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Japanese capsule for quick sleep. The best model options. What is a sleep capsule

Daily stress, lack of rest, unfavorable environment and somatic pathologies greatly deplete the body, significantly reducing immunity. Quickly restore health and increase general tone the body will be helped by a sleep capsule, which is a new word in physiotherapy.

A session in an oxygen capsule lasts from 20 minutes

Unlike standard medical pressure chambers, which use pure oxygen, sleep capsules in Japan use an oxygen-air mixture, the inhalation of which is completely safe and does not require special control. These devices are already actively used by large corporations for short-term nap employees, significantly increasing their performance.

The importance of oxygen for humans

Oxygen therapy has long been used in medicine and represents a complete physiotherapeutic effect on the body. In addition to the almost instantaneous stimulating effect, sleep capsules in Japan with oxygen:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • normalize metabolism and help fight obesity;
  • quickly relieve stress and eliminate its consequences;
  • increase the body's defenses;
  • help to recover after surgical interventions and serious illnesses.

It is impossible to obtain a sufficient portion of oxygen in a modern metropolis. Level constantly Negative influence the city is impossible even with short trips to parks and forest belts.

What is an oxygen capsule?

The capsule for sleeping with oxygen is a “pencil case” in which there is a physiologically shaped couch. As a rule, there is a soundtrack for relaxation, several lighting options, and aromatherapy devices. The entire chamber is soundproofed, and the person inside is completely isolated from the outside world.

An oxygen capsule is a great opportunity to relax and gain strength

There are two versions of capsules: completely closed, open. In the second case, only the upper half is closed, leaving the legs free - they are raised to a physiological position on the couch, which additionally relieves fatigue and eliminates swelling. Japanese capsules for sleep are intended for short-term rest during the working day.

The oxygen capsule is an excellent remedy rejuvenation of the body. It's all about highly concentrated oxygen - it starts the renewal process at the cellular level, so the effect comes quickly and lasts a long time.

Benefits of oxygen capsules

There are many advantages of such devices for oxygen therapy:

  • extremely compact dimensions, allowing the device to be placed in any office;
  • full Fire safety, short circuit protection system;
  • minimum amount of consumables during operation;
  • proven effectiveness;
  • simple maintenance.

Indications for oxygen therapy

Health improvement in a pressure chamber will help improve sleep

Enriching our blood with oxygen is always important and has virtually no contraindications, and given that the sleep capsule bed is designed to stay in it for only 20 minutes, they are minimal. Therefore, a “capsule” vacation, even a short one, but regular, contributes to rapid recovery immunity, increased vitality, general rejuvenation. The main indications for using such a bed are:

  • instant restoration of performance throughout the day;
  • pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • hair loss;
  • sleep disorders;
  • persistent headaches;
  • sunburn;
  • psycho-emotional overload;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • immunosuppression;
  • recovery after severe surgery.

Such original idea came to the minds of scientists from Japan and other Asian countries, which is not surprising - local culture is inseparable from unique techniques meditation and relaxation. The Japanese prototype of such a bed appeared in the 20th century.

Life without drugs

Mobile oxygen chamber

Oxygen capsules for sleep are unique in that even their periodic use has a powerful healing effect on the body. Staying in a capsule is highly recommended for people engaged in mental work. The human brain is the first to suffer from a lack of oxygen, since it needs it several times more than other organs.

Low oxygen levels in the blood interfere with normal brain activity:

  • attention decreases;
  • it becomes more difficult to remember new information;
  • drowsiness and a feeling of fatigue appear;
  • the reaction rate decreases.

An oxygen session will instantly increase the oxygen content in the blood, while eliminating all these symptoms. Athletes also need an oxygen capsule no less - lactic acid that accumulates in the muscles during training dissolves much faster with additional oxygenation.

Additional capsule features

Depending on the specific model of the capsule, its healing effect can be further enhanced. Today on the market there are models with built-in aromatherapy devices. There are devices with music therapy systems. Recently, capsules with aeroionotherapy have appeared. She helps to cope with many colds, catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract. It is important that you can use such a capsule even in acute period diseases. There are capsules where you can activate the dry sauna mode. This relieves muscle pain, improves lymph flow, and opens pores. Of course, the cost of such models is higher.

