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What is natural propolis? Treatment of throat with propolis. The main features of propolis, based on its origin

Technological progress is moving forward; today there are a huge number of synthetic medical supplies, but funds for plant based do not lose their relevance. Some of the most famous and effective are natural beekeeping products used for prevention, treatment various diseases. The following describes what propolis with alcohol is - what it helps with, how it is recommended to use it, what vitamins, useful material contains how to use it to strengthen your immune system.

Propolis tincture with alcohol

Propolis is a bee glue that bees collect from trees, modified by enzymes. According to the observations of beekeepers, insects strengthen the hive with it. Bee products contain a huge amount of organic substances, including trace elements (potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, aluminum), vitamins, fatty acid, flavonoids, proteins, ketones, enzymes. Each component plays an important role biological role in the fight against the pathological component of diseases.

Medicinal properties

Due to its widespread use among the population, the product attracted attention and was carefully studied. To healing properties bee product include:

  • Antioxidant - expressed in the protection of cell membranes from destruction due to neutralization free radicals and prevention of lipid peroxidation.
  • Anti-inflammatory - components of the substance that affect different parts of the inflammatory process, reduce their manifestations.
  • Vasoconstrictor, local hemostatic effect - resins, essential oils in the tincture cause vasoconstriction.

There are other important useful actions that will help you understand what propolis tincture treats:

  • Immunostimulating - stimulates the production of cells responsible for the immune response and increases the body's defenses.
  • Antibacterial and disinfectant – suppresses the growth of pathogenic flora and destroys pathogens.
  • Dermoplastic - catalyzes regeneration processes in tissues and organs.
  • Detoxification – rids the body of toxins, cell waste products, deactivates toxic substances.
  • Affects the protein-synthesizing function of the liver, normalizes the balance of albumins and globulins.


Like all products, the tincture has contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, allergies, intolerance, urolithiasis disease, various pathologies of the pancreas, liver, biliary tract. They can only be identified after examination by a specialist, which will prevent the body from irreversible consequences. Side effects are identified in in rare cases, but an overdose of the drug is possible, causing a number of health problems.

Using propolis tincture with alcohol

Homemade propolis alcohol - what it helps with: it is used to treat acute respiratory viral infections, throat diseases, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gum inflammation, hypertension, frostbite, burns, diseases gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, gynecological, urological problems, infectious processes in organism, allergic diseases. The following describes what propolis with alcohol treats in certain areas of medicine.

In gynecology and urology

Being a multifunctional remedy, it is widely used in gynecology for colpitis, adnexitis, endometritis, salpingitis, erosions, in the presence of fungus, and other infectious and inflammatory processes. It is valued most for its antibacterial, antimycotic, and local anesthetic properties. Alcohol tincture of propolis is taken orally; there are also suppositories and tampons that produce local action.

In urology alcohol tincture propolis is included in therapy inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, for example prostate adenoma. It leads to a reduction in the size of the prostate, normalizes its secretory function, and eliminates compression of the ducts. By providing an antitumor effect, the drug prevents malignant degeneration, recovery occurs without surgical intervention.

For the treatment of the stomach and intestines

It is recommended to be taken by patients with gastritis; they are also treated for stomach ulcers, which are often caused by improper food in the diet. It relieves all symptoms, including abdominal pain, bitter taste in the mouth, heartburn, nausea, and general malaise. Repair mechanisms accelerate healing ulcerative defect. Propolis tincture – useful drug to combat intestinal problems. Wide range Applications include treatment:


An ideal remedy for fighting a runny nose. Not addictive like others vasoconstrictor drugs. Eliminates nasal congestion, relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane, protects against bacteria and allergens. Useful for coughs, relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, relieves pain, accelerates healing. Thanks to its immunomodulatory properties, it promotes speedy recovery. Often used to treat sore throat. Operated in different types, possible oral administration, inhalation, compress.

Infectious diseases

Treatment with propolis in alcohol is very effective infectious diseases. It has a bactericidal effect as an antibiotic, destroys bacteria, exhibits bacteriostatic properties, and inhibits their growth. Prevents the proliferation of viruses such as herpes, influenza, hepatitis, chickenpox. Stimulates the phagocytosis system, when combined with antibacterial drugs enhances their effectiveness. Does not suppress normal flora and does not lead to dysbacteriosis. There is no way for foreign agents to develop resistance to it.

