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What not to do if you have a nosebleed. All emergency measures for nosebleeds

Nosebleeds are quite common in medical practice. We stop nosebleed.
Epitaxis, or bleeding from nose may be a symptom of a number of diseases nose and other organs

Nose bleed is a symptom of diseases such as the nasal cavity (acute and chronic rhinitis, as well as benign and malignant tumors nose) and the body as a whole.
Nosebleeds can result from trauma, blood clotting disorders, hypertension, severe physical activity.

Possible causes that can lead to nosebleeds are varied:

  1. diseases of cardio-vascular system(hypertension, heart defects and vascular abnormalities with increased blood pressure in the vessels of the head and neck, atherosclerosis of blood vessels);
  2. bleeding disorders, hemorrhagic diathesis and diseases of the blood system, hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency;
  3. temperature rise as a result of acute infectious diseases, heat and sunstroke, when overheated;
  4. hormonal imbalances(bleeding during puberty, bleeding during pregnancy).

Blood may come out of the nose in drops or streams. If it is swallowed and enters the stomach, bloody vomiting may occur. With prolonged, and especially hidden nosebleeds, a fainting state develops: the skin is pale, cold sweat, weak and rapid pulse, blood pressure drops.

First aid for nosebleeds:

  1. It is necessary to sit the patient comfortably so that the head is higher than the body.
  2. Tilt the patient's head slightly forward so that blood does not enter the nasopharynx and mouth.
  3. If you have a nosebleed, you should not blow your nose, this can make the bleeding worse!
  4. Press the wing of the nose against the septum. Before this, you can insert cotton swabs into the nasal passages, moistened with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, 0.1% naphthysine (tampons are prepared from cotton wool in the form of a cocoon 2.5-3 cm long and 1-1.5 cm thick; tampons for children should be injected no more than 0.5 cm thick).
  5. Place an ice pack (hot water bottle) on the back of your head and bridge of the nose for 20 minutes.
  6. Here's the way: if there's blood coming out nose, then you need to take paper (clean) about 6X6 cm, and quickly make a ball out of it, put the ball under your tongue. Medicine is not able to explain this phenomenon, but the blood stops within 30 seconds and there is no need to throw your head back, you just need to sit quietly.

When is it necessary to consult a doctor?

  1. If the blood from the nose flows in a stream and does not stop after attempts to stop on its own for 10-20 minutes.
  2. If nosebleeds are a consequence of blood clotting disorders, diabetes mellitus, increased blood pressure.
  3. If the patient constantly takes medications such as aspirin, heparin, ibuprofen.
  4. If blood flows profusely down back wall pharynx, gets into the throat and causes bloody vomiting.
  5. If, against the background of nosebleeds, fainting or pre-fainting occurs.
  6. For frequently recurring nosebleeds.

Nosebleeds are treated by an ENT doctor.

Folk remedies for nosebleeds:

  1. If blood comes from the right nostril, then right hand lift up above your head, and pinch your left nostril, and vice versa.
  2. The patient raises both hands behind his head, and a second person closes both nostrils or one for 3-5 minutes. The bleeding will stop soon.
  3. Grind fresh leaves yarrow until they become moist and insert into the nose. And even more effective is to squeeze the juice and drop it into your nose.
  4. Squeeze the juice of 1/4 lemon into a glass of cold water or pour in 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar. Draw this liquid into your nose and hold it there for 3-5 minutes, closing your nostrils with your fingers. Sit or stand quietly, but do not lie down. Place a wet, cold towel on your forehead and nose.
  5. Corn silk will help with frequent nosebleeds. 1 tbsp. Pour 1.5 cups of boiling water over a spoonful of corn silk and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then cool the broth and take a quarter glass 3 times a day.
  6. For nosebleeds, drink an infusion of dry herb medicinal cap. Pour 3 pinches of raw material with a glass of boiling water and cool. Strain and drink the infusion in 3 doses.

Nose bleed.

Most common reason nosebleeds- injuries. For some, the blood vessels may even be damaged by strong nose blowing or the habit of picking your nose with your finger. In children, nosebleeds often occur due to inflamed adenoids or due to too dry air in the room: the dry mucous membrane cracks and ruptures the blood vessel .
It happens that blood from nose goes during flu and colds, blood vessels become fragile due to illness. They are also more vulnerable during pregnancy. Another one possible reason- lack of vitamins C or K, long-term use aspirin, heparin, ibuprofen.
Sometimes nosebleeds occur with a sharp decrease in atmospheric pressure, prolonged exposure to the sun, physical stress.
Regular bleeding from the nose are found in blood diseases, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases liver. They often accompany hypertension: with a sharp rise in blood pressure, the walls of the blood vessels cannot stand it and burst. In this case, the blood will not stop until the pressure normalizes.

