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How to lower blood pressure when taking buserelin long. Cross-drug interactions. Introduction into the nasal cavity

Latin name: Buserelin Long
ATX code: L02AE01
Active substance: Buserelin
Manufacturer: F-Sintez, Russia
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: On prescription

Buserelin Long is classified as an antitumor drug and is a synthetic analogue of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone.

Indications for use

The use of drugs is indicated for the purpose of treatment hormonal dysfunctions, which are caused by hyperestrogenism (both absolute and relative):

  • Endometriosis (therapeutic therapy before and after surgery)
  • Hyperplastic changes in the endometrial layer of the uterus
  • The presence of myomatous nodes.

Buserelins can be prescribed for the purpose of in vitro fertilization(IVF) during infertility treatment.


The lyophilisate contained in the ampoules contains Buserelin Long - 3.75 mg. Additional components include the following substances:

  • Dl-lactic and glycolic acid – 200 mg
  • D-mannitol – 85 mg
  • Sodium carmellose – 30 mg
  • Polysorbate – 2 mg.

To dissolve the lyophilisate, mannitol (0.8% solution) in 1 ml of purified water is used.

Medicinal properties

Buserelin Long FS is a highly effective antitumor drug, similar to natural GRF. The effect of buserelin on the body is based on temporary stimulation of the growth of sex hormones in the blood; it is due to this that a competitive connection occurs with specific receptors of cells located on the surface of the anterior pituitary gland.

If the drug is used exclusively in therapeutic dosages, a blockage of gonadotropic pituitary activity is observed (usually after 12-14 days). On buserelin, the production of testosterone, LH and FSH is reduced, which subsequently contributes to the inhibition of the synthesis of sex hormones inside the gonads. In this case, In women, the level of estradiol is equal to the postmenopausal level; in men, the average value of testosterone decreases to the level characteristic of the post-castration period.

During continuous use of the drug Buserelin Long FS for 2-3 weeks. the testosterone level decreases significantly, thereby achieving the state of orchiectomy (so-called pharmacological castration is observed).

After injection into the muscle, the bioavailability of the drug is quite high.

The highest concentration of the active substance of the drug is observed 2-3 hours after the injection (dose - 3.75 mg), and subsequently remains at the level necessary to inhibit the production of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland (at least 4 weeks).

Release form

Price from 3400 to 4400 rubles.

Buserelin Long FS in the form of a lyophilisate is available in 10 ml dark glass bottles; an additional solvent (2 ml) is included in neutral glass ampoules with instructions. Inside the cell packaging there are:

  • bottle of Buserelin Longa
  • solvent ampoule
  • syringe for single use (5 ml)
  • scarifier
  • 2 napkins soaked in alcohol.

Buserelin Long: instructions for use

The drug Buserelin Long should be administered intramuscularly only. There is no significant difference at what time of day the injection is given.

Preparation medicinal suspension with buserelin is performed before its administration using the included solvent.

A healthcare worker should prepare the solution and inject the drug.

Treatment with this drug is prescribed depending on the type of disease:

  • Oncological processes in the prostate (hormone dependent) – 1 in. into the muscle (3.75 mg) with a time interval of 4 weeks.
  • Hyperplastic changes in the endometrial layer and endometriosis - therapeutic therapy begins on the 5th day of MC in a single dosage of 3.75 mg, the medication is administered every 4 weeks, the course of therapy is 4-6 months.
  • Uterine fibroids - a one-time injection into the muscle with a dosage of 3.75 mg; the drug must be re-injected after 4 weeks. Treatment should be started within 5 days. from the day of the onset of MC, before surgery, therapy is carried out for 3 months, in other cases – 6 months. (in combination with different drugs).
  • Infertility treatment – ​​introduction 1 in. into the muscle for 2 days. MC (the possibility of an injection on 21-24 days of MC is not excluded) before the hyperstimulation procedure. After the estrogen level decreases by 2 times, gonadotropic hormones are prescribed. Treatment for infertility with other drugs is carried out in the absence of cystic changes ovaries and with regular monitoring of estradiol levels and ultrasound.

Use during pregnancy and pregnancy

Not prescribed for this group of patients.


  • Increased sensitivity to buserelin
  • Pregnancy, GW.

Precautionary measures

To prevent the development adverse reactions in men in the first phase of drug action, it is recommended to combine the use this drug with androgenic drugs (2 weeks before the administration of buserelin and 2 weeks after the injection).

