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The blood from the nose of the cause in an adult has gone. Why does bleeding occur? Change in the vascular wall

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Most often, nosebleeds appear as if from scratch, nothing hurts a person and nothing bothers. But to prevent rebleeding from the nose, you must definitely know its causes and try to get rid of them.

Many people think that nosebleeds are not dangerous, but they are always a sign of a deviation in lifestyle or even a symptom of a disease.

Nosebleeds can be caused different reasons Yes, among them:

High blood pressure is the most common cause of nosebleeds. An increase in blood pressure on the walls of fragile capillaries often breaks them, which is why blood comes from the nose. Usually high blood pressure often observed in people of retirement age.

Injuries. Mechanical injuries are also one of the common causes of nosebleeds. Blood can go if a person picks his nose, or during a runny nose - when the nose is injured with handkerchiefs, easily injured nasal vessels with ARVI swell and burst.

drying out. Drying of the mucosa occurs in cold weather or dry indoor air and can lead to bleeding.

Poor blood clotting. Bleeding from the nose can occur with poor blood clotting, as well as in those who take acetylsalicylic acid and other blood-thinning drugs.

Vitamin K. Bleeding caused by poor clotting blood, may be associated with a lack of vitamin K. Its sources are spinach, lettuce, all types of cabbage, avocados, bananas, wheat bran, soy, meat, eggs, milk and dairy products, olive oil.

Vitamin C. Vitamin C affects the state of blood vessels, with a deficiency of which their fragility increases. This explains the bleeding in children after illness, when the body is weakened and lacks vitamins, as well as in winter and spring. Therefore, it is important to monitor nutrition, especially after illness and in the cold season.

Polyps in the nose. Polyps are growths in the nasal mucosa that prevent it from functioning normally. The processes interfere with breathing and exert physical pressure on the vessels. With polyps, nose bleeds quite often, especially in the morning. In addition, dryness of the nose and the formation of crusts leads to picking and new bleeding.

Vegetovascular dystonia. If spontaneous bleeding from the nose is preceded by headache and tinnitus, and blood from the nose comes against the background watery discharge, then the reason is most likely vegetative dystonia. Many people, especially children, do not tolerate weather changes that cause arterial pressure also changes dramatically, the vessels either expand or narrow, as a result of which their walls cannot withstand and burst.

Hormones. This reason explains nosebleeds in girls during hormonal changes, this phenomenon is called replacement bleeding. The tissue of the nose and the tissue of the genital organs are of the same type, it is called cavernous tissue. If you look at it under a microscope, you can see the closest interweaving of balls blood vessels.

Therefore, when before the onset of menstruation, blood rushes to the genitals, the cavernous tissues of the nose reflexively swell, the vessels overflow with blood, sometimes they cannot stand it, burst, and blood comes from the nose.

Usually with a permanent menstrual cycle these problems in girls go away, but this does not interfere with telling the endocrinologist and gynecologist about them during the appointment.

By the way, similar hormonal causes Nosebleeds can also occur during pregnancy.

Overheat. Nosebleeds are often associated with overheating of the body, for example, in summer with sunstroke, and in winter with an increase in temperature during flu and respiratory infections.

Sudden changes in barometric pressure. Climbers and divers often suffer from nosebleeds due to the fact that they have to endure sudden changes in pressure.

Overwork. Nosebleeds may be due to severe overwork, workload or study, in the absence of fresh air, with lack of sleep, stress and so on. As a result of all these factors, the walls of blood vessels become fragile and brittle, which causes bleeding from the nose. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor your lifestyle, fully relax and eat well.

In children, 90% of spontaneous nosebleeds originate from the area of ​​Kisselbach's plexus - this is a place at the lower edge of the nasal septum, where there is a very dense network of branched blood vessels. In children, the vessels are located close to the surface, while the mucous membrane is thin, so any damage to the mucous membrane and a sharp expansion of the vessels can cause bleeding.

The appearance of blood from the nose scares and makes you panic. Sometimes only a few drops are released, but strong, profuse bleeding also occurs. Behind such a symptom may be hidden serious illness organism. Do not neglect a visit to the doctor - he will help to establish accurate diagnosis and tell you how to prevent bleeding in the future. But before a visit to the doctor, it will be useful to find out about options problems and ways to quickly stop bleeding.

The source of nosebleeds can be hidden both directly in the nasal cavity and in the body itself. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is thin, well supplied with capillaries. This is necessary to warm the air. Warm air is better absorbed into the blood from the lungs. Therefore, the nose, so abundantly supplied with blood vessels, often becomes a source of bleeding. It is worth knowing what reasons can lead to this.