Sberbank of Russia is purchasing special chairs so that call center employees can take a nap at work. The cost of one chair is 1.2 million rubles.

Sberbank of Russia wants to purchase a dozen special EnergyPoint chairs with surf noise in the United States so that employees of a call center in Omsk can take a nap at work. And in the future - to extend this practice to other departments. Sanctions and bad relationship with the West do not interfere with the aspirations of Russia's largest bank for innovation. The cost of one unit is $23 thousand, or 1.2 million rubles.

As the managing partner of EnergyPoint LLC said ( official distributor sleep capsules in Russia) Viktor Khodanov, currently the company has supplied four sleep capsules to the Omsk call center of Sberbank of Russia. “It was in February 2015,” Khodanov clarifies. - In the foreseeable future, if nothing changes, we will supply another 12 or 14 capsules, depending on the final configuration of the premises (at the moment, not all work has been completed in it). In Omsk, the bank is testing our equipment to understand whether it will use sleep capsules everywhere in its other call centers throughout Russia.”

Sleep capsules supplied by EnergyPoint LLC are already used in Russia by RIA Novosti, Google and some government agencies. “Before Sberbank, we worked with only one bank - in Kazakhstan - ATF Bank. But there the supply of capsules was not for mass personnel, but for top management,” explains Khodanov.

EnergyPod sleep capsules were purchased from Sberbank. The cost of one such capsule is about 23 thousand US dollars, but the final price depends on the configuration.

According to information received from the press service of Sberbank, more than 2.7 thousand employees work in several shifts at the Omsk site of a single distributed contact center, the largest in the Sberbank system. During a standard 12-hour working day, each of them receives at least one hundred customer requests.

“This is a high load, so it is important to create comfortable working conditions so that operators can fully relax and quickly recuperate during breaks,” noted the Sber press service. - When equipping zones for active rest and relaxation, the best foreign practices were used. The relaxation area contains massage chairs and sleep capsules. As the experience of global companies shows, a 20-minute nap during the day increases work efficiency by 30%. Creation comfortable conditions work is reflected in the efficiency of employees and customers according to the principle “satisfied operator - satisfied customer.”

Sleep technology

As indicated on the distributor's website, the EnergyPod sleep capsule is designed specifically for short rest at work during the day.

Firstly, the capsule reproduces special sounds that have a calming effect on the psyche (the sounds of a heartbeat, the breathing of a sleeping person, the sound of surf).

Secondly, with the help of the capsule, chromotherapy is carried out - a light program with a certain intensity and set of colors is perceived through the eyelids, promoting sleep and causing pleasant associations.

“The bending of the mattress evenly distributes the load on the musculoskeletal system, relaxing the lower back muscles. The S-shape is designed so that the legs are at heart level, reducing stress on the cardiovascular system. A semi-sitting position prevents the ability to fully stretch out, as on a bed, which prevents you from “falling” into deep dream, from which it is difficult to recover during the day. This fit prevents clothes from wrinkling, which is inevitable on a regular sofa,” the advantages of the capsule are listed on the distributor’s website.

The EnergyPod capsule uses the so-called i20 technology, which is a set of special sound and illumination programs designed for an ideal 20-minute sleep, during which recovery occurs physical strength and “rebooting” the brain.

“In fact, Sberbank surprised us very pleasantly; it broke the stereotypes of a government agency when it turned out that it was holding a tender for the purchase of sleep capsules,” says Viktor Khodanov. - In addition, it was nice to know that many disabled people work in the bank’s Omsk call center and a lot has been done for them as well. There are a lot of young people working in the call center and various innovative electronic things have been introduced. The management of the call center and the employees of the call center development department of Sberbank are ideological people who are interested in many things, try everything for themselves, delve into all the problems that arise, and it’s a pleasure to work with them.”

Others' opinions

The credit institutions surveyed indicated that they do not use sleep capsules and their purchase is not being considered in the foreseeable future. There is only one reason - the “return” from such a project is not clear, while it requires considerable costs.