What to do if you have a nosebleed?
First of all, you need to calm down - when you are nervous, your heart starts beating faster, and this only increases the bleeding. Then sit down and tilt your head forward a little.
Under no circumstances should you tilt it back, as many do!
Firstly, because of this, blood can enter the esophagus and cause vomiting, and secondly, in this position the veins in the neck are compressed and the pressure in the vessels of the head increases, which increases bleeding.
Cold should be applied to the back of the head and bridge of the nose (hold for 3-4 minutes, then the same break), and heat should be applied to the legs. Pinch your nose with your fingers and sit there for 5-10 minutes.
If the bleeding is severe, you can first carefully insert cotton swabs soaked in hydrogen peroxide or naphthysine into the nostrils. In order not to damage the bleeding vessel again, the cotton wool from the nose can be removed no earlier than an hour later.
It is better not to instill any drops: blood along with the medicine can get from the nasal cavity into the auditory tubes and then cause ear inflammation.
After the bleeding has stopped, you should not blow your nose for a day (so as not to displace the resulting blood clot). It is also better to refrain from hot food and drinks at this time. They can cause blood vessels to dilate and cause re-bleeding.

If the cause of nosebleeds is mild vessels, you can strengthen them in the following ways:

  1. rinse your nose with salt water;
  2. lubricate the inside of the nostrils with Vaseline to protect the mucous membrane from drying out;
  3. drink more often green tea, rosehip decoction;
  4. drink 1 tbsp three times a day. nettle infusion (3 tsp of dry herb, pour 1 tbsp of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes);
  5. take ascorutin (it contains vitamins necessary for blood vessels.

Barberry will relieve frequent nosebleeds

1/2 teaspoon of crushed barberry bark should be infused for 1 hour in a glass of boiling water. Strain and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day and rinse your nose with this cool infusion several times a week. Gradually the bleeding will stop bothering you.

Turnip for nosebleeds

This treatment for nosebleeds: grate turnips, squeeze out the juice, add sugar. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Bleeding will stop after 1 day, but for prevention, take the juice for two more days. There will be no more bleeding.

Horsetail will stop nosebleeds

As soon as bleeding begins, you need to prepare a horsetail decoction: 1 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, cool quickly by placing the saucepan with the broth in large capacity With cold water, strain and sniff the broth through your nose several times. The procedure is not pleasant.

Willow (white willow) powder against nosebleeds

Dried willow bark is used for nosebleeds. It must be ground in a coffee grinder. You will get a powder that you need to inhale through your nose. This should not be done during bleeding, but in advance. Inhale willow powder every two days for several weeks and the bleeding will stop.

Nosebleeds may begin after various reasons. It can be traumatic, postoperative, spontaneous and is usually caused by damage to the vessels of the nasal mucosa. Sometimes it goes away quickly on its own, but sometimes emergency treatment for nosebleeds is required. This phenomenon may have a different nature of occurrence and different intensity. It can begin unexpectedly, even at night during sleep, but in some cases it may be preceded by symptoms such as headaches, tinnitus, and general weakness.

Why does it occur?

The reasons are usually divided into general and local. The first include:

  • cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart defects, vascular anomalies;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • violation of hemostasis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • sun and heatstroke;
  • bleeding as a result of changes in atmospheric pressure (when diving to depth, when climbing to a height for climbers, pilots).

From local reasons should be called:

  • any trauma to the nose, including foreign objects, surgical intervention, therapeutic manipulations;
  • formations in the nasal cavity;
  • plethora in chronic and acute sinusitis and rhinitis, with adenoids;
  • dystrophic changes in the nasal mucosa (deviated septum, atrophic rhinitis).

Each individual case requires individual approach after examination and diagnosis. First aid for nosebleeds is necessary before going to the hospital or before the ambulance arrives.

Types of nosebleeds

If you have a nosebleed, you should not tilt your head back; you should tilt it slightly forward and pinch your nose with your fingers.

They vary in intensity and duration. Depending on the location, they are divided into anterior and posterior.

More than 90% of all nosebleeds are localized in the anterior nasal septum. Here is the so-called Kisselbach area, which is also called the bleeding area. Frequent damage vessels in this zone are associated with the fact that there are many interconnecting capillaries. In addition, the mucous membrane here is thin and has practically no submucosal layer. The vessels located in this place can be damaged even from minor mechanical influences or when pressure increases.

Bleeding with such localization is not dangerous to life and health, it does not differ in intensity and quickly stops on its own. In this case, the simplest measures are sufficient.

Posterior bleeding is caused by damage to larger vessels located in the deep layers of the nasal cavity. In this case, significant blood loss occurs, which can be life-threatening. It is usually impossible to stop bleeding at home; specialized help is required.

