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The benefits of walking - how many steps do you need to walk in a day? Health walking

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Almost everything modern people know that physical activity is good for health because it maintains and improves the body’s endurance, trains muscles, heart, lungs and blood vessels, thereby preventing various diseases, and maintaining performance and well-being high level until old age. Moreover, it is absolutely known that movement is an integral part of the life of centenarians, since all people who have lived long enough long life, say they subjected their bodies to constant and regular physical activity, mostly in the form of simple gardening and housework or walking.

The simplest and most accessible type of physical activity for all people is walking, which is an excellent workout that gives a person the opportunity to live a long and active life. Therefore, we can say that for the sake of life you should walk!

Why can walking lengthen your life?

Ancient Chinese sages, Taoist practitioners and famous doctors Those who served the emperor believed that a person lives as long as his vessels and joints live. In other words, the ancient sages believed that the most important thing for prolonging life is strengthening and maintaining in good working order blood vessels and joints.

With the opinion of the imperial doctors ancient China we can quite agree, because in modern world most often people die from cardiovascular diseases, and joint pathology leads to disability and, ultimately, deterioration in the quality and reduction of life expectancy.

From the above it follows that in order to prolong life and maintain its quality at an acceptable level, it is necessary to make efforts aimed at maintaining the normal structure and functional activity of blood vessels and joints. And in the best way they support the good working condition blood vessels and joints, physical exercise, but not all, but only so-called aerobic exercise.

The fact is that aerobic exercise is aimed at training the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, that is, in essence, to increase the degree of endurance of the body and its resistance to negative factors environment. After all, during aerobic exercise, the heart beats faster, blood circulates through the vessels faster, and more is delivered to the tissues. nutrients and oxygen, resulting in the formation of much less blood clots and the utilization of cholesterol, which is not attached to vascular walls and do not form the basis of a future atherosclerotic plaque. In addition, thanks to the intense movement of blood, the walls of even the smallest, collapsed vessels open and begin to work, thereby preventing atrophic changes in them and maintaining their elasticity.

Such effects perfectly prevent atherosclerosis and various pathological changes in vessels, which are the basis of various chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, etc. In addition, due to the absence of weights, joints during aerobic exercise work naturally and without excessive overload, which trains and strengthens them without the risk of injury. Thanks to this, a person’s joints remain mobile for a long time, giving him the opportunity to make any, even the smallest and most precise movements. old age. Accordingly, aerobic exercise helps maintain good health and, thereby, prolongation active life.

Of course, during aerobic training, the muscles of the body also work, which become stronger and also become more resilient, that is, capable of withstanding long-term, but moderate-intensity loads. But aerobic training cannot increase the strength and volume of muscles, as well as “sculpt” beautiful body contours, since physical activity of this nature provides “internal stability” of the body rather than external beauty. That is why, to put it simply, you need to do aerobic training to prolong your life, and strength training to keep your body beautiful.

Currently, there is a wide selection of different types of aerobic training, such as dancing, running, walking, jumping rope, etc. Each person can choose the type of training that he likes more than others for some reason. However, the simplest and at the same time useful aerobic training is regular walking, which is available to all people at any time of the year and anywhere. Walking is a gentle and very physiological workout that allows you to achieve all the positive effects of aerobic exercise. In addition, when walking, the risk of injury is minimal, and the benefits are high, and this type of aerobic exercise can be used until old age. That is why we can say with complete confidence that the expression “walking for life” is completely accurate and scientifically based, and not metaphorical!

Benefits of walking

Walking is a natural, familiar and physiological form of physical activity for a person of any age and gender. The movements a person makes when walking are cyclical, that is, various muscles of the body alternately relax and tense, which allows one to achieve an excellent training effect. The physical activity when walking is not too intense and high, it corresponds to the optimum for each muscle of the body, which guarantees the absence of overload and associated dangers, such as injuries, excessive tension, fatigue, etc. In addition, by changing the walking speed or the terrain used for walking, you can easily increase or decrease the load, transferring it from a training mode to a gentle general strengthening one and vice versa.

