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Baker's cyst of the knee: symptoms, causes and treatment. Causes of Baker's cyst of the knee joint, characteristic symptoms, treatment

Some inflammatory diseases knee joint lead to the accumulation of fluid in the intertendinous bursa and the formation of a Becker cyst under the knee. How to treat this disease, what are its causes, signs and are there any complications? The answers to these questions are presented below.

Becker's cyst - what is it?

Another name for the disease is hernia or bursitis of the popliteal fossa. A Becker cyst of the knee develops in a bursa located between the semimembranosus and gastrocnemius tendons.

It is formed when there is a significant accumulation of synovial fluid due to injury or long-term inflammation in the joint tissues. The cyst limits mobility in the knee and causes pain when moving.

Understanding better what it is will help general scheme: joint movements are ensured by elastic cartilage tissue, ligamentous apparatus and synovial fluid. The latter works as a lubricant, reducing friction and circulating over the entire articular surface.

Becker cyst under the knee, photo and diagram

A certain amount of it penetrates into the tendon area. If its volume increases, it accumulates in the intertendinous bursa - this is how a Becker cyst appears.

Code in ICD 10 ( international classification diseases) - M71.2 - Synovial cyst of the popliteal region [Becker]

The primary cause of formation is pathology in the knee joint, for example:

  • arthritis, in particular rheumatoid;
  • gonarthrosis;
  • knee injury accompanied by cartilage damage;
  • osteoarthritis – leads to pathology in almost half of cases;
  • inflammation of the menisci.

The inflammatory process is accompanied by the formation of pathological exudate, which also penetrates the intertendinous popliteal bursa.

Signs and symptoms of a cyst, photo

In the first stages of development, bursitis of the popliteal fossa does not manifest itself in any way. As the cyst increases in volume, it becomes difficult to straighten the leg at the knee, and upon palpation a painful and dense formation is felt. Later, the fluid-filled sac causes pain even at rest, and when you try to move, the pain intensifies.

An additional symptom of a Becker cyst is a feeling of numbness or tingling in the foot due to the fact that the nerves running to the heel from the knee are compressed.

The following examination methods allow the presence of a popliteal hernia to be detected:

  • Ultrasound of the knee joint and surrounding areas;
  • – shows the structure of tissues “in cross-section”, from different sides;
  • Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive method of examining articular and tendon elements. It is performed under local anesthesia by introducing a microcamera through a small hole.

X-rays are not used to diagnose Becker cysts, as they do not detect such formations.

How to treat Becker's cyst?

Treatment of Becker's cyst can be conservative or surgical. In the first case, drainage is performed - the hernia is punctured and the contents are removed through a catheter. To stop the inflammatory process, medications are administered into the cyst cavity:

  • corticosteroids (Diprospan, Dexamethasone, Kenalog);
  • NSAIDs (Indomethacin, Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen).

Antispasmodics are also used to relieve pain and muscle tension (Diazepam). After drainage, the patient wears elastic bandages, knee pads until full recovery joint mobility, which takes 10-15 days.

At the same time, therapy is carried out for the underlying pathology that caused the development of the cyst - arthritis, arthrosis or other disease. Level physical activity should be reduced, microcurrents, magnetic therapy and other methods of physiotherapy are useful.

Surgical removal of a Becker cyst is indicated if:

  • the hernia compresses nerve fibers and blood vessels;
  • low or no effect from conservative treatment;
  • The cyst is large or there is an old cystic tumor.

Surgical treatment is performed under local anesthesia; during the operation, the Becker cyst is tightened and removed. For this, an arthroscope or endoscope is used - that is, a minimally invasive intervention.

To completely stop the pathological process, it is important to eliminate the cause of the formation of a popliteal hernia. For example, surgery may be required to restore cartilage.

Alternative treatment for Becker cyst makes sense only in complex therapy when not large sizes hernias Many plants help relieve pain and reduce inflammation:

  • Mix birch buds, knotweed grass, mint, plantain, nettle and lingonberry leaves in equal parts, and take an infusion prepared from 1 tbsp every day. l. collection and 200 ml of boiling water.
  • A compress on the popliteal area made of multi-layer gauze soaked in an alcohol tincture of golden mustache or in a decoction of clove and dandelion spices.
  • Scald the cabbage leaf and place it on a layer of honey sore spot, wrapping the top with polyethylene and a warm cloth.

It is unacceptable to consider traditional medicine recipes as the main treatment.

Complications after Becker's cyst

Popliteal hernia without timely treatment can lead to complications, including:

  • Venous congestion and swelling in the lower leg and foot area, in severe cases the appearance of non-healing, weeping trophic ulcers on the limb.
  • Rupture of Becker's cyst and penetration of synovial and inflammatory fluid in the ankle tissue leads to acute pain, swelling and redness of the skin and requires immediate appeal to the doctor.
  • Thrombosis and inflammation of the venous walls, which is fraught with the detachment of a blood clot and its entry into the vital important organs. Blockage is especially dangerous pulmonary artery, leading to instant death.
  • Muscle necrosis, osteomyelitis, sepsis due to impaired blood supply to tissues.

Preventive measures

Prevention of Becker cyst comes down to the following:

  • Treatment of diseases of the knee joint.
  • Be careful when playing sports, protect your knees from injury with protectors.
  • Periodic courses of taking chondroprotectors, especially after 40 years, which are aimed at preserving cartilage tissue.
  • Eliminate infections present in the body.

If you notice pain and discomfort in the popliteal area, do not hesitate to visit a doctor - this is the key successful treatment and the absence of dangerous complications.


