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Spastic intestinal colitis: symptoms, treatment and nutritional features. Spastic (spasmodic) colitis

Spastic colitis(often called by doctors) is a functional bowel disorder accompanied by pain and other discomfort in the abdominal cavity, the intensity of which decreases after the act of defecation. Each person's disease progresses individually. Some may have constant diarrhea, while others may experience constipation. Normal stools are medium and should not contain blood.

In the article we will look at the main causes and symptoms of spastic colitis, talk about the main methods of diagnosis and treatment, and also give recommendations for compliance proper nutrition to restore the body.

Spastic intestinal colitis

Spastic colitis is a disorder of the intestines, which is manifested by abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea (alternately), this disease is a form of inflammation of the large intestine. Impaired motor function of the intestine, impaired motility of the colon leads to involuntary painful contractions of the intestine - spasms. Spasms can occur in different parts.

The main reason diseases are considered to be malnutrition - frequent use spicy, heavy food, alcohol.

Women are more susceptible to the disease, in whom it is diagnosed 2–4 times more often than in men. Average age patients with spastic colitis are 20–40 years old.

  • ICD 10 code: Existing international classification classifies spastic intestinal colitis as class K58, subtypes K58.0 and K58.9 (colitis accompanied by and without diarrhea, respectively).

Causes and forms of the disease

Spastic colitis can occur in acute or chronic form. The disease is caused functional disorder Gastrointestinal tract, the main factors provoking the disease are stress, frequent overload of the body (both physical and nervous), and poor nutrition.

The most common causes of spastic colitis are the following factors:

  • poor nutrition for a long time;
  • abuse of laxatives;
  • surgical intervention in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  • development of pathogenic organisms in the intestines.

Bowel function is regulated nervous system, therefore, the main causes of the development of spastic colitis are associated with disturbances in it. These include:

Intestinal colitis can be caused by diseases gastrointestinal tract:

  • enteritis;
  • congenital anomalies.

Each of the pathologies has an irritating effect on the walls of the intestines, which cannot cope with their functions and supply food that is not sufficiently digested.

Approximately in 20–60% of patients with spastic colitis there is anxiety, panic attacks, hysteria, depression, sexual disorders, irritable bladder syndrome.


All symptoms that accompany chronic spastic colitis can be divided into the following groups:

  • intestinal;
  • complaints about other parts of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • complaints not related to gastroenterology.

The diagnosis of spastic intestinal colitis is more likely if there are complaints from all three groups.

Most IBS symptoms worsen after eating. Typically, an exacerbation of the disease can last 2-4 days, after which the condition improves.

Among the most common symptoms:

  • Abnormal bowel movements (constipation, diarrhea, or alternation of both).
  • Feeling of heaviness and incomplete emptying intestines.
  • Flatulence.
  • Nausea, appetite disturbances
  • Pain in the intestines that goes away after a bowel movement.
  • Severe tension in the abdominal muscles.

With spastic colitis, the main symptoms are painful cramps in the abdomen, usually in the morning after eating. Constipation is often replaced by diarrhea, long-term diarrhea with the passage of mushy stools.

Due to the fact that initial symptoms illnesses indicate food poisoning, the majority of people do not apply for timely medical care. The disease can lead to significant weight loss. Ultimately, this negatively affects human life.


If symptoms indicating KS appear, consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary. In diagnostics important role play additional methods examinations, in particular colonoscopy. Treatment necessarily includes a diet, so consulting a nutritionist will also be useful.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the following is carried out:

  • palpation of the abdominal cavity, during which the doctor determines the degree of swelling of the intestines and the most painful areas;
  • stool analysis;
  • blood analysis;
  • X-ray of the intestines, X-ray with contrast enema;
  • anorectal manometry - to determine muscle tone and the strength of spasms.

Using endoscopic methods (colon-fibroscopy, sigmoidoscopy), symptoms of spastic colitis, signs of inflammation, atrophy and dystrophy of the colon are identified. The intestinal walls are swollen, hyperemic, and have a coating of mucus.

To exclude disease, celiac disease, intestinal toxic infections, laboratory test blood and stool, including:

  • complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein;
  • blood test for celiac disease;
  • stool analysis and coprogram.

