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Pain in the temples and forehead: causes and symptoms. Diseases of the nervous system. Meningitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis

A headache can appear at any moment and for a while take a person out of normal state. Sometimes this is a sign of fatigue and to get rid of discomfort, it is enough to take an anesthetic pill and rest. But there are times when the head starts to hurt as a result of a serious illness that requires mandatory treatment. In this case, discomfort can be felt in a certain place or affect a significant part of the head. Why does my forehead and temples hurt? What to do for those who are faced with similar sensations?

Pain symptoms

At least once in a lifetime, every person has experienced temples. The duration and nature of the pain that appears in these parts of the head can be divided into several categories:

  1. Severe and often recurring pain indicates a serious pathology in cardiovascular system. Discomfort and soreness can disturb a person for a long period of time, even during sleep.
  2. Episodic pain usually appears suddenly and does not last long. In most cases, these sensations are associated with changes in meteorological conditions. To get rid of discomfort, it is enough to take an anesthetic pill. As a rule, such headache occurs in the forehead or temples rarely. Although in some cases it may chronic especially if the reason lies in infectious disease organism or. The main signs of such pain include pulsation, nausea, a feeling of squeezing, uniform pain that increases with any movement.

  1. Chronic pain is characterized by the absence acute phase. But during an exacerbation, a person experiences compressive pain, which prevents the patient from exercising usual things. In this case, the patient needs to consult a neurologist who can determine the main cause of its occurrence and prescribe preventive treatment. Such therapy makes it possible to reduce the duration and severity of pain.

Dear readers, the head will not hurt just like that. There are reasons for everything. If you feel one of the symptoms listed above, then you should pay attention to your condition. About what clinical symptoms can talk about serious pathologies, neurologist Mikhail Moiseevich Shperling will tell:

Headache in the frontal part or temples can be spasmodic or have a monotonous and uniform character. Most often, elderly people and those who have problems in the work of the heart or blood vessels complain of such symptoms.

Pain localization

Pain in the forehead and temples can occur simultaneously or independently of each other. If a virus enters the body, discomfort occurs only. And with a sudden change blood pressure, the headache appears exclusively in the temporal region. If a pulsation begins or a feeling of squeezing of the temple occurs, then this is evidence of a serious violation in the work of the vessels.

Sometimes discomfort that have arisen in the forehead, gradually move to the temples. Basically, this may indicate the presence of an infection in the body that requires immediate treatment. Such a headache can move from the forehead to the eye area.

Along with this, a person develops photophobia, nausea, and the pain becomes more intense.

Localization of sensations will always depend on why the headache occurred. In total, doctors have about 55 various reasons soreness. Since sometimes discomfort and soreness in the region of the temples or forehead can indicate serious pathologies that require immediate treatment, it is important to determine the exact cause of this symptom.

Causes of pain in the forehead

Very often after a hard day at work, sleepless night or mental activity, a person is faced with soreness in the forehead area. But other reasons can also lead to this:

  • Physical fatigue or prolonged mental work.
  • Inflammatory process in the oral cavity.
  • Inflammation in maxillary sinuses ah purulent nature.
  • overvoltage eye muscles or the development of an infection in the organs of vision.

Doctor-neurologist of the highest category, head of the headache treatment center, doctor medical sciences Elena Razumovna Lebedeva will help to deal with the many causes of discomfort:

If the headache is due to inflammatory process maxillary sinuses or oral cavity, then discomfort accompanies a person constantly, and even strong painkillers do not help get rid of it. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor if pain other signs of infection joined in the forehead:

  1. Paleness of the skin.
  2. Heat.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Nasal congestion or congestion.
  5. High gum sensitivity.
  6. General weakness of the body.

Why whiskey hurts

There are no possible foci of inflammation near the temples, so other factors lead to discomfort. First of all, the temples hurt when there are disturbances in the functioning of the vessels, since it is through the temporal zone that many blood and lymphatic vessels that nourish the brain. The main causes of pain in this case include:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Failure of the hormonal system.

  • vascular atherosclerosis.
  • Psycho-emotional stress ( stressful condition, anxiety, etc.).
  • Spasm of the jaw muscles, which is possible due to stress.
  • Poisoning with toxic substances.

Headaches in the temporal region are mainly associated with a nervous experience or neurological diseases. Therefore, it is very important to find out the exact cause of this symptom, since when prolonged absence treatments are possible various complications. In women, such sensations may be associated with hormonal changes in the body during menstruation or pregnancy.

Other causes of headaches

In addition to the development of serious diseases in the body, other factors can also cause a headache. These include:

  1. Improper diet, which is dominated by foods that are unhealthy (fast food, convenience foods and food fast food etc.).
  2. Few active image life and lack of daily physical activity.
  3. Overloading the body, physical, psychological or emotional nature as a result, the muscles of the body are not able to fully relax.

The picture shows products containing artificial monosodium glutamate, which causes, among other things, a headache. Our nutrition directly affects the state of our body.

  1. Violation of the regime of work and rest (long working day, lack of a full night's sleep, etc.).
  2. Abuse of nicotine, alcohol and strong coffee.

In such cases, it is enough to simply eliminate the provoking factor and the state of the body stabilizes.

Medical treatment

The occurrence of a headache in the forehead and temples can significantly overshadow a person's life and even take him out of the normal rhythm of life. They help to get rid of it, which the doctor will help determine, after finding out the cause of the pain.