Symptoms depend on the intensity and location, the amount of blood lost, gender, and age. There are bleedings varying degrees gravity:

  • insignificant – pathological symptoms absent, no danger, from a few drops to several tens of milliliters of blood are lost;
  • mild - about 500 ml can be lost in an adult (about 10%), there is pallor of the mucous membranes and skin, weakness, flies flashing before the eyes, dizziness, a feeling of thirst, tinnitus, palpitations;
  • medium - about 15-20% of blood is lost, symptoms intensify, pressure drops, shortness of breath and tachycardia appear;
  • severe – with losses of more than 20%, hemorrhagic shock, manifested by lethargy, thread-like pulse, increasing tachycardia, a sharp decrease in pressure, and impaired consciousness.

What does first aid consist of?

The most common location for bleeding is the anterior third of the nasal septum. First aid for nosebleeds in this case is quite simple, and the bleeding stops quickly.

Bleeding from posterior sections nose, where large vessels pass. They may not be noticeable, since the blood drains through the pharynx into the stomach, and only the onset of vomiting will be its first sign.

Usually the blood comes from one nostril. Most often this is due to high pressure, nasal injury, weak vessels mucous membrane, sharp blowing of the nose.

Emergency assistance consists of the following:

  1. Sit the patient down and tilt his head down and slightly forward, but do not tilt it back, as many do, so that blood does not enter the stomach. In this case, control over the volume of blood flowing out will be lost, and vomiting may begin.
  2. Pinch your nose slightly below the bridge of the nose with your fingers for ten minutes and breathe through your mouth. At the same time, you should not swallow, blow your nose, or talk. All of this can prevent the formation of a blood clot.
  3. You can put cold on the bridge of your nose: ice wrapped in cellophane and a rag, frozen food from the refrigerator, metal objects.
  4. Insert tampons made from bandage or gauze into the nostrils. Before use, soak the tampon in hydrogen peroxide (3%), which helps stop bleeding.

What to pay attention to. If the blood has a pale, yellowish color, you should immediately go to the hospital. This may be a sign of a basal fracture cranium if there is trauma to the face and head.

If the bleeding does not stop within half an hour, you should urgently contact a traumatology department or an otolaryngologist after treatment has been provided. before medical assistance. Prolonged bleeding may result in shock. In this case, complex tamponing is necessary, which is carried out only by a medical professional.

If your nose bleeds due to overheating or long stay in the sun, the patient must be transferred to the shade and provided comfortable conditions using a fan or air conditioner.

If a person suffers chronic hypertension, then as a result of a sharp rise in pressure, nosebleeds may occur. In addition to measures to stop bleeding, the patient needs to be given a blood pressure reducer, which he usually takes. It should be said that with hypertension, nosebleeds can reduce blood pressure.

If the reason is foreign object If it gets into the nasal passage, you should not try to get it out yourself. A body's displacement may result in it being caught in Airways and will cause suffocation.

Methods of stopping blood can be divided into local and general. In the first case, the effect occurs directly on the nasal area: applying cold, pressing the wings against the septum with your fingers, tamponade, and in some cases, surgical intervention. Sometimes measures of general influence on the body may be required. For example, if blood clotting is poor, drugs that increase it are needed, for example, calcium chloride(10%) orally or intravenously, vitamin K, rutin and others. Blood transfusions may be needed in particularly severe cases.

What not to do?

  1. Throw your head back so that blood does not flow into the throat, esophagus and stomach.
  2. Blow your nose so that the blood clot that forms is not damaged, otherwise the bleeding will start again.
  3. Make tampons from cotton wool, the fibers of which stick to the walls of the nasal passages, and when they are removed, the vessels are injured.
  4. Do not put any drops into your nose. They can provoke swallowing or gagging movements, which will prevent the formation of a blood clot.

Bleeding in children

Nosebleeds are a common occurrence in children. Even with minor bleeding, the child may panic and even faint. Prolonged and severe, it can pose a health hazard: it weakens the body’s defenses, leads to developmental delays and anemia. The algorithm for helping a child is as follows:

  1. Reassure your child as anxiety increases bleeding.
  2. Do not allow the nose to move or blow, convince the child to press the wings against the septum with his fingers below the bridge of the nose.
  3. After the bleeding stops, so that the mucous membrane does not dry out, carefully lubricate the inside of the nostrils with Vaseline using a tampon.
  4. After providing first aid, you should go to the hospital, as bleeding may occur again. In addition, the child will need to be examined to find out the real reason. It could be a blood disorder poor clotting, pathologies of the liver, heart, lungs, kidneys and more.


