diabetes.

Appearance (photo) of viburnum Viburnum common or red viburnum (lat. Viburnum opulus) is a deciduous tree or shrub of the Viburnum genus of the Adoxaceae family, previously the Viburnum genus was classified as a member of the Honeysuckle family.

The fruits of viburnum are edible. The berries and bark of the plant are used in official and folk medicine.

What does it look like

Viburnum viburnum is a shrub, less commonly a tree, with grayish-brown bark, which is covered with longitudinal cracks. The plant reaches a height of 1.5−4 meters. Lives 50 years or more.

Viburnum has round, bare shoots, sometimes ribbed, yellowish-brown in color, and in places grayish-white. The core of the shoots is whitish with a reddish tint, hexagonal. The kidneys have two fused outer scales. The buds themselves are ovoid, slightly pointed, reddish-green in color. The buds are hairless and may be sticky. Barren shoots end with one terminal bud, and fruit shoots end with two false terminal buds.

The leaves are petiolate, opposite, round or broadly ovate in shape, 5-10 cm long, 5-8 cm wide. The leaves are divided into 3-5 lobes, pointed, with a rounded wedge-shaped base. The upper side is dark green, the lower side is grayish green.

The flowers of the common viburnum are heteromorphic, with a double perianth, collected in flat umbrella-shaped panicles. Baskets are 2.5−5 cm long, 5−8 cm in diameter. The inflorescences are bare or with scattered small glands, located on the tops of young branches. The flowers are white or whitish-pink, short-bell-shaped, reaching a diameter of 5 mm. Viburnum blooms in late May - early June. The duration of the flowering period is 10−14 days.

The fruits are oval or spherical berries, bright red drupes with a diameter of 8-10 mm. The berries are juicy, slightly bitter and astringent in taste. The bitterness disappears after the first frost. Viburnum bears fruit in August - September.

Where does it grow

Common viburnum is undemanding to conditions. The plant tolerates drought and frost. Most common in temperate climates of Europe and Asia. The plant can often be found in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Crimea, Western and Eastern Siberia.

Also grows in Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Western Europe, North Africa.

Viburnum berries

Viburnum berries are used for medicinal purposes. Below we will talk about medicinal properties and use of plant fruits.
Viburnum berries are most often used in folk medicine.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition of berries:

  • sucrose;
  • fructose;
  • glucose;
  • mannose;
  • galactose;
  • xylose;
  • arabinose;
  • rhamnose;
  • polysaccharides;
  • pectin substances;
  • isovaleric acid;
  • acetic acid;
  • steroids;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • tannins;
  • catechins;
  • flavonoids;
  • fatty acid;
  • potassium salts.

Medicinal properties

Useful properties of viburnum:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sedative;
  • antispasmodic;
  • painkiller;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • hypotensive;
  • hemostatic;
  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • diaphoretic;
  • wound healing;
  • restorative.

Viburnum is used in the treatment of colds of the ENT organs, ARVI and influenza. Viburnum destroys bacteria and germs, eliminates inflammation and sore throat. Based on the berries of the plant, medicines for the common cold are made - they have a vasoconstrictor effect, relieve swelling of the nasal cavity and remove mucus.

Viburnum berries are used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Having an anti-inflammatory effect, medications based on them help with gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. Viburnum fruits relieve spasms of the walls of the stomach and intestines, stop painful sensations, contribute to the production of hydrochloric acid and improve digestion. They are also used to treat liver diseases.

The fruits of the plant are good for the heart and blood vessels. They strengthen the myocardium and vascular walls. Viburnum berries reduce blood pressure and are used to stop bleeding. In addition, the fruits reduce cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood; they are used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus.

Viburnum has a positive effect on the nervous system. Eliminates headaches and shortens the duration of migraine attacks; medicines based on viburnum berries are used for neuroses, convulsions, hysteria, and epilepsy.

Externally, products with viburnum are used in the treatment of skin diseases and in dentistry. They have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects.

How to collect

Viburnum berries are harvested when they are fully ripe. They are cut off together with the stalks. The berries are dried under sheds and in attics, hanging in bunches. You can also dry it in electric dryers at a temperature of 60−80 degrees. After drying, the stalks are separated.

How to use

Tea, decoctions, and infusions are made with viburnum. Below are the recipes: effective means with viburnum for the treatment of coughs, colds, hypertension and diabetes.

Decoction for diabetes

To treat diabetes, you can use freshly squeezed juice of viburnum berries or prepare an infusion based on them.


  1. Viburnum berries - 1 cup.
  2. Boiling water - 1 liter.

How to cook: Pour over the berries hot water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Cool the drink and strain.

How to use: Take ⅔ glass of decoction 3-4 times a day before meals.

Result: Reduces blood sugar levels.

Infusion for colds and fever

At the first symptoms of a cold, take an infusion of viburnum berries.


  1. Viburnum fruits - 30 grams.
  2. Boiling water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the fruits in a thermos. Leave for 3 hours.

How to use: Take ½ glass 2 times a day.

Result: Eliminates cough, runny nose, headache, lowers the temperature. Strengthens the immune system.

Mixture with honey for hypertension

To lower blood pressure, you can use viburnum in the form of tea, infusions and decoctions. Also, for hypertension, a mixture of plant fruits and honey is used.


  1. Viburnum berries - 4 tablespoons.
  2. Honey - 4 tablespoons.

How to cook: Grind the berries and mix them with honey. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

Result: Reduces blood pressure, improves well-being.

Cough tea

Cough tea with viburnum berries is easy to prepare. It can be used not only to treat coughs due to colds, but also to eliminate this symptom in bronchial asthma.


  1. Viburnum berries - 1 handful.
  2. Boiling water - 2 cups.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the viburnum berries. The drink does not need to be infused.

How to use: Drink ½ glass warm 3 times a day.

Result: Relieves spasms, eliminates cough, improves sputum discharge.

For more information about viburnum, watch the video:

Use of viburnum during pregnancy

Viburnum is prohibited during pregnancy. Although the plant's berries may have positive action on the body of the expectant mother, they increase the tone of the uterus and cause contractions, which can lead to miscarriage early stages or premature birth on later ones.


Contraindications to the use of viburnum:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypotension;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • thrombophlebitis and some other blood diseases.

Before using viburnum for medicinal purposes, be sure to consult your doctor.


Taxonomic position:

  • department: Flowers;
  • class: Dicotyledons;
  • order: Teasaceae;
  • family: Adoxaceae;
  • genus: Viburnum;
  • species: Viburnum common.


The genus Viburnum includes 166 species, the most famous:

  • Viburnum common;
  • Buryat viburnum;
  • Birch-leaved viburnum;
  • Viburnum fragrant;
  • Viburnum Mongolian;
  • Viburnum is soft;
  • Viburnum is useful;
  • Kalina Wright.

Viburnum infographics

Photo of common viburnum, its beneficial features and application
Infographics on Viburnum common

What to remember

  1. Viburnum viburnum is a shrub or tree whose fruits have a rich chemical composition, they are used in folk medicine.
  2. Viburnum berries are used to make medicines that are used to treat colds, diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, nervous system, diseases of other organs.
  3. Viburnum is prohibited during pregnancy.
  4. Viburnum has other contraindications; before using the berries, make sure they are absent.
  5. Before using viburnum berries for medicinal purposes, consult your doctor.

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