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Why do the heels of my feet hurt and how to treat them? Traditional medicine methods for pain in the heel area

Main function calcaneus– depreciation. The heel is highly sensitive due to the fact that it contains a large number of blood vessels And nerve endings, which go through it to other parts of the foot. Therefore, with any, even the most minor damage, a person feels pain.

For active and productive people, heel pain when walking can be a real challenge, preventing them from achieving their goals. But even if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, heel pain in the morning after sleep can cause a lot of problems.

In order to somehow alleviate your plight, you must first understand what caused this pain, and only then take action. further actions. Why do the heels of the feet hurt and how to treat them? Let's try to figure it out.

Causes of heel pain when walking

What could it be and how to treat it? Many people experience heel pain when walking, but do not pay attention to it, believing that it is the result of hitting the hard surface of the ground. A false assumption causes many problems in the future, as diseases, causing the symptom, continue to progress.

Let's look at the main causes of pain:

  • . This is the investigative cause of chronic inflammation of plantar fasciitis. With this disease, the area of ​​the foot accumulates calcium salts, which subsequently forms a bone growth. As a rule, this stage is accompanied by a weakening of discomfort in the foot. However, in the morning there is pain in the heel area when walking. Depending on the location of the spur, both the heel of the left and the right foot may hurt.
  • Fascial strain. The long ligament supports the shape of the foot and provides shock-absorbing properties to the arch. After doing exercises such as running and jumping, you may feel overtrained. The foot needs rest, but shoes with insufficient supination cause inflammation plantar fascia, namely fasciitis. The heel hurts a lot, especially when walking in the morning, when a person just gets out of bed and the fascia stretches. Chronic injuries and sprains lead to the growth of bone tissue at the base of the heel bone - the appearance of a spur. It further increases pain during exercise and walking.
  • Bursitis is a disease causing inflammation tissue running along the foot connecting the heel bone to the toes. The inflammatory process is characterized by increasingly increasing pain, especially severe in the morning. You can soothe the pain with massage, but if you step on your heel, the pain will inevitably return.
  • Achillitis. The inflammatory process in this anatomical formation occurs as a result of constant stress on the calf muscles (climbing mountains, jumping), wearing uncomfortable compressive shoes and walking on high heels. The disease is characterized by pain in the projection of the tendon, and along its entire length. In addition, pain above the heels of moderate intensity and swelling of the tendon itself inevitably occur. In the absence of treatment and reduced immunity, it may occur purulent inflammation Achilles tendon, then the pain above the heel becomes more intense, to the point that the person cannot take a step. In addition to this, inflammation can reach such a level that tendon rupture may occur. This condition requires emergency medical attention.
  • Heel pain can be caused by: spinal diseases, especially him lumbar region, often occurring with symptoms of sciatica. This pain is familiar to many, because its focus is located in the lumbar region, then passing through the buttock area, back wall hips, going down to the heel. The main signs of pain are a feeling of numbness and tingling in the thigh.
  • . This disease has an infectious etiology and is provoked by pathogens such as Yersinia, Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, Clostridium, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, etc. Characteristic features In addition to pain in the heels, there are symptoms of inflammation - swelling, redness, increased local temperature.
  • Some infections, including genital infections. In many cases hidden infections cause reactive inflammation of the heels. Sometimes it turns out individual characteristics define infectious nature inflammation of the tendons of this part of the foot.
  • – salts accumulate in the body uric acid. They provoke acute pain and swelling. One or more joints become red, hot, and sensitive to even slight touches. Depending on the location, the heel of the left or right foot hurts.

Causes of heel pain when walking that are not caused by diseases:

  • First of all, if you experience pain in your heel while walking, you need to pay attention to your shoes, this is especially true for women who love high heels. This is the most dangerous enemy feet. When wearing such shoes, the feet are constantly overloaded, as a result of which severe shooting pain in the heel may occur when walking.
  • Permanent being on your feet all day. By the end of the day, the legs become tired and a person may feel pain in the heels when walking.
  • Stable obesity or sudden weight gain and in a short time it helps to increase the load on the feet.
  • Heel bone bruise. As a result of the injury, nearby tissues may become inflamed, causing severe pain when walking. The symptoms are the same as for a tendon injury. Within a week, the injury site will turn red, then blue and yellow. Symptoms increase gradually.
  • Atrophy of the subcutaneous fat pad in the heel occurs as a result of sudden weight loss or increased daily motor activity coupled with physical overload.

As you can see, there are many causes of heel pain when walking, including after sleep. Therefore, it is important to consult a specialist if such signs occur. Indeed, in each individual case, treatment will differ depending on the cause, so it is worth conducting a diagnosis to find out what it could be.


Before figuring out how to treat heel pain when walking, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the symptom, as well as determine the cause of its development. Typically, to make a diagnosis experienced specialist enough:

  • patient complaints;
  • patient's medical history (presence or absence of previous pathologies, injuries);
  • examining the foot for any changes in it;
  • X-ray examination will give a clear picture of specific changes in the presence of certain diseases.

In some cases, this information may not be enough; you may need additional research :

  • (possible leukocytosis, increased ESR with ankylosing spondylitis).
  • biochemical blood test: increase in uric acid in gout.
  • microbiological tests to exclude the presence of bacteria affecting the development of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • bone puncture for further histological examination is carried out to exclude bone tuberculosis or oncology.