For the skin

Propolis extract has become popular product in cosmetology, therapy of skin diseases. It protects the skin from exposure ultraviolet radiation. Masks help moisturize the skin and slow down the aging process. Lotions with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects provide deep cleansing of the face. Regular use of creams stimulates the healing of the dermis.

How to take propolis tincture with alcohol

Can be purchased pharmacy tincture or prepare the infusion yourself. Methods of administration and concentration differ depending on various pathologies. Use a gargle for sore throats, pharyngitis, colds, use a solution of tincture, saline, they need to be diluted 1:10. When you have a runny nose, drop it into your nose without diluting it. To sanitize the upper respiratory tract, inhalations are performed by adding a few drops of tincture to the device.

In case of otitis, cotton wool soaked in the extract is placed in the child’s ear. If the skin is damaged, propolis ointments are applied. The treatment course lasts up to two weeks, prevention – up to two months. The dosage for a child depends on age and is certain part from adult dose: up to one year – 1/20, up to 6 years – 1/10, up to 10 years – 1/5. Before taking it, you must consult a doctor, whose advice will help you not cause harm to your health.


When ingested, the substance is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and exhibits all its strong effects. Supports, tones and normalizes the functioning of the entire body and individual organs. Often used for inflammatory processes oral cavity, relieves sore gums. In a short period of time, the required concentration is achieved, and the result is not long in coming. How to drink propolis with alcohol depends on your goals.

External use

The product is used externally as an antiseptic, analgesic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and healing agent. It copes well with both burns and frostbite. For microtraumas, wounds and trophic ulcers overlap gauze bandages saturated with liquid. Another indication is alopecia, it helps restore structure and accelerate hair growth.

How to prepare propolis tincture

There are others folk recipes with added impurities: a few grams of honey, oil, pure alcohol, a glass warm milk. Ingredients for preparing the tincture according to the recipe: 80 grams of propolis, 300 milliliters of medical alcohol. There are several stages in total:

  1. Purification stage - after aging in the refrigerator, the raw materials are grated and pieces of propolis are poured.
  2. Next comes mixing the ingredients - crushed propolis, immersed in a container, should be filled with alcohol. The infusion process lasts about two weeks.
  3. After filtering aqueous extract ready, it can be consumed internally.


Propolis tincture with alcohol has wide application, however, to reveal the beneficial properties of propolis, the tincture must not only be prepared correctly, but also taken correctly.

Below we will look at how to make propolis tincture with alcohol, when it can be taken, and when this medicine can be harmful.

Beneficial properties of propolis

Propolis is produced by bees and is often called bee glue.

Did you know? Bees use their glue for a variety of purposes - to repair holes in the hive, to disinfect honeycombs, and to disinfect all external objects that enter the hive. They make it from sticky substances, which in the spring they manage to collect from the buds of poplar, alder, birch and aspen. Further collected material they process it with their own enzyme, which results in propolis.

Bee propolis is a complex chemical compound that includes 16 elements. Among these elements there are resins, oils, alcohols, proteins, pollen, and wax. It is thanks to this rich composition that propolis is able to treat many ailments.

Propolis in pure form practically not used. A more common medicine made from it is an alcohol tincture, which allows you to reveal the maximum amount of its healing properties.

What does propolis with alcohol help with? The entire spectrum of its action still remains unexplored, but it is known that it is capable of:

  • disinfect the body well;
  • fight bacteria and toxins both on the external areas of the skin and inside the body;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • constrict blood vessels;
  • improve appetite and eliminate digestive problems;
  • treat tuberculosis, pneumonia and bronchitis;
  • support immunity.

Propolis with alcohol is able to support cell regeneration and neutralize all those poisons that are formed in the body from the breakdown of damaged tissues. Its use stops the development of pathogens of viral diseases, and often completely destroys them.

Propolis tincture recipe

Let's consider two options for preparing the tincture.

