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Sore feet what to do how to treat. Foot hurts. Causes of pain: osteoporosis, obliterating endarteritis, diabetic foot, plantar fasciitis, heel spur, foot bursitis, flat feet, ligamentitis, ligamentosis, foot injuries, transverse flat feet, pan

The foot is the lowest part of the limb. It is a united group of bones that perform a supporting function. Appearing pain in the foot can signal various diseases, physical overload, traumatic injuries. The nature of painful sensations, their frequency and severity depend on age features patient, lifestyle and the state of the body as a whole. With episodic pain, you should not worry, but if pain discomfort is felt constantly, you need to contact a medical institution.

Causes of foot pain

Various reasons can provoke the appearance of pain syndrome. Similar state can occur both when walking and at rest. Localization of pain occurs either on the entire surface of the foot, or on some specific part of it. Only a specialist will reveal the nature of the pathology. Therefore, with regular complaints of pain in the feet, it is necessary to consult a neurologist or orthopedist.

Common causes of pathological discomfort in this area:

  • age-related changes;
  • prolonged stay in a standing position;
  • hereditary deformities and anomalies of the foot;
  • excess weight, due to which pressure on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet increases;
  • traumatic injuries(complex fractures, sprains, dislocations);
  • an excess of physical (sports) loads on the lower limbs;
  • uncomfortable shoes with impaired shock-absorbing characteristics;
  • weakening muscle tissue and ligaments as a result of a long absence motor activity(bed patients).


Systemic and chronic diseases, which affect the work of the entire musculoskeletal system:

Pain in the foot with varicose veins can signal the final stage of the disease. A frivolous attitude to such a serious pathology can lead to thrombosis and embolism. ;

  • flat feet (hereditary or acquired) . There is a violation of the spring function of the foot, the pain extends not only to the bones and joints of the foot,. Severe pain sensations occur both during motor activity and passive standing in an upright position;
  • plantar fasciitis . The development of the disease occurs as a result of damage or stretching of the fascia of the sole. An inflammatory process is localized in the affected area, causing severe painful spasms that torment a person mainly in the morning;
  • foot hygroma. This benign education, inside which is a serous-fibrous fluid. Such a bump on the foot appears as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes and excessive physical exertion on the legs;
  • . Pain attacks are permanent, regardless of motor activity. The focus of inflammation extends to the bones located close to the skin. Therefore, even a slight touch to the damaged area causes severe discomfort;
  • obliterating endarteritis. Unpleasant sensations in the foot area have a pronounced permanent character. The disease is accompanied by numbness of the feet, increased pain after exposure to temperature, the occurrence of ulcerative wounds, lameness;
  • spur source . The appearance of these bony growths on the plantar or back calcaneus due to excessive stress on the heel tendons. These bumps are annoying. soft tissues causing stabbing pain. The peculiarity of the pathology is that the feet hurt mainly in the morning, when the patient gets up after sleep;
  • ligamentite(inflammatory disease of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus) is characterized by the occurrence of unpleasant sensations when walking and physical exertion. Whenever the patient tries to move a limb numb from pain, a characteristic clicking sound occurs;
  • achillotendinitis provokes acute penetrating pain in the heel and back of the leg. Accompanying symptoms are swelling in the affected area, increased sensitivity and local temperature, convulsive contractions while walking;
  • erythromelalgia, or Mitchell's disease. Acute pain is caused by neurogenic pathological processes in vessels and tissues. The disease spreads to the hands and feet, is characterized by severe pain attacks and redness of the foot area. Most often, middle-aged men are affected by pathology;
  • tibialis posterior tendonitis. Pain in the foot is associated with stretching of the tendons and occurs in the instep of the foot. Painful sensations are aggravated by overexertion, but quickly disappear after rest;
  • . The pains are localized in the ankle, but subsequently spread to the calcaneal tubercle and fingers, affecting the entire foot. In addition to the pain syndrome, edema is formed, the skin color changes, the local temperature rises;
  • sesamoiditis. The disease is associated with a fracture of two fragile sesamoid bones, which are responsible for flexion-extension of the big toe, and the development of an inflammatory process in nearby tissues. Characteristic symptoms swelling and pain in the thumb area;
  • skin diseases (plantar warts, corns, corns, mycoses). All these conditions provoke pain, which is associated with wearing uncomfortable or low-quality shoes. The nature of such pains is aching, pulsating, aggravated by walking;
  • vascular pathologies, metabolic disease. Painful spasms in such disorders are quite pronounced, accompanied by a feeling of heat or cold in the lower extremities, the growth of the vascular network (venous cobweb). The disorder of metabolic processes is reflected in the organic composition of bone structures, the proper functioning of muscle and joint tissues. This leads to painful sensations in the foot;
  • characterized by its deformation, as a result of which the thumb is displaced to the side. This leads to a violation of gait, the appearance of pain and other unpleasant consequences.

If you suspect a deformity of the foot, you should urgently contact an orthopedist or traumatologist to identify the cause and emergency treatment. Launched Forms illnesses require surgical intervention and follow-up with an endocrinologist.


A variety of causes that provoke the appearance of pain in the feet requires a qualified diagnosis. Qualitative examination plays important role in making a correct diagnosis and choosing a method of treatment. Initial diagnostic methods include:

  • medical history study. Allows you to identify the causes that could directly or indirectly affect the development of pathology;
  • physical examination. The doctor evaluates the general condition of the patient and the injured limb itself: the exact localization of pain, the integrity of the skin (wounds, ulcers), a change in its color, the presence of edema or swelling in the foot area are determined.

