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Japanese sleep capsules. Capsules in offices. Benefits of oxygen capsules

In 1979, the first capsule hotel opened in Japan - a place to rest at night for white-collar workers who were too late at work, who no longer needed to waste time on the long journey home. They spent it in compact capsules, where they read, watched TV or slept. The 21st century has improved the idea of ​​capsule sleep: in 2002, the Ministry of Health and social services The United States has identified the fight against fatigue and stress at work as one of its social policy priorities. In the same year, the Metronaps company, which produces sleep capsules, was founded, and a year later the world's first energy sleep room with capsules from this company was equipped in the Empire State Building.

The difference between Japanese capsule hotels of the 80s and modern sleepy capsules is obvious: the idea of ​​​​working hard at the expense of free time has been replaced by concern for the well-being of employees and increasing their ability to work. In the mid-2000s, the first Metronaps sleep pods appeared at the headquarters of Google, Procter & Gamble and Virgin Atlantic, as well as at London and Vancouver international airports. Today at big cities Specialized “sleep spas” are opening, where people come for healthy portions of sleep lasting from 20 to 40 minutes.

The idea of ​​sleeping capsules itself is very simple. All you need for a healthy rest is a comfortable couch, complete sound insulation, lighting developed by neurophysiologists, headphones with soothing music and a timer. All this, according to experts, is quite enough to take a nap and wake up full of energy. According to University of Wisconsin neurophysiologist Vladislav Vyazovsky, the main thing is not to immerse yourself in deep phase sleep, and get enough sleep during the “rapid blinking of eyelashes” phase, when the brain has time to reboot and is capable of mastering new information.

In Russia, the history of sleepy capsules began thanks to the Energy Point company, which imports German Napshell capsules and American Energy Pods and equips them with the rest areas of the largest metropolitan offices. The owners plan to instill in Russian employees a culture of quick and effective rest while working, not only with the help of sleep capsules, but also thanks to special meditation beds, the idea of ​​which belongs to designer Alberto Frias. Judging by the speed at which the anti-stress trend is spreading, the world has every chance of turning into a real one in the near future. sleepy kingdom. In a good sense of the word, of course.

In 1979, the first capsule hotel opened in Japan - a place to rest at night for white-collar workers who were too late at work, who no longer needed to waste time on the long journey home. They spent it in compact capsules, where they read, watched TV or slept. The 21st century has improved the idea of ​​capsule sleep: in 2002, the US Department of Health and Human Services identified the fight against fatigue and stress at work as one of its social policy priorities. In the same year, the Metronaps company was founded, producing sleep capsules. A year later, the world's first room for sleeping at work was installed in the Empire State Building.

The difference between Japanese capsule hotels of the 80s and modern ones sleep capsules It is obvious: the idea of ​​working hard at the expense of free time has been replaced by concern for the well-being of employees and increasing their ability to work. In the mid-2000s, the first EnergyPod sleep pods appeared at the headquarters of Google, Procter & Gamble and Virgin Atlantic, as well as at London and Vancouver international airports. Today, specialized “sleep spas” are opening in big cities, where people come for healthy portions of sleep lasting from 20 to 40 minutes.

The idea itself sleep capsules very simple. All you need for a healthy rest is a comfortable couch, complete sound insulation, lighting developed by neurophysiologists, headphones with soothing music and a timer. All this, according to experts, is quite enough to take a nap and wake up full of energy. According to University of Wisconsin neurophysiologist Vladislav Vyazovsky, the main thing is not to plunge into a deep sleep phase, but to sleep during the “rapid blinking of eyelashes” phase, when the brain has time to reboot and is able to absorb new information.

In Russia history sleep capsules began thanks to the EnergyPoint company, which imports German capsules and American EnergyPod and equips them with recreation areas of the largest metropolitan offices. The owners plan to instill in Russian employers a culture of quick and effective rest while working with the help of sleep capsules.