The human body is a structure in which the knee joint is one of the most complex elements. This is where the highest load falls. Accordingly, pathologies of the knee joint are diagnosed very often, meniscus cyst of the knee joint is one of them. The disease is characterized by pain that increases with exercise; discomfort is felt in the knee and knee fossa. If you ignore the symptoms, the development of the disease brings with it complications - swelling, limited mobility, deformity. The sooner you set the goal to cure a Becker cyst under the knee, the less problems awaits later.

Types of cysts

Modern medicine includes several types of cysts that develop and are localized in areas of the knee joint:

  • One of the benign neoplasms is a ganglion cyst of the knee joint, which is a round-shaped tumor with a duct in the middle. It connects the cyst to the articular capsule and tendon sheath.
  • A parameniscal neoplasm is diagnosed if the cyst spreads to the ligaments, the pericapsular area, and its size is very large.
  • With a synovial cyst, a hernia forms or transforms the synovial articular membrane.
  • Another benign multiple neoplasm is a subchondral cyst, consisting of fibrous tissues filled with silicone or myxoid contents. The development of pathology is accompanied degenerative changes cartilage.
  • When the medial meniscus develops, pain occurs, localized in the inner part of the joint, which intensifies when the limb is flexed.

Separately, it is worth considering Baker's cyst and its treatment, both traditional and folk. The neoplasm has a second, more rare, name: ankylosing spondylitis cyst. It is caused by a variety of degenerative processes, representing inflammation of the joint cavity with the development of a tumor with liquid contents. The tumor is localized in the popliteal fossa, has a clear outline and is clearly palpable, especially noticeable when the knee is extended. The formation of pathology occurs regardless of age category and gender; damage to one joint is usually observed.

Causes of development and accompanying symptoms

Before considering the treatment of Baker's cyst of the knee joint, let's talk about the causes and symptoms of the pathology. This type neoplasms are secondary and usually form against the background of trauma, inflammation, degenerative articular pathologies legs In some cases, the cause of the disease cannot be determined. The basis of the cyst is synovial fluid, the volume of which increases under the influence of inflammatory processes and enters the intertendinous bursa located under the knee.

The main reasons for the development of pathology include:

  • various types of knee injuries;
  • physical stress associated with professional or sports activities;
  • presence of arthrosis;
  • arthritis, rheumatoid pathologies are especially dangerous;
  • the presence of synovitis.

According to statistics, athletes, loaders and older people are most often susceptible to the disease.

Now let's look at the signs that indicate that treatment for a Baker's cyst of the knee is required. These include:

  • A mobile, clearly defined neoplasm with clear boundaries.
  • Pain when palpated.
  • As the tumor grows, the pain affects muscle tissue shin, worsens with loads, radiates to the thigh or lower leg.
  • When moving, stiffness is noted, numbness appears, joint mobility deteriorates until it becomes completely immobile.
  • Swelling of the limb is observed.

In this case, a small neoplasm may not manifest itself in any way and may not be accompanied by clear signs. If you ignore treatment of a cyst in the knee joint, it will increase. In this case, the walls of the tumor become thinner, the Baker cyst of the knee joint ruptures, and the liquid contents spread over the muscle tissue.

When the cyst ruptures, swelling, redness, acute joint pain, and fever are observed.. The cyst causes congestion and leads to varicose veins and thrombosis. A blood clot can cause a stroke or be fatal if the pulmonary artery is blocked.

Traditional therapy

Let's look at how to treat a Becker cyst under the knee using traditional methods. The basic rule is no self-medication; all therapeutic regimens are drawn up by the attending physician. Treatment can be carried out at home, subject to certain rules:

  • It is necessary to remove the effusion before drug treatment.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
  • A knee block is performed by injection directly into the joint.
  • Provided constant wearing elastic fixing bandage, which stabilizes the joint and improves blood circulation.
  • The knee needs to rest in an elevated position throughout the day to allow blood to flow out.
  • Ice compresses help relieve pain and last for 40 minutes.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are used as additional means: electrophoresis, UHF, mud applications. It should be understood that medications do not improve joint mobility, but only relieve inflammation and pain.

The definitive method of eliminating pathology is surgery.

It is indicated for large cyst sizes, progressive complications, and significant limitation of mobility.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment with folk remedies deserves special consideration, which, as a additional method can give good results. Effective treatment Baker's cyst folk remedies involve the use of compresses, infusions and decoctions. The most popular are the following recipes:

You should remember the need for preliminary consultation with your doctor and the inadmissibility of replacing the main treatment with the use of traditional recipes.

If you have a Baker's cyst of the knee joint, treatment must be done urgently. You can't put it off. In the article you will be able to get acquainted in detail with the reasons for this occurrence. insidious disease, symptoms of leakage. Read about modern treatment methods.

In any case, when the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor and undergo a complete diagnostic examination, decide on treatment methods.

On initial stage Baker's cyst of the knee joint is practically not felt and does not cause severe pain. But always remember that after the initial stage comes the next one - more painful and dangerous, which in the end can lead to a complete defeat of the ability to lead a normal life. From this article you will learn about the most advanced and effective methods of diagnosis and treatment. Take care of yourself.

Baker's cyst of the knee joint - description

A Baker's cyst is a hernia in the knee area, also known as a popliteal or patellar cyst. This disease It was first discovered in the 19th century by Dr. W. Baker, after whom it was named.

Baker's cyst of the knee is benign neoplasm, which appears on back wall joint and fills joint fluid. Another name for Baker's cyst of the knee is patellar hernia, since external manifestations cysts are similar to it. The neoplasm usually feels dense and elastic to the touch and does not adhere to the surrounding tissues.

Baker's cyst of the knee The cyst can vary in size and range from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter. The average size is usually 3 cm. in rare cases Baker's cyst can develop in both knee joints at the same time. It most often occurs in children aged 4 to 7 years and in adults aged 35 to 70 years.