On alcohol

Before making propolis tincture with alcohol, you need to prepare necessary ingredients and materials. It is recommended to keep it in dark glass bottles. Also, for one serving of tincture you will need to purchase:

  • 80 g of propolis itself;
  • 300 ml medical alcohol.
Typically, propolis is sold in raw form, which looks like small balls resembling brown plasticine.
To clean it and prepare it for use in the tincture, grate each ball. In order for propolis to rub well, you should keep it in the refrigerator for about 3 hours.

Important!A similar tincture can be prepared using high-quality vodka, which is recommended to be purchased in a store. However, the proportions in this case will be different - 80 g of propolis will require 0.5 liters of vodka. But moonshine cannot be used for these purposes, since fusel oils and various chemical impurities can neutralize medicinal properties bee glue.

Grated propolis must be poured clean cold water, thanks to which a pure substance will settle to the bottom, and all unnecessary impurities and debris will float to the surface. Five minutes will be enough for such cleaning, then the water is drained from the propolis and it is left to dry completely.

Mixing and infusing propolis in alcohol

We pour the prepared bee glue into a previously washed and dried bottle, then fill it with alcohol or vodka. Be sure to shake the bottle so that the propolis rises from the bottom and mixes well with the liquid. After this, seal the bottle as tightly as possible.

The process of infusing propolis in alcohol can also occur at room temperature, but the container with it must be placed in a dark place and shaken daily. It will take at least 2 weeks to obtain the tincture.
The shelf life of this tincture does not exceed 3 years. However, doctors advise preparing this medicine annually, since fresh it is capable of providing the most effective impact on the body.

Important! Before using the tincture, it must be filtered from propolis particles. To do this, the liquid is passed through a piece of gauze or any other clean cloth.

On the water

This tincture is prepared as follows:

  • Propolis is cleaned in the same way as for tincture with alcohol.
  • The grated bee glue is placed in a porcelain or glass container and 300 ml of water is poured.
  • The container is placed on water bath and warms up within a few hours.

Internal use of tincture

Often propolis with alcohol is used internally. Apply similar treatment should be used for the following diseases:

Ulcerative inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract

Dilute 40 drops of tincture in a glass of water or milk and drink half an hour before meals. It is worth starting treatment with 5% tincture to monitor the body’s reaction. If it is positive, the concentration can be increased to 20%. It costs 1-2 months to take propolis.


To ease the symptoms of the disease, take a spoonful of tincture daily for a month. The concentration of the tincture should not exceed 30%.


20 drops of 20% tincture should be drunk three times a day, about an hour before meals. Such treatment will give results if it lasts at least a month. After a two-week break, the course should be resumed.

Liver and gallbladder problems

Add 20 drops of propolis in alcohol to tea, which you should drink in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is only 1 week, followed by a week-long break and resumption of the course.

Ear pain

To eliminate the inflammatory process, drop into each of them three times a day. auricle 2 drops of tincture. At serious illness(otitis) you can insert gauze tourniquets soaked in tincture into the ears for 25 minutes.

Runny nose

Prepare the product: dilute 30 g of propolis in alcohol with 10 g of olive, peach or eucalyptus oil. Heat the solution in warm water and drop three drops into your nose twice a day.


Use tincture for inhalation. Doctors may also give you punctures twice a week using the same tincture.


Drink tea or milk three times a day, to which you must first add 30 drops of tincture.

External use

When used externally, propolis with alcohol shows no less effective results. It is recommended to use it for the following purposes:

Mouth rinse for inflammation, stomatitis and periodontal disease

To do this, a teaspoon of the medicine is diluted in half a glass of water. On the first day of treatment, rinsing should be done every 2 hours, then three times a day. Inflamed areas can also be lubricated with a weak concentration of propolis.


A spoonful of tincture is diluted in a glass warm water. Rinse three times a day.

Treatment of problems with the epithelium - burns, eczema, psoriasis, ulcers

Lubricate the affected areas of the body with pure tincture three times a day.

How to drink propolis with alcohol to prevent diseases

Propolis and alcohol tincture from it have both prophylactic use, it is especially useful to take it during periods when viral infections those who suffer from reduced immunity.

So how to drink propolis with alcohol for immunity? To do this, add propolis tincture to warm tea or milk every day before bed. For an adult, 15 drops per cup of liquid will be enough, while for children this dose should be reduced to 5 drops.

