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Cheaper analogues of drugs. Russian analogues of imported drugs: an adequate replacement

Honestly, our competence in pharmacology leaves much to be desired. When we go to the doctor and receive an impressive list of medications at the end of the appointment, we are unlikely to question it, because when a person is sick, he is inclined to trust rather than doubt. And so, having secured the authority of the attending physician, we go to the pharmacy and humbly shell out a round sum for those drugs that should get us back on our feet. And we rarely think about the cost-effectiveness of treatment until, of course, the amount of treatment exceeds a certain threshold. We stand outside the process of determining and choosing this or that medicine; the doctor and the manufacturer, with all their marketing, decide for us what to take. To become active participant for your treatment, you need to know that there are almost always analogues of the medications prescribed to you with the same active ingredient and a wide range in price, and sometimes the number of such analogues reaches dozens. The advantage is more expensive medicines in degree of purification, in stock additional additives, which affect the duration of action of the main substance, in the absence of certain side effects. The price of more expensive drugs contains a marketing component (direct advertising, “bribery of the doctor,” pharmacy markup), also a patent component (the development took a lot of time and money that needs to be paid off), of course, a component associated with more complex manufacturing technology, well and profit. On the other hand, cheap medicines cannot be counterfeited; it is not economically profitable. But how to make a choice? The information below should help you, at least, think about the choice. And when you see a doctor, ask him about analogues, ask about active substance. For example, someone takes pentalgin or nurofen for headaches, while others take citramon and analgin with the same positive effect, but for different money.

The medications presented below have contraindications, be sure to consult your doctor

Belosalik and Akriderm SK


Belosalik: 350 rub. 30g.
Akriderm SK: 180 rub. 30g.
Active substance:

Bepanten and Dexpanthenol


Bepanten: 230 rub. 5% 30g.
Dexpanthenol: 83 rub. 5% 30g.
Active substance: dexpanthenol.
Indications: Inflammatory diseases of the mouth, nose, larynx, respiratory tract, gastric mucosa; paresthesia in neurological diseases, “dry” rhinitis (after treatment of secondary acute rhinitis vasoconstrictor drugs, after staying in a room with an artificial climate or in areas with a dry climate); postoperative treatment(after surgery on the nasal septum and after tonsillectomy), gestosis, erosion of the urogenital tract.

Betaserc and Betahistine


Betaserk: 520 rub. 24mg N20
Betagistine: 220 rub. 24mg N20
Active substance: betahistine.
Indications: dropsy of the labyrinth of the inner ear, vestibular and labyrinthine disorders: dizziness, noise and pain in the ears, headache, nausea, vomiting, hearing loss; vestibular neuronitis, labyrinthitis, benign positional vertigo (including after neurosurgical operations), Meniere's disease. Included complex therapy- vertebrobasilar insufficiency, post-traumatic encephalopathy, cerebral atherosclerosis.

Bystrumgel and Ketoprofen


Bystrumgel: 150 rub. 2.5% 50g
Ketoprofen: 60 rub. 2.5% 50g
Active substance: ketoprofen.

Voltaren and Diclofenac


Voltaren: 284 rub. 50mg N20
Diclofenac: 28 rub. 50mg N20
Active substance: diclofenac.
Indications: Inflammatory and inflammation-activated degenerative forms of rheumatism: - chronic polyarthritis; - ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease); - arthrosis; - spondyloarthrosis; - neuritis and neuralgia, such as cervical syndrome, lumbago (lumbago), sciatica; - acute attacks gout Rheumatic lesions of soft tissues. Painful swelling or inflammation after injury or surgical interventions.

Gastrozole and Omeprazole


Gastrozole: 100 rub. 20mg N28
Omeprazole: 44r. 20mg N30
Active substance: omeprazole

Detralex and Venarus


Detralex: 600 rub. 500mg N30
Venarus: 360 rub. 500mg N30
Active substance: diosmin and hesperidin
Indications: venous insufficiency lower limbs(functional, organic): feeling of heaviness in the legs, pain, cramps, trophic disorders; acute hemorrhoidal attack.

Diprosalik and Akriderm SK


Diprosalik: 280 rub. 30g.
Akriderm SK: 180 rub. 30g.
Active substance: betamethasone and salicylic acid.
Indications: psoriasis, eczema (especially chronic), ichthyosis, limited prurigo with severe lichenification, atopic dermatitis, diffuse neurodermatitis; simple and allergic dermatitis; urticaria, multiforme exudative erythema; simple chronic lichen (limited neurodermatitis). Dermatoses that cannot be treated with other corticosteroids (especially verrucous verrucous), lichen planus, skin dyshidrosis.

Diflucan and Fluconazole


Diflucan: 400 rub. 150mg N1
Fluconazole: 25 rub. 150mg N1
Active substance: fluconazole.

Fornos and Rhinostop


For nose: 80 rub. 0.1% 10ml
Rhinostop: 20 rub. 0.1% 10ml
Active substance: xylometazoline.

Zantac and Ranitidine


Zantac: 250 rub. 150mg N20
Ranitidine: 22r. 150mg N20
Active substance: Ranitidine.
Indications: Treatment and prevention - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, NSAID gastropathy, heartburn (associated with hyperchlorhydria), hypersecretion gastric juice, symptomatic ulcers, stress ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, erosive esophagitis, reflux esophagitis, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, systemic mastocytosis, polyendocrine adenomatosis; dyspepsia, characterized by epigastric or retrosternal pain associated with eating or disturbing sleep, but not caused by the above conditions; treatment of bleeding from upper sections Gastrointestinal tract, relapse prevention stomach bleeding V postoperative period; aspiration pneumonitis, rheumatoid arthritis.

Zyrtec and Cetirinax


Zyrtec: 240 rub. 10mg N7
Cetirinax: 70 rub. 10mg N7
Active substance: cetirizine
Indications: seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis (itching, sneezing, rhinorrhea, lacrimation, conjunctival hyperemia), urticaria (including chronic idiopathic urticaria), hay fever, allergic dermatitis, itchy skin, angioedema, atopic bronchial asthma (as part of complex therapy).

Zovirax and Acyclovir


Zovirax: 250 rub. 5% 2g.
Acyclovir: 30 rub. 5% 5g.
Active substance: acyclovir.
Indications: Cream and ointment for external use - herpes simplex of the skin and mucous membranes, genital herpes (primary and recurrent); localized herpes zoster ( auxiliary treatment). Eye ointment - herpetic keratitis.

Immunal and Echinacea


Immunal: 210 rub. 50ml
Echinacea: 50 rub. 50ml
Active substance: Echinacea purpurea extract.
Indications: Immunodeficiency states (including against the background of mental and physical fatigue), manifested by acute infectious diseases: colds, flu, infectious diseases inflammatory diseases nasopharynx and oral cavity, recurrent respiratory and urinary tract). Secondary immunodeficiency states after antibiotic therapy, cytostatic, immunosuppressive and radiation therapy.

Imodium and Loperamide


Imodium: 300 rub. 2mg N10
Loperamide: 15 rub. 2mg N10
Active substance: loperamide
Indications: diarrhea (acute and chronic of various origins: allergic, emotional, medicinal, radiation; when changing the diet and quality of food, when metabolism and absorption are impaired). Regulation of bowel movements in patients with ileostomy. As an auxiliary drug - diarrhea of ​​infectious origin.

Iodomarin and Potassium iodide


Iodomarin: 200 rub. 200µg N100
Potassium iodide: 90 rub. 200µg N100
Active substance: potassium iodide
Indications: Endemic goiter. Prevention of diseases caused by iodine deficiency ( endemic goiter, diffuse euthyroid goiter, during pregnancy, condition after resection of goiter).

Cavinton and Vinpocetine


Cavinton: 600 rub. 10mg N90
Vinpocetine: 225 rub. 10mg N90
Active substance: Vinpocetine.
Indications: spicy and chronic disorder cerebral circulation (transient ischemia, progressive stroke, completed stroke, post-stroke condition). Neurological and mental disorders in patients with cerebrovascular insufficiency (memory impairment; dizziness; aphasia, apraxia, movement disorders, headache).

