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Causes of allergies. Allergic reactions during pregnancy. Symptoms depending on localization on certain parts of the body

Answered these and other questions Chief Allergist-Immunologist of the Moscow City Health Department Irina Sidorenko.

"AiF": - Can an allergy be transformed? For example, if a patient used to have all the signs of allergies disappeared with the onset of winter, and the remission period lasted until August, and now sneezing and runny nose do not stop throughout the year. Tell me, is there any chance at all to recover?

I.S.:- If the allergy has become year-round, then an allergy to house dust cannot be ruled out. But it happens that this is a sign of autumn pollinosis associated with the flowering of autumn grasses. You need to see an allergist. We must understand that it is impossible to cure with drugs. In general, no one in the world can cure allergies. But it is possible to achieve a long-term remission (improvement of symptoms or complete disappearance) by treating with allergens. Children experience spontaneous remission of symptoms in adolescence. But after 20 years, the symptoms may return. Therefore, treatment with allergens is used all over the world with different schemes and combinations. Unfortunately, there are contraindications to this method. Accordingly, if there are contraindications, then you will have to select antiallergic or symptomatic drugs, but for this you need to contact an allergist.

"AiF": - Because of what a child can have an allergy from birth? Does it happen that the drugs that the mother took during pregnancy are reflected in this way?

I.S.:- If the child has an allergic reaction, but usually the cause is not drugs or antibiotics. The question is that some children have a feature of the immune response, which is manifested by allergic reactions. The child needs to be examined, identify the main allergens and teach them to live with these allergens. In this case, local skin therapy must be connected: moisturizing creams, atopic steroids. It is necessary to decide on the methods of treatment together with the allergist.

"AiF": - Is there an allergy to water? For example, sea or river?

I.S.: - unexpected allergic reactions occur. For example, last summer was special. Perhaps some chemicals from the smog dissolved in the water. If this is not repeated, then the problem will disappear by itself. Many patients experienced an exacerbation of allergic reactions last summer. In such situations, you need to take an antihistamine.

"AiF": - Because of what an allergy can appear, especially if it has never been before?

I.S.:- Sometimes people confuse a runny nose and allergies. We can assume that he is allergic. It is necessary to visit an otolaryngologist and an allergist. The diagnosis can be established only after consulting a doctor.

By the way, advertising of natural cosmetics is a terrible thing for allergists, because any product, if it really contains herbal ingredients, can cause an allergy that can last a lifetime. You have to be very careful, think before you take any drugs, including herbal ones!

"AiF": - What is an allergy to odors and how to deal with it?

I.S.:- Firstly, you need to bypass "odorous" stores. Secondly, it is important how things are at home: is there sneezing, itching in the nose. If so, then you definitely need to go to an allergist. It seems to me alarming - a headache. Migraine and headache can be manifestations of allergies. You need to take good care of yourself and evaluate your symptoms outside of stores.

"AiF": - At what age is allergy most often manifested?

I.S.: Allergies can start at any age, although they are more common in childhood or young age. In the spring, allergy occurs, as a rule, to tree pollen. You need to find a site that has a pollen count, for example, www.allergology.ru. It indicates the concentration of pollen from the main plants and spore molds today and anamnestic data for past years.

At a certain level of pollen in the air, symptoms of allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and bronchial asthma begin. During pollen monitoring, if there are reports of tree pollen, it is time for you to take antihistamines. This is a conditional prophylaxis, but from next year it is necessary to resolve the issue of possible allergen specific therapy.

If we talk about other levels of prevention, or if the patient is planning children, then a child under 4 months should receive only breast milk, of course, in the absence of allergic reactions to breast milk. This is the only way to prevent allergies. Everything else is conditional. Allergen treatment is the prevention of exacerbations of allergic diseases. Methods such as diets without indications do not play any role. You need to see a doctor, pick up drugs for immediate treatment seasonal allergies and then the most important, proven treatment, allergen therapy.

The choice of allergens is very large. Severe patients who are allergic to house dust, animals, birch pollen, etc., we treat in a hospital. You can live with allergies if you follow the doctor's recommendations. If a patient has registered bronchial asthma and needs specific drugs for the treatment of asthma, in Moscow such patients are treated free of charge, receiving anti-asthmatic drugs at the place of residence, regardless of their disability.

"AiF": - Does it happen that allergens change over time? How to track this process?

I.S.:- Allergens do not so much change as they accumulate. To some allergens, the reaction may weaken with age. Perhaps during adolescence, the clinical reaction of allergy to animals decreases. It happens that to pet the reaction subsides, but you should not count on it, it is better to part with the animal. As a rule, the spectrum of allergens expands. If we treat with allergen-specific immunotherapy, we interfere with the immune response. International studies have shown that the spectrum of allergens does not expand as quickly then. Allergy requires some effort on the part of the patient. It is impossible to get rid of allergies completely and forever, but any patient should live a full life using treatment and self-control programs that they develop together with allergists. All over the world, there are more and more people suffering from allergies. This is connected with the appearance of food additives, and with the environment, and with a change in the structure of nutrition, and with the use of drugs in large quantities, it is not always justified. For example, many immunomodulators are contraindicated for patients with allergies. No need to get involved in extra drugs. In developed civilized countries, there are a lot of patients with allergies.

"AiF": - Is it possible to somehow get rid of allergies or is it for life?

I.S.:- If the allergy manifests itself in childhood, then the baby should be taken to an allergist. There are several allergens in milk, the doctor will be able to tell which types of dairy products can be given to the child and which are not. Allergy to milk often goes away with age. Egg allergies may decrease, but this happens much less frequently. Fish is a very complex allergen. Set of classic atopic march- food allergy, bronchial asthma, urticaria. If the child is from Moscow, we can treat asthma and achieve good control of symptoms.

I am not sure that with such a set of allergens, we will be able to treat a child with allergens. But children should definitely be treated by an allergist. If there are problems, or the child lives in the region, there is a section on the website of the Moscow City Health Department on how to get patients from other cities to our institution. We are resolving this issue. But one-time consultations do not always lead to desired result. I know a lot of good allergists all over Russia.

District polyclinics are responsible for patients, doctors in them are very responsible. If the issue requires special treatment, I remind you that the district allergists solve it together. It seems to me that we know all the difficult patients in the city.

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The body of many people reacts sharply to the penetration of foreign microorganisms into it, which is manifested by a variety of symptoms, one of them can be called allergic cough, clearly characterizing the course of the disease. That is why effective fast treatment allergic cough in adults, thanks to which it will be possible to prevent the transition of the disease into a severe form, as well as the development of complications. At the same time, it is worth knowing that an allergy in the form of a cough is not a pathology, but a specific symptom of a negative reaction of the body that is capable of long time manifest themselves, especially if there is irritation of the membranes respiratory tract. So, what are the symptoms and treatment of allergies?

One of the manifestations of the immune response, doctors note a cough, since it is with the help of his body that he quickly reacts to allergens that penetrate into it, which cannot be associated with colds or colds. viral pathogens. Such manifestations of cough can accompany a person all his life, which greatly complicates it, especially during periods of exacerbation. If you do not take any measures for an allergic cough, you can apply serious harm health and cause disease complications.

Can there be a cough with allergies? Surely the answer to this question is of interest to many people suffering from this unpleasant disease, so you should know that the signs of an allergic cough in most cases appear suddenly and most often they develop at night. Also, such a cough often does not “come alone” - it is accompanied by itching, sore throat, and the absence of sputum.

Before answering the question of how to cure an allergic cough, it is important to know that it is divided into 2 types:

  1. Dry cough - with its development, the victim has coughing without sputum discharge from the bronchi. Most often, it occurs during the course of the first stage of the disease - a cough appears for reasons such as heart failure, improper use of certain types of medications, and lung disease. Also, this type of cough often leaves behind a tickle and severe itching in the throat.
  2. Wet - in this case, coughing is accompanied by sputum. This cough with phlegm can be caused by the development of certain respiratory diseases.

Since each type of cough has its own specific symptoms, and treatment given state will have its own characteristics.


As mentioned earlier, an allergy is not a disease, but is considered only a failure of the immune system, which perceives various harmless substances that enter the body as a significant threat to it. This is a rather individual condition of each person, so sometimes he does not even know why he developed a cough that causes a large number of unpleasant symptoms.

Often an attack of allergic cough is caused by the following reasons:

  1. Household dust - a large number of dust mites are present on furniture, shelves, cabinets, decor elements and on the floor.
  2. Pollen - starting from April, when plants and trees bloom, a person who has an allergy often develops rhinitis and an allergic dry cough. Often, plants such as ragweed, wormwood, birch, meadow grasses, and sunflowers contribute to this.
  3. Household chemicals - any chemical agent can develop a negative reaction of the respiratory organs, which is also a dry cough. Such products include air fresheners, washing powders, dishwashing detergents and ceramic coatings, and so on.
  4. Pets - often pets can cause a cough in an adult and a child. In this case, an allergy occurs to feed, wool, fluff, and so on. It is quite difficult to notice its development, since many do not know that animals can also become a dangerous source of allergies.
  5. Moldy fungus - it is found in rooms in which there is high humidity. This type of fungus causes a severe allergic cough in a person predisposed to the disease.
  6. Food additives and food products - the saturation of flavors, additives and dyes in food, as well as vegetables, berries, herbs and fruits grown in artificial conditions or stuffed with fertilizers, also contribute to the fact that a person has manifested bad reaction organism.
  7. Antibiotics are one of contemporary causes that contribute to the appearance of allergies, especially if these medicines are given to children who are less than 1 year old.

Also, a frequently occurring sign of allergy can be caused by excessive hygiene, since constant exposure to sterile and carefully cleaned conditions leads to a weakening of the immune system, which is designed to fight microorganisms that are dangerous to humans. If the body has nothing to fight with, then it begins to have a negative attitude towards harmless substances, mistaking them for dangerous ones that can harm it. This explains the large number of young children who suffer from bronchial asthma, since they are from the very early age protected from the influence of various infectious pathologies and viral diseases.

If a person has been endowed with an allergic cough for a long time, and he knows the reasons for its appearance, then it is easier for him to cope with such pathological condition and prevent the possibility of relapse. It is also important to remember that you cannot just leave such a condition and not treat it - the patient must know how to relieve an attack and how to treat an allergic cough in adults and children.