Clarifying diagnostic measures:

  • general and detailed urinalysis;
  • blood test to evaluate its biochemical markers;
  • magnetic resonance imaging allows you to assess the condition of muscle, bone and articular tissues, tendons of the foot area. The study is considered the most accurate, because it helps to understand what exactly causes pain: damage to the muscles, tendons, bones, or this foot joints hurt;
  • X-ray examination is necessary for accurate detection of organic changes and pathological processes in bone structures;
  • computed tomography is designed for layer-by-layer study bone tissue lower limbs. The results obtained allow an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, computed tomography is the final stage of the examination, confirming previous diagnostic procedures.

Diagnostic methods are determined by a specialist based on general condition and individual characteristics of the patient, accompanying symptoms and medical history.

Treatment of pain in the legs

When the joints of the foot are very sore, what to do, the doctor will tell you. After determining the cause of discomfort, it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible. This will avoid serious complications and development concomitant diseases. Complex therapy includes:

  • taking medications;
  • physiotherapy;
  • medical gymnastics;
  • wearing orthoses;
  • surgical intervention (if necessary).

Dr. Sperling about the disease:

Medical therapy

Treatment involves taking medications that can relieve pain, relieve inflammation, reduce swelling, and others. unpleasant symptoms. The prescription of medications is carried out only by a doctor, taking into account the disease that caused discomfort in the foot:

  • oral administration is prescribed to eliminate pain;
  • antibiotics are recommended to suppress the inflammatory process or infection;
  • if pain in the foot is caused by a fungal infection, it is necessary to use antifungal drugs (ointments, gels for topical use);
  • at unbearable pain injection of anesthetics is allowed (solutions of Lidocaine, Novocaine);
  • for tumors, edema, hyperemia are prescribed (, Ibuprofen) in the form of tablets, ointments or gels;
  • at muscle spasms it is necessary to take muscle relaxants with (Cavinton, Actovegin).

If foot pain occurs due to work failures thyroid gland, liver or kidneys, it is necessary to direct all efforts to the treatment of the underlying disease. It is necessary to consult a narrow-profile specialist and treat according to his recommendations. Usually, after the elimination of the underlying disease, discomfort in the distal lower extremities goes away.


In addition to drug treatment, doctors recommend physiotherapy - shock wave and magnetic resonance therapy. These procedures increase the tone of the muscles and nerves of the lower extremities, restore their motor ability, relieve a person of pain, improve blood circulation, speed up metabolic processes, relieve swelling and redness of the skin.

Mud applications, massages, ultrasound, laser and X-ray therapy can be prescribed for patients. Such treatment is aimed at eliminating the manifestations of pathology and preventing complications and relapses.


Therapeutic gymnastics is an effective remedy for pain in the feet, preventing various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (flat feet, Morton's neuroma, arthritis, gout and other diseases). A special set of exercises is aimed at improving blood flow, stretching the musculoskeletal system, which increases strength and flexibility. lower section legs. That's why when joints hurt, feet require regular health-improving gymnastics:

  1. In a standing position, rise on the "socks", linger in this position for 10 seconds, return to the starting stance.
  2. Remaining in the same position (standing on a full foot), “tear off” your toes from the floor up. Hold for 10 seconds and return to the starting position.
  3. Without changing position, tuck your feet inward for 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
  4. In a sitting position on a chair, raise one leg (fingers look straight up). Perform 10 circular motions with the foot. Repeat with the other leg.
  5. Sitting on a chair, raise both legs parallel to the floor. With force, pull the socks towards you, lingering in this position for 5 seconds, lower your legs. Repeat 20 times.

Orthopedic products

  1. 1 st. l. raw materials pour 1 liter of alcohol (40% alc.).
  2. Insist in a dark, dry place for 3 weeks, dilute with 2 liters of water.
  3. Take for 1 month inside 1 tbsp. l. three times a day 10-15 minutes before meals.

Corn silk infusion:

  1. 4 tbsp. l. dry raw materials pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. Insist under the lid for half an hour.
  3. Filter and drink 100 ml every 2 hours.
  4. The course of therapy is 1.5 months.

Prevention of foot pain

TO preventive measures applies to compliance simple rules healthy lifestyle life:

  • exercise regularly. Ideal for these purposes are running, cycling, skiing, swimming, walking. You need to start classes with minimal loads, gradually increasing their intensity. Use sports shoes or orthopedic insoles. Stretch your feet, especially before upcoming workouts;
  • wear only comfortable shoes Made from quality materials for a natural level of cushioning. In no case should you wear shoes that are too narrow or too loose, which can lead to serious deformities of the foot. Women do not need to "get carried away" with high-heeled shoes, if possible, reduce the time they are worn;
  • perform self-massage stop. For this, elementary kneading the feet with your fingers, rolling a tennis ball from toe to heel are suitable. In the warm season, you can often walk barefoot on the grass, sand, and in the cold - on orthopedic massage mats;
  • control your weight. Overweight increase the load on the feet;
  • stick to a healthy diet. Exclude harmful foods from the diet (spicy, fatty, salty, smoked, sweets, coffee, alcohol). Include in the menu products enriched with vitamins and trace elements that are necessary for the functioning of the body;
  • take a rest with the slightest discomfort and slight pain in the feet. To do this, you need to take a horizontal position and raise your legs, placing a roller or pillow under them. The tension will go away, the muscles of the lower extremities will relax, the blood flow will normalize;
  • do not self-medicate with regular pain in the feet. If painful sensations have become constant, it is urgent to seek help. Only a specialist will determine the cause of discomfort and, possibly, prevent the development of serious pathologies.

All existing diseases feet lead to limited mobility and pain. IN advanced cases foot pathology causes disability. Therefore, you need to make every effort to prevent their development. Keeping simple preventive measures, can be avoided possible violations and maintain the health of many other organs.