Injury to the nose almost always results in bleeding. In this case, the blood can go both strongly and in drops, depending on the size of the damaged vessel. Often, an injury leads to hemorrhage under the mucous membrane or into the cartilage, a fracture of the bones of the nose, and pain appears in the nose and head.


Any formation is actively supplied with blood vessels. This is a feature of all tumors - strongly germinate arteries and veins. Therefore, even a small formation in the nasal cavity easily becomes a source of bleeding. It provokes the appearance of bleeding vessels, an increase in pressure, infection or trauma.

Atrophic rhinitis

A healthy nasal mucosa is pink and moist. It warms and humidifies the inhaled air. With chronic atrophic rhinitis the mucosa is dry and thin, small vessels appear through it. They easily begin to bleed with a runny nose or too dry air.

foreign body

Children tend to put small objects in their nostrils. Sometimes, parents miss this moment and then only a nosebleed will reveal foreign body. Therefore, if the nose bleeds small child, then you should contact the ENT to examine the nasal cavity.

Arterial hypertension

An increase in pressure above 140/90 mm Hg. Art. bad effect on small vessels. They are easily damaged and bleed. Bleeding from the nose high pressure appears on the background of a headache in the back of the head, dizziness, flickering before the eyes of black flies. You can reliably understand why blood appeared by measuring pressure.

Diseases of the internal organs

Cirrhosis of the liver, chronic kidney failure lead to poor condition vessels, impair clotting. This leads to frequent bleeding small vessels nose. Usually these are drip bleeding, but frequent and prolonged. The therapist will help to understand why blood appeared in this situation.

Viral infections

A feature of respiratory viral infections - influenza, parainfluenza, rhinovirus - makes the walls of blood vessels brittle. This may be manifested by redness of the eyes, small dots skin rashes and nosebleeds. In this case, the blood from the nose goes along with the mucus, there may be streaks of blood.

Vitamin deficiency

Ascorbic acid, folic acid, rutoside - play essential role in ensuring the density and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. With their deficiency, small capillaries are the first to suffer. In addition to bleeding vessels in the nose, people get bruises, gums bleed.


Staying in the open sun harms the vessels, especially children and the elderly. dry air, heat environment lead to vascular bleeding. Weakness, headache, feeling of heat, feeling of tickling in the nose precedes the appearance of blood from the nose.

Low ambient pressure

In some people, the vessels are sensitive to changes in air pressure. These are older people, teenagers. Too low atmospheric pressure - 745 mm Hg. Art. and below - negatively affects the vessels. The smallest capillaries in the nasal cavity can not withstand and burst at low air pressure.

Why does it bleed sometimes?

One of the causes of nosebleeds is viral infections. ARVI, and especially influenza, almost always manifests itself as problems with the vascular wall. Persistent runny nose and a fragile wall of small vessels lead to bleeding. Do not be afraid if the nose bleeds during a cold - this is a temporary phenomenon. For prevention, doctors prescribe along with antiviral treatment and vitamin tablets that strengthen the walls of blood vessels:

  • askorutin,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • rutoside.

Another cause of rare bleeding in healthy people is trauma. The nose is easily damaged and even with the slightest touch, drops of blood may appear. Even if the bleeding has stopped on its own, it is better to consult a doctor in order not to miss a nose fracture or hemorrhage under the cartilage shell.

Why does it keep bleeding?

If the blood from the nose of an adult is frequent, then you need to consult several doctors: a general practitioner, an otorhinolaryngologist. Inspection and analysis will help identify the cause of the problem. The most common source of bleeding is the Kiesselbach plexus. This is a small area of ​​the mucous membrane where the vessels are close to each other, in layers. This plexus is especially thin in children. That is why frequent but weak bleeding in healthy child may be a common, temporary phenomenon.

Regular blood loss occurs in people suffering from hypertension. A therapist can make a diagnosis by measuring pressure. If the assumption is confirmed, then pressure pills will help to permanently cope with nosebleeds.

Weak nosebleeds

Doctors, when there is blood from the nose, diagnose "epistaxis". Literally it means "drop by drop". Indeed, most often bleeding looks like this: droplets of blood flow one by one from one nostril. Is not dangerous state if there are no clotting problems. In children, the cause may be a slight trauma to the mucosa - a finger or a toy.

In adults, light bleeding occurs during drops atmospheric pressure or overheating. Mucosal atrophy also provokes drip bleeding. The source of atrophy may be chronic rhinitis or frequent use drops from a cold - Nazivin, Naphthyzinum.

