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How to keep yourself in good physical shape

In addition to the mode and type physical activity, there are many other factors that affect metabolism. Here are just a few: sleep, hormonal indicators, the functioning of the thyroid gland, structural features of the body, and so on. However, we will talk more about this below.

2. Don't compare yourself to others

No two people in the world have the same metabolism. My point is that there are no uniform rules that would work equally well for each of us. To fully understand how your metabolism works, you need to study yourself, your characteristics and your genetics.

I have friends, they are twins. The boys have been actively training in the gym for about eight years. And you know what's most interesting? They have different training programs. Because one day they noticed that there was one program, but it gave different results.

Once again: no two people have the same metabolism.

3. Calculators and formulas for calculating calorie expenditure are inaccurate

Such formulas and calculators have an error within 10%. That is, if the calculator shows 2,100 kcal, in fact it turns out that you spent 210 kcal less (or more).

Such calculators can still help people with “predictable” metabolism, but most of us do not fall into this category. There are many people whose metabolic rate is higher or lower average norm. For them, the error in calculations can reach 20%. That is, if the calculator shows 2,100 kcal, then 420 kcal can actually disappear. And this is already too large a number to ignore.

4. Sleep affects metabolism no less than nutrition and exercise.

More and more scientists around the world are talking about what leads to excess weight gain and what causes obesity-related diseases.

Experiments show that when a person does not get enough sleep, his body begins to require more high-calorie food (and these are carbohydrates) and absorbs it worse, which leads to excess fat deposits.

5. Stress also affects metabolism

Prolonged use contributes to the deposition of fat in the abdominal area. And the problem is that this type of obesity (compared to excess fat tissue on the thighs and buttocks) is much more likely to lead to diabetes, heart problems and other diseases.

This is explained by the fact that during moments of stress, the hormone cortisol is released in large quantities, which disrupts the usual metabolic rate.

6. The body burns calories even when we do nothing.

There is such a thing as “basal metabolic rate” (BMR) - the number of calories that the body spends to maintain its vital functions. That is, this is the energy that we spend even when we do nothing. And most people on the planet spend the lion’s share of their daily energy on this process.

7. Metabolism slows down as you age

About every 10 years, your metabolic rate drops. The older we get, the more effort we need to put into staying in shape. And what’s interesting is that scientists still can’t figure out what causes age-related decline metabolic rate.

8. Muscle consumes more calories than fat.

The slimmer and fitter a person is, the more calories his body requires. This is because muscle needs more calories than fat tissue.

For this reason, metabolic rate is calculated differently for women and men. For example, if you take a typical man and woman of the same weight, the man will burn more calories per day. Just because a man’s body, as a rule, has more muscle mass than a woman's.

9. Protein will build muscle, and reducing the amount of carbohydrates will speed up the fat burning process.

In order for muscles to grow, the body needs to be fueled with protein. And to get rid of excess fat, you need to reduce your carbohydrate intake.

The fact is that when we consume carbohydrates, our body begins to draw energy from them, instead of breaking them down adipose tissue. In other words, if the goal is to get rid of body fat, then reducing the amount of carbohydrates will help achieve this goal faster. And if you plan to build or strengthen muscles, then you need to make sure that your body gets enough protein.

10. Interval training and weight training improve metabolism.

And weight training is a signal to the body that it needs to build muscle mass. And the more muscle mass, the better the metabolism. 25 minutes of intense exercise with a change in activity is better than 45 minutes of monotonous exercise at a moderate pace.

If your goal is to speed up your metabolism, then quick way To achieve this - exercises that will help you expend more energy.

11. Pre-workout coffee helps you burn more fat.

12. Protein consumed within 30 minutes of exercise promotes muscle growth.

When we exercise, we break down muscle tissue. And in order for the body to restore it, it needs construction material. This muscle material is protein. Therefore, it is better to take protein no later than 30 minutes after finishing your workout.

13. An hour of walking outside is healthier than an hour of thinking about your next diet.

Simple things like going for a walk fresh air or - this is much more reliable way burn more calories than trying to manipulate your metabolism through some diets and nutritional supplements.

Want to burn more calories? Get off three stops from your house and walk, skip the elevator, and take a walk before bed. Believe me, these are proven ways to burn more calories over the years.

14. You'll learn a lot more about your metabolism if you track what you eat, what you do, and your weight.

The best way to understand how your metabolism works is to track what you eat, what you do (physical activity), and your weight.

