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Non-toxic diffuse goiter (euthyroid). Diffuse nontoxic goiter: diagnosis, prevention, treatment

Nodular nontoxic goiter thyroid gland- this is an increase in the size of the gland with the formation of compactions or nodules in its tissue. It produces hormones that help regulate the human body's metabolism. It is located on the neck in its anterior area directly under the Adam's apple. The nodes are rarely painful and, as a rule, grow very slowly.

Eat different kinds goiter Let's consider a non-toxic goiter, or sporadic. This is a type of simple goiter, which can be:

  • Diffuse - involving the entire gland tissue in the process.
  • Uzlov. In this case, nodules form and grow on the gland. There may be a lot nodular goiter.

The development of compactions is a marker of goiter progression. In this situation, consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary, who decides on further treatment methods for such a patient.

Reasons for the formation of nodes

The exact reasons why nodular nontoxic goiter develops are unknown. It can be caused by too much or, conversely, insufficient synthesis of hormones. There are cases when a goiter of the thyroid gland forms when it normal function. It is necessary to note the high frequency of such situations. Some possible reasons The development of this disease is also heredity. For example, among family members there are patients with thyroid goiter.

In addition, the problem may occur with regular use of drugs such as lithium, propylthiouracil, phenylbutazone, or when taking many substances that have the ability to inhibit hormone synthesis. This list also includes foods such as cabbage, turnips, Brussels sprouts, seaweed and millet.

Iodine deficiency is a fairly rare phenomenon in developed countries with organized medical care. Through the use of iodized table salt this problem can be effectively controlled. In other parts of the world, especially in mountainous areas or areas that are prone to flooding, this becomes a major cause of the disease.

The following factors increase the likelihood of developing a thyroid goiter:

  • Floor. Nontoxic goiter is detected more often in women than in men.
  • Age over 40 years.
  • Foods low in iodine.

If there are any risk factors, this should be reported to your doctor. In addition, the presence of goiter patients in the family, carried out in the past, is also reflected. radiation therapy on the head or neck area, especially in childhood.

Symptoms of the disease, diagnosis

Nodular goiter, as a rule, has no obvious symptoms unless it becomes very large. If any of the symptoms occur, do not think that the cause was the presence of a node. They may be caused by less serious illnesses. If these symptoms persist for a long time, you should consult a doctor:

  • swelling in the neck area;
  • difficulty breathing, coughing, wheezing;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • feeling of neck constriction;
  • Hoarseness of the voice or change in its tone.

The endocrinologist will definitely ask about your symptoms and medical history. An objective examination will also be carried out.

The following tests may be prescribed and performed by an endocrinologist:

  • examination of the neck to assess the degree of enlargement of the gland;
  • Ultrasound uses sound waves to identify nodules and their size, and also allows you to determine the degrees of enlargement, there are three of them;
  • a blood test to evaluate levels of hormones, such as thyroid hormone, or autoantibodies to glandular tissue;
  • radioactive scanning of the thyroid gland, it is called scintigraphy. This is a photograph of an organ after the introduction of radioactive isotopes into the body. This technique allows you to diagnose how it functions and rule out cancer;
  • a biopsy may be done - a tissue sample is taken with a small needle to determine whether the tumor is benign or malignant;
  • a barium test allows you to determine whether the esophagus is compressed if you have difficulty swallowing;
  • X-ray of the neck and chest to see if the trachea is compressed.

Treatment of thyroid goiter

Nodular goiter, as a rule, grows very slowly. It cannot cause any symptoms. At this phase of the formation and growth of nodes, it is possible to identify them when carrying out ultrasound scanning. In this case, patients do not need specialized treatment. The main focus of therapy will be compensation for iodine deficiency. In fact, iodine prophylaxis will be a treatment method, and a very effective one, allowing, if not to achieve a reduction in the size of the seals, then in most cases to stop their growth.

More aggressive therapy may become necessary when the thyroid goiter becomes significantly larger in size, puts pressure on the neck, or interferes with breathing and swallowing.

