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What to do if your jaw hurts when you open your mouth and when you chew: probable causes of pain and ways to eliminate it. My jaw hurts. Pain under the jaw, pain radiating to the ear, inflamed jaw lymph nodes, pain when opening the mouth, jaw clicking

1. What stimulates the process and who will help

The true cause of pain in the jaw joint may be inflammation of the surrounding soft structures passing nearby nerves, bone tissue or its traumatization.

Absolutely unrelated reasons can lead to jaw pain.


  • exposure to any physical force;
  • malocclusion;
  • osteomyelitis, osteogenic tumor;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • tooth decay or the growth of figure eights also cause pain in the jaw on the right or left, depending on the side where the disturbing hard element is located;
  • neuralgia also causes pain in the jaw joint when opening the mouth;
  • chronic head diseases.
Places at the joint of the jaw where problems may occur

The problem is diagnosed by a dental surgeon or neurologist. If all teeth have been treated and nerve diseases have been ruled out, a maxillofacial specialist is involved in the consultation, as it may be necessary to solve the problem through surgery.

Each case where the jaw hurts when opening is considered:

  • by frequency;
  • intensity of manifestations;
  • different symptoms.

The basis of the diagnosis will be an X-ray image, which will show a picture of what is happening inside.

2. Why does my jaw hurt when I open my mouth wide?

Causes of the condition, with sensations that the jaw hurts when opening the mouth on the left or with reverse side, may be sharp and chronic processes inflammation. They cause swelling of the soft structures, and since the space is limited, they put a certain pressure on the articular joint.

With strong acute process, discomfort appears very quickly. A system response that is triggered quickly often creates conditions for a local response of a more intense nature. It happens that after two or three days from the onset of inflammation, patients say that they cannot open their mouth and their jaw hurts. At chronic condition everything is delayed.

What causes inflammation:

  • No matter how trivial it may seem, let's start with the usual caries, not in the surface layer of the crown, but during its deep destruction. When bacteria penetrate into the canal and then into the root apex area. A focus of inflammation forms there, spreading without treatment to neighboring tissues. And if the tooth is closer to the larynx, then such cases when pain appears in upper jaw on the right, take place. Inflammation spreads not only to soft structures, but also to bone. Accordingly, this affects the joint and its connection area. There are disturbances in the nutrition of the depreciation zone, and it is gradually injured in the created pathological conditions.
  • Both independently and arising according to the scenario described above can occur osteomyelitis. It gives an unpleasant pain in the jaw when opening the mouth. Against the background of the disease, discomfort in the head and general weakness bother me.
  • Wisdom tooth causes a local reaction in the space where it tries to find a place for itself. A person feels that his jaw joint on the right hurts if the figure eight begins to push through from this side.
  • At inflammation the connection of the bones itself discomfort appear periodically. They can be not only on one side, when the upper jaw hurts on the left, but also affect the shock absorption zone from below. With arthrosis and arthritis, symptoms occur in the morning and evening hours, and are activated seasonally or when immunity decreases. The duration depends on the characteristics of the body.

Palpation of the articular joint in the area of ​​jaw movement

3. Other reasons


If the lower jaw hurts when opening the mouth and at the same time in the morning and daytime If a reaction appears at the local level in the form of burning, numbness, then the cause may be inflammation or nerve damage. The intensity of the unpleasant sensations is paroxysmal in nature, radiating to the temples and ear.

May be affected:

  • guttural;
  • glossopharyngeal nerve,
  • facial;
  • trigeminal.

Penetration of unwanted microorganisms into the structures holding teeth

Infection of the pulp causes a reaction in the nervous system. And if the large nerve is close to this place, impulses are transmitted along it to the temporomandibular zone.


A dangerous condition is a condition when it appears sharp pain V lower jaw on the left or on the side where the injury caused the reaction. The result will be dislocation and fracture of the bone area.

Damage caused:

  • displacement of teeth due to their loose retention inside the gums;
  • malocclusion;
  • or mechanical impact.