Forehead pain pills

Discomfort in the frontal region often indicates an inflammatory process in the body, therefore, in addition to removing unpleasant symptom, the medicine should have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, to remove pain symptom, you can take drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid:

  • "Analgin".
  • "Baralgin".
  • "Pentalgin".
  • "Tempalgin".

All of them are able to quickly relieve discomfort in the forehead and eyes. In order not to burden the liver and kidneys, you can not drink 2 tablets at once or in a short period of time.

If there is a headache in the forehead area, then you need to find out what contributed to this and start fighting this factor. In cases where this was the result of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, tooth or gums, a course of antibacterial or antiviral therapy. Along with this, the doctor will advise taking drugs with ibuprofen, which, in addition to the analgesic effect, has the ability to increase the body's defenses. These tablets include:

  1. "Nurofen".
  2. "Imet".
  3. Ibuprom.

Pills for pain in the temporal region

If whiskey began to hurt, then it is difficult for a person to concentrate on anything. This is often evidence high blood pressure or spasm of blood vessels and muscles. In this case, drugs based on will be effective. They have an analgesic, antispasmodic effect and lower the temperature. In the pharmacy, you can choose one of the drugs:

  • "Panadol".
  • "Paracetamol".

  • "Volpan".
  • "Daleron".

If stress has led to soreness, then in this case it will be required sedatives. TO safe drugs tincture of valerian or motherwort can be attributed. They can increase stress resistance and reduce brain signals about arousal. When stress becomes chronic, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a suitable sedative.

The use of folk remedies

hard to find medicinal product, which would not provide negative impact on the body, because medicines long time are excreted from the body and load the work of the liver and kidneys. The alternative to them are safe.

Forehead pain

An effective remedy for the appearance of headaches in the forehead is cabbage leaf. For this you need:

  1. Take a large, juicy cabbage leaf.
  2. Wash it well and hold it for a few minutes in boiling water.
  3. Apply the sheet to the forehead and lie down with it for at least 30 minutes.

In the photo, the preparation of a compress from a cabbage leaf

For such a compress, you can use a sheet of coltsfoot or burdock.

If high intracranial pressure, then herbalists recommend using a decoction of nettle:

  • 1 tablespoon of the dried plant is poured into 1 cup of boiling water.
  • The decoction is infused for about 15 minutes, after which it is filtered.
  • After straining, drink half of the resulting broth.
  • After 1 hour, drink the remaining medicine.

Helps relieve pain foot bath. Such a procedure will be relevant with the development of an inflammatory process in the body. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour. Water temperature - no more than 45 degrees (over time, a small portion of hot water must be added to the cooled water). While taking a bath, you can drink a cup of chamomile tea or warm milk with the addition of honey.

Pain in the temples

Those who have pain in the temple should pay attention to their psycho-emotional state. The best option at such moments will lie down to sleep. However, if this is not possible, then to reassure nervous system you can drink a cup of mint, linden, valerian, chamomile or lemon balm tea. After 2 hours, you can treat yourself to another such herbal tea.

Sometimes a person does not notice that he is clenching his jaw tightly. And this can also lead to pain in the temples. In this case, a regular pencil helps. To do this, you need to place it between the teeth, thus preventing the jaws from closing. In this position, you should continue to work or lie down to rest. 20 minutes is enough to feel a significant relief of the condition.

Massage will help to relax and relieve pain. How it is done is our next video:

Severe headaches can happen to anyone. This can lead to normal fatigue or stress and serious illness. Therefore, to endure such sensations is not only unpleasant, but also extremely dangerous. To understand why this happened and how to get rid of an obsessive headache, you need to consult a doctor who, after an examination, will prescribe competent treatment that can relieve discomfort without harming health.

Modern lifestyle that makes a person work large quantity of his free time, often provokes such a phenomenon as a headache.

There are a huge number of reasons for its occurrence, however, the most common factor that negatively affects the body is overwork and disruption of sleep and rest.

And in this thread, everything about the drug No-shpa. In what cases is it used to treat headaches and are there any contraindications for taking it.


It is customary for doctors to differentiate all possible into 5 large groups. All of them combine a different number of diseases and adverse factors, which one way or another are capable of provoking pain in the forehead and temples.

Viral and bacterial diseases

In the case when a banal cold is not treated for a sufficiently long time, accompanying symptoms in the form of a severe headache are added to its main symptoms.

The reasons for this may be dangerous diseases, How:

  • flu;
  • angina and scarlet fever;
  • sinusitis;
  • chronic otitis.

By themselves, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections are treated quickly if the treatment is chosen correctly.

When it is completely absent pathogenic microorganisms increases. They are easily carried by the blood to all organs and systems, which can cause headaches in the forehead and temples.

Disorders in the work of the vascular system

When a person has other vascular diseases, in which blood is not able to be transported to the brain in the proper amount, pain can also occur. Its cause is increased nerve impulses that send brain cells about oxygen deficiency and lack of proper saturation.

The most common vascular diseases directly related to soreness of the forehead and temples are:

  • hypertension;
  • arteritis;

Typically, pain caused by this group of diseases is noted severe attacks affecting concentration and general state. At the same time, it is impossible to eliminate them on their own with the help of painkillers.

Treatment involves taking stronger medications, muscle relaxants, which relax the walls of blood vessels, allowing blood to flow freely to the brain.

Skull trauma

Each one has consequences. This applies not only to serious head injuries, but also to ordinary concussions. Violation of the integrity of the bones, or dysfunction of the brain circulatory system, can provoke in the temples and forehead, which can accompany a person all his life.