Treatment of spastic intestinal colitis

Spastic colitis requires individual approach when determining treatment tactics. The combined, complex effect removes nervous tension, accelerates the restoration of motor function of the colon, improves digestion.

Patient treatment consists of three components:

  • diet,
  • medicines (folk remedies),
  • psychotherapy.

Much in treatment depends on the doctor’s attitude: the therapist or gastroenterologist must formulate the patient’s appropriate views on the treatment strategy, explain to him the essence of the disease, and tell him about possible side effects on therapy.


Drug treatment is prescribed depending on the results of the examination. Common drugs– antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory drugs, agents to reduce gas formation, vitamin complexes, sorbents.

  1. To reduce pain, antispasmodics (No-spa, Decitel) are prescribed; in the hospital, the doctor prescribes cholinergics or adrenergic blockers, but such drugs have severe side effects Therefore, they should only be taken under the supervision of a specialist.
  2. If you suffer from constipation, enzymatic preparations are prescribed: festal, digestal.
  3. If diarrhea is Creon, apply it when the abdomen is bloated. Must be taken systematically Activated carbon, .
  4. In case of increased gas formation, enterosorbents (enterosgel, activated carbon) are prescribed to reduce increased acidity– acedin-pepsin; enzyme preparations are also prescribed to improve digestive function.

Diet and nutrition for spastic colitis

Diet for spastic colitis is very important because it helps restore the functioning of the digestive system. For diarrhea, therapeutic diet No. 4 is recommended, and for constipation No. 2.

For diarrhea, the daily menu should include: jelly, fresh fish and meat, porridge, pureed soups and fruit and vegetable purees.

Basic principles of nutrition

The choice of diet for spastic intestinal colitis is based on the following principles:

  1. Food should be natural and not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa natural ingredients, such as hot spices, and artificial colors and preservatives.
  2. Food should be easily digestible and at the same time sufficiently high in calories. It should be steamed, boiled or stewed. It is undesirable to consume fried and smoked foods.
  3. The predominance of products of plant and animal origin in the diet is determined by the type of intestinal disorder.

Just following a diet can help completely eliminate spastic pain without taking special medications.

Traditional methods

Before treating spastic colitis traditional medicine, be sure to consult a gastroenterologist.

  1. Pour boiling water (1 glass) over anise (1 teaspoon), let it brew, drink a little throughout the day;
  2. A simple and accessible remedy for constipation is potato juice, which is taken one hundred milliliters three times a day.
  3. Yarrow. Take the juice from the entire flowering plant. Helps relax the intestinal muscles, relieves cramps and spasms.
  4. Celery juice is effective - it helps normalize digestive processes, helps get rid of constipation, removes excess gases. The root vegetable must be peeled and chopped, squeezed out the juice and taken before meals in the amount of three small spoons. After taking the product, at least half an hour should pass before eating.
  5. Coltsfoot - good remedy for the treatment of colitis. Take a third of a teaspoon of powder prepared from its leaves three times a day half an hour before meals, washed down with honey water or hot milk.


  1. Reduce stress levels, normalize sleep patterns. Can be used to relieve anxiety attacks breathing exercises, mild sedatives.
  2. Physical activity that stimulates motor skills - simple gymnastics in the morning or throughout the day.
  3. Avoid alcohol, tobacco, coffee and strong tea.
  4. Massages will help improve intestinal motility, and at the same time reduce anxiety and relax. But they must be carried out by a specialist.

Especially preventive measures should be taken by those who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. At the first symptoms of spastic colitis, you should seek medical help rather than try to treat the disease yourself.

Spastic colitis is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the large intestine. The disease has no restrictions regarding gender and age. But, according to official statistics, most often the disease is diagnosed in people young. Women get sick more often than men.


The most common causes of spastic colitis are the following factors:

  • poor nutrition for a long time;
  • abuse of laxatives;
  • surgical intervention in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  • development of pathogenic organisms in the intestines.

Most favorable for development pathological process, the following factors can be named:

As shown medical practice, most often spastic colitis develops due to systematic poor nutrition. The main risk group includes people in the following categories:

  • people working in chemical production;
  • suffering from chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • undergoing long-term drug treatment.