The disease is not life-threatening and can be treated. But as the formation grows, it causes pain, first in the knee area, and then throughout the entire leg. Also, increasing in size, Baker's cyst compresses nerves and blood vessels, thus disrupting blood flow and promoting the development of oxygen starvation fabrics.

If you have a similar formation, consult a traumatologist, orthopedist or orthopedic surgeon. Another name for this disease is popliteal cyst. It is a disease that causes benign education, anatomically connected to the popliteal joint, the cavity of which is filled with fluid.

Externally, this formation is soft, elastic, the color of the skin does not visually change. If the tumor is advanced, the knee looks swollen. The size of the hernia varies from a few millimeters to several centimeters, with the average size being about three centimeters.

There are four types of Baker's cyst:

  1. the first type - the shape of the cyst resembles a bird's beak or a crescent. In this case, the bursa of the medial head of the semimembranosus muscle and the gastrocnemius muscle do not communicate;
  2. the second type - the cyst has the shape of a “St. Andrew’s cross”, the bursae of both muscles communicate with each other, and the fluid has the ability to spread throughout all its parts;
  3. third type - the shape of the cyst is a crescent or crevice. Characterized by lack of fluid. Ultrasound shows a hypoechoic strip several millimeters wide, located on the head of the gastrocnemius muscle;
  4. fourth type - the form of the cyst has the shape of a bunch of grapes.

At chronic diseases knee joint, the formation of cysts of synechiae, septa or daughter cysts occurs.

Causes of the disease

The causes can be any damage that leads to swelling.

  • The most common cause is arthritis and osteoarthritis, with the latter causing a Baker's cyst of the knee in almost 50% of cases.
  • Inflammatory processes in the muscles of the knee joint or in the joint itself;
  • thinning and malnutrition of joint tissues;
  • constant overstrain of the joint, leading to an increase in fluid pressure in it;
  • weakness (or atrophy) of the tendons and muscles of the lower leg;
  • knee injuries.

Sometimes the cause cannot be determined.

A primary cyst forms in healthy joints in young adults and children due to inflammation of the joint capsule.

A secondary cyst is associated with arthritis, meniscus tears, which causes excess production of synovial fluid and stretching of the joint capsule. Rheumatoid, psoriatic arthritis or gout increase the likelihood of pathology. Of course, you can’t neglect your doctor for this disease, but already at the initial stage you can carry out complex treatment at home

To summarize, Baker cysts can appear in the following cases:

  1. knee injuries;
  2. damage or degeneration of the menisci;
  3. damage to the cartilage of the knee joint;
  4. inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joint (chronic synovitis);
  5. osteoarthritis;
  6. patellofemoral arthrosis;
  7. osteoarthritis;
  8. rheumatoid arthritis;

Sometimes they arise for no apparent reason.

Baker's cyst: symptoms

The symptoms of Baker's cyst are quite varied, and some people with the disease have no symptoms at all. In addition, a small swelling may not always be found, even with a thorough examination by a doctor.

In general, the larger the swelling at the site of the synovial fluid leak, the more likely it is to cause symptoms and be detected on examination. Symptoms of a Baker's cyst may include swelling behind the knee, pain around the knee, and discomfort when trying to bend the knee.

If there is a large swelling under the knee joint, you may feel tension in the knee area, especially when standing.

This type of knee disease most often develops when there is an underlying problem such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or a tear in the cartilage that lines the inner wall of the joint. This type of tumor is the most common and is sometimes called a secondary Baker's cyst of the knee.

Often the cyst will disappear on its own over time, or may remain for many months or even years. However, there are various methods treatments that can help get rid of it faster.

While the formation is small, a person may not even be aware of its existence. As it grows, it begins to extend beyond the tendons; visually this is manifested by a rounded subcutaneous formation in the popliteal fossa when a person stands. Baker's cyst also puts pressure on the nerve endings in the knee joint, which leads to pain.

Other symptoms of the disease:

  • feeling of fullness under the knee,
  • tingling and/or numbness in the leg,
  • slight swelling in the area of ​​the Baker cyst is possible; as the size of the formation increases, the limitation of joint mobility increases due to severe pain.

Since the Baker's cyst communicates with the cavity of the knee joint, it can decrease in size or increase (for example, with physical activity) depending on the filling with synovial fluid.

When the knee joint is bent, it is not visible due to the relaxed state of the popliteal region. And if you straighten the leg, then the popliteal region is compressed and simultaneous pressure is placed on the patella - this causes the formation to bulge in upper area calf muscle.

As it grows, the formation may burst. The rupture is accompanied by severe sharp pain, swelling, redness and increased body temperature.

To summarize, symptoms indicating the presence of a Baker's cyst:

  1. discomfort in the popliteal region;
  2. feeling of pain or pressure in the popliteal area;
  3. pain when moving the knee joint;
  4. periodic blockade of the knee joint;
  5. presence of swelling on the back of the knee;
  6. presence of concomitant diseases ( rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis);
  7. knee joint tension;
  8. numbness or tingling in the sole area;
  9. when the knee is bent, the cyst decreases in size, and its complete disappearance is also possible;
  10. the cyst is most noticeable when the knee is extended;
  11. swelling of the knee joint;
  12. swelling of the lower leg (due to cyst rupture);
  13. blood stagnation, blood clot formation and phlebitis development;
  14. venous insufficiency;
  15. pulmonary embolism (consequence of blood clot detachment);
  16. necrosis, osteomyelitis (in rare cases).

Diagnosis of the disease

To confirm the correctness of the diagnosis, you must come for an examination to an orthopedist or traumatologist. The doctor performs initial examination knee and palpation of the cyst.