Indeed, in the absence of treatment, the pathology can cause bronchial asthma or lead to the appearance of stenosis of the larynx, which causes rapid death.

Factors causing symptoms allergic cough in adults, adolescents and children:

  • heredity;
  • diathesis;
  • taking medications;
  • work in hazardous chemical production;
  • weakened immunity;
  • living in areas with polluted air;
  • prolonged or passive smoking.

All these reasons also cause the development of an unpleasant cough, so you need to know how to distinguish an allergic cough from an infectious and colds, as well as how to treat this condition.

He performs skin tests, which include:

  • prick test (with an injection);
  • scarification test (through scratches on the skin);
  • introduction of allergens under the skin.

When carrying out diagnostic measures, the doctor will definitely pay attention to the seasonality of the appearance of signs of the disease, its duration and nature, after which he will understand what caused the allergic cough and how to deal with it.

After accurately determining the irritant, the allergist should tell you what to do with the development of a cough and how to calm his attack. The doctor also prescribes a treatment regimen for the patient to help get rid of an allergic cough.

Treatment and prevention of the disease

How is allergic cough treated and how to stop its attack? The answer to this question would like to know many people who are faced with this disease.

It is worth noting that dry allergic cough should be treated with complex measures, which include:

  • taking antihistamine drugs;
  • complete exclusion from the life of a sick allergen;
  • taking vitamins that help strengthen the patient's immunity, as well as saturate the body with useful substances;
  • prevention of the development of allergies;
  • use of traditional methods of treatment.

Only by completely getting rid of the negative effect of a certain allergen on the body, it is possible to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, as well as to alleviate the general condition of the victim.

Drug treatment consists in therapy with the following drugs:

  • antihistamines - these include Zirtek, Cetrin, Zodak - they are not able to completely cure a cough, but they remove it for a while;
  • mucolytic drugs - Mukaltin - allows you to change the composition of bronchial mucus, as a result of which it becomes much easier to remove it from the body;
  • expectorant drugs - help to remove sputum from the respiratory organs;
  • vitamins and useful complexes - strengthen the immune system of the body, the cells of which begin to independently fight against the irritant dangerous for the body.

If an allergic cough is observed, the main treatment is supplemented by methods traditional medicine. It must be remembered that they should not exclude the main treatment, but only supplement it. Therefore, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, and not say that I myself understand how to get rid of a cough. After all, delayed or ineffective treatment can lead to the development of serious complications that threaten life.

The most common folk recipes are:

  • Kalanchoe - the juice of this flower will effectively remove such a symptom as a runny nose - for this they should lubricate the nasal mucosa;
  • celery root - juice is squeezed out of it, which they drink three sips before meals, which helps to relieve cough;
  • mummy - it is dissolved in milk (proportion 1:20), then a little honey is added there, and they are drunk in the morning and evening;
  • juice - squeeze juice from apples, carrots, cabbage and parsley inflorescences, and then drink it before meals (the proportion of products can be any).

If no treatment is carried out during the course of a cough, this disease will quickly take on a chronic form or develop complications of the disease, which include bronchitis or asthma.

How to understand whether there is a benefit from the treatment or not? It's pretty easy to do this. If the methods used remove all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, then allergy therapy has been successful.

Sometimes preventive measures help to quickly cope with the disease, which consist in eliminating allergens from a person's life.

All these activities will not allow a cough to ruin a person's life, and will not allow it to appear in an allergic person.

Yes, there can be a cough with allergies - this is a reflex that occurs when harmful and irritating substances enter the body.

Including allergens, as a result of which one of the symptoms is coughing, in which the rhythm and depth of breathing briefly change.

In an allergic reaction, the mediator histamine is released.

It promotes the flow and stagnation of blood in the vessels that expand.

The surrounding tissue swells, which contributes to irritation of the receptors, nasal congestion and accumulation of mucus.

The reflex is aimed at reducing the amount of irritating and harmful substances by exiting the body.

The following factors lead to the development of a reflex act:

  • irritation of pleura receptors;
  • glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract (pharynx, larynx, trachea, especially the place of its bifurcation);
  • bronchi. The reflex is aimed at reducing the amount of irritating and harmful substances by exiting the body.

Cough has its own structure.

After a short but deep breath the glottis immediately closes, and the ability of the respiratory muscles to exhale increases, all this leads to an increase in pressure in the airways, pulmonary alveoli and pleural cavity.

The person feels:

  • pressure inside;
  • forcing to exhale;
  • and the glottis opens sharply;
  • and air with force and great speed breaks out of the respiratory tract;
  • removing harmful and toxic particles from them.

The causes of allergic cough are different, they are dangerous for a person with direct contact:

  • ingestion;
  • vapor inhalation;
  • skin surface contact.

Once in the body, allergens provoke the immune system, which is activated against them.

The risk group for the development of this pathology includes:

  • suffering from diathesis;
  • with a weak immune system;
  • prone to allergies;
  • working in workshops, in factories, in mines;
  • people who smoke;
  • suffering from helminthic invasions;
  • taking hormonal drugs.

Allergens surround a person always and everywhere.

Anything can be an allergen:

  1. flowering plants, tree pollen;
  2. Food;
  3. chemicals, pungent odors, gas impurities in the air;
  4. ticks in linen;
  5. cold or sunny weather, water;
  6. insect or animal bites, wool, dust.

There are foods that have the most or least allergens.

When consumed, most people who are prone to allergies develop various symptoms.

List of highly allergenic foods:

  • dairy products;
  • citrus;
  • chocolate;
  • fish;
  • chicken meat;
  • eggs;
  • pineapples, persimmons, pomegranates, melon, grapes;
  • raspberries, black currant, strawberries, wild strawberries, blackberries;
  • nuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • coffee, cocoa;
  • tomatoes, carrots, beets;
  • mustard, wheat, celery, rye, soy.

Causing diseases:

Cough can be in two forms:

  • dry;
  • wet (with phlegm).

The development of one of two types speaks of:

  1. the course of the disease;
  2. accession or absence of infection;
  3. the severity of the allergic reaction.

Due to irritation of the receptors, a spontaneous debilitating dry cough occurs with allergies at any time of the day without mucus or sputum.

Allergic reaction has not yet had time to produce strong changes in the body, so there is no swelling and accumulation of mucus.

When coughing, their secretions are not detected, often called a variant of bronchial asthma.

Exacerbations of pathology can occur at any time:

  • winter- long stay indoors, where the air is dry;
  • spring- flowering plants, pollen;
  • in summer– insects, air, sun and the whole environment;
  • autumn– cold weather, high humidity.

Sputum production means:

  • more severe course;
  • frequent contact with the allergen, from which the mucosa swelled and swelled.

During the act, clear mucus will be released, without impurities of pus or blood, this type of coughing rarely occurs.

Receptors vagus nerve more active at night.

Their irritation leads to reflex reactions, which can subside for a while, and reappear at night.

In the reaction, therefore, it is characteristic nocturnal cough that during the day you can drown out the desire to cough or avoid the allergen, but not at night.

Stenosis (narrowing) of the larynx is a dangerous fatal complication of the pathology, when swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa occurs and blocks the access of air.

Urgently call an ambulance if stenosis occurs - whistling sounds, fear in the eyes, lack of air, gasping for air.

Symptoms appear after contact with the allergen:

  • manifestations last two or three weeks;
  • characteristic prolonged and debilitating attacks, more often at night;
  • cough does not bring relief;
  • can provoke attacks of suffocation;
  • difficult and prolonged exhalation;
  • allergic reactions of the body:
  1. redness;
  2. swelling of the mucosa;
  3. skin covers.

To cure a cough, you need to cope with allergies. The very first thing is to stop contact with the allergen - elimination therapy.

You need to get rid of all possible causes:

  • keep the room clean;
  • carry out wet cleaning;
  • carefully select food and chemicals;
  • take animals out of the house.

To get rid of allergens that have entered the body, prescribe:

Avoid contact with tobacco smoke and gassed streets, as this contributes to the irritation of receptors on the mucous membrane.

Even if a sick person knows what allergen he is reacting to, he should avoid possible factors risk - his the immune system unstable.

Antihistamine therapy - the use of medications that suppress the production of histamine - the main factor in the development of edema and mucus formation.

Four generations of antihistamines have been developed, the last of which is the best, as it has the fewest side effects!

First generation drugs:

  • "Tavegil";
  • "Dimedrol";
  • "Suprastin".

They have a strong sedative effect on nervous system:

  • drowsiness appears;
  • lethargy;
  • headache.

Second generation drugs:

  • "Cetirizine";
  • "Fenistil";
  • "Claritin".

Less side effects on the nervous system, the effect lasts up to 24 hours, so you can take it once a day, there is no addiction, therapeutic effect may last up to a week after discontinuation of the drug.

Third generation drugs:

  • "Zodak";
  • "Desal";
  • "Fexadin".

Metabolites of the second generation, without side effects on the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Fourth generation drugs:

  1. "Ebastine";
  2. "Bamipin".

Safe for of cardio-vascular system have a longer duration of action.

Another treatment option is blood purification - plasmapheresis and hemodialysis, which have contraindications.

Complementary Therapy:

  • it is always necessary to increase immunity;
  • Healthy food;
  • take vitamins;
  • carry out prevention;
  • do inhalations with anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic solutions.

Do not take, because they will all be ineffective in the fight against the disease:

  • expectorants;
  • means for sputum discharge;
  • antibiotics.

It is best to try to get rid of allergens, so gargle with salt or just warm water as often as possible.

This is a mechanical way to protect the body from harmful substances, to perform after walking and several times during the day.

Brew tea with:

  • with chamomile;
  • nettle;
  • hypericum;
  • eucalyptus;
  • geranium;
  • yarrow.

These herbs contain azulene, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties.

Eat more calcium and dairy products.

For prolonged and persistent cough (more than a week), consult an allergist.

With the development of stenosis during an attack, call an ambulance immediately!

If you suspect a disease, consult a doctor - the presence of several symptoms of an allergic cough.

The allergist will determine the cause.

Allergic coughing often occurs at night. It has a spontaneous, inconsistent character, develops after contact with the allergen, and after getting rid of it, it stops.