Did you know? When taking propolis for prevention, its tincture can be added to ordinary water.

The course of such prophylactic use of propolis tincture lasts 10 days, however, it is recommended to repeat it monthly. Thanks to this medicine, you will also be able to notice how your nervous system and sleep improves.

Pharmacies sell propolis tincture in bottles, which are contained in cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine is used as antimicrobial , anti-inflammatory And stimulating regeneration means.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Propolis is a useful natural substance that contains many mineral and organic substances: selenium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, , Group B And , calcium , copper , aluminum , silicon , as well as many important for the body . In addition, it contains oils and flavonoids , providing antibacterial action.

The use of alcohol tincture of Propolis is possible for treatment infectious diseases caused by bacteria. It can be used in the treatment respiratory diseases , inflammation of the middle ear, , . Taking this remedy also contributes to the overall recovery of the body.

The medicine is capable of providing vasodilator effect, making it useful in treating people with high , pain in the heart and local .

Due to anti-inflammatory and local painkiller actions it is used in therapy , pain in joints, back, spine, shoulders, arms and legs. Taking it improves blood circulation in the muscles, reduces inflammation and fatigue.

The use of propolis tincture internally has a calming effect on the body. It can be taken when , tinnitus , , etc. This remedy is also used for detoxification . It helps with skin problems and is used to treat wounds, acne, infectious diseases hands, nails and feet.

Indications for use

The use of Propolis tincture with alcohol is possible in many cases. It is usually used for microtraumas, otitis , tonsillitis , diseases periodontal , superficial damage to the skin and mucous membranes, , .

At home, Propolis tincture for hair is often used. It is used to prepare masks against hair loss, , and also to strengthen hair follicle. The product can be bought in pharmacies, and if you have a prescription, you can prepare it yourself.

It is very useful to take medicine for the intestines in case of inflammation, as well as gastritis .

Propolis tincture is used externally for acne, atherosclerosis , bone calluses, , wounds, fistulas, bedsores, hemorrhoids , , burns. To enhance the effect, it can also be used internally.

Read more about in what cases it can be used this remedy and what cures, in each individual case it is better to consult a specialist.


Known the following contraindications to use the medicine: hypersensitivity And .

Side effects

Treatment with this drug may cause and a short-term burning sensation. Before taking Propolis tincture, you need to rule out individual intolerance to the medicine. If there are allergic reactions , use should be discontinued.

Instructions for use of Propolis tincture (Method and dosage)

For those who are indicated for Propolis tincture, the instructions for use indicate that the product can be used internally and externally.

Take 20-60 drops with ¼ or ½ cup of water orally. This should be done 3 times a day for 5-30 days. At peptic ulcer The course of application is designed for 3-4 weeks.

Instructions for using Propolis tincture externally indicate that this can be done for microtraumas and wounds. Then the affected areas are treated with a swab containing the drug 1-3 times a day. At chronic pharyngitis And tonsillitis tonsils are lubricated with tincture, which is diluted with water 1 to 2. This should be done 1-2 times a day for 7-14 days. In addition, they can do 1-2 inhalation , in which Propolis tincture in water is used (diluted 1 to 20).

The product is used for rinsing for wounds on the oral mucosa, as well as inflammatory diseases mouth and throat. It is important to know how to gargle correctly. To do this, dilute 15 ml of tincture with a glass or ½ glass of warm water. Rinsing is carried out 4-5 times a day for 3-4 days.

When chronic purulent otitis A swab soaked in medication is inserted into the ear for 1-2 minutes. This needs to be done 2-3 times a day. In addition, you can instill 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day.

Tincture at sinusitis used in combination with isotonic sodium chloride solution (1 to 10). It is used 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

To treat and strengthen hair, use an alcohol tincture, which is applied after washing your hair. The product does not need to be washed off. For maximum effect It is recommended to use it every day or every other day.

Preparing propolis tincture with alcohol is a fairly simple task. Propolis dissolves in pure medical alcohol (ratio 1 to 10). That is, for 10 g you need 100 ml of alcohol. Before preparing propolis tincture, it is advisable to grind it well, for example, using a grater. The crumbled product is placed in a vial or bottle, then filled with alcohol and infused in a dark place for 7-10 days, shaking the vessel every day. If you keep the product in a cold place, it can retain its healing properties for three years. Using the same principle, you can prepare a vodka tincture.

