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Diffuse goiter in a newborn. How to understand that a child is developing endemic goiter

Today we’ll talk in more detail on the website portal about the disease associated with pathological processes thyroid gland. Endemic goiter in children occurs, according to statistics, in 10% of cases. The disease has several causes and negatively affects the child’s body.


The hormones that the thyroid gland secretes (calcitonin, triiodothyronine and thyroxine) have a direct effect on the growth, maturation of tissues and organs, and affect the metabolic processes of the body. Iodine and amino acids are necessary for the formation of thyroid hormones.

The coordinated work of hormones ensures full mental and physical development child, affects the functioning of the immune, nervous, digestive system, regulates puberty, both boys and girls.

To make a diagnosis, carry out laboratory research the child’s blood for the content of thyroid hormones, MRI, ultrasound, biopsy, thermography are prescribed.

Causes of pathology

An excess or deficiency of hormones produced causes abnormalities in the functioning of the organ. If there is insufficient intake of iodine in the body, hypertrophy (increase) is observed. glandular tissue, a goiter is formed.

There are several causes and factors that contribute to the occurrence and development of the disease:

  • poor diet;
  • heredity;
  • bad ecology;
  • application medical supplies, which impair the absorption of iodine;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • selenium deficiency.

The cause of the formation of endemic goiter in small child may be frequent infectious diseases, digestive problems, lack of iodine in the daily diet.

Symptoms of endemic goiter

It takes a long time for a goiter to form. At the beginning of the disease, the thyroid gland is not enlarged, but its functioning is already impaired. There are several signs of pathology:

  1. Fast fatiguability. The child is lethargic, weak, apathetic. becomes restless.
  2. Getting worse mental activity. Memory decreases and difficulty concentrating occurs.
  3. Coordination of movements is impaired.
  4. There is discomfort behind the sternum, in the heart area.
  5. A severe headache may occur.

As the goiter increases, the symptoms also increase:

  1. There is a feeling of constriction when swallowing.
  2. Hypotension or pressure changes.
  3. The heart rhythm is disturbed.
  4. Constipation appears.
  5. The gland increases in size.
  6. Swelling of the extremities occurs.

Signs of the disease depend on the age of the child: the younger he is, the more pronounced the manifestations and symptoms.


Diagnosis and treatment

The formation of endemic goiter in preschool age Fortunately, it is rare in children. The initial diagnosis can be made by a pediatrician. To confirm the diagnosis, an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland is prescribed and the result is evaluated general analysis blood and urine. According to the results of ultrasound, an increase in the volume of glandular tissue and a change in its structure are observed.

With this disease, the functions of the gland are not impaired, hormonal activity is normal. The main treatment is aimed at eliminating iodine deficiency in the child’s body. Iodine preparations are prescribed and it is recommended to adjust the child’s diet.

In the future, the pediatrician may refer the child for additional examination and subsequent treatment to an endocrinologist.

If, after replenishing iodine deficiency, alarming signs persist, the doctor will prescribe:

  1. A urine test that determines the amount of iodine in it.
  2. Analysis for the content of certain hormones in the blood - thyroglobulin, thyrotropin, T3, T4.
  3. Biopsy (if nodal form goiter).

For minor changes in the thyroid gland, iodine-containing drugs are prescribed. If the goiter is pronounced, apply hormone therapy. For nodular goiter, surgical intervention is indicated.

Why is it dangerous?

Untimely diagnosis of endemic goiter and delayed treatment of a child can lead to serious consequences.

To avoid serious consequences of pathology, it is necessary to consult a specialist in a timely manner.

Prevention measures

In order to prevent disease, it is necessary to eat foods with increased content Yoda: freshwater fish, seafood, dairy products, greens, spinach, seaweed, chicken eggs, meat. Iodized salt is also used in cooking.

For prevention, your doctor may prescribe dietary supplements containing iodine.

The site reminds us that an excess of iodine in the body, as well as its deficiency, negatively affects the functioning of the gland.