Not typical for inadequate:

  • temperature increase;
  • symptoms of general intoxication:
  1. headache;
  2. fatigue;
  3. Brokenness;
  4. chills.

It is necessary to take special antiallergic drugs. Medical therapy for treatment does not help.

There are many reasons for the development of an allergic cough.

The main thing is to consult a doctor in time and take proper treatment. Do not run your health, follow all the changes in it, and all diseases will be curable.

Home » Cough » How to recognize an allergic cough

Allergy is one of the most common diseases in economically developed countries. According to the latest WHO data in Europe, it is diagnosed in 20-30% of the population, depending on the state. If even 10-15 years ago the negative reaction of the body to dust, flowering plants or pet hair, in particular cats, took the lead, now food allergies are in the lead. This disease has become so common that its manifestations, in the form of asthma and dermatitis, are perceived by many people as different ailments. Although in fact they have the same cause of a symptom such as an allergic cough.

This reflex action occurs in case of hypersensitivity to certain substances. The main effector role in what is happening is given to basophils and mast cells. They release mediators that negatively affect tissues and organs. It should be taken into account that a reflex act of a similar type also occurs in pseudo-allergic diseases (for example, aspirin asthma). The mechanism of development of the disease is very interesting. The fact is that during the primary collision with an irritant, an immune response develops in the body, that is, there is a sharp increase in the reaction to its influence. The disease develops when, in the future, for a sufficiently long time, the allergen affects the body, but in a lower concentration of the active substance.

Despite many ongoing studies, scientists still have not found a reliable method that could explain in advance the causes of allergic cough in individual person for a particular reagent. Under the influence of the same stimulus, the severity of symptoms can vary significantly. Now experts identify the following reasons that affect the appearance of a negative reaction to provoking substances:

  • Structural and spatial characteristics of proteins.
  • genetic predisposition.
  • Features of the processing by the body of substances with allergic properties.
  • A method for splitting an irritant substance in antigen-presenting cells.
  • Biochemical activity of the material.

Symptoms in the form of an allergic cough or skin changes occur at a certain stage of this disease in most people, regardless of the type of influencing substance. Experts distinguish two forms of the disease:

  • Atypical - hereditary, practically not amenable to complete cure.
  • Atypical - the disease develops in almost the same way as in the first group, but it is based on a pseudo-allergic mechanism or hypersensitivity to irritants.

The symptoms of an involuntary act are very similar to those inherent in the reflex action that occurs due to the influence of viruses or infections on the respiratory tract. Despite the fact that the causes of their development are different, the symptoms are almost identical. Depending on them, an allergic cough can be:

  • Dry or with sputum.
  • Violent, with paroxysms ending in a feeling of suffocation, and light.
  • Nocturnal, and manifested during the day.

According to the time factor, two different symptoms of the development of an allergic cough are distinguished:

  • Cumulative, it is mainly observed in people who have a negative reaction to food or work in hazardous industries. There is a pronounced age principle here (that is, the disease manifests itself either in babies or in people over 30 years old). So familiar childhood disease like diathesis, is the most colorful example. Causes illness in adults regular use eating low-quality foods or snacks. IN last years cases of cumulative food allergies are recorded, the cause of which was the use of salted peanuts, chips, sweet carbonated drinks. Symptoms can be the same as in children - skin rashes, swelling of the larynx, dry cough.
  • Rapidly developing cough. Symptoms of its manifestation can most often be seen in people who have a negative reaction to flowering plants, household dust, house mites, etc. The first signs appear within 10-20 minutes after the active substance enters the body. Moreover, the way in which this is done does not matter. Even if the allergen is immediately removed and the person is placed in a sterile room, visible symptoms negative reactions will last at least 10-12 hours.

Quite often, cough is the next stage in the development of allergic rhinitis. The reason for this is a severe runny nose, which negatively affects general condition organism as a whole. If in the first days the secreted mucus has a liquid consistency, then after a week it thickens. The lack of timely measures will lead to the fact that soon signs of pus appear in the discharge. These symptoms indicate that the infection of the bronchi has begun. In this case, an infectious-allergic cough is observed. That is, its root cause is the impact on the body of proteins that have a certain characteristic. However, due to the lack timely treatment the disease enters the middle stage. The complex form of this disease becomes more threatening. It is no longer about a simple runny nose, but about obstructive bronchitis and even pneumonia.

The first symptom of this disease is sudden appearance or the antecedent of a severe coryza. It should also be noted that allergic rhinitis has a pronounced seasonal character. It begins during the flowering period of plants, cereals, some tree species. This category of plants includes not only the infamous poplars and ragweed. In recent years, cases of the appearance of a negative reaction to rye, birch catkins, alder, wormwood, corn, daffodils, tulips, lilies, etc. have become more frequent. There are complex effects of several plants at the same time.

Of particular difficulty is the identification of allergic cough with cumulative food allergies. This disease is most often diagnosed in children under the age of four. If some babies have reddened cheeks from diathesis, then others have acute bronchitis. Moreover, there are no initial signs of the development of an infectious disease. A few hours ago, the child was absolutely healthy, and now he has a high temperature and bronchitis. Unfortunately, pediatricians rarely pay attention to this factor, especially if there are no signs of diathesis. To recognize the allergic nature of the disease is possible only with the help of complete control of the diet. First, all foods that can adversely affect the body are removed from the diet. After that, a certain type of food is added every three to four days. This is how they act until they determine which particular product a negative reaction follows.

In the infectious-allergic course of the disease, a special role is given to timely diagnosis. If a person has a primary attack, then, as a rule, he confuses it with a common cold. The use of drugs for ARVI or flu only aggravates the situation, as they depress the immune system.

Diagnosis of the disease is a rather complicated and painstaking process. The doctor not only prescribes the delivery of specific tests, but also carefully examines the likelihood of the presence of a genetic predisposition. A statistically proven fact is that if parents have atopic bronchial asthma, then the probability of developing this disease in a child is 49%.


The mysterious disease of the century - allergies can manifest themselves in different ways. One of the most common symptoms of a common allergic disease is a cough. It should be understood that an allergic cough in itself is not a disease, but a reaction of the body to the action of harmless antigens. If the immune system fails, then ordinary pollen from flowering plants or animal hair are perceived by the body as pathogenic. How to distinguish an allergic cough in a child from a cold? There are symptoms by which you can determine its nature.

Allergens can create serious problems in a child's respiratory system. Moreover, coughing can occur at any age. It is associated with inflammatory processes in the trachea, bronchi, mucous membrane of the throat. Untreated, the cough worsens and leads to chronic diseases or dangerous acute conditions such as shortness of breath and asthma attacks.

The predisposition to allergies can be genetically transmitted or arise due to wrong conditions life. Prolonged stay in damp, fungus-affected rooms, malnutrition and unfavorable environmental conditions contribute to the appearance of allergic reactions in the form of a cough.

From this article you can learn how to treat wet cough The child has.

Allergens enter the body through respiratory system. There, their first meeting with the cells of the immune system takes place. They must recognize newly arrived substances and transmit information about them to lymphocytes. If a failure occurs in the circuit, then the immune system identifies the harmless dust as a dangerous element.

Lymphocytes begin to produce immunoglobulin - a protective protein. It is included in the fight against the allergen. Specific cells begin to produce and release histamine into the blood, which is distributed to all organs, causing swelling, itching, coughing and suffocation.

The causes of allergic cough depend on the type of allergy. Today, a popular version is that children develop allergies due to the reverent attitude of parents to hygiene. Inna Danilycheva, a researcher at the Institute of Immunology, believes that excessive cleanliness does not contribute to the formation of immunity in a child. And moderate pollutants, on the contrary, train the immune system.

How to do inhalation to a child with a dry cough is indicated in the article.

Whatever the cause, a cough needs to be treated. And this should be done by a specialist. Diagnosis of allergic diseases is carried out in laboratories by tests to identify the allergen, and the treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

The video tells how to recognize (identify) an allergic cough in a child:

A cough caused by an allergy cannot be productive. He is always dry, sometimes barking, does not go away until the cause of his appearance is eliminated.

How to quickly cure a runny nose and cough, you can learn from the article.

The main signs of allergic cough in children:

  • Starts suddenly.
  • The attacks of coughing are prolonged.
  • The condition does not change if the allergen is not eliminated.
  • Attacks are aggravated in summer and winter, or during the mass flowering of plants.
  • At night, coughing is most acute, sometimes only during contact with the allergen or immediately after contact with it.
  • The cough is dry, if the sputum is separated, then it is transparent, colorless, without pus.
  • Cough is not accompanied by fever and other manifestations of a cold, however, rhinitis, itching in the nose, and sneezing may occur.

On the video - the symptoms and treatment of allergic cough in a child, unlike other diseases:

Any object, product or substance in modern world may be an allergen. Food allergies are most often caused by exotic fruits and vegetables, coffee, smoked meats, food with preservatives, mushrooms, honey, eggs.

Detergents with a pungent odor, such as Domestos and other chlorine-containing substances, also cause an allergic cough. As well as walking near a highway with active traffic, going to a store with strong odors, getting into the body of an unusual protein during vaccination, contact with animal hair.

How a cough manifests itself and what are the symptoms of thyroid disease can be found in this article.

However, not only allergies cause dry cough. The cause may be helminthiasis. During migration, roundworm larvae enter the tissues of the lungs, causing coughing. Therefore, the diagnosis of allergic cough provides for the exclusion of helminthiasis.

It is difficult to distinguish in the early stages of whooping cough from allergic. It becomes spasmodic, with a characteristic wheezing, only in the third week. Such a cough can turn into an allergic one. Treating this disease on your own is dangerous.

What could be the cause of coughing after eating, this article indicates.

A simple test will help determine the presence of spasm in the bronchi, as one of the symptoms of allergies. To do this, hold a sheet of paper by the edges in front of the child's face. It should blow hard on the paper. If the effort is enough for the sheet to take horizontal position, then everything is in order with the bronchi, if not, you need to undergo an examination.

If a child starts an allergic cough, it should be stopped as soon as possible in order to prevent bronchial obstruction. A simple cough syrup will not help here. To stop a cough:

  • take antihistamines;
  • eliminate allergens;
  • increase the immunity of the child.

During treatment, herbal preparations should be avoided, as herbs can cause an allergic reaction. Glucocorticosteroids are given to children only in extreme cases. It is better to limit yourself to the infusion of glucose and saline. A positive result is given by rinsing the nasopharynx with a weak saline solution.