To eliminate heel pain, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease that led to this symptom. Although painkillers (ketorol, etc.) can temporarily relieve you of discomfort, you will not get rid of heel pain without eliminating the cause. Therefore, at the slightest painful manifestations, you should consult a doctor and begin treatment of the underlying disease as soon as possible.

How to treat heel pain when walking?

When heel pain occurs, treatment consists of medication and physiotherapeutic methods, resting the foot, massage and physical therapy. The constant use of special insoles reduces pressure on the disturbing area of ​​the heel.

At home, heel pain when walking is treated with the help of such medications:

  1. - Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Meloxicam. Corticosteroid injections are sometimes required (for example, for rheumatoid arthritis).
  2. Ointments - “Diclofenac”, “Voltaren”, “Ketorol gel”, “Butadione”, “Piroxicam gel”.
  3. Folk remedies: ointments, decoctions, soothing baths and anti-inflammatory lotions.

Additionally, a tight bandage is used and shockwave therapy sessions are performed. During the treatment period, the load on the foot should be limited. Physiotherapeutic approaches, massages and special exercises. At the same time, the heel practically does not hurt when walking by the end of the day.

I have heel pain, which doctor should I contact?

Depending on whether there was an injury, doctors - a therapist, a traumatologist, an orthopedist. You may need to consult specialists in the following specialties: neurologist, surgeon, oncologist, phthisiatrician.

If you are not sure about the cause of the pain, you can make an appointment with your local physician. After the examination, he will refer you to the right doctor.


As you know, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it later. Therefore, to prevent the occurrence painful sensations in the foot area you can do the following:

  1. Wear comfortable and properly fitted shoes. The heel is no higher than four centimeters, the shoes should not put pressure.
  2. At home, do leg exercises: bend and straighten your feet in a sitting position for two minutes. You can also take a simple tennis ball and roll it along the floor with your feet. Perform the exercise for 5-7 minutes for each leg.
  3. Eat right and take steps to combat overweight.
  4. Take contrast baths with herbs.
  5. Walk barefoot on the grass and sand at the beach.

The most important thing is that you cannot assume that heel pain is caused by walking will pass on one's own. It can only get worse and develop into other, more serious diseases. Therefore, if pain occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Why do heels hurt, how to treat them at home - these questions can only be answered after a correct diagnosis has been made. If not visible damage(punctures, cuts), and the feeling of discomfort and pain increases daily, most likely you have a bone growth in the heel area. It is impossible to see it on your own. That is why this modification can only be detected using x-rays.

Main causes of heel spurs

There are several reasons for bone growth in the heel area:

  1. Flat feet, improper distribution of weight and load on the foot.
  2. Excess weight, playing strength sports with lifting heavy weights.
  3. Violation metabolic processes, blood flow.
  4. Foot irritation from tight shoes.
  5. Infectious inflammations, chronic or past diseases

Heel spur symptoms and causes of pain

As mentioned, the main symptom of a spur is severe pain. It only appears when the foot is under load, for example, in a standing position, and there is a feeling that the skin and muscles are damaged by a nail or needle. Most severe pain are felt in the morning (during the first exercise) and in the evening (after constant walking). During the day, pain may either disappear or appear periodically. Their main cause is inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis due to irritation by a sharp spur. Here

Spur: how to use folk remedies

Treatment of spurs initial stages using folk recipes allows you to stop its further growth, relieve inflammation and pain. At the beginning of treatment, it is important to recognize this disease and not confuse it with a plantar wart. So, you have decided on the diagnosis: you have a spur. It aches unbearably and what to treat and which methods to give preference to: heating, compresses, self-massage?

First treatment method: heating

Warming up relieves internal inflammation and swelling caused by constant irritation of the bone and reduces pain.

Second treatment method: compresses

If your heel hurts, how can you treat it at home so that the pain subsides quickly and there are no side effects? The best option- these are compresses. They come in two types: night and 24-hour. This procedure warms up well, relieves pain and inflammation, and prevents further growth of bone tissue.

Therapeutic massages

If compresses and warming did not help, and the heel still hurts, what else can you treat? In this case, self-massage using improvised means can help. For example, salt, heated and scattered on a flat surface, will not only soothe the pain, but also prevent further growth of the spur. It is enough to “walk” on it with your sore heel every day. An old washboard will also help. If you “wash” your heels twice a day for at least 15 minutes, the spurs will disappear within a few weeks. You can also massage your feet with a corn cob, aspen log or potato.

Heel pain- one of the common problems that most often worries pregnant women, elderly people, athletes, and schoolchildren. Sometimes you can easily cope with such pain; for this they make baths, compresses, and apply ointments. True, if the malaise is provoked by some serious illness, you can get rid of unpleasant sensations only after a full examination and identification of the root cause.

In young years, when, as usual, the legs do not bother them, they take it for granted and do not pay much attention to them. But as soon as any problem with the legs is discovered, we immediately begin to realize how much our life and our mood can greatly depend on it. Extremely unpleasant heel pain, which are so painful, can practically knock you out of your usual rut for a long time. After all, even a short walk becomes a real test of endurance.

Main causes of heel pain

There can be many causes of pain. And its source may not necessarily be a serious and intractable disease. Among the reasons that cause unpleasant pain in the heels may be external negative factors or various diseases.

