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What is camphor alcohol used for in the ear? The use of camphor alcohol in the treatment of children

Among the physiotherapeutic procedures used for otitis, warming wet compresses and warming the ear with dry heat have gained wide popularity. This is due to the effectiveness of these activities, as well as the absolute availability of funds used for this. All compresses, depending on the components used, are divided into oil and alcohol.

The presence of alcohol in these procedures is due to its pronounced antiseptic effect and the ability to retain heat. Many are based on alcohol. ear drops, means for external use, used in ENT pathology.

Oil solutions are able to retain heat longer, which makes it possible to use such compresses even at night.

Characteristics of the solutions used

Among the solutions widely used for preparing compresses, the most popular are the alcohol-vodka component, an alcohol solution boric acid, as well as camphor alcohol and camphor oil. In addition to disinfectants and antiseptic properties, the active use of these products is due to their ability to retain heat for a long time, creating the necessary warming effect.

Therefore, before use it must be heated to the required levels. To do this, vials with solutions can be placed in a container for several minutes. hot water, the temperature of which is about 50 degrees.

The duration of the procedure itself may vary, depending on what particular product is included in the compress. A compress with camphor alcohol on the ear can be used for 3-4 hours, an oil compress - up to 8 hours. To prolong the effect of alcohol compresses, camphor alcohol should be mixed with heated camphor or sunflower oil in equal proportions. Technically, all compresses are prepared in the same way. To make a compress on the ear with camphor alcohol, you will need the following components:

  • bandage or gauze;
  • polyethylene film;
  • cotton wool;
  • camphor alcohol in a volume of 50-60 ml.

The bandage is folded in several layers, forming a square with a side of 10 cm. A hole for the ear is cut in the center of this napkin. Polyethylene film is cut out in a similar shape. Step-by-step instruction it looks like this:

  1. To eliminate the irritating effect of camphor alcohol, it is recommended to first apply a protective cream to the skin of the parotid area;
  2. The prepared gauze napkin must be moistened in heated alcohol, squeezed out, and, having passed through the ear, cover the parotid area with it;
  3. To ensure that the napkin retains moisture for a long time, it is covered with plastic wrap;
  4. To enhance the warming effect, a layer of cotton wool is applied on top;
  5. You can fix the compress on your head with a bandage, scarf or hat.

This is how you get a compress. Camphor alcohol on the ear can be used in another way. To do this, use a cotton swab dipped in a heated solution. The method is simpler, but no less effective. It is most common in children. This version of the compress can be used for several hours.

An ear compress with camphor oil is prepared in the same way. The only difference is the heating component used. However, even when using oil that retains heat longer, it is not recommended to leave it overnight.

If the use of a compress is accompanied by a worsening of the condition, increased pain in the ear, burning or itching, the compress must be removed and the parotid area examined. The presence of redness or any rashes in this area indicates the development of an allergic reaction. The remaining solution should be blotted with a soft cloth, excess oil should be removed using warm water. You should consult your doctor regarding this situation.

Various materials can be used as a warming component. medicines, herbal decoctions, oil. However, no matter which of the components is chosen for these purposes, the indications for the procedure are always the same. Most Applications received warm compresses for catarrhal otitis media. It is during this period that, thanks to the activation of protective mechanisms, regression of the disease is possible.

The purulent course of otitis media is absolute contraindication for carrying out any thermal procedures, including compresses.

Define purulent otitis media possible based on existing suppuration. However this symptom is very informative, but not mandatory. In some cases, suppuration may occur not through the injured eardrum, but through the auditory tube.

Clarifying the diagnosis can help instrumental diagnostics carried out by an otolaryngologist. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing severe complications when due to the thermal effect and anatomical proximity, purulent exudate extends to the structures of the skull and the membranes of the brain.

In addition, camphor-based preparations are potent allergens, and therefore their use should be limited in patients prone to developing such reactions. Compared to other products used to prepare compresses, camphor alcohol and oil have a pronounced irritant effect.

The use of these procedures is contraindicated if the patient has a wound surface in the parotid area, psoriatic lesions or other skin changes.

Having a pronounced warming effect, this procedure helps to increase the patient's body temperature. Ear inflammation is also accompanied by the development of hyperthermia. Therefore, applying compresses risks further increasing the temperature. The use of compresses at temperatures above 37.3 degrees is unacceptable.