How to treat a very dry cough, you can learn from this article.

The result is the use of enterosorbents. Children are given (maximum 2 weeks) activated charcoal, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Polysorb, milk thistle seeds. Sorbents are used separately from drugs.

Plasmapheresis is also used - cleaning the blood of allergens and toxins mechanically. But the procedure has contraindications and is valid for a limited time.

The video tells how to relieve an attack of an allergic cough in a child:

Why tickle in the throat and cough, you should read this article.

In infants, even cold cough can pass without sputum production due to insufficient work of the bronchi. A long paroxysmal cough may be a manifestation of an allergy, an asthma attack, or a consequence of a foreign body entering the respiratory tract.

If there is a suspicion of an allergy, then you need:

  • ventilate the room;
  • remove possible allergens;
  • call a doctor.

In children under three years of age, coughing is most often caused by food allergens. But it is possible that the reaction is associated with toys, feather pillows, plants and animals.

Taking antihistamines in the first year of life makes it difficult to expectorate. They are used with caution. Indeed, if it turns out that the cough is not allergic, then the medicine can do harm.

What to do when itchy in the throat and dry cough, you can learn from the article.

  • dust and mold;
  • insects and dust mites;
  • Pets.

During treatment, contact with allergens should be minimized. Except antihistamine therapy you can use special exercises. The easiest thing is to inflate balloons.

Facilitates the state of finger massage. They make it with a light tapping of the fingers on the back of the child, who lies on his stomach at the edge of the bed, hanging chest down. Manipulation helps to move sputum out of the bronchi.

What to do when a prolonged dry cough is indicated in this article.

How to cure schoolchildren? Schoolchildren suffer from allergic cough most often due to plant pollen. They are prescribed antihistamines (Tavegil, Suprastin, Pipolfen, Diazolin) and are treated with Histoglobulin. Effective breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method. And only in severe cases use corticosteroids.

If it is not possible to completely eliminate the effect of allergens, at this age specific hyposensitization can be used. It's called an allergy shot. The therapy is based on the gradual introduction of allergens into the body with a constant increase in the dose, which leads to a decrease in sensitivity.

For what reason does the cough from erespal continue for a long time, stated in the article.

Painful inflammation in the bronchi is treated with medication. The treatment regimen combines specific and non-specific interventions.

  • Long-term specific allergen hyposensitization prevents bronchitis from transforming into asthma.
  • If bronchitis is complicated by tracheitis, Histoglobulin therapy is used. Spend from 2 courses of subcutaneous injections of the drug.
  • To stimulate the body, Metacil, Sodium nucleinate, Pentoxyl are prescribed.
  • Antihistamines are administered intramuscularly, in the form of aerosols or tablets.
  • Assign electrophoresis with solutions of sodium bromide and calcium chloride to normalize sleep.

On video - more information about allergic bronchitis in a child, and how to relieve a cough:

The doctor reminds that coughing is just a symptom. He claims that there are no cough medicines. You need to look for the reason for its appearance. The causative agent of cough receptors will be found - it will be possible to prescribe the treatment correctly.

Komarovsky believes that a doctor should deal with the diagnosis. Without his recommendations, one should not take cough suppressants, which include Libeksin and Glaucin. Uncontrolled intake of even the most harmless drugs for allergic cough can only do harm. This also applies to mucolytics (they are especially dangerous for children under two years of age), and expectorants.

The video tells what to take with an allergic cough in a child:

Without risk to the health of the child, you can take measures such as:

  • plentiful drink;
  • regular humidification of the air (especially before bedtime);
  • washing the nose and throat.

The doctor recommends stopping a coughing fit with an injection of Suprastin. Its action will begin in 10 minutes, while the tablets will work only after 20 minutes. This is a long-acting drug, its effect lasts about 12 hours. And do not forget that all antihistamines do not cure, but relieve symptoms.

If there is no allergy to honey and bay leaf, you can prepare a collection for this type of cough. To do this, dry laurel leaves are boiled for 5 minutes in a glass of water, cooled, add a teaspoon of honey and soda. Take orally during attacks of ¼ cup of decoction.

On the video - an allergic cough remedy for children:

According to the doctor, the main method of dealing with allergic cough is prevention. To do this, it is enough to monitor the cleanliness in the house, food and avoid contact with animals. It is equally important to maintain the immunity of the child. A strong healthy body will be able to cope with allergens much better than the most expensive drug.

But if you have an allergic cough, do not self-medicate. After all, the child's body is only being formed. Incorrect diagnosis and illiterately prescribed cough treatment can lead to asthma, bronchitis and other dangerous diseases.


Is the child unwell again? And after another sleepless night spent beside his bed in a futile effort to curb the fits painful cough Mom decides to call the doctor. True, in the clinic they always ask about the temperature. But most mothers will think: nothing, I will say that + 37.5 ° C. Although it is strange, despite such a strong cough, the temperature of the child is normal, and the throat is not red ...

A good pediatrician knows that a dry, paroxysmal cough can be a sign of anything, including rhinovirus or adenovirus infection, chlamydia and mycoplasmas, measles, whooping cough, croup, a foreign body that has entered the trachea, and even thymus hypertrophy. In the end, it may just be an allergic cough in children.

But in reality, it's not easy. Coughing has a physiological purpose: to clear the airways of everything that got there. With an allergic cough in children and adults, an allergen enters the respiratory tract, to which their body reacts, as if it were an alien from another galaxy.

Among the causes of allergic cough in children, doctors call such typical irritants as dust, pollen of flowering plants, animal hair (cats, dogs, guinea pigs, hamsters), bird feather (parrots and canaries in a cage or downy-feather “stuffing” of pillows), mold spores and bacteria that entered the child’s body through the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, an allergic cough can begin not only in spring or summer, but at any time of the year.

Dry allergic cough in children is very often defensive reaction organism on mites that live in ... ordinary house dust. So, according to medical statistics, the etiology of bronchial asthma in 67% of children with this diagnosis is an allergy to dust mites. By the way, in our apartments (in mattresses, blankets, pillows, carpets, books, upholstered furniture) there are whole hordes of these microscopic arachnids - almost 150 species of dermatophagoid or pyroglyphid mites. Their main food is systematically exfoliating particles of the upper layer of human skin (epidermis). The waste products of ticks (excrement) contain proteins that cause allergic reactions in people with hypersensitivity.

The greatest tendency to allergies, including in the form of cough, was noted in children who suffered from diathesis in infancy (maladaptation with frequent allergic reactions and reduced resistance to infection). According to doctors, such children are predisposed to allergies from birth.

It should also be borne in mind that the likelihood of an allergic cough in children is higher where there are people in the family who suffer from allergies. Allergic cough is most often diagnosed in children aged one to seven years.

The main feature of allergic cough in children is that it has clinical picture, in some ways resembling a cough in acute respiratory diseases. That is why it is most often mistaken for a sign of a cold or SARS.

However, allergic cough usually begins with normal temperature body. At the same time, the child feels unwell: he becomes lethargic, easily irritated and more than usual capricious. Attacks of dry, tormenting larynx coughing come on unexpectedly, mostly at night. Cough may be accompanied by itchy throat and nose, sneezing, and a slight runny nose. With prolonged bouts of coughing, the child may begin to expectorate clear sputum, but this does not make him feel better. The child breathes with a whistle (when exhaling) and complains of chest pain when coughing.

Main zone allergic inflammation, the manifestation of which is an allergic cough in children, is the larynx and trachea, and this is allergic laryngotracheitis. If due to

Allergen damage inflammation is localized in the pharynx, then doctors diagnose allergic pharyngitis. Allergic laryngitis is determined with inflammation of the larynx, allergic tracheitis - with an inflammatory process in the trachea, allergic bronchitis - in the bronchi.

The disease can repeatedly worsen during the month, in autumn and winter it happens more often. And parents need to remember that with similar symptoms of an allergic cough in children, “treating a cold” with mustard plasters, rubbing or herbal cough decoctions is a waste of time. And you can’t lose it, because such a cough without adequate treatment can turn into chronic obstructive bronchitis, and then into bronchial asthma.

Only an allergist can identify the real cause of an allergic cough. To do this, a child is examined, including a whole complex laboratory research (general analysis blood, sputum, nasal swab for eosinophils), elucidation of the state of the respiratory organs and what is happening in them pathological processes(using computer bronchophonography), as well as tests for allergens.

But the primary task of diagnosing allergic cough in children is to determine the allergen (or allergens), disease-causing. And here a proven method comes to the rescue - skin allergy tests (skin testing). They are made for plant pollen, household allergens, as well as for medicinal irritants - for children aged four years and older.

Another diagnostic method in allergology is linked immunosorbent assay(IFA). This method allows you to detect and measure the number of specific antigens that the body produces and releases into the blood plasma in response to the penetration of foreign cells. By the type of antigen detected, you can find out which allergen caused such a reaction in the body.

by the most modern method Allergy diagnosis, including the diagnosis of allergic cough in children, is considered the method of multiple chemiluminescence - MAST. By comparing the allergen (or several allergens) identified in a patient with a whole set of standard allergens, it is possible to make the most accurate diagnosis, even with hidden forms of allergy.

The complex treatment of allergic cough in children is aimed at reducing sensitivity to the allergen (desensitization), getting rid of it as far as possible (immune therapy), as well as relieving symptoms - bronchospasm.

To reduce sensitivity to an allergen, as a means general treatment allergic cough in children, antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs are used. They block histamine - a mediator of the human body's reactions to allergens.

It should be noted that the frequently prescribed first-generation antiallergic drugs (diphenhydramine, diprazine, suprastin, pilfen, pipolfen, tavegil) have not only a sedative (sedative) effect and cause drowsiness. Among the negative side effects of these popular drugs, their effect on the formation of nerve connections in children, even at average therapeutic doses, has been found. In addition, taking these medications leads to dryness of the respiratory mucosa, that is, the cough can become more intense with thick sputum in addition. It is for this reason that these medicines give children a maximum of five days. For example, tavegil (aka clemastine) is strictly contraindicated in children under one year old. And for children under the age of 12, it is prescribed 0.5 tablets 2 times a day (before meals, with a small amount of water).