If there are signs of depression during antitumor therapy, it is best to provide the patient with constant medical supervision.

To achieve good results in the treatment of infertility (IVF procedure), it is necessary to control the induction of ovulation while using buserilin.

Usually the drug from a domestic manufacturer is well tolerated, but in some cases the growth of ovarian cysts can be diagnosed.

Before therapy, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy and replace the COCs taken with a drug that has a different hormone content (the first 2 months of treatment).

After complete withdrawal of the drug Buserelin Long FS, restoration of ovarian function is observed (after 3 months), no differences in their activity compared to the period before treatment are observed.

Particular care must be taken when driving a vehicle and when working with precision machinery.

It is not recommended to purchase the drug outside pharmacy chain, paying attention to the advertisements “I am selling or selling Buserelin Long at a low price.” The difference between medications purchased in a pharmacy chain and “from hand” can be significant, because the purchase of a counterfeit cannot be ruled out.

Cross-drug interactions

It is worth paying attention to the interaction of buserelin with other drugs that contain different sex hormones. It cannot be said that they are incompatible with the drug Buserelin Long FS, but against the background of complex use, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome may develop.

The drug can reduce therapeutic effect from the use of hypoglycemic drugs.

If we talk about compatibility with other drugs, then this moment there is no reliable information.

Alcohol compatibility

Buserelin and alcohol cannot be combined. During treatment, you must completely stop drinking alcohol. There is a negative effect of alcohol on the functioning reproductive system. Under the influence of alcohol they are impaired metabolic processes, the synthesis of sex hormones slows down.

Side effects

Although the drug is characterized by good medicinal properties, during therapy, adverse reactions may occur.

For men:

  • Exacerbation of the course of oncological processes in the prostate
  • Gynecomastia
  • Deterioration of erection
  • Severe rush of blood to the head
  • Excessive sweating
  • Increase in androgen levels in the blood
  • Swelling of the limbs and face
  • Muscle weakness
  • Difficulty passing urine
  • Development of ureteral obstruction, rarely – disruption of the spinal cord.

Among women:

  • Breakthrough bleeding according to the type of menstruation
  • Development of depression
  • Severe headaches
  • Impaired sleep quality
  • Change in emotional mood
  • Feeling of dryness inside the vagina
  • Feeling of "hot flashes"
  • Painful sensations in the lower abdomen
  • Increased sweating
  • Decline in libido.

General symptoms may also occur:

  • Hyperemia of the skin
  • Urticaria-type rash
  • Demineralization of bone tissue
  • Rarely - the development of dyspeptic symptoms, the development of thromboembolism of one of the arteries of the lungs.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The antitumor drug Buserelin Long FS should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 C. The shelf life is 2 years.


Pharmsintez, Russia

Price from 3624 to 4611 rub.

Buserelin Depot is an excellent drug with antitumor properties; the active ingredient is buserelin. Prescribed for the treatment of cancer of the genitourinary system in men and women, and is used in the treatment of infertility. Produced in the form of a lyophilisate.


  • Has good antiandrogenic properties
  • Used to treat endometriosis
  • Highly effective in the treatment of malignant neoplasms of the mammary gland.


  • Expensive
  • Dispensed according to prescriptions
  • High risk of adverse reactions.

By posting instructions for the testosterone/estradiol suppressive drug Buserelin, the administration of the online pharmacy reminds that the document should not be used as a guide for self-medication.



Registration number: LSR-003576/10

Tradename: Buserelin-long FS

International generic name: buserelin

Dosage form: lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action

Composition per bottle

Active substance: Buserelin acetate – 3.93 mg, in terms of buserelin – 3.75 mg D-manitol – 85 mg, carmellose sodium – 30 mg, polysorbate-80 – 2 mg

Excipients: DL-lactic and glycolic acid copolymer – 200 mg, D-mannitol – 85 mg, carmellose sodium – 30 mg, polysorbate-80 – 2g

Description: lyophilized powder (fragile lyophilisate) or porous mass compacted into a tablet, white or white with a slight yellowish tint

Solvent in ampoule: beckons, solution 0.8%

Composition per 1 ml:

D-mannitol – 8.0 mg, water for injection – up to 1.0 ml

Description: clear colorless liquid

Reconstituted suspension: when adding a solvent and shaking, a homogeneous suspension of white or white with a faint yellowish tint is formed; when standing, the suspension settles, but easily resuspends when shaken; the suspension should pass freely into the syringe through needle No. 0840