This reason is most popular among the modern population, when most people are involved in the non-productive sphere. Prolonged sitting at the workplace, in which the head and neck are in the same position, muscle spasm may occur. In this case, the pain can cover not only the forehead and temples, but also the back of the head.

Other factors

This includes indicators such as:

  • nutrition - lack or excess of food is equally harmful and dangerous to the body;
  • low quality food - dyes, nutritional supplements, sweeteners and preservatives "clog" the vessels, leading to in the shortest possible time;
  • lack of sports in everyday life;
  • limited movement;
  • physical, mental and emotional overload in which the nervous system is not able to fully recover;
  • violation of sleep and rest;
  • working hours exceeding 12 hours per day;
  • abuse of coffee and coffee drinks;
  • alcohol and tobacco addiction;
  • neoplasms - cysts and (benign and malignant).

There are many reasons why a headache in the forehead and temples can hurt. Before proceeding with direct treatment, it is imperative to identify true reason that caused the pain.

Help with pills and medicines

If the pain is spontaneous and episodic, then any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help:

  • containing ibuprofen: Nurofen, Ibuprom, Imet, Brufen;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Ortofen;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid.

Tablets are taken according to the instructions, and their choice should be dictated by the recommendations of doctors. Self-medication can not only not give desired result, but also exacerbate the situation, increasing the soreness of the head.

In the case when the headache is caused by more serious causes and diseases, the following groups of medicines are used in the treatment:

  • antispasmodics: No-shpa, Papaverine, Buscopan;
  • analgesics: Analgin, Baralgetas, Novalgin, Pentalgin;
  • combined preparations based on analgesics, antispasmodics and B vitamins.

Treatment will be effective only when the cause of the pain is correctly identified and appropriate medications are selected. With episodic pain, doctors recommend using improvised means to eliminate discomfort in the temples and frontal part.

Folk remedies for pain in the forehead and temples

There are several recipes that allow you to cope with pain in the head without medication:
  • mint tea - have a relaxing effect, allows you to reduce nervous tension and hypersensitivity;
  • cabbage leaf compress;
  • chamomile tea;
  • massage of the temples and forehead - allows you to increase blood circulation in the area, relieving spasm; You can also massage the neck.

Recipes traditional medicine help only when the cause of the pain is not a life-threatening manifestation of the disease.

Thus, the head in the forehead and temples can hurt different reasons. The main task of treatment is the elimination of the root cause, and not the temporary removal of painful symptoms.

Many people think that headaches are female disease. In fact, doctors ascertain. Consider what causes the occurrence of an unpleasant symptom.

Headache and nausea are a dangerous symptom complex. ABOUT serious illnesses, at which this symptom, read on the page.

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Arterial hypertension is divided into two groups:

  • Primary ( essential) arterial hypertension ( hypertonic disease) – is a chronic, progressive disease characteristic feature which is an increase in blood pressure due to a violation of the central nervous regulation vascular tone.
  • Secondary arterial hypertension characterized by an increase in blood pressure due to various diseases organs and systems. For example, arterial hypertension may be due to kidney damage ( with glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis), brain, lungs ( at chronic diseases ), as well as be observed in violation of the work of organs endocrine system (for example, in diseases of the adrenal glands, thyroid or pancreas).
The causes of hypertension are:
  • dysfunction of the higher nervous apparatus ( bark hemispheres, hypothalamus, medulla oblongata) regulating vascular tone;
  • excessive nervous tension;
  • brain injury;
  • menopause ( menopause);
  • hereditary-constitutional features;
  • diseases of other organs and systems.
Predisposing factors for the development of arterial hypertension are:
  • age ( elderly age increases the risk of developing hypertension);
  • floor ( men are more likely to suffer arterial hypertension );
  • passive lifestyle;
  • increased consumption table salt;
  • overuse alcohol and smoking;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet;
  • overweight;
  • hereditary predisposition;
Symptoms of arterial hypertension are:
  • headache in the temples and neck;
  • weakness;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • noise in ears;
  • sleep disturbance.
The optimal blood pressure numbers are 120 ( upper systolic blood pressure) by 80 ( lower, diastolic blood pressure) millimeters of mercury.

High-normal blood pressure is considered to be 130 - 139 to 85 - 89 millimeters of mercury.

Treatment of arterial hypertension should begin with lifestyle changes, which include:

  • weight normalization;
  • regular exercise;
  • reducing the consumption of salty, fatty and fried foods;
  • intake of foods rich in potassium ( e.g. honey, potatoes, dried apricots, beans, raisins);
  • exclusion of smoking;
  • consumption restriction alcoholic beverages;
  • avoidance of stress;
  • walks on fresh air;
  • alternation of work and rest.
In the presence of arterial hypertension, the patient is recommended to regularly measure blood pressure at home, as well as to be observed at family doctor and a cardiologist.

With primary arterial hypertension, the patient is prescribed drugs that help reduce and normalize blood pressure.

For example, a patient may be prescribed drugs from the following pharmacological groups:

  • diuretics, or diuretics e.g. indapamide, furosemide, spironolactone);
  • ACE inhibitors (e.g. captopril, lisinopril, enalapril);
  • angiotensin II receptor antagonists ( e.g. losartan, valsartan);
  • calcium channel blockers ( e.g. amlodipine, nifedipine);
  • beta blockers ( e.g. atenolol, bisoprolol, metoprolol, concor).
Drugs from these groups are prescribed by a doctor individually, depending on the degree of hypertension, age, and the presence of concomitant diseases in the patient.