General symptoms

On initial stage development of the pathological process, signs of the disease may be completely absent or insignificant. As it develops, the following symptoms of spastic colitis can be observed:

  • sharp abdominal pain that intensifies after eating;
  • nausea, occasional vomiting;
  • increased gas formation;
  • unstable stool;
  • Sometimes feces may be with mucus.

It should also be noted that with such an illness a person may suffer from long-term.

Due to the fact that the initial symptoms of the disease indicate food poisoning, the majority of people do not seek medical help in a timely manner. The disease can lead to significant weight loss. Ultimately, this negatively affects human life. Please note that symptoms may vary depending on the cause of the pathological process.


There are two forms of development of spastic colitis - acute and chronic. The acute form is accompanied by a short-term clinical picture and is much more treatable.

As for the chronic form of the disease, symptoms may not appear immediately, which greatly complicates diagnosis. Chronic spastic colitis is very difficult to completely cure. But, with proper nutrition and lifestyle, you can significantly reduce the manifestations of the disease and extend the period of remission.


Diagnosis is based on laboratory and instrumental methods research, personal examination and medical history.

The standard research program includes the following activities:

  • retromanoscopy;
  • coprogram;
  • studies of intestinal microflora.

If it is impossible to accurately establish a diagnosis using the above research methods, then differential diagnosis.

Diagnostics is needed not only to accurately determine the disease, but also to identify the cause of the development of the pathological process. Without knowing the cause of the disease, it is impossible to prescribe the correct treatment.


The treatment plan for spastic colitis depends on the cause of the development of the pathological process.

The basis of treatment is drug therapy and diet. Drug therapy includes the following drugs:

  • antiseptics;
  • painkillers (for severe pain);
  • adrenergic blockers;
  • regulators of intestinal motility;
  • Cholinergics.

It should be noted that drug therapy is carried out in combination with diet. It is strongly not recommended to treat such a disease on your own, without a doctor’s recommendation.


A diet for this pathological process involves excluding the following foods from the diet:

  • spicy, salty;
  • fat;
  • fried and smoked.

You should also completely eliminate alcohol and limit smoking.

At the same time, a diet for spastic colitis implies the inclusion of the following products in the diet:

  • whole wheat bread;
  • dried fruits (as they are rich in fiber);
  • legumes;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • dairy products.

Meals should be fractional, small portions. Preference is given to boiled or steamed food. All foods that the patient consumes should be easily digestible by the intestines.

Drug treatment together with diet gives positive results even with a chronic form of the disease. In most cases this pathological condition requires constant dieting.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treat such diseases folk remedies only on doctor's orders.

Folk remedies for the treatment of spastic colitis involve the use of the following recipes:

  • decoction of coltsfoot;
  • anise tea;
  • infusion of chamomile and oregano flowers;
  • viburnum berry tea.

These same recipes can also be used for preventive purposes.


It is quite difficult to completely cure this disease. But if you follow a proper diet and preventive measures, then the development of a pathological process in the body can be excluded.

Prevention of spastic colitis involves the practical application of the following rules:

Especially preventive measures should be taken by those who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. At the first symptoms, you should seek medical help and not self-medicate.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Intestinal colic - severe painful sensations in the intestines, having a paroxysmal and cramping nature and arising against the background of disturbances in the tone and peristalsis of the organ. Often this pathology develops when the intestinal loops become overstretched, leading to irritation nerve endings, which are adjacent to its walls. According to ICD-10, code intestinal colic is not noted, since it is a consequence of other disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. However, according to ICD-10, this symptom refers to the coding K59.9, which sounds like “unspecified functional bowel disorder.”

Spastic colitis (irritable bowel syndrome) is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine. The disease manifests itself increased gas formation and abdominal cramps, intestinal dysfunction. Some patients may experience diarrhea, others may experience constipation, and sometimes these symptoms may alternate.

Spastic colitis is not a serious illness, in fact it is simple functional impairment, since no changes are observed in the colon. Half of the patients who visit doctors with various manifestations digestive disorders, suffer from chronic colitis.

Causes of the disease

To date, the causes of irritation of the large intestine have not been established; it has only been revealed that in patients the colon is more reactive than in healthy people.

Spastic colitis often develops against the background of gastrointestinal diseases: pancreatitis, enteritis, gastritis, dysbiosis and congenital anomalies intestinal development. These pathologies lead to the fact that food reaches the large intestine in an insufficiently digested state, irritating its lining and causing an inflammatory process.