Claritin and Loragexal


Claritin: 160 rub. 10mg N7
Loragexal: 50 rub. 10mg N10
Active substance: Loratadine.

CLACID and Clarithromycin


CLACID: 615 rub. 250mg N10
Clarithromycin: 175 rub. 250mg N14
Active substance: clarithromycin.
Indications: Antibiotic. Bacterial infections caused by sensitive microorganisms: upper respiratory tract infections (laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis), lower sections respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, atypical pneumonia), skin and soft tissues (folliculitis, furunculosis, impetigo, wound infection), otitis media; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, mycobacteriosis, chlamydia.

Lazolvan and Ambroxol


Lazolvan: 320 rub. 30mg N50
Ambroxol: 15 rub. 30mg N20
Active substance: ambroxol.
Indications: Mucolytic agent, stimulates prenatal development lungs (increases synthesis, secretion of surfactant and blocks its breakdown). Has secretomotor, secretolytic and expectorant effects; stimulates the serous cells of the glands of the bronchial mucosa, increases the content of mucous secretion and the release of surfactant in the alveoli and bronchi; normalizes the disturbed ratio of serous and mucous components of sputum. By activating hydrolyzing enzymes and enhancing the release of lysosomes from Clark cells, it reduces the viscosity of sputum. Increases motor activity ciliated epithelium, increases mucociliary transport.

Lamisil and Terbinafine


Lamisil: 380 rub. gel 1% 15g.
Terbinafine: 100 rub. gel 1% 15g.
Active substance: terbinafine
Indications: Fungal diseases of the skin and nails (do not use for onychomycosis dosage forms For local application), caused by sensitive pathogens (trichophytosis, microsporia, epidermophytosis, rubrophytosis, candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes); pityriasis versicolor(only dosage forms for topical use).

Lyoton-1000 and Heparin-acri gel 1000


Lyoton-1000: 320 rub. 50g
Heparin-acri gel 1000: 90 rub. 30g.
Active substance: heparin sodium.
Indications: Prevention and treatment of thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins, post-injection and post-infusion phlebitis, hemorrhoids (including postpartum), elephantiasis, superficial periphlebitis, lymphangitis, superficial mastitis, localized infiltrates and swelling, injuries and bruises (including muscle tissue, tendons , joints), subcutaneous hematoma.

Lomilan and Loragexal


Lomilan: 140 rub. 10mg N10
Loragexal: 48 rub. 10mg N10
Active substance: Loratadine.
Indications: Allergic rhinitis (seasonal and year-round), conjunctivitis, hay fever, urticaria (including chronic idiopathic), angioedema, pruritic dermatosis; pseudo allergic reactions caused by the release of histamine; allergic reactions to insect bites.

Maxidex and Dexamethasone


Maxidex: 110 rub. 0.1% 5ml
Dexamethasone: 40 rub. 0.1% 10ml
Active substance: dexamethasone.
Indications: Conjunctivitis (non-purulent and allergic), keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis (without damage to the epithelium), blepharitis, scleritis, episcleritis, retinitis, iritis, iridocyclitis and other uveitis of various origins, blepharoconjunctivitis, neuritis optic nerve, retrobulbar neuritis, superficial corneal injuries of various etiologies(after complete epithelization of the cornea), prevention of inflammation after surgery, sympathetic ophthalmia. Allergic and inflammatory diseases (including microbial) of the ears: otitis media.

Mezim and Pancreatin


Mezim: 275 rub. 4200 units N80
Pancreatin: 27 rub. 3500IU N60
Active substance: Pancreatin.
Indications: Replacement therapy at exocrine insufficiency pancreas: chronic pancreatitis, pancreatectomy, condition after irradiation, dyspepsia, cystic fibrosis; flatulence, diarrhea of ​​non-infectious origin. Impaired digestion of food (condition after gastric resection and small intestine); to improve food digestion in people with normal function Gastrointestinal tract in case of errors in nutrition (consumption fatty foods, large quantity food, irregular diet) and in case of chewing dysfunction, sedentary life, long-term immobilization.

Midriacil and Tropicamide


Mydriacyl: 350 rub. 1% 15ml
Tropicamide: 100 rub. 1% 10ml
Active substance: tropicamide
Indications: diagnostics in ophthalmology (examination of the fundus, determination of refraction by skiascopy), inflammatory processes and adhesions in the chambers of the eye.

Miramistin and Chlorhexidine


Miramistin: 225 rub. 0.01% 150ml
Chlorhexidine: 12 rub. 0.05% 100ml
Active substance: in the first case - miramistin, in the second - chlorhexidine.
Indications: Antiseptics, as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for various infections, For antiseptic treatment and disinfection, as well as for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections.

Movalis and Meloxicam


Movalis: 400 rub. 15mg N10
Meloxicam: 120 rub. 15 mg N20
Active substance: meloxicam.
Indications: rheumatoid arthritis; osteoarthritis; ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease) and other inflammatory and degenerative diseases joints, accompanied pain syndrome.

Neuromultivit and Pentovit


Neuromultivitis: 100 rub. N20
Pentovit: 40 rub. N50
Active substance: thiamine chloride (B1), pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6), cyanocobalamin (B12).
Indications: Vitamins. Polyneuropathy; neuritis; neuralgia; neuralgia trigeminal nerve;radicular syndrome caused by degenerative changes in the spine; sciatica; lumbago;plexitis; intercostal neuralgia; facial nerve paresis.

No-shpa and Drotaverine


No-shpa: 180 rub. 40mg N60
Drotaverine: 30 rub. 40mg N50
Active substance: drotaverine
Indications: Prevention and treatment: smooth muscle spasm internal organs (renal colic, biliary colic, intestinal colic, dyskinesia of the biliary tract and gallbladder hyperkinetic type, cholecystitis, postcholecystectomy syndrome); pyelitis; spastic constipation, spastic colitis, proctitis, tenesmus; pylorospasm, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Endarteritis, spasm of peripheral, cerebral and coronary arteries. Algodismenorrhea, threatened miscarriage, threatening premature birth; spasm of the uterine pharynx during childbirth, prolonged opening of the pharynx, postpartum contractions. While carrying out some instrumental studies, cholecystography.

Normodipine and Amlodipine


Normodipine: 650 rub. 10mg N30
Amlodipine: 40 rub. 10mg N30
Active substance: amlodipine.
Indications: arterial hypertension, exertional angina, vasospastic angina, silent myocardial ischemia, decompensated CHF (as an auxiliary therapy).

Nurofen and Ibuprofen


Nurofen: 100 rub. 200mg N24
Ibuprofen: 12 rub. 200mg N20
Active substance: ibuprofen.
Indications: Pain syndrome: myalgia, arthralgia, ossalgia, arthritis, radiculitis, migraine, headache (including menstrual syndrome) and toothache, at oncological diseases, neuralgia, tendinitis, tendovaginitis, bursitis, neuralgic amyotrophy (Personage-Turner disease), post-traumatic and postoperative pain syndrome accompanied by inflammation.

Omez and Omeprazole


Omez: 165 rub. 20mg N30
Omeprazole: 44r. 20mg N30
Active substance: omeprazole
Indications:– gastric ulcer and duodenum(including resistant to treatment with other antiulcer drugs); – reflux esophagitis; – erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum associated with taking NSAIDs; – peptic ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori(in combination with antibacterial drugs); – Zollinger-Ellison syndrome; – prevention of acid aspiration (Mendelssohn syndrome).

Panadol and Paracetamol


Panadol: 40 rub. N12
Paracetamol: 4r. N10
Active substance: paracetamol.
Indications: Feverish syndrome due to infectious diseases; pain syndrome (mild and moderate severity): arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia, migraine, toothache and headache, algodismenorrhea.

Panangin and Asparkam


Panangin: 120 rub. N50
Asparkam: 10 rub. N50
Active substance: potassium and magnesium aspartate.
Indications: hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia (including those arising from vomiting, diarrhea; therapy with saluretics, corticosteroids and laxatives), accompanied by arrhythmias (including paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, atrial and ventricular extrasystole) against the background of digitalis intoxication, heart failure or myocardial infarction.