If your nose bleeds, it must be stopped. You should immediately consult a doctor for emergency help in the following cases:

  1. If the bleeding is intense and does not stop for more than 30 minutes.
  2. If it started after severe bruise heads.
  3. If the blood is watery, mixed with yellowish fluid.

Bleeding that is prolonged can be dangerous to health.

In order to successfully perform all its functions (warm, moisturize and purify the air, recognize odors), the human nose is equipped with a good blood supply, which is realized by a network of the smallest vessels - capillaries.

What Causes Nosebleeds?

In order to provide proper first aid for nosebleeds, you should understand what could be causing it. Under the influence of certain factors, the capillary wall becomes looser and thinner, which may result in nosebleeds. This phenomenon can be caused by various reasons. Doctors divide them into two categories: general and local.

Local factors

These include the following reasons:

  1. Injuries.
  2. Penetration of foreign objects into the nasal sinuses.
  3. Adenoids, rhinitis and sinusitis.
  4. Tumor formations.

General factors, most common causes

  1. Jumps in blood pressure in patients with hypertension.
  2. Diseases of the blood.
  3. Overwork, stress and lack of sleep.
  4. Recent infectious diseases (influenza and ARVI).
  5. Excessive dry air in the room.
  6. Certain diseases of the liver and spleen.
  7. Allergic conditions.
  8. Vitamin C deficiency.
  9. Heatstroke or overheating.
  10. Reduced ability of blood to thicken.
  11. Restructuring phase hormonal levels V adolescence, as well as in women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Regardless of the cause, first aid is provided for nosebleeds. The concept of “bleeding” is considered to be the penetration of blood outside the vessel. If the blood pours out, the bleeding is called external, but if it seeps through the tissues and pours into the cavities of the patient’s body, it is called internal. The most serious health concern due to the definition problem is, of course, internal bleeding, but external ones can also pose a health risk.

The flow of blood outside the vessels occurs:

  • when a vessel wall breaks due to illness or injury;
  • when blood leaks through entire vessels, which happens with increased permeability of the walls or with pathology of the blood composition.

What to do to stop bleeding?

When providing emergency first aid for a nosebleed, you must first calm the victim, because anxiety and fear only worsen the bleeding. If an accident occurs in a room, the windows should be opened to give the victim maximum flow of clean air. Immediately you need to unfasten the collar or top button and relieve the victim of compressive elements of clothing. Monitor the patient’s breathing: he should inhale air through his nose and exhale through his mouth. This breathing method will help the blood clot quickly.

For first aid for nosebleeds, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First you need to find out which nostril the blood is flowing from.
  2. Roll up a small swab, moisten it with water and insert it into the nostril that is bleeding. The tampon is inserted so that blood does not flow out of the nose, but it should not cause pain.
  3. Place a cold object on the back of your head.
  4. Pinch your nose with two fingers, pressing lightly on the wings.
  5. Keep your nose in this position for about two minutes.
  6. If necessary, change the tampon with a new one.

Nosebleeds in pregnant women

Occurs due to the following reasons:

  1. Hormonal changes.
  2. Lack of calcium in the body.
  3. Arterial hypertension.

If a pregnant woman experiences this condition, there is no need to panic; it is better to carry out first aid measures for nosebleeds. Firstly, it is worth determining the volume of lost blood, and secondly, understanding what preceded this. This phenomenon during pregnancy does not always indicate a painful process; most likely, it indicates an increased load and increased blood flow throughout female body. After stopping the bleeding, it is advisable to carefully rinse the nasal passages with running water so that clots do not complicate respiratory process. Dry nasal mucosa should be lubricated with drops vegetable oil, soaked in a cotton swab. You need to smear the nasal passages very carefully, since the slightest damage to the nasal mucosa can provoke secondary bleeding.

Other first aid methods for nosebleeds

  1. Soak a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide (or Vaseline ointment, fresh nettle juice, vinegar) and place it in the nostril.
  2. For greater effect the nostril can be pressed against the nasal septum and held for several minutes. Remove the tampon. If the bleeding has not stopped yet, repeat the procedure.
  3. Place a few drops of lemon juice diluted with water into your nose.

If a person with a nosebleed has lost consciousness, he is immediately taken to the hospital while lying on his back with his head turned to the side. Providing first medical care with nosebleeds in this case lies in the speed of delivery of the victim to medical institution. In this case, place a bag of ice or a napkin soaked in cold water on the bridge of the nose.

Medical treatment and careful examination are necessary in situations where nosebleeds occur too frequently. If the patient complains of dizziness, you need to give him a sniff of ammonia. Once the bleeding has stopped, the condition of the victim and the amount of blood that has leaked should be assessed. If the loss is significant, then in the hospital he is given a transfusion of blood products, and in case of slight blood loss, he should be given cooled sweetened tea and sent to fresh air.