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antitumor agent, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue

ATX code: L02AE01

Pharmacodynamics: A synthetic analogue of natural gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Buserelin competitively binds to the receptors of the cells of the anterior pituitary gland, causing a short-term increase in the level of sex hormones in the blood plasma, which subsequently leads to a complete reversible blockade of the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland, thus inhibiting the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). As a result, there is a suppression of the synthesis of sex hormones in the gonads, which is manifested by a decrease in the concentration of estradiol in the blood plasma to post-menopausal values ​​in women and a decrease in testosterone content to a post-castration level in men. After the first administration of buserelin, by day 21 in men, testosterone concentration decreases to the post-castration level (characteristic of the orchidectomy state), i.e. pharmacological castration is caused. And in women, the concentration of estradiol decreases to a level corresponding to oophorectomy or postmenopause. The concentration of testosterone and estradiol remains reduced throughout the entire period of treatment, carried out every 28 days, which leads to growth inhibition and reversal of hormone-dependent tumors. After cessation of treatment, physiological hormone secretion is restored.


Bioavailability is high. The maximum plasma concentration is reached approximately 2-3 hours after intramuscular administration and remains at a level sufficient to inhibit the synthesis of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland for at least 4 weeks.


  • Homodependent prostate cancer,
  • Mammary cancer,
  • endometriosis (pre- and postoperative periods).,
  • uterine fibroids,
  • hyperplastic processes of the endometrium,
  • infertility treatment (during an in vitro fertilization (IVF) program).


  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation period;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


For hormone-dependent prostate cancer, Buserelin-long FS is administered at a dose of 3.75 mg (1 injection) intramuscularly (IM) every 4 weeks;

In the treatment of endometriosis and endometrial hyperplastic processes, the drug is administered in a dose of 3.75 mg intramuscularly once every 4 weeks. Treatment should begin in the first five days of the menstrual cycle. Duration of treatment – ​​4-6 months;

When treating uterine fibroids, Buserelin-long FS is administered at a dose of 3.75 mg (1 injection) intramuscularly once every 4 weeks. Treatment should begin in the first five days of the menstrual cycle. Duration of treatment – ​​3 months before surgery, in other cases – 6 months;

When treating infertility using in vitro fertilization (IVF), Buserelin-long FS is administered in a dose of 3.75 mg (1 injection) intramuscularly once at the beginning of the follicular phase (on the 2nd day of the menstrual cycle) or in the middle of the luteal phase (21-24 days) menstrual cycle preceding stimulation. After blockade of pituitary function, confirmed by a decrease in the concentration of estrogen in the blood serum by at least 50% of baseline(usually determined 12-15 days after injection of Buserelin-long FS), in the absence of ovarian cysts (according to ultrasound), the thickness of the endometrium is not more than 5 mm, stimulation of superovulation with gonadotropic hormones begins under ultrasound monitoring and control of the level of estradiol in the blood serum.


  • The drug is administered only intramuscularly
  • A suspension for intramuscular injection is prepared using the supplied solvent immediately before administration.
  • The drug should be prepared and administered only by specially trained medical personnel
  • Keep the bottle with Buserelin-long FS strictly vertical. By lightly tapping the bottle, ensure that all the lyophilisate is at the bottom of the bottle
  • Open the syringe, attach a needle measuring 1.2 mm * 50 mm to it to withdraw the solvent.
  • Open the ampoule with the solvent and draw the entire contents of the ampoule into the syringe, set the syringe to a dose of 2 ml
  • Remove the plastic cap from the bottle containing the lyophilisate. Disinfect the rubber stopper of the bottle with an alcohol swab. Insert the needle into the lyophilisate vial through the center of the rubber stopper and carefully inject the solvent along inner wall bottle without touching the needle to the contents of the bottle. Remove the syringe from the vial.
  • The bottle should remain motionless until the lyophilisate solvent is completely saturated with the solvent and a suspension is formed (approximately 3-5 minutes). Then, without turning the bottle over, check the presence of dry lyophilisate at the walls and bottom of the bottle. If dry residues of the lyophilisate are detected, leave the bottle until completely saturated
  • After you have ensured that there are no residues of dry lyophilisate, carefully mix the contents of the bottle in a circular motion for 30-60 seconds until a homogeneous suspension is formed. Do not invert or shake the bottle.
  • Quickly insert the needle through the rubber stopper into the bottle. Then lower the cut of the needle down and, tilting the bottle at an angle of 45 degrees, slowly draw the entire suspension into the syringe. Do not invert the bottle when drawing. A small amount of the drug may remain on the walls and bottom of the bottle. Consumption for the residue on the walls and bottom of the bottle is taken into account. Immediately after drawing up the solution, remove the needle. Replace with a 0.8mm * 40mm needle, carefully turn the syringe over and remove the air from the syringe.
  • Administer Buserelin-long FS suspension immediately after preparation.
  • Use an alcohol swab to disinfect the injection site. Insert the needle deep into the gluteal muscle, then pull the syringe plunger back slightly to make sure there is no damage to the vessel. Inject the suspension slowly with constant pressure on the syringe plunger. If the needle becomes clogged, replace it with another needle of the same diameter.
  • With repeated injections the left and right side should be alternated.