In secondary arterial hypertension, it is of paramount importance to treat the disease that led to the increase in blood pressure.

Why do my temples and jaw hurt?

Pain in the temples and jaw occurs due to dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint.

The temporomandibular joint is a paired joint located on both sides of the jaw that connects the lower jaw with temporal bone. It is one of the most mobile joints and provides active mobility mandible (up and down, right and left).

Allocate the following reasons that can lead to dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint:

  • temporomandibular joint injury e.g. injury, dislocation);
  • displacement of the articular disc of the temporomandibular joint;
  • bruxism ( teeth grinding);
    degenerative diseases temporomandibular joint ( e.g. arthrosis, arthritis);
  • malocclusion;
  • wrong dental treatment (e.g. inadequately fitted dentures, improperly placed fillings).
With dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, a person may experience the following symptoms:
  • pain in the temples and joint, extending to the ear, lower jaw, back of the head, neck and shoulder;
  • clicking of the joint when opening or closing the lower jaw;
  • pain when talking, chewing and opening the mouth ( for example, when yawning);
  • noise or ringing in the ears;
  • limited mobility of the joint, which violates the amplitude of the opening of the mouth;
  • tension and soreness of the muscles of the face and neck;
  • change in bite;
  • redness and swelling of the skin in the joint area ( in case of injury or inflammatory diseases joint).
It should be noted that it is difficult to diagnose temporomandibular joint dysfunction, since its symptoms are in many ways similar to those of other diseases ( e.g. diseases of the ear, teeth or gums).

When diagnosing dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, the following research methods are used:

  • Collecting anamnesis from the patient. The doctor, interviewing the patient, clarifies the symptoms, their severity and duration. He also learns about past infectious and inflammatory diseases, whether there were injuries to the head or temporomandibular joint.
  • Medical checkup. Upon examination, the doctor will determine the type of bite, the condition of the teeth, and whether there is a skin lesion in the joint area ( e.g. swelling, redness). Palpation will help to identify if there is a dislocation of the joint, muscle tension, and also to establish the points of greatest pain. When opening and closing the lower jaw, the doctor will assess the freedom of movement, whether there are sounds in the joint when the jaw moves ( e.g. click).
  • Instrumental research. To identify or clarify the diagnosis, the patient may be assigned x-ray methods of examination ( e.g. magnetic resonance imaging, CT scan ). They help to assess the condition of soft tissues and bone structure.

Treatment of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint will depend on the cause that caused the violation of its work. Depending on the existing pathology, treatment can be carried out by a dentist, orthodontist or surgeon. The patient may be prescribed treatment for bite correction, physiotherapy, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, and, if necessary, surgical treatment.

Why does pain occur in the temples during pregnancy?

Headache may be:
  • primary (e.g. migraine, tension headache);
  • secondary (e.g. infectious processes, head injuries, arterial hypertension).
During pregnancy, women very often complain of a headache in the temples. In most cases, it is characteristic in the first and third trimester of pregnancy. Painful sensations can be permanent and especially acutely localized in the temples. Also, the pain can be girdle in nature, covering the frontal and temporal regions.

Causes of pain in the temples can be:

  • hormonal changes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • migraine;
  • traumatic brain injury;
Hormonal changes
Hormonal adjustment that occurs during pregnancy leads to changes in biochemical parameters, and they, in turn, provoke various reactions in organism. Headaches in the temples in a woman due to hormonal influence are observed, as a rule, in the first trimester of pregnancy, since it is in given period the body adapts to pregnancy.

It should also be noted that in the event of a malfunction endocrine glands (e.g. pancreas, adrenal glands) enters the blood a large number hormones. Subsequently, this leads to disruption of metabolic processes and the formation of toxic substances in the blood, which manifests itself in a woman with a headache and other symptoms.

Infectious diseases
Any infectious processes e.g. flu, sore throat, SARS), which are accompanied by fever and intoxication syndrome, lead to the development of headache. Intoxication is the effect on the human body of toxic substances that are formed as a result of the vital activity or death of microorganisms that caused infectious process.

Most frequent symptoms body intoxications are:

  • weakness;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • muscle pain ( myalgia) and joints ( arthralgia).
Here, it is important for a woman in position to pay attention to the fact that if she has a common cold, but there is a severe headache, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, then in this case an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary. The doctor will assess the general condition of the pregnant woman, prescribe necessary research to establish a diagnosis and determine the subsequent treatment tactics, whether it will be carried out at home or in a hospital ( if there are complications).

Migraine is a neurological disorder characterized by severe headaches, often on one side of the head.

There are the following forms of migraine:

  • migraine with aura (a group of symptoms that precedes a headache);
  • migraine without aura.
During pregnancy, migraines can be triggered by the following factors:
  • stress;
  • depression;
  • taking some food products (e.g. nuts, chocolate, citrus fruits);
  • drinking alcohol and smoking ( tobacco smoke );
  • lack of sleep;
  • weather change;
Before a migraine attack, a pregnant woman may experience the following symptoms-harbingers:
  • change of mood;
  • feeling of anxiety;
  • change in tastes and smells;
  • visual impairment ( for example, double vision, bright flashes);
  • a feeling of numbness or tingling in one side of the head or body.
The main symptoms of a migraine are:
  • headache of a throbbing nature, which becomes more pronounced with movement, can be observed only on one side of the head, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes and temples;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fear of light and loud sounds (since these factors lead to increased headaches).
Traumatic brain injury
If a woman had a head injury in childhood, the consequences may be reflected in a later period of life. So, for example, during pregnancy, when hormonal changes occur in the body, a woman may experience headaches or intensify existing ones. These types of headaches are called post-traumatic headaches.