The product is more difficult to prepare using water and has a shorter shelf life - about a week. Before making a tincture of propolis, you need to grind it well, preferably using a stone mortar and pestle. There are approximately 30 g of propolis per 100 ml of water. The mixture is boiled in a water bath for about 60 minutes, it must be constantly stirred with a wooden spoon. After this, you need to strain the propolis extract and put it in a cold place.


Data on overdose are not provided.


It is not advisable to combine the medicine with other antiseptic preparations and beekeeping products.

Terms of sale

The tincture is sold without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The product should be stored in a dry, dark and cool place. Keep away from children.

Best before date

The maximum shelf life of the drug is 2 years. It cannot be used after this time.

During pregnancy and lactation

It is not advisable to use the tincture when And . Contraindications are not indicated in this case. However, special studies on the effect of the drug during pregnancy have not been conducted, so its use is not recommended.

There are many well-known ways to use propolis, since the secrets of its healing properties have been revealed to humanity for hundreds of years. Its smell and taste are specific. In its unprocessed form, it is a rather bitter, unpleasant-smelling product. A distinctive quality from many substances similar in composition is that it does not become harder, but on the contrary, some elements of propolis become fragile. Propolis, which is only extracted, is quite soft and elastic. Propolis is a homemade bee glue whose purpose is to protect the hive from drafts. It's like they glue all the cracks. It also has a specific warming quality. Our ancestors in Rus' actively used propolis in the creation of tinctures and in its pure, unprocessed form. The benefits of propolis can be traced both from internal and external use, an example of which is rubbing.

Medicinal properties

Doctors advise using bee glue in appropriate cases:

  • Gastrointestinal problems;
  • , cold;
  • Tuberculosis.

When properly applied propolis to skin damage and wounds, it helps accelerated healing and, thanks antibacterial properties, protects against possible infections.

Propolis is extremely thick in consistency, so previously its tinctures were made exclusively using alcohol. It was believed that water was powerless to dissolve it. Recently, thanks to experiments, it was found that when heated, it successfully dissolves even in water, without losing its individual properties at all. healing qualities. Today, with such developments in pharmacology, propolis still does not lose recognition, quite the contrary. In pharmacology, this bee creation is increasingly being used in drug formulations. When you go to the pharmacy, examine a couple of shelves, and you will personally see this fact. More than half of the medicines contain propolis extract. The range of its effects is wide, from painkillers to antivirals.

Practical application of propolis

Due to the wide range of effects of propolis, it can be taken in numerous ways. If you have problems with the throat or respiratory tract, taking propolis with milk will be productive. Add about 100g of grated propolis per liter of boiled milk. Stir for ten minutes until the mixture is homogeneous. Against ulcers and abscesses, external application of an alcohol-based tincture is used. It is also good for sore throats and colds. How to make alcohol tincture? You will need 95% alcohol, 200g per liter of chopped propolis. Mix well, store in something glass in a fairly warm and dark room for about a couple of weeks.

To make it easier to apply to external damage, it can be prepared and applied as a cream. You will need 20g of lanolin along with 70g of Vaseline. Add 15g of propolis to everything. Place the received product in a container with hot water, mix thoroughly for ten minutes. Filter what you get through double-layer gauze and let it cool.

Healing propolis

People everywhere use bee glue in large quantities. Its effectiveness has long been proven by the experience of the people, and healing properties no one questions it. Its many uses and wide range of effects make it incredibly convenient. Of course, it will not heal you from absolutely all diseases, but its effects are wide ranging.

What cases can propolis cure:

  1. Eye problems, skin diseases;
  2. Depression;
  3. Asthma;
  4. Accelerated healing of all types of wounds;
  5. Colds and inflammations.

Even bone fractures can heal much faster due to the use of propolis. It should be applied as a compress to the sore area. If only the tincture is available, soaking the bandage in it will already provide a significant result. Perform this procedure at night, and the result will not take long to arrive.

As a way to cure herpes, it also showed itself to be extremely positive. In this case, it is recommended to use it as a tincture. Just bring the concentration of the alcohol base to 18-28%. Apply the substance like an ointment to the affected area. A reduction in strength is required to avoid dryness. skin this area.