Pantogam and Pantocalcin


Pantogam: 320 rub. 250mg N50
Pantocalcin: 250 rub. 250mg N50
Active substance: hopantenic acid.
Indications: Cerebrovascular insufficiency caused by atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels, senile dementia (initial forms), residual organic lesions brain in mature and elderly people, cerebral organic failure in patients with schizophrenia, residual effects past neuroinfections, post-vaccination encephalitis, TBI (as part of complex therapy).

Rinonorm and Rinostop


Rinonorm: 45 rub. 0.1% 10ml
Rhinostop: 20 rub. 0.1% 10ml
Active substance: xylometazoline.
Indications: Acute allergic rhinitis, acute respiratory infections with symptoms of rhinitis, sinusitis, hay fever; otitis media (to reduce swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa). Preparing the patient for diagnostic manipulations in the nasal passages.

Sumamed and Azithromycin


Sumamed: 430 rub. 250mg N6
Azithromycin: 100 rub. 250mg N6
Active substance: azithromycin.

Trental and Pentoxifylline


Trental: 220 rub. 100mg N60
Pentoxifylline: 50 rub. 100mg N60
Active substance: pentoxifylline.
Indications: Peripheral circulation disorders, Raynaud's disease, tissue trophism disorders; cerebrovascular accidents: ischemic and post-apoplectic conditions; cerebral atherosclerosis(dizziness, headache, memory impairment, sleep disturbances), discirculatory encephalopathy, viral neuroinfection; IHD, condition after suffered a heart attack myocardium; acute disorders blood circulation in the retina and choroid eyes; otosclerosis, degenerative changes against the background of pathology of the vessels of the inner ear with a gradual decrease in hearing; COPD, bronchial asthma; impotence of vascular origin.

Trichopolum and Metronidazole


Trichopolum: 80 rub. 250mg N20
Metronidazole: 10 rub. 250mg N20
Active substance: Metronidazole.
Indications: Antibiotic. Protozoal infections: extraintestinal amebiasis, including amoebic liver abscess, intestinal amebiasis, trichomoniasis, giardiasis, balantidiasis, giardiasis, cutaneous leishmaniasis, trichomonas vaginitis, trichomonas urethritis. Infections caused by Bacteroides: infections of bones and joints, infections of the central nervous system, incl. meningitis, brain abscess, bacterial endocarditis, pneumonia, empyema and lung abscess, sepsis. Infections caused by Clostridium spp., Peptococcus and Peptostreptococcus: infections abdominal cavity(peritonitis, liver abscess), pelvic infections (endometritis, abscess of the fallopian tubes and ovaries, infections of the vaginal vault). Pseudomembranous colitis (associated with antibiotic use). Gastritis or duodenal ulcer associated with Helicobacter pylori.

Troxevasin and Troxerutin


Troxevasin: 210 rub. 300mg N50
Troxerutin: 120 rub. 300mg N50
Active substance: troxerutin.
Indications: Varicose veins veins, chronic venous insufficiency with such manifestations as static heaviness in the legs, leg ulcers, trophic skin lesions, superficial thrombophlebitis, periphlebitis, phlebothrombosis, leg ulcers, dermatitis, hemorrhoids, postthrombotic syndrome, diabetic microangiopathy, retinopathy, hemorrhagic diathesis.

Ultop and Omeprazole


Ultop: 250 rub. 20mg N28
Omeprazole: 44r. 20mg N30
Active substance: omeprazole
Indications:– peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (including those resistant to treatment with other antiulcer drugs); – reflux esophagitis; – erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum associated with taking NSAIDs; – peptic ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori (in combination with antibacterial drugs); – Zollinger-Ellison syndrome; – prevention of acid aspiration (Mendelssohn syndrome).

Fastum-gel and Ketoprofen


Fastum-gel: 240 rub. 2.5% 50g
Ketoprofen: 60 rub. 2.5% 50g
Active substance: ketoprofen.
Indications: Gel, cream: acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis); injuries of the musculoskeletal system (including sports), sprains, ruptures of ligaments and tendons, tendinitis, bruise of muscles and ligaments, edema, phlebitis, lymphangitis, inflammatory processes of the skin. Rinse solution: inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx (angina, pharyngitis, stomatitis, glossitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, etc.).

Finlepsin and Carbamazepine


Finlepsin: 250 rub. 400mg N50
Carbamazepine: 40 rub. 200mg N50
Active substance: carbamazepine.
Indications: Epilepsy (excluding absence seizures, myoclonic or flaccid seizures) - partial seizures with complex and simple symptoms, primary and secondary generalized forms of seizures with tonic-clonic seizures, mixed forms of seizures (monotherapy or in combination with other anticonvulsants). Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia with multiple sclerosis(typical and atypical), idiopathic neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve. Acute manic states. Phase leaking affective disorders(including bipolar) prevention of exacerbations, weakening clinical manifestations during exacerbation. Syndrome alcohol withdrawal(anxiety, convulsions, hyperexcitability, sleep disturbances). Diabetic neuropathy with pain syndrome. Diabetes insipidus central genesis.

Flucostat and Fluconazole


Flucostat: 150 rub. 150mg N1
Fluknazole: 25 rub. 150mg N1
Active substance: fluconazole.
Indications: Systemic lesions caused by Cryptococcus fungi, including meningitis, sepsis, lung and skin infections, both in patients with a normal immune response and in patients with various forms immunosuppression (including in patients with AIDS, during organ transplantation); prevention of cryptococcal infection in patients with AIDS. Generalized candidiasis: candidemia, disseminated candidiasis. Genital candidiasis: vaginal (acute and recurrent), balanitis. Prevention of fungal infections in patients malignant tumors against the background of chemotherapy or radiation therapy; prevention of relapse of oropharyngeal candidiasis in patients with AIDS. Mycoses of the skin: feet, body, groin area, onychomycosis, pityriasis versicolor, skin candidiasis infections. Deep endemic mycoses (coccidioidosis, sporotrichosis and histoplasmosis) in patients with normal immunity.

Furamag and Furagin


Furamag: 350 rub. 50mg N30
Furagin: 40 rub. 50mg N30
Active substance: furazidin.
Indications: infectious and inflammatory diseases: purulent wounds, cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, purulent arthritis; infections of female genital organs; conjunctivitis, keratitis; burns; prevention of infections during urological operations, cystoscopy, catheterization. For washing cavities: peritonitis, pleural empyema.

Chemomycin and Azithromycin


Hemomycin: 270 rub. 250mg N6
Azithromycin: 100 rub. 250mg N6
Active substance: azithromycin.
Indications: Antibiotic. Infections of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs caused by sensitive pathogens: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, otitis media; scarlet fever; lower respiratory tract infections: pneumonia, bronchitis; infections of the skin and soft tissues: erysipelas, impetigo, secondary infected dermatoses; urinary tract infections: gonorrheal and non-gonorrheal urethritis, cervicitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers associated with Helicobacter pylori.

Enap and Enalapril


Enap: 130 rub. 20mg N20
Enalapril: 80 rub. 20mg N20
Active substance: knew adj.
Indications: arterial hypertension (symptomatic, renovascular, including with scleroderma, etc.), CHF I-III stages; prevention of coronary ischemia in patients with LV dysfunction, asymptomatic LV dysfunction.

Ersefuril and Furazolidone


Ersefuril: 390 rub. 200mg N28
Furazolidone: 3 rub. 50mg N10
Active substance: nifuroxazide in the first case and furazolidone in the second.
Indications: Diarrhea of ​​infectious origin, dysentery, paratyphoid fever, giardiasis, food toxic infections.

Very often, prescribed drugs from well-promoted imported pharmaceutical companies are expensive, so patients, in search of a more economical option, look for analogues of the drugs prescribed to them, quite often these are medicines for colds and flu, probiotics or vitamins and microelements. They also often look for analogues of medications widely advertised on TV, antihistamines, nootropics and what advertising calls “cure for VSD.”

In this case, it is better to choose complete analogues or generics, that is, drugs that also contain the same amount of active ingredient. For example, we are looking for analogues and find a product such as Aspartame, the price of which is an order of magnitude lower than Panangin. If such a remedy cannot be found, with the consent of the attending physician, you can pay attention to substances that are similar in their effect, but contain another active substance.