Eleven in the morning. Alexey Vinokurov from the Energy Point company greets me with complaints about lack of sleep, apologizes and goes for a cup of strong tea. Giant painted owls peer down from the office walls. It seems that this is a kind of professional deformation: Energy Point sells sleep capsules.

These hybrids of a dental chair and a flying saucer are designed to take a little nap in the middle of a noisy open space and in similar places not intended for sleeping.

My partner and I both worked in large state-owned companies and noticed how often in the middle of the working day people need to clear their heads by taking a nap,” says Alexey. - If you look at the natural state of affairs, short nap is characteristic of everyone - both animals and small children, only “highly organized” adults are forced to give it up. Meanwhile, according to American somnologists, “quiet hour” increases labor productivity by about 30%.

The company sells four types of capsules different manufacturers. Two of them, intended for offices, can be touched right there. I plop down into the Energy Pod. Her distinctive feature- a sphere consisting of two wings that covers the upper half of the body and cuts you off from the outside world. There was no attack of claustrophobia: the inside is quite spacious and relatively light - the capsule itself is black, but it has soft lighting. Lying comfortably, despite the fact that the legs are raised to the level of the heart.

This design was made on purpose,” the voice of my interlocutor comes from behind the plastic wall. - This body position ensures optimal pressure distribution.

There is a remote control in the armrest, similar to those found on airplanes. With its help, you can change the lift and angle of the lounger, as well as turn down or turn up the sound. Hypnotic ambient music is delivered through headphones lying nearby. The standard program lasts 20 minutes, so you won’t be able to sleep through the entire working day. After the required time has passed, the capsule will automatically straighten the seat and turn up the music volume. A person should wake up precisely in the phase REM sleep, otherwise he feels exhausted when he wakes up. However, not everyone uses the capsule specifically for sleep. Some people close there to... work. Yes, privacy in an open space is technically difficult.

The second capsule, Napshell, is not as convenient, but more effective. It's essentially just a leather couch encased in a streamlined plastic casing. I lie and look at the ceiling, which glows softly different colors. I wonder if I could really doze off here in a matter of minutes, in the middle of a crowded office? Behind me is an ordinary car radio: you can choose any soundtrack for sleep in Napshell. White color The housings can also be painted according to your choice if desired. The capsule resembles a car for a reason: it was designed by Daimler engineers. Such capsules are bought mainly for presentation purposes: to impress guests coming to the office.

In Moscow, employees of several companies, mainly working in the IT and consulting sectors, can already use sleep capsules. True, employers who are ready to take such care of the comfort of their employees are mainly Western, admits Alexey Vinokurov. Domestic entrepreneurs, hearing the phrase “sleeping on the job,” most of them only raise their eyebrows in bewilderment.

In July, we decided to make a photo report about the offices of companies that care so much about own employees that they are even allowed to sleep in the office, because it is known that a short nap during the day promotes work. This, and the Japanese are good at such things. But imagine our surprise when a routine task turned into a real chase for capsules...

“I re-read the letter and saw that I didn’t have time to tell you anything about the case. Engineer Bruns really works at Azneft. Only he is not in the city of Baku now. He went on vacation to the city of Batum. His family has a permanent residence in Batum. I spoke with people here , and they say that Bruns really has all the furniture in Batum” (“12 chairs”, I. Ilf and E. Petrov).

So, the most famous capsule in Russia is, of course, in , about which there are even anecdotal complaints about unbearable working conditions, but the press service reported that the company is not interested in talking about the capsules, and they have no photographs (!). There was another capsule in the office, but in 2012 it was bought by TNK-BP, and the Rosneft press service never figured out where the capsule went during the mergers and acquisitions process. The sleep capsule was once in RIA Novosti, but after the liquidation of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise it also migrated in an unknown direction.

The capsule was also in the Cabinet Lounge co-working club - Big City even wrote about it (however, it turned out that it was placed there as an exhibition sample). Another capsule was in T+T Architects and their neighbors in K.S.Buro - there are also some of them there this moment No.