In approximately 3 out of 10 patients, colitis develops after dysentery, salmonellosis and others acute infections. It is often preceded long-term use antibacterial agents, frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages, sedentary lifestyle life and other factors that disrupt the natural functioning of the intestines.

Symptoms of spastic colitis

Symptoms of spastic colitis vary from patient to patient and may include:


Differential diagnosis of spastic colitis is carried out with FBD (functional bowel disorder). Accurate diagnosis can be diagnosed using colonofibroscopy and sigmoidoscopy. Thanks to these endoscopic methods detect intestinal tone, evacuation capacity and foci of inflammation in the mucosa. In this case it is necessary differential diagnosis with a latent form of ulcerative colitis.

The doctor may also prescribe a stool, blood test, ultrasound, microflora analysis, or a coprogram.

Diet for spastic colitis is very important because it helps restore the functioning of the digestive system. For diarrhea, therapeutic diet No. 4 is recommended, and for constipation No. 2.

For diarrhea, the daily menu should include jelly, fresh fish and meat, cereals, pureed soups and fruit and vegetable purees.

It is necessary to exclude products causing spasm intestines. Avoid avocados, whole milk, fatty meats, whipped cream, cheese, butter, margarine. It is worth increasing the amount of fiber consumed. You need to eat often, in small portions. Consult your doctor before taking a laxative.


Drug treatment of spastic colitis consists of normalizing bowel movements and eliminating the manifestations of the disease. During an exacerbation, it is necessary to take antiseptics, but they should not be used for more than 14 days, since they negatively affect the microflora.

At severe cramps It is possible to take antispasmodic and analgesic drugs: papaverine, dicetel. In a hospital setting, cholinergics and adrenergic blockers are used. Drugs of these groups have many side effects, therefore they are used only under the supervision of a doctor.

Calcium carbonate helps reduce mucus production in the intestines. Adsorbents (enterosgel, activated carbon) protect against increased gas formation.

The acidity level and enzyme production are regulated with the help of acidin-pepsin, festal, mezim and pancreatin. Prebiotics (Linex, Hilak Forte) eliminate dysbacteriosis. Vaseline oil Helps gently relieve constipation. Multivitamins help strengthen the body. In terms of physiotherapy, galvanic collars, paraffin and ozokerite applications, pine and oxygen baths are recommended.

Traditional medicine suggests replacing tea herbal decoctions, which may include yarrow, wormwood, calendula, chamomile, coltsfoot, mint and anise seeds. It is recommended to eat gooseberries, radishes, celery, lettuce, and rutabaga.


To prevent the disease, it is recommended to avoid stress and anxiety, increase the amount of plant fiber in the diet, and master methods of relaxation and auto-training. It is also important to note individually intolerable foods and drinks, after consumption of which the symptoms of colitis intensify. Typically these include milk, coffee, champagne, chocolate, beer, cornflakes etc. At the first signs of illness, consult a gastroenterologist.

Without similar drugs can be dispensed with when spastic colitis is detected; for other forms of inflammation, antibiotic therapy is necessary.

Patients are prescribed sulfonamides like Sulgin or Ftalazol, as well as Enterol, Metronidazole, Enterofuril or De-nol. Preparations containing hydroxyquinoline deserve special attention. They are able to influence microflora that are resistant to other antibiotics. Such drugs include Enteroseptol, Intestopan, etc.

Patients note the effectiveness of the drug Sulfasalazine in the treatment of intestinal colitis.

Somehow I developed ulcerative colitis - terrible pain appeared, the doctors even had to hospitalize me. It turned out that I brought myself to grief poor nutrition, stress and even a hereditary tendency to such a disease. The specialist prescribed a bunch of medications, but the basis of therapy was Sulfasalazine. I simply drank it in incredible quantities and every day in different ways - this is what the treatment regimen suggests. Once I even had to take 12 pieces, and the tablets are quite large. But my torment was not in vain, at the end of the course from ulcerative colitis All that remained were unpleasant memories. An effective drug and inexpensive.


Since the disease often occurs with severe pain syndrome, then painkillers are also prescribed during treatment.