First aid for nosebleeds in children

This phenomenon occurs quite often in children. It can be triggered by a fall, a blow, picking the nose, or observed with a runny nose. Sometimes it occurs without obvious reasons. In babies under 1 year of age, nosebleeds are rarely observed due to the structure of the nasal mucosa; the situation changes when the baby begins to actively walk and run.

The first step is to calmly assess the situation. At heavy bleeding caused by a head injury, you must call a doctor. Before his arrival, you should position the baby in a half-sitting position (possibly over a basin or washbasin) and squeeze his nostrils tightly for a few minutes. It is important to ensure that the child does not swallow the blood, but spits it out.

If bleeding continues, apply a cold, wet compress or crushed ice wrapped in a cloth to the bridge of the child's nose. Then close the nostrils of your nose again. If all methods do not help, you need to insert a cotton pad into the nose corresponding to the size of the nasal passages, moistened with a 2% solution of hydrogen peroxide, and lightly press both halves of the nose. If the bleeding is mild, these measures can be carried out without assistance. medical workers. If, after independently performing the first aid algorithm for nosebleeds, it is not possible to stop it, you should definitely call a doctor.

You cannot tilt your head back in order to stop the bleeding, as this will cause it to go into the throat, the child will swallow it, and the parents will think that the process has stopped. In addition, in this position, squeezing the blood vessels of the brain can increase bleeding. After the bleeding has stopped, the child should not blow his nose for 4 hours.

For those who fear the sight of blood, a nosebleed is a disaster. But, of course, there is no need to panic just because a vessel in the nose is damaged. Parents often get scared when their child’s nose bleeds for no reason during a cold. In a baby, the blood vessels are much more susceptible to the effects of microbial toxins than in an adult, and this leads to increased bleeding of the mucous membrane during infection. But sometimes nosebleeds can be a symptom of a serious disease of the blood vessels, blood, lungs or heart. Therefore, if a baby has a nosebleed - common occurrence, you should definitely consult a doctor.

When can a nosebleed become dangerous for a person?

The most dangerous is strong discharge blood or ongoing long time. In this case, the person experiences acute blood loss. Dizziness, cold sweat, flickering before the eyes, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes occur. The pulse is weak and frequent, and loss of consciousness is likely. The first aid algorithm for nosebleeds should be applied from the first seconds. This phenomenon requires immediate medical assistance, but even with less severe blood loss, one cannot remain inactive - everything must be done to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible.

What not to do?

  1. You cannot lie down and raise your legs at the same time. In this position, the flow of blood to the head increases, which will only increase bleeding.
  2. You can't tilt your head back. Lifting the chin can force blood into the throat, which can cause bloody vomiting, or blood can enter the airways and cause pneumonia.
  3. After blood loss has stopped, you should not drink strong tea or coffee or eat hot food in the near future. They raise blood pressure, which can cause relapse.
  4. If bleeding has occurred, you should not take cold inhalations that day, as the blood vessels should get stronger.


It is necessary to strengthen blood vessels using the following procedures:

  1. Rinse the sinuses saline solution(2 tsp sea or ordinary salt per 200 ml of water).
  2. Crusts in the nostrils need to be softened Vaseline oil and only remove them after they have softened.
  3. It is recommended to use Ascorutin or medications that strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  4. B vitamins must always be present in the diet (high amounts of them in citrus fruits, currants, rose hips).
  5. Doctors recommend supplementing the menu with vitamin juice or green tea, as they boost immunity well.
  6. Hardening procedures are a long-tried method of strengthening blood vessels; a contrast shower has an excellent effect on them.

When to see a doctor?

If blood flows from the nose in a strong stream or for more than a quarter of an hour, and no first aid method for nosebleeds helps, you should urgently call a doctor! It is also worth visiting the hospital if nosebleeds occur frequently and without a specific reason. The issue may be poor blood clotting or the presence of other diseases of the body.

Contents of the article: classList.toggle()">toggle

Nasal hemorrhage (epistaxis) is a common pathology, which is characterized by vessels located on the nasal mucosa. This condition is life-threatening as there is a possibility of significant blood loss. That is why it is so important not to get confused and provide timely assistance to the victim.

Patients of different age groups experience nosebleeds. Often the problem can be eliminated at the stage of first aid.

How to stop nosebleeds in a child and an adult, what is included in the first aid algorithm for nosebleeds, what are the typical mistakes– you will learn about this and much more in this article.

Basic Information About Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds are fairly easy to spot, with red blood coming out of the nostril. When hemorrhaging from the posterior nasal cavity, blood flows down the pharynx. If the blood is foamy, then we are talking about hemorrhage from lower sections respiratory system.