Allergic reactions: urticaria, skin hyperemia, rarely - angioedema.

From the side of the central nervous system: frequent mood swings, sleep disorders, depression, headache.

From the outside musculoskeletal system: with long-term use – demineralization

Among women- headache, depression, sweating and changes in libido, dryness of the vaginal mucosa, pain in the lower abdomen, rarely - menstrual bleeding (during the first weeks of treatment).

In men, in the treatment of prostate cancer - during the first 2-3 weeks after the first injection, it can cause exacerbation and progression of the underlying disease (associated with stimulation of the synthesis of gonadotropins and, accordingly, testosterone), gynecomastia, possible “hot flashes”, increased sweating and decreased potency (rarely requires discontinuation of therapy), transient increase in the concentration of androgens in the blood, urinary retention, “renal edema” - swelling of the face, eyelids, legs; muscle weakness in the lower extremities. When patients with prostate cancer begin treatment, they may experience a temporary increase in bone pain; in this case, symptomatic therapy should be carried out. Isolated cases of ureteral obstruction and spinal cord compression have been noted.

Other: in isolated cases (the cause-and-effect relationship has not been clearly established) - pulmonary embolism, dyspeptic disorders.


Currently, no cases of overdose with Buserelin have been reported.

Interaction with other medicinal effects

The simultaneous use of the drug "Buserelin-long FS" with drugs containing sex hormones (for example, in the mode of ovulation induction) may contribute to the occurrence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

With simultaneous use of Buserelin-long FS may reduce the effectiveness of hypoglycemic agents.

Special instructions.

Among women

Patients with any form of depression during treatment with Buserelin should be under close medical supervision.

Ovulation instruction should be carried out under strict medical supervision. In the initial stage of treatment with the drug, the development of ovarian cysts is possible. Before starting treatment with the drug, it is recommended to exclude pregnancy and stop taking hormonal contraceptives, however, during the first two months of using the drug, it is necessary to use other (non-hormonal) methods of contraception.

After cessation of treatment, ovarian function is restored. The first menstruation resumes after 3 months.

In men

With the aim of effective prevention possible side effects In the first phase of the drug's action, it is necessary to use antiandrogens two weeks before the first injection of Buserelin-long FS and for two weeks after the first injection.

Impact on the ability to drive a car and other mechanisms:

Caution should be exercised when prescribing the drug to patients potentially engaged in dangerous species activities that require increased attention and speed of mental and motor reactions.


Lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action, containing 3.75 mg of buserelin, in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 10 ml. 2 ml of solvent (manit, 0.8% solution) in a neutral glass ampoule.

The drug Buserelin is a synthetic drug similar to gonudropin - a releasing hormone in nature. It is characterized by suppression of the production of sex hormones and is used for therapy pathological condition reproductive system, dependent on hormones and caused by an excessive increase in the amount of estrogen. Refers to antitumor agents for the treatment of breast and prostate cancer, endometriosis.

Description of the drug

The medicine contains Buserelin or Buserelin acetate as an active substance. There are other names of the drug Buserelin - Long FS, Buserelin acetate, Buserelin - Depot, Suprefect, Buserelin acetate solution.

In pharmacies, Buserelin is sold in the following forms:

  • the drug is intended for intranasal administration in the form of a spray;
  • a solution is produced for injections;
  • to prepare the suspension there is a lyophilisate;
  • Skin implants are available.

Properties and action medicinal product Buserelin

In the human body, the active substance performs the following actions:

  • antigonadotropic;
  • antitumor;
  • antiestrogenic;
  • antiandrogenic.

