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Beneficial properties of lentils and contraindications. Regardless of the type, lentils promote such positive changes in the human body. Which lentils are healthier - red or green?

Lentils: what is harmful and beneficial? :: Cooking

One of the main trends now is healthy image life. In an effort to improve your body and spirit, everything more people pay close attention to their own nutrition. At the peak of popularity among adherents correct menu- all kinds of cereals. And only a few know that most of the current exotic names were familiar to our ancestors and formed the basis of their diet.
One such product is lentils.

Since Old Testament times it has been one of the popular products nutrition. Greek plebeians and Babylonian nobles, American aborigines and indigenous people of Australia, as well as the Chinese, French, Germans - in the cuisine of these and many other peoples, lentils occupied and still occupy an honorable place. In the Middle Ages in Rus', it was, perhaps, one of the main components of the diet: lentil porridges, stews and even bread baked from lentil flour were widespread.

What does lentils give us? The benefits of legumes

How are lentils beneficial for those who eat them? Why do we eat it? The fruits of this legume family plant are the leader in iron content and help us compensate for the deficiency. vegetable protein. They contain a lot folic acid, plant fiber, vitamin B1, as well as amino acids and useful microelements(potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, sulfur, iron, manganese). But the fat content is almost zero.

This product has the ability to lower blood sugar levels, which is why it will be useful for diabetics. It has also been noted that in case of poisoning, lentils help quickly remove toxins from the body, and isoflavones help unique substances, which are contained in it, have anti-carcinogenic properties. A decoction of its beans is useful for urolithiasis.

Due to the fact that lentils do not absorb from the soil during growth and do not accumulate all sorts of radionuclides, toxins, nitrates, they belong to environmentally friendly food products. The fruits of the plant tend to retain beneficial substances during various types processing: drying, cooking, preservation.

Lentil dishes stimulate metabolism and normalize work genitourinary system, increase immunity. Due to the serotonin content, consumed dishes can prevent the development of depression, relieve anxiety, and improve mood. The potassium they contain improves heart function, and iron is an excellent hematopoietic product.

Who is contraindicated in lentils? Damage to leguminous crops

Despite all the benefits of lentils, when planning to prepare a dish from them, you should also remember possible risks its use.
First of all, you need to take into account the calorie content of this product: it is quite high, so the dishes are not suitable for dietary nutrition.
Also, lentil dishes should be limited to people with joint diseases (arthrosis, gout) and uric acid diathesis, as it tends to provoke salt deposition.
People with stomach ulcers should also use it with caution. chronic colitis, biliary dyskinesia, hemorrhoids: dishes made from this product are overloading gastrointestinal tract, cause increased gas formation in the large intestine.
During meals, the absorption of zinc and calcium may slow down, and frequent use may cause dry skin.
Nutritionists advise introducing this product into the menu no more than twice a week.

Subtleties of cooking

Compared to other legumes, lentils cook relatively quickly. Cooking lentil dishes has its own characteristics, which are influenced by its variety:

Green lentils do not overcook and hold their shape, so they are used to create meat and rice dishes, and salads. Its taste is vaguely reminiscent of buckwheat; there is a slight nutty aftertaste. The grains of this variety are unripe, so they do not need to be soaked before cooking.

Red (Egyptian) lentils are essentially grains that have been peeled. Often found on sale in chopped form. It boils very quickly, so it is used for making purees, fillings for pies, porridges and stews.

Brown lentils are the most common variety. Its characteristic taste feature is nutty notes. It cooks quite quickly and is almost universal for use. Before cooking, you need to soak it for at least half an hour.

You can also find exotic varieties of lentils on the shelves. Green French lentils hold their shape during cooking and become soft inside. It tastes like pepper and looks impressive in salads.

Fine-grained black has a pronounced taste, so it should be cooked with virtually no spices and no more than 20 minutes.

Before cooking, the lentils need to be sorted and washed with running water.

For 1 cup of lentils you need to take approximately 1.5 - 2 cups of water. The grains need to be placed in boiling water, wait until the water boils again, and then cook over low heat, covering with a lid. Depending on the variety, the cooking time is 10-40 minutes. To avoid burning, the dish must be stirred periodically. It is better to add salt and other spices at the end of cooking, otherwise the cooking time will increase.

Instead of a conclusion

Lentils are gradually returning to our kitchens. Thanks to its excellent compatibility with other ingredients, it can become the basis of both simple and gourmet dishes. This fairly versatile product can take worthy place on your table if prepared and consumed correctly.

Lentils are a plant of the legume family. It grows in pods, like beans, but is prepared faster and easier than other types of the family.

Lentils are natural spring high quality protein.

