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Burning pain in the top of the foot. Pain in the feet

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Our legs perform essential functions. And if unpleasant sensations arise in them, this can interfere with normal movement. And why can it arise from above? Let's figure it out!

Causes of pain

So, you have it on top. With what it can be connected? There are several possible reasons. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  1. . The arch of the foot supports the foot while walking. It should be slightly raised to evenly distribute weight, maintain balance and serve as a support. But in some cases, the arch of the foot may drop. This causes the bones to move closer together, the joints to be compressed, and the tendons and ligaments to be stretched. And all these changes lead to pain (especially with movement and loads), which may well be localized in any part of the foot, including the top.
  2. And . Both of these diseases are characterized by damage to the joints, which causes their deformation and destruction. Any joints, including the upper part of the foot, can undergo such changes. The difference between these two diseases is that arthrosis is most likely an age-related problem. That is, with age, the body is no longer able to regenerate all tissues. And arthritis, according to doctors, is an autoimmune condition in which the body's cells for some reason begin to attack the joints. Pain can occur both during movement and calm state(even at night).
  3. If the upper part of the foot hurts, the doctor may make a diagnosis such as “marching foot.” This interesting phrase describes a condition in which some deformations occur in the foot, leading to changes in the bone structure and pain. Most often this happens after stress associated with frequent climbing stairs, marching, lifting weights and other similar physical activities. Due to these loads on the joints and ligaments of the foot, it becomes too strong pressure. Soldiers most often complain about this pathology (especially in the first days and months of service).
  4. – this is single benign education in the periarticular area. It is an accumulation of fluid and mucus with other pathological impurities. Outwardly, it looks like a rather dense structure, rising above the foot. It can occur due to heavy loads or uncomfortable shoes. At first, the hygroma does not make itself felt, but then, as it grows, it begins to grow and hurt (especially after exercise). If the tumor grows greatly, it will suffer bursa, there will be pain in the joint.
  5. - This is also a neoplasm localized in the area of ​​the tendon joints. It is a cluster nerve cells and liquids. Manifestations of this disease and its causes are almost the same as in the case of hygroma.
  6. . If something heavy fell on your foot, or you simply hit it, then it is logical that painful sensations associated specifically with trauma. The pain immediately after the blow can be strong and sharp, then it will become aching and dull, and will intensify with movement.
  7. – this is a deposit uric acid in the joints. There is paroxysmal, sharp and sometimes very severe pain (especially at night and), mobility worsens. The cause of this disease may be improper or disrupted functioning of certain organs.
  8. – this is an inflammation of the periosteum with subsequent possible spread of the process to other tissues. The foot may become swollen and painful.

What should I do?

What to do if the top of your foot hurts? First of all, you need to see a doctor. Which one exactly? It depends on the specific disease. First, go to a therapist, and he will write out a referral to a specific specialist. This could be a rheumatologist, surgeon, orthopedist, or traumatologist. To find out the exact cause of the pain, diagnostic procedures: X-ray, ultrasound and perhaps a blood test.

Below we will describe several treatment options for a particular problem, but these are just examples. Any medications and procedures can only be prescribed by a doctor!

  1. or arthrosis require complex treatment. If we are talking specifically about arthritis, then you need to try to find out the cause of the disease (infection, problems with the immune system) and eliminate it. Both diseases require the use of anti-inflammatory drugs (non-hormonal, and in severe cases hormonal –). The pain syndrome is relieved with the help of painkillers. In addition, to replenish cartilage and joint tissues and nourish them, they are prescribed containing substances similar to those contained in the tissues.
  2. , basically, is . For example, you will need to limit your consumption of meat and fish, as well as broccoli, spinach, and legumes. But you can eat cereals, milk, eggs, fruits and many vegetables. Alcohol is not allowed!
  3. can be corrected by wearing special and therapeutic exercises. But treatment needs to be started at an early stage.
  4. Foot injuries require immediate medical attention, as fractures or cracks are possible, which can have quite serious consequences.
  5. The ganglion and hygroma are removed by puncturing and removing the contents of the tumor, into which a certain composition will then be injected to disinfect and accelerate the healing process. In addition, most likely, the limb will need to be fixed in one position (for about a week). In some cases, certain procedures are indicated, such as ultraviolet irradiation.
  6. Treatment of periostitis involves relieving inflammation. Antiallergic drugs and calcium-based vitamins are also sometimes indicated to strengthen tissues.
  7. Marching foot requires fixation of the foot for some time. Warming or paraffin baths and massage may also be prescribed.


What can you do to avoid pain in the top of your feet? Follow some recommendations:

  • Distribute the load on the leg evenly and correctly, do not overstrain your feet.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that fit properly.
  • Lead correct image life: eat rationally and balanced, give up bad habits, try to move more.

It only remains to add that the health of your feet depends only on you. If you are more responsible and attentive, you will be able to avoid many problems or solve them in time.

Pain in the top of the foot and swelling can occur for certain reasons. Human feet perform the most important function - support. The slightest changes in their functioning affect the quality motor mechanism. What can cause pain and swelling in the foot?