The most known reasons:

  • A sudden transition from high heels to completely flat soles that are not shock-absorbing at all can cause acute pain in the foot and heels.
  • Often, the factor that provokes painful sensations in the legs, especially for women, can be wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes - stilettos. The load on the foot is distributed unequally. Part of the foot turns out to be “overloaded” - the toe and heel area are constantly under tension, and part is inactive. As a result, intense pain of a shooting nature appears in the heel.
  • Heavy loads during sports training– if pain appears after jogging, then you need to temporarily switch to another type of muscle activity.
  • Injuries or bruises to the heel may be one of the causes of burning pain. The inflammatory process may not necessarily appear when the heel is damaged. Pain usually occurs when ligaments are damaged ankle joint. When moving, you may feel as if a needle is sticking into your leg, which with each step is piercing deeper and deeper into the body. In this case, you should try not to step on the injured leg and consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  • In the second half of pregnancy, a woman’s body weight increases from 6 to 18 kg. As a result, due to weight gain and poor circulation, there may be pain syndrome, which is usually felt when walking and in the evening. Thin girls are more prone to gain weight.

  • The most well-known and most common diseases that can cause heel pain are:

  • Obesity and hormonal changes can cause sudden weight gain.
  • Heel spurs - inflammation of the ligaments and peculiar bone spurs on the plantar surface in the area of ​​the heel bone. The main symptom of a heel spur is acute pain, which is felt especially when walking, in the morning, as soon as a person gets out of bed, upon palpation, deformation and swelling of the soft tissues are visually observed. The presence of a heel spur can be determined by ultrasound or by taking an x-ray of the foot.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis is rare chronic illness which entails aggression immune system in relation to the joints of the spine and soft cartilage tissue. Inflammation in joints and bone tissue.
  • Gout is characterized by inflammation of the joint tissues. The disease occurs due to metabolic disorders and causes the accumulation of uric acid salts in the joints. Often leads to illness overuse salty and sour foods. Long-term unpleasant paroxysmal pain that goes away over time.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a joint disease that usually affects the lower extremities. Pain is felt when walking, and if the disease is advanced, even at rest.
  • Intestinal infection and pathogens in the genitourinary system - these diseases often cause reactive arthritis, which progresses quite quickly. Infection from the genital organs moves lower.
  • A malignant tumor quite often develops in the heel area. Initially, a small tubercle is formed, around which many dilated blood vessels appear. The tumor grows and hardens over time.
  • Paralysis tibial nerve, paralyzing the muscles makes it difficult to bend the foot and toes.
  • Bone tuberculosis - a disease caused by the death of a part skin. Subsequently, the disease affects the bone tissue, and the cartilage seems to melt.
  • Cracked heels when walking cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Deep cracks formed in the layer of hardened skin during inflammation cause acute pain and bleed, causing severe discomfort and making any walk painful and unbearable.
  • Plantar fasciitis- inflammation that develops in the fascia - a tough connective tissue membrane, which is located in a wide strip along the surface of the sole of the foot. A common symptom of heel pain is usually caused by inflammation of the fascia where it attaches to the heel tuberosity. When untimely treatment fasciitis, calcium salts can be deposited at the site of chronic inflammation, leading to the formation of heel spurs.
  • Reactive arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the joints, which can develop after certain infections, most often after infectious diseases genitourinary system, intestinal infections of the gastrointestinal tract. Some pathogens that enter the body can cause pain in the feet and heels. In most cases, these are genital infectious diseases. Hidden microorganisms serve as a source of reactive acute inflammation in the heel tendon. With this disease, pain in the heel area is felt constantly, and is especially felt at night.
  • Damage to the Achilles tendon and its inflammation are a common cause of severe pain above the heel. This type of injury usually occurs in professional athletes, although it can also occur in ordinary people in case of strong physical activity, unsuccessful jump.

These diseases cannot be cured on your own, so you need to contact different specialists:

  • rheumatologist;
  • traumatologist;
  • surgeon;
  • phthisiatrician;
  • oncologist;
  • neurologist;
  • orthopedist,

so that the doctor, during a medical examination and based on the nature of the pain, finds out the cause of the disease. This makes it easier to diagnose the disease and helps the doctor prescribe effective treatment to get rid of pain.

Types of heel pain

Pain in the heel is divided into the following types:
1. Aching pain. In most cases, they occur due to rapid weight gain. Occurs in women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Very often, aching pain is caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes or high-heeled shoes. Often the cause of such pain is fasciitis - chronic inflammation ligamentous tissues that hold bones in a certain position. Typically, this disease is experienced by people who are forced to stand on their feet for a long time and stand in one position - hairdressers, salesmen and surgeons.

2. Acute stabbing pain. Such pain is experienced by people suffering from gout, reactive arthritis, and fractures. With fractures, the heel becomes deformed and can skew to the right or left.

3. Heel pain when walking. If nothing bothers you at rest, but when you move, problems arise. sharp pains, then it most likely could be inflammation of the Achilles tendon.
4. Heel pain in the morning. If it hurts to stand on your feet after waking up, then most likely it is a heel spur. The pain may subside after a short walk. Sometimes a heel spur can be a nuisance at night and cause sleepless nights.
5. Heel pain during pregnancy. As usual, they are aching in nature, and can occur at the end of the day. It is enough to walk for one hour, and pain occurs when putting stress on the heels. After childbirth and weight loss, the pain goes away.
6. Painful sensations at rest. Usually discomfort appear at the end of the working day and constant standing. My legs start to hurt a lot in the evening. If work activity is not associated with constant standing, then pain at rest can be caused by infectious diseases of the genital organs or infectious diseases intestines. Usually they can occur after an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
7. Postpartum heel pain. If there was no pain during pregnancy, and after labor was resolved, unpleasant pain in the heels began to appear, then most likely it could be damage to the lumbar nerve in the spine. Sometimes an incorrect course of labor can cause lameness in a woman in labor. This usually happens to women who have very narrow pelvis or when a large baby is born.
8. Throbbing pain. With the appearance of throbbing pain and swelling in the heel area, one can judge the presence of bacterial infection, which often occurs against the background of fasciitis or fungus.
9. Syndrome of burning pain in the heels, which develops with various forms of polyneuropathy. It is characterized by nagging muscle pain, burning sensations, muscle cramps, a feeling of numbness, tingling or "crawling" in lower limbs while walking, sometimes in the upper body - the shoulder and pelvic girdle. At rest, these symptoms are noticeably reduced.