How to take propolis

How to receive medicinal product depends on what type of condition it is in. In the case of alcohol tincture, it can be taken orally if the alcohol strength threshold does not exceed 70%. Be sure to dilute it with water, at least 20 drops per spoon of solution. It is recommended to take the medicine 30 minutes before meals. The ointment is much easier to use. There are no specific instructions for its use; it is simply applied like a cream. It is worth paying attention to rinsing the larynx with a propolis solution. This procedure will not only help treat your throat from cold germs, but will also clear your airways. Do not use pure alcohol tincture under any circumstances, you will burn your throat! Dilute the tincture to 10% and heat it in a water bath. In its pure form, it is advisable to take ground propolis with milk. Do not forget also about the method of kneading propolis to the state of platinum and applying it to external damage. This method is effective in 98% of cases of damage to the external integrity of the skin.

The best effect is achieved when taken orally. Of course, with the exception of external wounds. In the case of milk tincture, there are practically no contraindications; the main thing is not to abuse it. The same cannot be said about alcohol tincture. It can have a negative effect on the body large doses. It's a matter of concentration, and we shouldn't forget about the immediate properties of alcohol. Be sure to dilute the tincture with water, and daily consumption maximum 30g of original product.

Contraindications for use

If you are allergic to bee products, then any connection with propolis is contraindicated for you. If you do not do this, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Temperature;
  • Burning;
  • Weakness;
  • Severe itching.

If you notice these symptoms, seek professional medical help immediately.

To test yourself, try using a small amount of propolis, severe harm small dose will not cause harm, and the verification is needed for your confidence. If none of the above appears, feel free to use this medicine in the required doses.

Now you know how to use propolis and prepare it, don’t get sick and don’t overuse self-medication.

Video about the beneficial properties of bee products

In this video you will learn about propolis treatment:

People have been using beekeeping products for a long time to treat various diseases. This is related to many healing properties honey and its derivatives. However, many of them are lost in the process heat treatment product. But this does not apply to propolis - the only beekeeping product that is able to preserve all components valuable for health unchanged under the influence of temperature (including boiling). This is due to the main function of propolis in the hive. There it serves for protection, which means it must withstand all mechanical, chemical and temperature influences.

Composition of propolis

This substance is a resin-like mixture. It is collected exclusively by worker bees, and only from the buds of poplar, birch and aspen. After collection, the mixture is enriched with bee enzymes, which is why beneficial features propolis.

Scientists have carefully studied the composition of this product beekeeping and claim that it contains more than 50 different medicinal components, which are divided into groups:

  • plant resins (comprise from 35% to 60% of propolis);
  • wax (on average the content reaches 25%);
  • balms (in different substances from 5% to 25%).

The main components of propolis are phenolic compounds. Various types of acids are classified as biologically active substances. The composition of this beekeeping product includes:

  • (a plant antioxidant that is often used in cosmetology because it copes well with the signs of aging);
  • (used in Food Industry as a preservative);
  • caffeic acid (has antibacterial and antifungal properties) and other acids.

In addition, propolis contains mineral and organic substances such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium, vitamins A, E, group B, as well as amino acids, without which human body cannot fully function. For example, treat joints with propolis in alcohol or other diseases.

The antibacterial properties of this product are due to the presence of volatile oils and flavonoids.

Healing properties of propolis

The composition determines the ability of this beekeeping product to provide therapeutic effect on the human body. Propolis is often called natural antibiotic, since its ability to fight viruses and bacteria has long been known. It also copes well with fungus, since it contains a substance such as pinocembrin (a natural barrier).

In addition to alternative medicine, propolis has found wide application in cosmetology, since the product perfectly combines the ability to heal skin diseases(for example, treating fungus with propolis in alcohol is effective) and at the same time has preservative and embalming properties.

Propolis is used in alternative medicine for the treatment of varying severity of wounds, the effects of frostbite, diseases of the skin, joints and bones.

