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Why is the type of dosha important and how to determine it? Determining the optimal type of training according to dosha

I regularly hear questions about the doshas and their balance. And the questions are important. The Ayurveda doctor begins his appointment by determining the predominant dosha and Prakriti for a reason. Every positive movement in our life begins with understanding ourselves. This test is necessary for those who want to understand themselves and their physiology from the standpoint of ancient medicine of the Rishi sages. The wise Indian masters teach this: Mahabhutas (or primary elements), under the influence of a person’s consciousness and his karma, form the body we receive at birth. The constitution inherent in a particular birth is called Prakriti and it has three vectors of application - Pitta, Vata and Kapha. Throughout life, habits, actions, environment, diet, in general, what we call a way of life, shapes our original constitution, crumples it and changes it. The result of this process, observed at a certain point in time, is called Vikriti. Having been born, a person already has predispositions in accordance with which his development proceeds. Someone becomes tall and thin and reserved, someone is stocky and energetic, someone is plump and cheerful. Some people like cold and sweet taste, while others like humidity, heat and spicier spices. This is the result of thridhatu's work on our body. And our healthy, good, comfortable state of health depends on whether Pitta, Vata and Kapha are in balance.

The Western way of thinking leaves its mark on practitioners of yoga and similar health systems: the desire to be “faster, higher, stronger.” The consequence of this is the opinion that there is a certain “ideal” balance of tridhatu, a “standard of doshas” to which one must strive at any cost. The East carries in its heart the philosophy of dharma: the natural, correct order of things. And I urge you to listen to this. The asana is not torment, but sustainable, comfortable position. The Tridoche balance is not a Procrustean bed that adapts unhappy people to a picture from fashion magazines with standards of 90-60-90. This A complex approach to your lifestyle in order to bring your condition into harmony with Nature’s plan for you.

It is worth noting that doshas, ​​like mahabhutas, are not elements in the physical sense, i.e. The element of fire is the essence of fire, not the fire/fire seen with the physical eyes. It’s the same with water, which is not a liquid, but the very property of fluidity. I suggest you take this test, the purpose of which is to identify the dominant dosha and understand its relationship with other doshas. Remember that all doshas are important and necessary and it does not happen that a person has only one of them. On the contrary, our personality and body are made up of a combination of all three elements, with one or two predominant.

Summarizing the available information about the doshas, ​​we can say:

Vata dosha, consisting of the elements of Air and Ether, is responsible for movement, air circulation, and blood supply. People of this type are thin, with long limbs. When Vata is unbalanced, problems with joints, respiratory and skin diseases associated with dryness. Emotionally, this is a “fickle” type, with changeable moods and desires.

Pitta is a combination of Fire and Air. A characteristic constitutional marker is a strong, athletic body, stocky rather than fine-boned. Pitta people are energetic, assertive, possessive good appetite due to the strong Jataragni, the internal digestive fire. Digestion, metabolic processes, in general, the absorption and processing of everything from food to sensory sensations.

Kapha is the basis of our body. Formed from Earth and water, the densest elements, this dosha is responsible for immunity, stability, and body weight. Vitality, the basis of the body's vitality, is rooted in Kapha. People of this type, as a rule, are people based on the Muladhara and Svadhisthana chakras. The figure is characterized by solidity, completeness, expressed in character as kindness, loyalty, and calmness.

If you ignore all mode rules, you can save good health as long as you support:

  • – moving your bowels (i.e. keep them clean)
  • – movement of your body (perform regularly physical exercise)
  • – movement of your breathing (always breathe slowly and deeply)


So, the test contains descriptions of the characteristics for each constitution. You should choose the group of qualities that you have the most (you should not choose qualities that you would like to have, but do not have). Also, when analyzing the proposed characteristics, take into account specific symptoms the last five years, not the last few days or weeks. Choosing the right answer can be very difficult, since, often, we do not have the habit of listening to our body. We often do wishful thinking. However, it is this attention and sensitivity that has become a habit that will help you live a full, harmonious and rich life happily ever after. Based on the test results, you will be able to choose a diet and lifestyle in accordance with Ayurveda recommendations for your constitutional type.