Treatments for heel pain

If heel pain occurs, the most correct decision is not to delay until later and do not try to treat yourself, but urgently consult a doctor for qualified advice to determine the cause of the disease and prevent the occurrence various complications such a state.
There are many medications pharmaceutical ointments, as well as time-tested traditional treatments that are used to relieve pain in the heel. It is important only to select the most effective and correct means in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, and to begin complex treatment in a timely manner.

Medications to treat heel pain

The appropriate medications are prescribed by a doctor, and if a drug relieves someone of heel pain, this does not mean that everyone who suffers from a similar illness should purchase it. This especially applies to tablets. Gels, solutions and ointments also need to be handled with care.

Characteristics of medications:

  • Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs. Taking anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs relieves pain, however, they cannot be used for a long time due to the great variety of side effects. Such drugs are produced in the form of a gel, they can quickly relieve pain, however, healing effect there is no relief from such a drug, it cannot eliminate the cause of pain, and it is often prescribed by orthopedists to relieve pain. Preparations of such pharmacology, produced in ampoules, are intended for intramuscular injections and is used for the treatment of chronic arthritis in the acute stage and for fasciitis.
  • Anti-inflammatory analgesic antipyretic drugs. Available in ampoules for injection, as well as in the form of ointments, suppositories and tablets. It is most effective to use rectal suppositories, because they are quickly absorbed by the intestines and they have a minimal number of contraindications. The medicine does not eliminate the very cause of pain, but only blocks pain, reducing pain, relieves inflammation and fever. Used to treat symptomatic heel pain caused by arthritis, fasciitis, and heel spurs.
  • Anti-inflammatory anesthetic and antimicrobial drugs local action. Available in liquid form in bottles. Used primarily as a warming agent aqueous solution, which by means of heat reduces pain symptoms, the medicine also relieves inflammation and swelling.

Folk remedies for treating heel pain

For treatment to qualified specialist, as a rule, they do not apply immediately, but use recommendations traditional healers and try to get rid of pain using traditional methods. IN Not traditional medicine there are many simple and quite effective recipes to relieve heel pain and reduce inflammation. Most often, compresses, ointments, and baths using medicinal herbs are used.

Folk remedies:

  • Pain in the heels can be relieved with contrast baths, alternating heat and cold. This is done using two basins of the same volume with cold and hot water, alternately dipping your feet first into cold and then into warm water. Instead of plain water, you can also use a decoction of pharmaceutical chamomile. After this procedure, you can massage your heels.
  • Using an ice bed with lemon juice. A small plastic bag filled with ice cubes made from diluted lemon juice, wrapped in a towel, is placed on the sore heels. The duration of the procedure is up to fifteen minutes. This “pillow” is used after heavy loads on the foot and sports training.
  • You can localize heel pain caused by a spur with the help of marsh cinquefoil - a common and popular plant that has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to this plant, the immune system is normalized and the process of removing salts from the body is accelerated. To prepare the medicine: one tbsp. l. dilute marsh cinquefoil tincture with 1/3 tbsp. water, drink orally 3 times a day before eating. The duration of the course is 20 days, then take a break for 10 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated.
  • A tincture from walnuts, which is consumed internally. The product is prepared from 20 gr. chopped walnuts, pour in 200 ml of vodka and infuse for 10 days. The medicine is taken one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. Treatment with this folk remedy effectively relieves heel pain.
  • Compresses with black radish. To do this, grate the washed root vegetable along with the skin on a fine grater. Afterwards, spread the paste on gauze and apply it to the sore heel, then secure the compress with a plastic bag and place it on top. elastic bandage. The procedure can be done every day and left overnight. Wash your feet in the morning warm water. Treatment is carried out until complete healing.
  • A tincture made from dried lilac flowers also helps to get rid of painful sensations in the heels. The plant needs to be infused with vodka in a ratio of 1/10 for ten days. Then strain and consume 50 ml teaspoon boiled water 2-3 times a day. At the same time, you need to rub the sore spot at night.
  • For heel pain, you can also use fresh knotweed grass, put it in your shoes, and walk with it throughout the day. In the morning the grass is changed to fresh.

Using ointments for heel pain

In traditional medicine, ointments prepared on the basis of:

  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs. They are easy to apply to the affected area, they quickly relieve inflammation and pain. Among other things, they have minimal side effects because they are practically not absorbed into the blood. Used for muscle pain and joint diseases, the affected area must be lubricated with ointment three times during the day and lie down for a while until completely absorbed.
  • Ointments based on anti-inflammatory substances are often used after joint surgery to relieve pain after injuries.
  • Preparations based on phenylbutazone are effectively used for arthritis, gout, bursitis, and heel spur. Medicines are applied to the skin with a thin film until three times in a day.
  • The drug based on piroxicam anesthetizes and is quickly absorbed into the skin. The ointment is used after surgery, when closed fractures heels, as well as when treating heel spurs, the medicine is applied three times a day.