Severe nosebleed

abrupt appearance heavy bleeding from the nose is rare. It is preceded by weakness, headache, dizziness, tickling or itching of the nose. If the blood begins to flow sharply, with a strong flow, then such bleeding is called "signal". In a short period of time, a person loses a lot of blood.

But main danger signal bleeding is not only in this: it indicates damage to a large vessel of the skull. It could be an aneurysm malignant neoplasm, trauma to the bones of the skull. With such a problem, the person should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible in order to determine why the signal bleeding appeared.

How to stop nosebleeds

Stopping a nosebleed is often easy. If this is drip bleeding, then health care may not be needed. However, even if the bleeding is strong, you should try to stop it yourself before the ambulance arrives:

  • The person sits comfortably with their head tilted forward. It is strictly not recommended to tilt your head back - blood will drain down back wall nasopharynx, will not stop and, as a result, will cause vomiting of blood.
  • One should press the nostril from which the blood is coming - or both, if the source is not clear - to the septum. Since the capillaries of the anterior part of the nose are the most common source of bleeding, such clamping for 15-30 seconds often helps.
  • Ice is placed on the bridge of the nose. It must be wrapped in fabric.
  • If pressing the nostrils does not help, then a tampon will come in handy. It is better if it is gauze - cotton wool fibers are torn and remain on the mucous membrane.
  • The swab should be moistened with hydrogen peroxide, aqueous chlorhexidine or just water. A swab is placed in the nasal passage from which the blood comes.
  • Place the tampon tightly, but not roughly. Additional damage to the nasal mucosa can increase bleeding.
  • After stopping the bleeding from the nose, there will definitely be crusts on the mucous membrane. They call unpleasant feeling tightness and dryness.
  • You should try not to blow your nose for the first few days after bleeding from the nasal cavity - the crusts will roughly fly off, the blood may come again.
  • Lubrication will help get rid of crusts oil solution: pinosol, Vaseline oil, vegetable oil. After such treatment, the crusts will go away on their own, painlessly, and the blood will not go again.

The blood does not stop for a long time - what to do?

A situation may arise when all that is needed is done: cold compress, the tampons have been in the nose for 30 minutes, but the blood continues to seep through the gauze. This is a dangerous condition, blood loss can become significant. Then the person will feel:

  • weakness,
  • dizziness,
  • darkening in the eyes
  • nausea,
  • frequent heartbeat.

These are symptoms of acute blood loss. The reason that the blood from the nose does not stop may be the pathology of blood cells - incoagulability. In this situation, it is worth taking the person to a specialist as soon as possible. Sometimes nose bleed requires transfusion of blood substitutes.

Most often, a person ends up in otorhinolaryngology or in general surgery if there is no specialized department. Here they can apply medical methods stops:

  • posterior nasal tamponade - a tampon is inserted through the mouth;
  • drugs that promote clotting - etamzilat, vikasol;
  • sclerosing injections that promote adhesion of mucosal vessels;
  • if that doesn't help, then severe cases ligation of vessels from which bleeding has opened is carried out.

Doctors will definitely prescribe tests and additional research to understand why nosebleeds take so long to stop.

Nosebleeds are not always a threat. Sometimes this is just a feature of the nasal vessels or a reaction to environment. Do not worry if a slight short-term bleeding appeared once. But when nosebleeds recur regularly and do not stop for a long time, it is undesirable to postpone seeking medical help.

Man Woman Arms Belly Back Skin Legs Rib cage Pelvic region Neck Head Miscellaneous Headache Sore throat Headache Eye hurts Ear hurts Tongue hurts Throat hurts Tongue swollen Swollen gums Bleeding nose Bloodshot eyes Bleeding gums Bleeding from the ears

Bleeding Nose

Most likely, you are not too worried about the banal nosebleeds, which stops after a few minutes and the reason for which is obvious. Nose picking is the number one cause of such bleeding. Or if SOMEONE threw the ball too hard, and you caught it not with your hands, but with your own nose, a small trickle of blood will not bother you or confuse you. Or if your child has the amusing habit of sticking little bits of toys up his nose to see how they fit in there, again a little bit of blood won't surprise anyone. If you live in a dry overheated house or spend a lot of time on planes (the air is dry, like a desert), your nose may bleed on its own.