If the victim has lost about 500 ml of blood, then his skin turns pale, the pulse quickens, blood pressure decreases, weakness and slight dizziness occur. In addition, after a few days, hemoglobin decreases.

Usually, before a nosebleed, the patient complains of tinnitus, headache, discomfort in the nose.

Depending on the volume of blood loss nasal hemorrhage divided into the following types:

  • Minor– the patient loses several ml of blood, the bleeding stops spontaneously or after pressing the nose. The duration is short;
  • Moderate– the victim loses about 300 ml of blood. Such bleeding does not disrupt the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Strong– a person loses more than 300 ml of blood. This type of hemorrhage is life-threatening.

It is important to provide the victim with first aid for nosebleeds.:

If the nosebleed continues, the doctor prescribes hemostatic drugs. If there is no effectiveness, apply surgery, biotampons and homeopathic medicines.

If the bleeding continues for more than 10 minutes, then you should call an ambulance.

Medical intervention is necessary in the following cases:

  • The patient has a blood clotting disorder;
  • The victim uses medications that thin the blood;
  • A person suffers from hypertension;
  • The patient is in a pre-fainting state;
  • Nasal hemorrhage recurs throughout the day;
  • The patient began to vomit blood due to damage to the vessels of the nasal cavity.

If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Causes of hemorrhage

In most cases, nosebleeds occur due to illness different organs and systems. Quite rarely, the cause of pathology is diseases of the nasal cavity.

Systemic causes of nosebleeds:

  • Impaired functionality of the heart and blood vessels, For example, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc. Most often, bleeding occurs due to high blood pressure;
  • Infections. Colds, flu, measles, diphtheria, blood poisoning and others. Due to general poisoning of the body and the influence pathogens the blood vessels dilate and become thinner. They become more fragile and permeable, the blood clotting process is disrupted;
  • Diseases circulatory system : hemophilia, leukemia, allergic purpura and others. Due to diseases, the blood composition and coagulation processes are disrupted, as a result, the likelihood of frequent nosebleeds increases;
  • Kidney diseases provoke an increase in blood pressure, as a result the condition of the blood vessels of the nose worsens, and nasal hemorrhages occur;
  • Liver diseases, for example, hepatitis or cirrhosis. When liver function is disrupted, the production of elements that regulate blood clotting function decreases. Moreover, due to structural changes liver, blood circulation is impaired, pressure increases, which provokes nasal hemorrhage.
  • Hypothyroidism(decrease in thyroid hormone levels).

Local factors for the development of bleeding include trauma to the nose, neoplasms or foreign bodies in the nasal cavity. Hemorrhages often occur with atrophic rhinitis.

Patients who often overheat, engage in heavy physical labor, move abruptly or run are susceptible to this pathology.

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How to stop nosebleeds

If the patient has bleeding due to an injury to the nose or skull, then it is necessary to call an ambulance. Medical intervention cannot be avoided in case of heavy blood loss (more than 300 ml), prolonged bleeding. This warning applies to victims whose illnesses have worsened with chronic course(liver, kidneys, etc.) or diagnosed infectious diseases with viral origin.

To stop a nosebleed, follow these steps::

If the bleeding continues, then nasal cavity treated with Lidocaine spray and new tampons soaked in Aminocaproic acid or hydrogen peroxide are inserted. The top of the nose is covered with a sling-shaped bandage.

If conservative methods turned out to be ineffective, then surgical treatment is used. Cauterization is the easiest way to stop hemorrhage.

If bleeding persists, biotampons are inserted into the nasal cavity. These agents stimulate the restoration of mucosal tissue. Homeopathic medicines are also prescribed for bleeding.

Emergency care for nosebleeds in children

Patients in the younger age category are more likely to experience nosebleeds than adults.

First aid algorithm for nosebleeds in children:

Used to stop bleeding in a child cold compress, which is applied to the bridge of the nose for 5 - 10 minutes. You can also soak a towel in cold water, wring it out lightly and apply it to your neck for the same period of time.

If the bleeding does not stop, then you need to call an ambulance.

You can stop hemorrhage using limb baths. For this, the patient is seated on a chair, hands are immersed in cold water, and your legs are hot. This reduces the pressure in the upper body and stops the blood flow.

Errors in first aid

In order not to aggravate the victim’s condition, you should avoid common mistakes when stopping a nasal hemorrhage:

These are the most basic mistakes that increase bleeding.

Folk remedies

Pathology can be treated using highly effective folk methods:

Traditional recipes are used only after the approval of a doctor.

Preventive measures

To avoid frequent nosebleeds or prevent pathology, follow these rules:

Thus, nosebleeds can be stopped at home. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions. But if it does not stop within 10 minutes, then you need to call an ambulance. The doctor will identify the true cause of the hemorrhage and stop it.