In antihistamines latest generation- claritin, fenistil, zirtek, kestin - no sedative effect. So, claritin (aka lomilan, lotaren, clallergin, etc.) is available in the form of tablets and syrup. The dose of the drug for children from 2 to 12 years old is 5 ml of syrup (1 teaspoon) or half a tablet (5 mg) with a body weight not exceeding 30 kg; for children over 12 years old, the daily dose is 1 tablet (10 mg) or 2 teaspoons of syrup.

The best, although the longest (for three to five years) treatment of any allergy and allergic cough in children is allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT), which "accustoms" the body's immune system to allergens. The method is based on the introduction to the patient of gradually increasing doses of the same allergen that causes an allergic reaction. According to allergists, as a result of this treatment, the immune system simply stops responding to a previously unbearable stimulus.

Symptomatic treatment of allergic cough in children is carried out with the help of antispasmodic drugs, which reduce or completely remove bronchospasm and coughing fits. The drug Berotek in the form of a 0.1% solution for inhalation counteracts the development of bronchospastic reactions. It is prescribed for children 6-12 years old, 5-10 drops, over 12 years old - 10-15 drops per inhalation. Inhalations are carried out no more than four times a day, before use, the drug must be diluted in one teaspoon of saline.

An effective expectorant solutan (oral solution) is taken by children from one to 6 years old, 5 drops three times a day; from 6 to 15 years - 7-10 drops. For children 2-6 years old, it is better to use an aerosol for inhalation of salbutamol (ventolin) - 1-2 mg 3 times a day.

Cough syrup glycodin with terpinhydrate and levomenthol should be taken 3-4 times a day: children aged 4-6 years - a quarter teaspoon, 7-12 years old, half a teaspoon. And the preparation fluifort in the form of a syrup has a mucolytic (thinning sputum) and expectorant effect. Children aged 1 to 5 years are prescribed half a teaspoon 2-3 times a day, older children - a teaspoon three times a day.

Prevention of allergic cough in children is possible and depends only on the consistency and perseverance of the parents. Daily wet cleaning in the house, especially in the children's room, should become the rule without exception. It is recommended to clean the air in the apartment and control its humidity.

In the room where a child suffering from an allergic cough lives, there is no place for woolen carpets and rugs, fabric curtains, a soft sofa or armchair, as well as indoor flowers. Even plush and fur toys should not be in this room, not to mention the living "carriers of wool" - a dog or a cat.

For the sake of preventing allergic cough in children, woolen blankets and feather pillows will have to be replaced with bedding made of hypoallergenic artificial materials. And the linen on the child's bed should be changed twice a week and subjected to a thorough wash in very hot water.


Cough can be a manifestation of various diseases, but it does not always speak specifically about the disease, being sometimes a protective reaction of the body from external influences that are harmful to it. For example, when it comes to allergies. This situation is often faced by young parents and begin to stuff the child with medicines. But before treating an allergic cough in a child, it is urgent to make a diagnosis and understand what exactly caused it. Then eliminate the cause.

In medicine, an allergy is a reaction of the body's defense system to certain irritants. We can say that it is beneficial, because if the immune system did not respond to negative impact, the body might not be able to cope. And so measures are taken, the effect of the allergen is eliminated, and everything returns to normal.

"What is the treatment for allergic cough in a child?" - one of the most popular questions that young mothers ask in the offices of pediatricians. The current generation of children is not distinguished by strong immunity, and allergies at a tender age, alas, are a frequent occurrence.

Someone never wonders how an allergic cough in a child is treated. Allergy symptoms never make themselves felt. Some people suffer all their lives.

Whether a person is allergic or not, as a rule, becomes clear already in infancy. Children whose bodies react violently to certain foods or other substances with skin rashes are likely to continue to suffer from allergic reactions. Parents of these kids need to be on the lookout all the time.

In addition, the cause of allergies in the future can be diseases transferred to infancy when immunity is still practically at zero. It is difficult for the body to fight the sore, and it fails.

Are at risk and those children whose close relatives also suffer from allergies. hereditary factor is of great importance in this case.

One of the most alarming conditions for parents is a dry allergic cough in a child. Than to treat it and stuff the child with drugs, of course, it is better to prevent the disease.

And prevention should begin even during the bearing of the baby. From the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman should walk a lot away from polluted highways, refuse to eat obviously allergenic foods and, of course, cross out all bad habits.

Both before and after the birth of a child, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the house - to do wet cleaning, to ventilate the room more often. It is better to protect the newborn from contact with animals. At the slightest suspicion of diathesis, the baby should be urgently shown to the doctor.

So, what is the treatment for allergic cough in a child whose symptoms are quite specific? Before giving any medication, it should be precisely established that the baby is coughing precisely because of the allergy. The main symptoms of an allergic cough are:

  • dryness (if sputum happens, it is not abundant and transparent);
  • protracted, paroxysmal, debilitating character;
  • cough begins suddenly, under certain conditions (after eating some food, after communicating with animals, during the flowering of certain plants, etc.);
  • cough like barking;
  • attacks occur more often at night;
  • often cough is accompanied by sneezing, itching in the nasopharynx and runny nose;
  • cough is not accompanied by fever;
  • shortness of breath is often present;
  • cough disappears after taking anti-allergic drugs.

Experts distinguish several types of allergic cough. Among them are:

  • Dry - most often occurs during cold or heat.
  • Barking character - accompanied by a hoarse voice. Sounds like the barking sound of a dog. Breathing is difficult.
  • Night cough - lasts a long time (two to three hours). The eyes are watery, clear mucus flows from the nasal passages.

As noted above, coughing can be manifestations various diseases including bronchitis or whooping cough. It is important for parents to correctly assess the condition of the baby in order to take timely necessary measures. After all, in particular, whooping cough can pose a direct threat to life, and you can not hesitate to get medical help.

Of course, it is best to immediately consult a doctor. Competent doctors, before treating an allergic cough in a child, analyze the symptoms in depth. And they make the right decisions. And parents, being in an anxious state, are not always able to think soberly.

But still, how does cough with allergies differ from other diseases?

  • Bronchitis cough is accompanied by the release of thick copious sputum, and allergic, as a rule, is not.
  • Whooping cough and bronchitis occur with an increase in temperature, and with allergies, this indicator remains normal.
  • Coughing fits with whooping cough are accompanied by a wheezing, and this is not observed with an allergic cough.
  • With whooping cough, the sputum is thick and viscous. It is quite difficult to remove it from the child's mouth.
  • Anti-allergic drugs do not relieve coughing fits with bronchitis or whooping cough.

How and how allergic cough is treated in a child, diagnosis will help to say for sure. After all, even if the fact of an allergy is not questioned, it is difficult to determine what exactly it is caused by.

First of all, the pediatrician examines the baby, listens to him, assesses the nature of the cough, measures the temperature and talks with the parents, determining the type of disease. If there is an allergy, a special test is performed. Small incisions are made on the skin in the forearm area with a scarifier, which are filled with a certain reagent (allergen in small doses). If redness or blisters appear on the skin, itching begins, etc., then it is this allergen that causes the reaction in the form of a cough. The reason is found - you can prescribe treatment. (This type of diagnosis is not carried out in relation to children under three years of age).

Often, when making a diagnosis, a blood test for the level of immunoglobulin is also prescribed, which allows to detect allergic reactions.

Obviously, in search of an answer to the question of how an allergic cough is treated in a child, determining the cause plays a very important role. important role. The list of provoking factors is huge, but the main ones are:

  • Domestic causes - dust, fungus, harmful insects (cockroaches), etc.
  • Food - honey, milk, citrus fruits, chocolate, eggs, nuts and strawberries are considered the most common allergens.
  • The causes of the epidermal nature are the wool or fluff of animals, their saliva, bird feathers, waste products, substances secreted by insects during bites.
  • Causes of a physical nature - cold, heat.
  • Causes of a mechanical nature - mechanical damage to the skin.
  • Chemical causes - household chemicals, cosmetics, drugs.

After making a diagnosis and identifying the allergen, the first thing to do is to isolate the child from the irritant, or at least minimize contact.

If the incident nevertheless occurred (the child grabbed the cat and coughed heavily), the attack is removed special drug("Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Diazolin", "Erius", etc.). But only after the allergen is removed to a safe distance, otherwise there will be no effect. Injections stop the attack within ten minutes. Tablets are somewhat slower - they begin to act in twenty to thirty minutes.

In cases where the allergen cannot be removed, antiallergic drugs will not help - hormonal ones are needed. Allergy inevitably causes intoxication of the body, for the elimination of which they take white coal, "Smecta" and similar drugs.

What is the treatment for allergic cough in a child yet? Children over three years of age may be recommended the “hardening” method, when an allergen is injected under the skin, each time increasing the dose, and as a result, the body develops immunity. Cough is well eliminated by inhalation, expanding the bronchi.

In the treatment of allergic cough in a non-acute period, doctors often prescribe Gerbion syrup based on plantain. This and some other plants faithful friends allergy sufferers, which is well known in traditional medicine.

"Whose children have an allergic cough, what do you treat?" - sometimes an alarmed mother asks other parents. And experienced parents share proven folk recipes:

  • drip aloe juice into the nose (well removes phlegm);
  • boiled and chopped bay leaf mixed with a few teaspoons of honey and a pinch of soda - give a remedy during an attack;
  • as a drink for attacks, use the water in which the onions were boiled (several onions per liter);
  • gargle with water (possible with the addition of sea ​​salt) after walking.

The favorite of moms and dads, who has already become almost a legend, Dr. Komarovsky, answering the question of how to relieve an attack and how an allergic cough is treated in a child, urges not to panic and approaches the situation with humor. So, for example, he considers the first remedy for an allergic cough ... the establishment of a dog. Which will "bring" parents out for walks with their children. And fresh air for an allergic person is the best medicine.

The doctor also advises to humidify the room (during attacks, you can open the tap hot water in the bathroom to create steam). And another sure remedy is to drink plenty of water.

Komarovsky is categorically against total purity, which, in his opinion, just leads to allergic reactions of an unhardened organism. But, of course, it is necessary to keep order, because an excess of dust is harmful for a healthy person, but for an allergic person it is fatal.

The doctor agrees with his colleagues that the first thing to do is to exclude the patient's contact with the allergen if possible (that is, completely eliminate the cause), and then treat the effect. Otherwise, there will be no positive result.