To train endurance and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, walking is much more effective than various static physical activities (exercises on simulators, weight lifting, etc.). Body movements and muscle work when walking perfectly warm up stiff limbs, accelerate blood in all organs and tissues, including abdominal cavity and pelvis, and also increase the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered by blood to the tissues.

Walking promotes weight loss, improves mood and general condition of the body, and also normalizes blood pressure, prevents atherosclerosis and reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, a person who walks literally goes very far from heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis, thrombosis and other diseases of cardio-vascular system. Thus, it is walking that is optimal training for a long and active life without the burden of chronic diseases.

According to the effectiveness of maintaining normal functional state Walking literally has no equal for the cardiovascular system and the prevention of its diseases. Thus, according to a long-term study conducted in various European countries, which involved people aged 40–65 years, it was shown that 3–4 hours of walking per week reduces the risk of coronary disease hearts by 30 - 45%! More than half of the people who participated in the study and walked did not suffer from any cardiovascular diseases at all, felt great and were very active. People who did not walk felt much worse and were more likely to suffer from severe chronic cardiovascular diseases. In addition, scientists have found that walking is perfect view physical activity for women, since it is not exhausting like exercise on exercise machines.

In general, the benefits of daily 30-minute walking for the human body are to achieve the following positive effects:

  • The heart muscle is strengthened, blood flow in all organs and tissues is improved, and the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to them increases;
  • Heart attack, stroke and vascular thromboembolism are prevented;
  • Blood cholesterol levels are reduced;
  • The risk of developing type II diabetes mellitus is reduced by 30–40%;
  • The risk of developing breast cancer in women is reduced;
  • The risk of developing prostate cancer in men is reduced by 50%;
  • Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer in men and women;
  • The digestion process improves and stool regularity is normalized;
  • The risk of developing glaucoma is reduced;
  • Intraocular pressure decreases;
  • Mood improves and depression is relieved;
  • The feeling of isolation and helplessness is relieved;
  • Sleep is normalized and insomnia is eliminated;
  • Life expectancy and its quality increase;
  • Improves general health;
  • Lung capacity and depth of breathing increases;
  • Bones, joints and spine are strengthened, which reduces the risk of fractures, dislocations and others traumatic injuries musculoskeletal system;
  • Immunity improves due to the hardening effect, as a result of which a person gets sick less often and tolerates colds and seasonal illnesses more easily. respiratory diseases;
  • The muscle frame is strengthened and endurance increases;
  • Promotes weight loss;
  • The aging process slows down;
  • Stress is eliminated.
Not all are listed above positive effects walking, but only the main, most significant ones. However, even taking into account only them, it is clear that walking brings exceptional benefits to a person, at the same time being easy and quite simple view physical activity that does not require special skills, equipment or sports grounds.

However, it must be remembered that these beneficial effects walking is only achieved if it is quite energetic and at a good pace. Slow walks at a very low speed and pace are useless, since with this type of movement the various muscles of the body are practically not used, and the body does not receive physical activity. In fact, slow movement in terms of the level of physical activity is no different from that at rest, for example, when lying on a sofa or sitting in an easy chair. That is, when walking slowly, the heart, blood vessels, lungs, muscles and other organs work in approximately the same mode as at rest. Therefore, to get the benefits of walking, you need to walk at a fast pace. It is better to walk for 20 minutes at a fast pace than to walk slowly for an hour.

Healthy walking (recommendations of a vertebrologist): benefits for the spine and the whole body, how to walk correctly, heart rate - video

Contraindications for walking

Walking is contraindicated if a person has the following diseases:
  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Aortic aneurysm;
  • Ventricular tachycardia.

Types of walking

Depending on the pace, speed, distance traveled and the equipment used, they distinguish the following types walk:
  • Wellness;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Energy;
  • Sports;
  • Walking for weight loss.

Health walking

Health walking is a type of physical activity accessible to every person, which is aimed at general strengthening body. Depending on the intensity of the load, healthy walking can be slow, medium, fast and very fast. Each person can choose the best option for themselves depending on age, general condition body and physical fitness.