The human foot is involved in every movement and serves as a shock absorber when walking. This is the most complex structure in the skeleton, withstanding heavy loads during the day. Many people do not pay attention to their feet and do not even notice them until some problems appear. At the slightest violation of the functioning of the feet, a person experiences difficulties with movement. He has decreased performance and mood. It is especially difficult when the feet hurt. And with this problem in recent years, people are turning to the doctor more and more often. Moreover, such pains appear not only in the elderly, as before. Young healthy people and even children suffer from discomfort in the feet.

General characteristics of the pathology

Human feet are very complex structure. Indeed, in order for them to perform their functions of depreciation, they must spring. A person performs many movements during the day: takes steps, runs, jumps, turns around, squats, etc. And the feet are everywhere. They help maintain balance, redistribute the load, protect the joints of the knee and pelvis, spine and head from shock and concussion.

For these purposes, all the bones in the human feet are movably connected. 26 bones of different shapes and sizes form a complex structure. They are connected by joints, ligaments and muscles. This provides the foot with the shape it needs for normal movement. It was developed during evolution in the process of vertical movement of people. The foot has two arches - longitudinal and transverse. They help to properly distribute the load and provide depreciation functions.

The normal functioning of the foot is provided by many muscles, tendons, blood vessels and nerves. Some of them are large, such as the plantar aponeurosis, a dense connective tissue of tendons that connects the heel bone and fingers, or the Achilles tendon. There is almost no adipose tissue in the foot, only a thick fatty pad on the sole, which serves as an additional shock absorber.

Due to the fact that everything is connected in the foot, pathology even in one place causes serious discomfort and disruption of its functions. Therefore, it is very difficult to immediately say why the foot hurts. Pain can occur due to muscle strain, circulatory disorders, pinching of nerve endings, or due to bone deformity. The pain can be localized in one place or spill over the entire foot, occur only when walking, or continue constantly. And it is possible to remove it only after the elimination of the causes of the pathology.

The human foot has a very complex structure, which is necessary so that it can properly perform its functions.

  • sharp pain in one part of the foot when walking;
  • burning, numbness, tingling;
  • aching pain in the feet;
  • swelling;
  • convulsions;
  • change in color and density of the skin;
  • foot deformity.

Why pain may occur

Aching pain in the soles of the feet most often occurs due to overexertion. This happens to people long time during the day on your feet. If the work is connected with walking, standing, running, carrying heavy loads, the feet can withstand a huge load. That is why athletes, sellers, couriers, loaders, hairdressers, dancers most often suffer from such pains. If you take proper care of your feet, do massages and relaxing baths, wear comfortable shoes, then even with serious stress, their function will not be disturbed, and the pain will disappear after rest.

When young women come to the doctor with the question of why their feet hurt, orthopedists most often have one answer: because of uncomfortable shoes. After all, modern girls, trying to be attractive, choose fashionable shoes with narrow toes, high heels or a platform. And teenagers, on the contrary, prefer ballet flats or sneakers with a flat sole. Such shoes disrupt the functioning of the foot, do not allow it to spring properly. As a result, the vaults are gradually flattened, the ligaments and muscles withstand an unusual load, the bones are deformed. That is why wearing uncomfortable shoes becomes the main cause of pain in the feet.

Very often the cause of pain in the feet is wearing uncomfortable shoes.

Especially carefully you need to approach the choice of shoes for people with overweight. After all, the foot is designed for a certain mass of a person. If the weight is higher than normal, the load on the feet increases greatly. Therefore, obese people often have leg pain. For the same reason similar discomfort appears in pregnant women. In the last months of bearing a child, the increased weight presses on the feet, causing severe pain.

In addition to increased loads, the cause of pain in the feet can be sedentary image life or prolonged immobility of a person as a result of a serious illness. Because of this, atrophy of muscles and ligaments, depletion of bone tissue occurs. The feet can no longer perform their functions correctly, so pain occurs. Such diffuse pain can also occur due to a lack of nutrients. If a person does not receive the required amount of minerals with food, especially calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, pain in the foot and cramps may occur.

Diseases that cause pain

If such sensations occur frequently, do not go away after rest, if the feet hurt for a long time, regardless of the load and shoes, you should consult a doctor. After the examination, the specialist will determine why the feet hurt, and will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment. After all, there are many diseases that cause such sensations. Self-medication is unacceptable, since the progression of pathologies can lead to total loss stop functions.

Feet often suffer from chronic diseases or systemic diseases

Pathologies leading to these pains are most often associated only with the feet. But some systemic diseases, such as disorders metabolic processes, autoimmune pathologies, infections or vascular diseases, can also affect the condition of the feet. Therefore, it is so important to undergo a general examination in order to establish the cause.

If your foot hurts, it could be:

  • flat feet;
  • plantar fasciitis;
  • heel spur;
  • arthritis, arthrosis or bursitis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • metatarsalgia;
  • achillotendinitis;
  • hallux valgus;
  • gout;
  • diabetic foot;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • thrombosis;
  • calluses, warts, corns, or cracked soles;
  • neuroma;
  • trauma;
  • erythromelalgia;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • obliterating atherosclerosis of vessels.


The most common and obvious cause of foot pain is traumatic injuries to bones, joints, ligaments and muscles. Bruises are especially common as a result of a kick on a hard surface or a fall on the leg. heavy object. In this case, there is a bruise and swelling at the top of the foot, pain occurs. A severe bruise can also be accompanied by a crack in the bone or rupture of the ligaments, so you should definitely see a doctor.