If there is progression of the thyroid goiter and the nodule turns into cancerous tumor, then there is a need for specialized treatment. Treatment options.

  • Hormone therapy to suppress thyroid function. A synthetic analogue of triiodothyronine is prescribed in the form of a tablet preparation. It suppresses the secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which has a stimulating effect on the gland. This therapy is most effective for the early stage of thyroid goiter, which is formed due to disturbances in the synthesis of hormones.
  • Application of radioactive isotope of iodine. This treatment method is used in patients with thyroid goiter to reduce its size. It is used in older people when surgery cannot be used.
  • Thyroidectomy. This is an operation to remove part or all of the gland. This treatment is chosen if there is a patient with a thyroid goiter so large that there is difficulty breathing or swallowing.


Simple non-toxic goiter is a disease characterized by diffuse or nodal increase thyroid gland in people who do not live in areas where goiter is endemic.

Simple nontoxic or sporadic goiter It occurs more often in women and in those who work with goitrogenic substances. These are mercury, benzene, thiocyanates, nitrates.

Exists hereditary predisposition to the development of this type goiter. It can be familial and occur over several generations, especially in women of childbearing age. The frequency of non-toxic goiter increases with age, with malnutrition, especially with a lack of protein in the diet.

For education thyroid hormones one of the essential amino acids– tyrosine. And with a lack of it in food, the synthesis of thyroxine and triiodothyronine slows down. When exposed to pesticides, nitrogen oxides, lead salts, mercury, hydrogen sulfide compounds, cyanides, the formation of thyroid hormones is suppressed, which can also lead to the development of goiter. The effect of all is especially enhanced unfavorable factors V adolescence, when the body grows and rebuilds and needs a large amount of thyroid hormones. The same thing happens during pregnancy during menopause. Increases the need for thyroid hormones over long periods of time stressful situations and chronic diseases.

Possible occurrence simple non-toxic goiter with long-term use of certain medicines. These are medications containing lithium, perchlorates, thiocyanates, thiouracil and thiourea derivatives. It also has an adverse effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. a large number of fats in blood plasma. Under the influence of all these unfavorable factors, any of the stages of the formation of thyroid hormones is disrupted:

  • absorption of iodine by gland tissue
  • tyrosine biosynthesis
  • synthesis of thyroxine and triiodothyronine
  • the normal ratio of thyroxine and triiodothyronine shifts towards the more active triiodothyronine
  • transport of hormones to their site of action.

Failure thyroid hormones in the blood, in turn, causes the release of a large amount of the pituitary hormone in the brain - thyrotropin, which stimulates the thyroid gland. Under the influence of this hormone, the thyroid tissue grows, the thyroid gland increases in volume evenly ( diffuse goiter ) or local tissue growths form ( nodular goiter). Over time, cysts and hemorrhages in the nodes may appear in the thyroid gland, calcium salts are deposited in the thyroid tissue, and calcifications are formed.

Diagnosis of simple non-toxic goiter.

Simple non-toxic goiter Maybe for a long time proceed unnoticed by the patient, especially during early stages. Upon examination and palpation, an increase in the size of the thyroid gland or uneven structure of the gland - nodules - may be detected. Palpation of the thyroid gland is painless.

In the future there will be discomfort in the thyroid gland, a feeling of a lump in the throat, difficulty swallowing, a feeling of pressure in the neck when tilting and turning the head. Sometimes, with a large thyroid gland, when lying on your back, there may be difficulty breathing. Thyroid function is usually preserved.

But sometimes they appear signs of lung hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function), which increases under unfavorable conditions ( chronic diseases, increased physical and mental stress, pregnancy).

The patient develops chilliness and slowness. Weight may increase. The skin of patients is dry. Body temperature may be slightly reduced. The heart rate slows down. In women it may be impaired menstrual cycle. may also be a cause of infertility.