A dosha is a specific combination of energies that creates your unique physical, emotional and mental being. This is an information drawing that controls your body, emotions and mind.

In my opinion, the more we know about ourselves and our body, the better. We will easily forgive ourselves for character flaws, be more relaxed about the nuances of our figure, that is, it is easier to accept yourself, and also know how to cope with your ailments and gain harmony, youth and our main components - beauty and radiance!

Therefore, Ayurveda for us in this case is simply best friend. But here I’m frankly not a pro, although I can easily determine the leading dosha and constitutions of other people by eye, but I’m not an Ayurveda specialist, so I’ll give the floor to the author of the book and Ayurveda doctor, Katie Silcox.

In addition, I am often asked how to determine a dosha, so I found for you not only a very accurate and competent description of all doshas, ​​but also a wonderful questionnaire!

Components of the human body. To identify the energy that governs your physical and mental functions, you can take a special dosha test.

The test will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

How to get through?

In total, the dosha determination test consists of 192 questions, each of which has 5 answer options - you choose 1, which most accurately describes you. Based on the results of the test, your Prakriti Dosha (body constitution) will be determined according to Ayurveda.

Why go through?

Taking a closer look at our surroundings, we will notice the characteristics of the people we know: one is more prone to physical illnesses, another shows excessive aggression, and the third is completely apathetic.

Such conditions are explained by the disharmony of the doshas in the body, which are constantly in motion and strive for ideal balance. However, ideal is the opposite of development, so one of the properties always prevails, while the other two are constantly changing.

Using an online dosha test in Ayurveda, you can determine a person’s leading dosha and identify his tendency to certain manifestations of physical or mental disorders. That is why in questions there are both internal and external characteristics person, for example:

    body type;

    shape of the nose and eyes;

    skin type and condition;

    what does the body smell like?

    dental condition;

    weather influence;

    manner of communication;

    how a person copes with problems;

    degree of endurance and much more.

It is important to correctly determine the dosha and the level of imbalance. This will help prevent many diseases and suggest a suitable diet and lifestyle. Using these tips, you can create your own path to purchasing on your own or with the help of a mentor. healthy body, calm spirit and harmony with the surrounding world.

Passage rules

Before taking a dosha test online, find a comfortable place where you can listen to yourself and not be distracted by extraneous stimuli.

When answering questions, you must follow some rules:

    take your time, read each question and answer carefully;

    Take your time and think about your answer. It is not necessary that every word in the answer will suit you - but there should be a majority of them;

    answers must be honest. Choose the option that describes you, not the one that you see as “ideal”;

    If you find it difficult to accurately rate yourself, ask a close friend or relative to help you take the test.

Do not forget that doshas tend to change their balance throughout a person’s life, so it is recommended to check your energy balance once every three months and adjust your lifestyle in accordance with the results obtained.

How to interpret the results

After answering all the questions, you will receive the test results in the form of numbers, one for each indicator: Vata, Pitta and Kapha levels. The indicator whose number will be significantly higher is your leading dosha.

Sometimes two or three doshas turn out to be leading - in this case the person belongs to rare species people with an improved level of harmony between internal and external properties:

    if there are two leading types, then the body constitution will be named with a hyphen, the dosha that has a higher indicator will be placed first;

    if the numbers between all doshas fluctuate between 1-2 units, then the type of constitution will be called Sama-dosha.

Let us clarify that each person is unique, and the vata pitta kapha dosha test helps to approximately determine this balance, which causes a set of mental disturbances or physical health different. But having learned your leading property, you can influence the disturbing “lagging” dosha with the help of Ayurvedic advice and improve your condition. Now you know how to determine your dosha.