With awkward movement or walking in ice, there may be a dislocation, most often it happens in the ankle. This happens in overweight people, weak ligaments, when wearing high heels or playing sports without observing safety precautions.

When playing sports without observing safety precautions, a dislocation often occurs. ankle joint

Foot deformities

When the feet hurt after increased loads, the legs get tired quickly, most likely, this is flat feet. This pathology has now become very common not only among children, but also in adults. Flat feet are characterized by flattening or complete disappearance of the arches of the foot. This can happen due to increased physical exertion, obesity, wearing uncomfortable shoes, prolonged standing. Moreover, in women who prefer high heels, the transverse arch and fingers are most often deformed. In this case, one speaks of hallux valgus feet.

Pathologies of bone tissue

When the feet hurt, it may be due to the formation of a heel spur. This bone growth on the heel bone, which irritates the soft tissues with every step. It occurs due to increased loads on the legs, which lead to chronic inflammation ligaments or thinning of the plantar fat layer. Due to the constant irritation of the bone tissue, calcium salts begin to be deposited on it, and a spike grows. The pain in this case can be so sharp and strong, as if stepping on a nail.

If the legs in the foot hurt from above in an elderly person, this may be a sign of a chronic lack of calcium. As a result, osteoporosis or osteomalacia develops. A characteristic feature of such pathologies is pain in the bones when pressed. Therefore, it intensifies during movement.

If the pain is caused by inflammation, this can be immediately understood by the presence of redness of the skin and swelling.

Inflammatory diseases

Women who wear high heels, or people who put too much stress on their feet, often have pain in one or both feet due to plantar fasciitis. This is an inflammation of the plantar ligament, located from the calcaneal tuber to the metatarsal bones. It occurs due to sprain, injury or increased stress. Chronic inflammation of this ligament leads to the deposition of calcium salts on the heel bone, resulting in the formation of a heel spur.

Ankle pain may be due to inflammation of the Achilles tendon. Pathology develops most often in athletes due to increased physical exertion, leading to its stretching.

Vascular pathologies

With various vascular pathologies, the feet often suffer. It is connected with anatomical location lower extremities, in which blood circulation there is slowed down. Therefore, foot tissues often do not receive normal nutrition. This is what happens with Raynaud's disease. systemic vasculitis, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis.

The cause of pain and swelling in the feet may be a violation of the outflow of blood. In this case, the left leg or right leg is most often affected separately. This can be with varicose veins or thrombosis.

Varicose veins can interfere with the flow of blood from the feet, causing severe pain.

Joint diseases

Pain in the ankle and top of the foot can be caused by bursitis, an inflammation synovial bag joint. The cause of such a disease, in addition to increased stress, can be infections, injuries, metabolic disorders, as well as the consequences of arthrosis or arthritis. Bursitis can also affect the joints in the heel or the joint of the big toe.

Joint pain at the foot often occurs in people with other articular pathologies. Elderly people often suffer from deforming arthrosis, which causes not only pain, but also severe deformity of the joints, as well as limited mobility. Most often, osteoarthritis affects the toes. Severe stiffness and pain in the joints, especially in the morning, occurs with rheumatoid arthritis. This is a systemic pathology, most often affecting many joints at once.

Skin diseases

Pain in the sole of the foot may be associated with the formation of calluses, corns, or plantar warts. Most often this happens due to rubbing the skin with uncomfortable or narrow shoes, long walking or increased weight. Common scuffs or water blisters are easy to treat with home remedies. But severe pain can be caused by hard or core calluses, plantar warts or corns, which can only be removed in a medical institution.

Feet can also hurt from an ingrown toenail or cracked heels. This often happens due to improper care behind the skin.

Calluses and corns on the soles can also cause severe pain.

rare diseases

Foot pain can be caused by a variety of reasons. And in most cases, only a doctor can make a diagnosis. This must be done without fail, since treatment should be directed, first of all, to eliminating the cause of pain. And they may require very specific means therapy. After all, there are pathologies that are rare.

  • Metatarsalgia is called age-related changes V . The fat layer on the sole decreases, which causes severe pain
  • Morton's neuroma occurs most often in women. As a result of prolonged wearing of narrow shoes between the third and fourth toes develops benign tumor nervous tissue. The disease causes severe pain in the upper part of the foot near the fingers, burning, tingling, numbness.
  • Erythromelalgia occurs mainly in men over 40 years of age. The causes of the pathology have not yet been studied, but it has been noticed that its exacerbation occurs after overheating or a long immobile state. Often this disease occurs in people with hypertension or those who take a lot of medications.
  • Funicular myelosis causes cutting pains in the feet. This disease occurs due to a lack of vitamin B 12. This happens with an unbalanced diet or pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • In patients diabetes or with alcohol abuse, foot pain may be associated with polyneuropathy. In this case, the pain is accompanied by a tingling sensation, muscle weakness, numbness and paresis.

To get rid of foot pain, you need to visit a doctor who will help determine the causes of this condition.

Features of treatment

Pain in the leg may occur different reasons. Therefore, self-medication is useless and even dangerous. It is impossible to relieve pain if its causes are not eliminated. Only if it is known for sure that it arose due to overwork, increased stress or uncomfortable shoes, home methods can be used. But long constant pain must be treated under the guidance of a physician.

The most important thing that is always recommended for pain in the foot is the restriction of physical activity and rest. You need to try to walk less, take breaks more often during work. Women need to give up high heels at least for a while. In addition, nutrition should provide the body's needs for vitamins and minerals. Calcium and vitamin B 12 are especially important.