Propolis with alcohol is widely used (use for the treatment of joints is also allowed):

  • solves dental problems;
  • restores damaged mucous membranes;
  • eliminates inflammatory process in the organs of hearing and vision;
  • relieves abscesses and suppurations;
  • removes fungus;
  • relieves from diseases internal organs, and this also applies to congenital ones;
  • restores blood circulation;
  • copes with colds;
  • normalizes intestinal function;
  • solves endocrine problems.

In addition, propolis is a strong antioxidant that can fight cancer cells, this is the reason for treatment with propolis tincture in alcohol.

Features of use and preparation

Most often, propolis is used in the form of an alcohol tincture. In particular, it is effective for gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, eye diseases. A feature of the alcohol tincture is that all the medicinal properties of propolis are enhanced several times when compared with natural product or other means of preparation for use. The tincture is taken both internally and as lotions and baths (for example, hemorrhoids are treated with propolis in alcohol by taking baths with this remedy).

You can buy it at any pharmacy, but you can prepare it yourself, and in many cases it will be much more effective, since you can control the entire manufacturing process, and also use only a high-quality product.

Propolis tincture with alcohol is prepared in several stages.

Preparing Ingredients

To prepare an alcohol tincture, you need 300 g of medical alcohol and 80 g of propolis. In addition to the ingredients itself, you will need a dark glass bottle. Besides, medical alcohol You can safely replace it with regular store-bought vodka, but in this case the amount of liquid needs to be increased to 0.5 liters, and you must be sure of the quality of the product.

You can buy propolis from beekeepers, as well as at fairs where honey is sold. But you need to be sure that the substance you purchased does not contain any impurities, otherwise treatment with propolis will not be effective. Therefore, it is better to purchase the product from trusted manufacturers.

After purchasing propolis, its preparation takes place in several stages:

  1. If the seller is unknown to you and you are not sure that the product is completely pure, you can clean it up a little. In its raw form, propolis looks like plasticine. Brown. To clean it, you need to put it in the refrigerator for a while (no more than three hours).
  2. After cooling, grind. You can use a grater for this.
  3. Next, pour the propolis with cold water (this is a prerequisite). After this, the product itself will sink to the bottom, and impurities will float to the top. Let stand in this state for about five minutes. Drain the water and dry the propolis. This stage can also be performed for a proven product.

As for alcohol, it is better to take wine alcohol, the strength of which is about 70 degrees. You can also use medical wax (its strength reaches 96 degrees), but in this case a larger amount of wax will be dissolved.

Mixing components

After preparing all the components, it is necessary to fill the propolis with alcohol (the required concentration must be taken into account). The ratios are as follows: 1 part propolis and 2 parts alcohol. If you want to get a tincture of greater concentration, the amount of alcohol must be reduced. This should be done in a dark glass bottle.

Infusion of the mixture

Shake the resulting mixture well, cap the bottle tightly and place in a dark room at room temperature for 14 days. During infusion, one should not forget to periodically shake the bottle. It is recommended to do this every day.

Media filtration

After the required two weeks have passed, the tincture must be filtered. You can use cloth or gauze for this. After filtering, the tincture should be poured into dark glass bottles. Now the alcohol tincture can be safely used for its intended purpose.

Stored folk remedy based on propolis homemade can last up to three years, but the effectiveness does not decrease. However, to be sure that treatment with propolis in alcohol will be effective, it is recommended to prepare a new remedy every year.

Rules of use for the treatment of ulcers

Treatment of the stomach with propolis in alcohol is carried out in two ways:

  1. Dilute 15 drops of tincture in half a glass hot water. Drink the resulting liquid 10 minutes before meals three times a day. Instead of water, you can take milk; in this case, double the amount of liquid. Treatment of the stomach with propolis tincture in alcohol should last at least 12 days.
  2. In this case, the tincture is mixed with butter in a ratio of 1:10. Immediately before the mixing process, the oil must be heated. Ready product will have liquid consistency, so you need to take 10 drops three times a day before meals. Treatment of stomach ulcers with propolis in alcohol lasts 20 days.

It is worth remembering that during the period of exacerbation of the ulcer, as well as when using traditional medicines, the use of propolis tincture with alcohol must be agreed with your doctor.