Nordic walking

Nordic walking is a variation of walking with poles in your hands. A person steps with his feet and at the same time pushes off the ground with sticks held in his hands. The presence of poles forces, firstly, to increase the length of steps, and secondly, involves intensive work top part body, which creates quite intense physical activity. When Nordic walking, 90% of all muscles of the human body are used, which intensifies the load, increases the number of calories burned and allows you to involve everything in the workout. muscle groups. In addition, the poles in the hands absorb shock to the knees and back, which minimizes unnecessary stress on the joints.

Nordic walking poles are lightweight and durable because they are made from a mixture of fiberglass and carbon. The length of the sticks is calculated individually using the formula: human height * 0.68.

Power walking

Power walking is a combination of various movements of the body and arms while walking. Movements of the body and hands are made consciously, since with their help the flow of energies is initiated in accordance with traditional Eastern medical and health practices. Thanks to the activation of energy circulation through the channels, healing and balance are restored throughout the body. Power walking can be practiced without any equipment or with poles other than those used for Nordic walking.

Race walking

Race walking is a fast movement without running. Basically, the main point of race walking is to move with maximum speed without running. The speed of such walking is 2 - 3 times higher than health-improving due to the length and high frequency of steps. Sports doctors believe that this walking option is healthier than running, since with a comparable level of load a person is less tired and absent. strong pressure on joints and spine.

Characteristic feature race walking is that the supporting leg is kept straight from the moment it touches the ground until the body weight is transferred through this point. To fulfill this condition, a person intensively works with his hands and sways his torso and pelvis. Unlike running, race walking does not have a flight phase when both legs are off the ground.

Race walking can be practiced by anyone who does not suffer from flat feet. If you have flat feet, you cannot engage in this type of walking, since the body weight is distributed incorrectly across the foot, which can cause injury.

Walking for weight loss

Walking for weight loss is, in essence, quick option health walking, the effect of which is aimed at reducing hours. However, it must be remembered that to achieve results, you need to, firstly, walk quickly, and secondly, cover a fairly large distance, that is, take at least 10,000 steps daily.

The benefits of Nordic walking - video

Walking technique

Health-improving walking should not be confused with a leisurely walk before bed or to improve appetite, since it different types physical activity. We will look at the technique and rules of healthy walking, since the benefits of this type of movement are very great, and all other walking options are, in fact, its varieties.

Foot, posture, arms and torso when walking

When walking, you must keep your torso in correct position, namely: straighten your back, slightly squeeze your shoulder blades, tighten your stomach and place your head so that your chin is parallel to the floor. Then, without changing the accepted position, you should slightly move your body weight forward so that it is concentrated on the tubercles of the foot and toes. In principle, correct body weight distribution can be achieved more in a simple way. To do this, you need to try to stand on your toes with straight legs and, as soon as you feel that the weight has moved forward so much that you can lift your heels off the floor, you should fixate in this position, since this is the correct distribution of body weight for walking. Having assumed the required position, you should hold it until the person finishes walking.

You need to walk at a good pace, vigorously moving your legs. When taking a step, you must first move the thigh of one leg forward. Immediately after this, you should simultaneously straighten the knee of the same leg, and with the second leg behind your body, push off the ground, rising onto your toes. After the push, the leg that is in front must be straightened and placed with the heel on the ground so that the toe is raised up. The leg that is behind is completely straightened and placed on the toe. At this moment, the body weight is concentrated between two legs, that is, a person cannot lift either of them without first moving the center of gravity.

From this position, the body weight is transferred to the leg in front. To do this, the foot of the front leg is quickly lowered to the ground, resting on the tubercles of the toes and its outer surface. At the same time, the leg remains straight. The leg remaining behind is bent at the knee and its thigh is brought forward for the next step. After releasing the hips, straighten the leg at the knee and, at the same time pushing off with the second leg, lower it with the heel to the ground, etc.

Thanks to the push of the leg behind, the step turns out to be long, elastic and springy. When walking, the foot works as if constantly rolling from heel to toe. You cannot place the entire foot of the walking leg (located in front) on the ground at once; you must first lean on the heel and only then transfer the body weight to the tubercles of the toes. The foot of the rear leg, before the support of the front leg on the heel, is raised onto the toe, and in this position it gives a push to the body in the forward direction in order to push the front leg as far as possible. And only when the front leg rests on the ground with the heel, the entire weight of the body begins to be transferred to it, for which the foot gradually lowers completely to the ground. And at the moment when the foot of the front leg is completely on the ground, the foot of the rear leg, which was in a position on its toes, lifts off the floor and the hips begin to move forward to perform the next step.