Since they are usually looking for not just analogs of drugs - cheap analogues of expensive drugs, it is unlikely that it would be beneficial for pharmacy workers to recommend such a replacement. Therefore, those who need such a replacement should refer to our article, and also expand their knowledge by reading Medical reference medicines and their analogues. We will not be able to talk about all medications and their analogues within the framework of this article - full list this is a multi-volume work. Therefore, we will focus on those that today often appear in commercials and those that patients are most interested in.

Scene in a pharmacy (cheap analogues of expensive drugs)

Examples of analogues of drugs from different groups

Most often, when we receive a doctor’s prescription, we buy not the cheapest drug at the pharmacy. It is not the topic of the article to analyze the reasons for this situation; let’s just say that analogues of Russian medicines cost two times, and sometimes an order of magnitude less, than imported analogues. Most often, the effect is satisfactory, and the cost savings are obvious.

However, when buying a cheap analogue, it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect. That is, by buying a more expensive product, we get the result promised by the instructions. And when purchasing a cheap option, we get a much weaker effect, although the active substance and its concentration are identical expensive product. At least this follows from patient reviews.

The reason for this phenomenon can only be explained by conducting appropriate research. Perhaps in some cases the situation can be explained psychological factor(trust in foreign pharmacological companies is higher), in others the drug is counterfeit. Perhaps there are other reasons.


Considering the frequency of use of antibiotics to treat certain bacterial infections in people, animals, and their treatment of plants, it can be argued that the intestinal microflora is exposed to substances that are harmful to it quite intensively. It’s not surprising that you have to take probiotics Linex, Symbiolact or eubiotics Enterol and Bioflor.

These are high-quality probiotics that contain not only bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, but also enterococci (Symbiolact). Eubiotics may contain either Saccharomycetes (Enterol), coli(Bioflor) and other preparations that contain certain, needed by the intestines, microorganisms.

Accordingly, the price of these drugs is not the lowest. Linex costs from 250 rubles. It is not surprising that patients are looking for analogues for the drug Linex with a more reasonable price. Unfortunately, there are no cheap complete analogues for this product. The most acceptable analogues of tablets are:

  • Lactobacterin - from 113 rubles;
  • Gastrofarm from 75 rubles.

Other drugs are comparable in price to Linex or more expensive.


They are usually called allergy medications. Today, there are first generation antihistamines (Diazodin, Diphenhydramine) and second and third generation (Claridon, Rupafin, Trexil, Telfast).

First generation antihistamines suffers from serious side effects, the main of which is increased drowsiness. This significantly reduces the performance of an allergic person; it is especially difficult to take them for those whose work is associated with risk (drivers, operators construction equipment and others), and Diphenhydramine is also addictive.

Representatives of the next two generations are deprived of this disadvantage. But the cost leaves much to be desired. It is difficult to find complete analogues of cheap drugs for this group of drugs - analogues of expensive drugs, as a rule, are not complete and belong to the first generation drugs.

For those who are looking for cheap analogues of medicine, we can recommend looking at the price table for analogues of expensive medicines:

You can also find analogues at a cheaper price. For example, Chloropyramine tablets cost about 64 rubles. Second- and third-generation drugs cost from 200 rubles, for example Claritin costs about 204 rubles.

"Anti-cold" remedies

Most often, when a pharmacy asks for a medicine for flu and colds, they mean drugs that reduce the symptoms of a viral infection (cough, runny nose, sore throat, fever). That is, medications that contain antipyretic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components, and sometimes vitamin C and an antihistamine. But this category also includes antivirals, as well as immunomodulators and immunostimulants.

A striking and advertised example of such a “cold medicine” is Theraflu. This product is worth it quick help for colds and flu - about 338 rubles. Is it possible to find something cheaper? Of course, see analogues of medications, table of “anti-cold powders”:

You can replace this drug with such incomplete analogues of drugs as Antiflu at a price of 113 rubles or Coldrex at 116 rubles. They differ slightly in composition from Theraflu, but give approximately the same effect. When choosing cheap analogues of medicines in case of a cold, you should know that in most cases it is enough to take the common one at a price of 16 rubles and ascorbic acid at 15 rubles per pack.

If the disease is viral in nature, you cannot rely on antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs; they only eliminate the symptoms, but do not prevent the virus from developing. This role is performed antiviral drugs, for example Rimantadine, Kagocel and others. Kagocel costs about 220 rubles and has no analogues. One of the cheapest is Rimantadine. Rimantadine is an analogue for Kagocel and costs 50 rubles. But we classified it as analogues only conditionally.

Vitamin preparations and microelements

This large group of funds that pharmaceutical companies they are packaged in beautiful boxes and given intriguing names, and all this at a fairly high price. Although there are products that have the same effect at a much lower price. Most often, for such drugs, patients look for cheap analogues of drugs:

  • Neurobion;
  • Aginovit and others.

The list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs will be as follows: for Multigamma there is a Russian analogue. An analogue of Iodomarin (124 rubles) is Potassium Iodide (94 rubles). Neurobion, which costs about 340 rubles, can be successfully replaced at a price of 230 rubles.

Antihypertensives and drugs that improve heart function

If in our young years we do not notice how our “engine” works. With age, the heart, an organ that does not know sleep and rest, begins to malfunction, tachycardia and arrhythmia appear, and blood pressure rises. To help this important body there are many remedies. For example, we provide a table with prices for medications and their analogues:

Drug name Price/rubles Analog/Substitute Price/rubles
Panangin 122 Asparkam 33
Eltacin 170 No
Nebilet 500 Nebivolol 157
115 (not analogue) 5

Panangin is an original drug from the Gideon Richter company, produced in the form of dragees, the shell of which makes it easy to swallow. For Panagin, the analogue is . It is in tablet form and is less comfortable to swallow. In addition, the drugs differ only in manufacturer and price.

Advertising positions Eltacin as a remedy for VSD, almost the only and absolute one. This is not entirely true. This is a metabolite drug. It is designed to normalize metabolic processes in the heart muscle and reduce tissue hypoxia. This is an antioxidant. Its main purpose is to help the myocardium in chronic heart failure; to combat the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dysfunction, it is prescribed to children aged 12 to 18 years as part of complex therapy. It contains amino acids:

  • Glycine;
  • Cystine;
  • Glutamic acid.

For Eltacin, many sites call the analogue of this medicine Glycine (46 rubles). As can be seen from the composition of the drug, Glycine is only its constituent component. Eltacin costs about 170 rubles. There is no complete analogue to this remedy.

Nibilet is a third-generation cardioselective beta-blocker with vasodilator properties. This means that the drug reduces the need for oxygen in the heart muscle, has an antiarrhythmic effect, and can be used to achieve a lasting hypotensive effect. It costs about 500 rubles. Replacing the medicine with cheaper analogues is possible.

For the drug Nebilet, analogs of this medicine are produced in Crovania (Binelol at 382 rubles for 14 tablets), and India (Nebivator for 370 rubles for 14 tablets), and Russia (Nevibol, Kanofarm for 286 rubles for 24 tablets).

Cheap analogues and generics of popular drugs

Presenting cheap analogues of expensive drugs with a complete list for 2016 is difficult, but enough wide list We finally picked it.

It’s easier to look at cheap drug analogues in tables. They are recorded in tables using the most different principles. Sometimes they are grouped according to the pathologies for which they are used. Sometimes by drug groups, in some cases by the frequency of requests. In some cases, identifying a classification criterion is very difficult. We offer several table options that can be used when selecting drug analogues.

Video: Expensive drugs and their cheaper analogues

The price of a drug does not always determine its quality; it is not always possible to understand why the consumer should overpay a large amount when active ingredient A medicine prescribed by a doctor can be found under a less popular name. Almost every expensive drug has a generic version: its analogue in terms of action and chemical composition. You should always have a list of such tools at hand.