Hypertonic disease
The hypertensive state in pregnant women is determined, starting with the numbers 140 to 90 millimeters of mercury.


  • hypertension before pregnancy (manifested by a persistent increase in blood pressure before pregnancy);
  • hypertension due to pregnancy (high blood pressure after twenty weeks of pregnancy).
Hypertension is characterized by three degrees of increased blood pressure.
Degree Blood pressure figures Description
First degree 140 – 159 (upper systolic pressure) by 90 – 99 ( lower diastolic pressure) millimeters of mercury. Refers to the first degree of risk. Pregnancy at this degree hypertension usually ends well. Pregnant women need to come for an examination to the therapist and obstetrician twice a month. In case of accession of gestosis ( late toxicosis), the woman is shown hospital treatment.
Second degree 160 - 179 per 100 - 109 millimeters of mercury. Refers to the second degree of risk. With adequately selected treatment, pregnancy can be brought to a successful outcome. Before twelve weeks of pregnancy, a woman needs to undergo a hospital examination to clarify the stage and determine the subsequent treatment tactics.
Third degree 180 and above to 110 and above millimeters of mercury. Refers to the third degree of risk. It is malignant hypertension. With this degree, pregnancy is contraindicated. However, when it occurs, the woman is shown inpatient treatment and regular monitoring by specialists throughout the pregnancy.

With an increase in blood pressure in a pregnant woman, the following symptoms may be observed:
  • headache in the temporal and occipital regions;
  • dizziness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • flashing flies before the eyes;
  • noise in ears;
  • nausea and vomiting.
Elevated blood pressure numbers can lead to the following complications during pregnancy:
  • preeclampsia;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • premature birth;
  • fetal death.
It should also be noted that the appearance of pain in the temples can provoke an effect on the body of a pregnant woman. external factors, such as:
  • overwork;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • depression;
  • stressful situations;
  • malnutrition ( for example, malnutrition, refusal to eat with toxicosis);
  • influence of meteorological conditions.
To prevent the development of pain in the temples, a woman during pregnancy is recommended:
  • rest in time;
  • do frequent breaks during work;
  • avoid sleep deprivation;
  • eat regularly and rationally eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, meat, fish, reduce the intake of fatty and fried foods);
  • avoid stress;
  • daily walk in the fresh air;
  • do exercises for pregnant women;
  • avoid physical overwork.

Why does the pain in the temples occur when the head is tilted?

Pain in the head when bending over is one of the main symptoms of sinusitis.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus.

In the bones of the skull are cavities containing air. These are paranasal paranasal sinuses nose ( maxillary, frontal and sphenoid sinuses, as well as lattice labyrinth ). The paranasal sinuses communicate with the nasal cavity through special ducts. In case of inflammation of the nasal mucosa or the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses, the outflow of mucus from these cavities becomes difficult or stops and an inflammatory process develops. More often there is inflammation of the maxillary sinus.

There are the following reasons for the development of sinusitis:

More than ninety percent of cases of sinusitis are associated with viral infection.
In response to the virus entering nasal cavity swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs. This swelling interferes with the outflow of mucus from the sinuses. In the resulting closed cavity, its ventilation is disturbed, and the pressure also decreases. As a result, a thickening of the mucous layer is observed, and favorable conditions for the development of the infectious process.

With sinusitis, the following symptoms are observed:

  • pain in the temples, as well as in the forehead and nose;
  • pressure and pain when tilting the head down;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • mucopurulent discharge from the nose;
  • nasal voice;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • weakness and malaise.
In the treatment of sinusitis, surgical and conservative methods. Surgical treatment performed using a puncture. In this case, a puncture of the bones of the skull in the region of the paranasal sinus is performed.


With the modern rhythm of life, the regular occurrence of headaches in the forehead and temples has ceased to be a rarity for many. It is this localization of cephalalgia that is characteristic of mental fatigue, chronic stress, and emotional exhaustion.

With a weak severity of the symptom and its independent disappearance after rest, there is no reason to panic. And yet, you should switch to a more gentle mode of operation, pick up good relaxing products of natural origin. Otherwise, the state threatens to transition to chronic form and complications in the form of neurosis, psychosis, depression. If a sign appears in combination with other symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor and undergo a full diagnosis.

What causes pain in the temples and in the forehead

With the appearance of a headache in the temples and frontal part cranium It is recommended to visit a doctor and get diagnosed.

In 90% of cases, the symptom is the primary manifestation, not associated with organic disorders. It occurs against the background of brain hypoxia or overstrain of blood vessels and muscles against the background of intense mental work, stress, strong emotions. In the remaining 10% of situations, cephalgia turns out to be secondary, which already represents serious danger for the body.

Main reasons

The most common cause the occurrence of pain of similar localization - the development in the body colds. Discomfort in the form of a pressing sensation originates in the frontal part and gradually spreads to the temples. It is accompanied by weakness, a general deterioration in well-being, a decrease in appetite. Over time, the pain intensifies, characteristic symptoms viral infection.