Well, naturally physical activity, hardening, quality products, clothing made from natural fabrics and most importantly (as in any business) - a positive attitude!

Allergic cough - the main symptoms:

  • Skin itching
  • Sore throat
  • Dry cough
  • Nasal congestion
  • lacrimation
  • Asphyxiation
  • Night cough
  • Feeling of fear
  • Respiratory failure
  • tantrums

An allergic cough is not an independent disease, but is a reaction of the body to the effects of some allergen, and it is quite difficult to get rid of it. Allergic cough occurs quite often both in adulthood and in childhood, and children suffer this disease worse, experiencing difficulty breathing, which is associated with the structural features of their respiratory system.


Since this pathology is allergic in nature, an allergic cough develops as a response to exposure to a certain allergen. Most often, an allergic reaction in the form of a cough is caused by house dust and pet hair, but, in addition, a reaction in the form of a hysterical and debilitating cough can develop on allergens such as:

  • flowering plants, including trees;
  • flower pollen;
  • feed for aquarium fish or parrots;
  • certain foods;
  • some medicines;
  • household chemicals;
  • cosmetics and perfumes;
  • bedding and other things from a natural or chemical composition.

Very often, this pathology affects people working in production in harmful conditions, as well as those who work on the street, for example, janitors, road workers, etc. In a word, absolutely any substance can be an allergen for a person. And if the pathology arose for the first time, then it will be difficult to determine what exactly caused it, without appropriate analyzes, because numerous factors will have to be excluded.

If a person has had this disease for a long time, and he knows what causes it, which means that it will be easier for him to cope with it and prevent its recurrence. Note that in no case should such a condition be ignored, since allergic cough in children and adults can turn into bronchial asthma, or cause the development of such a serious complication as laryngeal stenosis, which is life-threatening.

If a person has an allergic cough, the symptoms can be easily distinguished from a cough associated with a cold. Firstly, it will differ from a cold by a long course against the background of the absence of temperature.

Differences between an allergic cough and a cold

Secondly, there will be a deterioration in the condition in the evening and at night, when an allergic cough worsens, causing asthma attacks.

If we talk about allergic cough in children, then before it appears, the child may experience other signs of allergy, such as:

  • lacrimation;
  • nasal congestion;
  • pruritus etc.

At the same time, the child suffers a cough much harder than adults, since it develops respiratory dysfunction, which causes a feeling of fear and hysteria in the baby. Hysteria worsens the condition of a small patient, which is why children with an allergic cough often develop terrible complications, up to respiratory arrest and death. Antihistamines, such as Suprastin, taken at the very beginning of an attack, and timely seeking medical help will help prevent this.

It is very important to know the signs of an allergic cough in order to distinguish it from a cold. The main criteria are:

  • lack of temperature;
  • paroxysmal character;
  • absence of other signs of illness, such as sore throat;
  • prolonged nature of the course of the disease (from several days to several months);
  • lack of effect from taking mucolytics;
  • a positive result of treatment with antihistamines.

Sometimes, an allergic cough in a child may be accompanied by other allergic reactions, for example, skin dermatitis. In addition, children with a history of allergic pathologies are more likely to develop a cough as a consequence of exposure to an allergen.

In cases where a person has ailments of the ENT organs, this pathology can cause their exacerbation. For example, chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis against the background of an allergic manifestation can turn into an acute form and cause all the signs of a cold, including fever.

In cases where the cough is accompanied by sputum production, one must be able to distinguish an allergic manifestation from a cough associated with diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

Those who have encountered such a pathology at least once are interested in how to treat an allergic cough. First of all, treatment consists in eliminating the allergen that caused such a reaction. Therefore, you must first be examined to determine what exactly the body reacted to.

As mentioned above, in patients who have a coughing attack for the first time, there is no way to quickly establish what provoked it, as well as take an antiallergic agent and get rid of the painful symptom. But if you alternately exclude different types of allergens, you can find out what provoked the pathology and get rid of harmful factor. Those who are not experiencing an attack of allergic cough for the first time can already accurately determine the risk factor.

Getting rid of the allergen is not an easy task, because if an animal whose fur has been allergic can be given away, and the dust in the apartment can be wiped off, then avoiding contact with flowering plants or flower pollen is very problematic. Therefore, when it is impossible to eliminate the allergen, it is necessary to regularly take allergic cough tablets, which are modern antihistamines: Suprastin, L-Cet, Loratadin and others. The dosage and duration of taking medications is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.

It is also necessary to take medicines that improve the body's defenses, for example, preparations based on echinacea.

If an allergic cough is diagnosed in an adult or a child, treatment may also include the use of traditional medicine. In particular, a steam bath or soda water has a good anti-allergic effect. steam inhalation- they will not eliminate the pathology, but they make it possible to calm the allergic cough in a child, preventing the development of edema and stenosis of the larynx.

Great option additional treatment and the opportunity to get rid of the problem for a long time are traditional medicine preparations containing azulene - chamomile, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, yarrow. Doctors also recommend an excellent remedy for preventing an allergic cough in a child or an adult - regular rinsing of the mouth and rinsing the nose with slightly salted water, which not only flushes out allergens that could get into the cavity, but also strengthens the mucous membrane.

If drugs are combined with folk methods, you can achieve more impressive results and even permanently get rid of such an allergy manifestation as an allergic cough.

Allergy is a pathological overreaction of the body to foreign substances. Is there a human allergy?

A person allergy is a rejection of another person as a person or their effect on you. Manifestations of an allergy to the human immune system can be expressed by pain in the eyes, swelling, runny nose, hives, sneezing and coughing.

An allergy to a person is often caused by the inability to breathe the same air. It seems that this person is secreting a substance that is not compatible with your ego. It happens that the neighbor can become the most powerful allergen, provided that he begins to interfere in his own affairs, and therefore causes irritation in the nasal membrane and leads to sneezing.

Human allergy, previously considered outlandish, is now becoming more popular and more aggressive. You can earn an allergy to a person, including your neighbor, right from school, as well as at retirement age. The disease cripples the inhabitants of highly civilized, economically developed countries.

Allergy to another person is a retribution for our selfishness. The growth of egoism includes a mechanism for the development of allergic reactions to the neighbor and this disease is incurable. Crowds squeal...

Allergy to humans - causes

Why does this disease occur? The answer is in genetics. There is a predisposition to allergies in humans. A child with 100% probability will sneeze on neighbors if his parents did the same. Allergies are often caused by a decrease in immunity. But it happens that a person does not perceive another and believes that his ailments are caused by this particular person.

Causes of psychological allergies:

- a person who is next to a different mindset, temperament; is the opposite of your character, and the human body tends to deny someone who is very different from him;

- similarity with a person in shortcomings leads to the fact that there is a strong release of hormones that cause allergic reactions;

- the specific smell of a person, to which there is an acute reaction.

Medical theory of human allergy

Allergy to people is an autoimmune disease, expressed in allergies to saliva, epithelium (skin), human hair, accompanied by skin itching, rash on the head, face. Symptoms gradually increase, leading the patient to severe exacerbation (scratching). Antiallergic drugs for this disease are ineffective.

Psychological theory of human allergy development

There is a connection between hatred and the development of egoism, but there is no person free from these qualities. In our time, all structures of human society are subject to such an allergy: children sneeze at parents, students sneeze at teachers, young people sneeze at old people, old people sneeze at young people, leaders sneeze at people.

Allergy to humans was not so obvious 100 years ago. This is due to the pollution of the human environment. Every year the ego of people grows at an accelerated pace, while saturating society with its poison and creating an increasingly dirty environment with the new generation. Inhaling the air from the particles of the Ego of people, and if there is a mismatch of interests, you will have an allergic reaction. If the interests coincide, then the air will seem pleasant and clean. It follows that the cause of sneezing is a mismatch of interests and their sharp opposition. People become more aggressive, not wanting to adapt to the habits, characters of others, and allergic manifestations intensify: cough, runny nose, skin itching. The development of selfishness led to dire consequences, and the world seeks to destroy humanity with their own hands. equates to hate. The selfishness of people prevents the emergence of love, as the only cure for human allergy.

Allergy in the sense of philosophy is a kind of selfishness, as well as cynicism, expressed in excessive demands on others. An indulgence is made to oneself: “I am good, normal, and let the other person change.” And if you look at the position of the opponent, then there is definitely the same point of view. And where is the truth?

Allergy to humans - treatment

There are no specific tests to diagnose and treat human allergies. You can, of course, conduct skin tests and donate blood for IgE, and after the examination, do ASIT (allergen-specific immunotherapy), which is carried out precisely by those allergens that caused the maximum reaction. This is the only treatment that significantly reduces the disease and prevents the development of new allergic reactions. Examination and treatment are strictly prescribed by an allergist.

For successful treatment, it is necessary to remove the allergen from the contact. The coexistence and tolerance of the allergen is not acceptable. And in order to be more tolerant of an allergen person, it is necessary to understand him and stop being biased. The disease is often caused by a decrease in immunity. But it happens that a person does not perceive another and believes that his ailments are caused by this particular person. Allergists consider the disease to be an exception to the rule, so it is necessary to seek help from a psychologist, since the reasons are not related to physiology, but lie in the psychological characteristics of the patient's personality.

Prevention of allergies in humans

Remember that an allergic reaction to a person is a rare occurrence and is due in most cases to psychological characteristics.

- this is an increased sensitivity of the body to any substance. This substance can be any chemical ingredient, product, wool, dust, pollen or microbe.

Today it is well established that allergens can be substances formed inside the body. They are called endoallergens, or autoallergens. They are natural - proteins of unchanged tissues isolated from the system responsible for immunity. And acquired - proteins that acquire alien properties from thermal, radiation, chemical, bacterial, viral and other factors. For example, an allergic reaction develops with glomerulonephritis, rheumatism, arthritis, hypothyroidism.

Allergies can rightly be given the second name "Disease of the Century", since at present, more than 85% of the entire population of our planet suffers from this disease, or rather its variety. An allergy is an inadequate reaction of the human body to contact or ingestion of an allergen. Most often, allergies are not treated, all the so-called treatment comes down to finding out the direct allergen, and its complete isolation, in this case prevention is more important than the treatment itself. First of all, in order for preventive actions to be successful, it is necessary to draw the right conclusions about the very causes of the disease. In order to recognize the allergic reaction of the body in time, it is necessary to know its allergic symptoms, so that it can be provided in time and correctly. medical care allergic.