When walking, you should try to place the heels of your feet on one imaginary line passing between your legs (as models do when walking along the catwalk at fashion shows). In this case, it is necessary to turn the socks outward a little, but if this does not work, then it is quite possible to clubfoot, since this will not negatively affect walking. While walking, you should not relax your knees; you should always fully straighten your pushing leg, which ends up behind your body during the next step.

While walking, it is better to bend your arms at the elbows and move them in the opposite direction with your legs (that is, when there is a right leg, then it corresponds left hand etc.). You should look forward, not at your feet, and your face should remain relaxed, not tense, while walking. The torso, legs and shoulders should be toned, but not the face and hands.

You should not try to lengthen your stride by trying to place the foot in front as far as possible. This walking technique is incorrect and dangerous.

Breathing while walking

You need to breathe rhythmically, at the same pace as walking, and only through your nose. However, if the walking pace is fast, then you can breathe through both your mouth and nose at the same time, but only if the air in the area of ​​your walk is clean enough. If the air is dirty, there is a lot of dust, or the weather is frosty or windy, then you should inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Correct breathing will require quite serious efforts at first, but after a while a person gets used to a certain manner of breathing and the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation, which allows him to no longer control this process. However, at the beginning of training, you should strictly control that when walking on level ground, inhalation lasts 3–4 steps, and exhalation lasts 4–5 steps. If a person climbs a mountain, then it is necessary that the inhalation be longer than the exhalation, and when descending, on the contrary, the exhalation must be longer than the inhalation.

There should be no shortness of breath while walking. If one appears, you should reduce the pace, that is, go slower. It's better to walk at a slower pace for several days or weeks, building up your endurance so that you can move much faster in the future, rather than getting severe complications from the first lessons.

The optimal breathing rhythm is such that a person should be able to speak while moving, but could not sing. Accordingly, if a person cannot speak while walking, then the pace and speed of movement should be reduced, and if he can sing, then, on the contrary, it is necessary to increase the pace.

How many minutes and kilometers per day should you walk?

A healthy person who wants to stay fit and improve their health is recommended to walk every other day, not every day, but do it at an intense and fast pace, covering a fairly long distance. Daily walking is recommended for people who are weakened after illness or suffer from severe chronic pathologies. Moreover, they are recommended to walk at a moderate or slow pace and walk a relatively short distance, but do it every day.

Depending on your physical fitness, endurance and health status, you need to walk from 3 – 5 to 10 – 15 km daily, or every other day. A completely healthy person in good health physical fitness, it is recommended to walk on rough terrain, alternating descents, ascents and flat surfaces. People who are not in in better shape, it is recommended to start walking on level ground, gradually increasing the distance, walking speed and adding movement on ups and downs.

Besides, healthy people it is better to walk quickly, placing the main emphasis on the pace of movement, and the weakened and suffering chronic diseases On the contrary, it is recommended to walk relatively slowly, with the main emphasis on distance.

For walking to be beneficial, you need to take 10,000 steps every day for about 1 hour. However, not all people can immediately walk such a number of steps at the desired pace, so you should start training with less, gradually training endurance and increasing both the speed and distance traveled until the desired parameter of 10,000 steps is reached.

In order to independently organize walking, you need to be able to translate all the above rules into the speed of movement and the distance that should be covered during the walk. Then you can choose the best walking option for yourself.