Using tincture for gastritis

Treatment of gastritis with propolis in alcohol is carried out with a 10% tincture (10 g of propolis per 100 ml of alcohol). Take the tincture internally. A single dose is 40 drops, which must be diluted in a glass of either chilled tea or milk. Divide this amount into three doses. Drink one hour before meals. The duration of treatment is about two weeks.

Treatment of the stomach with propolis in alcohol in combination with honey is highly effective. This is evidenced by numerous reviews and studies by scientists.

Treatment of colds with propolis and alcohol

Alcohol tincture of propolis copes with sore throat and cough.

In the first case, you will need a 20% propolis tincture. Dilute 40 drops of the product in half a glass of warm water. There is no need to drink the liquid; it is used for rinsing. The procedure must be repeated 3-5 times throughout the day. Continue treatment for two weeks.

Alcohol tincture in this form can also be used to treat children.

Treatment of cough with propolis tincture in alcohol involves the use of a 30% concentration of the product for rubbing the chest. After rib cage completely covered with the product, you need to wrap yourself in a warm scarf and cover yourself with a blanket. It's better to do this before bed.

In addition, this product can also be used as a nasal rinse. This is an excellent prevention of sinusitis. Dilute the tincture in a small amount of water and rinse your nose and throat twice a day.

Treatment of otitis with propolis in alcohol involves taking the product three times a day in its pure form. It is necessary to instill no more than two drops into the auricle or apply cotton compresses.

Respiratory diseases are quickly treated by inhalation. No need to catch a cold. Spend immediately healing procedures twice a day until symptoms are completely eliminated.

Restoration of the cardiovascular system

Alcohol tincture of propolis significantly facilitates the course of vegetative-vascular dystonia. To do this, it needs to be dissolved in milk (20-30 drops of 20% tincture per glass of milk) and drunk before meals for three weeks. This course of therapy is recommended to be repeated every 3-4 months for prevention.

Arterial hypertension is treated by taking an alcohol tincture orally, and the dosage of this drug depends solely on the severity of the disease itself. At mild degree about 15 drops, for severe cases - up to 55. The tincture should be diluted with either water or milk. Drink twice a day for three weeks.

This method of using the tincture can also be used for prevention every two weeks.

Treatment of diabetes

It has long been known that this disease is fraught with large quantities complications. They can be avoided if you regularly take propolis alcohol tincture. The dosage regimen is as follows: take a 30% solution up to six times a day, 1 tbsp. l. This treatment must last at least a month to obtain a positive result.

It is possible to artificially increase the effectiveness of such treatment by taking special antidiabetic and hypoglycemic drugs, but they should only be prescribed by the attending physician based on the research conducted.

Solving vision problems

Not only blueberries and carrots can solve the problem of loss of visual acuity. Propolis tincture with alcohol also copes well with this task, but you need to use the product extremely carefully so as not to harm yourself.

The tincture should be 10% concentration. It needs to be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:6. Instill the resulting solution directly into the eyes three times a day, 2 drops.

This remedy can be used to eliminate redness of the eyes due to prolonged eye strain, excessive tearing and to improve vision.

Improved hair condition

This tool is also used to solve cosmetic problems, in particular, for hair care and prevention of hair loss. To eliminate this problem, you need to use a 30% propolis solution. It needs to be rubbed into the scalp. The duration of the course of treatment is at least two weeks, after which you need to take a break for 5 days and repeat the procedures.

The product can also be used as a mask. For this, 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. juice onions, 1 tbsp. and 1 tbsp. l. Mix propolis tinctures with alcohol (concentration 30%) and apply to hair along the entire length. After this, cover your head with polyethylene and wrap it in a towel. Leave in this form for about an hour, then wash off the mask.

There will be a positive effect only if this procedure carry out regularly every other day for a month.

Contraindications to the use of propolis

Despite high efficiency in treatment various kinds diseases and solving cosmetic problems, it is not always possible to use propolis, and especially its alcohol tincture. Contraindications are:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergies to other bee products.

In case of an overdose of this drug, symptoms of a disorder may appear. heart rate, arterial pressure changes abruptly, drowsiness appears or, conversely, an unhealthy surge of energy. After the appearance of such symptoms, taking the tincture should be stopped immediately. In addition, only while taking the product can propolis intolerance be detected, which is manifested by skin rashes, cough, runny nose, itching and swelling.