Methods diagnostic study, allowing you to accurately determine the presence of a cyst, its size, as well as the connection of the cyst with other elements that make up the knee joint, are:

  • X-ray of the knee joint;
  • Ultrasound of the knee joint;
  • athroscopy of the knee joint;
  • MRI of the knee joint.
  • It is also necessary to puncture the cyst itself, followed by extraction of its contents for studies of the intracystic fluid.

A Becker cyst is diagnosed by a traumatologist or orthopedist, guided by the patient’s complaints, examination and confirming the diagnosis after ultrasound examination or magnetic resonance imaging of the knee.

In particular difficult cases or when planning surgery, the patient undergoes arthroscopy of the knee joint ( modern method surgical intervention, in which several incisions are made through which a small camera with an LED, accompanying instruments and saline solution are inserted).

So, to confirm the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed to undergo examinations and tests:

  1. blood analysis;
  2. Radiography;
  3. Diphanoscopy.
  4. Puncture of synovial fluid is possible at the discretion of the doctor.

If complications arise during diagnosis or treatment, for example, the temperature rises greatly or unbearable pain occurs, then the doctor may prescribe a series of tests to refute or confirm another disease that could provoke the symptoms described above. If the diagnosis of Becker cyst is confirmed, then treatment is primarily conservative.

Baker's cyst of the knee - treatment

Treatment for Baker's cyst is selected individually for each case; it can be either a course of medical therapy or simple folk remedies. Sometimes even applying an ice compress can relieve pain, but it is best to consult a specialist.

In some cases, medications are prescribed, namely non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, which reduce pain and swelling, but can only be taken with a doctor's prescription, as there are serious side effects.

Aspiration is used if the cyst is large and causes severe painful sensations.
Cortisone injections are prescribed to reduce pain and swelling, but the effect may not be long-lasting. Pulsed electromagnetic radiation and bioresonance therapy procedures are performed by a physiotherapist, and by the way, they can be very effective against inflammation.

Treatment of Baker's cyst can be not only medicinal, doctors also recommend physical exercise, to strengthen the knee, its areas and develop muscle strength. Exercise is especially important if the underlying cause is arthritis.

When diagnosed with Baker's cyst, treatment with folk remedies is also considered quite effective. Golden mustache, celandine and burdock are recognized as the most popular herbs in curing the disease. Compresses are made from herbs sore knee, and tinctures for oral administration, if the Baker’s cyst is small, treatment with a folk remedy can get rid of it forever.

Conservative therapy

Conservative treatment is symptomatic: that is, therapeutic effect eliminates (reduces) problematic symptoms, and Baker's cyst goes away on its own over time.

The doctor prescribes painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen and others). Also on early stages It is possible to use intra-articular injections of hormones (hydrocortisone), which can promote the resorption of small formations. However, medications rarely help, and the cyst is usually discovered when it is quite large in size - and then surgical intervention is necessary.

Physiotherapy methods include electrophoresis with an anesthetic, UHF therapy, and laser treatment.

Good folk recipe for this pathology - a compress of fresh leaves cabbage It relieves pain and reduces inflammation.

Place the leaves on the popliteal area or chop them and make a compress from the pulp. Wrap your knee in plastic and secure the compress. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours a day, the course of treatment includes 10 daily sessions. You can add honey to cabbage in any amount.

Surgical intervention

Sometimes surgery is performed to remove a Baker's cyst, especially if the swelling is the result of an injury. Surgery to remove the cyst is done if it is very large, painful, or other types of treatment have not worked. Sometimes the keyhole technique is used to close the connection between the leaking synovial fluid into the tissue and the knee joint.

Baker cyst surgery is also recommended to treat an underlying knee problem, such as a torn meniscus, since it is a secondary condition in these types of injuries.

There are two types of surgery for this pathology: Baker's cyst puncture and its removal.


As well as drug treatment, puncture brings only temporary relief. Such treatment is justified in cases of Baker's cyst formation due to overload or insufficient physical endurance of the muscles. After the puncture, exercise is recommended to prevent relapse.

In case of inflammation or other damage to the knee joint or tendons, the method does not provide guarantees, and a Baker's cyst under the knee joint may form again - in this case, examination and treatment of the provoking disease is also necessary.

How is a puncture done? With local anesthesia, the cyst is pierced with a long needle and fluid is pumped out of it. Glucocorticoid hormones are injected into the cavity - this is necessary to prevent inflammation and accelerate healing. If the inflammatory process does develop, then the patient additionally takes anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs: indomethacin, diclofenac).

For some time (the period depends on the presence of inflammation, but in any case not less than a week), the patient wears an elastic bandage.


Removal of the formation results in complete recovery. It is cut out like a regular hernia, making an incision under the knee, or it is removed endoscopic method with minimal tissue damage. In parallel, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

When removing, as well as during puncture, use local anesthesia. The operation lasts about 30 minutes, after the intervention an elastic fixing bandage is applied.

A person can leave the hospital within 8–10 hours after surgery. The sutures are removed after 6–7 days, and the leg remains on the leg all this time. gypsum bandage. Depending on the degree of development of the removed cyst, they may prescribe additional treatment NSAIDs or antibiotics. A person can walk freely 7–10 days after surgery.

Possible complications

Most common complication- this is a rupture of the Baker cyst of the knee joint; if this happens, then fluid from the cyst may leak into calf muscle, and will cause swelling of the lower leg. There may also be itching and redness of the skin due to irritation caused by the fluid that leaks from the cyst.

A dangerous fluid formation can rupture and then leak the contents into the tissue. A rupture can lead to inflammation and severe pain. Of course, the liquid will gradually resolve, but this may take several weeks. In this case, painkillers will help relieve discomfort.