“In our call center at each site there are rest rooms equipped with sofas and ottomans, where employees can relax and take a break from work on the line,” comments Maria Abramova, head of the telephone service department at Alfa-Bank. – The introduction of sleep capsules is very interesting solution, however, we do not use it in the call center and do not plan to do so yet. Employees’ work schedules do not include time to sleep.”

All Home Credit Bank contact centers have relaxation areas equipped with ottomans, armchairs, TVs, ping-pong tables, and there is also the opportunity to play board games.

According to Natalya Anikina, director of the remote sales department at HCF Bank, scientists claim that daytime sleep can be beneficial for the body and can increase a person’s performance. Although this type of holiday is not suitable for everyone. For example, it is not suitable for those whose daily routine is disrupted, as well as those who suffer from insomnia. Daytime sleep after 16 hours can completely negatively affect a person’s well-being, reducing his performance.

"Another controversial point is that sleep capsules are quite expensive, especially in the current economic conditions. Such significant costs must have a certain calculated economic effect, argues Anikina. - Will the cost of equipping a contact center with sleep capsules be able to pay for itself by increasing the performance of employees? Can this be measured? Thus, the solution, although original and likely to be welcomed by employees as something new and original, is very controversial from the point of view of increasing work efficiency.”

Tinkoff Bank HR Director Tatyana Kuznetsova notes that the credit institution studied the experience of several large companies that installed sleep capsules.

“Most of these capsules are a beautiful piece of furniture and are practically not used,” notes Kuznetsova. - In addition, the duration of the call center employee’s break is such that it is unlikely to be enough for good rest with awakening in the correct phase of sleep, when a person feels truly rested. With very short sleep breaks, the effect can be exactly the opposite. An employee would prefer to finish his shift on time and go home to rest, rather than prolong it at the expense of more long break to sleep. Moreover, if the shift ends late, our bank provides employees with a free taxi home.”

At Otkrytie Bank, in the relaxation room, call center employees have access to sofas, armchairs, TVs, table football and darts.

“The question of the practicality of introducing sleep capsules in the office depends on the size of the company and the operating modes that are adopted in it,” says Svetlana Pavlenko, head of the Otkritie Bank contact center. - From the point of view of the contact center, such a solution can be useful during night shifts in order to quickly restore strength, since staying awake at night is in itself unusual for a person. Works in the contact center during other shifts a large number of employees, and ensure everyone equal opportunities Using such a capsule is quite difficult. Such inequality can negatively affect the mood of the team.”

Otkritie Bank specifically asked its call center operators what they thought about sleep capsules. Opinions were divided.

Many employees became interested in the idea and expressed the opinion that the opportunity to relieve stress on the spine and keep oneself in good shape through new technologies is a good decision to improve performance.

“On night shifts, closer to 3-4 o’clock in the morning, you fall asleep and save yourself with a cup of coffee. If such a capsule allows you to quickly restore strength, it would greatly help in the work of night employees,” believes one of the bank operators.

But there are also those who are distrustful of progress.

“The capsule contains too much a short time for sleep. Wouldn't this have a negative impact on the body? - another operator of the Otkritie Bank contact center fears.

In addition, employees of one of the Russian companies that installed a sleep capsule said that they like the new product, but due to the level of workload at work, they have absolutely no time to use it. Considering the rather strict work schedule in call centers, will Sberbank operators have time to “master” their sleep capsules?

In order to improve performance, it happens that you just want to take a short break, take a nap for 10-15 minutes. But where can this be done, for example, in a regular office, where a dedicated workplace(table and chair) doesn’t allow you to sit comfortably, and won’t your boss pat you on the head for taking such liberties?

Designers solve this problem each in their own way, some come up with, and others come up with entire capsules for relaxation. In today's TOP we have collected the ten most interesting of them.

Ergonomic capsule el Zulo

Designer Frank Ehners is the author of this curious project. Even if a very small room in the office is reserved for rest, el Zulo will not clutter it up, since the person is located vertically inside the capsule and dozes in this position, as shown in the picture. This is quite convenient, at least, you can quickly jump up if you hear your boss approaching in your sleep.

Metronaps capsule

This capsule, apparently, was developed by order of the most caring bosses specifically for subordinates to take short sleep breaks during the working day. The cocoon-like sleeping place allows you to sit comfortably and place your legs a little higher than usual, which relieves fatigue and further relaxes you. The drop-down lid maintains privacy.