It should be noted that a 100% guarantee of the correctness of such a replacement cannot be given. The same active and auxiliary components may be present in different proportions, have varying degrees cleaning, etc. A number of expensive medications may turn out to be safer due to certain ingredients that mitigate side effects, while a budget generic does not have them. In particular, this applies to antibiotics that have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, experts warn that any replacement, even with a generic and not an analogue, is carried out at the patient’s own risk, unless it has been discussed with the attending physician.

We bring to your attention a table of cheap analogues of expensive drugs with prices current for 2016. It should be said that only budget drugs whose cost does not exceed 150 rubles are included here, i.e. when the price difference really matters. Figures may vary depending on point of sale.

Main drug

Budget generic

Indications for use

Ambroxegal (110 rub.)

Ambroxol (50 rub.)

A drug that promotes the removal of sputum. Used for treatment wet cough, bronchitis in any form, pneumonia.

Aspirin-cardio (RUB 125)

CardiASK (35 rub.)

An analgesic that relieves fever and stops the inflammatory process. Used for angina pectoris, for the prevention of stroke and heart attack, circulatory disorders in the brain, thromboembolism.

Bepanten (280 rub.)

Dexpanthenol (140 rub.)

An ointment that triggers regenerative processes. It is used to restore the skin due to burns and wounds, to treat boils, dermatitis, and trophic ulcers.

Voltaren (400 rub.)

Bystrumgel, Fastum-gel (200 rub.)

Ketoprofen (60 rub.)

NSAIDs, analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent. Relieves fever. Used externally as an ointment for injuries and joint damage.

Diflucan (800 rub.)

Fluconazole (40 rub.)

An antifungal drug used in therapy against thrush, mycosis, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis.

For nose (100 rub.)

Rinostop (30 rub.)

Zyrtec (350 rub.)

Ranitidine (50 rub.)

Antiulcer agent.

Zovirax (240 rub.)

Acyclovir (40 rub.)

An antiviral drug that helps eliminate herpes, smallpox and lichen.

Immunal (200 rub.)

Echinacea extract (50 rub.)

An immunostimulating agent used to prevent viral infections, in combination with antibiotics to support the body.

Kapoten (120 rub.)

Captopril (15 rub.)

Antihypertensive drug ACE inhibitor. Used in combination treatment heart failure, hypertension of any etiology, after myocardial infarction and diabetes mellitus with kidney damage.

Mezim (300 rub.)

Pancreatin (30 rub.)

Replenishes enzyme deficiency, helping the pancreas digest heavy foods more easily.

Maxidex (120 rub.)

Dixamethasone (40 rub.)

Glucocortecosteroid, used for endocrine diseases, cerebral edema, bronchial spasms, blood diseases, anaphylactic shock, rheumatism.

Midriacil (360 rub.)

Tropicamide (120 rub.)

It is used for inflammatory processes of an ophthalmological nature, for examining the fundus of the eye, and in therapy after operations.

Movalis (410 rub.)

Meloxicam (80 rub.)

NSAIDs, which relieve inflammation, fever and pain, can also be used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Normodipine (620 rub.)

Amlodipine (40 rub.)

Reduces arterial pressure, used for vasospastic angina.

No-Shpa (150 rub.)

Drotaverine (30 rub.)

Antispasmodic, indicated for spasms of the digestive tract, brain, uterus, headaches, and urolithiasis.

Nurofen (120 rub.)

Ibuprofen (20 rub.)

NSAIDs that relieve fever and pain. It is on the list of essential drugs.

Omez (180 rub.)

Omeprazole (50 rub.)

It is used in antiulcer therapy, as well as for Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Panangin (170 rub.)

Perineva (310 rub.)

Perindopril (RUB 120)

ACE inhibitor used for ischemia, hypertension, heart failure, after stroke.

Sanorin (140 rub.)

Naphthyzin (15 rub.)

Nasal drops that provide vasoconstrictor effect. Used to treat sinusitis, rhinitis, and during operations of the nasal cavity.

Sumamed (450 rub.)

Azithromycin (90 rub.)

An antibiotic of semi-synthetic origin, used for infections of the respiratory tract, skin, soft tissues, and digestive tract.

Troxevasin (220 rub.)

Troxerutin (100 rub.)

Flucostat (200 rub.)

Fluconazole (30 rub.)

An antifungal drug used in the fight against candidiasis of any type, mycosis skin, cryptococcosis.

Finalgon (320 rub.)

Capsicam (140 rub.)

An ointment with a local irritant effect, used for pain in muscles and joints caused by injuries or rheumatism.

Enap (110 rub.)

Enalapril (55 rub.)

Necessary for the treatment of hypertension of any ethnology and heart failure.

Even if you do not know the exact name of the generic of an expensive medicine prescribed to you, you can look at its active ingredient - there is a high probability that the budget analogue will have exactly the same name. For example, this scheme shows its effectiveness with acyclovir, potassium iodide, panthenol, fluconazole, etc.

You need to understand the system for creating and selling medicines. Original drugs are the first to appear on the pharmaceutical market. The factory spends a huge amount of money on developing the drug and eventually receives a patent for production and distribution. As a rule, the validity period of a patent is 10 years. During this time, no one has the right to create medicines.

Upon expiration of the patent medicine becomes available to everyone. It is from this moment that the creation of analogues begins.

Thus, it turns out that it costs several times more because it has been tested by people for 10 years. In addition to the costs of developing the drug, huge amounts of money were also spent on refining and improving it.

What are the differences between cheap analogues of expensive drugs?

Firstly, it is worth noting that not all analogues have a completely identical composition to the original. Most often, only the active substance is identical. But in addition to it, the medicine also contains additional elements responsible for the delivery of the substance, its absorption into the body and activation. But it’s thanks to additional substances Some drugs act as quickly as possible.

Typically, large pharmaceutical companies care about high quality raw materials. It also takes a lot of money to process and clean it. Cheap analogues very often contain substances of poor quality, imported from India and Eastern Europe.

You can also notice that using the original, the patient gets back on his feet in a matter of days, but there is no effect from taking generics. And although, at first glance, the compositions of these two drugs are the same, the effect is different. This is because research was carried out on the originals for 10 years under exclusive rights. There may simply be a tiny difference in composition that cannot be calculated or standardized, as a result of which the effectiveness has become much higher.

What to take? Original or analogue

First of all, you need to look at the severity of the disease. If a person’s life depends on a medicine, then there is no point in experimenting. It is better to take a time-tested drug. If the disease is not critical, then you can try taking an analogue. There is a possibility that the effect on the body will be similar to the original, and will cost an order of magnitude less.

It is important to remember which analogues did not work before. Most likely, if you purchase them again, they will also not give any effect.

There are situations when the use of medications is inevitable - these are severe infectious diseases, various neoplasms, the consequences of heart attacks and strokes, and so on. But, as our grandmothers said, pills cure one thing and cripple another, and indeed they are right, in some cases you can do without medicine. In what situations can tablet drugs be replaced with food?

Many people know that some products contain much more vitamins and microelements than tablets from a pack or jar. And they are absorbed much better. For example, bananas are great for coping with depression, blues, insomnia and muscle cramps, onions and garlic help with colds, potato juice eliminates increased acidity stomach and much more. In addition, there are many products medicinal properties which are unknown to most people.

Premenstrual syndrome

In case of violation hormonal balance before critical days Many women may be overly aggressive or, on the contrary, depressed; in such situations, almonds will be a real salvation. It contains vitamin B2 in huge quantities, which can have sedative effect, participates in the formation of the hormone of joy and happiness, helps relieve muscle spasms. 100 g almonds cover 50% daily norm vitamins of group B. Almonds can be eaten as an independent dish, or they can be added to cereals, yoghurts, desserts, etc.


In addition to medications that can be purchased at the pharmacy, soda is considered the most popular remedy for heartburn, but frequent use it is contraindicated. Regular beans will help cope with periodic heartburn due to the large amount of fiber. People who regularly eat legumes suffer from heartburn 20% less often than those who refuse peas and beans.


Migraine is one of the types of headaches when the pain is localized in a specific point, for example, in the temple, back of the head or in the frontal lobe. It is not easy to get rid of such a headache; strong analgesics are often used, but they bring little benefit. To relieve migraine pain, it is enough to consume pumpkin seeds daily, in an amount of about half a glass. This number of seeds covers daily requirement the body in magnesium, the deficiency of which causes headaches.