Having a Baker's cyst may increase the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis even if it does not rupture. The most dangerous thing is that it is quite difficult to distinguish a ruptured Baker cyst from deep vein thrombosis. In these cases, studies are carried out to exclude thrombosis, and if it is detected, a course of treatment is prescribed.

Ultrasound is the best way to recognize the disease and help rule out deep vein thrombosis. MRI is sometimes used to confirm the diagnosis

Traditional methods of treatment

In folk medicine, when treating this disease, one cannot do without applications with elderberry and raspberry leaves. We simply take equal parts of the foliage of both plants and brew them with a hundred milliliters of water, after which the decoction should steep for at least thirty minutes. To do this, cover the container with something. Next, we transfer the soaked leaves onto oilcloth, and then apply them to the sore spot for two hours. Worth doing this procedure daily.

Also traditional healers give their preference to the golden mustache. We chop the grass and fill it with three-quarters of the volume of a three-liter jar. Next, fill it with water and close the lid, leaving it to steep for twenty days while avoiding direct contact with the broth. sun rays. After this, we filter it and take it orally; the herb can be applied as a compress to the knees. This method helps strengthen the joint.

Traditional medicine highly values best qualities celandine. It can eliminate inflammation. Finely crumble the celandine, then fill it with a hundred milliliters of water and let it steep for a little less than half an hour. Next, you can use the decoction and herbs as a compress. This can significantly reduce inflammation.

Experts in the field of traditional medicine recommend using spicy cloves and dandelion root. Grind them and pour boiling water over low heat for ten minutes. After this, you need to grind the boiled root to a mushy state and add medical alcohol.

Then we soak the gauze in the resulting infusion, lay out the grass and root and wrap it around the knee. Insulate with a towel. This procedure is recommended every day for three hours.

In folk medicine, St. John's wort is famous for its effects. We take the dried plant and mix it with a certain amount of birch buds, lingonberry, nettle, and mint leaves. We also add knotweed and plantain and brew with boiling water. After which the broth should stand for about an hour. Then you can take it internally three times a day.

We are taught to think that drugs help us get better. In fact, medications only relieve symptoms and aggravate the situation in the future, as they additionally pollute the body with harmful chemical compounds. It is best to be treated with herbs, since only herbs have everything useful microelements for our body.

Compresses made from bile and camphor Compresses made from medicinal bile and camphor are a very effective treatment method. All these ingredients are easy to purchase at the pharmacy.

We make compresses as follows: mix 250 grams of bile with 160 grams camphor alcohol; Pour the mixture into a glass container and close the lid tightly; We put it in the refrigerator; Every day for four hours a day, soak a cotton cloth in the mixture and apply a compress around the joint, focusing on the popliteal fossa;

Place parchment paper on top of the compress and wrap everything in a warm cloth. We repeat the procedures for a month. Bile and camphor help to cope with both the symptoms of the disease and the cause – the accumulation of fluid. Even if such compresses do not help completely get rid of the cyst, they will nevertheless significantly affect the overall course of treatment.

Use of celandine Celandine is the basis of many medicines for benign and even cancerous tumors. This plant can also help with Baker's cyst. A knee joint cyst is treated using the folk method using celandine as follows: Very finely chop the celandine bush. Pour two tablespoons of the herb into one hundred milliliters of boiling water and let it brew properly - about twenty minutes.

We soak a cloth in the infusion and apply the compress to the knee every two days for about two hours. Compresses from celandine help to effectively cope with the cyst, and at an early stage they can completely get rid of it.

Another herb besides celandine helps to effectively fight the disease - golden mustache. Finely chop the golden mustache and fill three-quarters of the volume of a three-liter jar with it.

Fill the jar to the brim with water, close the lid, and leave in the dark for 20 days. After the infusion period has expired, strain the mixture. The infusion is used orally twice a day before meals, 2 tablespoons. The herb is placed on a gauze cloth and a compress is made, and kept for about half an hour. Reading information: Treatment of cysts with celandine tincture: ovary, liver, endometrioid cysts Propolis and calendula ointment

In the treatment of knee joint cysts, folk remedies are very effective. We have already described several options similar treatment, and besides them, there is also a treatment option using calendula and propolis ointment. The recipe is as follows: Grind a tablespoon of fresh calendula flowers in a mortar and pour 100 ml of hot goose fat over them.

Add crushed propolis to this and mix everything until smooth. In order for the propolis to melt completely, you can heat the mass in a water bath. Do not allow it to boil! Cool the ointment. Apply it under the bandage throughout the night. The procedure must be carried out daily.

Treatment of knee joint cysts using traditional methods can be treated quite effectively, but before using any of the above remedies, you should consult your doctor or herbalist.

Using traditional methods will be a great help traditional treatment. However, you should not abuse it. Be sure to consult your doctor so as not to worsen the situation. In any case, such a serious problem cannot be solved without a specialist. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Health is our wealth.

Disease prevention

Prevention possible illness are physical exercises designed to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the knee joint. It is important to avoid overexertion. If you are prone to developing joint diseases, it is necessary to balance physical activity to protect against exacerbation of the disease.

One of the causes of joint diseases is increased body weight. Therefore, a balanced healthy diet aimed at weight loss will help prevent exacerbation.

The developed method of physical therapy under the guidance of an experienced instructor will help strengthen the ligaments of the knee joints and reduce the load.

Additional medications recommended for structure restoration bone tissue and joint cartilage, can only be used after consulting a specialist. Most of the drugs have contraindications and side effects.

To prevent joint pain, you must follow the following rules:

  • Eat right, avoid vitamin deficiency;
  • Support correct mode day, give joints a rest;
  • Undergo an annual medical examination and go to the doctor immediately if you experience any unpleasant sensations while moving;
  • Doing gymnastics every day, a passive lifestyle leads to joint destruction.