When we found out how much the capsules cost, we understood why they were disappearing - the cost of an EnergyPod capsule, for example, is 840,000 rubles. (discounts available). According to calculations by EnergyPoint, which is the exclusive distributor of EnergyPod capsules in Russia and the CIS, a sleep capsule can bring a business 1,080,000 rubles. in year. The average salary in Moscow is 55,000 rubles per month (Rosstat data) or 1,800 rubles. per day, and 20 minutes of sleep gives 20% to productivity, i.e. 360 rubles per day. For a company that employs 12 people, the additional income will be 4,320 rubles. per day or 1,080,000 rubles. per year (250 working days).

The Mind company, a leading Russian developer of solutions in the field of video communications, appeared in 2010. At the time, the company was a small but promising technology startup. The development of software for video conferencing, like the IT sector in general, requires a lot of labor. There was a lot of work then, the workload on employees was enormous - many had to work irregular hours and even at night. It was during that period that the company decided that employees needed to be given the opportunity to relax and unwind in the office during the working day. This is how the idea of ​​buying a sleep capsule and creating a full-fledged relaxation room was born.

The break room in the Mind office looks like a space observatory - the visitor is surrounded by the starry sky, planets and space shuttles. It also included two massage chairs and several “futuristic” egg-shaped chairs. In it, employees are immersed in complete silence - almost falling into a state of weightlessness.

However, everyone will agree that the most popular item in the room is the sleep capsule. You can completely relax in it and give rest to your mind and body. Many Mind employees use it on a regular basis, and for some, the sleep capsule has easily replaced their home bed. “One day, our financial director worked late and was so tired that he decided to lie down in the capsule for a while before leaving. As a result, he fell asleep there and slept all night. In the morning, one of the employees went into the rest room and, not expecting to see anyone there, got scared an incomprehensible movement in the capsule. As he came closer, he recognized financial director and informed him about the start of a new working day,” said Elena Andrianova, Marketing Director of Mind.

The company "Master Beaver" engaged in installation suspended ceilings and plastic windows, also pays great attention taking care of the rest schedule of employees and a comfortable environment in the office. The sleep capsule quickly gained popularity among colleagues, and there was no end to those who wanted to use it. All employees at Master Beaver have a creative approach to completing tasks. But sometimes during a busy period working day They notice how work becomes monotonous, and drowsiness occurs, concentration is lost, and work efficiency decreases. The need for sleep is especially acute after lunch, at which point the body completely relaxes and is not ready to start brainstorming again. The sleep capsule installed in the company's office came in handy. Each employee can use it and take a nap as soon as he feels that he needs to gain strength for further work. A half-hour nap during the working day puts a person in good shape, and he is ready to begin his duties again. Management is loyal to the fact that an employee allows himself a short nap during the day, as this increases his productivity for the rest of the day. Some even lock themselves in a capsule in order to work in a secluded space, because under the dome there is enough space to comfortably sit there with a laptop.

The Office Solutions company, which develops office furnishing concepts, installed the capsule 1.5 years ago. According to Marina Milto, head of the marketing department, the company views capsules not as a sleep tool, but as a tool for putting oneself in an alert state.

“If companies practice irregular working hours or the company has Western partners (for example, American ones, with whom there is a big difference in time zones), if the company does not have a clearly defined working day and many employees spend much more time in the office than the standard working day , or if the schedule is flexible, for such employees the question of how to cheer up is very relevant,” says Milto. “Coffee, for example, does not always work.”

There is no sleep in the capsule, it is more like a half-sleep, half-asleep mode, Milto explains, it is programmed for a maximum of half an hour. "The thinking process also slows down, a person does not fall asleep, this helps to quickly recover. If you realize that you are passing out - for example, you are constantly working overtime, you have a very intense workload, a lot of project work. In our company, for example, many employees have project work“When the schedule becomes more intense, during such a period you can give yourself half an hour of rest,” notes the site’s interlocutor.