Health 03/16/2016

Today we, dear readers, will talk about nosebleeds, an unpleasant and sometimes dangerous phenomenon, especially if it occurs in children. Sometimes the view large quantity blood causes us a feeling of horror, and nosebleeds usually occur unexpectedly, leading a person into a state of panic, so you need to clearly know what to do in such cases and how to provide first aid to yourself and your loved ones if a nosebleed occurs.

Most often, bleeding occurs from the anterior parts of the nose due to rupture of blood vessels. Such bleeding can be quite heavy, but it is easy to stop. It is much more difficult to cope with bleeding from the back of the nose on your own; sometimes in these cases emergency medical intervention is required.

First of all, you need to determine from which parts of the nose the blood is coming. In the anterior parts of the nose, blood vessels are located on the nasal septum, and damage to them usually causes bleeding from one nostril. If you are watching profuse bleeding from two nostrils, then it can be assumed that the vessels of the posterior parts of the nose are damaged. Let's take a closer look at the causes of nosebleeds, first aid methods and treatment methods.

Nosebleeds in adults and children. Causes

There are many causes of nosebleeds in adults and children. They can occur in completely healthy people under the influence of certain external factors, such bleeding usually occurs sporadically and goes away on its own. Sometimes nosebleeds are a consequence of some medical condition, and in these cases it is necessary to find the root cause and treat the underlying condition.

What can cause nosebleeds? In apparently healthy people, nosebleeds can be caused by:

  • changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • overheating or sunstroke;
  • dry indoor air;
  • nasal injuries;
  • foreign body in the nose;
  • the effect of certain medications;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • influenza or ARVI, when a person’s vessels in the nasal cavity swell, and since the vessels in the nose are very thin and delicate, they can burst when high temperature and when blowing your nose.

Nosebleeds can cause more serious reasons, which include diseases such as

  • atrophy of the nasal mucosa, in which the mucous membrane becomes thinner and the slightest strain or blowing the nose causes rupture of blood vessels;
  • pathology of vascular development in the nose, in which vascular wall thin, which leads to frequent ruptures;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • blood diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • liver diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • lack of vitamin C in the body.

First aid for nosebleeds

What to do if your nose suddenly bleeds? First of all, do not panic, and if this happened to someone close to you, calm the person down and provide first aid. During a nosebleed, you should neither lie down nor tilt your head back so that blood does not enter the respiratory tract. You need to sit down and lower your head slightly.

The blood must be spat out, not allowed to enter the stomach, so as not to cause vomiting. Place some container in front of the person for convenience.

Close both nostrils with a handkerchief, put something cold on the bridge of your nose, at least a handkerchief moistened with cold water, and sit with your head bowed. After 10 - 15 minutes, bleeding from the anterior parts of the nose usually stops. You need to breathe through your mouth.

Advice from me from practice: It is very useful to always have cold at home. Ice cubes are inconvenient to use, ice containers in the form of containers are also inconvenient, I do this: I pour a little water into a medical glove, tie it tightly and freeze it like that. And in case of need - you never know, a bruise or something else, there is always a remedy at hand. Very simple and convenient.

Many people fall into a semi-fainting state at the sight of blood, and if you see that a person not only has blood coming out of his nose, but is feeling ill, you need to ensure a flow of fresh air into the room, unfasten your collar, and, if necessary, call an ambulance.

It is not recommended to instill drops into the nose during bleeding and immediately after it stops; in the future, the use of any medicines must be agreed with a doctor.

If the bleeding does not stop within 15 minutes, then you can insert a cotton or gauze swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide into the nasal passages.

If the bleeding cannot be stopped on its own within 20 minutes, you must call an ambulance or take the person to the nearest medical institution to provide assistance. In this case, it can be assumed that the cause of bleeding was a rupture blood vessel in the posterior sections of the nose, which requires special measures to eliminate it.

Here is a visual reminder for us on how to help with nosebleeds.

Nosebleeds in children

I would like to pay special attention to children's nosebleeds, since this unpleasant phenomenon is quite often observed in children. In most cases, nosebleeds in children occur due to damage to the walls small vessels in the anterior section of the nose, which are located on the nasal septum. In children, the vessels are very delicate and not fully formed, so any minor injury or overheating can cause nosebleeds. It does not cause danger; the main thing is to provide the child with timely help.

Much more serious, if blood is released from large vessels, such bleeding can be very severe and in this case the help of a specialist is necessary, since a large loss of blood is very dangerous for a child. With severe blood loss, weakness, dizziness, decreased blood pressure, and impaired heart rate, fainting may occur. Therefore, medical attention is necessary if you see heavy bleeding.