Allergy is an individual disease. Some are allergic to pollen, some are allergic to dust, and some are allergic to cats. Allergy underlies such diseases as, for example, bronchial asthma, urticaria, dermatitis. The development of some infectious diseases may be accompanied by allergies. In this case, the allergy is called an infectious allergy. In addition, the same allergens can cause different allergy symptoms in different people and at different times.

In recent decades, there has been a marked increase in the incidence of allergies. There are various theories explaining this phenomenon: The Hygiene Influence Theory - This theory claims that good hygiene deprives the body of contact with many antigens, which causes a weak development of the immune system (especially in children). Increasing consumption of chemical industry products - many chemical products can act both as allergens and create prerequisites for the development of an allergic reaction by disrupting the function of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Allergy symptoms

There is really just a huge number of different forms of allergies, therefore, the symptoms of allergies are also different. Allergic symptoms are very easy to confuse, which are similar in symptomatology, which occurs daily in medical practice.

Respiratory Allergy manifests itself after the allergen enters the body during breathing. These allergens are most often various types of gases, pollen or very fine dust, such allergens are called aeroallergens. This includes respiratory allergies. Such an allergy manifests itself in the form of:

  • Itchy nose

    runny nose (or just watery discharge from the nose)

    Possible severe cough

    Wheezing in the lungs

    In some cases, suffocation

The main manifestations of this type of allergy can still be considered allergic rhinitis.

Dermatosis is accompanied by various rashes and irritations on the skin. It can be caused by various types of allergens, such as food, aeroallergens, cosmetics, household chemicals, and drugs.

This kind of allergy, as a rule, manifests itself in the form of:




    Severe edema

Allergic conjunctivitis. There is also such a manifestation of an allergy that affects the organs of vision - it is called allergic. It appears as:

    Severe burning sensation in the eyes

    Increased tearing

    Puffiness of the skin around the eyes

Enteropathy. Quite often you can find such a type of allergy as enteropathy, which begins to manifest itself as a result of the use of any products or drugs, such a reaction occurs due to an allergic reaction of the gastrointestinal tract. This type of allergy manifests itself in the form of:

  • Swelling of the lips, tongue (angioedema)

Anaphylactic shock is the most dangerous view manifestation of allergy. It can occur in just a few seconds or it may take up to five hours for it to occur, after the allergen enters the body, it can be provoked by an insect bite (it should be noted that this happens quite often) or medications. You can recognize anaphylactic shock by such signs as:

    Loss of consciousness

    The appearance of a rash all over the body

    Involuntary urination


If a person has the above symptoms, you must immediately call an ambulance and provide. With anaphylactic shock, you can not hesitate, as this can be fatal.

The manifestation of allergies is often confused with the symptoms of colds. The difference between a common cold and an allergy is, firstly, that the body temperature, as a rule, does not rise, and the discharge from the nose remains liquid and transparent, similar to water. Sneezing with allergies happens in whole, long series in a row, and most importantly, with a cold, all symptoms usually pass quite quickly, and with allergies, they last much longer.

Causes of Allergy

The cause of allergies is most often malnutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle. For example, excessive consumption or products stuffed with chemicals and additives. Allergies can also be caused by simple emotional or psychological stress.

An allergy can be recognized by a sudden runny nose, sneezing or watery eyes. Redness and itching of the skin can also indicate the presence of an allergy. Most often, an allergic reaction occurs when a person comes into contact with certain substances, which are called allergens. The body reacts to it as a pathogen and tries to defend itself. Allergens include both substances that have a direct allergenic effect, and substances that can enhance the effect of other allergens.

The reaction of people to different groups of allergens depends on genetic features immune system. Numerous data indicate the existence of a hereditary predisposition to allergies. Parents with allergies are at greater risk of having a child with the same disorder than healthy couples.

Allergies can be caused by:

    Foreign proteins contained in donated plasma and vaccines

    Dust (street, house or book)

    plant pollen

    Fungus or mold spores

    Certain drugs (penicillin)

    Food (usually: eggs, milk, wheat, soy, seafood, nuts, fruits)

    Insect/arthropod bites

    Animal fur

    House tick secretions

  • Chemical cleaners

Consequences of allergies

Most people mistakenly believe that allergies are harmless and have no consequences. An allergic reaction causes unpleasant symptoms, accompanied by fatigue, increased irritability, decreased immunity. But this is not all the consequences of allergies. The disease often provokes eczema, hemolytic, serum sickness, bronchial asthma.

The most serious complication is difficulty breathing, which develops to anaphylactic shock with convulsions, loss of consciousness, a dangerous decrease blood pressure. Anaphylactic shock occurs after the administration of certain drugs, due to insect bites and the presence of an irritant in food. The most common signs of allergies are nasal congestion and frequent sneezing.

The main difference between an allergy and a cold is that the above symptoms last much longer in time than with a common cold. Allergic dermatosis or atopic dermatitis, as well as the consequences of allergies, develop rapidly and in advanced cases treatment is long and difficult. Dermatitis is expressed, with blisters, itching, peeling, redness.

One more, more grave consequence allergies is anaphylactic shock. This disease occurs less frequently, but it is very dangerous and develops rapidly. The consequences of allergies are difficult to predict. This disease is always caught by surprise, and if the immune system functions normally, the person recovers quickly. But it also happens that the symptoms get worse too quickly and then you need to quickly take antihistamines. This group includes Dimedrol, Suprastin, Tavegil. These medicines should always be in the home first aid kit, but they are taken only after consultation with a specialist who will prescribe the necessary treatment, this allows you to avoid the consequences of allergies.

Risk factors

Some types of allergies lead to the development of serious diseases. For example, in some cases, bronchial asthma, which causes difficulty in breathing, is allergic in nature. This is a common disease often found in children. Allergy is common cause skin diseases called eczema.

Loss of consciousness associated with the above symptoms.

1. If you find the above symptoms, you should immediately call a medical team.

2. If the person is conscious, he should be given antiallergic drugs: Clemastine (Tavegil), Fexofenadine (Telfast), Cetirizine (Zirtek), Loratadin (Claritin), Chloropyramine (Suprastin) (by injection using similar drugs injectable form or tablets).

3. It should be laid down, freeing from clothing that prevents free breathing.

4. When vomiting, it is important to lay the person on their side so that the vomit does not get into the airways, thereby causing additional harm.

5. If respiratory arrest or palpitation is detected, it is important to perform resuscitation actions: chest compressions and artificial respiration (of course, only if you know how to do this). It is important to continue the activities until the functions of the lungs and heart are fully restored, and the medical team arrives.

To prevent the development of complications or deterioration of a person’s condition, it is best to seek specialized medical help without delay (especially when it comes to children).

In the treatment of allergies, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate contact with allergens from environment. If you are allergic and know which allergens can lead to an undesirable reaction, protect yourself as much as possible from any contact with them, even the slightest (the property of an allergy is to provoke reactions of increasing severity to repeated contact with the allergen).

Treatment medications is a treatment aimed at reducing the risk of developing an allergic reaction, as well as eliminating the symptoms caused by an allergy.

Antihistamines. Loratadine (Claritin), Fexofenadine (Telfast), Cetirizine (Zirtek), Chloropyramine (Suprastin), Clemastine (Tavegil) - the listed drugs represent the first group and are prescribed among the first when it comes to the treatment of allergic reactions. At the moment when the allergen enters the body, the human immune system produces a special substance called histamine.

Histamine causes most of the symptoms associated with an allergic reaction. The presented group of drugs either helps to reduce the amount of released histamine, or completely blocks its release. Despite this, they cannot completely remove the symptoms of allergies.

It is known that, like all medicines, antihistamines can cause side effects, including: drowsiness and dry mouth, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, restlessness and nervousness, difficulty urinating. Most often, side effects are caused by first-generation antihistamines (for example, Chloropyramine (Suprastin) or Clemastine (Tavegil). Before you start taking antihistamines, consult your doctor, who will clarify the doses you need individually, and also talk about the possibility of taking antihistamines together with other drugs.

Decongestants (Pseudoephedrine, Xylometazoline, Oxymetazoline) - these drugs are most often used to eliminate the problem of a stuffy nose. Medicines are sold as drops or sprays and are prescribed for a cold, pollen allergy (hay fever), or any allergic reaction main symptom which - the flu, stuffy nose and sinusitis.

It is known that inner surface the nose is covered with a whole network of tiny vessels. If in nasal cavity an antigen or allergen enters, the vessels of the mucosa expand, and blood flow increases - this is a kind of immune defense system. If the blood flow is large, the mucosa swells and provokes a strong secretion of mucus. Since decongestants act on the walls of the mucosal vessels, thereby causing them to narrow, blood flow decreases, and edema, accordingly, decreases.

It is not recommended to take these drugs for children under twelve years of age, as well as nursing mothers, people with hypertension. You should not use them for more than five or seven days, because long-term use causes a backlash in the form of swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Among the side effects caused by this drug, it is worth noting dry mouth, headache and general weakness. Very rarely, drugs can cause hallucinations or an anaphylactic reaction.

Before you start using these drugs, consult your doctor.

Leukotriene inhibitors(Montelukast (Singulair) are chemicals that block reactions caused by leukotrienes. These substances are released by the body during an allergic reaction and cause inflammation of the airways and their edema (used most often in the treatment of bronchial). In view of the absence of interactions with other drugs, inhibitors leukotrienes are allowed to be used together with other drugs.In rare cases, adverse reactions appear in the form of a headache, ear or sore throat.

steroid sprays.(Beclomethasone (Beconas, Beclazone), fluticasone (Nazarel, Flixonase, Avamys), Mometasone (Momat, Nasonex, Asmanex)) - at their core, these drugs are hormonal drugs. Their action is to reduce inflammatory processes in the nasal passages (due to the reduction in the symptoms of allergic reactions, nasal congestion disappears).

Since the absorption of drugs is minimal, the occurrence of possible adverse reactions is completely excluded. However, it is worth remembering that prolonged use of the above drugs can lead to sore throat or bleeding. Before using this or that drug, it is imperative to visit your doctor and consult with him.