Synthetic neuropeptide, which is an analogue of Gn RG, combines with cellular receptors the anterior pituitary lobe, which causes a temporary increase in the number of sex hormones in the blood plasma. Further use of the drug leads to a complete stop of the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland and inhibition of the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone (LH and FSH). As a result, the production of sex hormones decreases:

  • in the ovaries, while amount of estradiol in the blood decreases to the norm characteristic of the postmenopausal period;
  • testosterone amount approaches the norm characteristic of orchiectomy (castration);
  • When using Buserelin, most women experience amenorrhea, some of them (up to 30%) report spotting, caused by the disintegration of myomatous sumbucous nodes, menstrual cycle recovers on days 82–85 after Buserelin injections.

Pharmacokinetic action

Intramuscular administration shows high bioavailability, while the drug actively accumulates in the blood 2-3 hours after the injection and remains in an amount sufficient to inhibit the production of gonadotropins for a month.

With the intranasal route, Burselin acetate is absorbed by the body through the mucous layer in the nose and subcutaneous tissue, while in the blood plasma the required concentrations are created. The half-life is 3 hours. The substance passes into breast milk in small quantities.

Indications for use of Buserelin

The drug is prescribed in cases of pathology reproductive function caused by hormonal dependence or some hyperestrogenism:

  • postoperative period of endometriosis and preoperative treatment;
  • hyperplastic changes in the endometrium;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • in case of infertility within the framework of an IVF program.

Other indications include hormone-dependent prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women.

Mode of application

The drug Burselin - long or Burselin - depot is administered intramuscularly using a prepared solution before the injection. Administration is carried out in the following sequence with recommended doses:

  • hormone-dependent prostate cancer is treated with intramuscular administration of 3.75 mg once a month;
  • for endometriosis and hyperplastic changes in the endometrial layer, 3.75 mg is administered once for 4 weeks, with the duration of therapy ranging from 4 months to six months;
  • injections for uterine fibroids are given at a dose of 3.75 mg once every month, treatment begins on the first day of menstruation, treatment duration is six months, if preceded by surgery, then 3 months;
  • for a comprehensive effect on infertility in the IVF program, one injection of 3.75 mg is given on the second day of menstruation.

Intranasal method

Spray Buserelin for endometriosis, uterine fibroids, hyperplastic changes in the endometrium, use 900 mcg per day after 6–8 hours, injecting 150 mcg into the nostril three times a day. In the case of infertility treatment using an ECG for the purpose of preliminary stopping the reproductive system, Buserelin-Long or Buserelin-Depot is prescribed 150 mcg 4 times a day in each nostril, trying to do this evenly over time.

The drug is used in the middle phase of menstruation (21–24 days) before human chorionic gonadotropin is administered to ensure ovulation. Moreover, after stopping the production of estradiol, from the 2nd–5th day of menstruation, stimulation is provided by the administration of medicinal gonadotropins.

If the blockade is clearly expressed, and the ovarian response to the stimulation of superovulation with the help of gonadotropins is insufficient, then the Burselin rate is reduced to 300 mcg per day, and the dose of gonadotropins is increased. Repeated use requires permission from the attending physician and additional examination state of hormones using ultrasound monitoring.

Subcutaneous application and skin implant

This method involves subcutaneous injections three times a day for endometriosis, 500 mcg every 8 hours, while 1.5 mg of the drug is administered per day. After 8 days of treatment, the drug is administered intranasally, providing a daily dose of 1.2 mg, with injections every 3–4 hours.

The implant is inserted into the skin of the abdomen on the side, the amount of substance in the applicator (6.3 mg) is used for injection once every two months.

During the entire period of use of the drug, there were no cases of overdose of Buserelin-Long.

Existing contraindications

  • hypersensitivity to the main and additional components of the drug;
  • the state of the body after orchidectomy, when a decrease in the amount of testosterone is dangerous for a person;
  • time of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

There are diseases for which Buserelin is prescribed with caution, these include:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • depressive state, requiring careful medical monitoring at any stage;
  • diabetes.

In women using Buserelin and wearing contact lenses, may cause eye irritation. In patients using nasal spray, there is irritation in the nasal passages. For a runny nose in the active stage, the use of a spray is allowed, but before this it is recommended to clean the nasal passages.

Use of the drug Buserelin - Depo during pregnancy

The use of the drug is completely prohibited. If it is necessary to use the product while breastfeeding, then the process is stopped for treatment with Buserelin. Before drug therapy, pregnancy should be excluded and the use of hormonal contraceptives should be discontinued, but during the first months of treatment, other contraceptive medications or methods should be used.