Iodine intake standards taking into account the child’s age.

Babies get everything essential microelements with mother's milk.


If you notice persistent changes in your child’s behavior, notice a protrusion in the neck, your child’s performance at school has dropped, or increased fatigue and anxiety, the child complains of choking or difficulty breathing - consult a doctor without delay.

A timely diagnosis will allow you to start treatment in a timely manner, prevent complications and severe consequences diseases.

The Belarusian population has become much more likely to encounter various diseases thyroid gland after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Radioactive iodine, entering the thyroid gland, replaces useful iodine and provokes the development of various tumors.

There are several forms of thyroid disease, and thyroid dysfunction affects a woman's mood and well-being, as well as the production of breast milk.

Often, a nursing mother may receive conflicting information from doctors. A woman may be told that breastfeeding is not advisable in this case or that the medications she is taking may be toxic to her baby and cause goiter development.

Recently, a young girl came to me for help who had undergone surgery to remove her thyroid gland as a result of malignant tumor. She is now pregnant and really wants to breastfeed. But doctors doubt that this is possible. They are afraid that lactation may return the disease, and the dose of the replacement hormone will have to be increased and this may affect hormonal background child.

So, let's see if this is actually true.

Hypothyroidism, pregnancy and breastfeeding

In this case we're talking about O hypothyroidism or disadvantage, or rather complete absence thyroid function. If the level of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is high, and the level of T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (tyrosine) is low, then this indicates a deficiency of the thyroid gland. A nursing mother must constantly take replacement therapy in the form of a synthetic hormone.

If you do not take medications, all processes in the mother’s body slow down. This can result in feeling cold all the time, depression and forgetfulness, as well as constipation and low milk supply.

By the way, many nursing mothers who are being treated for postpartum depression, it would be worth getting checked for the thyroid gland.

Most often prescribed as a hormone replacement for hypothyroidism. Levothyroxine (L-Thyroxine, levothyroxine sodium). This drug is fully compatible with breastfeeding (see Hale, Medications and Mother's Milk, 2010). Taking it not only improves well-being, but also increases breast milk production in such women.

Hyperthyroidism, pregnancy and breastfeeding

But it happens that a woman can develop opposite state, namely hyperthyroidism- hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, when the body begins to function much faster than necessary. This is expressed in rapid heartbeat, insomnia, anxiety, irritability and weight loss. Such women can be recognized by their characteristic unnaturally bulging eyes and enlarged goiter.

If hyperthyroidism is confirmed by a blood test, your doctor may order a radioactive scan of the thyroid gland to rule out the presence of a tumor. With this doctor's prescription, breastfeeding will have to be stopped for 24 hours.

Medicines that are used to treat hyperthyroidism - propylthioracil, methimazole (Tapazole, Tyrozol, Thiamazol), propranolol (Inderal). According to reference books on the compatibility of medications with breastfeeding, these medications are also compatible with breastfeeding.

Postpartum thyroiditis and breastfeeding

The most common finding during pregnancy is diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland ( goiter) with preservation of euthyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis, leading to changes in hormonal levels in the body.

So, according to statistics, during the first year after childbirth postpartum thyroiditis- syndrome of transient or chronic thyroid dysfunction, which is based on autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland - occurs in the general population in 5-9% of all women (). Although in different countries figures can vary greatly, for example in Thailand the figure is 1.1% and in Canada it is as high as 21.1%.

When treating these conditions Breastfeeding a baby is usually possible.

Iodine prophylaxis during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Also, iodine prophylaxis can be carried out throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding(the only contraindication for its implementation is pathological hyperthyroidism).

It is worth noting that during pregnancy there is natural change functional state thyroid gland - this must be taken into account when assessing its condition.

Remember that with timely detection and correction, almost any pathology of the thyroid gland is not a contraindication to pregnancy!