In children, due to the structural features of the hearing organ, imperfect immune system, transformation catarrhal otitis purulent may take only a few hours. Despite the fact that quite often the disease is characterized by a sluggish course, in some patients it can have a fulminant form. All this makes it extremely dangerous to carry out warming procedures in children, even in the very initial period of the disease.

For children under 5 years of age, wet compresses are not used in children.

It is possible to use a dry compress where not used extra warmth, and the preservation of its own thermal regime is ensured.

The use of any procedures should not only be effective and contribute to speedy recovery, but also safe. To do this, their appointment should always be agreed with a specialist. In the case of ear inflammation, this is especially important, since it is possible to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment only by performing an otoscopy and examining the eardrum.

Any disease, especially acute form, poses a certain threat to human body, and the sooner they are accepted curative measures, the less damage will be caused. Otitis is considered dangerous disease, given that inflammation affects an organ located in close proximity to the brain. To eliminate it, treatment with several drugs is prescribed, and among them, as an additional technique, you can find the use of camphor alcohol. This drug has a lot beneficial properties, and can give good results in the treatment of otitis media, but it is very important to use it correctly.

Why is camphor alcohol used in the ear?

Camphor alcohol is quite specific remedy, having very important properties. It is made from camphor (an ingredient plant origin) mixed with ordinary ethyl medical alcohol. The described tool has the following types of effects on the body:

  • fights germs;
  • has a local irritant effect;
  • anti-inflammatory property;
  • analgesic effect;
  • expands blood vessels, improving tissue trophism.

The drug is used for sulfuric plug as folk method, as well as for treatment inflammatory diseases ear - otitis different shapes, - as it copes with the main symptoms of the problem. One of the most uncomfortable manifestations of the disease for the patient is, and camphor alcohol can eliminate it topically. It also affects inflammatory process, acting in this aspect as a substance that enhances the effect of the drug used. But it is worth understanding that this approach can only act as an auxiliary one, and cannot be the main treatment.

How to treat otitis with camphor alcohol

Otitis is an inflammation of one of the parts of the ear, namely the middle, inner or outer. The source of this problem is the penetration of bacteria into the body from external environment which requires urgent intervention. For therapeutic purposes, the composition can be used as a component of external lotions or as a means for instillation into the auricle, but there are some nuances. So, in official instructions nothing is said about the fact that the drug can be used as ear drops, and due to its alcohol concentration, it may not negatively affect the condition of the organ, causing tissue burns. However, even despite this, some use the product for instillation sore ear, but first diluting the purchased composition, bringing it to a weaker concentration.

Instructions for using alcohol for the ears

Camphor alcohol - inexpensive drug, with pronounced properties. It can both provide invaluable assistance in the treatment, and cause significant harm. The product can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but only externally in the absence of damage to the integrity of the skin and with extreme caution. We propose to find out in what ways alcohol can be used by an ordinary patient and how to do it.

How to dilute and instill in the ear

To ensure your own safety, you should not use camphor alcohol as drops in pure form, so the procedure should start with proper breeding facilities. For breeding, the usual pure water, which is mixed with the drug in a ratio of 1 to 1. This measure will help reduce the irritating effect of the product, which in the case of otitis media is not necessary for a therapeutic effect. The procedure should be performed only in as a last resort and with the permission of the attending physician (it is considered most effective for external otitis). The danger lies in the fact that with otitis media, the eardrum also becomes inflamed, and if a strong irritant hits it, perforation may occur and the fluid will get even deeper, which will cause a burn to the mucous membrane. The result of this combination of circumstances is a strong, sharp pain and a significant shift in recovery time.

How to apply a compress to the ear

A compress is the most common way to use camphor alcohol for otitis, especially in internal form. In order to achieve maximum positive effect, it is important to follow some rules during the procedure:

  1. 2% camphor alcohol is diluted in half with clean water and warmed up to body temperature;
  2. then in a small multi-layer square of gauze you need to make a large slot for the ear;
  3. gauze is moistened in the solution and applied to the sore ear, pulling out the auricle through the incision;
  4. you need to put a sheet on top compress paper, which should have a similar cut;
  5. The next step is to insulate the compress with a layer of cotton wool, after which you can secure it with a plaster or bandage.

Such a compress will provide a high-quality warming effect and effectively relieve painful sensations. You can wear it for several hours, but you shouldn’t leave it on overnight. It should be noted that a contraindication to the implementation of such an event would be an elevated temperature, since warming procedures cannot be carried out at it.