Diagnosis simple non-toxic goiter installed in patients who do not live in goiter-endemic regions. Held finger examination thyroid gland, which suggests the presence of goiter. At ultrasound examination gland, its size and the shape of the goiter (diffuse or nodular) are specified. To determine the function of the thyroid gland, a radioisotope study of the thyroid gland is performed, measuring the level of thyroid hormones in the blood. Sometimes, if the amount of blood hormones is sufficient, a test with rifatiroin is performed to study the reserves of the gland, which makes it possible to identify hidden hypothyroidism.

Treatment of simple non-toxic goiter.

In the treatment of simple non-toxic goiter great importance has a diet. Nutrition should be complete. You need to eat enough protein in your food. Goitrogenic (promoting goiter development) should be excluded from food products. These are radishes, radishes, beans, rutabaga, cauliflower, peanuts.

Drug treatment simple non-toxic goiter held synthetic hormones thyroid gland (thyroxine, thyroidome). Thyroxine is prescribed on an empty stomach. The dose of the drug is selected individually, monitoring the patient’s condition and the amount of thyroid hormones in the blood. If the patient maintains a constant weight, the pulse normalizes and arterial pressure, the size of the thyroid gland decreases, in the blood normal amount hormones - the dose is considered sufficient.

Surgery simple non-toxic goiter is carried out if the thyroid gland rapidly increases in volume, despite treatment, if there are signs of compression of the neck organs and if a so-called cold nodule is detected in the thyroid gland. Cold is a nodular formation that, when radioisotope research does not accumulate radioactive iodine and the results of his biopsy are doubtful, that is, cancerous degeneration of thyroid cells cannot be ruled out. The prognosis for this disease is favorable. With timely treatment, recovery occurs.

The concept of non-toxic goiter means a persistent increase in size in the area where the thyroid gland is located. This form of pathology indicates the absence of changes in the level of hormones in the blood. In turn, the reason for the enlargement of the thyroid gland is the hyperplasia of its tissues. The development of non-toxic goiter is not accompanied by a violation of the proper reproduction, growth and functioning of cells. An enlarged thyroid gland is not associated with inflammatory processes or the presence of malignant tumors. At the same time, the increase can occur either evenly or unevenly, accompanied by corresponding symptoms that cause discomfort to the patient.


What can cause a non-toxic goiter in a minor patient depends, first of all, on the type of pathology. Today, based on how the disorder manifests itself, three independent types of non-toxic goiter are distinguished, namely:

  • Diffuse. This condition is not accompanied by a disorder or complete dysfunction of the thyroid gland. The concept of endemic goiter refers to the very fact of organ enlargement. At the same time, pathology is observed in every 10th person on earth. As a rule, the development of diffuse non-toxic goiter is caused by a negative environmental situation or genetic, hereditary factors.
  • Colloid nodular. The reason that entails the development of this type of goiter is a lack of iodine in the foods and drinks consumed by the child. This form of the disease is especially common among residents of regions where the level of iodine in the mail is minimal, and the area itself does not have close access to the sea. In addition, the development of colloidal nodular goiter of a non-toxic type is determined by heredity and the presence of cases of goiter among the child’s blood relatives.
  • Multinode. Experts are still not ready to answer the question of what can cause the development of non-toxic goiter of this type. Formation of nodules in connective tissues occurs as a result of differences in the growth rates of individual parts of the organ. Genetic disorders and poor nutrition can increase risks.


As a non-toxic goiter develops, the patient does not feel any signs of pain. The increase occurs gradually, and accelerates when signs of hemorrhage are present in any of the nodules. A striking manifestation of the pathology is the sensation of a compressed trachea. A minor patient often coughs and begins to have breathing problems if the form is severe.

The first signs of pathology are basic and look like this:

  • a slight increase in temperature can be detected in a child;
  • there are attacks of dry cough and frequent shortness of breath;
  • the child’s voice “sits down” and becomes more hoarse;
  • noted sharp increase sweating, especially at night;
  • the child begins to have difficulty withstanding the heat or low temperatures, sensitivity skin rises;
  • the psycho-emotional state changes, signs of irritability, anxiety, and sleep disturbances appear;
  • the child complains of problems with stool that are not related to his diet.