Monitoring how your body weight changes depending on what you eat and what type of physical activity you engage in can help you determine what changes you need to make to get you closer to your desired results.

15. If it seems to you that you are doing everything right, but there is no result, consult a doctor

Metabolism and your ability to gain, lose and maintain your weight is much more difficult process than simply monitoring calorie intake and expenditure and physical activity.

Many factors affect your metabolic rate. You can eat right, exercise actively, but have problems with thyroid gland, hormones or banal heredity will spoil the whole picture. Therefore, if you see that something is going wrong, consult a doctor, get tested to understand where the weak link is in your body.

And remember: you are different. And you have your own metabolism.


Do you dream of always being in shape? Are you sure that good results Can this be achieved only by visiting gyms or using home exercise equipment? In reality, keeping yourself in shape is much easier, you don’t need a lot of money, you don’t need long time spend in gyms or buy expensive equipment. We invite you to learn about ways to keep yourself in shape, most of which are completely free.

1) Walk the dog

Calories burned: Even if you just walk around your house, you will lose 65 kcal. If you walk regularly, you will be able to burn many more calories and at the same time you will not only look better, but you will also be able to improve your mental functioning.

2) Take the stairs

Calories burned: When climbing stairs, you lose 12 kcal for each flight of stairs

3) Go for a walk

Find a pleasant place to walk near your home. Calories burned: While walking, you will lose an average of 390 kcal every hour, but it all depends on your speed and the terrain.

4) Spend time with your children

Calories burned: If you go for a walk with your children or play active games with them, you can burn 261 kcal per hour.

5) Follow any instructions

If the grocery store isn't that close to your home and you only need to buy a couple of groceries, walk there instead of taking transportation. Calories Burned: Even if you walk briskly or run at a slow speed, you can burn 461 kcal per hour.

6) Clean the apartment

Calories Burned: If You Execute physical work around the house - vacuuming, mopping the floor, scrubbing pots - you can lose 296 kcal every hour.

7) Go for a swim

Swimming has positive influence for your health and helps you stay in shape. You can get rid of 263 kcal per hour if you just splash in the water, and if you swim, the number of kcal will decrease by 400 every hour.

Calories burned: When walking, you will lose 24 kcal every 5 minutes.

9) Do simple exercises

Do simple exercises - squats, push-ups, leg raises and abdominal crunches - while watching TV or taking a break from work, if possible. Calories Burned: By doing squats, you will lose 5 kcal per minute.

10) Work your abs

There are a great variety of exercises – complex and simple – that help strengthen your abs. If you hate doing regular crunches, you can opt for any other exercises like cycling, which helps you get rid of excess belly fat and is also a comprehensive exercise for many other parts of the body. Calories burned: In 10 minutes of cycling you lose 69 kcal.

11) Try lifting weights

Strength training doesn't necessarily require you to invest any money. You can make your own dumbbells or weights using heavy objects or filling simple ones plastic bottles sand or water. Calories burned: In 20 minutes of lifting weights, you will lose 57 kcal.

12) Walk along the beach

Not only does sand provide extra resistance, but walking on sand along the beach will help strengthen your joints. Calories Burned: Some fitness experts estimate that walking or running on sand can burn twice as many calories as walking or running on a flat surface.

13) Play volleyball

If you're at the beach, there are plenty of ways to get more active on your vacation. Why not play beach volleyball? Even if your beach does not have a special volleyball net, you can play without it by throwing the ball to other players. Calories Burned: Playing volleyball on the beach will help you burn 200 calories per hour.

14) Go to a large shopping center for shopping

Walking on a grand scale shopping center can be a great alternative if the weather outside is not the best. You will not only benefit your health, but you will be able to explore all the departments in detail and make successful purchases if you walk around the entire store several times. Calories burned: walking around a large shopping center, walking up the stairs, you burn 250 kcal per hour.

15) Take part in active games

One of the popular games in the West, but not so well known here, is geocaching - active game, in which participants look for treasures and hiding places. If there are groups of people in your area who play similar games, you can join them. This game will not only allow you to move more in search of your cherished goal, but will also help you learn a lot about the area in which you live. You can burn the same amount of calories as riding a bike.

16) Mow the grass with a lawnmower

Calories burned: 287 kcal per hour.

17) Do stretching exercises

Calories burned: in 20 minutes of such exercises you will lose 87 kcal. These exercises don't do much to help you lose fat, but stretching is very important to warm up and prepare for physical activity.