It is especially dangerous if blood vessels rupture in the posterior parts of the nose. Blood may enter the stomach, causing vomiting, or may enter the respiratory tract, which is even more dangerous; in this case, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. As I wrote above, bleeding from the back of the nose occurs from two nostrils at once and this is already a signal for emergency assistance. Don't hesitate, call an ambulance!

Causes of nosebleeds in children

Let's consider the most common reasons nosebleeds in children:

  • nasal injuries
  • foreign bodies in the nose
  • dry indoor air
  • overheating in the sun
  • excessive physical or mental stress in schoolchildren
  • hormonal changes in adolescents
  • high blood pressure
  • anemia
  • bleeding disorder

How to stop nosebleeds in children

Since the most common cause of nosebleeds in children is mechanical damage vessels on the nasal septum, then stopping such bleeding usually does not present any particular difficulties.

First aid for nosebleeds in children

The child must be seated, his head slightly tilted forward and both nostrils of the child should be closed with his fingers. The child should sit in this position for 10 minutes. We need to be patient.

At the same time, cold should be applied to the bridge of the nose. Usually after 10 minutes the blood from the nose stops coming out. If after 20 minutes the bleeding cannot be stopped, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.

The main mistakes parents make when providing first aid for nosebleeds in children.

What should not be done in case of nosebleeds in children?

When bleeding from the nose, you should not throw your head back.

You can't lie down either. I talked about the child's pose above.

Do not insert cotton swabs into a child's nose. Of course, it makes us feel better because the cotton wool absorbs the blood, but when we remove these tampons, we can only harm the child. During this time, blood clots form, they will remain on the cotton wool, and you yourself understand that dried blood can only aggravate the problem.

Now a little about those 10 minutes that are recommended to be spent in calm state to stop nosebleeds. 10 minutes - of course, we understand that it’s not easy for a child to stand in such a position. Especially for a small fidgety child.

What additional advice can you give to parents? Give ice cream to a child sitting in this position plain water with a small amount of ice cubes, but you should drink it only through a straw so that the child sits with his head slightly tilted forward. You can also turn on the TV or give him a tablet and watch his favorite cartoons. So time will pass more quickly... And you and I will make sure that the child’s head is in the right position.

I suggest watching a video with a speech by children's doctor Komarovsky about the causes of children's nosebleeds, first aid and prevention.

Nose bleed. Treatment.

We can talk about treating nosebleeds only in cases where they are caused by certain diseases. If nosebleeds occur frequently, you should be concerned and get examined.

First of all, you will need to donate blood for analysis and do an ultrasound. abdominal cavity. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe some other tests, and if the cause is found, prescribe appropriate treatment. Doctors often prescribe ascorutin to strengthen capillaries.

Nose bleed. Prevention

In all other cases we'll talk rather not about treatment, but about the prevention of nosebleeds. Let's talk about it in more detail.

First of all, it is necessary to analyze Lifestyle Perhaps the cause of nosebleeds is chronic lack of sleep, overwork, insufficient rest. Sometimes it is enough to include in your daily routine hiking on fresh air and add a vitamin and mineral complex to your diet to stop nosebleeds.

IN winter period dry indoor air can contribute to the fragility of nasal vessels, so it is easiest to install in an apartment or office humidifier . Humidifiers are freely sold, they vary in price and configuration, you can choose the one that suits you.

If the cause of nosebleeds lies in atrophy of the nasal mucosa, then it is necessary treat atrophic rhinitis . It must be said that in most cases this disease is chronic and can accompany a person throughout his life. All measures should be aimed at preventing the formation of dry crusts on the nasal septum; it is necessary to humidify the air in the apartment and use moisturizing nasal sprays. For better removal of dried mucus and relief of inflammation, drop into the nose oil solution vitamin A or insert tampons with sea buckthorn oil into the nasal passages.

Sometimes nosebleeds can be caused by allergic rhinitis , in this case it is necessary to identify the allergen that causes swelling of the mucous membrane and avoid provoking factors. If an allergy does take you by surprise, you need to take it on time. antihistamines, but, of course, only after consulting an allergist. In addition, it is necessary to use special drops or nasal sprays that remove allergic edema mucous membrane. About allergic rhinitis I told you in more detail

I wish everyone good health, so that we do not encounter such nosebleeds, and if something does happen, we will know how to provide first aid. And to continue the topic, I will say that how important it is to rest, not overexert yourself, and avoid stress. One of my daughters, when she graduated from Moscow State University last year, just suffered from nosebleeds before the semester. As soon as I defended my thesis, it was all over, and the bleeding went away.

And for the soul we will listen today A. Dvorak Melody . Wonderful music and paintings by the artist Edouard Manet.

I wish everyone, my dear readers, health, a wonderful spring mood with our scents of happiness, harmony and warmth in your families. Give your warmth to your loved ones.

see also




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