Diagnosis of non-toxic goiter in a child

In order to accurately diagnose a non-toxic goiter, the doctor evaluates all enlargement parameters. Namely:

  • form,
  • symmetry,
  • structure,
  • sizes, etc.

Before prescribing tests and hardware diagnostics to patients, the doctor conducts a visual examination with palpation of the neck area in order to determine the location and weight of the pathology. In the case of a single nodule or several nodes at once, a biopsy is prescribed for a minor patient. Additionally, an assessment method based on organ dysfunction is used to make a diagnosis. A biopsy is not required if we are talking about nodular or diffuse goiter.


Like any pathology of the thyroid gland, non-toxic goiter is more than dangerous. Problems with endocrine system cause severe and irreversible consequences in the absence of adequate treatment. Thus, the quality of future adult life child.


Nontoxic goiter is the “slowest” goiter; it can develop asymptomatically over many years. If clear signs There is no deterioration of the condition in the form of cough, breathing problems, etc., there is no need to treat goiter. You need to decide what to do only when the dynamics of the growth of an organ or an individual nodule that has formed is obvious. Similarly, first aid is provided to a child in cases where an enlarged thyroid gland is accompanied by real discomfort due to compression of the trachea or esophagus.

What can you do

Methods alternative medicine do not help cure non-toxic goiter in a child. In turn, self-prescription of drugs (hormonal and iodine-containing) is not only undesirable, but also potentially dangerous. The parents’ task is to provide the child with a comfortable psycho-emotional environment and ensure compliance with doctors’ recommendations.

What does a doctor do

Surgical removal of an enlarged thyroid gland is performed extremely rarely when the pathology has reached an impressive size. In other cases, the doctor prescribes thyroidectomy and therapy with drugs containing iodine that are appropriate for the age and condition of the child. Hormonal treatment begins when there are no other methods that can provide an effective result in the form of recovery.


In order to prevent the development of non-toxic goiter in a child, it is important to monitor his diet, strengthen his immune system, protect him from stress and negative factors environment. Regular visits to the doctor are mandatory, especially if the child lives in a region where the prevalence of non-toxic goiter is especially high.

Pathological enlargement of the thyroid gland also occurs outside areas of goiter endemia. This phenomenon is called non-toxic goiter. The development of the disease is associated with a violation of the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones and iodine metabolism in the body, the influence of a small but long-term increase in the level of TSH and TSH-like factors, immunoglobulins that stimulate the growth of the thyroid gland, but do not affect it functional state, and etc.

Symptoms of the development of non-toxic goiter

The clinical signs of the disease are similar to those of endemic goiter. Ultrasound with fine needle is of no value for diagnosis. aspiration biopsy. Determination of TSH, T 3 and T 4 levels is indicated for patients toxic goiter for symptoms of increased or decreased thyroid function.

Symptoms different types non-toxic goiter

Based on the nature of damage to the thyroid gland, they are distinguished:



and multinodular nontoxic goiter.

Morphologically there are:


parenchymal and

most common in clinical practice mixed nontoxic goiter (proliferating colloid goiter).

Features of treatment of non-toxic goiter

If the colloid goiter is diffuse or represented by one small node (up to 3 cm in diameter), the patient should be treated conservatively with thyroid hormone preparations (preference is given to L-thyroxine). The dose of the drug in the treatment of non-toxic goiter is selected so that the TSH level does not exceed 0.1 mU/l in premenopausal women and men under 60 years of age.

In postmenopausal women, men over 60 years of age and in patients with heart disease, in the treatment of non-toxic goiter, smaller doses of Thyroxine are used, lowering the TSH level to 0.5-1.0 mU/l (TSH-suppressive therapy). Such patients are subject to dynamic observation With reuse Ultrasound with fine-needle aspiration biopsy, hormonal blood tests every 3 to 4 months.