"is a fairly ancient branch of Indian Vedic medicine. The first sources (treatises) on this topic were written more than 2000 years ago. Let's try to open up this ancient knowledge for ourselves by trying to figure out how, and most importantly, why it is necessary to determine the types of people according to Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic theory describes a person as an individual, a kind of micro-universe, physical and mental condition which play a decisive role when we're talking about about her well-being. Ayurvedic texts state that man consists of 5 constituent elements: ether (Akasha), air (Vayu), water (Jala), fire (Agni) and earth (Prithvi). In certain combinations, these elements form the three most important vitality body - doshas. A person is healthy if the doshas are balanced.

Types of people according to Ayurveda are classified according to dosha. Knowing the type of a particular person, the Ayurvedic tradition outlines the range of diseases inherent in him and gives recommendations for overcoming and preventing them.

The table below will help you correctly and quickly determine the types of people according to Ayurveda. With its help, evaluate yourself and your loved ones, choosing only the answers that suit you. Here, however, it should be borne in mind that all three doshas are present in every person. They are only expressed in varying degrees strengths: some have more Kapha, while others have more Pitta or Vata. Often they occur “explicitly” mixed types. However, try to find your advantageous type.

If most of your answers follow Table 1, then your type is Vata. The answers given in Tables 2 and 3 are Pitta type and Kapha type, respectively. This is how the types of people are determined according to Ayurveda. Of course there is much more detailed options"questionnaires". But by using the above “express survey”, you will reliably identify your predominant dosha type.

Decoding dosha

People with a Vata constitution are always on the go, mobile and adaptable. They do not like to sit idle, are very sociable, they like mental activity. As a result, they are more susceptible to stress, anxiety and related diseases.

Pitta people have a dynamic, fiery personality type. They love to fight quick solutions and impulsive actions. Such people are most susceptible to headaches and digestive problems.

People with a Kapha constitution are practical, sensible and the most down-to-earth. They most often suffer from fatigue, water retention, bloating and sugar cravings. These people also tend to be slow and lethargic.

Correction (treatment) of the body

Ayurveda has in its arsenal many various methods treatments, including dietary and lifestyle approaches, use medicines plant origin and others.

The following simple but very effective Ayurvedic method deserves attention. Its principle is based on the fact that the foods we eat every day, as well as the degree to which they are heated or cooled, seriously affect our body, depending on the type of dosha to which it belongs. The table below will help you understand how to put this into practice.

You can find out more about the rules of nutrition according to doshas.

Ayurvedic types of people were developed many centuries ago and are designed to help a person understand what is best for him and what should be avoided, what ails him and how to treat him. Try to determine your type, and then, after consulting with a doctor, choose the appropriate diet (if you can call it that), and positive changes in the state of your body, they won’t keep you waiting long.

Today you can determine your dosha type according to Ayurveda by taking a short online test to determine which dosha is predominant in your body, and also receive nutritional recommendations in accordance with your dosha.

How to determine your dosha?

In total, in Ayurveda there are 7 possible types of doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Vata-Pitta, Vata-Kapha, Pitta-Kapha and all doshas are balanced (Prakriti Sama).

The three biological doshas - vata, pitta and kapha - are in constant motion inside our body. They form various habits, predispositions and even diseases in the human body, occurring in each body in different proportions.

At the same time, it is not so easy to determine which dosha is the main one for you personally, but you can at least approximately determine the type of your dosha using online dosha tests on many sites, for example: http://aum108.ru/publ/ajurveda/ponjatie_i_rekomendacii_dlja_trekh_tipov_dosh_vata_pitta_kapha/13 -1-0-15##opredelenie

You can determine your dosha in literally a couple of minutes, and knowing your dosha type, you can move on to recommendations for nutrition, exercise, medicines, suitable just for you.

After passing the interactive online test, you can proceed to recommendations for your dosha. Your dosha is the one that is numerically far superior to others, and in this case you are classified as a single dosha type. Then you should study the recommendations specifically for this prevailing dosha.