So, according to speed, walking is divided into the following types:

  • Very slow - 60 - 70 steps per minute, which is a speed of 2.5 - 3 km/h;
  • Slow – 70 – 90 steps per minute, which is 3 – 4 km/h;
  • Average – 90 – 120 steps per minute, which is 4 – 5.5 km/h;
  • Fast - 120 - 140 steps per minute, which is 5.6 - 6.5 km/h;
  • Very fast - more than 140 steps per minute, which is more than 6.5 km/h.
If a person is over 35 years old and has never exercised before, then he should start with very slow walking. If a person over 35 years of age is in good physical shape or very slow walking seems too easy to him, then he should start slow. People under 35 are also advised to start with slow walking. In the first week, you should walk for half an hour at the chosen pace. Then every two weeks it is necessary to increase the walking time by 5 minutes, and the pace - by 5 steps per minute, thereby lengthening the distance walked. In this way, the speed of movement is increased to 100 steps per minute, and the walking duration is 1 hour. Walking at this pace for an hour is approximately 10,000 steps, which are the “gold standard” for this type of physical activity. Having reached such a physical form, you just need to walk 10,000 steps for an hour after 1 - 2 days.

The described approximate scheme for increasing the load to the optimal one is presented in the table.

Week of classes Number of steps per minute Walking duration Distance covered
First week 80 steps per minute 30 minutes 1.8 km
Second week 85 steps per minute 40 minutes 2.7 km
Third week 85 steps per minute 45 minutes 3.3 km
Fourth week 90 steps per minute 50 minutes 3.4 km
Fifth week 90 steps per minute 50 minutes 3.7 km
Sixth week 95 steps per minute 55 minutes 3.8 km
Seventh week 95 steps per minute 55 minutes 3.8 km
Eighth week 100 steps per minute 55 minutes 4.1 km
Ninth week 100 steps per minute 60 minutes 4.5 km

If a person cannot walk at a speed of 100 steps per minute for an hour, then he should do it at a slower pace, but be sure to walk a distance of 3–5 km daily. If a person can walk at a speed of more than 100 steps per minute, then it is recommended to do this, and then he will engage in fast walking and cover a greater distance within an hour.

Calculating your speed is quite simple - you need to start moving at your own pace, time 1 minute and carefully calculate the number of steps taken. Then you just need to move at the same pace, maintaining the same speed. When you need to increase the number of steps, proceed as follows: time one minute on the clock and try to move a little faster than before, counting the steps and at the same time remembering the sensations of the new speed with your muscles. If the required number of steps has been completed in a minute, then you should continue moving at a new pace, trying to get the same muscle sensation as when calculating speed. To make it easier to track and adjust your speed, you can use a pedometer.

During training, especially during initial stages walking, you need to track not only your breathing and the number of steps per minute, but also your pulse. It is optimal for your heart rate to increase to 100–120 beats per minute while walking. If the pulse is below 100 beats per minute, then it is necessary to increase the pace, and if it is above 120, then, on the contrary, reduce the speed of movement.

If a person walks too slowly and the heart rate does not increase to 100 - 120 beats per minute, then the benefit of such training is zero. The fact is that the metabolic process with a pulse below 100 beats per minute proceeds at the same speed as at rest, and, therefore, such training differs little from simply sitting on the sofa. Therefore, it is better to walk a shorter distance at a good pace and then rest, than to walk more kilometers at a slow speed.

Any weather is suitable for walking, you just need to dress according to the air temperature, humidity and wind speed. It is optimal to walk 1 hour before meals or 1.5 - 2 hours after meals. However, it is necessary to select the time for walking so that the walk ends 2 hours before going to bed. When exercising regularly, you should go to different time days.

Running and walking (recommendations from a fitness trainer): how to start walking and running correctly, how to choose shoes - video

How many calories can walking burn?

Regular healthy walking at an average pace (100 steps per minute) allows you to burn approximately 200 - 280 kcal, depending on weather conditions. Nordic walking with poles is much more effective in this sense, since it allows you to burn from 400 to 550 kcal in one hour, provided that a person moves at an average pace (100 steps per minute). The colder, windier and more humid it is outside, the large quantity You can burn calories in 1 hour of walking. Accordingly, the more comfortable conditions outdoors, the fewer calories are burned when walking.

There is no need to try to increase the number of calories burned by wearing too warm clothes for the purpose of provocation. profuse sweating. This will only provoke increased removal of fluid and salts from the body with the risk of catching a cold, but will not increase the number of calories burned.