Turunda in the ears for severe pain

If the pain due to ear inflammation is too intense and it becomes extremely difficult to endure, you can resort to using a cotton swab (turunda). This approach is considered safer than instillation and has almost the same effect. So, you need to take a piece of clean cotton wool, twist it and moisten it a little in pure or diluted camphor alcohol. Afterwards, you need to squeeze the cotton wool a little - the drug should not drip freely from it. Turunda is placed in the ear canal at a comfortable depth and left there for a third of an hour. By provoking a rush of blood, such a tampon will not only help reduce the intensity of pain, but will also create approximately the same warming conditions as a regular compress.

Contraindications to treating ears with alcohol

The use of products with camphor is strictly prohibited in both childhood and adulthood with epilepsy. The components contained in the product can cause new convulsions, which will mean the onset of an attack. In addition, do not use camphor alcohol with individual intolerance. Separately, you need to pay attention to the condition of the skin on which the compress will be applied - it should not have any integrity damage or any dermatological diseases.

Is it possible to drip camphor alcohol into children's ears?

Particular attention should be paid to the use of the product if the patient is a child. It should be noted right away that instillation of the drug into the ears should be avoided, as this is too aggressive a method for a young organism. It would be more correct to apply a warming compress, but even here you will have to be careful. While the compress is on the skin, it is periodically necessary to check the condition of the integument - it may appear allergic reaction or tissue burn. In case of any negative reaction, you should stop the procedure and seek medical help.


Health 07.11.2016

Dear readers, in the autumn-winter time we often encounter colds, and often they give complications to our ears. Today we will talk about how to make an alcohol compress on the ear, if such a need arises. Svetlana Ershova, a practicing otorhinolaryngologist, will talk about this in detail. I give her the floor.

Hello, dear readers of Irina’s blog! If you had ear pain as a child, then you probably experienced magical power warm compress. Its effect is aimed at warming the diseased area and, as a result, leads to pain relief.

What is a compress and what are its advantages over other types of treatment?

First, let's define what a compress is. A compress on the ear is a bandage moistened with water, vodka or medicinal solution, which provides a warming effect on a specific area.

The main purpose of the compress is to warm and increase blood flow to the sore spot, which reduces the intensity of pain and speeds up recovery. Due to this property, compresses are often used in otology for the treatment of catarrhal otitis.

The main advantages of compresses:

  • Acceleration of metabolism at a certain stage;
  • Improving the healing process;
  • Activation of immune function;
  • Removal of bacterial waste products from the body.

A compress is placed on the ear only after examination by a doctor.

The doctor will examine ear canal and will appoint necessary treatment. For otitis, a semi-alcohol compress or a compress with camphor alcohol is most often prescribed. The use of camphor oil for otitis is inappropriate.

What is needed to apply a compress?

To apply a compress, you will need improvised means that are found in every home:

  • Bandage or gauze;
  • Wax paper or regular polyethylene;
  • Cotton wool;
  • Scarf or elastic bandage;
  • Alcohol, vodka, camphor alcohol.

How to make a semi-alcohol compress on the ear?

Roll the gauze (or bandage) several times to create a rectangle that fits the size of your ear. In this rectangle, you need to make a cut that will allow the gauze to fit tightly to the surrounding tissues around the ear and bend around the auricle.

By analogy, you should cut a square out of wax paper or from a regular plastic bag, only you need to make it 1 cm larger than the gauze and do not forget to make a slot in it for auricle. Then take a piece of cotton wool that is about 1 cm larger than the wax paper rectangle.

We also take alcohol or vodka at room temperature. We take pure vodka, it usually has a strength of 30-35 degrees. We dilute the alcohol in a 1:2 ratio, resulting in the same 30-35 degrees. That is why the compress is called semi-alcoholic.

Now that all the components are ready, let's start setting up the compress.

  1. Soak a rectangle of gauze in alcohol or vodka, squeeze well and place it firmly on the skin around the ear. Make sure your ear is facing out.
  2. Then place the next layer of polyethylene or wax paper in exactly the same way; it should completely cover the gauze. Again, make sure to keep your ear open.
  3. A large piece of cotton wool is placed on top. It should completely cover the previous layers and the ear. There is no slot made in it.
  4. The entire structure is fixed on the head using a bandage, scarf or scarf. Children can wear a cap.