If you do not have an extremely dominant dosha, then you are a dual-dosha type. The most pronounced of them becomes the first, but both doshas are taken into account.

Everything that moves in the body, for example, when a person moves his hands, or the movement of food, the movement of air currents - all this is provided by the element of vata. That is, cotton wool is the most dynamic element.

Vata governs feelings and emotions such as fear, anxiety, pain, trepidation and spasms.

Wat location – colon, pelvic cavity, bones, skin, ears and hips. If excess vata develops in the body, it will accumulate in these areas.

According to Ayurveda, people with a predominant dosha of Vata (wind) should avoid acute negative information, for example, horror films, violence, heavy films are completely undesirable for them, since such information increases the restlessness of their mind and can lead to insomnia.

For people of the Vata type, communication with benevolent people, a warm climate, warm baths, and hot drinks are very favorable. To prevent your feet from getting cold in cold weather, you need to wear woolen socks, take warm foot baths before going to bed, and massage your feet with oil before going to bed.

You should not walk for a long time in rubber shoes, especially in cold weather; the rubber cools the legs, and energy comes out through the legs, so when the legs are cold, the whole body cools down, since the cold impedes the movement of air and the circulatory system.

This constitution should eat three times a day, should avoid dry food and food that increases the quality of air, that is, spicy, bitter and astringent foods.

The main rule for these people is not to overexert yourself anywhere or in anything.

Vata dosha diseases

The main diseases that accompany Vata constitution due to impaired air circulation in the body are: nervous diseases, violations nervous system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the bones, joints, constipation, neuralgic disorders, high blood pressure, chondrosis, arthritis, impaired motor and sensory functions and nervous depression.

83 diseases can arise from disruption of air movement in the body, because... Air is the main air in the body; due to its imbalance, both bodily fire and water in the body are disturbed.

And to avoid illness, vatas must follow a set daily routine, which must be structured so that it includes time for afternoon naps, body care, techniques for cleansing the mind, relaxation and harmonization (this can be meditation, prayer or reflection).

Vatas should not overexert themselves; intense loads are contraindicated for them. Unlike the hardy and strong Kaphas, people who belong to the Vata type lack endurance and strength. They are Uranian capable of exploding, and their energy bursts can amaze the imagination, but these emissions are instantaneous, and for the next “burst” they will have to accumulate energy for a long time.

Vatas spend a lot of energy on “flights” of thoughts and imagination, so they must learn to take care of themselves and not drive themselves to exhaustion. The innate ability to “fly”, coupled with unconscious aestheticism and the need for beauty, dictates to Vats the need to live according to the principle of moderation, beauty and grace.

Exercise stress

The physical exercises that Vatas engage in should be short and “soft.” It could be breathing exercises, yoga, qigong, tai chi chuan, aikido (especially the non-combat health direction of ki), wushu, ballroom dancing, dance aerobics, light walks, short swimming (for pleasure and without stress), light (not systematic!) jogging fresh air, short cycling trips, playing golf, tennis and badminton, as well as swimming in hot bath jacuzzi.

All exercises should be performed at a calm, moderate pace, and the load should also be moderate, because a fast pace leads to fatigue and imbalance of Vata dosha. Strength exercises should be performed at a slow pace, using dumbbells and other weights.

It is useful for Vata to perform a set of yogic asanas with measured breathing twice a day. Because the weakness Vat is the spine and joints; they must include asanas in the complex of yogic exercises that help develop the mobility and flexibility of the spine.

Pitta is a combination of fire and water and is responsible for transformation in the body. That is, if vata is responsible for movement, then pitta is responsible for various processes that are associated with the transformation of one process into another.

Digestion is the basic process of transformation where food is transformed into our body. And pitta is responsible for this. That is, it is a metabolic element. Therefore, the first and most important function Pitta - digestion of food. In addition, it is responsible for skin pigmentation, body temperature, hunger, thirst, vision (vision is also one of the functions of pitta, the function of fire in the body). And Ayurveda lists forty pitta disorders.