Lomme is the work of designer Günther Thöny for Thony Projekt. The egg-shaped shape of the berth is conducive to a serene rest after a stressful day. working day. This design project already applies to luxury home beds. Probably, in two years, such sleeping places will be available for purchase for your own house or apartment.

The Napshell sleep cocoon was designed by seven student designers to provide relaxation for people of varying shapes and sizes and will be equally comfortable for everyone. Visual and acoustic effects(the cocoon is equipped with an mp3 player, headphones and a microphone) make this place of rest stand out among others. Moreover, Napshell is equipped with a Dolby-Surround system, LED lighting, a ventilated mattress, an air conditioning system with oxygen enrichment function, and soundproof doors. Bed massage and a flat screen complement this already magical picture. The design can be used not only in offices, but also in in public places and even parks.

Ovei capsule

This ergonomic capsule you can “stuff” it with technical delights even more than the previous one - add a PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360. This is possible, of course, if there are enough Money. Only after this the sleep capsule will turn into a play capsule, where no one will distract you, except maybe your dog, for which there is also a small place here.

Bubble of Silence, “Bubble of Silence,” was designed so that at least somewhere in our busy and noisy world there would be a calm, cozy and quiet place where you can come, lie down and forget about all your worries. The design of the “Bubble” was taken from nature and repeats appearance shells, cocoons and bubbles and carries a symbol of protection.

Designer Alberto Frias has developed a luxury relaxation capsule for the home. The concept waterbed with music and lighting system will make you feel like you are at a spa resort.


A modern workstation, where everything is provided not only for work, but also for relaxation right there. A screen under the capsule roof, soundproof partitions and a cocoon-like shape to maintain “privacy”.

Armchair Paradise

A heavenly capsule for those who dream of just such a vacation - locking yourself in a capsule with your head, only with your legs sticking out.

And the last option that we present today is Nappak, an excellent solution for a cozy life. These air beds are suitable for all those people who want to have a cozy bed, the preparation of which would take a minimum of time, just as much time as it would take to make it. When folded, Nappak takes up minimal space; it is useful on hikes, as well as for accommodating guests staying over after a party for the night.

Viktor Khodanov and Alexey Vinokurov are in their early 20s. Three years ago, they, childhood friends, moved to Moscow from Bryansk, where they already had their own small business- help desk for goods and services. When choosing what to do, the partners decided to sell the opportunity to sleep in the middle of the day. Having agreed with the manufacturers of capsules in which you can hide from the world about the first delivery, they began searching for clients and faced the main problem - how to get a meeting with the manager large company, if he does not understand why he needs the product. Alexey Vinokurov told H&F how to solve this problem.

In the photo from left to right: Viktor Khodanov and Alexey Vinokurov


Product selection

When we were choosing what to do in Moscow, we wanted the business to be socially responsible. We thought about recycling waste and creating eco-friendly packaging, but we didn’t have enough resources to do it. own production. Therefore, we decided to start from the basic human needs - food and sleep.

Department of Health and social services At its annual congress a year ago, the United States declared the fight against fatigue in the workplace a priority, saying that the country's economy loses $136 billion annually because people are nodding off at work. We started from this indicator, studied the issue and decided to start selling sleep capsules in Russia, especially since this is already a popular and in-demand product in the world.

Distrust of experience on the part of the manufacturer

We have been working for six months now, and from the very first day we began to struggle with distrust in us. At first, the capsule manufacturers to whom we wrote letters were skeptical. We really don’t have a very impressive portfolio: we are young, we have never been involved in sales, we do not have an investor or equity capital. I decided that with visual contact I would be perceived better, made appointments and went on a tour - in Copenhagen I met with Christopher Lindholst, the developer of the EnergyPod capsule and owner of the MetroNaps company, in Stuttgart - with the creators of the Napshell capsule.

We are an exclusive distributor, not a dealer. We act according to the following scheme: received an order from a client, ordered a capsule from the manufacturer, bought it, resold it to the client.