Compresses for heel pain

For heel pain, compresses are often used, using ready-made pharmaceutical solutions or prepared independently. As a rule, hot pepper, vodka, garlic, cinnamon, medical alcohol and other warming products are used.

Compress recipes:

  • A popular recipe using a grated onion and a spoon of pharmaceutical birch tar can cure heel pain. Apply a homogeneous onion mass in a thick layer to the heel. Cover the top with a cloth folded in three layers and secure with a bandage, leave the application for five hours. Rinse off with warm water. The procedure is carried out for five days in a row.
  • Red hot pepper is used to create a warming effect. The red pepper pod along with the seeds are ground in a meat grinder. Add 30 ml of bee nectar to the pulp. All work must be done with gloves and protect your eyes. Place the mixture on a cloth and secure with a bandage, leave on the heel for at least 4, maximum 6 hours. After the compress, lubricate the skin with a rich cream. Hot pepper cannot be used for wounds on the feet, cracks, or watery calluses.
  • To prepare a garlic-based compress: grate five cloves and mix the mixture with crushed white school chalk. Apply the paste onto gauze and place on sore spot, leaving three to five hours. The product should not be used on open wounds and cracked heels.
  • An effective remedy for heel pain is a mixture of a tablespoon of honey, 50 milliliters of iodine and a teaspoon of fine salt. Apply the mixture to gauze and before going to bed, apply it to the affected area, cover the top with polyethylene and secure well with bandages, leave the bandage overnight. This amount of mixture is enough for five procedures, during which you can get rid of heel spurs if you have been diagnosed with this disease. For preventive purposes, repeat treatment after six months.

Potato compresses also help relieve heel pain:
1) Mash the potatoes boiled in their skins well, add 10 ml of Lugol and mix thoroughly. More hot mixture Apply to the sore spot and, securing with a gauze bandage, leave the compress until it cools completely. This compress can be used every day for a week.
2) Pour 30 ml of purified kerosene into the mashed potatoes cooked in their jackets. Apply the mixture to the sore spot and wrap it in cellophane. Put on socks on top and walk around for three hours. The course of treatment is 8-12 procedures.
— To prepare medicine from pharmacy bile, you need to mix 30 ml of the product and 20 ml medical alcohol with a spoonful of grated laundry soap. Apply the mixture to the sore spot and cover with a cloth. Keep the compress on for three to five hours. After the compress, wash your feet with warm water and massage. The course of treatment is 10 procedures.
Traditional methods A special cake made from honey and oatmeal is also recommended for pain relief. Place a cake on the steamed, affected leg and wipe it dry and secure it with a bandage. It is recommended to keep such a compress on the leg for as long as possible. The course of treatment is 10 procedures.

Treatment of heel pain with baths

Healing baths effectively help relieve foot discomfort, inflammation, and pain. Usually used for baths sea ​​salt, herbal decoctions, as well as from vegetables and fruits.

Bath recipes:

  • In a basin with 2.5 liters warm water add a tablespoon baking soda and pour in 20 ml of iodine. Dip your feet into the liquid and hold until the solution cools completely. It is not recommended to use the bath for fractures or bruises of the heel.
  • 20 g dried leaves Pour a liter of boiling water over the nettle and cook for two minutes. Leave until completely cool and then reheat. Keep the heels in the strained broth until they cool completely. Carry out the procedure every day before going to bed.
  • Grate the cabbage stalk, pour boiling water over it and boil for five minutes, then strain. Pour the broth into a bowl and add a small amount of hot water. Immerse your feet in a basin with the solution and hold for at least 15 minutes. Carry out the procedure the night before bedtime.

Preventing heel problems

First of all, you need to refrain from racing walking or running, because these sports are not very protective of your legs, in favor of cycling or swimming in the pool. It is important to lead to normal indicators weight. After all, every additional kilogram harms not only the entire body, but also the heels, which need to withstand these extra pounds.

If there is at least the slightest symptoms flat feet, you need to buy special orthopedic insoles. They help keep the muscles and ligaments of the foot in place. in good condition, and at the same time protect the heel.

Give preference to comfortable shoes with low heels, up to five centimeters. A heel of this height allows you to slightly relieve the heel and not overstrain the foot.

In order to prevent leg diseases, it is very useful to regularly engage in special therapeutic exercises.

Heel pain can have several causes. In any case, it causes a lot of inconvenience and unpleasant sensations to a person.

  • Surely everyone has experienced heel pain while walking at least once in their life. There are many reasons why pain can return again and again: from ordinary fatigue before joint disease
  • Heel pain is a fairly common symptom that occurs in almost every third resident of Russia.
  • You should not ignore this pain, since the heel is an important part bodies. It performs the irreplaceable function of a shock absorber. Over the course of a whole day, it can withstand enormous loads, softening the pressure only with a layer of adipose tissue.
  • The heel is the most broad bone throughout the entire foot. This is the site of all the nerve channels that spread throughout the foot. And that's why she's so sensitive. It can be affected by both injury and disease
the heel is an important part of the human body

Important: If you feel pain in your heel, you need to urgently find the cause. Every time you step on your foot, you experience unpleasant sensations that make your life worse, limiting your movements.