Dysfunction of the jaw joint


When any type of pathological neoplasm grows, it has nowhere to go; as it increases in volume, it provokes irritation of the nerves and other internal structures. This can result in such strong compression of the bone joint if the tumor is in close proximity that pathological displacement or dislocation of the joint is caused. This condition should be monitored by internal research.

4. How the diagnosis is excluded or confirmed

When diagnosing why the jaw hurts on the left side or in the opposite area; inflammation, dislocation and subluxation are immediately excluded.

If inflammation is confirmed, it is necessary to establish the cause of its initiation. If subluxation is confirmed, there may be several options. Determination is possible through research internal state hard tissues.

There is also such a syndrome as dysfunction of the jaw joint, painful. It is penetrating, its disappearance is possible with the right general approach. Since the patient experiences pain in the jaw when yawning, chewing, and even when opening the mouth slightly. Each movement can cause an unpleasant click, which, due to the proximity of the location, can be heard in the ear.

It seems to happen in the ear rather than outside it. Chewing food is unpleasant. Therefore, in addition to normalizing the bite, therapy is supplemented comprehensive measures on relaxation of the masticatory muscles.

In fact, each cause of pain in the maxillo-articular joint leads to a certain degree of dysfunction. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to this condition so that, based on differential diagnosis managed to determine the source of irritation.

If a person has a jaw pain, this may indicate a pathology of the jaw itself. bone apparatus, joint dysfunction and others pathological conditions. Sometimes pain in this area can radiate from other organs, such as the heart. If pain syndrome long time does not go away, you need to visit a doctor.

Structure and functions of the jaw

The jaw is part of the facial skeleton of the skull. Its upper section consists of 2 bones. The maxillary sinus is localized in it. The lower jaw is unpaired. These structures have for humans great importance. The masticatory muscles, which are involved in machining food.

With the help of the jaw and muscular system, a person can yawn, move his chin, and open his mouth wide. The jaws are directly connected to the teeth. The upper jaw bone forms the following structures: the nasal cavity, solid sky and eye sockets. The movement of bone structures is carried out with the help of joints. It is often painful for a person to open his mouth if the jaw joint is damaged. If the mouth does not open at all and there is severe pain, this may indicate a broken bone.

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Causes of pain

If your jaw hurts when you open your mouth, there may be several reasons for this. The main etiological factors are:

  • infectious bone lesions (osteomyelitis);
  • wearing braces;
  • damage temporomandibular joint;
  • maturation;
  • tooth extraction or other medical procedures;
  • neurological diseases (neuralgia);
  • damage to the facial artery;
  • malignant neoplasms(sarcoma);
  • red ear syndrome;
  • defeat carotid artery;
  • arthrosis (deforming osteoarthritis);
  • arthritis;
  • purulent diseases (furunculosis, phlegmon, abscess);
  • traumatic injury (bruises, fractures, dislocations);
  • carotidynia;
  • heart disease (acute myocardial infarction and angina).

If a person is bothered by pain on the right or left side in the jaw area, this may indicate injury to tissue or bone structures. If there is pain and the jaw is swollen, the cause may be a bruise. It is characterized by damage to soft tissues without involvement of bone formations. The bruise can be caused by a fight or playing sports. This condition often found in boxers and martial arts practitioners.

Pain in the jaw below when chewing may be a symptom of a fracture. Moreover, pain occurs during movement and at rest. There is a displacement of bone structures. This type of injury most often occurs when there is a strong blow from a hard object. Such victims need surgical care(osteosynthesis). The causes of a fracture vary. Dislocations are very often diagnosed. The reasons lie in opening bottles with the teeth, wide opening of the mouth during yawning, and sudden movements. During the examination, the following signs are revealed:

  • fixed mouth position;
  • change in speech;
  • changing the position of the jaw (moving forward and turning);
  • swallowing disorder;
  • pain under the jaw and at the joint.

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Pain due to tumors

When pain persists for a long time, it is necessary full examination. Symptoms may indicate the presence of a tumor. The latter are benign and malignant. The first group includes osteoblastoclastoma, osteoid osteoma and adamantinoma. With osteoma, signs of inflammation of the jaw for a long time may be missing.