During frequent flights, when changing time zones alternates, it is recommended to consume sour varieties of cherries, which contain melatonin, a hormone that regulates circadian rhythms.

Muscle pain

Any muscle pain, especially those that occur after active physical work or exercise will help eliminate ginger, thanks to its gingerol content. It is this substance that gives ginger its bitter, pungent taste. In addition to the analgesic effect, ginger helps cope with nausea, motion sickness, improves digestion and stimulates the immune system. You can make drinks from ginger or add it to main dishes.


The inability to fall asleep on time and get a full night's sleep can be caused by various factors. Kiwi will cope with this problem; 1-2 fruits consumed every night will help make your sleep longer and of better quality. It is not necessary to eat kiwi pure form, it can be added to fruit salads, smoothies, purees, and baked goods.

Honestly, our competence in pharmacology leaves much to be desired. When we go to the doctor and receive an impressive list of medications at the end of the appointment, we are unlikely to question it, because when a person is sick, he is inclined to trust rather than doubt. And so, having secured the authority of the attending physician, we go to the pharmacy and humbly shell out a round sum for those drugs that should get us back on our feet. And we rarely think about the cost-effectiveness of treatment until, of course, the amount of treatment exceeds a certain threshold. We stand outside the process of determining and choosing this or that medicine; the doctor and the manufacturer, with all their marketing, decide for us what to take. To become an active participant in your treatment, you need to know that there are almost always analogues of the medications prescribed to you with the same active ingredient and a wide range in price, and sometimes the number of such analogues reaches dozens. The advantage of more expensive drugs is the degree of purification, the presence of additional additives that affect the duration of action of the main substance, and the absence of any side effects. The price of more expensive drugs contains a marketing component (direct advertising, “bribery of the doctor,” pharmacy markup), also a patent component (the development took a lot of time and money that needs to be paid off), of course, a component associated with more complex manufacturing technology, well and profit. On the other hand, cheap medicines cannot be counterfeited; it is not economically profitable. But how to make a choice? The information below should help you at least think about your choice. And when you see a doctor, ask him about analogues, ask about the active ingredient. For example, someone takes pentalgin or nurofen for headaches, while others take citramon and analgin with the same positive effect, but for different money.

The medications presented below have contraindications, be sure to consult your doctor

Belosalik and Akriderm SK


Belosalik: 350 rub. 30g.
Akriderm SK: 180 rub. 30g.
Active substance:

Bepanten and Dexpanthenol


Bepanten: 230 rub. 5% 30g.
Dexpanthenol: 83 rub. 5% 30g.
Active substance: dexpanthenol.
Indications: Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, nose, larynx, respiratory tract, gastric mucosa; paresthesia in neurological diseases, “dry” rhinitis (after treatment of secondary acute rhinitis with vasoconstrictor drugs, after staying in a room with an artificial climate or in areas with a dry climate); postoperative treatment (after surgery on the nasal septum and after tonsillectomy), gestosis, erosion of the urogenital tract.

Betaserc and Betahistine


Betaserk: 520 rub. 24mg N20
Betagistine: 220 rub. 24mg N20
Active substance: betahistine.
Indications: dropsy of the labyrinth of the inner ear, vestibular and labyrinthine disorders: dizziness, noise and pain in the ears, headache, nausea, vomiting, hearing loss; vestibular neuronitis, labyrinthitis, benign positional vertigo (including after neurosurgical operations), Meniere's disease. Complex therapy includes vertebrobasilar insufficiency, post-traumatic encephalopathy, cerebral atherosclerosis.

Bystrumgel and Ketoprofen


Bystrumgel: 150 rub. 2.5% 50g
Ketoprofen: 60 rub. 2.5% 50g
Active substance: ketoprofen.

Voltaren and Diclofenac


Voltaren: 284 rub. 50mg N20
Diclofenac: 28 rub. 50mg N20
Active substance: diclofenac.
Indications: Inflammatory and inflammation-activated degenerative forms of rheumatism: - chronic polyarthritis; - ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease); - arthrosis; - spondyloarthrosis; - neuritis and neuralgia, such as cervical syndrome, lumbago (lumbago), sciatica; - acute attacks of gout. Rheumatic lesions of soft tissues. Painful swelling or inflammation after injury or surgery.

Gastrozole and Omeprazole


Gastrozole: 100 rub. 20mg N28
Omeprazole: 44r. 20mg N30
Active substance: omeprazole

Detralex and Venarus


Detralex: 600 rub. 500mg N30
Venarus: 360 rub. 500mg N30
Active substance: diosmin and hesperidin
Indications: venous insufficiency of the lower extremities (functional, organic): feeling of heaviness in the legs, pain, cramps, trophic disorders; acute hemorrhoidal attack.

Diprosalik and Akriderm SK


Diprosalik: 280 rub. 30g.
Akriderm SK: 180 rub. 30g.
Active substance: betamethasone and salicylic acid.
Indications: psoriasis, eczema (especially chronic), ichthyosis, limited prurigo with severe lichenification, atopic dermatitis, diffuse neurodermatitis; simple and allergic dermatitis; urticaria, exudative erythema multiforme; simple chronic lichen (limited neurodermatitis). Dermatoses that cannot be treated with other corticosteroids (especially verrucous verrucous), lichen planus, skin dyshidrosis.

Diflucan and Fluconazole


Diflucan: 400 rub. 150mg N1
Fluconazole: 25 rub. 150mg N1
Active substance: fluconazole.

Fornos and Rhinostop


For nose: 80 rub. 0.1% 10ml
Rhinostop: 20 rub. 0.1% 10ml
Active substance: xylometazoline.

Zantac and Ranitidine


Zantac: 250 rub. 150mg N20
Ranitidine: 22r. 150mg N20
Active substance: Ranitidine.
Indications: Treatment and prevention - gastric and duodenal ulcers, NSAID gastropathy, heartburn (associated with hyperchlorhydria), hypersecretion of gastric juice, symptomatic ulcers, stress ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, erosive esophagitis, reflux esophagitis, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, systemic mastocytosis, polyendocrine adenomatosis; dyspepsia, characterized by epigastric or retrosternal pain associated with eating or disturbing sleep, but not caused by the above conditions; treatment of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract, prevention of recurrence of gastric bleeding in the postoperative period; aspiration pneumonitis, rheumatoid arthritis.

Zyrtec and Cetirinax


Zyrtec: 240 rub. 10mg N7
Cetirinax: 70 rub. 10mg N7
Active substance: cetirizine
Indications: seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis (itching, sneezing, rhinorrhea, lacrimation, conjunctival hyperemia), urticaria (including chronic idiopathic urticaria), hay fever, allergic dermatitis, pruritus, angioedema, atopic bronchial asthma (including complex therapy).

Zovirax and Acyclovir


Zovirax: 250 rub. 5% 2g.
Acyclovir: 30 rub. 5% 5g.
Active substance: acyclovir.
Indications: Cream and ointment for external use - herpes simplex of the skin and mucous membranes, genital herpes (primary and recurrent); localized herpes zoster (auxiliary treatment). Eye ointment - herpetic keratitis.

Immunal and Echinacea


Immunal: 210 rub. 50ml
Echinacea: 50 rub. 50ml
Active substance: Echinacea purpurea extract.
Indications: Immunodeficiency states (including against the background of mental and physical fatigue), manifested by acute infectious diseases: colds, flu, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity, recurrent respiratory and urinary tract infections). Secondary immunodeficiency states after antibiotic therapy, cytostatic, immunosuppressive and radiation therapy.

Imodium and Loperamide


Imodium: 300 rub. 2mg N10
Loperamide: 15 rub. 2mg N10
Active substance: loperamide
Indications: diarrhea (acute and chronic of various origins: allergic, emotional, medicinal, radiation; with changes in diet and quality of food, with metabolic and absorption disorders). Regulation of bowel movements in patients with ileostomy. As an auxiliary drug - diarrhea of ​​infectious origin.