Possible causes of heel pain:

Heel spurterrible disease elderly people and overweight people. The fact is that a spur cannot be cured, you can only ease the discomfort a little.
Salt deposits form on the heel in the form of a growth; the sharp end digs into the tissue when walking and creates an unpleasant stabbing pain. The most severe pain is that which appears after sleep, when a person tries to stand on rested legs. When walking, the pain may be relieved due to loss of sensitivity and habituation.

schematic representation of a heel spur

Arthritis- tissue inflammation. In this case we're talking about about the tissue that connects the heel to the toes. This pain is characterized gradual increase and its strongest manifestations are in the morning, after sleep, when the leg has been in a calm state for a long time.

schematic illustration of foot arthritis

Fasciitis- a foot disease when a dense formation is formed in the tissues of the foot, impeding movement and creating pain. Inflammation of tissues can be promoted by the deposition of salts on the heel bone, and constant standing on the feet can increase pain.

fasciitis of the foot
  • Gout- joint damage due to excessive deposition of uric acid salts
  • Tendon injuries- pain in the heel, especially during long walks or heavy loads
  • Reactive arthritis- consequences of infectious diseases of the body
  • Foot strain and long periods of standing
  • Thinning subcutaneous fat
  • Sudden weight gain in a person

Video: “Why does heel pain occur? Is it always a heel spur?

Which doctor should I consult if my heels hurt?

Whatever the pain in the heel, it requires treatment. Don't assume that this is just Occupational Illness, to which athletes or professional runners are predisposed. Modern conditions life, uncomfortable shoes, standing for a long time and problems with excess weight become causes of pain.

Important: Most often, people complain of pain in the heel of only one leg, and only a third of cases belong to those suffering from both heels. The most severe pain occurs after sleep, when the legs have been in the horizontal position and did not experience any stress. It is not uncommon for a person to experience lameness and uneven walking, trying not to put too much pressure on the heel when walking, avoiding pain.

Several doctors can treat problems and diseases of the heel bone:

  • therapist
  • physiotherapist
  • traumatologist
  • rheumatologist
  • orthopedist
  • surgeon
  • neurologist
  • rheumatologist

The doctor's specialty depends on the nature of your pain. First of all, you should contact your primary care physician with complaints and he will refer you to the necessary specialist.

traumatologist - orthopedist

To get rid of heel pain, the patient needs to undergo physical therapy and drug treatment. Elimination of such pain cannot be immediate and often takes a whole year.

Surgical intervention is recommended only in some cases; in general, the patient needs to undergo a course of physical therapy, injections, bandaging, and weight loss. During the treatment period, it is forbidden to wear tight shoes and high-heeled shoes.

Important: In order for the doctor to get a complete “picture” of the disease, the patient must undergo a blood test, X-ray and MRI.

Video: “Plantar fasciitis. Spurs on their heels

How to get rid of heel pain?

Typically, treatment for heel pain is a complex undertaking that includes many procedures. It takes about a year, it is this period that allows you to feel changes in sensations.

heel spur treatment

To help get rid of heel pain:

  • Physiotherapy: A variety of exercises and stretches are aimed at warming up the leg muscles and fascia of the foot. This exercise should be done for both feet, even if only one hurts. It helps relieve pain and increase flexibility
  • Painkillers: Some medications can relieve pain and inflammation in the joints. In some cases, cold compresses to the heels may be appropriate.
  • Orthopedic insoles: something like this can ease the load on the heel when walking; you can buy it in a specialty store or pharmacy
  • Bandaging: orthopedists recommend bandaging the foot with an elastic band to reduce the load on the fascia of the foot
  • Corticosteroids: in some cases, specialists prescribe injections that have strong anti-inflammatory effects. Such injections are not indicated for everyone, as they have many contraindications.
  • Surgical intervention: Very complex operation excision of the fascia can be carried out if not one of therapeutic methods did not give results
  • Shock wave therapy: new procedure, which has not yet managed to prove its 100% effectiveness. Using a special apparatus, sound impulses are sent to the heel

Video: “Heel pain. What do you need to know about physical therapy?”

What ointment will help with heel pain?

First of all, with your problem, you need to contact a specialist doctor, only he can really prescribe effective treatment: both physiotherapy and external painkillers - ointments.

external remedies are used to treat heel pain

Ointments can have an anti-inflammatory effect and not a strong analgesic effect. Most often, doctors prescribe:

  • diclofenac ointment
  • ibuprofen ointment
  • voltaren gel
  • piroxicam gel
  • Dimexide ointment
  • ketorol gel
  • indomethocin ointment
  • Butadione ointment

Use the ointment for at least two weeks. All this time, it is necessary to apply a thick layer of the drug to the sore spot and rub until completely absorbed. You need to smear your heels often: at least three times a day. After the procedure, it is recommended to put a sock on your foot and give your feet rest. Each ointment has the following effect:

  • softening the skin
  • pain relief
  • improve blood circulation
  • relieving inflammation
  • eliminate discomfort while moving

What causes pain from the heel to the thigh, the reasons for its occurrence?

The causes of pain that affects the area from heel to thigh can be:

  • excessive loads
  • injuries received
  • joint inflammation
  • pathologies of the vascular system
  • varicose veins
  • muscle and tendon ruptures
  • pinched nerves
  • arthritis and arthrosis
  • gout
  • malignant tumors

pain starting in the heel may radiate to the hip

The pain syndrome is completely diverse and its causes depend only on its location. The most common causes of heel to hip pain are pinched nerves or inflammatory diseases joints. The cause of discomfort should be sought in the place where the concentration of pain is strongest.