Causes of the phenomenon

If there is pain in the upper part of the foot, what could be the reasons? There are several factors that provoke pain:

  1. Flat feet can cause pain in the top of the foot. With a normal foot position, the body weight is evenly distributed, maintaining balance. This is achieved thanks to the raised arch, which supports the foot, acting as a support. With flat feet, there is a drooping of the arch, which leads to deformation of the skeleton of the foot. Bones change their location, moving closer to each other, joints come under pressure, tendons and ligaments are deformed, stretched lengthwise or crosswise. Putting pressure on the foot causes severe pain. Even for short periods hiking, it begins to ache and swell, especially in the heel and upper area.
  2. Hallux valgus is typical mainly for women, since out of a desire to look fashionable and beautiful, they often subject their feet to real torture. Constantly wearing high-heeled shoes will deform the foot over time. When undergoing changes, the joints bend, forming an angle (valgus angle). And if the top of the foot is swollen and hurts, then this may be due to that same painful bone in the feet - the top of the corner.
  3. Arthritis and arthrosis affect the joints and subsequently destroy them. The foot may be painful and swollen. These 2 diseases are often confused, the difference is that older people are susceptible to arthrosis, and arthritis is a disease associated with changes occurring in the body. The disease is accompanied by pain and swelling both while walking and while standing still. The part of the foot on top is a vulnerable spot, since this area also suffers due to uncomfortable shoes.
  4. Marching foot is the name this pathology received due to peculiar changes occurring in the structure of the bones. They come from enhanced physical activity, similar to those to which soldiers are exposed military service: marching, constant climbs to different heights, lifting weights and other loads. Under constant pressure, joints and ligaments are subject to deformation, which causes pain and swelling of the foot.

Hygroma is benign tumor, located around the joint at the top of the foot. The contents of the tumor are liquid with various impurities and mucus. From the outside it is an ordinary lump, dense to the touch. It can form due to wearing tight shoes or as a result of heavy physical exertion. It tends to grow, and as the size increases, the pain intensifies, since the synovial bursa comes under attack.

A tendon ganglion is a benign tumor that forms on the back of the foot in the tendons. Pain appears in the top of the foot. This is a nerve node containing fluid. It appears for the same reason as hygroma.

The foot may become injured, resulting in severe pain and swelling of the foot, both at the top and bottom. If the top of your foot hurts and it’s very painful to walk, then it could be a simple bruise that can be caused by a fall or blow.

A dislocation can occur due to an unsuccessful sudden movement of the leg. A sprain can occur when you dislocate or play sports. In an unsuccessful fall, the foot may be damaged due to a fracture, rupture of ligaments, or the formation of a crack in the bone.

For any injury, you should consult a traumatologist, because if the upper part of the foot hurts and swelling appears, this may be a complication of improperly started treatment of the injury.

Periostitis is an inflammatory process occurring in the periosteum. Symptoms of the disease: pain and swelling in the front of the foot. The cause may be injury or bruise.

Gout is a joint disease associated with the deposition of uric acid salts. It impairs mobility, causing the top of the foot to become red and swollen. Both the toes and the top of the foot can be affected. Gout does not form in one day and often takes chronic form. The disease is associated with disorders of the body's nutrition and metabolism.

With clubfoot, the feet deviate from the straight line of the axis of the leg in inner side, which leads to their deformation. Clubfoot occurs on one or both legs at once. Due to the "oblique" gait, the upper part of the foot, succumbing to deformation, can cause pain and swelling.

Necessary measures

What to do and what should be done when pain appears on the top of the foot? The first right decision would be to see a doctor. Since the above diseases have different origins, it is advisable to first see a therapist. After the examination, he will refer you to a specialist doctor. They may be an orthopedist, surgeon, traumatologist or rheumatologist. In order to accurately determine the cause of pain in the upper part of the foot, an x-ray or computer scan is used. For some diseases, a blood test may also be needed. The doctor selects treatment tactics after determining the cause of the pain:

  1. How is arthritis treated? We have already noted above that the cause of arthritis can be infectious diseases. Having found out the cause of the exacerbation of arthritis, the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to eliminate the source of the disease. Arthritis in an acute form is quite difficult. The patient's temperature rises, and changes in the composition of the blood may occur. The top of the foot and toes become swollen and lose mobility. Treatment is directed towards removal inflammatory process, with The goal is to restore mobility to the joints of the foot. Arthritis can be non-infectious, but occur with the same excruciating pain. Painkillers are prescribed, and to improve the quality of cartilage and joints, drugs containing tissue nourishment - chondroprotectors.
  2. Treatment of gout. The doctor will direct all treatment to change your diet and adherence to certain rules. To relieve gout pain, you need to revise your diet to include more cereals, dairy products, eggs, vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to exclude meat and fish dishes, spinach, legumes and broccoli.
  3. Flat feet are not treated, but foot defects are corrected. Correction consists of wearing orthopedic shoes made taking into account all possible defects of the foot or using insoles and arch supports. And in order to relieve pain and swelling, a foot massage is prescribed.
  4. In case of injuries, immediate assistance from a traumatologist is required, since failure to provide timely assistance can cause serious complications.
  5. Treatment of hygroma and ganglia is as follows: tumors similar in etiology are removed by puncture (puncture) and extraction of the tumor, after which a substance is introduced that accelerates the healing process.
  6. Treatment of periostitis consists of excluding the inflammatory process. For this purpose, appropriate anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, antihistamines. To maintain tissues - calcium supplements.
  7. Treatment of marching foot: to relieve pain and relieve swelling, the foot is fixed (immobilized). Paraffin wraps, massage and heat are prescribed as auxiliary therapy.

Prevention methods

To avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Try not to strain your feet, and avoid strenuous physical activity if possible.
  2. Choose shoes that are comfortable for your feet and of the right size.
  3. Watch how you eat to support your body.
  4. Don’t forget about the movements, make it a habit, even while sitting still, to exercise your feet. With this seemingly insignificant manipulation, you will achieve improved blood circulation and strengthened muscles and ligaments.

Pain in the foot directly affects the quality of life, limiting a person’s ability to move freely. The condition of your feet depends only on you and your desire to maintain health. Seek help from specialists in a timely manner so that your feet can serve you for many years.

Pain in the top of the foot - much more serious problem than it may seem. The foot itself is a very complex mechanism of ligaments, bones and muscles. All this variety of fabrics is brought together so that a person can easily support the weight of his body on a small supporting area. In addition, the foot is directly involved in upright walking.