Pain syndrome worries late stages diseases. Most often this happens at night. Externally, a violation of facial symmetry is determined. With adamantioma, thickening of the jaw is possible. Patients complain that their jaw hurts when opening their mouth (while chewing food and when talking). Benign tumors do not give metastases and timely treatment health prognosis is favorable.

A completely different situation arises if the cause of pain is sarcoma. This malignant tumor, formed from connective tissue. IN general structure malignant neoplasms of non-epithelial origin account for more than 20% of all cases. With sarcoma, there is pain when pressing on the jaw, deformation, pain in the face (in the ear and jaw), radiating to the neck. Some patients experience sensory impairment.

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Pain due to purulent diseases

If your jaw hurts below or above, the cause may lie in acute purulent process. The most dangerous of them is osteomyelitis. With this disease, not only the bone is affected, but also the surrounding soft fabrics. Osteomyelitis is predominantly bacterial origin. Penetration of pathogenic pyogenic bacteria is possible in several ways: through teeth, blood or during injury.

The first option is the most common. Odontogenic osteomyelitis develops due to the penetration of bacteria from the canals of the teeth into the area of ​​their roots. The main signs of osteomyelitis are: pain in the jaw area (upper or lower), fever, chills, headache, tooth pain, lymphadenopathy, swelling and facial asymmetry.

Other possible causes of pain include cellulitis, boils and abscesses. With a boil, an acute purulent inflammation skin. The source of inflammation is limited. He is very painful. With abscess and phlegmon, purulent inflammation of soft tissues also occurs. Severe swelling and pain are observed. With phlegmon, the focus of inflammation and necrosis can spread. In this case, the ear or neck may be involved in the process.

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Cardiovascular diseases

The presence of pain in the lower jaw may indicate heart pathology.

Often the pain radiates to the neck or lower jaw during myocardial infarction.

This condition requires urgent medical care, as it often becomes the reason fatal outcome. Acute infarction is characterized by necrosis of the heart muscle. The main etiological factors are: damage coronary arteries atherosclerotic plaques, spasm of the cardiac arteries, thrombosis, surgical interventions.

If pain in the lower jaw is combined with pain in the heart area that is not relieved by nitrates, you should call ambulance. Symptoms of acute or acute heart attack are: chest pain, feeling of lack of air, sweating. The peculiarity of the pain syndrome is that it lasts more than 15 minutes and is not eliminated by simple painkillers. If the lower jaw, teeth or left hand, this may indicate an attack of angina. This condition is caused oxygen starvation heart muscle. The pain initially occurs behind the sternum, but then it can radiate to the jaw.

The human face is well supplied with blood. Often the cause of pain near the ear or in the jaw itself is arteritis. In case of inflammation of the facial artery, patients complain of burning pain in the jaw, extending into the eye socket. Most often, pain occurs in the area of ​​the lower jaw bone and near the wings of the nose. Larger vessels, such as the carotid artery, can also be affected. Pain can occur in the entire half of the face. It often appears in the neck and lower jaw.

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Pain of neurogenic etiology

Pain in the jaw, near the ear, or in the chest can all be symptoms of nerve damage. In this situation we're talking about about neuralgia. The following are most often affected: peripheral nerves: trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, superior laryngeal. Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the tongue area, which radiates to the lower jaw;
  • increased pain during conversation;
  • hypersalivation.

If pain occurs when chewing, damage may occur. trigeminal nerve. In most cases, the nerve is only affected on one side, so the pain will be on the left or right. The ears themselves do not suffer, but the pain occurs near them, it is intense, has a burning character, and intensifies at night. Pain in the jaw when chewing is the main symptom of neuralgia of the superior laryngeal nerve. It may be accompanied by coughing or sneezing. Spasmodic pain when chewing in combination with cramps and dysphagia may be a manifestation of tetanus. This pathology requires immediate help (administration of antitetanus serum).