In May-June we started trying to sell our capsules, and then it turned out that the main problem, which bothers us: no one understands why this is necessary. Managers and business owners are not going to give employees the opportunity to sleep for 20 minutes during the working day. We must focus on fairly large businesses; capsules cost from 800,000 rubles to 1.3 million rubles, so offering them to small or medium-sized businesses would be stupid. We engaged in so-called cold sales.

Not spam

Very quickly, literally within a month, it became clear: our letters with presentations, our brochures and our calls with proposals were sent to spam. We were perceived as people who wanted to sell expensive and unnecessary things. Then we began to act differently: we began to look for approaches.

You can find a lot of information from friends and online. We asked friends for advice: who to talk to in such and such a company, who is close to management and open to everything new, we looked for people on Facebook, LinkedIn, looked at their profiles, found out what they were interested in, and figured out how to approach them . Then they knocked on the door and sent information about us. This is how we work with Yandex (the contract has not yet been concluded), with the architectural bureau KS (capsules have been installed). When we were looking for an approach to a global Internet company with an office in Russia, we sent its representative a large selection of articles about how capsules had been standing in the offices of this company in other countries for a long time. This helped generate interest in us.

Confidence in the product helped me. I made two or three calls a day, but each call was preceded by powerful work - I had to find that person who would not hang up, but would listen and help me get higher.

From the first call the right person It usually takes three weeks before meeting with management. With the conclusion of a contract, everything is more complicated. We are still working on many calls that we made five months ago. The first meeting is often set up to get rid of it and refuse, but when you come with statistics, indicators, armed with a presentation, the attitude changes. They respond favorably to subsequent calls, do not refuse, transfer your case to the commercial service and find out the size of the discount and details of the work.

Change of tactics

Now we have a slightly different tactic. We are putting more effort into creating an information cloud around our project. We try to work with the media, with social networks, talk about the benefits of daytime sleep, and share research. They began to contact us more often after reading articles about sleepy capsules - so we installed two capsules in RIA Novosti and installed one in the Nordstar Tower business center. But, of course, the stage of cold sales, generally unpleasant, was necessary precisely so that they would know about us on the Russian market. If your capsule is several Russian companies, it is easier to convince competitors and partners of these companies of its necessity.

In 1979, the first capsule hotel opened in Japan - a place to rest at night for white-collar workers who were too late at work, who no longer needed to waste time on the long journey home. They spent it in compact capsules, where they read, watched TV or slept. The 21st century has improved the idea of ​​capsule sleep: in 2002, the US Department of Health and Human Services identified the fight against fatigue and stress at work as one of its social policy priorities. In the same year, the Metronaps company, which produces sleep capsules, was founded, and a year later the world's first energy sleep room with capsules from this company was equipped in the Empire State Building.

The difference between Japanese capsule hotels of the 80s and modern sleepy capsules is obvious: the idea of ​​​​working hard at the expense of free time has been replaced by concern for the well-being of employees and increasing their ability to work. In the mid-2000s, the first Metronaps sleep pods appeared at the headquarters of Google, Procter & Gamble and Virgin Atlantic, as well as at London and Vancouver international airports. Today at big cities Specialized “sleep spas” are opening, where people come for healthy portions of sleep lasting from 20 to 40 minutes.

The idea of ​​sleeping capsules itself is very simple. All you need for a healthy rest is a comfortable couch, complete sound insulation, lighting developed by neurophysiologists, headphones with soothing music and a timer. All this, according to experts, is quite enough to take a nap and wake up full of energy. According to University of Wisconsin neurophysiologist Vladislav Vyazovsky, the main thing is not to immerse yourself in deep phase sleep, and get enough sleep during the “rapid blinking of eyelashes” phase, when the brain has time to reboot and is capable of mastering new information.

In Russia, the history of sleepy capsules began thanks to the Energy Point company, which imports German Napshell capsules and American Energy Pods and equips them with the rest areas of the largest metropolitan offices. The owners plan to instill in Russian employees a culture of quick and effective rest while working, not only with the help of sleep capsules, but also thanks to special meditation beds, the idea of ​​which belongs to designer Alberto Frias. Judging by the speed at which the anti-stress trend is spreading, the world has every chance of turning into a real one in the near future. sleepy kingdom. In a good sense of the word, of course.