If you have repeated nosebleeds, go to the doctor, even when the cause is obvious. Because there are many different local diseases including swelling (rare), prolonged caffeine sniffing, puffy, allergic membranes, nasal polyps (very common) and warts, all of which should be diagnosed and treated. The first thing the specialist will do is shine a light into your nostrils to look at the bleeding site, the tiny vein or artery that has been irritated. If a vessel is found, cauterization (a little painful, but necessary) will heal it and stop the bleeding. If such a vessel is not found, the examination will be expanded, including an x-ray or tomogram.

You can decide for yourself where V nose goes blood(but not why). To do this, close your nostrils and lean forward.

If the bleeding stops in about 5 minutes, the source is ahead. But if the blood continues to descend into the throat, then the artery on the pharyngeal surface of the nose bleeds. In this case, the doctor will most likely pack your nose with gauze or cotton to stop the bleeding - not a very pleasant procedure.

If your nose bleeds with no obvious local cause or injury and you don't spend a lot of time in dry air, check your blood pressure. In middle age and older, sudden onset nosebleeds indicate hypertension. If blood pressure normal, have your blood clotting system checked to see if it's working properly.

Word of caution: nosebleed after you hurt your head, may indicate a skull fracture.

It is necessary to take an x-ray, no matter how trifling the blow that you received may seem.

List of possible diseases:

Allergy An acute reaction of the body's immune system to normally harmless substances. Hypertonic disease Hypertension, a disease of the cardiovascular system, the main manifestation of which is an increase in blood pressure. Bleeding The cause of bleeding can be injuries with mechanical damage to the vascular wall, pathological changes in the composition of the blood or changes in the vessel wall itself, diseases of the internal organs. polyps Benign formations from the epithelium of the mucous membranes (nasal cavity, uterus, stomach, etc.). May ulcerate and bleed.

The causes of nosebleeds in adults can be different. To identify them for sure, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination. If in the near future you will not be able to get to the hospital, then you can find out the main causes of nosebleeds in adults from the presented article.

general information

Nosebleeds (causes in adults will be described a little later) and are concepts that are close, but not equal in meaning. To find out what is the difference between this pathological processes Let's define each of them:

  1. Nose bleed. This phenomenon is observed when blood comes from the vessels of the nasal cavity, as well as its paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx. Usually, this process occurs as a result of a violation of their integrity.
  2. Bleeding from the nose. Most often this pathological condition occurs when damaged upper walls nasal cavity. In other words, the integrity of the vessels located in the skull is violated.

Sources of bleeding

Nosebleeds in adults and children may be various sources. Thus, often blood comes from respiratory tract, esophagus and even stomach. In such cases, it flows into the nasal cavity through the so-called choanae, that is internal holes that connect the pharynx.

Everything about nosebleeds in adults and children is not known even to the most experienced doctors, because the mucous membrane of this organ is very actively supplied with blood, as it has a huge circulatory network woven from small vessels and capillaries.

According to statistics, most often regularly occurring nosebleeds indicate the development of a serious illness. Although such a pathology can occur in quite healthy people of different ages.

Nosebleeds: Causes

Causes of nosebleeds in adults and children are divided into local and general. To understand how they differ in people different ages Let's look at them in more detail.


The mucous membrane of the child's nose is quite delicate, which is why it is easily injured. Its blood supply is provided by branches carotid artery. In 90% of cases, it is small capillaries that bleed in children, which are located in the anterior-lower section of the septum of the new cavity, where, in fact, the most bleeding zone is located, informally called the Kisselbach zone.

IN childhood, in addition to general and local causes of nosebleeds, there are also external ones. These include damage to the vessels of the mucosa:

  • foreign body (pea button, pencil, toy parts, etc.);
  • while picking his nose with his finger.

local causes

Causes of local bleeding from the nose of young children include:

  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • as well as bruises or fractures;
  • tumors in the nasal passages (hemangiomas, angiofibromas or polyps);
  • drying of the membrane of the nasal cavity, which leads to fragility of the capillaries (with long stay in an unventilated and very hot room).

Common Causes

TO common reasons nosebleeds in young children should include:

  • increase in body temperature of the child;
  • infectious diseases (for example, SARS, scarlet fever, influenza, etc.);
  • blood diseases with a violation of its coagulation;
  • increased intracranial or arterial pressure;
  • liver disease;
  • hereditary diseases (for example, hemophilia);
  • excessive physical activity (during sports, games, etc.);
  • hormonal changes;
  • lack of certain trace elements and vitamins in the body;
  • overheating in the sun, as well as sudden changes in pressure (atmospheric).


Bleeding from the nose - danger sign if this deviation occurs very often and is accompanied by headaches or other pains.

It should be noted that general and local reasons nosebleeds in teenagers are the same as in young children. But most often this deviation is associated with hormonal changes child's body(during puberty).