When the process of chewing and opening the mouth becomes too painful, a person very often does not know which doctor to contact for these symptoms. This pathology can be caused by several diseases:

The main pathologies will be various changes in the teeth and gums, lesions facial nerve, traumatic pathologies of the jaws or its joints.

In some cases, chewing will be painful due to ear pain due to inflammation.

Traumatic lesions of the jaw

Changes in the jaws caused by trauma can vary in severity:

  1. Bruises are the mildest types of injuries. Only soft tissues are affected, bones are not damaged. At the site of the injury, bruising and swelling form on the face, accompanied by severe pain when moving the jaws and chewing. It goes away after the swelling and bruising subsides, usually 7 days; if the pain is very severe, an x-ray should be taken to diagnose jaw bone fractures.
  2. A fracture is always the result of a blow or bruise. The injury is quite serious and very painful, swelling appears at the site of contact, a hematoma occurs through a short time. With bruises of the lower jaw, the patient cannot open and close his mouth. When the bones of the upper jaw are damaged, hematomas may appear in the undereye; sometimes such signs indicate a fracture of the base of the skull; in case of particularly severe injuries, yellowish fluid discharge and bleeding from the ear openings are observed. In case of such injuries, a consultation with a surgeon and an X-ray examination must be carried out. Such injuries are subject to surgical treatment. Particularly severe fractures are subject to inpatient treatment.
  3. When trying sudden opening mouth or a strong blow on one side, dislocation of the lower jaw is possible in people with inflammatory articular pathologies. With such a defeat it is felt sharp pain, the jaw gets into an unnatural position - it moves out or warps, the mouth does not close, the patient cannot talk and explain what happened. The surgeon realigns the jaw and then takes x-rays to diagnose the fracture.
  4. A long-term consequence of the injury is aching pain, which is caused by damage to the gums and tooth fragments by the fixing orthopedic splint during a fracture. Fracture therapy is a fairly lengthy procedure, often requiring hospital treatment.

Dental pathologies

Pathologies that will cause pain in the jaw when chewing are:

  • caries pathologies of teeth, in which they are destroyed, painful pathological cavities are formed, and nerve endings are constantly irritated;
  • pulpitis, which destroys dental tissue and affects the nerve endings of the tooth;
  • periodontitis – inflammation of the periodontal tissues;
  • abscess in the periodontal area - an abscess that occurs in oral cavity, near the teeth;
  • osteomyelitis of certain areas of the jaw – inflammatory pathologies bone tissue is a complication of caries and pulpitis;
  • dental lesions – tooth splits, dislocations, fractures of the dental neck.
  • toothache of unknown origin;
  • Gingivitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums, in which they become swollen and red. When closing the jaws, the pain is provoked by pieces of food that irritate them;
  • inflammation of the tooth socket that occurs after tooth extraction with swelling and redness of the socket.

These jaw pains are sharp, throbbing, and tend to get worse at night. The causing factor there will be a load on the jaws when chewing, strong grip of the jaws, the influence of too hot or too cold food.

The therapy is carried out by a dentist and a surgeon, and diagnostics is carried out x-ray examination, osteomyelitis requires antibiotic therapy.

Neurological pain

The causes of severe pain in the jaw are also damage to the nerve nodes:

  • trigeminal neuralgia causes very severe pain in the jaw due to pathologies of the lower part. The type of pain is sharp, severe, appears mainly at night, is unilateral, does not extend to the area behind the jaw;
  • pathologies of the upper nerve of the larynx, causing severe pain when chewing food and opening the mouth wide, blowing the nose or sneezing; irradiation into the chest is possible;
  • inflammation of the glossopharyngeal nerve is quite rare.

Pain occurs when chewing. Additional symptoms there will be pain when talking, drying out of the mucous membranes in the mouth. To relieve attacks, pain relief and drugs to relieve inflammation are prescribed, severe pain– surgical treatment is used.