And if suddenly the leg on top of the foot hurts, the person is either very constrained in his movements or cannot walk at all.

Why does the top of my foot hurt?


Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the Moscow Polyclinic.

Arthrosis – a degenerative disease in which bones and cartilage lose their strength. Refers to age-related diseases. The reasons for its appearance may be different: increased load over many years, poor nutrition, obesity, smoking, hormonal imbalances.

Osteoarthritis of the foot can appear anywhere on the foot, and the arch of the foot is no exception.

Nature of pain

The pain in the top of the foot is aching and intensifies with any load, even minor ones. The severity of pain varies depending on the severity of the disease: on early stages The pain is not severe and appears only after walking, on late stages it haunts the patient even in complete rest.

Additional symptoms

Crunching in the foot when walking, muscle weakness, thinning of the muscle tissue, swelling.

Who diagnoses and how?

A rheumatologist deals with arthrosis.

Methods: questioning the patient, tests, palpating the affected limb, MRI, x-ray.


Classic treatment also includes lifestyle changes. Painkillers are prescribed for severe pain, due to which a person cannot walk (it is often accompanied by swelling and inflammation, which is why they are prescribed). Lifestyle changes are the main part of therapy. If you reset excess weight, give up various bad habits, start eating well and sign up for a massage, ankle arthrosis can be stopped and even reversed.

In extreme cases they are used surgical methods– prosthetics or plastic surgery.

Flat feet


This disease develops in childhood due to weak muscles and heavy loads, under their influence the foot changes its shape from normal to pathological.

Nature of pain

The pain appears while walking and when palpating, and has a “tense” character.

Localized in the upper and lower parts of the foot.

Additional symptoms

The foot is flat, the normal shape is disrupted.

Who diagnoses and how?

A podiatrist can make this diagnosis based on a visual examination and tests on foot shape.


Mainly used orthopedic insoles.



With gout, the body's metabolism is disrupted: salt is deposited in the joints, uric acid remains unremoved in the muscles. Because of this, unpleasant sensations appear.

Nature of pain

IN acute phase There is a burning pain on the top of the foot.

In the chronic phase, the patient is followed at night severe pain.

Additional symptoms

The leg swells and the skin on the surface of the foot turns red.

Who diagnoses and how?

The diagnosis is carried out by a therapist. He must collect anamnesis, prescribe blood and urine tests, and identify salt deposits.


Treatment consists of relieving pain, normalizing metabolism with proper nutrition, physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

In simple cases, the disease can often be eliminated.



Arthritis of the ankle is acute or chronic inflammation of the ankle joint. Usually it becomes a consequence of another disease - an infectious process, arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, etc.

Nature of pain

Acute phase: the disease begins abruptly, the patient feels a burning itchy pain spreading along the foot.

Chronic phase: the patient feels severe stiffness and moderate aching pain in the morning; when trying to “disperse,” the pain gradually disappears.

Additional symptoms

The acute course is characterized by an increase in body temperature and the rapid development of severe edema.

Who diagnoses and how?

Arthritis is recognized by both a general practitioner and an orthopedist.

With the help of examination and x-rays, they will exclude other variants of diseases, and with the help of tests they will clarify the cause of arthritis.


Initially, arthritis is treated in the same way as any other inflammation: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, bed rest and diet. When acute attack passed, doctors are looking for the cause of arthritis and trying to eliminate it.

Bruises and fractures


Mechanical damage top of the foot.

Usually the cause is that the patient hit something or something heavy fell on his leg.

Nature of pain

In case of a bruise, aching or subacute pain of moderate intensity is observed. With a fracture, the pain is severe, bright and sharp, the patient cannot walk.

Additional symptoms

The foot is swollen, there is a hematoma or cyanosis of the skin.

Who diagnoses and how?

A traumatologist deals with bruises and fractures.

Usually an image is enough to make a diagnosis.


For a bruise - rest, cold compress, situational medications. For a fracture – fixation, fusion, rehabilitation.

Diabetic foot


This disease is a consequence of untreated type 1 diabetes. Characterized by weakening protective functions skin of the foot and foot in general - pain, ulcers, ingrown nails appear.

Nature of pain

The pain can be aching and localized throughout the foot.

With ulcers, the pain is burning, located in the same place as the ulcer.

Additional symptoms


Who diagnoses and how?

For pain and ulcers, it is better to consult a therapist. The diagnosis is made by exclusion - the doctor, using examination, palpation and x-rays, discards other options. After this, he confirms diabetes and takes the contents of the ulcer for bacteriological analysis to select the optimal antibiotic.


Treatment is symptomatic. The doctor gives advice to the patient on choosing shoes and prescribes medications that should stop the spread of ulcers, calluses and other manifestations.

At the same time, the underlying cause, diabetes, is treated.

"Horse" foot


Horse foot can be caused by injuries and birth defects. With this pathology, the shape of the foot changes greatly and most often freezes motionless in a changed position.

Nature of pain

With paresis of the foot, additional skin growths usually form in layers on the upper part of the foot, which cause pain.

The pain is pressing and aching character, increases with friction.

Additional symptoms

Curvature of the foot.

Who diagnoses and how?

An orthopedist can make a diagnosis after a visual examination.


Conservative – plaster and corrective bandage, surgical – correction.

Hallux valgus


Valgus curvature is mechanical defect caused by prolonged wearing of uncomfortable shoes. It appears in different parts of the leg - both knees and toes can be affected.

Most often it looks like an “X-shaped” arrangement of legs.

Nature of pain

It begins to hurt when a person continues to wear uncomfortable shoes. Most often, the pain syndrome is not severe: aching, pressing or accompanied by a feeling of numbness.

Additional symptoms

Some part of the legs or both legs are pathologically curved.

Who diagnoses and how?

Orthopedist, an external examination is enough.