Finally, I would like to wish: dear women, also don’t be afraid to seek reliable information about your medical conditions before deciding to stop breastfeeding!

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Substernal goiter is a situation when the enlarged thyroid gland is located abnormally low (comes to its bottom for the jugular notch). This disease can be caused by diffuse toxic goiter, sporadic non-toxic goiter, endemic goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis or congenital ectopia of the thyroid gland. Increasing in size, the goiter begins to compress the respiratory organs and blood vessels, which leads to suffocation, dizziness, redness of the face and other symptoms. Also, during the course of substernal goiter, various dysfunctions of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism) can develop.

To make a diagnosis, ultrasound, blood tests for hormones and other studies are used. Traditionally, doctors prescribe surgery(complete removal of the thyroid gland). But patients have a chance to do without surgery and overcome the disease with folk remedies. This is a more gentle method for the body. The fact is that after the operation you need to take thyroid-stimulating hormones for the rest of your life, the person actually becomes disabled. Therefore surgery is extreme measures, it is better to restore the body using natural methods.

About the thyroid gland

A normal, healthy thyroid gland is shaped like a butterfly and is located on the lower front side of the neck. If it increases in size (in women - more than 20 sq. cm, in men - more than 25 sq. cm), it is already a goiter. In some cases it grows inward chest- then we are talking about retrosternal goiter.

Pathological tissues can have different structure, so we distinguish:

  • (characterized by the presence of tumors, bumps);
  • diffuse (characterized by uniform enlargement of the thyroid gland);
  • (the thyroid gland is uniformly enlarged, but there are nodes in some places).

There are also toxic and non-toxic goiter. In the first case, the thyroid gland cannot cope with the load and produces too many or too few hormones. In the second case, the hormonal levels are normal.

According to its location, the retrosternal goiter can be substernal, intrathoracic or diving. But this is a conditional division; there are no clear criteria here.

Causes of substernal goiter

The reason may be hidden in various violations. Goiter is usually associated with insufficient iodine in the diet. However, now this element has begun to be added to salt, so a very small percentage of patients actually suffer from iodine deficiency. The cause of the disease can be hormonal disorders, temporary changes in hormonal levels (for example, during pregnancy), or autoimmune disorders.

But if we are talking specifically about retrosternal goiter, then it is not yet known for what reason the thyroid gland descends. There are suggestions that this is related to anatomical features some patients - strong muscles the necks do not allow the goiter to grow forward; it seeks a place for itself, and therefore descends into the sternum.

Symptoms of substernal goiter

Since the gland grows in an unusual place, it puts a lot of pressure on surrounding structures, for example, the trachea, esophagus, and blood vessels. Thus, although the intrathoracic goiter itself does not hurt, it can cause a number of serious problems:

    • difficulty breathing, asthma attacks;
    • cough, shortness of breath;
    • hoarseness (due to damage or compression of the recurrent laryngeal nerve);
    • difficulty swallowing (dysphagia);
    • superior vena cava syndrome (this presents with a range of symptoms: redness of the face and neck, bulging eyes, vision problems, bloodshot eyes, swelling of the extremities, headaches, dizziness, balance problems);

  • a feeling that something is pressing on the chest;
  • symptoms of hyperthyroidism ( accelerated metabolism, rapid heartbeat, weight loss, problems sleeping and concentrating, elevated temperature) or hypothyroidism (slow metabolism, weight gain, drowsiness, feeling cold, depressed mood).

It is worth noting that symptoms of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism do not always appear. It happens that, despite the increase, the thyroid gland synthesizes hormones correctly.

The danger of nodules forming in the thyroid gland

Large thyroid nodules pose a risk to the health and life of patients. Not only do they compress the respiratory organs and blood vessels; at any moment the nodes can degenerate into benign or malignancy. Benign is a thyroid adenoma (a tumor consisting of glandular cells). Malignant is thyroid cancer (it develops from follicular cells). So patients with large nodes need constant monitoring by an endocrinologist.