Sources: sustavu.ru, sustavy-svyazki.ru, sustavzdorov.ru, sustavkoleni.ru, nogi.guru, medbooking.com, oknodobra.ru, perekis-i-soda.ru

    megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Tell me, how does anyone deal with joint pain? My knees hurt terribly ((I take painkillers, but I understand that I am fighting the effect, not the cause...

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I struggled with my painful joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And I forgot about “incurable” joints a long time ago. So it goes

    megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to professor's article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    julek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in?.. They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge a brutal markup. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is really not implemented through pharmacy chain to avoid overpricing. Currently you can only order from Official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt. Thank you!!

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried it? traditional methods joint treatment? Grandma doesn’t trust pills, the poor thing is in pain...

    Andrey A week ago

    Which ones folk remedies I haven't tried it, nothing helped...

    Ekaterina A week ago

    I tried drinking a decoction from bay leaf, no use, I just ruined my stomach!! I no longer believe in these folk methods...

    Maria 5 days ago

    I recently watched a program on Channel One, it was also about this Federal program to combat joint diseases talked. It is also headed by some famous Chinese professor. They say that they have found a way to permanently cure joints and backs, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient.

Structure knee joint complex, it is exposed to great physical activity every day. Therefore, knee joint diseases are common. This usually occurs due to injury or inflammatory disease. If damaged bursae knee, the likelihood of developing a Baker's cyst increases.

This pathology manifests itself painful sensations on the affected area, periodic limitation of mobility. After physical activity, symptoms become more pronounced. To prevent dangerous complications, it is necessary to treat a Becker cyst under the knee in a timely manner.

Description of the pathology

A benign tumor filled with joint fluid, which is localized on back surface knee is called a Baker's cyst, or popliteal hernia.

As a rule, pathology is provoked by injuries or inflammatory diseases of the joint with chronic course(eg, synovitis, arthritis). Based on this, a popliteal hernia is secondary pathology, which develops against the background of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the knee joint.

When damaged or inflammatory, pathological processes are triggered. A cyst in the back of the knee can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • a round or oval tumor under the knee, its structure is elastic, soft, mobility is limited, and the skin over the formation is normal;
  • as the cyst enlarges, discomfort, heaviness, and a feeling of squeezing appear in the affected area;
  • after physical activity pain syndrome intensifies;
  • Over time, knee mobility decreases, etc.

Most often, Becker's cyst is diagnosed in children 4 to 7 years old, as well as in adults from 30 to 70 years old.

Important. It is necessary to treat the tumor as early as possible, otherwise the likelihood of serious complications increases: thrombosis, phlebitis, varicose veins, cyst rupture, sepsis, etc. Therefore, you should not allow further development of the pathology, you must seek treatment medical care when the slightest discomfort appears in the popliteal fossa.

To diagnose a tumor, ultrasound, CT, and MRI are used.

Read more about the reasons clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Becker cyst can be found here.

Basic treatment program

The question of which doctor treats a knee hernia is quite relevant. If you become ill, you should contact a therapist, orthopedist-traumatologist, or rheumatologist. Sometimes you may need the help of a neurologist.

Treatment of knee joint cysts depends on age, symptoms, and severity of the disease. Therefore, the doctor draws up a treatment regimen for each patient individually. However, some procedures are mandatory for everyone:

  • The puncture is performed in order to pump out the serous fluid that fills the formation. Only after this can you take medications.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) help relieve inflammation and pain.
  • Block of the knee joint using glucocorticosteroids. During the procedure, the solution is injected into the joint, after which the inflammatory process is weakened and degenerative disorders are slowed down.
  • It is recommended to wear an orthopedic knee brace during therapy and for some time after treatment. This is mandatory because protective device stabilizes the knee joint, improves blood circulation.

Further actions depend on how quickly the formation develops and for what reasons it appeared.


Treatment of Baker's cyst without surgery is not considered effective. This is due to the fact that there are no medications that affect the cause of tumor development. Medicines help eliminate unpleasant symptoms pathologies, they are also used before surgery. And after the operation, medications are prescribed to relieve inflammation and pain.

After puncture of the cyst, the following drugs are injected into the affected area:

  • Steroid hormones. Diprospan has an antishock, desensitizing (prevents or reduces allergies), and moderate corticoid effect. The dosage of the drug depends on the symptoms. The injections do not cause pain. For local therapy, Diprospan is sometimes combined with anesthetics (Ledocaine, Procaine). Contraindications: infection in the affected area, weak joints, coagulation disorders (blood clotting), after arthroplasty (joint restoration surgery).
  • Hydrocortisone is hormonal agent steroid origin, which improves the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. The injection is injected into joint capsule knee After the procedure, the inflammatory process and permeability decrease small vessels, likelihood of allergies. Severe form of arterial hypertension, mental illness, kidney inflammation, osteoporosis, stomach ulcers, pregnancy are contraindications to the use of this drug.
  • When severe pain occurs, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, and Ketaprofen are used. These medicines relieve inflammation and pain.

Carefully. Ibuprofen-based drugs interfere with the functionality of the liver and kidneys. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before taking them.

For spasms, muscle relaxants (Diazepam) are prescribed.

At home, therapy is carried out with the help of Aspirin, Naproxen, Celecoxib and other NSAIDs. These medications are also taken after the doctor’s approval, as they damage the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.

External agents are used as part of complex therapy for popliteal hernia.

The patient can use ointments and gels that ease the inflammatory process. For example, Diclofenac, Voltaren, Nurofen, Meloxicam, etc.


Puncture of the popliteal cyst is a conservative technique. Its essence is to eliminate accumulated exudate from the pathological cavity.