Surgical removal of non-toxic goiter

The scope of surgical treatment of non-toxic goiter depends on the size of the nodular formations and their location. For nodular goiter, resection of the affected lobe is usually performed. In case of multinodular goiter localized in one lobe, subtotal resection of the lobe or hemithyroidectomy is performed, with localization in two lobes - subtotal thyroidectomy with urgent histological examination.

Indications for surgical removal goiter

Indications for surgical treatment serve:

suspicion of malignancy of the node,

symptoms of goiter compression of surrounding organs and tissues,

no effect from conservative treatment non-toxic goiter for 6 months (progressive growth of the node).

Patients at risk for this disease are also subject to surgical treatment. possible development thyroid cancer (see section "Malignant tumors").

IN postoperative period To prevent relapse of the disease, long-term therapy with thyroid hormone preparations under the control of TSH and thyroid hormone levels is indicated. Preventive therapy with Thyroxine is indicated for all patients after subtotal resection of the thyroid gland, as well as for patients with a smaller volume of surgery, but TSH level, located at the upper limit of normal (5 mIU/l).

Treatment with folk remedies for non-toxic goiter

Treatment folk remedies this disease helps patients well. Today there are a large number good recipes, which help in the treatment of diseases of various forms.

Treatment of non-toxic diffuse goiter with folk remedies

Willow will help you from the formation of knots. In the spring, young leaves of the tree are collected, stuffed into a saucepan (4 liters), filled with water and placed on low heat. You need to cook until all the water is gone and a little dark brown liquid remains at the bottom of the pan, the consistency of which resembles sour cream. It is this liquid that should be applied to the neck in the thyroid area every day. It is best to carry out the treatment before bedtime, and not even rinse it off in the morning. The procedure should be done all summer, and by autumn the nodes will disappear, and the diffuse goiter will become half the size.

Take 200 grams of honey, kernels walnuts and raw buckwheat. Nuts and buckwheat need to be ground in a coffee grinder. Stir the resulting mixture well into a homogeneous mass and eat within 24 hours after preparation. Treatment of non-toxic goiter with this folk remedy should be repeated after three days, but you need to eat it for nine days. Do not consume for three days, then prepare another portion, which must be eaten within nine days. After about three to six months, repeat the course of treatment for diffuse goiter. This recipe is very helpful in treating diffuse goiter.

For the treatment of diffuse non-toxic goiter, it is recommended to take tincture of white cinquefoil. It is suitable as a medicine for grades 1-4. It also acts as a regulator of thyroid hormones. To prepare such a folk remedy, you need to pour 1-2 tablespoons of the herb into two glasses of boiling water and leave it in a thermos overnight to infuse. In the morning, the tincture for diffuse goiter is filtered and taken 3-4 times a day, half a glass 20 minutes before meals.

During the treatment of non-toxic goiter, it is recommended to take tincture of green walnuts. To prepare the tincture, you need to chop 50 grams of nuts and pour them into a glass medical alcohol without impurities. The folk remedy for diffuse goiter should be infused for two months in a dark place at room temperature. Periodically, the container with the tincture needs to be shaken, this will only improve your tincture. When the tincture is ready, you can start taking it. If you have a diffuse goiter, then three times a day, one teaspoon half an hour before meals is exactly your portion. This tincture is very useful, because in addition to iodine, it contains many astringents and tannins, which are so necessary for the thyroid gland. But the microelement composition contributes to the proper production of hormones.

Treatment of non-toxic nodular goiter with folk remedies

A disease characterized by the enlargement or appearance of nodules and neoplasms in the thyroid gland is called nodular goiter. Traditional medicine in such cases applies surgery, but traditional medicine is not so radical and has many recipes for the treatment of non-toxic nodular goiter.