A person with Pitta (fire) dosha does not like to skip food, this makes her irritable and in a hungry state, a strong fire in the stomach can lead to a burning sensation in the heart area, ulcers and hemorrhoids. Therefore, Pitta personalities should not skip meals and should eat 3 times a day.

The skin of Pitta dosha is susceptible to irritation, rashes, inflammation, allergies often occur due to impaired immunity and accumulation of bile in small intestine. Out of balance, these people suffer from insomnia if they are immersed in their work, which, as a rule, is the main content of their life.

How to balance pitta dosha?

The main condition for the normal existence of this type and the way to balance pitta dosha according to Ayurveda is the need for a moderate, clear daily routine.

Summer is rightfully considered the Pitta season, so in the summer, people whose constitution is dominated by this dosha experience many problems. The natural heat of Pitta under the hot scorching sun only intensifies. That's why the Pitts need to prepare ahead of time for this season and prudently reduce their activity levels.

The ideal way to spend summer time for Pitts is to relax with family and friends near cool streams, springs and mountain lakes in which you can swim. It is not recommended to relax on the hot beaches of the oceanic and sea coasts of Pittam in the summer, since the skin of fiery people easily burns and becomes inflamed in the sun.

If Pitts still prefer to relax on the coast, then they can only appear on the beach at sunset. Then it is useful for them to swim and jog on the beach sand.

When rage ignites the Pitt fuel, the health consequences are devastating. When uncontrollable, hot-tempered and impetuous Aries are driven by their own anger and guided by fiery passions, they deplete their energy resources and lose vitality.

If Pittas are stressed, they must find the strength not to explode as usual, but to calm down and cool down. Pittas can achieve a state of peace and tranquility when they paint landscapes, admire the beauty of nature, green meadows, fields strewn with flowers, or the sparkling surface of a river. Coolness, peace, contemplation and serenity, bathing in the moonlight - all this perfectly harmonizes Pitta.

Pitta dosha and body constitution reacts very sharply to alcohol, which has a “sour” taste. The sour taste ignites bodily fire, and this leads a person who drinks alcohol excessively to conflict situations; they themselves get into conflicts in an intoxicated state.

Smoking also ignites bodily fire, since it also has a “sour” taste in quality. Pitta constitution should not carry out a long fast; 2-3 days of fasting are enough for her. This personality does not need strong physical activity, long distance running, light gymnastic exercises are useful for her.

Swimming is very calming for Pitt, jogging for no more than 5 minutes. Pitta constitution can shower cold water, this is favorable for her. Pitta personalities have excellent digestion and a strong appetite and therefore often suffer from overeating.


All emotions of a Pitta constitution arise from lust and feelings of dissatisfaction. Emotions of anger, malice, hatred, envy, jealousy. These emotions disturb the flora in gallbladder, kidneys, and people with a Pitta constitution often suffer from metabolic disorders.

Diseases such as ulcers gastrointestinal tract, gallstones, bladder, hypertension and heart disease, skin diseases, inflammatory diseases eyes, heartburn, sour belching, refer to a violation of the fire function in the body and Pitta personalities suffer most from this.

Kapha is bodily water, it holds the elements of the body together and forms the basis of its physical structure.

This dosha supports the body's resistance. Kapha - bodily water - is physiologically responsible for the biological strength and strength of body tissues.

Kapha lubricates joints, moisturizes the skin, helps wounds heal, fills space in the body, gives biological strength, energy and stability, supports good memory, gives energy to the heart and lungs, supports the immune system.

On the one hand, Kaphas dream of everything happening by itself. On the other hand, before doing anything, Kaphas carefully consider and weigh every step. This is because they do not want to waste energy.

Kapha's favorite activities on weekends are traveling from the ottoman to the refrigerator and from the refrigerator to the ottoman. During such journeys they move slowly, majestically and without fuss.