  • Especially often in such situations, eubiotics like Enteroseptol, Mexase or Intestopan, Enterofuril, etc. are prescribed.
  • These products contain hydroxyquinoline, due to which their effectiveness increases significantly.
  • They normalize stool, reduce bloating and eliminate abdominal pain.

Such drugs are practically devoid of adverse reactions, if taken for a short course, only a small number of patients experienced headache and unobtrusive nausea. But with long-term therapy, damage may develop or optic nerves etc.

Therefore, you should not get too carried away with these drugs; they are usually prescribed in 10-day courses. If the treatment needs to be repeated, then at least a month should pass between the courses.

Rectal suppositories

Suppositories are quite widely used in the treatment of colitis, as they have a powerful local anti-inflammatory effect. Rectal suppositories are quite convenient to use at night.

Such drugs help achieve rapid healing and tissue regeneration.

Influenced rectal suppositories is happening fast healing wounds and microcracks in the rectum, inflammatory processes and tissue swelling are eliminated, pain is relieved and bowel movements are facilitated.

The drug should be prescribed only by a specialist, taking into account the form and severity of colitis.

  1. Among the most effective rectal suppositories is Salofalk; this drug is also effective for proctosigmoiditis or proctitis.
  2. Ultraprok, Natalsid suppositories, suppositories with propolis or sea buckthorn, methyluracil suppositories, etc. are also effective.
  3. Suppositories with propolis have a pronounced analgesic and wound healing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Methyluracil suppositories stimulate protection at the cellular level, help stop bleeding, and relieve inflammation, which is very important in the development of intestinal colitis.
  5. Sea buckthorn suppositories provide antibacterial, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effects, and help relieve swelling and itching.

Restoration of microflora

Antibiotic therapy causes a very significant blow to the intestinal microflora, so after such therapy beneficial microorganisms need strong support. For this purpose, patients are prescribed medications to eliminate dysbiosis and enzyme activity disorders.

Probiotics, which are not considered drugs, have these properties; however, they successfully restore microflora and remove toxic substances. Also, the products in this group help restore stool, improve appetite and eliminate excessive gas formation.

Today, many effective probiotics are known, but their effects are the same, and they differ only in dosage active ingredients and additives, as well as the manufacturer.

Therefore, you need to choose a drug based on prices and medical recommendations. The most by known means similar actions are Probifor and Bifidumbacterin, Bifilis and Lactobacterin, Lactofiltrum, etc.

For enzymatic disorders, taking pancreatin-containing drugs like Mezim, Panzinorm or Festal is indicated. Also restores well intestinal microflora drug Linex.

Normalization of motor skills

Colitis of any etiology is accompanied by spasms of the intestinal muscles. To eliminate them, a technique is indicated antispasmodics like No-shpa, Papaverine, Drotaverine, Platifillina.

  • You can restore motor skills by taking Cerucal or Motilium.
  • The drug Duspatalin also helps in eliminating spasms, which, in addition to relieving painful symptoms, accelerates regeneration processes in intestinal tissues.
  • Resolor or Trimedat perfectly restore peristalsis.

If the need arises, the specialist prescribes bismuth preparations or calcium carbonate, which have antidiarrheal and enveloping properties.

Vitamins and antidepressants

Colitis negatively affects not only the condition of the intestines, but also the well-being of the patient as a whole. Internal discomfort and pain cause irritation and weakness, insomnia and chronic fatigue.

Experts recommend combining these drugs with B vitamins, especially B 6 and B 12. Such injections are quite painful, so it is recommended to take them in tablet or capsule form. These are the drugs Magnicum, Magne-B6 or Neurovitan, etc.

When will it be finished drug treatment, the patient needs a sufficiently long recovery period, during which you need to take vitamins, immune-strengthening agents and procedures necessary to maintain a weakened body. It is recommended to take probiotics until the microflora is completely restored.

In addition to traditional methods Treatments can also be used, but any remedy must be discussed with a specialist.

It is very useful for patients with colitis after a course of therapy to continue rehabilitation in a sanatorium, where patients receive the necessary dietary food and strengthening and restorative physiotherapy procedures.