If Buserelin is treated at the rate specified in the instructions, then pregnancy after long-term treatment will not occur, but if the frequency is changed or the dose is reduced, new life may arise. If this happens, then stop taking Buserelin immediately and consult a doctor.

Buserelin and alcohol

Treatment with Buserelin should not be combined with alcohol intake. The combined effect of the substance and ethyl alcohol will lead to side effects, and their intensity will be increased compared to taking it sober. Alcohol is incompatible with such drugs.

Unwanted Side Effects

Usually they are expressed in a minor form, are easily eliminated and usually do not require discontinuation of the drug. After using the drug in the form of a spray in the nasal passages, the manifestations are easily eliminated, or the medicine is discontinued. Allergic reactions are expressed in the following types:

  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • irritation in the nose when using the spray;
  • in rare cases, angioedema occurs;
  • even more rarely, in isolated cases there is thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery, hyperhidrosis, diarrhea, nosebleeds, but with all these occurrences a clear investigative connection has not been established.

The causes of female side effects are the state of hypoestrogenic pharmacological crisis. Patients develop typical central nervous system disorders manifested in bad sleep, sharp changes mood, depression, headache. Changes in endocrinological status produces a rush of blood to the face and upper body, increased sweat, decreased libido, pain in the peritoneum, bleeding from the vagina, reminiscent of menstruation, demineralization bone tissue.

In men, prostate therapy in the first 2–3.5 weeks after the first injection causes an exacerbation of the underlying disease due to increased formation of gonadotropins and testosterone with increased content androgens in the blood. Another response of the body is gynecomastia and impotence; in very rare cases, urinary retention, muscle weakness in the legs, lymphostasis and renal edema develop.

To prevent side effects in men, during the first phase of Buserelin’s work, antiandrogens should be given 14 days before the first injection and two weeks after that. If medical research confirms hormonal tumors prostate, then therapy with Buserelin is carried out for a long time, throughout life.

Impact on the ability to pay attention at work

When using Buserelin - Depot or Buserelin - Long, a decrease in attention and mental concentration may occur, so during treatment you should not drive or engage in dangerous types of work and activities using machinery.

Interaction with other drugs

The simultaneous use of Buserelin with drugs containing sex steroid hormones in a program to reduce ovulation contributes to the development of increased ovarian stimulation. The effectiveness of hypoglycemic drugs when used together is reduced. You cannot take the medicine while using sugar-lowering medications.

The difference between Buserelin – Depot and Buserelin – Long

These two drugs are found on pharmacy shelves. As a rule, the price of the first is lower than that of the second medicine. The packaging of Buserelin-Long indicates that the drug is produced by the production association "F Sintez" with the legal address and location of the enterprise in the same place. The instructions for the medicine indicate a similar manufacturer.

On the packaging of Buserelin - Depot, Deko Company LLC is indicated as the manufacturer. The instructions for the drug say that the components are produced in cooperation with the companies Altair LLC and Diamid LLC, that is, the question of the manufacturer’s leadership remains open.

The high cost of the drug with the addition of the Depot extension is explained by the fact that the parent manufacturer does not have its own production capacity and pays other enterprises for the production and supply of components. These nuances ultimately contribute to the rise in price of the drug.

As for the quality of the medicinal product, the following similarities and differences are revealed:

  • the active ingredient in both drugs is Buserelin;
  • Long is most often produced in the form of a solution for injections in a dark glass bottle with a solvent in an ampoule and a syringe with two needles of 3.93 mg, and Depot in the form of a nasal drug in a dark bottle with a volume of 17.5 ml with a spray of 2.1 ml;
  • the first product is produced with the addition of auxiliary components sodium carmellose, glycolic and lactic acid, radio tape recorder and polysorbate-80, the second drug is combined with benzalkonium chloride and water for injection;
  • both medications are available with a doctor's prescription;
  • In the first case, the manufacturer indicates the warranty method for using the bottle for 2 years, and the ampoule with the solvent for 3 years, the second medicine in the bottle is stored for 3 years, and the solvent in the ampoule is good for 5 years.

Conditions for storing the drug Buserelin

The medicine is stored in a dark place, and the ambient temperature should be from 9 to 20˚C. The expiration date is indicated on the packaging for each type and name of the drug. Do not use the medicine after this time.