The forehead and temples can also hurt for the following reasons:

  • acute infectious and inflammatory processes of the oral and nasal cavity, ears, eyes;
  • activity of pathogens in the sinuses;
  • chronic infections of the cranium (adenoids, tonsillitis, stomatitis and others);
  • vascular diseases and decrease in their functionality;
  • defeat muscle fibers and nerve endings
  • change in the nature of the course of natural processes as a result of injuries;
  • increased arterial or intracranial pressure;
  • the formation of tumors, abscesses, hematomas;
  • circulatory disorders in the frontal or temporal parts brain;
  • hormonal changes in the body against the background of menstruation, menopause, pregnancy.

Headache of frontal or temporal localization is typical for people who do not pay due attention to their diet. Its occurrence is often associated with the active use of semi-finished products and modified products with preservatives, additives and dyes. These substances disrupt the normal flow metabolic processes clog the blood channels.

Symptoms accompanying pain in the forehead and temples

Discomfort in the forehead and temples rarely manifests itself separately. Unpleasant sensations affect the general condition of the patient, provoking the appearance additional symptoms. Their combination simplifies the diagnosis, indicates the causes of the problem. Finding out why the head hurts in the forehead, you should pay attention to the nature of the manifestations, the presence of dangerous signs.

Main features

Headache of frontal or temporal localization can occur with dozens of diseases. Each of the pathologies needs specific treatment. For example, from the clinical picture alone, it can be difficult to distinguish whether high or low blood pressure bothers a person. Therapy for these problems requires different. Having made a mistake in choosing a medicine, you can provoke the development of an emergency.

Symptoms of pain in the forehead and temples can be supplemented by such signs:

  • fever;
  • nasal congestion, runny nose and sneezing;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • poverty or redness of the skin;
  • weakness, general malaise;
  • loss of appetite.

Symptomatic treatment in most cases gives only a short-term effect. Sometimes taking "classic" headache medicines is completely useless. intracranial hypertension will not go away thanks to analgesics, and antispasmodics will not get rid of infection or inflammation. Therapy for frontal or temporal cephalalgia should be comprehensive and targeted.

Types of pain and accompanying symptoms

Episodic cephalalgia causes the least anxiety in people, but it cannot be ignored. Pain occurs unexpectedly, does not last long, is well removed by analgesics and completely disappears after specialized treatment. Usually, such cephalalgia is a reaction to a change in atmospheric or blood pressure, an infectious process, stress, or overwork. If possible, provoking factors should be excluded, otherwise rare manifestations will develop into chronic illness or cause complications.

Frequent and severe headache is characteristic of vascular problems. She practically does not respond to taking painkillers, can disturb for hours and occur at any time of the day. As the disease progresses, the sensations will intensify. IN separate group allocate chronic cephalalgia. This symptom worries almost constantly and worsens from time to time. The elderly and hypertensive patients, people with VVD and migraine suffer from it.

Dangerous symptoms

If the head hurts often, you should consult a doctor, regardless of the intensity of sensations. In some cases, even a single manifestation of a symptom requires urgent medical intervention.

Indications for calling an ambulance for a person with a headache:

  • cephalgia appeared abruptly and acutely, it grows and is accompanied by clouding of consciousness, problems with speech or perception;
  • squeezing pain of increased intensity, which does not allow you to do your usual things;
  • body temperature exceeds 38.5 ° C;
  • nausea is accompanied by repeated vomiting;
  • the patient makes a lot of noise in the ears or head, flies flash before the eyes;
  • the symptom is so pronounced that it is difficult for the patient to chew and it is painful to touch the skin on the forehead or temples.

The pathological course of pregnancy can also cause spread to the forehead. Combined with hypertension, edema, and protein in the urine, this indicates preeclampsia. The condition is extremely dangerous and requires immediate hospitalization of the woman.

Read about what painkillers you can take during pregnancy.

Our readers write

Subject: Got rid of the headache!

From: Irina N. (34 years old) ( [email protected])

To: site administration

Hello! My name is
Irina, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to overcome the headache. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

I don't know a single person who doesn't suffer from occasional headaches. I'm not an exception. All this was attributed to sedentary image life, irregular schedule, poor nutrition and smoking.

I usually have such a state when the weather changes, before the rain, and the wind generally turns me into a vegetable.

I dealt with it with the help of painkillers. I went to the hospital, but they told me that most people suffer from this, both adults, and children, and the elderly. What is most paradoxical is that I have no problems with pressure. It was worth getting nervous and that's it: the head starts to hurt.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases

The presence of an inflammatory process or infection in the body in 99% of cases is accompanied by a headache. Most often, it originates in the frontal part and captures the temples. clinical picture complement the weakness fever deterioration in general condition.

If the patient has nausea and vomiting, neck stiffness, and fear of light, this may indicate meningitis. Even an ordinary SARS can cause serious complications if you treat it lightly.

Traumatic diseases

Compression or bruising of the brain always causes a headache. Usually the frontal or temporal localization of sensations indicates that the blow fell in this area, but exceptions are possible. The consequences of a head injury are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, weakness, short-term loss or confusion.

The clinical picture may be delayed for several months or even years.

First aid for headaches in the forehead

At sudden appearance cephalgia needs to be distracted from work, rest for a few minutes. If possible, you should take a walk in the fresh air or at least ventilate the room. If the symptom is mild, you can limit yourself to one of the medication or folk methods symptom treatment. For severe, prolonged, or recurring pain, seek medical advice. The neurologist will prescribe necessary research will make a diagnosis and select the optimal treatment regimen.