Vascular lesions

The cause of pain in the jaw when opening the mouth and chewing can be vascular lesions:

  • inflammation of the facial artery causes severe burning pain, which is localized either along the edge of the lower jaw from the corner to the chin, or in the upper jaw in the nose area. Sometimes the pain radiates to the area of ​​the eye socket;
  • lesions of the carotid artery are now considered to be the causes of migraine. The pain can affect half the face, half the jaw, teeth, or radiate to the ear. Medications are used for treatment.

Joint dysfunctions

Pain in the jaw when chewing, tight grip of the jaws occurs due to dysfunction of the lower jaw joint. The reason for the violation may be:

The pain typically responds to the facial and temporal region; when chewing and opening the mouth, clicks are heard, and jaw movements are often limited.

The diagnostic method is to conduct an X-ray examination.

If your cheekbone or jaw hurts, treatment is prescribed with medication, folk remedies or physiotherapeutic procedures. Only a doctor can choose the right treatment tactics for the disease.

Pain in the cheekbone, jaw, and near the ear is a frightening symptom. Such painful sensations may indicate the presence of large quantity diseases in organs and systems. Teeth, ears, gums, lymph nodes, sinuses, soft tissues of the face - diseases associated with these organs lead to pain.

  • If unpleasant sensations appear in the cheekbone area, you should immediately consult a doctor. But it is important to know which doctor to go to: a dentist, an otolaryngologist, a surgeon or another.
  • It is better to first contact a therapist, who can refer you to the necessary specialist. When diagnosing, doctors are helped by various laboratories and instrumental methods.
  • To understand the factors causing pain, you can consider possible reasons with help special algorithm actions. So, your jaw hurts, it crunches painfully, there is pain when chewing - what to do in these cases and where to go? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

If there is pain in the jaw, then you don’t need to console yourself with hopes that it will go away on its own. This symptom occurs when a serious disease appears that needs to be treated. If this is not done in a timely manner, the condition may worsen and the disease may develop into a chronic stage.

Causes of pain in the cheekbones, jaw near the ear on the left and right, and when it hurts to chew:

  • Diseases of the dentofacial apparatus, gums and temporomandibular joint. These problems are dealt with by dentists and maxillofacial surgeons. If jaw abscesses and phlegmon occur, you will need an operating dentist.
  • Inflammation of the sinuses. On the sides of the nose there are the maxillary sinuses, and behind the ear there is a cavity located inside the process of the temporal bone. The mucous membrane of this cavity can become inflamed and cause aching pain in the cheekbone area. An ENT specialist deals with such problems.
  • Diseases of the larynx, tonsils and tissues around them. The disease appears as a result of a purulent-inflammatory process, infectious disease and tumors. An ENT doctor can cure such a pathology.
  • Disease of the peripheral nervous system. Inflamed nerve cells, causing accumulation of processes and pain. You should contact a therapist or neurologist.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes. They become inflamed if infected lymph from the nose, larynx or ears enters their tissues. Diseases of this system are dealt with by general practitioners or pediatricians (in children).

If diseases are started by delaying a trip to the doctor, then other concomitant, no less complex pathologies may develop:

  • Purulent and inflammatory processes: abscesses, phlegmon.
  • Infections in the mouth, nose or ears.
  • Dysmetabolic abnormalities in electrolyte balance.
  • Injuries - can occur due to strong opening of the mouth when yawning, opening bottles and other hard or metal caps with the teeth.
  • Benign and malignant tumors.
  • Inflammation of peripheral vessels and nerves.

If your jaw hurts after going to the dentist or having a tooth removed, you should immediately contact a specialist. A consultation may not be necessary if braces have been installed. In that case easy or tolerable pain occurs during the formation of a correct bite. But, if this condition does not go away after 2 months, then a consultation with the treating dentist is necessary.

Important: You should contact a trauma surgeon if your jaw or cheekbone begins to hurt after an injury. In this case, pain can arise either from a banal bruise or from a serious fracture, dislocation or abscess.