Take 100g. Be sure to pour half a liter of boiling water over small cherry branches with buds and boil for 30 minutes. Method of taking a folk remedy for the treatment of non-toxic goiter: 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

30-40 pieces of green walnuts need to be washed, dried and poured with honey. For forty days you need to infuse in a dark, cold place. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, wash down with milk.

You need to squeeze the juice and pulp out of ten lemons. Using a blender, chop 10 heads of garlic and mix everything together with one liter of honey. We infuse the folk remedy in a dark, cold place for one week. Method for treating non-toxic goiter: swallow 2 dessert spoons very slowly.

Good effect in the treatment of nodular non-toxic goiter can be achieved by consuming powder from sea kale leaves, you need to wash it down big amount water. The course of treatment for non-toxic goiter is at least 30 days. IN finished form sold in pharmacies.

Take 3 tablespoons of motherwort, gorse – one tablespoon. Flowers chokeberry 3 tablespoons, 2 tablespoons lily of the valley. All ingredients need to be mixed from the resulting mixture, one tablespoon and pour 1.5 liters hot water, let stand for a few minutes, strain. Method of use in the treatment of non-toxic goiter: a teaspoon in the morning, lunch and evening.

Take granulated sugar and mix feijoa one to one - a very useful treatment for nodular goiter using folk remedies. Directions for use: 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach (in the morning, 1 time).

An excellent tool When treating nodular goiter, use tea made from silverweed herb. The more you drink, the better.

Rubbing the neck with fresh oak bark has a beneficial effect for the prevention of non-toxic goiter.

Drink potato juice half a glass two to three times a day thirty minutes before meals; the course of such treatment for non-toxic goiter should be two to three weeks.

For effective treatment If you have a nodular goiter, take half a liter of a mixture of different juices daily: potato, celery, carrot, cucumber and beetroot. This kind of juice therapy always gives the most positive result in the shortest possible time, but only on the condition that the patient’s diet excludes meat and fish products.

Eat seaweed, it is widely used in folk medicine. You can take it in the form of powders, half or one teaspoon, wash it down with water, take it two to three times a day, always before meals. A course of treatment seaweed is thirty days.

For the treatment of non-toxic nodular goiter, medicinal lemon balm and valerian are also useful. Pour two tablespoons of half a liter of boiling water, pour it into a thermos along with the herbs and leave overnight. Take one third or fourth glass five to four times a day. So that the taste is also on top level It is allowed to add honey, sugar, etc. to the decoction. The course of treatment is the folk way lasts from one and a half to two months, after this time a break is taken for ten to fourteen days, the composition of the collection changes slightly and the treatment continues further.

Another treatment method is this: you will need one teaspoon of internal partitions walnut, fill it with glasses of boiling water, leave until it cools down. It is worth taking half a glass twice a day, thirty minutes before meals. It is recommended to eat walnut kernels as a general tonic. Nuts, by the way, are an excellent remedy for the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Pass the feijoa fruits in a blender or through a meat grinder, sprinkle them with sugar in a ratio of one to one, store the product in the refrigerator, take it one tablespoon two to three times a day half an hour before meals.

If you have a non-toxic goiter, you can choose the one that is most suitable for you or combine several at once. It is also important when treating goiter to pay attention to vitamins: it is advisable to take a course in parallel with herbs.

Nontoxic goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland that is not accompanied by hormonal disorders. Another name for the disease is simple goiter. The main reasons for its development are considered to be heredity, medications and unfavorable living conditions. However, women get sick 10 times more often than men, which suggests the role of estrogen in the development of this pathology.
The main symptom that patients complain about is a visual enlargement of the front of the neck. Patients may also be bothered by a sore throat, cough, difficulty swallowing, etc. To make an accurate diagnosis, it will be necessary to undergo an ultrasound and other tests.

Features of the treatment of non-toxic goiter are that it is very important not to harm the patient and not disrupt hormonal background. Therefore, it is not advisable to prescribe hormonal drugs or surgery. A wait-and-see approach is used. To prevent further development of the disease, we recommend using folk remedies that return the thyroid gland to normal size.