You need to know what to do to relieve pain and fatigue in the evenings. Relaxing baths help sea ​​salt or with decoctions of herbs. In the evening, it is also useful to massage the feet, and then lie down. It is better to raise your legs higher, for example, on a pillow. Massage is good to do with a special cream or fir oil. It is useful to purchase a special massage mat and walk on it daily. Such an impact on the points on the sole will help activate blood circulation, relieve fatigue and pain.

Foot pain from above can be relieved with a compress. For it, you can use alcohol, Vishnevsky ointment, medical bile, Viprosal cream. From folk recipes, honey, grated potatoes, burdock leaves, cabbage are effective.

In the presence of systemic diseases or pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, treatment will be longer. A set of measures should be applied that are aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, relieving symptoms and restoring foot mobility. In most cases, the patient is prescribed massage, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises. Used to relieve pain various ointments. Sometimes corticosteroid injections may be needed.

It is very important for patients with foot pain to choose the right shoes. Most often, doctors recommend the use of orthopedic insoles. Some pathologies may require special orthoses, such as thumb braces.

If pain in the feet is frequent, it means that some kind of pathology develops. Be sure to consult with your doctor so that he prescribes a special treatment. It is not recommended to simply relieve symptoms with painkillers and ointments, since an untreated disease can lead to complications up to a complete restriction of foot mobility.

According to the data medical statistics pain in the soles of the feet is perhaps the most common problem with which people turn to a specialist (about 50% of all calls).

Pain in the soles of the feet is a common phenomenon, and everyone has met with it at least once: it is enough to change shoes or place your foot unsuccessfully, and, suddenly, there is a reason to visit an orthopedist.

At the same time, the pain syndrome does not often indicate severe pathologies, especially in young people.

But even despite the absence of a direct threat to health, it is impossible to call a comfortable state when the soles of the feet hurt.

What is the source of sole pain and what to do?

The soles of the feet hurt: causes

The causes of foot pain are numerous. In all cases, the immediate cause lies in a particular pathology. Some of the diseases primarily affect the elderly. What are the most common sources of discomfort:

Sprain. Everyone knows the situation when it comes time to change shoes (for example, when switching from shoes to boots, etc.). The foot is forced to take a different shape, the load is distributed differently, hence the pain, discomfort. Such pains are transient. Sprains resulting from physical activity are much more difficult: sports, etc.

Diseases of the joints located in the foot area. Arthritis, arthrosis can be manifested by pain in the soles. Such discomfort is reflected in nature. Osteoarthritis (degenerative changes in the joints) affects people engaged in physical labor, as well as those whose working day is spent on their feet: athletes, builders, movers, cooks, etc. Arthritis occurs mainly in the older generation.

Injuries. Injuries to the tendons (Achilles tendon) are manifested by moderate pain, aggravated by walking. Fractures (complete and partial), dislocations make themselves felt much more severe pain, persisting even in a state of complete rest.

Inflammatory diseases of the muscles of the sole. The muscles of the sole can become inflamed from intense physical activity, hypothermia, associated injuries. This pathology is called fasciitis.

Metatarsalgia. The collective name for a group of pathologies covering all anatomical structures feet. It is degenerative (dystrophic). Also common in older patients.

Neuroma. It is a process of slow growth of the nervous tissue of the sole. There is nothing to worry about: this process is under the control of the body, therefore it proceeds benignly. The reasons for the development of neuroma are not fully known, it is assumed that all the same overstrain of the foot plays a primary role. Others point to wearing uncomfortable shoes as a leading factor.

flat feet. Accompanied by an uneven load on the sole and, as a result, the development of pain.

Gouty arthritis. It is caused by the deposition of organic urate salts in the articular cavities of the foot. Affects people of all ages.

Other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Pain from the legs, knees, and even thighs can radiate to the feet. If the soles of the feet hurt, it may be a hernia of the lumbosacral spine. With hernias, the so-called. sciatica (compression of the sciatic nerve).

Other reasons are even more obvious, but cause no less discomfort:

calluses. Calluses arise from constant mechanical impact on the same area of ​​the sole (friction, pressure, etc.). As a result, desquamation of the upper and subsequent layers of the skin occurs. There are rough outgrowths. Pain with corns is burning, moreover, intense. So harmless at first glance, the problem creates serious discomfort, makes it difficult to walk.

warts. They arise, like corns, from permanent damage to the sole area. However, in this case, the infectious factor plays a leading role. The human papillomavirus penetrates into the formed wounds. As a result, tissues grow and intensely pigmented.

The soles of the feet hurt: accompanying symptoms

Pain in the sole is rarely the only manifestation, and besides, it is not easy to assume a diagnosis based on a single symptom. More often we are talking about a whole complex of symptoms that create a characteristic picture. Associated symptoms include:

Numbness of the skin of the sole, toes. neurological symptom. Indicates a violation of nerve conduction in a certain area. More often indicates a hernia of the lumbosacral region.

Sensation of heat in the soles (feet become really hot to the touch). anxiety manifestation. It can talk about problems of rheumatoid origin, erythromelalgia (a disease that develops with insufficient blood circulation in the feet).

The development of puffiness, swelling in the sole area. The most obvious reason is an injury. It also indicates rheumatoid problems.

In general, this symptomatic complex without additional research does not give a clear idea of ​​the nature of the ongoing process, but allows you to orient yourself.

The soles of the feet hurt: diagnosis

Diagnostic measures begin from the moment when the patient crosses the threshold of the specialist's office. A person inexperienced in medical matters has a natural question: who to contact with their problem? The first doctor to visit is a general practitioner. This is a kind of guiding beacon that helps to navigate in next steps. Next, you should contact the relevant specialists:

An orthopedist deals with the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including arthritis, arthrosis, flat feet).