18) Include jumping in your training program

The “puppet” exercise involves jumping up with your arms raised up and your legs spread shoulder-width apart. This is a very effective aerobic exercise that helps to get rid of excess calories: 88 kcal in 10 minutes.

19) Participate in volunteer movements

Calories Burned: If you can offer your help as a volunteer by participating in various charity programs, you will not only benefit others, but also yourself. Physical labor will help you burn 362 kcal per hour. If you help prepare food and give it to the poor, you will burn 139 kcal per hour.

20) Dance

Calories Burned: If you dance at home for at least 30 minutes, you can get rid of 196 kcal.

21) Take up Zumba dance sports

This type of sports dance is a specially designed fitness program based on Latin American dances, which gives good results. Calories burned: in a 90-minute workout you will get rid of 500-800 kcal.

22) Try some easy yoga poses

You can start by doing simple yoga poses while watching TV or listening to the radio. You don't need any equipment for this. For example, one simple pose is tree pose (standing on one leg), which helps maintain balance. Calories Burned: Moderate poses performed for an hour will help you burn 348 calories or more.

23) Take up sports tourism

If running around the area closest to home seems boring to you, you can find new places for yourself. Calories burned: in half an hour of jogging you lose 231 kcal.

24) If you have a bicycle, use it for its intended purpose as often as possible

Calories burned: When cycling at 20 km/h, you can burn about 574 kcal per hour.

25) You shouldn’t take public transport to have a cup of coffee with a friend at lunch, it’s better to walk

Calories burned: walking will help you get rid of 61 kcal in 20 minutes

26) Do some gardening or housework in the morning

Pulling weeds, sweeping or cleaning the house are great exercises to do in the morning. Calories burned: 313 kcal per hour.

27) Play basketball at a local park or court

Calories burned: 20 minutes of play will help you get rid of 148 kcal.

28) Play football whenever possible

Calories Burned: Play soccer with friends or even practice hitting a ball with one playing partner. Calories burned: In 20 minutes of playing football you burn 154 kcal. If you get multiple teams to play and have competition, you can burn even more calories.

29) Visit public tennis courts

Invite a friend to play tennis with you at the nearest tennis courts in your area. Calories Burned: Playing tennis allows you to burn 529 calories per hour.

30) Go to the library

In libraries you can find not only books, but also useful educational CDs that you can rent. Calories burned: it all depends on what sports programs you choose for yourself. For example, 10 minutes of Pilates will help you burn 50 kilocalories.

31) Spend your breaks at work actively

Calories burned: 42 kcal for every 10 minutes of vigorous walking during your lunch break.

32) Get off the transport a few stops earlier

If you get to work by bus, metro or train, get off 1-2 stops earlier and walk. Calories burned: 72 kcal for every 20 minutes of walking before work

33) Instead of regular computer games, play on new generation consoles that offer active games

The new generation of consoles offers a lot of interesting computer games that allow you to move more: tennis, bowling, and so on. Calories burned: playing such active games computer games, you lose from 20 to 176 kcal in half an hour.

34) Water games

When going on vacation to the sea or to the body of water closest to home, you have the opportunity to play water games, ride a surfboard or kayak. Usually these boards and boats are not cheap, but you can rent them.

35) Renovate your apartment

Taking up renovations is a great idea to update your home and also spend your time more actively. Calories burned: depending on the activities performed repair work, you burn from 100 to 200 kcal per hour.

Today you can find on the Internet a great variety of different programs developed by famous athletes, models, and so on. You can choose any one you like, or combine different programs to make your workouts more varied.

37) Do water aerobics

Calories burned: even the most simple exercises exercises performed underwater will be more effective than on land. You can lose 261 kcal per hour of training.

38) Find exercises online

If you can't afford to go to the gym or hire a trainer, you can use free advice specialists online. Many of them offer these free step-by-step programs on television, and they can often be found online.

39) Join a group

In many cities, people organize various free clubs, giving people the opportunity to exercise and socialize. Also, exercising in groups or at least in the company of a friend can help you stay motivated to exercise.

40) Try doing exercises using a ballet barre

Special programs that include elements of ballet, Pilates and strength exercises help keep leg muscles toned. It is more convenient to do these exercises using a ballet barre, but you can try them at home without a barre. Calories burned: in an hour of such activities you can get rid of 316 kcal.

During adolescence, your body will grow and change. Therefore in this period It is important in your life to stay physically fit, develop healthy eating habits and exercise. If you want to bring yourself to better shape, start eating right. Try to idle less and watch TV less, and also be physically active for at least one hour a day. If, as a teenager, you decide to take your fitness more seriously, you can even join a Gym or create a study schedule at home.