All treatment comes down to returning the legs to their natural position. There is a special one for this orthopedic shoes, and massage, and exercise therapy, and plaster.

In extreme cases, surgery may be required.

Spur on the heel


With this disease the bone tissue on the heel grows, forming a hook or spike. Naturally, the patient begins to feel extremely unpleasant sensations when walking, since the sharp hook rests on the muscles and skin from the inside. It is very painful for a person to walk. As a result, the patient begins to transfer body weight from the entire foot to its front side, so as not to affect the heel. After this, pain occurs in the upper part of the foot, which is overloaded.

Nature of pain

When walking, the foot hurts both above and below.

The patient feels that even after a short walk his instep is very tired.

Additional symptoms

Sharp stitching pain in the heel when stepping on it.

Who diagnoses and how?

The orthopedist or surgeon will immediately see the spur in the image.


Medicines (if the spur was caused by hormonal or infectious diseases), extracorporeal therapy, surgery.

Purulent inflammation of the upper part of the foot


With purulent inflammation, pathogens penetrate into ulcers on the skin or cracks in the bone/tendon and provoke a purulent-inflammatory process.

Nature of pain

The pain develops quickly, is acute and a strong character.

Additional symptoms

Fever, purulent discharge from the wound.

Who diagnoses and how?

Therapist, based on medical history, examination and blood tests.


Medication, primarily antibiotics.

"Marching" foot


The marching foot is so called because This disease mainly affects soldiers on marches.

Expert opinion

Mitrukhanov Eduard Petrovich

Doctor - neurologist, city clinic, Moscow. Education: Russian State Medical University, Russian State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education medical Academy postgraduate education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd.

Uncomfortable shoes and prolonged heavy loads lead to the central bones of the foot shifting and causing pain.

Nature of pain

The pain is severe or moderate, itchy or sharp. It is mainly felt in the center of the foot, radiating to the upper part when walking.

Additional symptoms

In addition to the pain in the foot, there is a swelling on top that reacts to the slightest touch.

Who diagnoses and how?

Traumatologist, based on the image.


Conservative, good prognosis. The patient needs to completely remove the load from the foot for 10 days. After the pain disappears, you need to undergo a course of therapeutic physiotherapy and massage.

At the end of treatment, the foot returns completely to normal.

Situational pain when walking


If the pain occurs occasionally, occurs only when walking and is not very severe, the reason most likely lies in fatigue and bad shoes.

Nature of pain

Depends on how uncomfortable the shoes are.

It can be small and aching, or it can severely “pierce” the leg when walking.

Additional symptoms

As a rule, when wearing incorrectly selected shoes, calluses and abrasions on the skin appear due to friction.

Who diagnoses and how?

If you have any questions, you can consult an orthopedist.


Proper selection of shoes, rest, good nutrition.

When should you go to the doctor?

You need to see a doctor in any case. Foot – too much complex mechanism to ignore her signals.

Does the top of your foot hurt? It's time to think about going to an orthopedist, surgeon or therapist, because such pain signals a disease that needs urgent treatment. “Delay is like death,” in this case we are most often talking about amputation. The foot is a complex and valuable mechanism of our body, and it should not be risked under any circumstances.


  1. Causes of pain: arthrosis, flat feet, gout, arthritis, bruises and fractures, diabetic and equine feet, hallux valgus, spurs, purulent inflammation, “marching” foot.
  2. Pain due to simple fatigue and poorly fitting shoes is not a reason to put off visiting a doctor.
  3. Ignoring the disease and inaction can lead to disability.
  4. Classical therapy consists of drug treatment, practice healthy image life and surgery if necessary.
  5. By practicing self-medication and folk recipes, you risk aggravating the disease, which will lead to disastrous consequences.
  6. When pain appears, your first actions should be: removing shoes, ensuring the foot is rested and immobile, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for swelling.

​An alternative form of treatment is shock wave therapy, as well as magnetic resonance manipulation, aimed at restoring the functionality of the foot and eliminating symptomatic pain. It is mandatory to wear properly selected orthopedic shoes, compensators in the form of insoles, and special orthoses. In some cases, conservative and alternative medicine is not effective, so then only direct surgical intervention, especially in cases severe injuries and acquired diseases.​


Metatalsargia. With age, the structure of the ligaments, as well as bone tissue, loses biochemical activity and begins to deteriorate - ultimately normal functioning the above-mentioned part of the body is disrupted, and severe pain occurs, accompanied by the development of bursitis and arthritis of the rheumatoid type.

​Double laces. Take two pairs of laces and leave the area closest to your toe unlaced. Start lacing from the bottom, then leave a little space without laces and then lace with a second pair of laces all the way to the top. Experiment a little until you are completely sure that you have found the best option.​

​People who regularly engage in aerobic exercise are more susceptible to diseases such as: plantar fasciitis, heel spur, sesamoiditis, Achilles tendonitis and fractures. Women are more susceptible to fractures.​

  • ​Foot pain can be localized in any part of the foot, both in the toes and in the heel or Achilles tendon. In some cases, the pain is minor and goes away on its own. But often, the pain can be intense, especially in the presence of injuries or chronic inflammatory processes. Foot pain is a fairly common complaint among people (up to 75% will experience it during their lifetime). In most cases, foot pain is associated with wearing uncomfortable shoes (narrow, tight or high heels).​
  • ​Gout​
  • ​Treatment of felons is surgical, with opening of the abscess. Prevention – timely elimination of injuries and skin damage.​

​embryonic development abnormalities;​

Causes of pain

​flat foot;​

​Reiter's syndrome;​

​fractures and bruises;​

The foot bears the highest load - the weight of the human body. It has a complex structure and performs important functions - support when standing and walking. All the bones of the foot, united into a single elastic structure, play the role of a shock absorber. The sole connects a person to the ground or other surface.​