Traumatologist (if the pathology is associated with an injury).

A nephrologist deals with the treatment of pathologies of the excretory system: gouty arthritis often occurs due to chronic kidney disease.

The methods of examining patients whose main complaint is that the soles of the feet hurt are different. Among them:

Collection of anamnesis. Oral questioning of the patient, aimed at identifying the causes of the disease, clarifying complaints, etc.

Inspection. Visual assessment in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system is an independent and an important part diagnostics. Experienced specialist is able to assume (and, as practice shows, with high accuracy) a particular disease at the first examination.

functional tests. They allow to assess the mobility of the joints, the occurrence of pain reactions, etc.

Radiography. It makes it possible to identify injuries, as well as changes in the joints.

CT/MRI. Due to their high cost and insufficient technical equipment of most medical institutions rarely assigned. However, all over the world, tomography (both magnetic resonance and computed) is recognized as the most informative method diagnostics of pathologies of bone structures, joints, soft tissues and blood vessels.

Lab tests(blood biochemistry, general analysis urine, complete blood count). Appointed for suspected arthritis. In the gouty form, the concentration of urates in the urine is increased (as well as in the biochemical blood test). In rheumatoid arthritis, a complete blood count gives a picture of an autoimmune inflammatory process (eosinophilia, etc. is manifested).

The soles of the feet hurt: treatment

Treatment of pain has two goals: the elimination of the original cause and the removal of symptoms. The range of therapeutic measures is wide: medication, orthopedic and even surgical treatment is practiced.

Medical treatment assumes acceptance:

Anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal) to relieve inflammation (Ketorol, Nise, Ibuprofen, etc.).

Analgesics. Especially often, analgesics are prescribed for neurological pain. There are many names: Baralgin, etc.

Chondroprotectors. If the cause of pain lies in the pathologies of the joints, you can not do without drugs that restore destroyed joints. They are expensive, so it is not recommended to take such drugs on your own.

Orthopedic treatment involves wearing bandages (gypsum, elastic). It is used as the most common means of treating injuries. In exceptional cases, doctors resort to surgical treatment. Such cases are not so common:

Complex fractures.

Tendon injuries.

Complete or predominant destruction of the joints.

In such situations, there is simply no alternative to surgery. The goal of treatment is to restore the anatomical integrity of certain structures or to carry out prosthetics.

Thus, if the soles of the feet hurt, there can be many reasons for this. Pain does not threaten life, but it can easily reduce its quality. Unpleasant sensations when walking is the least of the possible problems. IN severe cases we are talking about the complete impossibility of stepping on the affected limb. Therefore, relying on "maybe" is not recommended. For a single pain relief, an analgesic tablet is suitable, but in the future you cannot do without a visit to a specialist. Cure any disease on her initial stage much easier.

The legs, especially the feet, are the most loaded part of the body. People experience pain in the legs, which is more often localized in the feet, regardless of age. When the feet hurt, it is first of all important to identify the cause of the discomfort.

Causes of discomfort

The occurrence of pain is possible for various reasons, from injury to chronic disease. Common causes:

  1. Shoes made of poor quality materials. Incorrectly chosen shoes: not in size, too high heels, narrow nose.
  2. Too much huge pressure on your feet as a result long walk, standing work, playing sports or .
  3. Excess weight is also a big load on the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Atrophy of the ligaments and muscles of the leg as a result of prolonged immobility.
  5. Calluses, corns, cracks, warts and other lesions on skin legs, preventing normal movement when walking.
  6. Chronic diseases.

It is important to pay attention to the state in which the pain appears - at rest or in motion, it manifests itself when pressing on the bone or the foot aches regularly.

Possible diseases

If the pain does not go away after rest and rest and is localized in one place, then most likely the foot hurts as a result of the disease:

  1. Flat feet - the load during the disease falls on the entire sole, overloading it as much as possible. The most common cause of pain in the feet. Legs get tired faster. By evening, there is swelling and heaviness in the lower extremities.
  2. Arthritis stop - affected outer part feet, swollen joints. It creates discomfort and big problems when moving. Skin redness and morning stiffness joints.
  3. Osteoarthritis - pathological process leading to joint deformity. On initial stages there are complaints of increased fatigue of the legs, swelling and feet.
  4. Osteomalacia and rickets - various diseases, develop from a lack of vitamin D. Manifested by bone pain and muscle weakness.
  5. Osteoporosis is a thinning of the bone tissue that leads to severe consequences. Bones, joints and surrounding tissues become inflamed. Pain occurs with pressure.
  6. Diabetes mellitus - leg pain, swelling and ulcers are considered as a complicated symptom of the disease.
  7. Plantar fasciitis is a deformity of the heel. Appears when the connective tissue is stretched. Pain occurs in the arch of the foot and heel area.
  8. Erythromelalgia is a vascular disease that affects the upper and lower extremities. Common among the male population of middle age. The nature of the pain is acute, there is a burning sensation in the foot and redness of the skin.
  9. Gout is a metabolic disease that affects any joint, including the legs. It manifests itself as a sudden increase in acute pain in the joints of the legs and "heat" of the feet.
  10. A spur on the heel is a bony outgrowth that interferes with normal movement. Very rarely treatable. With a plantar spur, pain is strong, localized in the heel region, aggravated by pressure. The skin at the site of the growth is reddened and coarsened.
  11. Varicose disease of the lower extremities is a chronic disease characterized by thinning of the walls of the veins. The patient feels swelling and "heavy" legs.
  12. Foot neuroma is a benign tumor of the nervous tissue that grows connective tissue between 3rd and 4th toes. Symptoms are burning and constant aching pain.
  13. Processes of change in bones, such as aging or transitional age possibly a hormonal imbalance.
  14. Injury, dislocation, rupture or sprain of the ligaments of the legs. Clinical picture- the pain is sharp, throbbing, incessant. Patients have swelling of the back of the foot and cyanosis of the soft tissues.