There are several types of lentils: green, red, brown and black. The most accessible and widespread are green and red lentils.

Composition and calorie content of lentils

Lentils have a rich composition. It contains vitamins, minerals, folic acid, protein, riboflavin and pantothenic acid.

The composition of lentils is relative daily norm useful substances presented below.


  • B1 – 14%;
  • B6 – 10%;
  • B3 – 6%;
  • B2 – 5%;
  • C – 2%.


The calorie content of lentils is 116 kcal per 100 g.

The beneficial properties of lentils increase its value. Regular use Lentils will improve your health and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

For muscles

Protein is the main element of muscle tissue. You can get it in sufficient quantity from lentils. Lentils will help avoid muscle pain after physical activity and quickly restore them.

For the heart and blood vessels

Magnesium, which is part of lentils, improves blood circulation, delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the entire body. Magnesium deficiency can cause a heart attack.

Lentils are rich in potassium, fiber and folic acid, which are involved in the work of cardio-vascular system. Fiber lowers cholesterol levels and prevents the formation of plaques in blood vessels that impede blood flow. Folic acid protects and strengthens artery walls, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Lentils can act as natural remedy to control blood sugar. It does not contain fast carbohydrates, but contains slow ones. This slows down the rate at which sugar is absorbed by the body. Thus, insulin has time to direct glucose into muscle and liver cells, and also process it into energy without turning it into fat.

For the brain and nerves

Lentils are a source of vitamins and minerals essential for the brain. An abundance of B vitamins, as well as magnesium, normalize brain function, increase attention, concentration and memory.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Fiber is involved in digestion. She improves metabolic processes, normalizes intestinal function and eliminates constipation. In addition, consuming fiber prevents the formation of colon cancer. You can get enough fiber from lentils.

Lentils are effective for weight loss. It provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness, protecting against overeating and excess calories. Lentils are low in calories but loaded with minerals and vitamins. She has a low glycemic index and satisfies the feeling of hunger without causing harm to health.

For skin

The vitamins and minerals in lentils make them beneficial for the skin. Lentils repair skin damage ultraviolet radiation and also relieves dry skin.

For immunity

Lentils can act as a preventative against cancer. Selenium in its composition prevents inflammation, reduces tumor growth and stimulates the production of cells that kill metastases.

Lentils' antioxidants destroy free radicals, reducing cell damage. In addition, lentils remove toxins from the body.

Lentils for women

Lentils contain a lot of iron. During menstruation, women are highly susceptible to iron deficiency, so lentils are important and healthy.

Lentils during pregnancy

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the need for iron increases, which can be obtained from lentils.

During this period, it is necessary to replenish folic acid, which is contained in lentils. It prevents the development of neural tube defects in the fetus and almost completely eliminates the risk of premature birth.

There are many in the world useful plants, which have been popular for a long time, but are forgotten today. Let's take at least healthy lentils. They love it in Italy, but in Russia the demand for this legume is low.

Lentil dishes today are more exotic than ordinary food, but they have beneficial properties, some of which have no analogues among the variety of food products of plant origin.

There are several varieties: green, red, black (or French) brown and yellow.

  • Red (or Egyptian) It is not coated, cooks very quickly and is ideal for making purees and soups.
  • Green (or French)– not quite ripened product. It takes longer to cook and has a good ability to hold its shape and does not boil over. Used as an addition to salads and a variety of meat dishes. From green “coins” you can make dietary dishes for people suffering from ulcers, hepatitis, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, hypertension, rheumatism, etc.
  • Brown– When fully ripe, it cooks much faster and has a light nutty aroma. Used for casseroles and soups.

Green lentils can be eaten raw (pre-soaked in water), added to salads, and ripe ones - only after heat treatment. Lentils in white, red, orange and yellow shades are obtained by removing the outer shell.

The nutritional value

100 g of lentils contain 14 g of water, 25 g of vegetable proteins, about 54 g complex carbohydrates and only 1 g of fat.

You can get enough of a small portion of lentils, while receiving a sufficient proportion of vegetable protein, which is quickly absorbed by the body, and carbohydrates, which will be broken down gradually, while maintaining a feeling of fullness in a person.

The minimal fat content makes lentils indispensable in preparing dietary dishes.

This legume contains less fat, for example, compared to peas, and is good source gland.

Lots of soluble fiber, which helps improve digestion and prevents the occurrence of colorectal cancer.

The benefits of lentils are dictated by the high content of vitamins and microelements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron, copper, manganese, boron, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fatty acids, vitamins A and B. A significant amount of vitamin C is observed in sprouted lentil grains.