Diagnosis and treatment of nodes

A retrosternal goiter is more difficult to treat than a correctly located goiter. Let's start with the fact that over many years it can develop unnoticed, and only typical symptoms of thyroid hormone disorders can force the patient to consult a specialist. Sometimes the diagnosis is made accidentally during routine fluorography.

If the doctor suspects the presence of a substernal goiter, he refers the patient to CT, MRI and scintigraphy of the thyroid gland. These studies help to find out the exact boundaries of tissue growth, the degree of inhibition neighboring organs, the presence and nature of the nodes (in most cases they are benign). In order to find out functionality thyroid gland, an isotope study with radioactive iodine is carried out. The patient will also have to donate blood for hormones.

Doctors usually insist on surgery complete removal thyroid gland (thyroidectomy). However, this is fraught with complications and risks. After surgery, the patient will have to use hormonal hormones for the rest of his life. replacement therapy. We recommend trying folk remedies. Our body has hidden reserves to independently improve your work and get rid of any disease. You just need to gently help him using all kinds of herbs and potions.

Folk remedies

Below are folk remedies that will help cope with substernal goiter of the thyroid gland.

Celandine tincture

This drug is especially recommended for large nodules or toxic goiter. Cut fresh or dry celandine grass, compact glass jar until about halfway, pour vodka on top, close and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain the tincture. Start with small doses (3-5 drops per day), since celandine is poisonous and the body must get used to it. Next, increase the dosage to 15 drops three times a day. Over time, the goiter will decrease in size.

Woodlice tea

Woodlice is a common weed that grows in dachas, and even in the city near roads. Few people know, but it is very useful for the thyroid gland; people who suffered from Chernobyl even treated goiter with it. Chop the chickweed leaves and dry them in a well-ventilated area. Every morning, brew 2 tablespoons of the plant in a glass of boiling water. This drug should be taken in 3 doses a day. The course of treatment must last at least 4 months for the plant to take effect.

Royal jelly

Royal jelly– a natural immunostimulant, so it will help if goiter is caused by autoimmune thyroiditis or other immune problems. Mix it with natural honey(in equal proportions) and take a teaspoon twice a day. To make the effect of the drug more pronounced, simultaneously take one mummy tablet per day.

Rye hay

Simple but very effective method treatment that will help even in cases of large goiter. You will need stems prepared from young milk oats. Every morning, boil a handful of hay in a liter of water (boil for half an hour) and drink in the afternoon instead ordinary water. After a few weeks you will notice progress.

Green walnut syrup

There's one more thing good remedy from of this disease– syrup from walnuts. To do this, green fruits need to be grated. Place them in a glass jar, alternating a centimeter layer of nuts with a centimeter layer of sugar. Sprinkle a little more sugar on top, close the vessel and place it in a dark place for 1 month. Then strain the syrup. Take it 20 drops twice a day (for patients childhood the dosage should be reduced by 2-3 times).

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Treatment nodular goiter

Causes of nodular goiter

Treatment of nodular goiter at home

Treatment of nodular goiter at home consists of correcting your diet - you need to saturate the menu with certain products. To eliminate iodine deficiency (in many cases it is the cause of goiter), it is recommended to consume iodized salt and foods containing iodine - seafood, seaweed, eggs, kiwi, feijoa, Rye bread, chokeberry etc. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of foods containing alimentary fiber- porridge, grain bread, beans, beets, pumpkin, fruits. It is necessary to limit the consumption of so-called goitrogenic foods - cabbage, turnips, rutabaga, and some varieties of corn. These products interfere with the absorption of iodine and somewhat inhibit the function of the thyroid gland.

Living in a region that is not characterized by iodine deficiency can also have a positive effect on health - these can be sea coasts and sanatorium treatment Here. On the recommendation of your doctor, you can take biological courses at home active additives, promising a positive effect for the thyroid gland.