Improving the diet

    Eat foods that will provide you with a healthy and balanced diet. The first and most important thing to do to stay in shape in adolescence- it's eating right. Avoid junk food, which includes most processed foods and foods instant cooking. Instead, focus on consuming enough dairy and protein to help you grow. These include milk, yogurt, chicken, beef, fish, and beans or tofu.

    • If you (like most teenagers) are still living at your parents' house, ask them to help you with your diet. Have them buy healthy snacks for you and serve you at every meal whole foods, not subject to processing.
  1. Eat a large number of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables should make up a significant portion of your daily diet. Set a goal to eat four servings of fruits and five servings of vegetables every day. For example, drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and eat a handful of berries for breakfast, a small portion of salad and an apple as a side dish for lunch, and a portion of boiled vegetables for dinner.

    • Fruits and vegetables are sources healthy sugars(which is much better than that, which is added to processed foods) and fibers. Your body needs both.
  2. Eat foods that provide you with calcium and iron. These two minerals are vital for a teenager's growing body. Challenge yourself to consume at least 1300 ml of calcium daily. This means you need to drink plenty of milk and consume dairy products, including hard cheeses and yogurt.

    Consume foods rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is important for teenagers to get vitamins from their diet. Vitamins stimulate normal development and are important part general physical condition. Fiber will keep you healthy digestive tract, and will also give you a feeling of satiety. This is all because foods containing fiber sit in your stomach and are digested slowly. Fiber is found in foods such as celery and beans.

    Drink 6-8 glasses of fluid daily to stay hydrated. Your body requires plenty of water and other fluids to function well. This is especially true if you increase your daily activity or start exercising regularly. Keep your body hydrated with water, fruit juices, tea and other healthy options. Avoid carbonated and energy drinks.

    Eat healthy snacks between meals. The teenage years are the years active growth, so when your stomach growls, don't reach for a piece of cake or a bag of chips. Instead, give preference healthy snacks such as yogurt, fruit or smoothies.

    • Don't worry if you often feel hungry, as the increase physical activity and activity increases appetite.

    We support daily activity

    1. Be active for at least one hour a day. An hour of activity every day will help you get into better shape and reduce negative impacts from a leisurely lifestyle. To be active, you don't have to go to the gym or play sports. Try walking or biking to a friend's house instead of driving, or join a local pool for a swim after school.

      • Increasing your daily activity has many benefits. Hour of daily activity b O most of the week will reduce stress, increase energy and reduce the risk of certain diseases.
    2. Play sports or join a section where you will be active after school. Sports and athletic activities are a great way to increase your teen's daily activity level and improve their physical fitness. If you enjoy participating in sporting events, try being on your school team. Or find a section that you can attend after school and spend time actively there (for example, swimming).

      • The activity you choose does not have to be a team sport such as football or basketball. If you wish, you can try other activities such as gymnastics, horse riding, skateboarding or karate.
    3. Join a gym or go to workouts. These options will help you stay active by providing regular exercise in a fun, friendly environment. Look for nearby gyms that offer day or evening classes in popular sports to attend after school.

      Walk or bike to school. If you live close enough to the school and can safely walk or bike there in a reasonable amount of time (say, less than 30 minutes), try incorporating this activity into your daily routine. A 30-minute walk to school will provide half daily norm activity and will improve your health by increasing your heart rate and training your leg muscles.

      • If you work part-time after school or on weekends, also walk or bike there.
    4. Take short walks during breaks. If you have a 15-minute recess or 45-minute lunch break during the school day, use this opportunity to go for a brisk walk. Short walks will increase your level of physical activity and get you in shape. Instead, if your school has stairs (and most schools do), you can walk up and down a few times. In the evenings, do the same when you do your homework. Take one or two 15-minute breaks and go for a walk, jump rope, or jog.

      • From the above, it is obvious that you do not need to wait for free time to be active.
    5. Reduce the time spent on the computer and watching TV to two hours a day. Most teenagers spend many hours a day watching TV or playing video games. These activities are detrimental to your fitness and can lead to weight gain. Limit screen time to two hours a day (or less). This will give you more time to physical exercise.

The harmful effects of physical inactivity have led to a surge in all kinds of diseases, and the heart and musculoskeletal system especially suffer from lack of mobility. That is why maintaining good physical fitness is the key to successful disease prevention, an excellent way to improve health and increase active life.