The body needs magnesium to function nervous system and hearts. For better absorption iron, this is especially important for people suffering from anemia, lentils should be consumed along with fresh vegetables.

Such an important beneficial property of lentils as preventing depression and increasing stress resistance can be explained by the large amount of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin in the human body. The necessary amount of serotonin prevents the occurrence of depression, anxiety and bad mood.

Due to the presence of plant isoflavones, lentils can prevent the development of cancerous tumors breasts A sufficiently high amount of potassium has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.

Medical food product

Regular inclusion of this legume in food not only helps to obtain essential vitamins and microelements, but also helps with some diseases. Here are just a few beneficial features lentils:

  • at diabetes mellitus You should eat lentils at least 2 times a week, they help lower blood sugar levels;
  • lentil puree is beneficial for patients with stomach ulcers, duodenum and colitis;
  • the decoction is useful in the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis;
  • normalizes metabolism, the functioning of the genitourinary system and improves immunity;
  • effective for nervous disorders, cardiovascular diseases, promotes hematopoiesis.
  • isoflavones (not destroyed by heat treatment) contained in lentils are recommended for pregnant women, as they have a positive effect on fetal development.

One of the valuable qualities of lentils is its environmental cleanliness. This legume is simply unable to accumulate radionuclides, nitrates and toxic substances.

Today, lentils are an almost forgotten product, which exotic lovers and seekers of new things occasionally treat themselves to. taste sensations. However, this was not always the case...

Just some 150 years ago, lentils were the most important product on the table of most Russian people. Moreover, at that time Russia was No. 1 in the world in growing and exporting lentils. But we, thanks to total mechanization Agriculture, tried very hard and forgot about the centuries-old traditions of our people, after which they filled their diet first with potatoes, then with wheat, and then with Coca-Cola and Big Macs...

Or did they not forget, but wisely replaced it with more healthy and satisfying products? It’s unlikely... After all, before, not only Russian people loved lentils, but also Babylonians, Egyptians and even Greeks. Moreover, it was used not by some poor people or slaves, but by all segments of the population - right up to the most noble gentlemen and kings!

In general, we think it’s time to remember how healthy lentils are, what dishes can be prepared from them, and whether they’re worth eating at all.

Chemical composition

Benefits of lentils

Lentils - whole product, which humanity has not yet thought of cloning and modifying at the genetic level. There are also no harmful semi-finished lentil products yet. On top of that, lentils are simply not capable of accumulating radionuclides and nitrates. This means, from the point of view of naturalness, lentils are ideal.

Lentils are also useful because they contain a lot of vegetable protein, which helps you gain weight. muscle mass safe for the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

To be fair, we note that the protein in lentils does not contain all the amino acids, so in terms of providing the body with the entire set of amino acids, rely solely on this product it is forbidden. True, this does not bother vegetarians, vegans and even... And in general, not in vain, because lentils are not just a food product, but truly healing agent from the “bins” of nature.

Lentils can lower blood sugar levels (note to diabetics), saturate the blood with hemoglobin (due to the high iron content), and also prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. Even breast and colon cancer recedes, “noticing” lentils on the horizon. Of course, it is difficult or even impossible to cure oncology with lentils alone, but as an aid in treatment, this is an excellent option.

Wherein, greatest effect Those cooks who, instead of boiling or frying this “cereal”, take and sprout it, will benefit from eating lentils. The main thing, after this, is to thoroughly chew everything that you have grown...

Damage to lentils

Lentils, like any legume, cause gas. Especially if you mix lentil porridge or stew with some carbohydrates (cereals, bread) or meat. If you eat lentils without such additives, then gas formation will be moderate, or even barely noticeable.

But increased gas formation– this is not harm, but just an inconvenience. Lentils also have dangerous properties! These include the ability to put a lot of stress on the stomach and kidneys, which leads us to the conclusion that lentils are harmful for people with kidney problems, gout and joint diseases.

In addition, lentils contain almost one and a half times more calories than Rye bread. So count it ideal product Difficult for losing weight. Although, compared to any type of meat, lentils are clearly safer for your figure.

Types of Lentils

In our area there are at least 5 types of lentils:

  • Green (French) – the least ripe product, ideal for salads and meat dishes
  • Red (Egyptian)
  • Black (beluga)
  • Yellow is a green lentil that has been stripped of its shell.
  • Brown (pardina)

Note that green, red, brown and yellow are four “faces” of the same lentil. Just on various stages maturity. However, despite this, each type of lentil has its own characteristics, both in composition and culinary properties.

In addition, lentils vary in size and can be large (6-8 mm in diameter) and small (up to 5 mm in diameter).