Therapy with drugs

For occasional headaches unclear etiology it is allowed to take a tablet of "Citramon", "Analgin" or a combined analgesic. If there is a suspicion of muscle or vascular spasm, it is better to drink No-Shpu or Baralgin. Tension cephalgia is best relieved by natural sedatives, such as valerian. The headache associated with the inflammatory process will be well relieved by Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. If hypertension or hypotension is suspected, blood pressure should be measured and acted upon.

The use of traditional medicine

If the first-aid kit was not at hand or there is no desire to take chemicals, you can limit yourself to improvised means. From a headache of any etiology, weak tea with lemon or water with the addition of ascorbic acid. Also, with pain of such localization, rubbing menthol or mint into whiskey helps. essential oil. Sometimes it is enough to breathe them in pairs to feel relief. Chamomile, mint or lemon balm tea will relieve cephalgia against a background of tension or stress.

The frequent occurrence of pain in the temples and frontal part of the head can significantly reduce the quality of life. This is true even in cases where there are no organic problems, and the symptom occurs due to disruption of the routine, stress or overwork. The main thing is not to start such a state in the hope that the body will soon adapt. It is better to adjust your regimen and consult a doctor. Otherwise, the situation will only worsen, increasing the risk of complications. And the systematic use of drugs threatens side effects and abuse headache.

Drawing conclusions

Strokes are the cause of almost 70% of all deaths in the world. Seven out of ten people die due to blocked arteries in the brain. And the very first and main sign of blockage of blood vessels is a headache!

A headache can appear at any moment and take a person out of a normal state for a while. Sometimes this is a sign of fatigue and to get rid of discomfort, it is enough to take an anesthetic pill and rest. But there are times when the head starts to hurt as a result of a serious illness that requires mandatory treatment. In this case, discomfort can be felt in a certain place or affect a significant part of the head. Why does my forehead and temples hurt? What to do for those who are faced with similar sensations?

Pain symptoms

At least once in a lifetime, every person has experienced pain in the forehead and temples. The duration and nature of the pain that appears in these parts of the head can be divided into several categories:

  1. Severe and often recurring pain indicates a serious pathology in the cardiovascular system. Discomfort and soreness can disturb a person for a long period of time, even during sleep.
  2. Episodic pain usually appears suddenly and does not last long. In most cases, these sensations are associated with changes in meteorological conditions. To get rid of discomfort, it is enough to take an anesthetic pill. As a rule, such a headache occurs in the forehead or temples rarely. Although in some cases it can become chronic, especially if the cause lies in an infectious disease of the body or a migraine attack. The main signs of such pain include pulsation, nausea, a feeling of squeezing, uniform pain that increases with any movement.

  1. Chronic pain is characterized by the absence of an acute phase. But during an exacerbation, a person experiences compressive pain, which prevents the patient from doing his usual activities. In this case, the patient needs to consult a neurologist who can determine the main cause of its occurrence and prescribe preventive treatment. Such therapy makes it possible to reduce the duration and severity of pain.

Dear readers, the head will not hurt just like that. There are reasons for everything. If you feel one of the symptoms listed above, then you should pay attention to your condition. Neurologist Mikhail Moiseevich Shperling will tell you about what clinical symptoms can indicate serious pathologies:

Headache in the frontal part or temples can be spasmodic or have a monotonous and uniform character. Most often, elderly people and those who have problems in the work of the heart or blood vessels complain of such symptoms.

Pain localization

Pain in the forehead and temples can occur simultaneously or independently of each other. If a virus enters the body, discomfort occurs only in the frontal part. And with a sharp change in blood pressure, a headache appears exclusively in the temporal region. If a pulsation begins or a feeling of squeezing of the temple occurs, then this is evidence of a serious violation in the work of the vessels.

Sometimes the discomfort that arose in the forehead, gradually move to the temples. Basically, this may indicate the presence of an infection in the body that requires immediate treatment. Such a headache can move from the forehead to the eye area.

Along with this, a person develops photophobia, nausea, and the pain becomes more intense.

Localization of sensations will always depend on why the headache occurred. In total, doctors have about 55 different causes of pain. Since sometimes discomfort and soreness in the region of the temples or forehead can indicate serious pathologies that require immediate treatment, it is important to determine the exact cause of this symptom.

Causes of pain in the forehead

Very often, after a busy day at work, a sleepless night or mental activity, a person is faced with soreness in the forehead area. But other reasons can also lead to this:

  • Physical fatigue or prolonged mental work.
  • Inflammatory process in the oral cavity.
  • Inflammation in the maxillary sinuses of a purulent nature.
  • Overstrain of the eye muscles or the development of infection in the organs of vision.

Doctor-neurologist of the highest category, head of the center for the treatment of headaches, doctor of medical sciences Elena Razumovna Lebedeva will help to deal with the many causes of discomfort:

If the headache appeared as a result of the inflammatory process of the maxillary sinuses or the oral cavity, then discomfort accompanies the person constantly, and even strong painkillers do not help get rid of it. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor if other signs of infection have joined the pain in the forehead:

  1. Paleness of the skin.
  2. Heat.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Nasal congestion or congestion.
  5. High gum sensitivity.
  6. General weakness of the body.