This material is devoted to how to get yourself into good physical shape and stay in it for as long as possible.

Basic forms and types of exercises to maintain good physical shape

Thanks to the achievements modern science and especially technology, we live in a world where every day there are more and more “gadgets” for comfort, which negates the need to use one’s own muscles. We are going against nature itself, which has instilled in us the need to maintain energy balance in the body by expending more calories than we consume. We have become lazy. All day long we sit much more than we move: at work, in the car, in front of the TV screen. Machines do all the housework for us, so we even spend our free time without active movement. As a result, most people are in poor physical shape.

Less and less attention is paid to maintaining physical fitness: people don’t like to move because they lack motivation. It is motivation that should help you develop the habit of physical activity. Health and physical fitness are inseparable concepts, but, of course, physical exercise is not a panacea for all diseases, but one cannot neglect the opportunity to move given by nature. The body protests when it finds itself without sufficient physical activity, which manifests itself in general malaise, lethargy, problems gastrointestinal tract, and ends with more serious problems, especially cardiovascular diseases. Back in the mid-90s. XX century carried out Scientific research showed that 7 out of 10 men and 8 out of 10 women in the UK do not get a minimum of exercise and are therefore unable to maintain normal physical fitness.

How to keep yourself in good physical shape to maintain health for many years? Three components will help you always stay in good physical shape:

  • normal functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • muscle tone, strength and elasticity;
  • joint mobility and body flexibility.

If you have decided to take care of your health, but do not know how to get in good physical shape and maintain it, carefully study the material posted on this page.

How to get in good physical shape and stay there

The most important component in achieving the goal of “how to stay physically fit” is normal functioning of cardio-vascular system. Daily cardio exercises contribute to more efficient work hearts, helping to pump more blood and delivering large quantity oxygen to all organs of the body. How to stay fit by doing cardio exercises and which ones are the best? This is, first of all, fast walking, swimming (exercise bike or outdoor riding), Nordic walking, elliptical trainer, rowing, badminton, jogging. There is no need to achieve professional sports success; it is enough to improve and maintain the functioning of the heart and lungs in good shape every day.

I provide exercises to maintain physical fitness:

  • decreased likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases thanks to normalization blood pressure, increased levels of “good” cholesterol in the blood, dilation of coronary vessels;
  • faster "burning" of calories as increased oxygen use speeds up and regular exercise helps maintain high level metabolism;
  • a gradual increase in the body's endurance, which helps in performing everyday physical activities, such as: walking, going up and down stairs, carrying small weights, walking in areas with slight elevations, etc.;
  • reducing the likelihood of occurrence and development varicose veins veins of the lower extremities;
  • improving the quality of life: a person feels energetic, cheerful, lethargy and drowsiness disappear, and decreases internal tension, mood improves. These changes occur for two reasons. On the one hand, the absorption of oxygen by the body increases, on the other, the production of “joy hormones” - endorphins - increases;
  • improvement of mental activity and the ability to concentrate, which occurs due to increased oxygen flow to the brain;
  • exercises for good physical fitness in combination with healthy eating help improve digestion, which means getting rid of constipation and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • getting rid of excess fat deposits, strengthening muscles, the figure becomes more fit and slender, as a result, self-esteem increases;
  • basic forms and types of physical exercise help strengthen bones, which significantly reduces the likelihood of developing osteoporosis (especially in women);
  • improving sleep quality;
  • increase in sexual activity.

How to get and improve physical fitness

The next components of good physical shape are muscle tone, strength and elasticity. The ability of muscles to contract while overcoming a certain load, in other words, muscle strength, is one of the primary indicators of a person’s health. Insufficient muscle strength, associated with lack of exercise and stress on the muscles, leads quite quickly to the fact that the muscles lose their shape and become stiff. When implementing the task “how to improve your physical fitness,” to strengthen your muscles you need to go swimming and do exercises to increase the strength of individual muscles.

Benefits of exercise aimed at strengthening muscles:

  • well-developed muscles make the figure more toned and proportional. Already after the first course of regular flexibility exercises, a person notices how the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, and arms have tightened, the waist has decreased, and the stomach has tightened;
  • increasing muscle mass by reducing fat mass, a person loses weight faster. This process associated with more active metabolism in muscle tissue compared to fat;
  • strong muscles support the body correct position, help to pull in the stomach and straighten the shoulders;
  • the likelihood of developing osteoporosis is reduced;
  • Self-confidence increases and overall well-being improves.