Therapeutic and health-improving walking, health path (recommendations from doctors and specialists): proper start of exercise, load regulation, choice of clothing, features of health-improving walking after a heart attack, benefits and techniques of Nordic walking - video

Techniques and rules of walking for weight loss

Walking is excellent and quite effective look physical activity for all people who want to lose weight. To achieve a result, that is, to reset excess weight, you need to walk daily at a minimum of an average speed (at least 100 steps per minute) for an hour. Remember that during the first 45 minutes of walking, the body uses glycogen reserves from the liver, and only from 46 to 50 minutes begins to break down fat reserves in order to provide muscles with energy. Therefore, walking for weight loss should last at least an hour and have at least an average pace (100 steps per minute). In addition, for walking to actually be effective physical activity To promote weight loss, you should bring your pulse to 100 - 120 beats per minute.

The technique and rules of walking for weight loss are exactly the same as for health. Therefore, you can start training as if a person were engaged in recreational walking. But at the same time, you should definitely set yourself a goal to reach a medium or fast pace, in which you walk for at least 1 hour every day.

To make the process of losing weight faster, you can simultaneously follow a diet or eat foods that help break down fat deposits, such as kiwi, pineapples, etc.

In addition, walking can be used not only as a method of losing weight, but also to shape the silhouette, that is, to strengthen and tighten various parts of the body. However, to do this, you will have to add some additional elements to the usual healthy walking technique. So, to tighten your hips and buttocks, you need to walk up slopes, that is, you should choose rough terrain for walking. In addition, to form beautiful buttocks, you need to strain them strongly while walking, while simultaneously relaxing your back. In order to make your waist thin and beautiful, you need to slightly turn your body left and right every 2 to 3 steps while walking.

Walking during pregnancy

Pregnant women can practice walking until they give birth. Walking is a great option physical exercise for pregnant women, since it is physiological, does not cause sudden shocks to the body, like running, and is accessible to everyone, unlike classes in the pool, yoga and specialized fitness.

We talked about the accessibility of running. Yes, this is true, but still there are some contraindications for running due to health reasons. But calm walking is recommended for almost everyone. But we will talk about fast walking that trains the body.

First about classification of walking by speed. Very slow - 60-70 steps per minute, that is, approximately 2.5-3 km/h; slow - 70-90 steps per minute, or 3-3.5 km/h. Perhaps this is the pace we will choose as the initial one, and the distance can be estimated by eye. Or use this approximate calculation: the length of a step usually ranges from 70 to 100 cm. By measuring the approximate length of a step, it is easy to calculate the length of a segment of your path. First of all, it is enough to walk at this pace for 30 minutes, which is about 2 km. In the second week, it is advisable to lengthen the walking time to 45 minutes and slightly increase the speed. On the third, start walking average speed, which is 90-120 steps per minute, or 4-5.6 km/h. If you have time, it is recommended to spend 45 minutes walking, and then at this pace you will walk 3.5 km.

The fourth and fifth weeks should be kept at the same pace, but it is advisable to slightly lengthen the walking time. Further increase the pace as follows: the sixth and seventh weeks - 95 steps per minute, the duration of the walk is 55 minutes, as a result you will walk about 4 km. And finally, from the eighth to the tenth week inclusive, it is recommended to walk at a speed of 100 steps per minute for 1 hour, in the end you will walk 4.5 km.

For an elderly person, if there is no prior training, and not very much good health, we can stop there. For weakened people who have had an illness, the dosage of walking will be recommended by the attending physician.

If you are well trained, you can increase the load. The author of this book is 60 years old, I do physical exercise regularly: in winter - skiing, but in summer - a daily walk, especially if there is a lot of work. A special walk takes about 2 hours, sometimes less if I go alone; more when my wife and grandson are with me. I alternate between fast walking and jogging, then slower walking. The purpose of my walk is to get to the pond, swim there, sit for a while, relax, and back. The walking speed is approximately 6 km/h, which is already classified as fast.

When walking slowly, I make sure to monitor my breathing: inhale for 4 steps (or counts), exhale for 4, hold your breath for 4. I do the simplest ones too. breathing exercises. Previously, breathing was regulated in 8 counts. And one more thing: if I was overtired and didn’t sleep enough, then I don’t start running.