The development of the disease is influenced by factors such as:

  • infectious diseases
  • injuries to the leg and supporting apparatus
  • impaired metabolism
  • cancer

Important: A thorough examination by a therapist, a detailed blood test and an x-ray will give an answer to the cause of the pain.

Video: “Achilles tendon injury”

What causes sharp pain in the heel, reasons?

Sharp pain in the heel that comes out of nowhere can occur for several reasons:

  • foot strain
  • damage to the fatty tissue of the heel
  • standing for a long time
  • obesity
  • injury
  • inflammatory diseases

Important: The causes of pain are divided into two groups: those that are caused by damage to the structure of the foot and those that are the consequences of diseases.

If you do not have any health problems, then the cause of the pain should be sought in too active image life, shocks and leg injuries recently and sudden weight gain when the legs are not used to large mass bodies.

often heel pain occurs due to problems with excess weight

Video: “Heel pain gone and excess weight”

Why does nagging pain in the heel occur?

Tell us right away the cause nagging pain in the heel is quite difficult. In order to fully understand the cause of the disease, each symptom must be examined in detail. Nagging pain can appear both due to injuries and due to impaired metabolism in the body.

The most common causes of nagging pain in the heel are:

  • inflammation of the fascia
  • Achilles tendonitis - sprains due to overuse
  • heel spur
  • bursitis - inflammation of the joint capsules
  • stress fracture
  • "tarsal fracture" syndrome - pinched nerve canals


Where does burning pain in the heel come from? Causes and treatment

A symptom such as a burning sensation may occur in the heel for the following reasons:

  • skin diseases
  • flat feet
  • metabolic disorders
  • diabetes mellitus
  • joint diseases
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • uncomfortable shoes and improper walking

Important: Vegetative-vascular dystonia and varicose veins veins can cause metabolic disorders in the body, as well as malfunctions of the nervous system.

If you do not have any diseases, then in cases of burning heels, contrasting foot baths will help: a basin with hot and cold water. After the procedure, you should moisturize your feet with cream, put them in socks and raise them above your head for a while.

Why does heel pain occur at night?

Heel pain throughout the night is not normal. The causes of such sensations can be serious inflammatory and traumatic diseases. Such pain cannot be relieved by external means and requires hospitalization of the person.

Heels can hurt in the morning and even at night due to dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, in such cases, you cannot do without an x-ray, a blood test and a detailed examination by a doctor. If for a long time you can't relieve the pain medicines and folk remedies - make an appointment with a therapist.

Heel pain not only causes pain, but also disrupts your normal life. Often a person has difficulty moving, cannot wear his favorite shoes, and is forced to lean on available surfaces.

How to get rid of heel pain that occurs in the morning:

  • try to eliminate the pain with cold - try massaging your heel with ice wrapped in a towel for 15 minutes, then put your feet in a warm bath
  • use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: ointments and gels
  • buy a heel insert from a pharmacy and insert it into everyday shoes, its property is to distribute weight evenly over the entire foot

Heel pain can be eliminated with your own hands

If you have the opportunity, buy yourself a special orthopedic shoes which helps relieve pain when walking. If pain of any kind occurs, you should stop playing sports, jumping and walking long distances.

Video: “Heel pain. Overview of heel spur treatments"

Heel pain creates significant discomfort that prevents a person from moving normally, especially strong sensations They may even immobilize you. It is necessary to cope with pain of such localization after identifying its cause. Since the source may be simple overload or a serious necrotic disease, treatment methods will vary greatly in each individual case.

Non-pathological causes of pain

When walking, a large load is placed on the foot, and in certain situations, heel pain is a consequence of overload, not disease. A problem occurs when:

  • wearing uncomfortable shoes, high-heeled shoes, with thin soles, dented heels - this disrupts the normal distribution of the load and leads to overload of individual areas of the foot;
  • a sharp increase in physical activity. A person with a sedentary lifestyle, having spent an unusually active day on his feet, will most likely encounter heel pain - the formed subcutaneous fat on the plantar surface will be too thin for such loads;
  • standing on your feet for a long time during the day, the leg becomes overloaded and it becomes painful to step on the foot;
  • calluses and corns on the heel due to improper care or plantar psoriasis. A formed bubble will definitely hurt when walking, and thickened skin can burst under stress, forming painful cracks;
  • temporary increased stress on the legs during pregnancy.

Traumatic injuries

Pain in the heel area may indicate a lower limb injury:

  • Tendon sprains, ruptures. The condition is accompanied by sharp pain in the injured area, swelling forms, and depending on the complexity of the situation, extension movements of the foot may be impossible;
  • bruise of the heel bone (a child often suffers from this after a sharp landing on his feet when jumping from a height). The pain in such a situation is sharp, burning, shooting, while transferring weight to the leg there is a feeling that a sharp nail is entering the heel, the inflammatory process and swelling begin;
  • crack and fracture of the bone. The foot is swollen, the heel may be deformed and displaced, it is not possible to step on the foot, bruises may be visualized;
  • consequences of flat feet. A lower arch on the inside of the foot leads to improper load distribution. In advanced stages, it is almost impossible to get rid of pain.

Infectious diseases

Infectious infections in the body can cause complications and symptoms associated with heel pain:

  • reactive arthritis is an inflammatory process in the joints that forms due to the activity of the urogenital or intestinal infection. This disease can be caused by chlamydia, gonorrhea, dysentery, salmonellosis, etc. Heel pain in this case occurs both when the leg is loaded and at rest;
  • tuberculosis of the bone (can also affect the heels) begins with the processes of necrosis of tissue areas and the formation of a fistula with purulent discharge;
  • osteomyelitis is a process of necrosis of bone and surrounding tissues, formed due to the activity of bacteria. The first symptoms are increased fatigue and slight muscle pain with external and inside foot, then the temperature rises sharply, and acute pain becomes clearly localized. The sensation intensifies with the slightest pressure on the leg.