Causes of non-toxic goiter and risk factors

Previously, the most common cause of nontoxic goiter was iodine deficiency. However, this problem has now been overcome in almost all regions of our country (iodized salt is produced and prevention is carried out). Therefore, other reasons come to the fore:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • Hashimoto's thyroiditis;
  • mild disturbances in the production of thyroid hormones (in this case, the hormonal balance is not disturbed, but the thyroid gland turns on the compensatory mechanism and begins to increase in size);
    birth defects some enzymes;
  • long-term use some pharmacological drugs;
  • constant contact with chemicals having a goitrogenic effect.

Risk factors include bad habits (especially smoking), frequent stress, untreated infectious and inflammatory diseases, deficiency of microelements (except iodine; selenium, calcium and magnesium are important for thyroid health) and age over 40 years.


The development of the disease occurs against the background of impaired biosynthesis TSH hormones and iodine metabolism in the blood. The level of hormones increases slightly (but is within normal limits), which stimulates the thyroid gland to turn on the compensatory mechanism and increase in size. In this case, the function of the organ is not impaired.

As a result of enlargement (hyperplasia), the thyroid tissue suffers. Hemorrhages and necrosis appear in them. The number of pathological foci is increasing. If a disorder is observed in one of the cell clones, then hyperplasia will be nodular in nature. In this case, the nodes can accumulate iodine (so-called hot nodes), not accumulate iodine (cold nodes), or consist of colloidal liquid (colloid node). Over time, if the disease is not treated, the thyroid gland will not be able to perform its role normally, and a non-toxic goiter will turn into a toxic (hormone-dependent) one.


Usually the thyroid gland slowly increases in size and does not hurt when palpated. Pain is only possible if there is hemorrhage into the parenchymal tissue. One of the main signs of the disease is a visual enlargement of the neck in front. If the goiter greatly increases in size, it can compress the trachea, recurrent laryngeal nerve and others neighboring organs, which will lead to coughing, change in voice timbre, redness of the face, dizziness, etc. Others possible symptoms:

  • characteristic wheezing or whistling when breathing (especially when lying down);
  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep problems;
  • night sweats;
  • feeling foreign body in the neck area;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • intolerance to cold and heat;
  • increased irritability;
  • constipation.

Not all of these symptoms will necessarily be observed in the patient. It all depends on the size of the goiter and its type.

Classification of non-toxic goiter

There are several types of non-toxic goiter, depending on the nature of tissue damage.

  1. Diffuse non-toxic (sporadic) goiter of the thyroid gland. A type of ND in which the thyroid gland is uniformly enlarged; no nodes, cysts, hemorrhages, necrosis or other changes were detected in the parenchymal tissue. This is the most common and harmless form of the disease.
  2. . One of the cells of the thyroid gland develops pathological process, it divides, turning into a knot. Over time, the size of the node increases more and more, disfiguring the neck.
  3. Multinodular goiter. As the name implies, this is a disease in which several nodes grow in the thyroid tissue at once.
  4. Diffuse nodular goiter. Here two processes are combined at once: the thyroid gland increases in size, and one or more nodes grow in its tissues.
  5. Colloid nodular goiter. It develops as a result of excessive accumulation of colloid (a viscous protein substance) in the follicles.
  6. Simple non-toxic goiter. It is divided into diffuse and spherical shape. Such a goiter does not pose a health risk and often disappears on its own. It is the simple non-toxic variety that is most often found during pregnancy or during puberty.

There are also 3 stages of goiter, depending on its size (zero, first and second). Stage zero is not visible or palpable; the disease can be detected accidentally during ultrasound or other instrumental studies. The first stage is palpable, but almost invisible visually. The second stage spoils the shape of the neck and is noticeable to others.

Laboratory data and diagnostics

For diagnosis, the doctor will interview the patient, collect anamnesis, perform palpation and send for an ultrasound. If cancer is suspected, a biopsy is done. Scintiography, CT and MRI will be useful - they will provide more knowledge about the nature of the lesion.