Sometimes there are days when you have to return home late. Then I take a backpack with me for official papers, buying groceries, books, and part of the way I also try to walk at a fast pace. If it’s inconvenient to take a backpack for a number of reasons, then I use a shoulder bag.

Walking around with a stuffed briefcase or string bag “for health” is only ruining it.

Even when walking quickly in nature, I try to relax my shoulders, the muscles of my face and neck, I try to notice everything around me, I turn my gaze from distant objects to near ones, and vice versa.

Walking is so good that you can notice delicate flower, see a beautifully lit pine tree, rejoice at the bird...

And yet, walking helps a lot in work. Especially fast. Sometimes you just can’t find the right solution in scientific work, an interesting example for a lecture for students, a suitable technique, a “twist” when writing a book. You walk three or four kilometers, and definitely, or almost certainly, a solution will come to your mind.
..For some reason it seems to me that I have convinced you of the benefits and beauty of walking. Then I will once again repeat the lines of the great poet, which are so loved by hiking promoters:

My friends! Take your staff
Go to the forest, wander through the valley,
Stand on top of steep hills,
And long into the night your sleep will be deep!
A. S. Pushkin

Is it necessary to generalize what has been said? I guess not. I will limit myself to just two comments. Firstly, the effect will be achieved only if you follow the rules general rules health improvements discussed above. But choose the means and types of physical activity according to your taste and circumstances. For example, some older people I met on a hiking trail “left” it, but became interested in dancing. And I see hundreds of elderly couples dancing in the park every day. Wonderful!

Secondly. Getting to know the newest scientific research regarding the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, you are convinced that all authors (domestic and foreign) are unanimous: to combat these ailments, sufficient physical activity, balanced

My sister started doing “birth of a star” gymnastics a year ago. She studies regularly, reads a lot on the topic, watches videos,... in general, she’s completely captivated. On her advice, I also read Guseva’s book. Of course, everything is very tempting, beautiful and makes you want to join. Moreover, it is of interest from the point of view of constant loss of strength and apathy.

I notice the positive effects of the exercises on my sister - her back straightened and she became more resilient and cheerful. BUT, with all this, I really see that she has become embittered and irritable. Can this condition even be associated with gymnastics? Or

Dear girls! To keep your breasts beautiful after childbirth and breastfeeding, you need to love and care for them from youth. A bra is not just for dust protection, but also for the beauty and support of your breasts. During pregnancy, a bra is a must, and around the clock. You need to remember that it must be cotton.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should regularly caress your breasts, massaging lightly using pink or olive oil. You can do milk baths. The chest is supported by muscles thoracic and therefore fitness is very useful. Breastfeed for as long as possible and never

Many girls dream of big things from an early age. beautiful breasts. And as soon as money appears, they run to plastic.

Strange creatures. I do it myself plastic surgery, but only by medical indications when women lose one or both mammary glands as a result of cancer. I'm talking to young girls. Be natural. Give birth, breastfeed and she will become more beautiful than before. Only your breasts need to be looked after. Do exercises so that it does not sag. No implant can replace your small, but lively and sensual breasts.

Nowadays it’s so fashionable to pump up your buttocks))) In general, I joined in too))) I’ve been doing squats for a week (!!!). But I can’t help but hold on to the wall, otherwise I’ll fall forward and some kind of uncoordination occurs. And now I’m wondering - what’s the use of such squats? Does support reduce the effectiveness of exercises?

girls, tell me.

I have zero physical fitness, I was always in physical training. challenge - neither do pull-ups, nor do push-ups, in general, the sport is not my thing, I’ve never been friends with him and probably never will be. But I love to dance. Now there is a need to lose 5 kg. From this point of view I consider belly dancing. How I view the advantages:

Learn to move beautifully

Raise your physical level. training, muscle control

Good for women's health

But I’m not sure about losing weight. If you look at these girls, you can’t call them thin, but if they start shaking their bellies and butts, their fat is literally shaking there

I work out without a trainer, I create a training and nutrition program for myself))) Therefore, I am actively collecting information. Is there anyone here who is actively working on their body? I need advice based on my own experience.