Hyposensitization. Another method of treatment used along with medical treatment is immunotherapy. essence this method is as follows: an increasing amount of allergens is gradually introduced into your body, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the body's sensitivity to a single allergen.

During the procedure described above, small doses of the allergen are given as a subcutaneous injection. On initial stage you will be injected with a break of a week (or even less), in parallel with the fact that the dose of the allergen will constantly increase.

The described regimen will be observed until the "maintenance dose" is reached (with the introduction of such a dose there will be a pronounced effect of reducing the usual reaction to the allergen). It should be noted, however, that once this “maintenance dose” is reached, it will need to be administered weekly for at least another two years. Most often, this method is assigned if:

    a person has a severe form of allergy that does not respond well to conventional treatment;

    a certain type of allergy is discovered, such as the body's reaction to a bee or wasp sting.

In view of the fact that the treatment can cause a severe allergic reaction, it is carried out exclusively in a medical institution under the supervision of a group of specialists.

Allergy prevention is based on avoiding contact with the allergen. To prevent the occurrence of allergies, it is recommended to avoid contact with the allergen or minimize contact with it. Of course, controlling allergy symptoms is difficult and very burdensome, so not everyone can cope with it. After all, it is clear that if a person suffers, for example, from an allergy to plant pollen, then he should not go outside during the flowering season, especially in the middle of the day, when the air temperature reaches its maximum values. And people with food allergies have to give preference to not quite favorite foods, following the advice of allergists-nutritionists.

It is not easy for those who are allergic to any pharmaceuticals, it is difficult to choose safe medicine in the treatment of any other diseases. The best prevention for most allergy sufferers is diet and hygiene. important preventive measures against allergies is the cleanliness of the premises, getting rid of woolen and duvets, feather pillows, they can be exchanged for products made of synthetic fabrics.

It is advisable to exclude contact with animals, eliminate mold in homes. The use of special insecticidal agents will eliminate the mites that live in upholstered furniture. In case of allergy to cosmetic preparations, before choosing them, it is advisable to carry out test measures and if they are not suitable, refuse to use them.

Medications that have reached their expiration date should be discarded. Allergy prevention includes ways to prevent initial manifestations and prevent recurrences if it is known which allergen is causing the disease. Health care is the primary task of every person, if you are prone to such a disease, it is recommended to carefully observe all the conditions that exclude its development.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

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This is an abnormal (other than normal) reaction of the immune system.

The function of the immune system is to protect against foreign penetration that can harm our body.
Why the body produces antibodies that bind viruses and microbes that have penetrated into us, as well as degenerated (cancer) cells. Malicious agents neutralized in this way (they are called antigens) are excreted from the body. Protected by the immune system, the body is able to resist infection for a long time. This ability to resist disease is called immunity.

But if the immune system does not work properly, it can see a threat in substances that do not pose a danger to the body. Considering them antigens, the body begins to actively produce antibodies to them, as a result, we feel that the body is fighting the disease, although there are no real pathogens of the disease, there is only the effect of some external factor, often the most mundane. This hypersensitivity to certain substances is called allergies, and substances to which the body responds with an allergic reaction allergens.

Types of allergies

Depending on what provokes an allergic reaction and in what ways allergens enter our body, different types of allergies can be distinguished:

Causes of Allergy

Allergies are now thought to be largely genetically determined. The development of allergic diseases is also facilitated by unfavorable ecology, an unbalanced diet, stress, and excessive use of drugs.

Allergy symptoms

Allergic reactions can vary in intensity (from mild to acute).

food allergy manifests itself, as a rule, in the form of allergic dermatitis. Typical manifestations of allergies on the body: the skin turns red, thickens, itching appears. In severe cases, the affected area begins to become wet. Sometimes food allergens cause also allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis. In case of an allergic lesion gastrointestinal symptoms there may be intestinal disorders, vomiting, abdominal pain. Inhalation of allergen fumes or particles, for example from cooking, may damage the respiratory system.

Allergic reaction to medications should be distinguished from other types of reactions. If after taking the medicine there is a deterioration in the condition, then this is not necessarily a consequence of an allergy. This may be a side effect of the drug or poisoning as a result of exceeding the permissible dose.
The following manifestations of drug allergy are possible:

  • attacks of bronchial asthma;
  • allergic rhinitis (runny nose);
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • the most dangerous manifestation of drug allergy.

When allergies to vaccines the following manifestations are possible:

  • hives;
  • angioedema;
  • Lyell's syndrome spread throughout the skin of a rash and blisters, accompanied by severe itching;
  • Serum sickness is an inflammatory lesion of blood vessels that develops 1-2 weeks after vaccination. It is characterized by fever, urticaria, angioedema, swollen lymph nodes and spleen, joint pain;
  • anaphylactic shock.

In case of allergies for insect bites the reaction is more extensive, urticaria, Quincke's edema and even anaphylactic shock can be observed.

Allergy to animals it is easy to establish if, upon contact with him or in his presence, you have:

  • a runny nose or stuffy nose begins;
  • , tears flow (allergic conjunctivitis);
  • breathing becomes difficult or hoarse, dry cough begins;
  • on contact with an animal, the skin turns red and itches.
For pollen allergy may be observed:
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis (manifestations of redness of the eyes, profuse lacrimation);
  • itching of the palate and tongue;
  • difficulty breathing (shortness of breath or choking);
  • wheezing and dry cough;
  • redness of the skin.

For allergies to dust may be observed:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic skin diseases.

For allergies to cold there are such manifestations as:

  • cold urticaria blisters on the skin, accompanied by itching;
  • cold dermatitis redness and peeling of the skin. In severe cases, swelling is possible;
  • pseudo-allergic cold rhinitis (runny nose);
  • pseudo-allergic conjunctivitis in the cold, a burning sensation is felt in the eyes, they begin to water.

The most common allergy symptoms

allergic rash usually accompanied by itching. An increase in temperature with allergic rashes is usually not observed. In some cases (with contact dermatitis), a rash appears on those areas where contact with the allergen occurred. However, a rash can be caused by more than just allergies. For example, a rash is characteristic of many infectious diseases. To understand the nature of the rash, you should consult a doctor.

Itching accompanies allergic rashes. Quite often, itching occurs first, and then a rash appears in the same place. In some cases, itching without a rash may be observed.

Quincke's edema

Allergic edema can have any localization, but the face, limbs, parts of the body covered with a mucous membrane (eyes, lips, nasopharynx, genitals) swell most often. Of particular danger are swelling of the throat and nasopharynx, which can cause suffocation.

Contact with an allergen present in the air can also cause allergic rhinitis (runny nose).

Difficulty breathing

In some patients, contact with the allergen leads to the development of edema and spasm of the airways.

Methods for diagnosing allergies

The task of diagnosis is to determine the allergen that causes an allergic reaction.

In some cases, an anamnesis is sufficient to establish the allergen. When taking anamnesis Special attention given to heredity and lifestyle (life circumstances associated with the occurrence of allergy symptoms, eating habits, etc.). However, for complete confidence in the conclusions drawn, as well as in cases where the analysis of the anamnesis is not enough, special studies are usually carried out.

Blood test for allergens

Blood test for allergens needed to determine which allergen is causing the allergic reaction. The analysis evaluates the content of specific immunoglobulins E (IgE) in the blood.

Allergological tests

The method of allergological tests is to organize the patient's contact with potential allergens. Minimal doses of allergens are used. They are enough to fix the body's reaction to the allergen, but they are unable to cause an allergic reaction on a scale that can affect the patient's condition.

Allergy Treatment Methods

First of all, the treatment of allergies is aimed at eliminating allergic manifestations. Allergic reactions can be quite severe and even present serious danger for human life (anaphylactic shock, angioedema). Manifestations of allergies can reduce our performance, worsen the quality of life.

First of all, it is necessary to interrupt contact with the allergen. Here is a possible problem: the allergen is not always known. And even vice versa: if a person first encounters an allergy, then, most likely, he will not be able to unambiguously say which allergen caused the reaction. Therefore, in case of allergies, it is necessary to consult an allergist-immunologist and undergo diagnostic procedures. When the allergen is identified (quite often the reaction is caused by not one, but several allergens at once), it will be necessary to minimize contact with it as much as possible.

Successful treatment allows you to achieve a long-term remission (that is, allergic manifestations may be absent for many years). The sooner treatment is started, the more noticeable the effect will be. Therefore, a timely appeal to a specialist is the first and main success factor in the fight against allergies.

Medical treatment

In the treatment of allergies, medications belonging to different groups medicines. This:

  • antihistamines that inhibit the action of free histamine. Histamine is a biologically active substance found in the body, usually in bound state. When an allergen enters the body, histamine is released, causing a rash, itching, and swelling - typical allergic manifestations. Antihistamines are thus an effective treatment for the main (acute) allergy symptoms. However, you should not abuse antihistamines, especially first-generation drugs (Suprastin and others), which cause slow reactions and drowsiness. Taking medications should be agreed with the attending physician;
  • glucocorticosteroids. These drugs have hormonal basis. To avoid complications and side effects, they should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Glucocorticosteroids have a powerful anti-allergic effect. However, violations of the rules for taking them can lead to rapid weight gain (obesity), increased blood pressure, the development of diabetes, peptic ulcer and so on.;
  • sorbents. Without having a direct anti-allergic effect, the drugs of this group contribute to the binding and rapid withdrawal from the body of toxins and allergens, which helps to reduce the severity of an allergic reaction;
  • other medical preparations.

Intravenous laser blood irradiation

Some physiotherapy methods can be used to treat allergies. In particular high efficiency shows VLOK - . The essence of the method is that a light guide is inserted into the vein (usually at the elbow bend) by means of a special needle, through which a laser pulse is applied. Quanta of light energy affect the blood, resulting in an anti-inflammatory and immuno-strengthening effect.

Treatment with ILBI is indicated for any form and manifestations of allergies. However, the method has its contraindications, so the ILBI procedure is carried out only as directed by a doctor.

Blood purification can be carried out by other methods. For example, using .

Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy

ASIT - allergen-specific immunotherapy - is a method of treating allergies, in which, as a result of the gradual introduction of an established allergen into the body in ever-increasing doses, the effect of reducing sensitivity to this allergen (hyposensitization) is achieved.