  • ​Erythromelalgia. Most often, this disease is a complication of neuromas, polyneuropathies and thrombocytosis of the foot. The disease is accompanied not only by pain, but also by a strong burning sensation in the fingers and high fever.​
  • ​Problem.​
  • ​Excess weight causes greater stress on the foot and leads to injury to soft tissues, joints, and ligaments, which can lead to the development of tendonitis or plantar fasciitis.​
  • The leg is a complex structure consisting of 26 bones and 33 joints. And 120 ligaments, nerves and muscles. The function of the foot is to maintain body weight, perform a shock-absorbing function, act as a lever when moving the leg forward, and maintain body balance on uneven surfaces.​
  • ​Specific + dietary food, NSAIDs.​
  • ​Making a diagnosis for many foot diseases does not cause much difficulty. Sometimes, for a qualified diagnosis, it is enough to examine the patient and his complaints. Other examination methods are also used:
  • ​contracture of the ankle joint,​
  • ​prolonged standing on your feet;​
  • ​infectious, etc.​

​tight shoes, high heels;​


​There are 26 bones in the foot, there are also muscles, ligaments, joints, fascia, blood vessels, and nerves. Pain in the foot can appear with the development of pathology in any of the listed structures.​

​Flat feet of all types. Traumatic, acquired or congenital flatfoot disrupts the natural shape of the foot and when a person moves, it causes unpleasant sensations that intensify when wearing shoes.​

​The shoes are too tight across the entire upper surface of the foot.​


​Foot pain can occur in different parts of the foot. The source of pain can be bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, fascia, nerves, blood vessels, leather. The most common causes of foot pain are the following conditions:

  • ​Because the foot is relatively small compared to the body, the impact on the foot when walking is very large. Load vectors are 1.5 times body weight. The average person spends 4 hours a day on their feet and takes approximately 8-10,000 steps. That is, the foot can withstand a moving load equivalent to moving several hundred tons during the day.
  • ​Valgus deformity​
  • ​radiography,​
  • ​damage to the sciatic nerve;​
  • ​long walk;​
  • Regardless of the cause, arthritis causes pain in the top of the foot and toes. The disease is accompanied by swelling and a decrease in the range of joint mobility. With reactive, infectious arthritis, the temperature may rise and the blood picture may change. If the inflammation is localized in the toes, it is difficult and painful to bend or straighten them. Diseases often take a protracted or chronic course. Exacerbations are replaced by remissions of varying durations.​

​pathologies - flat feet, “horse foot”, Greek, Egyptian, hallux valgus;​


​The foot has complex structure, allowing you to perform numerous functions

​Physiological defects. In some cases, the nail grows into the structure of the finger, plantar warts and other defects can cause pain in the foot. A similar catalyst for the onset of symptoms is sprains and injuries of the ankle and foot in general.​

Valgus deformity

​How to fix?​

​We sew shoes for the average foot, but we know that each person is individual, and it is not at all a fact that your feet tend to this very average value. Moreover, each country has its own standard, which is based on the size of its citizens.​

​Foot pain typically begins in one of three places: the toes, the forefoot, or the back of the foot.​


​Conservative and surgical - fixation of the foot, surgery.​ ​fluoroscopy​


​excess weight.​

The disease is associated with a violation of purine metabolism in the body, with the formation of uric acid crystals (tophi) in the tissues. It occurs as mono- and polyarthritis. Gouty inflammations are localized in the fingers and at the instep of the foot.​


​All bones are divided into 3 sections:​

  • ​Gout.​
  • ​Parallel lacing. Lace not with the usual “cross-on-cross”, but with parallel lacing.​
  • ​Some people wear shoes made exclusively to order, precisely according to the parameters of their feet. But such pleasure is quite expensive and not available to everyone. Besides, sometimes you really like a certain shoe, and it’s a very, very pity to throw it away just because it’s a little tight or chafing.​
  • ​Fingers. Toe problems are most often caused by pressure caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes.​



Finger length

​It can be congenital, but more often a flat foot is formed in childhood and at a young age due to weakness of the ligamentous and muscular apparatus, large static loads. With flat feet, the shape of the foot changes. There is increased fatigue in the legs and pain when walking. The top of the foot and the sole of the foot hurt when applying slight pressure with the fingers.​

  • The leg turns red, swells, severe pain appears at the slightest movement. The disease is chronic, and exacerbations occur when there is a malnutrition. Uric acid salts are found in urine and blood. Over time, joints can become deformed. Gout appears more often in men after 40 years of age.​
  • ​heel spur;​
  • tarsus, consisting of the talus, cuboid, navicular, calcaneus and three sphenoid bones;

​This type of pain is usually divided into limited to a certain area, as well as diffuse - when the syndrome covers the entire area of ​​the above-mentioned part of the body. Since walking puts additional stress on the foot, pain with no clinical picture of obvious damage can be caused by osteoporosis, prolonged bed rest in the absence of loads, or problems with the ligamentous-muscular system. Sometimes the cause of this condition may be organic lesions vascular system on the leg.​


​There are several lacing options that can relieve pain or discomfort in different parts of the foot. This will be especially useful if you are on a hike or far from home, and you need to walk quite a distance to the nearest trail.​

​Forefoot (frontal). Pain that occurs here usually involves one of the following groups of bones:​

  • ​Conservative.​
  • ​Ultrasound,​
  • ​spastic hemiparesis.​
  • ​Visual difference between the prints of a diseased and healthy foot​
  • ​Women get sick 20 times more often than men! Why do women have foot pain? The desire to wear beautiful fashionable shoes often results in deformation thumb Feet. It was elegant high-heeled shoes that became the main cause of hallux valgus.​
  • ​felons on the toes, ingrown toenails, etc.​

Metatarsus, formed by 5 tubular bones that have articulations with the bases of the phalanges of the fingers;