A semi-alcohol compress is placed for 2-3 hours, sometimes it can be kept for up to 6 hours. You can easily understand when you need to remove the compress - when it no longer provides warmth. After removing the compress, you need to wipe the skin with a damp cloth, then wipe it dry and walk for a while in a headscarf or scarf to keep warm.

Watch the video on how to properly apply a compress to your ear.

How to make a compress on the ear with camphor alcohol?

Camphor alcohol is used in otology to treat otitis media. It can be instilled into the ear or used for compresses. The process of making compresses with camphor alcohol is practically no different from semi-alcohol. Do not forget that camphor alcohol is also alcohol and it must also be diluted 1:2 or even 1:3.

  1. We soak a gauze rectangle with preheated alcohol.
  2. We put wax paper or polyethylene on top.

Apply an outer layer of cotton wool.

A warming compress with camphor alcohol should be applied for 1-2 hours, preferably before bedtime, then remove it and leave a dry bandage so that the ear warms up well.

And I suggest watching a short and interesting video material. Is it necessary to put a compress on the ear for otitis media? Here's what Dr. Komarovsky says about it.

Contraindications for applying a compress

  • Any skin diseases;
  • Purulent otitis;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Damage to the blood vessels of the brain and limbs;
  • Tuberculosis and other infectious diseases in the acute stage.

To accurately establish the diagnosis and not harm your health, consult your doctor before applying the compress!

The main purpose of a warming compress is to warm the surrounding tissues while accumulating its own heat. This significantly reduces the risk of complications compared to the use of external heat sources (lamps, heating pads). It is important to keep it warm. A cold compress can nullify all its positive traits and even make the situation worse.

That's all I wanted to tell you about compresses. Love yourself and your loved ones. Do not self-medicate, and at the first symptoms of otitis media, consult a doctor.

Svetlana Ershova
practicing otorhinolaryngologist

I thank Svetlana for the information. I think that now we can easily put a compress on the ear if necessary. I wish everyone only health.

And compresses designed to warm sore ear and combat pathogens. In such cases, one of the most popular remedies is camphor alcohol: ethnoscience provides many recipes that promise not only to eliminate the painful syndrome tormenting the ear, but also to locally cleanse the source of the disease.

Of course, this approach is not always appropriate. Firstly, camphor alcohol has several contraindications and warnings. Secondly, not all diseases respond to this alcohol preparation - camphor compresses, drops and other drugs for some diseases are not only ineffective, but even harmful. That is why it is important to know how to treat the ear with camphor alcohol, so as not to harm the patient or aggravate his condition.

Since camphor itself is toxic substance, doctors recommend that patients carefully study the list of contraindications, and also not “experiment” with their health without the supervision of a competent otolaryngologist.

Camphor is found in pharmaceuticals in several forms.- natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic.

Usually, indoor application received only d- and l-camphor, which retain their optical activity in any state of aggregation.

Besides, synthetic camphor is considered the most polluted, which means that the chance side effects when using this drug increases.

Since application this drug, despite its toxicity, is widely available in pharmacies and medical institutions this substance is presented in various compositions:

  • alcohol or oil solutions for injection;
  • alcohol or oil solutions for topical use;
  • ointments;
  • aerosols.

This substance is also included in various drops and essential oils, since in various concentrations the drug is used in the treatment of: depression, muscle pain, arthritis, rheumatism, dental diseases.

When choosing the form of the drug, it is important to understand why camphor alcohol is used in the ear. To treat ears, camphor is mainly used in the form of an alcohol solution. Negative side alcohol before oil is that it is able to have a warming effect for less time.

Camphor alcohol itself is a solution active substance alcohol based. Concentration active substance in such solutions can vary from greater to less, they are found as 2% solutions, but the content of the substance sometimes reaches the 20% mark.

Important! To treat ears, you should not choose strong camphor concentrates, since the substance is difficult to remove from the body, and when local application- can leave burns and allergic rashes.

The effect of camphor alcohol in comparison with oil in the treatment of ears is identical - both forms of drugs have both antiseptic and analgesic, antimicrobial, local irritant and anti-inflammatory effects.

The main difference between an alcohol solution and an oil solution is the degree of activity: it is believed that oils have a milder effect than alcohols.

Important! The greater the concentration of camphor in the alcohol base, the greater the anesthetic effect the patient feels.