Laboratory findings include a blood test for thyroid hormones. They should be normal.

Does non-toxic mean not dangerous?

A goiter is dangerous if it reaches large sizes and puts pressure on the respiratory organs or blood vessels. There is also a risk that nodal form will develop into cancer. So patients must do everything to cure this disease.

How to prevent the disease from occurring?

Healthy image life - best prevention. You must ensure that your body gets enough iodine. Also very important:

  • treat all infections and inflammations in a timely manner;
  • check with an endocrinologist once a year;
  • if possible, avoid contact with hazardous chemicals;
  • go to the sea once a year;
  • avoid depression and stress.

Determined that tobacco smoke negatively affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, so try to say goodbye to this bad habit.

Treatment with traditional methods

Observational tactics are usually used. The patient must adjust his diet and remove risk factors. Once every six months he undergoes examination by an endocrinologist. The doctor makes sure that the goiter does not increase and does not stop in malignancy.

If the goiter has reached a large size, the patient is prescribed surgery complete removal thyroid glands But this last resort, since in order for the body to function without the thyroid gland, the patient will have to take hormonal medications throughout his life. This is fraught side effects and a significant deterioration in health.

Treatment of nodular non-toxic goiter with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies helps patients avoid surgery, eliminate unpleasant symptoms, gradually return the thyroid gland to normal sizes. We will offer the most effective recipes.

Cherry twig tea

Prepare young cherry branches (dry them and chop them into pieces no larger than 0.5 cm). Every day, brew tea from cherry twigs in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of raw material to 2 glasses of water. Boil the mixture for half an hour over low heat. Drink half a glass three times a day. Treatment must be long-term in order to fully restore thyroid function.

Laminaria slates

To compensate for iodine deficiency and relieve constipation associated with non-toxic goiter, you need to take dry kelp shale daily. They are sold at pharmacies or traditional healers. It is best to eat them at night, a tablespoon at a time, with plenty of water. For children, the dosage is reduced. You can take kelp for as long as you like, it is not addictive and does not harm the body.

Juice treatment

Treatment with juices helps with any form of non-toxic goiter. The juice from raw potatoes– take half a glass once a day on an empty stomach. You can also make mixtures of carrot, celery, beet, and spinach juices. It is useful to add a tablespoon of dandelion grass juice, nettle leaves, fruits to the drink. chokeberry.

Silver cinquefoil

Tea made from dry silverweed herb helps patients well. To prepare it, boil water, pour 2 pinches of chopped herbs into a mug and pour boiling water over it. After 10 minutes of infusion, the tea will be ready. Drink 2-3 servings per day. Treatment must be long-term in order to fully recover thyroid gland.

Compresses for large goiter

Sometimes a non-toxic goiter grows to large sizes and produces large nodules. Then you need funds not only for internal, but also for external use. We give several recipes for compresses.

  1. Grind the raw onion in a blender and mix with the same amount of honey. Add a couple of drops of iodine. Place the resulting slurry on gauze and apply to sore spot. Keep the compress for about two hours. Repeat the procedure every 2 days.
  2. Oak bark helps a lot. You should boil it in a small amount of water, and then apply the softened bark to your neck and wrap it with oilcloth (keep for at least an hour). Such compresses can be done every day until the thyroid gland begins to shrink.
  3. For nodular non-toxic goiter, make an ointment from hop cones. To do this, grind the plant, mix with lard and simmer for 1 hour over low heat. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add lanolin (10 g of lanolin is enough for 500 ml of mixture). Strain, cool, place in glass jar. Apply oil to your goiter in the evening and apply oilcloth on top.
  4. Juniper berry ointment has helped many patients. To prepare it, mix 1 part chopped fruit with 3 parts butter, boil for 20 minutes, strain. Apply on your neck in the evening and place a diaper on top.

Apply ointment compresses until the goiter begins to shrink.