Among other things, the blood from the nose of a teenager can regularly flow due to increased arterial or intracranial pressure due to excessive psycho-emotional or physical stress. In other words, fatigue is the most probable cause bleeding in children aged 12-16 years.


What are the causes of nosebleeds in adults? They are also divided into local and general. Incidentally, with age this phenomenon occurs more and more frequently. Let's consider in more detail what it can be connected with.

Reasons are local

Local causes of nosebleeds in adults may include the following:

Common reasons

What else can cause nosebleeds? Causes in adults (general) are often as follows:

  • disorders in the blood coagulation system, as well as its diseases (for example, leukemia) and hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • lack of vitamins K and C in the body, lack of calcium;
  • congenital pathology (for example, Rendu-Osler disease, hemophilia);
  • pathology vascular system(For example, hypertonic disease, heart defects, atherosclerosis and vascular anomalies);
  • pathological conditions due to sudden changes pressure (most often found in pilots, divers, astronauts, climbers, etc.);
  • fever (for example, with kidney and liver diseases, infectious diseases);
  • when the body overheats;
  • hormonal imbalances (for example, during pregnancy or menopause);
  • reception medicines that prevent blood clotting.

It should also be noted that nosebleeds in healthy people may occur due to stressful situation or significant physical activity. The cause of this deviation is often the inhalation of dry or frosty air (hot summer or cold winter).

It is not uncommon for healthy adults to leak after prolonged exposure to the sun (or as a result of the so-called " sunstroke"). In this case, a person has tinnitus, weakness, severe headaches, and sometimes loss of consciousness.

If bleeding occurs infrequently in healthy people and is not associated with serious internal diseases, then, as a rule, such a phenomenon quickly stops and is not particularly abundant.

Aged people

In older people, nosebleeds can occur for the same reasons as in healthy adults, but with some nuances. Main Feature given age is that an old person has capillaries posterior divisions nose lose their elasticity over time, resulting in profuse bleeding.

It should also be noted that quite common cause This deviation in the elderly is essential hypertension.

Why can nose bleed?

Now you know why certain people periodically or constantly experience nosebleeds. 4 main reasons:

  • mechanical damage to the vessels in the nasal cavity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • internal diseases;
  • arterial or intracranial pressure.

Bleeding from the nose: causes, treatment and first aid

Above, we talked in detail about why such a deviation may occur in a person at a particular age. Now I want to tell you about how to provide first aid for such a deviation.

If a person has severe nosebleeds, it is recommended:

  1. Sit on a chair and tilt your head slightly. Throwing it back is highly discouraged, as blood can therefore be easily swallowed, cause vomiting, or even enter the respiratory tract.
  2. If the bleeding was caused by overheating in the sun, then the person should be immediately taken to a shade or ventilated room (preferably cool).
  3. During bleeding, it is recommended to unbutton the collar, and then open the window for more access to fresh cool air.
  4. A tissue bag filled with ice should be applied to the nose, or a bandage (handkerchief) soaked in cold water.
  5. If long, then the wing respiratory organ you should press your finger against the nasal septum and hold it for about 10 minutes.
  6. To quickly stop bleeding, moisten a swab (gauze or cotton) in a 3% peroxide solution and gently insert it into the nose.

The nose is a very vulnerable part of the human face. Any careless movement or collision with anything can cause bleeding. Also similar phenomenon can be a sign of disorders in the body. In this article, we will look at why there is something to do in such a situation.

Causes of nosebleeds

Before understanding what actions need to be taken in order to avoid a repetition of this situation, it is necessary to find out what became a provocateur. So, the main reasons why the nose may bleed:

What to do?

So, in that situation, when what to do?

Remember, in no case should you throw your head back, which we used to do in such a case. Why, you ask? The answer is simple: if the flow of blood from the nose is strong, then there is a risk that a person may choke, since the liquid will flow into the throat when the head is thrown back. This can provoke which will clearly significantly worsen the patient's condition. There is blood from the nose, what to do?

  1. A person experiencing nosebleeds should either sit in a chair with their head slightly tilted forward, or lie down and turn their head to one side to avoid the red fluid running down the throat.
  2. If the bleeding is small, then we pinch the wings of the nose with our fingers and stay in this position for several minutes. Otherwise, you need to use cotton swabs moistened with hydrogen peroxide. We insert them into the nasal passages and wait 1.5-2 hours.
  3. At this time, you can also bring something cold to your nose, such as ice, which will help narrow the walls of blood vessels.