However, it is necessary to understand that the listed measures themselves can be a preventive measure for nodular goiter, but cannot completely cure the resulting disease. therefore it is necessary to take a course specific treatment under the supervision of a specialized specialist, an endocrinologist.

What drugs are used to treat nodular goiter?

Treatment of nodular goiter with traditional methods

Treatment of nodular goiter folk methods can be concomitant with the main traditional methods, however, if used exclusively they rarely show positive results.

Decoctions of mistletoe, Japanese sophora, white cinquefoil, Caucasian hellebore, madder, cocklebur, licorice, evasive peony, soapwort, and marsh cinquefoil can be used.

Meet traditional methods treatment of nodular goiter with iodine solution, lubricated with it skin surfaces and even taken internally. However, such recommendations must be treated with caution, since pharmaceutical iodine solutions are not intended for oral use, and completely different forms of this chemical element are used in the treatment of the thyroid gland.

Treatment of nodular goiter during pregnancy

The presence of a nodular goiter in a patient, for which she is already receiving therapy, is usually not a contraindication for planning pregnancy, but there are exceptions. Principles treatment of nodular goiter during pregnancy, with the exception of a number of features, do not differ significantly from the standard approaches used by endocrinologists.

Advantage is given to three treatment options: monotherapy with iodine preparations, monotherapy with L-thyroxine preparations, combination therapy preparations of iodine and L-thyroxine. The first treatment option is recognized as the most optimal, because in the majority of cases in young women, monotherapy with iodine preparations often achieves sufficient therapeutic effect. In addition, iodine monotherapy simultaneously solves the second problem, namely, it provides individual iodine prophylaxis. The second place in frequency of use is occupied by combination therapy with iodine and L-thyroxine. It is appropriate when a woman received such therapy before pregnancy and it is not recommended to transfer her to monotherapy with iodine preparations. At normal function thyroid gland and its slight enlargement, the additional prescription of suppressive therapy with L-thyroxine for the first time during pregnancy is not considered appropriate by all experts, although it is safe for both the mother and the fetus, and therefore is used sometimes.

Iodine preparations are prescribed with caution for autoimmune thyroiditis; they should not be used for tuberculosis, hemorrhagic diathesis, Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis and others are enough rare diseases. They are prescribed with caution for kidney diseases, chronic pyoderma, and urticaria.

When determining a treatment strategy, first of all, the doctor proceeds from the fact that during pregnancy there is no need to achieve a radical regression of the goiter, because within 9 months even outside pregnancy it is difficult to achieve significant changes.

Which doctors should you contact if you have a nodular goiter?

Treatment of other diseases starting with the letter - y

Hormones produced by the thyroid gland are involved in the most important biochemical processes in the body. Without them, metabolism and functioning are impossible. nervous system. Disruption of the thyroid gland leads to diseases of the heart and other organs. The consequences of hormonal imbalance are disruption of the reproductive system, the occurrence of oncological diseases. One of the typical manifestations of a functional failure is an increase in the volume of the organ and the appearance of a goiter.

There are endemic and sporadic goiter.


Characteristic of geographic areas where there is a lack of iodine in water and food. The causes of the disease can be:

  • contamination of natural bodies of water with substances that interfere with the absorption of iodine in the body (nitrates, chromium and calcium compounds);
  • lack of zinc, copper, selenium and other elements in water and food that promote the absorption of iodine and the formation of thyroid hormones;
  • poor sanitary and hygienic conditions and an unfavorable social environment, provoking infectious diseases;
  • the traditional predominance in food of foods with a high content of goitrogenic substances that block the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland, as well as a lack of foods containing iodine (fish, fruits) in the diet;
  • congenital thyroid dysfunction.


It occurs in people living in areas where there are no natural disturbances in iodine levels. The causes of diseases may be unfavorable ecology, abuse of hormonal and some other medications, and genetic predisposition to thyroid diseases.