​Most often, the reason acute pain in the toes, is gout - an acutely negative metabolic disorder in which the amount of salts in the blood sharply increases, which begin to be actively deposited in the joints of the legs. Pain in this case most often haunts the patient at night, but especially advanced cases they are also possible in daytime. Arthrosis and arthritis also cause pain in the fingers, and less commonly, bursitis and tendinitis.​

​There is too much room for your heels and when you walk they rise up and down separately from the shoes.​

​So, four problems - four lacing options!​

  • ​Metatarsals (five long bones that extend from the front of the arch to the bones of the toes),​
  • ​laboratory research.​
  • The disease manifests itself as rough skin folds and pain in the area of ​​constant support. Deformation of the leg in the foot occurs and the relative position of its parts changes.
  • ​The fingers gradually become deformed. Calluses appear over the metatarsal bones. The patient's suffering does not end there. The pathological process spreads to the knees, lower back, and spine. They also start to get sick.​

​High-heeled shoes – common reason foot deformities


​Human upright walking has significantly increased the load on the foot. Weight significantly exceeding physiological norms affects the appearance of pain in the foot joint.

  • ​fingers (four fingers have 3 phalanges, the thumb has two).​
  • ​This type of symptom almost certainly indicates that you have flat feet of one form or another. In this case, it is necessary not only to select new suitable shoes, but also to contact an orthopedist for additional recommendations. An additional inducing factor here is considered to be excess weight, which creates the preconditions for increasing the load on the musculoskeletal system and can provoke the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.​
  • ​How to fix?​
  • ​©photo​
  • ​Sesamoid bones (two small bones attached to the first metatarsal bone, which connects to thumb legs),​

​Elimination of the cause, exercise therapy, massage, orthopedic shoes, possible surgery.​


​Radiography – affordable informative method diagnostics

​Felon is a nonspecific or purulent inflammation of the toes. Purulent lesions are more common. They arise as a result of the penetration of pyogenic bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci) deep into the finger into the area of ​​the tendon bridges. The entry points for infection are abrasions, scratches, abrasions, wounds, and splinters.​ ​Toes can have different lengths. Depending on the size of the toes, the types of feet differ:
The balls of the foot along with the toes are under constant stress, the muscles and ligaments weaken, and the arch flattens. The joint of the first metatarsal bone gradually deviates outward under pressure, forming a valgus angle. The apex of this angle is the head of the metatarsal joint. Over time, it thickens, becomes deformed, swells and hurts, forming that same painful bone.​ ​Chronic dystrophic disease affects the cartilage of the toe and ankle joints. The disease is characterized by a gradual onset and prolonged progression of symptoms. At first, mild pain and crunching appear.
​The foot and lower leg are connected through the ankle joint, formed by the ends of the tibia, fibula and talus. Many joints provide the foot with free flexion, extension, and rotation at the ankle joint and sole. All the combined bones, surrounded by ligaments, fascia and muscles, form an elastic arch of the foot, convex on top.​ ​Pain in the foot under the toes​
​Make loops for the heels. Each shoe is laced as standard, but leave the last two top holes to make loops. Thread the lace first up, then down, but do not tighten it. Leave a small loop, into which you then thread the upper free end of the lace. Do the same on the other side. Now you can tighten the loops and tie the laces.​ ​Problem.​
​Back of foot. Hindfoot - The back of the foot. Pain occurring here may extend from the heel, through the sole (plantar surface), to the metatarsophalangeal joint.​ ​Felons​
​Treatment of foot pain in some cases is conservative, in others surgical intervention is required. The table presents the main methods and principles of therapy.​ Purulent inflammation of the fingers causes acute pain
​Egyptian - the longest is the thumb or first finger;​ ​You can also read:​
​Deforming arthrosis destroys the cartilage of the big toe​ ​The foot may hurt various reasons. For example, by the end of the day the muscles become tired, the bones become somewhat flattened and lengthened, resulting in pain. Very often the person himself is to blame for this. Bad physical form, untrained muscles and weak ligaments contribute to twisting of the foot and dislocation of joints. When turning outward, pain appears on the outside of the foot and vice versa.​
​usually indicates physiological problems, hyperextensions, the presence of corns and other factors that provide discomfort in the process of life.​ ​I tried all four methods and the last one, to be honest, seemed a little strange to me. But maybe it's because I don't have shoes that dangle on my heels?​
​Shoes rub the top of your feet and eventually cause chafing and even blisters. This problem occurs mainly in people with high arches.​ ​Risk factors that contribute to the development of foot pain are as follows:​

​Operative with opening of the abscess, antibiotics.​



The disease is characterized by an acute onset and severe pain. The finger quickly swells, turns red, and becomes hot. Panaritiums differ according to the location of inflammation:

​Greek - the second finger is longer than the thumb and third;​

Foot pain - localization

​What is foot arthritis?​

  • ​As cartilage is destroyed and involved in pathological process bones with the formation of growths (osteophytes), the pain intensifies. The mobility of the joints is limited, swelling appears, and the fingers gradually become deformed. With ankle arthrosis, there is pain in the upper part of the foot.​
  • Heel spur causes unbearable suffering to the patient
  • ​This symptom in your baby needs to be addressed Special attention. Until the age of 16, the entire musculoskeletal system of a child grows and develops rapidly, so even the slightest failure of this process can lead to serious consequences in the future.​
  • ​Pain in the foot is a very common symptom of the otopedic spectrum of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Every second person who turns to an orthopedist complains about this state with localization discomfort in the foot.​

​How to fix?​

Risk factors

​Older people are more at risk of developing foot pain. As we age, the foot expands and flattens. The skin on the feet becomes thin and dry. Foot pain in old age may be a sign of age-related degenerative diseases, such as arthritis, diabetes, heart failure. In addition, the presence of problems in the feet can itself disrupt the balance in the musculoskeletal system in old age.​


Cosmetic foot surgery

​Treatment methods​



Occupational injuries

​Roman - all toes are almost the same.​


​Congenital, less commonly acquired, unilateral or bilateral foot deformity. The feet may turn completely inward. In this case it hurts external sides stop. Sometimes only the heel turns in or out. Treatment of the defect can be conservative, according to the method of the American orthopedist Ponseti, or surgical.