Otorhinolaryngologists do not recommend using such drops at home without a doctor’s prescription, if there is more: the fact is that modern medicine doesn't count camphor the best remedy at different types otitis However, if gentler options turn out to be ineffective for progressive ailments, such solutions are prescribed by doctors themselves.

As a rule, an alcohol solution has some advantages over an oil solution. The fact is that the oil base infectious diseases in itself can be a good “soil” for the proliferation of infections and bacteria that provoke an inflammatory process in the ear. In addition, oil solutions are less practical.


For patients of all ages who have decided to treat their ears with camphor alcohol, it is important to make sure that the eardrum remains intact.

Inject drops into an ear whose eardrum has already ruptured (rupture of the eardrum under the pressure of accumulating fluid or as a result of surgical intervention) without the supervision of an ENT doctor prohibited.

The fact is that if the integrity is violated eardrum the drug can penetrate deep into the inner ear.

Most often, this leads to aggravation of the disease, its spread and complications.

If the doctor has confirmed that the eardrum retains its integrity, then drops, compresses or turundas (cotton swabs in the form of thin “wicks”) are not contraindicated for adults.

Important! Camphor oil or alcohol in the ear for adult patients is not used in its pure form. In order to protect yourself from side effects and irritation, before use the drug should be diluted with distilled water in a 1:1 ratio.

  1. Drops. Camphor alcohol diluted with water is heated to a temperature of 36-38 degrees (the most convenient way heating - a water bath), is taken into a round pipette and instilled into the sore ear in the amount of 2-3 drops three times a day, when the patient’s ear “looks” up. After a few minutes, excess camphor alcohol is removed from the ear dry.
  2. Compress. Such compresses are effective for external and otitis media, when heating is not a contraindication. To prepare a compress, it is necessary to construct a 3-layer cotton-gauze structure: a rectangle is cut out of gauze or fabric according to the size of the ear, in which a hole is made for threading through the outer ear. The second layer is gauze soaked in heated camphor alcohol, which is also cut out and “strung” onto the sore ear. The final layer is dry cotton wool or gauze; this layer should be slightly larger in size than the previous two. This compress is attached by wrapping it with a bandage or using a cap.
  3. Turunda. Inserting a thin cotton swab moistened with camphor alcohol into the sore ear is a “mini-version” of a compress - a less pronounced but long-lasting anesthetic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect can be obtained in this way. To set the turunda, a thin cotton wick is moistened with diluted camphor alcohol, wrapped in dry gauze and inserted into the ear canal.

Important! Turundas and compresses made using this substance must be kept for at least 2-3 hours. If the substance was applied to cotton wool or gauze in sufficient dosages, then the cotton “wick” or compress will retain heat for two hours. The duration of such procedures should not exceed a 7-10 day period.

If the patient is not sure of the body’s reaction to the substance, a compress with camphor alcohol should be applied to the ear only after the test: a little diluted alcohol is applied to the outer ear, and if after 1 hour there are no rashes or redness at the application site, then the use of the drug can most likely be considered safe.

Another recommendation from ENT doctors is the use of baby cream, which is used to lubricate the ear under camphor compress. This “shell” will serve as additional protection when the ear tissue is exposed to alcohol; this method is often used when applying ear compresses to children.


Treatment ear diseases In children, camphor alcohol has been accompanied by scientific controversy for many years.

To date official medicine does not recommend the use of camphor in children, since the toxicity of the substance can have a serious impact on the growing body.

However, as an exception, camphor alcohol is sometimes still instilled into a child’s ear, strictly observing age and dosage restrictions.

As in the case of adults, drops using camphor alcohol for children Do not put drops in the ears if the integrity of the eardrum is damaged under exudate pressure or as a result of surgery.

Such drops are contraindicated even when this organ hearing aid is inflamed - alcohol can cause burns or perforation.

  1. Children under 1 year no drops, no turunda, no camphor-based compresses to use it is forbidden.
  2. Children from 2 years of age permitted by the use of turundas or compresses, but camphor alcohol in this case is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 to obtain an even lower concentration of the active substance.
  3. Children from 3 years of age allowed careful use drug in the form of drops. Alcohol heated to body temperature is injected into the sore ear, 2-4 drops each, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day. Excess camphor alcohol from baby ear 3-5 minutes after instillation it should be removed using dry turunda. Compresses are applied according to the same principle as when treating adult patients, but the ear under the compress must be lubricated with a moisturizing baby cream.