This pain may be associated with dental problems, and with diseases nerve endings. What other causes of pain in the jaw bone near the ear and in the muscles when pressed? Several important factors:

  • Injuryswipe in the head area may lead to a violation of the integrity of the facial bone. Constant It's a dull pain, as well as when pressed.
  • Wisdom tooth eruption. This process is almost always accompanied painful sensations, for some people to a lesser extent, for others - to a greater extent. Pain may occur when pressing on the cheekbone area.
  • Jaw osteomyelitis- a disease that affects the entire bone. The cause of its occurrence is active pathogenic microorganisms who sneak into root canals. The pain is strong and aching.
  • Caries and pulpitis can cause pain that intensifies at night, especially when pressing on the cheekbone in the area of ​​sore teeth.
  • Arteritis- pain in the form of a burning sensation in the jaw area.
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction- pain when opening the mouth and chewing food, when pressing.
  • Boils, fistulas, cellulitis and abscesses- The jaw hurts when pressed and at rest.

Any unpleasant sensations cannot be ignored! If pain occurs in the jaw area, when pressed, at night, or if the discomfort is permanent, you should consult a doctor.

Often when you yawn, your jaw cracks. But if you open your mouth too wide, then in addition to crunching, pain may appear. It does not go away for a long time, and appears during chewing, opening the mouth, or even at rest. What to do if your jaw cracks and hurts?

If the pain does not go away the next day, you should immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms can occur with serious illnesses:

  • jaw arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • jaw muscle sprain;
  • dislocation of the jaw joints.

The doctor will examine you and order an X-ray. If the joints are in order, then the doctor may prescribe UHF and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Within 5-7 days after undergoing physiotherapeutic procedures, the pain will go away.

The clicking sound during mouth opening is most often painless. You only feel discomfort and hear a characteristic sound.

  • Many people get used to this crunch and stop paying attention to it.
  • This condition is explained by the fact that the jaw joint comes out of alignment during movement. joint capsule. It moves to the side and when it returns to its place, a crunching sound is heard.
  • This may occur due to injury, malocclusion, excessive tension of the jaw muscles (singing, reading poetry).

What to do if the jaw clicks on one side and the jaw joint and cheekbone hurt when opening the mouth? Some tips:

  • Correct diagnosis. Often people go to the doctor with a problem advanced cases. Determining the root cause is difficult, because you need to understand how this condition developed. To make a correct diagnosis, you must consult a doctor as soon as the first symptoms appear. pain. The doctor prescribes X-ray, MRI, computed tomography and arthroscopy.
  • Dentists treat dysfunctions of the jaw joint. Complex cases require consultation with a dental surgeon. For treatment, painstaking and long work for correcting bites, refilling teeth, replacing dentures, and so on. Treatment of jaw joint dysfunction is carried out by prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • At home, you can alleviate the condition a little with the help of warm compresses, and in case of inflammation, applying ice will help. Do not load the jaw: soft and ground food, complete rest.
  • Cope with pain syndrome Relaxation techniques will help. As a preventive measure similar diseases can be used .

Treatment of all diseases associated with clicking of the jaw joints and pain depends on the degree and nature of the development of the inflammatory process. General recommendations in this case it is complete rest of the jaw.

Colds and runny nose are accompanied by spread throughout the body pathogenic microflora. Inflammation begins, which is accompanied by pain. Therefore, to the question: can the cheekbone and jaw hurt during a cold, runny nose, or tooth extraction, we can confidently answer: yes.

  • If pain occurs in the cheekbone area, almost under the eye, then this is inflammation maxillary sinuses. Contact an ENT specialist.
  • Pain at the junction of the upper and lower jaw may occur due to colds and runny nose. Bacteria enter the joint sac, its surface becomes inflamed. It will help to get rid of the ENT problem.
  • A cold can cause inflammation of the jaw nerve. A neurologist treats this disease.
  • Cheekbones may hurt with otitis media. In this case, the pain may be accompanied by an increase in temperature. An ENT doctor treats otitis media.

Pain in the jaw during tooth extraction may be minor. But, if the pain is severe and intensifies over time, then the surgeon may not have removed the entire tooth, so you should immediately consult a dentist.