Sports and dancing

​Inflammatory infectious and non-communicable diseases joints are frequent culprits of excruciating pain. This group of diseases includes arthritis:


​Improper nutrition affects bone health. When the balance of protein, fat, carbohydrate consumption is disturbed, as well as with mono-diets, the bones do not receive enough calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals. As a result, they become brittle and brittle. They break easily when dropped from their height. Any fractures are accompanied by severe pain.​

Causes of foot pain.

​Most often this symptom accompanies flat feet or any other orthopedic pathology. No less dangerous factor there may also be a disturbance in the formation of arterial venous vessels on the leg, pathologies in the development of the hip joints.


How to tie shoelaces so that your feet don't hurt: 4 options - Lifehacker

​The most common reasons will be listed below: causing pain in the foot.​

​Skip “one lacing” in the part of the leg that rubs the most.​

​For the sake of fashion, some women go for surgical methods treatment to improve the shape of the foot, to make it possible to wear high-heeled shoes. Surgical techniques consist of shortening the toes, narrowing the foot, or injecting silicone into the ball of the foot. Over time, the consequence of these operations will be the appearance of pain in the foot, and surgeons do not recommend performing foot operations without indications.​

Exercise therapy, massage, orthopedic insoles. Possible osteoplastic surgery.​


Pain in the top of the foot

​tendon,​​Different toe lengths affect the selection of comfortable shoes. This applies more to women. It is difficult to wear narrow shoes with tapered toes if you have Roman feet. The fingers become compressed, hurt, become deformed, and swell. Corns and calluses may appear. The same problems arise with a long second finger. Fashionable shoes are difficult to wear not only all day, but even for a couple of hours. The leg begins to hurt very much under the toe, pinched on both sides.​

​Inflammation of the plantar fascia (heel spur) is another common cause. sharp pain in women when walking. The fact is that the muscles and fascia of a woman’s foot are much weaker than men’s. Long plantar fascia dense, but thin, elastic, long. Starts at the toes, passes under the arch of the foot and attaches to the heel bone.​ ​reactive or infectious-allergic;​

Shoes too tight

But there are other causes of pain. A woman by nature is a potential victim of pain in bones and joints. With the onset of menopause, she experiences fractures, develops arthrosis, osteoporosis, and arthritis. The amount of calcium during this period decreases by 1% annually. If we systematize all the causes of pain, the following picture emerges. Pain in the foot is caused by the following reasons: Sometimes the pain syndrome can even be caused by infectious foci in other parts of the body - in particular, sinusitis, tonsillitis, caries, as well as ossalgia in children with pronounced hypotonic dystonia. IN in rare cases cause of foot pain in children are birth defects connective tissues on the legs, scoliosis, as well as varicose veins venous vessels. In any case, if a symptom occurs in your child, immediately seek qualified medical help!​

​Arthritis. Damage to blood vessels and pinched nerves in the capillary structure of the foot can cause pain in this area.​ ​Problem.​

Pain in the top of the foot

​Women are more susceptible to severe foot pain, possibly due to wearing high-heeled shoes. In senior age group severe pain in the legs is a common disabling factor.​ ​Fractures​

​Conservative - chondroprotectors, NSAIDs, analgesics, corticosteroids, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, less often surgical intervention.​ ​bone,​

Too loose in the heels

​Equinus (equine) foot - congenital or acquired deformation of the foot with persistent plantar flexion in ankle joint. It hurts to bend your foot. The patient is unable to rest on the entire surface of the sole. Steps only on the heel, the convex part of the sole or on the side of the foot. Under the influence of constant load, the fascia stretches, forming microtraumas at the attachment points. On the background chronic inflammation growths (spurs) appear on the bones. They put pressure on soft tissues and nerve fibers. Sometimes the spurs reach large sizes, it is impossible to step on the heel.​


​The first step on the path to recovery is an examination by a professional orthopedist, who can draw a circle based on external signs possible reasons symptom formation. If necessary, patients are prescribed x-rays of the feet, as well as MRI/CT bone tissue, tendons and ligaments. According to the results of this kind of analysis based on initial examination and previous medical history, the doctor can diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.​


Pain in the feet - causes, treatment, types of foot pain | DoctorFM.ru

​Fasciitis. The connective tissue on the foot can change its structure, become deformed and ultimately cause pain.​


​Your fingers have little room and you constantly feel discomfort.​

  1. ​Approximately 120,000 work-related injuries occur in the United States each year. And about a third are foot injuries. Most foot diseases such as arthritis, deformities carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis is associated with excessive stress on the foot (prolonged standing or walking long distances).​
  2. ​Without displacement - immobilization, with displacement - comparison of debris, cold - heat, fixation, exercise therapy, physiotherapy.​
  3. ​Arthritis​
  4. ​articular,​
  5. ​Severe deformity of the leg like a horse's
  6. ​Spurs are characterized by initial pain - when getting up on your feet in the morning or after prolonged sitting. During the day, when walking, the pain subsides, but in the evening after exercise it intensifies again.
  7. ​rheumatic;​
  8. ​arthritis, non-infectious and infectious;​

Types of foot pain

Foot pain when walking

​Depending on the cause that caused the symptoms described above, the orthopedic doctor prescribes appropriate medication and physiotherapeutic treatment. In particular, corticosteroids, a wide range of antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugs are usually used. In addition, always as an additional therapy, it is recommended to undergo exercise therapy complexes aimed at improving the strength, flexibility and functionality of the muscles, blood vessels and capillaries of the ankle.​