Attention, TODAY only!

Buserelin Depot belongs to the group of antitumor medications. Prescribed to both women and men. Reduces the production of estrogen in the body, is an analogue of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone substance. It has strong side effects, affects liver function, and reduces calcium in the body.

Women have questions: is it possible to drink alcohol while taking the drug? The effect of the drug on the liver shows a similar effect to ethanol. This results in a double effect of destruction of healthy organ cells. Severe intoxication of the body is guaranteed. What are the essence of the negative consequences and is compatibility possible?

The influence of alcohol and hormonal medications

The drug is produced in Russia, the English version is called Suprekur. Buy imported medicine much more complicated, they are released strictly according to a doctor’s prescription. Forms of production in the form of spray and injections. Aerosols are in great demand and are not cheap. The drug Buserelin Depot has gained popularity due to its effectiveness. Together with the drug, it is recommended to take vitamins and microelements: calcium, folic acid.

Used to normalize the frequency of menstruation for subsequent good luck with your conception. Side effects bring many negative aspects to the intimacy of a married couple. Increased dryness of the genitals and irritability of women are noted. During the treatment period, men need to stock up on considerable patience so as not to once again subject the delicate psyche of their partner to excessive stress.

What effect will alcohol have on the recovery process? hormonal imbalances? Negative, all effects will increase several times and the negative effects from the action of ethanol molecules will increase. The main purpose of the drug is hormonal antitumor therapy. Designed for men and women. Reduces the pituitary gland's own production of gonadotropic hormones.

The medicine acts on the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, reacts with cell receptors and helps reduce the production of sex hormones in the body. The spray is intended for injection into the nose, is perfectly absorbed by the mucous membrane and reduces the level of estradiol in the blood plasma.

Estradiol is responsible for the formation of all processes in the female body:

  • menstruation;
  • development of the uterus and egg;
  • forms a psyche inherent only to the weaker sex;
  • identifies signs of gender.

Estradiol is produced due to follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and prolactin. During the normal course of body processes: normalizes blood flow in the uterus, promotes ovulation, accelerates the restoration of bone tissue in the body. Decisive role in healthy body plays a balance between testosterone and estradiol levels. Depends on him water-salt metabolism, blood clotting and nervous condition.

Why is it necessary to reduce the production of estradiol in the blood plasma?

Buserelin Depot is designed to reduce the content of estradiol in the body. Its excess, as well as low level, leads to undesirable consequences. Helps reduce substances in the body:

  • drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • violation of the diet: food is rich in carbohydrates, low in fat;
  • increased fatigue due to physical exertion, high work rhythm;
  • misuse of contraceptives;
  • fasting, which causes rapid weight loss;
  • increased prolactin in the body;
  • infectious diseases and work disorders endocrine system;
  • the functioning of the pituitary gland is disrupted.

Disturbances in the menstrual cycle occur when levels in the blood are low. Extreme conditions may occur:

  • the period between cycles is more than six months;
  • influence on the size of the breast and uterus;
  • inability to get pregnant;
  • dry skin, mucous membrane disorders.

What does an increase in estradiol lead to:

  • various allergic reactions: acne;
  • decreased performance;
  • a predisposition to weight gain develops;
  • increased hair loss, unpredictable swelling, irregular menstruation;
  • acute nervous conditions, dizziness;
  • chest pain.

Buserelin Depot is also accepted by men with hormonal imbalances. But more often they are prescribed specifically to women to normalize the monthly cycle, due to the inability to get pregnant. The causes of high levels of estradiol in the blood are diseases: inflammation of the ovaries, endometriosis, increased thyroid hormones, obesity.

Before taking hormone tests, it is recommended not to drink alcohol and smoking; severe physical exercise and intimacy. It must be taken strictly on days 3-5 of the monthly cycle. Blood is taken from a vein as a biomaterial.

Indications for the use of hormonal drugs

Human health is characterized by diseases associated with hormonal imbalance:

  • inflammation of the prostate gland in men;
  • endometrium in women;
  • benign tumors of the uterus - fibroids;
  • problems with pregnancy as prescribed by a doctor;
  • malignant breast tumor.

A positive result is noted after 2 weeks of taking Buserelin Depot in women. For men, the drug threatens complete infertility after exceeding the time prescribed in the instructions. This effect occurs as a result of a decrease in testosterone by almost 95%. The medicine is used in cases of prostate cancer. Self-prescription of the drug entails unpredictable consequences.