Use in cooking

Nowadays, lentils are especially respected by German, Indian and Chinese chefs. However, in other countries, experienced chefs are happy to take on cooking lentil dishes. After all, the grains of this crop do not require pre-soaking, are very pliable and cook quickly.

Recently, you can often hear the name of such a plant as lentils. What it is? Previously, this question would have caused a grin. After all, this cereal from a legume variety was widespread back in the period Kievan Rus. Moreover, it formed the basis of most dishes.

History of appearance and use

Even during the Neolithic period, lentils were cultivated; people of different eras and on different continents knew what they were and what their benefits were. The exact place of origin of this culture is not known. In Asian countries, lentils are credited with a divine descent from the Himalayas. India and Bangladesh consider themselves the birthplace of the plant.

IN Ancient Egypt lentils were placed with the dead so that they would help overcome the long path to the afterlife. In Greece, this product was considered the food of the poor. The Romans believed that lentils would help calm their nerves. Also in many other countries, the plant was used as a medicine for various diseases. For the monks of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, lentils were the main one during long fasts.


Today, several varieties of lentils are known:

Composition and beneficial properties

Lentils take third place in the amount of protein among plants. What does this mean? This product can easily replace meat. In addition, the plant contains very little fat. Composition: proteins, carbohydrates, fats - 30%, 50%, 1.5%.

Lentils also contain large amounts of vitamin B1 and nicotinic acid, which is usually found in meat and is very important for healthy eating vegetarians. Sprouted beans also contain large amounts of vitamin C.

Another advantage of the plant is the presence of antioxidants, which are used for the prevention cardiovascular diseases, and also significantly reduce the risk of cancer.

Lentils, which contain only 310 kcal, are often used in various diets. It causes satiety and maintains it for a long time, thanks to low level fat does not add extra pounds.

One of the most environmentally friendly clean products is lentils. What does this mean for modern man, no need to explain for a long time. The plant does not accumulate radionuclides, nitrates and toxic substances. Therefore, even grown in polluted conditions, it remains relatively clean.

Secrets of proper cooking

Before you start cooking lentil dishes, you should sort them thoroughly. This must be done without fail, since during harvesting small black stones may get stuck among the beans. Depending on the type of lentils, you can soak them or not, but in any case it is advisable to rinse them well.

An important factor is selecting the correct amount of water. If you want to cook crumbly garnish, then the ideal proportion would be 1 kg of seeds to 2 liters. liquids. When making purees or when you just need the lentils cooked, you should add another 1 liter. water. Red varieties will require less liquid than brown-green varieties.

For proper preparation Lentils should be placed in boiling water; when boiling again, the heat should be set to minimum. The foam formed during cooking should be removed and the lid of the pan should not be closed until it completely disappears. For better preparation It is better to add salt to a lentil dish at the end.

Combination with other products

Lentils go well with stewed vegetables and fried onions. This product can be added to stews to thicken it or pureed separately. Thanks to a large number Protein lentils are often used as a side dish. It goes well with raw or fried vegetables, as well as herbs.

When cooking lentils, it is best to use Indian spices such as curry. Beans also go well with carrots. Its sweet taste complements the pungency of the seeds. The famous Indian soup combines red lentils, coconut milk, tomatoes, garam masala mixture and carrots.

You will get an interesting taste if you cook lentils not in water, but, for example, in mushroom or any other broth. And if you also pour on top olive oil, in which to grind a bunch of mint, the taste will be divine. As a dressing for lentils it goes well and tomato sauce, and just fried onions.

Lentils with mushrooms

There are a wide variety of lentil dishes that will be amazingly tasty and no less healthy. One of the most popular is lentils with mushrooms. First of all, you should select small pebbles and wash the seeds. Place a mixture of lentils and water in a saucepan, let it boil and reduce the heat. The beans should be cooked for 20 minutes. Five minutes before cooking, add salt. If there is any left excess liquid, then we just drain it.

Finely chop 2 cloves of garlic and 2 small onions. Chop 2 carrots on a coarse grater. 300 grams of champignons should first be washed and then cut into halves. On a heated frying pan with vegetable oil throw in the onion and garlic and fry lightly. Then add the grated carrots and stir continuously for 3 minutes. After adding the mushrooms, you need to fry all the ingredients for another 10 minutes.

Salt the dish. The next step is to add the lentils, simmer for another 5 minutes and pepper. Before serving, you can garnish with parsley and dill.


An amazing plant - lentils. The benefits and harms of this product depend on proper preparation and compliance with the norm of use. Lentils can both help fight certain diseases and provide nutrition for vegetarians the right set minerals and vitamins, or maybe just become delicious dish on your desk.