The appearance of a goiter can be triggered by emotional stress or physical overload. In addition, sporadic goiter of the thyroid gland is formed during the development of diseases associated with disruption of the structure of its tissues (adenoma, tumors, tuberculosis). Reason autoimmune pathologies thyroid gland may be a congenital malfunction immune system, as well as infectious contamination.

Goiter occurs in both children and adults of both sexes. In women, this pathology occurs much more often than in men, due to the fact that hormonal levels are unstable. Their hormone ratios change several times over the course of a month. Sharp jumps levels of various hormones occur during growing up, during pregnancy, after childbirth, and with the onset of menopause.

If iodine deficiency was observed in the mother during pregnancy, the child may develop a congenital goiter, resulting in a lack of thyroid hormones T3 and T4 in the body.

Note: In children, pathology such as atrophy or reduction of the thyroid gland occurs. At the same time, the level of thyroid hormones is extremely low, as a result of which dementia (cretinism) develops.

Another reason for the formation of congenital goiter may be the appearance of a dermoid cyst on the neck (during the formation of organs, a cavity is formed containing particles of germinal tissue: fat, bone and hair).

Degree of goiter development

Based on the severity of symptoms, the following degrees of development of pathology are distinguished:

  • the increase in goiter is imperceptible;
  • external manifestations absent, but an increase in the volume of the gland is detected upon palpation;
  • The goiter is visible to the naked eye, it can also be detected by touch.

Video: Causes and consequences of thyroid diseases in women

Types of goiter

There are several types of pathology: diffuse goiter (with uniform growth of thyroid tissue), nodular goiter (with the formation individual nodes) and mixed.

With the development of nodular goiter, the thickening of the neck may be asymmetrical if it forms only on the right or left lobe of the thyroid gland. But a two-sided defeat is also possible.

Overgrown thyroid follicles can be dense in structure. But in most cases they are filled with a viscous liquid - a colloid (the so-called diffuse, nodular or mixed “colloid” is formed). This type of pathology is the most harmless, as it does not lead to malignant degeneration cells.

By location they are distinguished:

  • ordinary goiter;
  • partially extending beyond the sternum;
  • located in the form of a ring.

A goiter located in the area of ​​the root of the tongue and the accessory lobe of the thyroid gland is called dystopic.

Symptoms of various types of pathology

Symptoms of a goiter appear after its size increases, when it begins to put pressure on neighboring tissues. Metabolic disorders lead to fluid retention in tissues and swelling in the neck and sternum. Possible increase in body temperature. In this case, difficulties arise when breathing, swallowing, turning the head, a dry cough appears, it becomes hoarse voice. Pinching blood vessels leads to dizziness.

Pathological conditions of the body leading to the formation of a thyroid goiter are divided into the following types: hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and euthyroidism.


This is a condition that occurs due to insufficiently active production of thyroid hormones. Wherein metabolic processes slow down in the body. As a result, a person develops obesity, swelling, and mental and physical inhibition.

Symptoms such as weakness, chronic fatigue, drowsiness, constant desire to warm up. Dry skin and hair loss are observed.

A characteristic feature is apathy, low arterial pressure, slow heart rate, arrhythmia and heart failure. Fainting may occur. In women, the production of sex hormones decreases and amenorrhea occurs.

An example of such a pathology is Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The disease is of an autoimmune nature. The cells that are supposed to produce hormones are destroyed by your own immune system.


Increased production of hormones and abnormal acceleration of metabolism lead to a person’s sudden weight loss and exhaustion of the nervous system. Similar condition occurs with such autoimmune diseases, as "toxic goiter" ( Graves' disease), “fibroplastic goiter of Riedel”, as well as with benign tumors(thyroid adenomas). With hyperthyroidism, there is increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, irritability and agitation. A characteristic sign is hand trembling. Patients complain of increased urination. In women, hot flashes (attacks of heat followed by chills and sweating) intensify.

Graves' disease– a dense lump appears in the neck area. Eyeballs become convex due to an increase in their size. Blinking is extremely rare. Blindness may occur due to damage to the optic nerve.