Here is important news, in my opinion: the commander-in-chief of the Ground Forces, Colonel General Vladimir Chirkin, will command the military parade on May 9 on Red Square in Moscow. Lately, life keeps bringing me together with this general, so this news is a signal for me to act. I will prepare for the parade together with Chirkin - that’s what I decide, and immediately good luck! I get to train on the territory of the legendary Moscow Higher Military Command School (MVVKU), which in 2012, by order of the Minister of Defense, was renamed the Military Institute (combined arms) Military Training and Research Center Ground Forces"Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces Russian Federation"(This is the full name of this educational institution! So that the adversary would break his mind and tongue to boot).

The personnel of the parade squad of MVVKU cadets lined up to begin training on the school parade ground

So, on March 20, on the territory of the Military Institute, training took place for a walking column of cadets’ parade squad. The parade squad of the MVVKU consists of 215 cadets - one battalion. According to established tradition, the school’s parade battalion brings up the rear of the parade. This honorary right is granted by the Marshal Soviet Union A.A. Grechko in connection with the special traditions of drill techniques at the school.

The head of the school, Major General Mikhail Nepreenkov, explains the peculiarities of the traditions of drill techniques at the school

This training is one of the final ones in the individual “boxes” and therefore, today the parade squad is commanded by the head of the school, Major General Mikhail Nepreyenkov. Oddly enough, his assistants include an 87-year-old retired colonel, a graduate of the Moscow Higher Military School, Vladimir Yangorev.

The head of the school, Major General Mikhail Nepreyenkov, marches at the head of the parade squad

Vladimir Vasilyevich is an experienced construction worker. Since the autumn of 1945, he took part in 50 (!) solemn parades on Red Square! He is in good memory and in excellent physical shape. He saw with his own eyes how in 1947, at the dress rehearsal of the November parade, a horse on which Minister of Defense N.A. Bulganin received the parade and threw off his rider. Then Bulganin escaped with a slight fright, and the horse was replaced.

Retired colonel - graduate of the Moscow Higher Military School Vladimir Yangorev talks about unusual cases at ceremonial parades

Now Vladimir Vasilyevich continues to share his experience with future officers. After the next passage, Yangorev quickly walks around the ranks and says something to some of the cadets. The cadets nod their heads approvingly. It is clear that the guys obey him unquestioningly - the authority of the 87-year-old colonel is at a high level among young people.

Retired colonel and graduate of the Moscow Higher Military School Vladimir Yangorev shares his skills in drill training with the cadets of the Moscow Higher Military School of Higher Education.

To the solemn parade! By battalion! – the general commands from the rostrum in a loud and sonorous voice. – Distance per lineman! The first battalion is straight ahead, the rest are to the right!

Sergeant N in the parade squad of MVVKU cadets

The MVVKU orchestra prepared to play a military march at a marching tempo of 120 steps per minute

The military band begins to play a march, and the “box” begins to move. The cadets again try to trace their steps along the marked asphalt. This passage turns out much better - both the head of the school and Vladimir Yangorev do not hide their approval. This is where the marching ends. Even until March 24, the cadets will continue to train on the parade ground of their native school. But at the beginning of next week all training will move to the Alabino region. There, at a special site, the MVVKU parade crew will take part in the first general rehearsal of all parade participants. In total, 11 thousand military personnel from all types and branches of the military will take part in the Victory Parade this year.

MVVKU cadets march as part of the parade squad and keep alignment to the right

MVVKU cadets march on the parade ground of their native school as part of the parade squad

The ranks of parade squad cadets rotate the “box” to the starting point

The command and banner groups of the MVVKU parade squad are marching to the starting point

Today, I generally rate the level of training of the entire parade crew as “good,” Major General Nepreyenkov sums up.
“Very well,” agrees Colonel Yangorev. “But they still have room for improvement.” On the parade march, the unit must take 120 steps per minute. In our time, we did not adapt to the orchestra, but the orchestra adjusted to our tempo up to 122 beats. So they still have to study and study!

Retired Colonel Vladimir Yangorev counts the number of steps per minute

With this meaningful phrase from a combat sage, my first experience of commanding one parade squad of the main land school ended.

Tank commander Roshka in the mock parade squad of MVVKU cadets