Published: September 7, 2015 at 12:56 pm

Spastic intestinal colitis, not very dangerous, but quite unpleasant disease With severe symptoms, which has been striking everything lately large quantity people, especially women, can be called a disease of civilization. It arises mainly due to factors that are neurogenic in nature, frequent conflict situations and various fears, as well as against the background of eating unhealthy food containing a very small amount of plant fiber and frequent overeating, especially at night.

Spastic colitis is a functional disorder of the digestive organs, and for the most part occurs in acute form. But in the case when there is no adequate treatment, the disease can take chronic nature. The main sign of the pathology is a disorder in the motility and motor function of the large intestine, which is always accompanied by painful spasms with unclear localization. They can occur unexpectedly, after eating or in the morning.

It is quite simple to determine that spastic colitis is beginning to develop by the following symptoms:

  • One of the main signs of the disease is pain that occurs after eating, which can be localized both in the lower abdomen and in its lateral parts. These are dying down discomfort usually after bowel movements;
  • A state of weakness and nausea, which is accompanied by poor appetite;
  • Feces come out with great difficulty, in the form of small pieces with a fairly dense and dry structure. After this, there remains a feeling of intestines that are not completely emptied;
  • After eating, a symptom of chronic spastic colitis may occur, such as diarrhea, in which undigested pieces of food are present in the stool, as well as flatulence and rumbling sounds in the stomach.

All these symptoms greatly exhaust the patient, he begins to lose weight and becomes irritable. Spastic colitis can also cause consequences such as anemia and hypovitaminosis.

One of the main signs of the disease is constipation. Diarrhea with this pathology occurs quite rarely. The shape of feces in spastic colitis always resembles small lumps and has a very hard structure, which makes defecation difficult. Also, the patient does not leave the feeling of an incompletely emptied bowel. This occurs due to the fact that the walls of the digestive organ have undergone spasm, which interferes with the normal exit of feces.

Patients should also keep in mind that a symptom such as constipation in the chronic form of spastic colitis is not permanent. It is sometimes followed by periods during which the stool becomes normal or loose. This condition is called “false diarrhea,” which is the intestinal response to hidden constipation. Also, with this dysfunction of the colon, quite a lot of mucus is released with feces, which is also one of the signs of the disease.

Treatment of symptoms of spastic colitis

Therapy for this pathology is carried out depending on the severity of the symptoms that are present. For the most correct definition degree of the disease and, accordingly, prescribing the most appropriate treatment, differential diagnosis is necessary. Only with its help is it possible to highlight chronic form spastic colitis from a large number of pathologies of the digestive organs with similar symptoms.

This dysfunction, which has arisen in the digestive organs, requires only an individual approach when determining treatment tactics, since each patient has a unique course. Therapy for spastic colitis is carried out combined method, since all the symptoms that arise from this dysfunction can only be relieved with the help of complex effects. Also, when using this technique in the treatment of a disease, it is possible in the most short time achieve the following results:

  • Significantly improve digestion and, accordingly, the patient’s appetite;
  • Restore motor function in the large intestine;
  • Relieve nervous tension, which is a minor manifestation of the disease.

Treatment of symptoms of spastic colitis should be carried out in 3 areas: elimination of the causes of the disease, which is dealt with by a psychotherapist, drug therapy and diet prescribed by a gastroenterologist in accordance with the data diagnostic study. In order to reduce painful condition stop spasms and relieve the patient from unpleasant symptoms spastic colitis, experts recommend the following:

  • Compliance with certain therapeutic diet. Its basis is fractional nutrition, which makes it possible digestive organs work without stress;
  • From medications for spastic colitis, only tranquilizers and sedatives are prescribed;
  • Of the physical procedures to relieve symptoms, oxygen and pine baths, galvanic collar and belly warming.

In cases where spastic colitis occurs against the background of a symptom such as severe pain, a gastroenterologist may prescribe antispasmodic medications.

Possible prognosis for symptoms of spastic colitis

Patients with symptoms of chronic spastic colitis most often have a favorable prognosis. But it will only happen if the contact with a specialist was timely, and all his recommendations were strictly followed. Also by patients long time After recovery, you should not make mistakes in the recommended diet.

This will allow you to forget about the unpleasant signs of the disease for many years. If all these measures are not followed, rectal bleeding or intestinal obstruction which will require surgical intervention and can end quite disastrously for the patient.