Riedel's fibroplastic goiter. Cell destruction by lymphocytes leads to proliferation connective tissue thyroid gland and the formation of a very dense, asymmetrically located fibrous goiter (called “iron goiter”).

Adenoma. Pathological tissue growth occurs in a limited area, due to which a one-sided seal appears on the neck.


The growth of thyroid tissue does not affect the production of hormones, but its increase leads to the formation of nodes. This is a borderline condition; a subsequent decrease or increase in the level of thyroid hormones may occur. Typical symptoms are the formation of growths on the neck, uncontrolled weight gain, irritability, change in voice, and the feeling of a lump in the throat.

Video: Diagnosis of nodular goiter


The presence of seals that occur with a goiter of the thyroid gland is determined by palpating the neck. An ultrasound is performed to assess their location and nature. This method also allows you to examine the condition of blood vessels and lymph nodes.

A blood test is performed for thyroid hormones T3 (triiodothyronine), T4 (thyroxine), calcitonin, as well as TSH ( thyroid-stimulating hormone pituitary gland).

Held biochemical analysis blood for cholesterol, sugar, protein and other substances. This allows you to estimate the metabolic rate in the body.

To test the ability of the thyroid gland to absorb iodine, scintigraphy is used - a study in which radioactive isotopes of iodine are injected into the gland, and then the rate of their distribution throughout the body is studied using a special counter.

To study the condition of the organs in the chest area, an x-ray or examination is performed computer methods. The nature of the pathology is determined using a biopsy of compaction tissue.

Goiter treatment

The consequences of the disease depend on the type of thyroid dysfunction. With hypothyroidism, a person can fall into coma. Hyperthyroidism leads to blindness. Toxic goiter sometimes causes death.

When treating hypothyroidism, a diet containing foods high in iodine is prescribed. In case of hyperthyroidism, on the contrary, it is recommended to limit their use.

The treatment method depends on the nature of the pathology, stage of the disease, and age of the patient. The main methods of treatment are drug therapy, treatment with radioactive iodine and surgery.

Drug treatment

On initial stage The preparations iodomarin and potassium iodide help eliminate iodine deficiency in the formation of goiter.

If there is an excess of thyroid hormones in the body, therapy is carried out with thyreostatic drugs that suppress the production of thyroid hormones. Thimazole and propylthiouracil are used.

If there is a shortage of hormones, L-thyroxine and euthirox, which are synthetic analogues of thyroid hormones, are prescribed. The dose of drugs is selected individually and is constantly adjusted in accordance with the results of blood tests for hormones (T3 and T4). Such drugs are taken for years, and sometimes for life.

Radical treatment methods

One of them is the destruction of gland tissue using radioactive iodine. In this way, they achieve a decrease in hormone production and eliminate hyperthyroidism. The method is used in the treatment of thyrotoxicosis, diffuse toxic goiter and cancer.

The second method is surgical removal part or all of the thyroid gland. After surgery, lifelong medication is required to maintain the level of thyroid hormones and calcium in the body.

Goiter during pregnancy

Goiter of the thyroid gland in women during pregnancy leads to the appearance serious complications its course affects the development of the fetus and the process of delivery.

Lack of iodine leads to disruption of the formation of the placenta, which ensures the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. The child may develop dwarfism, deafness, mental retardation. He may be stillborn.

The consequences for the expectant mother herself may be hypertension, heart failure, the appearance of edema, premature birth due to placental abruption, the appearance uterine bleeding during and after childbirth.

For goiter mild degree It is possible to correct hormone levels with the help of medications. In more difficult cases sometimes surgical removal of the goiter is performed at 14 weeks of pregnancy. If a moderate or severe form of the disease occurs, termination of pregnancy is recommended, since treatment with thyroid hormones in high doses has an extremely harmful effect on the development of the fetus.

Video: How the thyroid gland affects a woman’s reproductive system