At home, a person is not able to independently determine the cause of pain. To do this, you need to go to an appointment with a therapist.

Who to contact and how to treat

The therapist will produce initial inspection, if the situation so requires, write out a direction to narrow specialist. Depending on the case, they may be:

  1. A surgeon is a doctor who treats the lower extremities when surgery is required.
  2. Angiosurgeon or vascular surgeon- narrow-profile specialist. Specializes in the treatment of blood and lymphatic vessels.
  3. Neurologist - diagnoses and treats diseases of the central nervous system.
  4. Traumatologist - treats injuries and their consequences.
  5. An orthopedist is a doctor who treats diseases of the bones and joints.
  6. A rheumatologist is a narrow specialist who treats inflammation of the musculoskeletal system.
  7. A dermatologist is a specialist in skin diseases.

If the examination goes beyond the limits of the feet, the list of studies and specialists can be extended.

When the cause of the pain is diagnosed, treatment can begin:

  1. With flat feet, it is recommended to wear.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the joints are removed with anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Osteoporosis includes therapy with hormones and vitamin and mineral complexes.

Do not risk your health and self-medicate. Competent therapy for early stages help avoid consequences.

How to relieve sudden pain

The resulting pain as a result of overwork and increased stress can be removed with prescriptions traditional medicine. But, first of all, the patient is shown restriction of activity and rest. Women must definitely give up heels, at least for a while.

Well relieve pain and inflammation of salt or herbal baths, relaxing massage with fir or sea buckthorn oil. For the outflow of blood from the lower extremities to horizontal position under the ankles, place a low pillow or roller from improvised means so that the legs are higher than the body.

Pain from the outer area of ​​the foot can be relieved by applying a compress:

  • with Vishnevsky's ointment;
  • with grated potatoes;
  • burdock leaves;
  • with ice.

To alleviate the course of symptoms and a favorable outcome of treatment, it is important to provide the body with a balanced diet containing daily allowance calcium and B vitamins.

Prevention measures

To prevent pain in the feet, it is important to choose shoes that are comfortable, according to the size and shape of the foot. with a relief part on the inside will help to avoid problems with the legs in the future. This is especially important for people whose activity is associated with activity and forces them to stand for a long time. Those who have a sedentary lifestyle need to increase their daily activity so that blood circulation in the lower body is not disturbed. As often as possible, massage the feet and warm up.

Effective prevention are exercises to strengthen the muscles of the feet and improve blood circulation:

  1. Stand up straight, shoulders down, feet shoulder-width apart. Rise on tiptoe and lower, slowly, without sudden movements.
  2. Walk alternately on toes and on heels around the room for several minutes.
  3. Get up. Turn the inner soles of your feet towards each other.

Repeat each exercise 8-10 times.

Pain in the foot during the onset significantly limits the mobility of a person, causes discomfort, and can be quite long. Do not ignore this symptom and endure the pain courageously, as such pain can be a sign degenerative changes in the joint.

At the first discomfort, you should consult a doctor who will determine the cause of the pain and prescribe the correct treatment.

The foot may also hurt at rest, but more often the patient hurts to step on the foot when walking. This symptom can indicate absolutely any nature of the disease: from excessive stress to neoplasms.

If the feet hurt, this does not always indicate a local problem: pain in the foot can be of a rheumatic nature, be a complication of complex systemic diseases.

Types of foot pain

Depending on the nature of the pain, the most likely cause can be assumed.

There are different types of pain in the legs:

  • covers the entire foot;
  • localized in a specific part of the foot (fingers, heel, instep);
  • aching;
  • sharp, sharp, piercing;
  • diffuse (occurs from time to time, lasts a long time - for several months).

If foot pain is accompanied by swelling and redness of the skin, it is caused by inflammation or injury.

Long chronic pain often occur after untreated injuries or in the presence of changes, proliferation of bone tissue, deformities of the joints.

Why, when you step on, your leg hurts: causes of pain in the foot

All causes of pain in the foot can be divided into two groups:

  • non-pathological- associated with a large load and other factors, are not signs serious illnesses (long stay on the feet, uncomfortable shoes, obesity);
  • pathological are the result of systemic diseases.

« I can't step on my foot” is a common complaint of women who seek help with such a symptom. This condition is associated with wearing uncomfortable shoes with high heels: due to the load shift, the weight is distributed unevenly, its maximum falls on the front.

Foot pain is a common problem among women.

At first, there is simply pain due to overloading the foot. But over time, deformations and tissue growths occur. At this stage, it is almost impossible to achieve complete healing. Therefore, if the shoes cause discomfort, cause pain - you need to refuse it.

Diseases that cause pain in the feet

Pain that arose as a result of excessive exercise usually disappears in 2-3 days. If they persist longer, the person probably has a more serious pathology. This symptom may indicate one of the following conditions.


Injuries to the bones of the foot

Fracture of the bones of the foot, dislocation of the ankle joint, sprain - the most frequent species injuries. They are characterized by: acute pain, swelling, hematoma formation. Pain lessens at rest, worsens when standing up. Covers only the left or right foot. But if the injury is received while jumping from high altitude, as a result car accident Both legs are often injured.

flat feet

This disease can be congenital or acquired (with the constant wearing of flat shoes). The absence of the arch of the foot is visually noticeable. The pain increases with walking, spreads to the entire foot.