Pain in toes

​Neuromas. The rapid growth of the structure of the nerve and tissues around it provokes pain at the base of the fingers. An important factor in this negative process is uncomfortable and narrow shoes.​

Pain in the foot above and below

​How to fix?​

​Pregnant women have an increased risk of foot problems due to weight gain and the release of hormones that cause the ligaments to become more elastic. These hormones help in childbirth, but weaken the foot.​ ​In many foot pathologies, pain is a consequence of a number of diseases. Pain can be eliminated only by addressing the cause of its occurrence.​

Pain in a child's foot

​Conservative - NSAIDs, antibiotics, corticosteroids, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, sanatorium.​


The human foot is a unique instrument that endures daily heavy loads. The condition of the foot can be used to judge the health of the entire body.

When the upper part of the foot hurts, the usual daily routine is disrupted, and wearing favorite shoes becomes problematic, since the patient experiences swelling, redness of the skin and aching pain. If you have pain in your instep, you should contact your doctor immediately. medical institution to identify the cause and select effective treatment.

If the leg hurts while lifting, the patient notes the following symptoms:

  1. Swelling at the site of the lesion;
  2. The skin takes on a bluish tint;
  3. Possible painful sensations in the area of ​​the fingers;
  4. Over time, the swelling spreads to the ankle;
  5. High local temperature.

Over time, symptoms begin to progress, so be sure to make an appointment with a therapist.


Pain in the foot and swelling on top develops as a result of various reasons:

  • Poor nutrition;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Non-infectious diseases;
  • Incorrectly selected shoes;
  • Pathological deformation;
  • Spur on heel;
  • Obesity.


In the body, the disease develops due to a failure in purine metabolism. Tophi (crystallization of uric acid) form in the tissues and cells of the joints. Gout inflammation is characterized by changes in the toes or swelling of the instep.

The foot swells and turns red, the slightest movement brings unbearable pain. Pathology carries chronic nature, exacerbation occurs with poor nutrition. To identify it, you should take a urine and blood test. If you do not seek help from a specialist, joint deformation occurs over time.


A chronic disease characterized by premature wear of cartilage tissue. Initial symptoms Osteoarthritis is aching pain and crunching in the foot.

Over time, the cartilage is destroyed and osteophytes grow, as a result the patient begins to complain of pain. Please note that the disease leads to joint immobility and deformation of the fingers.


Inflammatory processes are observed in the joints of the foot. Classification of arthritis:

  • Rheumatoid – the disease is autoimmune in nature. It starts because the immune system a person perceives cartilage tissue as foreign.
  • Gouty – uric acid is deposited in the joint cavity.
  • Reactive arthritis is a pathology of the immune system that occurs as a result of an infection.

Foot valgus is diagnosed mainly in young children under 5 years of age and in women who prefer to wear tight, high-heeled shoes. As a result, the ball of the foot and toes are constantly under tension, and the muscles and ligaments weaken, leading to a hardening of the arch. If long time do not pay attention to changes in the foot, this will lead to the formation of a valgus angle (the joint of the first metatarsal foot sticks out).

Obliterating endarteritis

On initial stages the disease is asymptomatic. The first manifestations of obliterating endarteritis begin at approximately 30-40 years of age. Patients complain about:

  • Foot pain on top;
  • The foot goes numb;
  • When hypothermia occurs, the patient feels a burning sensation in the instep;
  • Ulcerative rashes that indicate poor circulation;
  • There is lameness;
  • The foot swells;

Currently, the disease has not been fully studied, so treatment is aimed at stabilizing the patient’s condition. Full recovery is impossible.

Heel spur

Subcalcaneal bursitis and plantar fasciitis- This is the well-known heel spur. Both diseases are similar in one thing - they cause inflammation of the periosteum of the foot. Over time, a small thorn forms at the site of the lesion.

Diseases occur secretly. The risk group includes people with a history of:

  • Flat feet, which leads to improper redistribution of the load on the foot. As a result, the joints and nearby bone fibers can become inflamed.
  • Obesity leads to stretching of the fascia, microtraumas and cracks. Over time, a growth appears on the heel bone.


Dropped arches of the feet develop in childhood or infancy. Many people are not even aware of flat feet, but over the years, the load on the feet leads to rapid fatigue and painful sensations are noted when palpating the foot from above.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the feet from childhood, because with age deformation of the fingers occurs, and the pathological process spreads to the knees, pelvic region and spine.

– this is a foot defect, which is characterized by the absence or limited mobility of the joint, develops against the background pathological changes in soft tissues. In this case, the arch of the foot hurts when you try to stand on your foot.


  • Pathological changes during intrauterine development;
  • Long sedentary lifestyle life (trauma, stroke, etc.);
  • The bones of the ankle did not heal properly after a fracture;
  • CNS lesions.

The disease is treated conservative methods, V as a last resort a specialist may insist on surgical correction.


Panaritium is a purulent or non-specific inflammatory process that spreads to the toes. It occurs from the penetration of pyogenic bacteria into the body.

According to localization, felons are divided into:

  • Paranochia is an accumulation of pus in the nail area.
  • Intradermal - pus is located under the epidermis, the underlying tissues are not affected. The pain radiates to the foot.
  • Subcutaneous - a common type of panaritium. Pus is located in the area of ​​fatty tissue. If you do not seek help in time, the inflammatory process spreads to the muscles and bones.
  • Articular – inflammation in the area of ​​the finger joints. Failure to seek help promptly leads to inflammatory processes in the foot.
  • Bone – purulent lesion of the bone. Treatment is only surgical.
  • Pandactylitis – Serious illness, which is characterized by purulent lesions of muscles and bones.

Contact a traumatologist