How to stay in good physical shape and maintain it for a long time

The third important component of good physical shape is joint mobility and body flexibility. This ability of the body to perform a wide variety of movements is necessary to maintain the muscles of the back, shoulders, arms, and legs in proper condition. Exercises for muscle strength are very important, but when developing muscles, we must not forget that they need regular stretching. How to maintain physical fitness, gain body flexibility and joint mobility? Dancing, yoga or its varieties - Pilates and stretching - will help with this.

Benefits of body stretching and joint mobility exercises:

  • tense and stiff muscles become smooth, which improves the overall appearance of the body;
  • reduction or complete disappearance of tension and excitement, the person becomes calm and relaxed;
  • improved posture due to stretching pectoral muscles, hip flexor muscles and other muscle groups;
  • the ability to bend, squat, reach up, and walk up stairs without tension or effort;
  • the certainty of obtaining pleasure from active physical activity (for example, swimming, badminton, dancing, sex).

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Beauty attracts not only men, but also women. However, if women spend their entire lives improving their appearance, men are not accustomed to preening themselves. How can representatives of the stronger sex maintain physical shape and take care of their appearance without spending a lot of time on it and without experiencing any particular difficulties?

Diet will help you stay in shape

A diet is necessary for those who suffer from excess weight and have the whole range of complexes associated with this feature of their own constitution. The choice of diet is best left to girls, who often resort to severe dietary restrictions in order to improve external indicators.

If you don't have a decent source of information in mind, try something original. For example, go on a protein diet for a couple of weeks (you need to exclude fatty foods from your diet, replacing them with skim milk, chicken meat and soy), banana (2-3 unripe bananas for breakfast will cleanse the body of fat deposits in a couple of months), or egg. Can't give up flour and sweets? Then we move on to other methods.

Running will help men keep fit

Scientists have developed a formula that can quickly determine energy costs while running. And energy costs are calories, which are so difficult for fat people to get rid of. Multiply each kilometer of jogging by your own weight and get the number of kilocalories that can be lost this way. Can you run 5 kilometers weighing 80 kilograms? If yes, then get rid of 400 kilocalories.

After a week or two of daily jogging in a park or forest, you will see the result in the mirror (just don’t run along the road - you’ll inhale all sorts of nasty things). In addition to improvements in appearance, you will soon notice an improvement in your mood and increased vitality. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all whether you run at the speed of a sprinter, a marathon runner, or in “ragged running” mode, constantly changing the rhythm.


Swimming is an excellent, albeit not the most popular sport (alas, there are not enough swimming pools even in major cities, not to mention towns and villages). When swimming, all muscle groups are involved; An hour actively spent in the pool is no less useful than an hour of training with dumbbells and barbells. In addition, an amateur swimmer does not risk damaging his joints or getting sprained ligaments. And swimming, you see, is much more pleasant than running along a polluted highway.

And it won’t be long before you can surprise everyone with your excellent form and ability to float elegantly on the water. A good swimmer can be seen not only in swimming trunks on the golden sand, but also in ordinary clothes, far from the sea: he is athletically built, springy, but not pumped up. Visit the pool twice a week, and after a month the entire fair sex will be looking at you.

Charging outdoors

If there is no pool or good fitness center nearby, take a closer look at your own yard. It is quite possible that somewhere nearby there is a structure or a simple device for pumping up the press, parallel bars and a horizontal bar. There are such “oases of amateur sports” in every neighborhood, in groves and parks.

By the way, about the press: if you pump it up for at least five minutes a day, after two weeks any fat man will be surprised when he looks at his own reflection in the mirror. The abs are one of the main muscles of the body. In the process of working on the abs, all other muscles receive an impulse to grow and renew.

Home exercises to keep fit

For the laziest people who are glued to the computer, TV or sofa, we recommend doing simple exercises at least once a day. Ten squats, ten push-ups, bends forward, right and left can work wonders. Not immediately, but in a maximum of a month you will feel a surge of strength, better side your mood will change, and your lifestyle will begin to change on its own.

Do men need to keep themselves in shape, and is the game worth the candle?

Good question, which is best answered not by a doctor, but by a psychologist. Yes, indeed, many of us consciously give appearance and the state of the body in favor of the usual comfortable lifestyle. It makes no sense to torture yourself with sports activities without seeing the result ahead. If you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you’re tired of living the old way, try starting with action: behavioral therapy- one of the most popular psychological techniques, allowing you to improve your life and get out of the swamp of everyday life.