During the procedure, the tumor is pierced with a thick needle, and its contents are pumped out. Then its shell is treated with steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The puncture gives quickly positive result, however, its effect is short-lived. After some time the cavity fills serous fluid, and the hernia appears again. Then it is necessary to repeat the procedure.

The puncture is performed only if the patient’s condition is severe, so the operation is dangerous. Some patients are simply afraid of surgery, so they prefer the conservative method.

Physiotherapeutic methods

During the treatment of Becker cyst, the following methods are used:

  • Microcurrent therapy is treatment with ultra-low amplitude and frequency current.
  • Ultrahigh-frequency, laser therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, and magnetic therapy reduce pain and help stop the development of the tumor.
  • Balneotherapy normalizes blood circulation and prevents the formation of blood clots. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed hydrogen sulfide and radon baths.
  • Massage stimulates blood and lymph circulation, normalizes the condition of periarticular tissues.
  • Acupuncture (acupuncture) promotes tissue repair.
  • Framacopuncture is a method of introducing medications into the subcutaneous fat.
  • Osteopathy allows you to return articular surfaces to their normal position and helps increase the elasticity of tendon and ligament tissues.

Reference. Patients with Becker's cyst should perform special gymnastics. First, exercise therapy is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, and then classes can be done at home.

All of the above remedies are used only as part of complex therapy, otherwise they will be ineffective. Physiotherapeutic procedures are indicated only during remission, since excessive physical activity can cause complications.


To strengthen the ligaments of the knee joint, the patient should regularly perform therapeutic exercises. Physical education is performed to restore mobility and flexibility of the bone joint.

Therapeutic exercises will speed up the recovery of the knee joint during therapy

A set of exercises for Baker's cyst:

  • Take a chair at least 50 cm high. Place your healthy leg on it, bend it at the knee, lean forward, hold for 30 seconds. Your back should be straight, and you need to bend over until you feel the thigh muscles stretch. Perform the action twice a day for 3 approaches.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knee. Perform the exercise with your sore leg. Grab the back of your shin with one hand and place the other on your calf. Pull your leg towards you until the bend angle is 20°, then you will feel a stretch in the back of your shin. Repetition frequency: 3 sets of 30 s.

Important. If your leg is difficult to bend, wrap it in a towel and pull it towards you.

  • Sit on the edge of a chair, keep your back and head straight, bend your sore leg, and lean forward. Lock in this position for 30 seconds. Perform the action twice a day for 3 approaches.
  • Sit on a chair and alternately bend and then straighten your knees. If there is pain in the affected area, then stop. The frequency of repetitions is 20 times.
  • Sit on a chair, place a cushion under your knee. Straighten and lift your limbs to feel how the quadriceps is stretched, fixate for 5 - 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  • To increase the flexibility of the ligaments, a rubber expander is used. Hook the device onto the support and secure the second part to your ankle. Get on all fours with your back to the support so that the expander stretches. Reach your foot to your stomach, then bend your knee and stretch the band. The repetition rate is 10 times on each leg.

Before doing exercises, you need to stretch your muscles. To avoid complications, it is prohibited to perform activities with high load on the affected limb. The patient is recommended to purchase a mat so that classes can be carried out comfortably.

Carefully. Sick knees should not be bent more than 90°.

Surgical intervention

There are 2 ways to remove a Becker cyst: classical or endoscopic surgery. The decision about surgical intervention is made by an orthopedist based on the results of ultrasound and MRI.

Important. The operation is prohibited during acute course inflammatory process.

The procedure is carried out in inpatient conditions under local anesthesia. The patient should be under the supervision of doctors until they remove the drainage (approximately 3 to 5 days).

If there is no rupture, the operation lasts half an hour. If the integrity of the cyst walls is broken, the exudate spreads to the surrounding tissues, causing inflammation.

Endoscopy is a safer method for removing popliteal hernia than standard surgery

Endoscopy is performed as follows:

  1. The surgeon makes small incisions over the formation that correspond to the diameter of the tube.
  2. The tumor is then isolated and its stalk is excised.
  3. The drainage tube remains in place for several days, then it is removed and a tight bandage is applied to the operated area.

At standard operation The doctor makes a 4 cm incision on the back of the knee. The cyst is removed through the hole, its stem is bandaged and then cut off. The knee is protected with a pressure bandage or cast. The stitches are removed after about 14 days.

To restore articulation faster, you need to avoid physical activity and take anti-inflammatory drugs.

Attention. If swelling appears in the knee after surgery, an ultrasound should be performed to rule out thrombophlebitis (blockage of a vein with a blood clot).

Once the doctor removes the stitches, you will need to wear a tight bandage for another 4 weeks. During this period it is recommended to take vascular medications which will help prevent venous diseases. The patient must perform therapeutic exercises to restore the functionality of the joint.

The operation will help cure Baker's cyst and avoid recurrences. Although in rare cases the tumor may appear again.

Folk recipes

Traditional methods can be used as part of complex therapy:

  • Rinse a handful of fresh raspberry and elderberry leaves with water and pour 100 ml of boiling water over them. Leave for 30 minutes, then transfer the leaves to cling film, apply to the affected area, and secure with a bandage. After 2 hours, remove. Do these compresses every day.
  • Pour boiling water over young celandine leaves and leave for 20 minutes. Transfer the resulting mixture to gauze and tape it to the tumor. It is recommended to do it twice a day.
  • Collect young golden mustache grass, chop it, put it in a jar, pour 1.2 liters of boiling water. Leave covered for 3 weeks in a dark place. Then strain, and take the infusion 50 ml 2 times a day. The gruel can be used for compresses.
  • Chop and add water (to cover) the leaves of the cloves. Then chop the dandelion root. Pour 50 g of raw material with water, put it on the stove, when it boils, reduce the heat and boil it for 20 minutes. Grind the dandelion roots and mix with cloves. Add 25 ml of alcohol to the mixture. Place the mixture on gauze, fix it on the affected area, and insulate it on top. Remove after 3 hours.