Often, when pain occurs, people panic and do not know which doctor to contact. If such a situation arises, you can contact a therapist, and he will refer you to to the right specialist. What other doctor can you see if your cheekbone or jaw hurts? The following specialists will receive you:

  • dentist;
  • dental surgeon;
  • surgeon, orthodontist;
  • neurologist;

If the pain is sharp and unbearable, as with a dislocation or fracture of the jaw, then you should call an ambulance.

From the above, it is clear that there are many reasons for pain in the jaw joint. Diseases can be associated with ENT organs, neuralgia, inflammation of joint and soft tissues, inflammation of dental tissues.

  • Therefore, treatment for a sore jaw joint near the ear or in the cheekbone area should only be prescribed by a specialist.
  • He can deliver correct diagnosis or refer to another highly specialized doctor.
  • Often, the treatment of pain in the cheekbone area is accompanied by the prescription of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. For almost any inflammatory process, the doctor prescribes UHF or other physiotherapeutic procedures.

Important: Do not self-medicate! This is dangerous to your health.

Osteoarthritis of the jaw is a chronic disease of the skull bones, in which the cartilage in the joints is destroyed, which leads to deformation, pain and decreased mobility.

Drug treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can lead to worsening of the condition and uncontrolled reaction of the body. The main groups of drugs used in the treatment of jaw pain:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - non-steroidal drugs: diclofenac, ibuprofen, etoricoxib, ketorol. If there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then drugs that reduce acidity in the stomach are prescribed in parallel: Omeprazole, Lansoprazole.
  • Vitamins - ascorbic acid(vitamin C), cholecalciferol (vitamin D), calcium.
  • Drugs that renew cartilage tissue- hyaluronic acid.
  • Intra-articular injections for severe pain: Disprospan. This treatment is carried out once every 6 months.

Women may be prescribed hormone therapy, especially during menopause, but under the supervision of a gynecologist and endocrinologist. Physiotherapeutic procedures will also be effective: electric current, paraffin, laser, magnet, massage, ultrasound.

In parallel with medicines, in the treatment of arthrosis of the jaw joint, are used folk remedies. Apitherapy is a therapy carried out using bee venom. It contains biogenic amines, which relieve pain and act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Bee venom is used as follows:

This method has many contraindications (allergies, chronic diseases, malignant neoplasms, hypertension, diabetes). Therefore, you should consult your doctor before starting treatment.

In addition to bee venom, honey and gelatin can be used to treat arthrosis:

Video: Why does my jaw click?

When you open your mouth, you should immediately contact a dentist, neurologist or surgeon. Only experienced specialists after a personal examination they will tell you why this phenomenon is bothering you. But if you cannot visit the hospital in the near future, then below we will present some of the most likely reasons why your jaw hurts and how to eliminate the discomfort.

Arteritis of the facial artery

This disease is characterized by damage to the artery located in the jaw. Symptoms of this deviation are strong feeling burning sensation that spreads from the chin to the lip and nose.

Disturbances in the functions of the temporomandibular joint

This deviation may be preceded by both a congenital malocclusion and an inflammatory process in this area of ​​the face. Among other things, the reasons why the jaw hurts when opening the mouth can be:

  • cranial neuralgia;
  • neuralgia;
  • neuralgia of the laryngeal nerve (superior);
  • neuralgia of the ear node;
  • carotidynia (a special type of migraine);
  • osteogenic sarcoma (or malignant tumor).

What to do if your jaw hurts?

To determine why this phenomenon began to bother you, you need to personally visit a specialist. And only after the diagnosis is made, you will be prescribed a course of treatment, as well as physical procedures. But if you are unable to get to the hospital in the coming days, then you should adhere to the recommendations described below, which will ensure complete rest for your mandibular joint:

  1. Try not to open your mouth too wide. In this case, food should be taken with a dessert spoon. Food should have a mushy consistency.
  2. Try to refrain from yawning.
  3. Limit chewing movements only to those necessary for eating.