Iodomarin and Potassium iodide


Iodomarin: 200 rub. 200µg N100
Potassium iodide: 90 rub. 200µg N100
Active substance: potassium iodide
Indications: Endemic goiter. Prevention of diseases caused by iodine deficiency (endemic goiter, diffuse euthyroid goiter, during pregnancy, condition after resection of goiter).

Cavinton and Vinpocetine


Cavinton: 600 rub. 10mg N90
Vinpocetine: 225 rub. 10mg N90
Active substance: Vinpocetine.
Indications: acute and chronic cerebrovascular accident (transient ischemia, progressive stroke, completed stroke, post-stroke condition). Neurological and mental disorders in patients with cerebrovascular insufficiency (memory impairment; dizziness; aphasia, apraxia, movement disorders, headache).

Claritin and Loragexal


Claritin: 160 rub. 10mg N7
Loragexal: 50 rub. 10mg N10
Active substance: Loratadine.

CLACID and Clarithromycin


CLACID: 615 rub. 250mg N10
Clarithromycin: 175 rub. 250mg N14
Active substance: clarithromycin.
Indications: Antibiotic. Bacterial infections caused by sensitive microorganisms: infections of the upper respiratory tract (laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis), lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, atypical pneumonia), skin and soft tissues (folliculitis, furunculosis, impetigo, wound infection), moderate otitis; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, mycobacteriosis, chlamydia.

Lazolvan and Ambroxol


Lazolvan: 320 rub. 30mg N50
Ambroxol: 15 rub. 30mg N20
Active substance: ambroxol.
Indications: A mucolytic agent that stimulates the prenatal development of the lungs (increases the synthesis and secretion of surfactant and blocks its breakdown). Has secretomotor, secretolytic and expectorant effects; stimulates the serous cells of the glands of the bronchial mucosa, increases the content of mucous secretion and the release of surfactant in the alveoli and bronchi; normalizes the disturbed ratio of serous and mucous components of sputum. By activating hydrolyzing enzymes and enhancing the release of lysosomes from Clark cells, it reduces the viscosity of sputum. Increases the motor activity of the ciliated epithelium, increases mucociliary transport.

Lamisil and Terbinafine


Lamisil: 380 rub. gel 1% 15g.
Terbinafine: 100 rub. gel 1% 15g.
Active substance: terbinafine
Indications: Fungal diseases of the skin and nails (for onychomycosis, topical dosage forms are not used) caused by sensitive pathogens (trichophytosis, microsporia, epidermophytosis, rubrophytosis, candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes); lichen versicolor (only dosage forms for topical use).

Lyoton-1000 and Heparin-acri gel 1000


Lyoton-1000: 320 rub. 50g
Heparin-acri gel 1000: 90 rub. 30g.
Active substance: heparin sodium.
Indications: Prevention and treatment of thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins, post-injection and post-infusion phlebitis, hemorrhoids (including postpartum), elephantiasis, superficial periphlebitis, lymphangitis, superficial mastitis, localized infiltrates and swelling, injuries and bruises (including muscle tissue, tendons , joints), subcutaneous hematoma.

Lomilan and Loragexal


Lomilan: 140 rub. 10mg N10
Loragexal: 48 rub. 10mg N10
Active substance: Loratadine.
Indications: Allergic rhinitis (seasonal and year-round), conjunctivitis, hay fever, urticaria (including chronic idiopathic), angioedema, pruritic dermatosis; pseudo-allergic reactions caused by the release of histamine; allergic reactions to insect bites.

Maxidex and Dexamethasone


Maxidex: 110 rub. 0.1% 5ml
Dexamethasone: 40 rub. 0.1% 10ml
Active substance: dexamethasone.
Indications: Conjunctivitis (non-purulent and allergic), keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis (without damage to the epithelium), blepharitis, scleritis, episcleritis, retinitis, iritis, iridocyclitis and other uveitis of various origins, blepharoconjunctivitis, optic neuritis, retrobulbar neuritis, superficial injuries of the cornea of ​​various etiologies (after complete epithelization of the cornea), prevention of inflammation after surgery, sympathetic ophthalmia. Allergic and inflammatory diseases (including microbial) of the ears: otitis media.

Mezim and Pancreatin


Mezim: 275 rub. 4200 units N80
Pancreatin: 27 rub. 3500IU N60
Active substance: Pancreatin.
Indications: Replacement therapy for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency: chronic pancreatitis, pancreatectomy, condition after irradiation, dyspepsia, cystic fibrosis; flatulence, diarrhea of ​​non-infectious origin. Impaired digestion of food (condition after resection of the stomach and small intestine); to improve food digestion in people with normal gastrointestinal function in case of errors in nutrition (eating fatty foods, large amounts of food, irregular meals) and in cases of chewing dysfunction, sedentary lifestyle, prolonged immobilization.

Midriacil and Tropicamide


Mydriacyl: 350 rub. 1% 15ml
Tropicamide: 100 rub. 1% 10ml
Active substance: tropicamide
Indications: diagnostics in ophthalmology (examination of the fundus, determination of refraction by skiascopy), inflammatory processes and adhesions in the chambers of the eye.

Miramistin and Chlorhexidine


Miramistin: 225 rub. 0.01% 150ml
Chlorhexidine: 12 rub. 0.05% 100ml
Active substance: in the first case - miramistin, in the second - chlorhexidine.
Indications: Antiseptics, as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for various infections, for antiseptic treatment and disinfection, as well as for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections.

Movalis and Meloxicam


Movalis: 400 rub. 15mg N10
Meloxicam: 120 rub. 15 mg N20
Active substance: meloxicam.
Indications: rheumatoid arthritis; osteoarthritis; ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease) and other inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints, accompanied by pain.

Neuromultivit and Pentovit


Neuromultivitis: 100 rub. N20
Pentovit: 40 rub. N50
Active substance: thiamine chloride (B1), pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6), cyanocobalamin (B12).
Indications: Vitamins. Polyneuropathy; neuritis; neuralgia; trigeminal neuralgia; radicular syndrome caused by degenerative changes in the spine; sciatica; lumbago;plexitis; intercostal neuralgia; facial nerve paresis.

No-shpa and Drotaverine


No-shpa: 180 rub. 40mg N60
Drotaverine: 30 rub. 40mg N50
Active substance: drotaverine
Indications: Prevention and treatment: spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs (renal colic, biliary colic, intestinal colic, dyskinesia of the biliary tract and gallbladder of the hyperkinetic type, cholecystitis, postcholecystectomy syndrome); pyelitis; spastic constipation, spastic colitis, proctitis, tenesmus; pylorospasm, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Endarteritis, spasm of peripheral, cerebral and coronary arteries. Algomenorrhea, threatened miscarriage, threatened premature birth; spasm of the uterine pharynx during childbirth, prolonged opening of the pharynx, postpartum contractions. When conducting some instrumental studies, cholecystography.

Normodipine and Amlodipine


Normodipine: 650 rub. 10mg N30
Amlodipine: 40 rub. 10mg N30
Active substance: amlodipine.
Indications: arterial hypertension, exertional angina, vasospastic angina, silent myocardial ischemia, decompensated CHF (as an auxiliary therapy).

Nurofen and Ibuprofen


Nurofen: 100 rub. 200mg N24
Ibuprofen: 12 rub. 200mg N20
Active substance: ibuprofen.
Indications: Pain syndrome: myalgia, arthralgia, ossalgia, arthritis, sciatica, migraine, headache (including menstrual syndrome) and toothache, cancer, neuralgia, tendinitis, tendovaginitis, bursitis, neuralgic amyotrophy (Personage-Turner disease) , post-traumatic and postoperative pain syndrome, accompanied by inflammation.

Omez and Omeprazole


Omez: 165 rub. 20mg N30
Omeprazole: 44r. 20mg N30
Active substance: omeprazole
Indications:– peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (including those resistant to treatment with other antiulcer drugs); – reflux esophagitis; – erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum associated with taking NSAIDs; – peptic ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori (in combination with antibacterial drugs); – Zollinger-Ellison syndrome; – prevention of acid aspiration (Mendelssohn syndrome).