A compress made from the infusion of golden mustache is used as part of complex treatment Becker cysts

You can also prepare an infusion of St. John's wort, birch buds, mint, nettle, plantain, lingonberry, bird knotweed. To do this, pour 25 g of the collection into 220 ml of boiling water and leave for 60 minutes. Drink ½ glass of medicine daily.

And ointment from calendula flowers, goose fat, as well as propolis will help relieve inflammation and pain.

Folk remedies can be used only after the approval of the attending physician.

When there is a Becker cyst under the knee, clinical signs are not always visible. Therefore, most people are unaware of its existence. Periodic episodes of knee swelling are ignored by patients due to the lack of pain and discomfort.

What is this

A Becker cyst is not a tumor or degenerated tissue. A limited area appears inside the joint capsule, filled with synovial fluid. This process can be painful, but may be asymptomatic. As this area fills with fluid, it bulges, limiting the movement of the joint.

The cyst, as a mechanical obstacle, prevents the leg from bending at the knee completely. At long absence treatment, the cyst enlarges and can cause serious consequences:

  1. Suppuration. The rupture of the cyst and the entry of fluid into the muscle tissue provokes an inflammatory process. If a secondary infection occurs, this will lead to purulent arthritis and severe damage to the joint.
  2. Venous thrombosis. Dangerous complication, is more often observed in women after 40 years. Located under the knee a large number of vessels, precisely in the area affected by the cyst. Compression of veins leads to inflammation vascular walls, circulatory disorders and the development of blood clots.
  3. Blood stagnation, due to impaired circulation, provokes necrosis of muscle tissue and bones.

Both consequences are the result of prolonged inaction. If purulent arthritis forces you to surgical intervention, then the rest can lead to death. In this regard, the cyst must be removed.


Becker's cyst is a consequence long-term inflammation of the joint. Synovial fluid penetrates through the inflamed tissue, forming the body of the cyst. Inflammation can be caused by a number of reasons.

The most popular reason is impaired blood supply to the joint and tissue inflammation. This is always a consequence of the course of diseases with signs of tissue changes and acute inflammatory conditions. These include all types of arthrosis, chondrosis, arthritis and gout.

Leads to inflammation of joint tissues systematic injury. The problem most often occurs during sports and heavy physical activity at work. The risk group includes overweight people, athletes and those whose work involves standing for long periods of time and lifting heavy objects.


At the initial stage, the manifestation of symptoms of a Becker cyst may be absent or limited unpleasant sensations when moving the joint. As the formation increases, compression begins in the articular capsule nerve endings and vessels. During this period it is typical appearance of a lung tingling and numb feeling in the knee.

In part visible signs It is worth noting the inability to bend the knee completely and the appearance of swelling around the joint. Swelling occurs due to impaired blood supply to the joint due to the pressure of the cyst on the bundles of blood vessels. At this stage of the disease, the cyst is easy to feel. It is enough to bring your leg into a half-bent position. If you press your fingers on the center of the back of the knee, you can feel a hardening inside the knee socket.


Diagnosis of a Becker cyst begins with examination and palpation of the popliteal fossa by an orthopedic traumatologist or surgeon. To get a clear clinical picture the patient is required to be prescribed Ultrasound of the knee joint. The study allows you to see the condition of the cartilage and ligaments, the size of the cyst and negative effect, exerted on the vessels. Based on the ultrasound, the doctor chooses a treatment method for Becker’s cyst.

If complications are suspected, an MRI of the knee joint is prescribed. An image obtained by a tomograph by exposure to magnetic field on fluid in the human body, is very accurate. It reflects the presence of concomitant joint diseases, records hernias, meniscus damage, damage to nerve fibers and inflamed vessels.

Treatment, methods, what and how

Rubbing creams and taking painkillers will not help with this disease. There are two ways to remove a Becker cyst: non-surgical method And using an operation.

The non-surgical method is used when the cyst is small and there are no advanced complications. Its meaning is to remove fluid from the cyst cavity with a syringe, and inject corticosteroids in its place.

Corticosteroid drugs are successfully used in the treatment of joint disease as an anti-inflammatory agent. Recovery period for the patient lasts up to two weeks with the use of a fixation bandage, painkillers and restrictions on the load on the legs.

For large Becker cysts (more than 3 cm), the lack of effectiveness of the non-surgical method and the presence of complications, the method is used surgical removal. The operation is not complicated, it is carried out within an hour under local anesthesia. The patient can return home the next day.

A plaster bandage is used to fix and isolate the surgical site. The sutures are removed after a week, and you will be able to walk fully on the tenth day. Depending on the severity of the complications that have developed, rehabilitation period antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.


A Becker cyst under the knee most often occurs after prolonged inflammation, due to the course of concomitant illness. In this case, the basic principles of prevention are prevent tissue inflammation, keep joints calm and warm.

People with joint diseases, especially inflammatory in nature necessary give up hard work and work on your feet. From autumn to spring it is important to dress warmly; joints are sensitive to cold. You need to pay attention to your diet. Excluding fatty, spicy, salty and starchy foods from the menu will help reduce the onset of inflammatory processes in the joints, and will also help you lose weight. Weight loss reduces the load on the limbs and facilitates metabolic processes.

You can prevent the occurrence of a Becker cyst only by starting treatment chronic diseases joints in the early stages. If tightness of movements and swelling appear, you should consult a doctor and conduct a diagnosis for the presence of diseases, do not ignore the symptoms and do not self-medicate.