Why whiskey hurts

There are no possible foci of inflammation near the temples, so other factors lead to discomfort. First of all, the temples hurt when there are disturbances in the functioning of the vessels, since it is through the temporal zone that many blood and lymphatic vessels that feed the brain pass. The main causes of pain in this case include:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Failure of the hormonal system.

  • vascular atherosclerosis.
  • Psycho-emotional stress (stress condition, anxiety, etc.).
  • Spasm of the jaw muscles, which is possible due to stress.
  • Poisoning with toxic substances.

Headaches in the temple area are mainly associated with nervous experience or neurological diseases. Therefore, it is very important to find out the exact cause of this symptom, since with a long absence of treatment, various complications are possible. In women, such sensations may be associated with hormonal changes in the body during menstruation or pregnancy.

Other causes of headaches

In addition to the development of serious diseases in the body, other factors can also cause a headache. These include:

  1. Improper nutrition, which is dominated by foods that are unhealthy (fast food, convenience foods and fast food, etc.).
  2. Inactive lifestyle and lack of daily physical activity.
  3. Overloading the body of a physical, psychological or emotional nature, as a result of which the muscles of the body are not able to fully relax.

The picture shows products containing artificial monosodium glutamate, which causes, among other things, a headache. Our nutrition directly affects the state of our body.

  1. Violation of the regime of work and rest (long working day, lack of a full night's sleep, etc.).
  2. Abuse of nicotine, alcohol and strong coffee.

In such cases, it is enough to simply eliminate the provoking factor and the state of the body stabilizes.

Medical treatment

The occurrence of a headache in the forehead and temples can significantly overshadow a person's life and even take him out of the normal rhythm of life. Medications help get rid of it, which the doctor will help determine, after finding out the cause of the pain.

Forehead pain pills

Discomfort in the frontal region often indicates an inflammatory process in the body, therefore, in addition to relieving an unpleasant symptom, the medicine should have an anti-inflammatory effect. At the same time, to relieve the pain symptom, you can take drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid:

  • "Analgin".
  • "Baralgin".
  • "Pentalgin".
  • "Tempalgin".

All of them are able to quickly relieve discomfort in the forehead and eyes. In order not to burden the liver and kidneys, you can not drink 2 tablets at once or in a short period of time.

If the headache in the forehead area is permanent, then you need to find out what contributed to this and start fighting this factor. In cases where this was the result of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, tooth or gums, a course of antibacterial or antiviral therapy will be required. Along with this, the doctor will advise taking drugs with ibuprofen, which, in addition to the analgesic effect, has the ability to increase the body's defenses. These tablets include:

  1. "Nurofen".
  2. "Imet".
  3. Ibuprom.

Pills for pain in the temporal region

If whiskey began to hurt, then it is difficult for a person to concentrate on anything. Often this is evidence of increased pressure or spasm of blood vessels and muscles. In this case, drugs based on paracetamol will be effective. They have an analgesic, antispasmodic effect and lower the temperature. In the pharmacy, you can choose one of the drugs:

  • "Panadol".
  • "Paracetamol".

  • "Volpan".
  • "Daleron".

If stress has led to soreness, then sedatives will be required in this case. Safe preparations include tincture of valerian or motherwort. They can increase stress resistance and reduce brain signals about arousal. When stress becomes chronic, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a suitable sedative.

The use of folk remedies

It is difficult to find a drug that would not have a negative effect on the body, because drugs are excreted from the body for a long time and load the liver and kidneys. An alternative to them are safe folk remedies.

Forehead pain

An effective remedy for the appearance of headaches in the forehead is a cabbage leaf. For this you need:

  1. Take a large, juicy cabbage leaf.
  2. Wash it well and hold it for a few minutes in boiling water.
  3. Apply the sheet to the forehead and lie down with it for at least 30 minutes.

In the photo, the preparation of a compress from a cabbage leaf

For such a compress, you can use a sheet of coltsfoot or burdock.

If high intracranial pressure has led to forehead pain, then herbalists recommend using nettle decoction:

  • 1 tablespoon of the dried plant is poured into 1 cup of boiling water.
  • The decoction is infused for about 15 minutes, after which it is filtered.
  • After straining, drink half of the resulting broth.
  • After 1 hour, drink the remaining medicine.

A foot bath helps relieve pain. Such a procedure will be relevant with the development of an inflammatory process in the body. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour. Water temperature - no more than 45 degrees (over time, a small portion of hot water must be added to the cooled water). While taking a bath, you can drink a cup of chamomile tea or warm milk with honey.

Pain in the temples

Those who have pain in the temple should pay attention to their psycho-emotional state. The best option at such moments would be to go to sleep. However, if this is not possible, then to calm the nervous system, you can drink a cup of mint, linden, valerian, chamomile or lemon balm tea. After 2 hours, you can treat yourself to another such herbal tea.

Sometimes a person does not notice that he is clenching his jaw tightly. And this can also lead to pain in the temples. In this case, a regular pencil helps. To do this, you need to place it between the teeth, thus preventing the jaws from closing. In this position, you should continue to work or lie down to rest. 20 minutes is enough to feel a significant relief of the condition.

Massage will help to relax and relieve pain. How it is done is our next video:

Severe headaches can happen to anyone. This can lead to both ordinary fatigue or stress, and a serious illness. Therefore, to endure such sensations is not only unpleasant, but also extremely dangerous. To understand why this happened and how to get rid of an obsessive headache, you need to consult a doctor who, after an examination, will prescribe a competent treatment that can remove discomfort without harming your health.