Types of footprints various forms flat feet


Inflamed ankle bursa

Inflammatory disease synovial bag of the joint, which increases friction and destruction of the joint. There are about 10 such bags in the foot area. Most often, inflammation occurs in the bursa of the ankle joint, provokes its injury - a bruise or dislocation.

Bursitis is a disease of athletes, but it can also occur in people who are severely obese and women who wear uncomfortable shoes. It is very painful for the patient to walk. At rest, discomfort decreases, but does not disappear completely.

Left untreated, it can lead to complete destruction of the joint.


Inflammation of the joint (more often in the thumb area) associated with excess uric acid. Occurs in patients older than 40 years, diabetics, chronic alcoholics, people with a high degree obesity. The pain appears suddenly, it becomes impossible to step on the foot.

Consequences of gout


A disease associated with a violation of elasticity and damage to the ligament. It is very painful to step on the sole, unpleasant sensation(pain, burning) are localized in the heel area.

Area affected by fasciitis

This disease occurs in athletes, ballerinas, obese people and women who constantly wear shoes that are very high heels. The pain also extends to the lower leg area.


Occurs when bone density is impaired, when it becomes fragile and prone to fracture even with a slight load. A fracture occurs if the patient stood up abruptly, heavily stepped on the foot.

Osteoporosis is one possible cause of foot pain.

Causes of osteoporosis hormonal disorders, diabetes, obesity, kidney disease, and elderly age over 75 years old.

Pain in osteoporosis is constant, aggravated when trying to get up after sleep, during minimal physical activity.

funicular myelosis

Vitamin B12 is synthesized by microorganisms

This disease does not occur independently, but as a result of a serious disease of the bone marrow, in which the metabolism of vitamin B12 is significantly impaired. It is often hereditary.

Pain in the foot occurs when walking. There is also a feeling of numbness in the affected area. The pain attack usually begins with a slight tingling and numbness of the fingers.

Morton's neuroma

Inflammation of the nerve passing between the 3rd and 4th fingers. The provoking factor is high-heeled shoes, increased load on the front of the foot. The pain is severe, aggravated by stepping on the foot.

Area of ​​nerve inflammation in Morton's neuroma

Painful form of polyneuropathy

A disease that is accompanied by systemic damage to the nervous tissue, multiple pains, impaired motor activity.

Polyneuropathy of the lower extremities

Begin with fatigue and a feeling of heaviness in the muscles, then numbness appears. Later, there is a sharp, shooting pain in the leg, which may radiate to the knee. It is painful for a person to get up, it is almost impossible to walk.

Vascular diseases

Varicose veins are often accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and burning in the foot. This is due to circulatory disorders, when blood flows to the foot, but is not removed in a timely manner. Pain is accompanied by swelling of the feet.

Varicose veins weaken the walls of blood vessels, disrupting normal blood circulation.

In some cases, varicose veins are accompanied by the formation of blood clots. A blood clot in a leg vein can clog its lumen, restrict blood access to the foot. If the thrombus is small, the pain in the foot is mild.

If the clot enlarges and completely stops the blood supply to the foot, there is strong pain, blackening and tissue necrosis.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Chronic autoimmune disease, which is accompanied by the destruction of the joints. The pain is aching, worse in the evening and when the weather changes.

It occurs more often in the ankle joint, less often in the fingers. The disease is almost incurable, treatment is reduced to alleviating symptoms (removing inflammation and pain relief).

Foot affected rheumatoid arthritis

If a sharp pain occurs after an injury, you need to contact a traumatologist. Enlargement and deformation of the foot is a reason to make an appointment with a surgeon: he will assess the degree of deformation and be able to suggest what to do next. What to do if the leg hurts in the foot: who to contact and what examination to undergo?

For rheumatic causes of the disease, a rheumatologist or cardiologist is involved in the treatment, and for neuropathy, a neurologist.

If the foot hurts visible reasons, and the patient is not sure which doctor to contact - you need to visit a therapist. After an examination and a minimal examination, he will refer the patient to a specialist who can more accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Diagnosis of foot pain

If the pain is strong and sharp, the person cannot stand up, the foot itself is very swollen, the place of swelling is hot, or the patient himself - fever, see a doctor as soon as possible.

To diagnose diseases, blood tests are prescribed to help determine the presence of inflammation, the level of uric acid and other components. Directly the state of bone tissue and joints can be seen with the help of X-ray diagnostics, CT and MRI. If vascular thrombosis is suspected, ultrasonography.

Foot pain treatment

How to treat foot pain depends on the underlying cause. In one case, a temporary restriction of mobility will be enough, in another, massage and physical education are necessary, in the third, a large amount of medicines cannot be dispensed with.

The main methods of treatment are:

  1. Taking anti-inflammatory medications.
  2. Pain medications (tablets, injections, local remedies)
  3. Ointments and gels that relieve inflammation and pain improve mobility.
  4. Physiotherapy treatment.
  5. Massage.
  6. Physiotherapy. Restriction of mobility is necessary in case of injury and acute inflammation. In other cases, minimal physical activity helps maintain blood circulation, deliver oxygen to the area of ​​the affected joint, and nutrients needed to keep it working. In their absence, the joint is destroyed faster.
  7. Baths and compresses that give an anti-inflammatory effect.
  8. Taking antibiotics if the disease is infectious.

Often with chronic diseases the pain is aggravated by hypothermia. In this case, even during sleep, you need to wear warm socks to prevent hypothermia.

If you unsuccessfully stepped on some object, and the pain in the foot arose due to an injury, on the contrary, you need to apply cold to relieve inflammation. In any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe additional treatment to prevent destruction of the joint and bone tissue.

Video about the causes of pain in the foot