Panadol and Paracetamol


Panadol: 40 rub. N12
Paracetamol: 4r. N10
Active substance: paracetamol.
Indications: Feverish syndrome due to infectious diseases; pain syndrome (mild and moderate severity): arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia, migraine, toothache and headache, algodismenorrhea.

Panangin and Asparkam


Panangin: 120 rub. N50
Asparkam: 10 rub. N50
Active substance: potassium and magnesium aspartate.
Indications: hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia (including those arising from vomiting, diarrhea; therapy with saluretics, corticosteroids and laxatives), accompanied by arrhythmias (including paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, atrial and ventricular extrasystole) against the background of digitalis intoxication, heart failure or heart attack myocardium.

Pantogam and Pantocalcin


Pantogam: 320 rub. 250mg N50
Pantocalcin: 250 rub. 250mg N50
Active substance: hopantenic acid.
Indications: Cerebrovascular insufficiency caused by atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels, senile dementia (initial forms), residual organic brain damage in mature and elderly people, cerebral organic insufficiency in patients with schizophrenia, residual effects of neuroinfections, post-vaccination encephalitis, TBI (as part of complex therapy) .

Rinonorm and Rinostop


Rinonorm: 45 rub. 0.1% 10ml
Rhinostop: 20 rub. 0.1% 10ml
Active substance: xylometazoline.
Indications: Acute allergic rhinitis, acute respiratory infections with symptoms of rhinitis, sinusitis, hay fever; otitis media (to reduce swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa). Preparing the patient for diagnostic manipulations in the nasal passages.

Sumamed and Azithromycin


Sumamed: 430 rub. 250mg N6
Azithromycin: 100 rub. 250mg N6
Active substance: azithromycin.

Trental and Pentoxifylline


Trental: 220 rub. 100mg N60
Pentoxifylline: 50 rub. 100mg N60
Active substance: pentoxifylline.
Indications: Peripheral circulation disorders, Raynaud's disease, tissue trophism disorders; cerebrovascular accidents: ischemic and post-apoplectic conditions; cerebral atherosclerosis (dizziness, headache, memory impairment, sleep disturbances), dyscirculatory encephalopathy, viral neuroinfection; IHD, condition after myocardial infarction; acute circulatory disorders in the retina and choroid; otosclerosis, degenerative changes against the background of pathology of the vessels of the inner ear with a gradual decrease in hearing; COPD, bronchial asthma; impotence of vascular origin.

Trichopolum and Metronidazole


Trichopolum: 80 rub. 250mg N20
Metronidazole: 10 rub. 250mg N20
Active substance: Metronidazole.
Indications: Antibiotic. Protozoal infections: extraintestinal amebiasis, including amoebic liver abscess, intestinal amebiasis, trichomoniasis, giardiasis, balantidiasis, giardiasis, cutaneous leishmaniasis, trichomonas vaginitis, trichomonas urethritis. Infections caused by Bacteroides: infections of bones and joints, infections of the central nervous system, incl. meningitis, brain abscess, bacterial endocarditis, pneumonia, empyema and lung abscess, sepsis. Infections caused by Clostridium spp., Peptococcus and Peptostreptococcus species: abdominal infections (peritonitis, liver abscess), pelvic infections (endometritis, fallopian tube and ovarian abscess, vaginal vault infections). Pseudomembranous colitis (associated with antibiotic use). Gastritis or duodenal ulcer associated with Helicobacter pylori.

Troxevasin and Troxerutin


Troxevasin: 210 rub. 300mg N50
Troxerutin: 120 rub. 300mg N50
Active substance: troxerutin.
Indications: Varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency with such manifestations as static heaviness in the legs, leg ulcers, trophic skin lesions, superficial thrombophlebitis, periphlebitis, phlebothrombosis, leg ulcers, dermatitis, hemorrhoids, post-thrombotic syndrome, diabetic microangiopathy, retinopathy, hemorrhagic diathesis.

Ultop and Omeprazole


Ultop: 250 rub. 20mg N28
Omeprazole: 44r. 20mg N30
Active substance: omeprazole
Indications:– peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (including those resistant to treatment with other antiulcer drugs); – reflux esophagitis; – erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum associated with taking NSAIDs; – peptic ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori (in combination with antibacterial drugs); – Zollinger-Ellison syndrome; – prevention of acid aspiration (Mendelssohn syndrome).

Fastum-gel and Ketoprofen


Fastum-gel: 240 rub. 2.5% 50g
Ketoprofen: 60 rub. 2.5% 50g
Active substance: ketoprofen.
Indications: Gel, cream: acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis); injuries of the musculoskeletal system (including sports), sprains, ruptures of ligaments and tendons, tendinitis, bruise of muscles and ligaments, edema, phlebitis, lymphangitis, inflammatory processes of the skin. Rinse solution: inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx (angina, pharyngitis, stomatitis, glossitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, etc.).

Finlepsin and Carbamazepine


Finlepsin: 250 rub. 400mg N50
Carbamazepine: 40 rub. 200mg N50
Active substance: carbamazepine.
Indications: Epilepsy (excluding absence seizures, myoclonic or flaccid seizures) - partial seizures with complex and simple symptoms, primary and secondary generalized forms of seizures with tonic-clonic seizures, mixed forms of seizures (monotherapy or in combination with other anticonvulsants). Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia in multiple sclerosis (typical and atypical), idiopathic glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Acute manic states. Phasonic affective disorders (including bipolar) prevention of exacerbations, weakening of clinical manifestations during exacerbation. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (anxiety, convulsions, hyperexcitability, sleep disturbances). Diabetic neuropathy with pain syndrome. Diabetes insipidus of central origin.

Flucostat and Fluconazole


Flucostat: 150 rub. 150mg N1
Fluknazole: 25 rub. 150mg N1
Active substance: fluconazole.
Indications: Systemic lesions caused by Cryptococcus fungi, including meningitis, sepsis, lung and skin infections, both in patients with a normal immune response and in patients with various forms of immunosuppression (including AIDS patients, organ transplants); prevention of cryptococcal infection in patients with AIDS. Generalized candidiasis: candidemia, disseminated candidiasis. Genital candidiasis: vaginal (acute and recurrent), balanitis. Prevention of fungal infections in patients with malignant tumors during chemotherapy or radiation therapy; prevention of relapse of oropharyngeal candidiasis in patients with AIDS. Skin mycoses: feet, body, groin area, onychomycosis, pityriasis versicolor, skin candidal infections. Deep endemic mycoses (coccidioidosis, sporotrichosis and histoplasmosis) in patients with normal immunity.

Furamag and Furagin


Furamag: 350 rub. 50mg N30
Furagin: 40 rub. 50mg N30
Active substance: furazidin.
Indications: infectious and inflammatory diseases: purulent wounds, cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, purulent arthritis; infections of female genital organs; conjunctivitis, keratitis; burns; prevention of infections during urological operations, cystoscopy, catheterization. For washing cavities: peritonitis, pleural empyema.

Chemomycin and Azithromycin


Hemomycin: 270 rub. 250mg N6
Azithromycin: 100 rub. 250mg N6
Active substance: azithromycin.
Indications: Antibiotic. Infections of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs caused by sensitive pathogens: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, otitis media; scarlet fever; lower respiratory tract infections: pneumonia, bronchitis; infections of the skin and soft tissues: erysipelas, impetigo, secondary infected dermatoses; urinary tract infections: gonorrheal and non-gonorrheal urethritis, cervicitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers associated with Helicobacter pylori.

Enap and Enalapril


Enap: 130 rub. 20mg N20
Enalapril: 80 rub. 20mg N20
Active substance: knew adj.
Indications: arterial hypertension (symptomatic, renovascular, including with scleroderma, etc.), CHF I-III stages; prevention of coronary ischemia in patients with LV dysfunction, asymptomatic LV dysfunction.

Ersefuril and Furazolidone


Ersefuril: 390 rub. 200mg N28
Furazolidone: 3 rub. 50mg N10
Active substance: nifuroxazide in the first case and furazolidone in the second.
Indications: Diarrhea of ​​infectious origin, dysentery, paratyphoid fever, giardiasis, food toxic infections.