Buserelin Depot is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Sensitivity to the components of the drug may cause a severe allergic reaction. Not recommended for diabetics, arterial hypertension and nervous system disorders.

The duration of action of the drug Buserelin Depot was noted 3 hours after intramuscular administration. The medicine is injected in the period before surgery for endometriosis. It is also prescribed after surgery. Pathological areas and adhesive processes are blocked. The intensity of blood flow decreases.

The influence of alcohol during treatment

According to the instructions for the drug Buserelin Depot, alcohol is prohibited. The existing side effects will intensify with each new dose of alcohol. In alcoholism, medicine turns into poison.

The attending physician is required to prescribe a treatment regimen; the patient must also undergo examination in the clinic, take hormone tests and be observed during the entire course of therapy. Alcohol addiction can be eliminated with the help of a narcologist and the use of appropriate medications. They must be tested for compatibility with Buserelin Depot.

Positive aspects when combined hormonal medication with alcohol was not detected during testing. One reaction was detected - negative, provoking a number of inflammatory processes in organism. All conclusions were drawn from the data clinical cases and from interviews with patients whose condition worsened.

Health problems caused by simultaneous use of alcohol and hormonal drugs

Side effects in the body that can be caused by drinking alcohol from the central nervous system:

A hangover affects the sense organs:

  • deterioration of hearing and vision;
  • discomfort in the eye area;
  • ear pressure. You can determine by covering them with your palms; if the background remains, it means there is a side effect;

The consequences for the endocrine system have been established:

  • various rashes on the body, red spots;
  • increased sweating of the body;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • painful conditions during menstruation.

Alcohol plus Buserelin Depot provoke diseases of the circulatory system:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the heart, increased heart rate and blood pressure;
  • small vessels burst, appears vascular network, brain capabilities decrease;
  • a predisposition to varicose veins develops.

In addition to the listed harmful factors for Buserelin Depot, work disorders are noted:

  • respiratory system;
  • digestive tract;
  • suffers main body cleansing the body - liver;
  • the kidneys work at an increased rate;
  • the body instantly becomes dehydrated;
  • swelling is provoked.
  • are laid pathological changes to future offspring.

Loss and confusion of consciousness can lead to mechanical damage. Fainting in bad timing will result from a concussion or fracture. At best, there will be abrasions and bruises.

Indirect problems from joint use

Alcoholic drinks and Buserelin Depot create a hellish mixture that affects a person’s consciousness. The woman’s fragile body immediately responds to the ingested poison. Confusion leads to inappropriate behavior, from which only remorse will arise the next day.

A one-time use may pass without consequences, but constant alcoholism during treatment threatens irreversible changes in the body. One of the most terrifying effects is infertility. Women take the drug in situations where there are problems - unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. What will be the condition expectant mother after the news of complete failure for the rest of my life?

The hormonal drug Buserelin Depot will increase the time it takes to remove ethanol from the body and increase intoxication several times. These problems affect people who want to drive the next day. Exceeding the norm in the blood will be guaranteed even with small doses of alcohol.

For the male population, periodic consumption of alcohol provokes a decrease in libido. And with Buserelin Depot, problems will begin that will require expensive treatment in a clinic to restore potency. Is it worth conducting such experiments on yourself?

Depressive states due to prolonged drinking will affect you so much that without a psychiatrist it will not be possible to restore the nervous system. The situation will worsen if you already had mental problems. Inflammation will open where the person had initial complications. Men may have prostate problems bladder, liver. Women are more susceptible to weight gain, swelling of the facial skin, bruises under the eyes, and pain in the chest.

All the problems described arise with long-term combined use of Buserelin Depot and alcohol. But even with a one-time combination of substances, an unpredictable reaction of the body will follow, everything will depend on its strength. The hellish mixture will truly test the strength of your body.

Precautions during treatment

After the injection, Buserelin Depot remains in the body for up to 3 weeks. You must wait this time before you start drinking. The residual level is enough to provoke severe conditions.

Exceeding the period of use of Buserelin Depot is strictly not recommended. Uncontrolled weight gain and other side effects are possible. All actions with the drug should be carried out only after consultation at the clinic. Combining medications without the knowledge of the attending physician is prohibited.

Human health directly depends on his direct participation. Correct use of the hormonal medicine Buserelin Depot will help avoid cancer, reduce operational risks for endometriosis, and normalize the condition of the female body. It will also help on the path to future conception.