Having collected a full tray of food, they carefully settle on the ottoman. At the same time, unlike Vat and Pitt, they cope well with monotonous, monotonous work that requires patience, effort and endurance.

When Kapha has no other choice, he has to work, but in general he does not like to work. This is a paradox, since all Kaphas feel the need to help people and warm them up even when they are not asked to do so.

Unlike Pitts, they do not have ulterior motives that guide them when carrying out tactical tasks according to a pre-developed plan to achieve strategic goals. Kaphas enjoy comforting, caressing, warming and feeding loved ones.

Typical Kapha women are hospitable housewives who throw everything that is in the refrigerator on the table. Kaphas do not think of great rewards for valiant work, but lack of appreciation or appreciation for a job well done offends them.

Best Season for Kapha Dosha

End of winter and early spring- These are Kapha seasons, so during this time all Kaphas face many problems. During the period of liberation of nature from winter captivity, Kaphas should not lead a sedentary lifestyle. They can engage in activities such as gardening, gardening, sports, spring cleaning and cleaning, and rearranging furniture.

From six to ten o'clock in the morning and from six to ten o'clock in the evening, people of this constitution intensively manifest the qualities of Kapha dosha. Their energy becomes dense, heavy and earthy. They should stick to a simple and comfortable daily routine to counteract the weight gain. This way they can train their willpower.

In order for Kapha's day to pass harmoniously, he should get up early in the morning, take a shower, do yoga and give himself physical (sports) exercise. Instead of breakfast, Kaphas need to drink Herb tea. It is better to refuse morning food.

The main meal is lunch. Individuals with a predominant Kapha (mucus) dosha should not be carried away by sweet, sour and salty tastes.

Sweet taste increases heaviness, creates blockages, cools the body, sour and salty tastes increase thirst and water will be retained in the body, which is why Kapha individuals often have high blood pressure. They suffer from lymphatic blockages, diabetes, accumulation of mucus in the chest cavity, diseases of the mucous membrane, gynecological disorders, and tumor growths.

Because Kapha dosha controls wet tissues body, so disturbances in it affect the mucous membranes. These symptoms are especially acute in cold and wet weather, when they intensify in environment cold wet Kapha.

During full moon When Kapha increases in the environment in all forms of life, Kapha individuals also suffer from excess fluid in the body. Their asthma worsens, their blood pressure, they become drowsy, lethargic, dispassionate, water is retained in the body.

Physical activity is necessary

The main thing for this type of people is never to be idle, that is, to constantly give physical activity to their body. Without Kapha movement, individuals can quickly become lazy and must always be encouraged to take action. They themselves may not show initiative, but laziness is their most terrible enemy.

Physical activity is favorable for them, the more the better, they can be good athletes, long-distance running, weightlifting, and swimming are favorable for them.

If Kapha personality is not given physical activity, from laziness, Kapha will quickly begin to increase in their body. Movement makes it possible to maintain internal fire in the body, which, in turn, cleanses the blood vessels of excess mucus.

These individuals can starve without harm to their health long time, up to 10 days, but they should eat no more than 2 times a day and in no case eat at night. The first meal is no earlier than 11-12 hours and the intervals between meals are at least 5-6 hours.

The biggest mistake of Kapha personalities is eating unclean food, which is heavy and only increases the quality of Kapha, so people of Kapha constitution can practically not get sick at all if they do not eat foods such as meat, fish, eggs, flour products and dairy products, as these foods are caphogenic, increasing mucus and congestion in the body.

Well, this concludes our small recommendations for the right image life and nutrition according to doshas in Ayurveda, I hope you have learned and determined the type of your dosha by online test, and now you know which of the Ayurvedic doshas predominates in your body.

In addition, on our communication and self-improvement portal you will find more a large number of articles on the great science of Ayurveda, and even

Inspiration for this article and information was partially taken from the site