Inflammatory diseases

Arthritis. Inflammation affects the area between the heel and toe. The sensations increase in intensity gradually, being most pronounced after sleep.

  1. Plantar fasciitis or heel spur. Salt deposits form a kind of growth on the bone, which creates severe painful stabbing discomfort when walking. The sensations intensify in the morning and after each rest, constantly increasing in intensity.
  2. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon. The main symptom of this process is pain when moving the foot, under the heel, around or behind it.
  3. Gaglund-Schinz disease. Its essence lies in the so-called sterile necrosis of bone tissue, which is located in the area of ​​greatest mechanical load. In the heel, sensations occur while standing or a few moments after resting on the heel bone.
  4. Bursitis. For inflammation joint capsule An area of ​​swelling, redness of the skin and increased pain forms on the back of the heel. Chronic process leads to thickening of the edema, it becomes like a lump.

Neurological problems

  1. Inflammation or pinched nerve endings cause severe pain inside the heel, they occur suddenly and interfere with standing up, walking and making any movements with the foot. Areas of numbness may form, often the nature of the pain is shooting.
  2. Depending on the site of formation, a spinal hernia can radiate pain to different parts of the musculoskeletal system, including the foot area.
  3. Damage to nerve endings in diabetics results in “burning heel syndrome.”


Painful sensations in the heel may not be formed on the basis pathological process, and as a consequence psychological problems at the patient. The pain in this case is quite real, but has no basis physiological disorders V heel area.

Diagnostic methods

Severe heel pain that occurs on a regular basis is a reason to consult a doctor. Depending on the complaints received from the patient and the results of the examination, the specialist will be able to outline a list possible problems and prescribe the correct diagnostics to confirm the diagnosis.

The list of examinations may include:

  • blood test - general and biochemical;
  • microbiological examination for suspected reactive arthritis due to urogenital infections;
  • bone biopsy – if tuberculosis or osteomyelitis is suspected;
  • The main diagnostic method is x-ray. The image will show changes typical of a particular pathology.

If necessary, the patient can be sent to additional consultation to a surgeon, phthisiatrician or neurologist.

First aid for severe pain

Basic steps to relieve pain:

  • if the concern is strong, It's a dull pain, then it is recommended to apply pieces of ice to the heel and the area near it for a quarter of an hour. This recommendation is also relevant for heel injuries - bruises or fractures;
  • Cold baths will help relieve discomfort;
  • foot fatigue after have a long day on feet or in heels, it is recommended to minimize it with a relaxing massage with hands or with special massage balls;
  • It is worth completing the procedure by ensuring complete rest for the leg;
  • Taping techniques can be used to fix joints and muscles;
  • if urgently necessary, you can take a pain reliever or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. For the symptomatic elimination of painful sensations, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Ketoprofen, etc. are suitable. Anti-inflammatory ointment can be used - Fastum gel, Butadione, Ibuprofen, etc. The product is rubbed into calf muscle and foot.

It's important to understand that taking medications is a one-time measure; you cannot save yourself from pain at home all the time. When the sensations are systematic and are complemented by other symptoms, it is important to immediately go to the doctor. In some cases, the problem cannot be solved without timely surgical intervention.


To combat heel pain, special exercises can be used, which can be performed only after the recommendation of a doctor. Standard components of the complex:

  • Place your feet on the floor one after another, with your palms resting on the wall. The affected leg should be at the back. You need to start a slow squat with your front leg, without lifting your back leg, so that the muscles behind the lower leg are stretched, and hold in this position for 10 seconds;
  • Stand with both feet on a low threshold (no more than 5 cm), your heels should hang down. It is necessary to perform toe raises and heel drops with sagging 15 times;
  • a rolling pin or bottle is placed on the floor, a foot is placed across the top and rolled along the entire arch of the foot;
  • Sitting on a chair, you need to straighten your leg and pull your foot towards you using your hands or an elastic band. You need to stay in the tense position for 15 seconds.

Folk remedies

Effective symptomatic treatment For different diagnoses, traditional medicine can be used. With the consent of the doctor, the following methods can be used:

  • For heel spurs, it is recommended to relieve pain with cinquefoil tincture. tablespoon alcohol product diluted in 100 ml of water and taken three times a day before meals. Course duration – 3 weeks;
  • salt compress. To prepare it, mix a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of salt and 50 ml of iodine. The composition is spread on gauze, placed on the sore heel and carefully fixed with polyethylene and bandages overnight;
  • Tincture of lilac flowers relieves pain well. Dried flowers are infused with vodka in a ratio of 1 to 10 for 10 days, then filtered and taken a teaspoon 2 times a day, washed down with a small amount of clean water. Rub the sore heel with the same mixture at night;
  • A fresh burdock leaf is folded several times and applied to the heel. You need to put a warm sock on top and leave the sheet until it dries, then replace it with a fresh one;
  • Dimexide is diluted with water in equal proportions, and gauze folded in several layers is moistened in the resulting solution. The compress is applied to the heel, covered with polyethylene on top and a warm sock is put on. The effect of the compress is half an hour.

Preventive actions

To minimize the risk of conditions that provoke heel pain, it is recommended to follow a number of preventive measures.