Since the substance does not lose its activity during evaporation, in the case of treating children it is extremely important to observe dosages: a child can inhale camphor vapors, which can cause various side effects if accumulated excessively in the body.

Thus, treating the ears with camphor alcohol for otitis media and other diseases of the hearing organs is possible, but careless handling of this drug can result in negative consequences. Renowned doctors do not recommend putting anything into the ear without first being examined by an otolaryngologist.

1 year ago

Warming the ear for otitis is one of the most popular procedures, and also effective. But what if the pain strikes at night and you can’t bear it until the morning? You can make a compress at home, but only carefully so as not to harm yourself. Let's discuss how to apply a compress to the ear.

Compress on the ear for otitis - effective remedy which helps to quickly eliminate pain syndrome. Warming is also used in official medicine. True, special equipment is designed for this.

But at home you can make several types of compresses, including:

  • warming;
  • cold;
  • wet;
  • hot.

Each compress should be placed taking into account the existing rules and symptoms of the disease. An adult, if he is confident in his actions, can relieve pain in this way. But as for the child, there is no place for amateur performances. It's better to apply for qualified assistance see an otolaryngologist.

Important! You cannot apply compresses to babies who have not reached one year of age. Any actions must be coordinated with a specialized doctor.

Vodka to the rescue

Very popular in alternative medicine uses a compress on the ear from vodka. Such a remedy perfectly warms and eliminates pain. Alcohol compress in the ear has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. At correct application such a bandage will warm up the desired area of ​​the ear, thereby creating an unfavorable environment for the progression of the disease.

Higher temperatures increase blood flow, active ingredients, coming with medications, are absorbed faster, as a result of which the patient feels improved health.

Compresses are made from both vodka and medical alcohol with a 96% concentration. Be sure to dressing must be sterile and three-layer. We will need the following tools:

  • gauze piece;
  • medical cotton wool;
  • parchment or other waterproof paper.

First, cut out a rectangle from the gauze cut the right size. We fold it in several layers and make a hole for the auricle. Place paper on top. It should overlap the gauze by a couple of centimeters. The last layer will be cotton wool. This is what will create the warming effect. The compress should also be fixed with a bandage or a piece of gauze; it is important not to cover the healthy ear so that the person can hear fully.

Now let's look at the proportions. If you use regular store-bought vodka or moonshine, then alcoholic drink must be diluted with filtered water in equal proportions. The water must be warm.

If you took medical alcohol, then to 1 part of such liquid you should add 3 parts of boiled water. The compress is kept for four hours, but no more. Conduct a similar medical procedure allowed once a day.

A compress on the ear with camphor alcohol will be effective. Camphor alcohol is diluted with water in equal proportions.

Important! The camphor alcohol compress is kept for no more than 1.5 hours. You can do the procedure twice a day. Please note that the temperature mark of the liquid must correspond to the temperature of the human body.

Choose "Dimexide"

Pharmacists call "Dimexide" a conductor, as well as unique means, which has a number of healing properties, including:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • warming.

Traditional healers convince that such a remedy helps in the treatment of otitis media. You just need to moisten a piece of gauze in Dimexide and lightly squeeze the fabric. Then apply the compress to your ear for 20 minutes.

Important! The procedure time cannot be increased, otherwise you may get burned. Please note that sensitive skin around the compress should be lubricated with a rich cream.

Treatment with boric acid

To the usual vodka compress You can add a solution of boric acid, which is a good antiseptic. We take all ingredients in equal proportions. You should first carry out allergy test. The prepared solution should be applied to inner side elbow bend. If after half an hour no reaction appears, you can apply a compress to your ear.


  • 20 ml vodka;
  • 20 ml boiled water;
  • 20 ml of alcohol solution of boric acid.

Preparation and use:

  1. Combine all ingredients in a convenient container and mix well.
  2. Wet a piece of gauze in the prepared solution.
  3. We put dry gauze on the skin as the first layer, and then - soaked in alcohol solution. This is necessary to avoid burns.

The power of bee products

ABOUT healing properties honey and propolis can talk for a very long time. These bee products help in the treatment various ailments, including otitis media. You can make not a compress, but tampons. They are inserted into the ear canal and left for several hours. Ideally, the duration of one procedure is 12 hours.

In equal proportions, you need to combine propolis and liquid honey. Be sure to mix these ingredients until a mass of homogeneous consistency is obtained. Then you should soak a bandage or a piece of gauze in this product and roll it into a tampon. These bee products have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.