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This idea is somewhat similar to the previous one. When the West (or East) offers us something new - convenient and expensive - we do not have to copy its “expensive” component. You can just take a “convenient” one and make it inexpensive.

For example, in both the West and the East, large enterprises and airports often have so-called sleep capsules, where a tired employee can rest in complete peace. And that’s right - he’s still not an employee in the near future.

These capsules look modern, have good sound insulation and, perhaps, even have some kind of automation. But they are also very expensive. For example, one of our companies, Arch Group, sells (including to the West) its Sleepbox sleeping capsules at a price of 12,000 euros:

Why am I again talking about a Russian and not a Western company? Because most Western companies do not list the prices of their capsules on their websites. So is Sleepbox. But I learned its price from an interview with the owner of the first capsule hotel in Moscow, Leonid Chernikov, published on the page goo.gl/Sc8Ez3 (he bought capsules for his hotel from Arch Group, the creators of Sleepbox):

Of course, it’s more profitable to sell expensive capsules (it’s like selling apartments next to furniture).

But people want to sleep not only in rich enterprises. What should they do?

Well done Belarusians - they were the first to come up with the idea of ​​​​making the same sleepboxes, but simpler and cheaper - in the form of a wardrobe with a bed inside (read Belarusian sleep capsules for more details):

But I still don’t understand whether the Belarusians took over Sleepbox’s trademark, or whether Sleepbox made a special cheap model of its famous capsule for Belarusians.

But obviously such a sleeping place cost the manufacturer not thousands of euros, but just pennies.

Such a new cabinet can be bought for 5,000 Russian rubles (and on Avito for 2,000 rubles).

Moscow entrepreneur Pavel Melnikov followed the path of the Belarusians and also came up with his own sleeping capsule, calling it “Dremnaya”:

It is made of plywood and moves on wheels (convenient):

The design is very simple:

What price do you think Pavel is selling it for?

Of course, not for 12 thousand euros. But not for 20 thousand rubles (as one might initially think).

Back in September, he sold it for 150 thousand rubles, as indicated in one of the interviews dated 09.28.16 (goo.gl/i1z82m). "Egg" about which we're talking about in the quote, these are expensive egg-shaped sleep capsules:

And precisely because our large employers should not buy sleeping places for one and a half million rubles, they buy from Russian entrepreneur simpler capsules for 150 thousand rubles:

But on the project website itself - dreamnaya.ru - the price is already 190 thousand rubles (not even a month has passed):

Apparently, they buy it well (and when there is no fish, there is fish).

Can you imagine the margin on this capsule if there are no other cheaper offers on the market?

By the way, capsules from Pavel Melnikov are bought not only large enterprises, but also coworking spaces. They can be placed at a train station, at an airport (if you agree with management), in libraries (libraries today don’t know how else to lure visitors), in clinics, in institutions with long queues.

Pavel says that by the end of this year his capsules will begin to appear in in public places, and then they will be connected into one network. So any tired Muscovite or guest of the capital can use a special application to find the capsule closest to them and sleep in it (I don’t know yet whether the owners of the capsules will make money from this, like the owners of city showers, but the likelihood of this is high - it’s not for nothing that they will let bring people from the street to sleep with you).

So, sleeping capsules in our society are already quite popular (thanks to the West and the East). Our people also want to sleep in their workplace, just like their brothers from developed countries. And there are only a few offers: pro-Western capsules priced at 12 thousand euros, or Moscow dormant capsules priced at 190 thousand rubles.

There is actually an alternative; the same Englishmen from podtime.co.uk can offer you sleeping capsules at prices ranging from 1395 to 2495 pounds - that’s from 107 thousand to 192 thousand rubles:

On alibaba.com you can find similar capsules at prices ranging from 840 to 2300 dollars (from 52 thousand to 145 thousand rubles):

However, on alibaba.com they are sold (mostly) only in bulk.

So, now is your exit!

You can make the same (like Muscovite Pavel Melnikov) wooden sleeping boxes, but much cheaper (after all, in fact, their cost is clearly lower than even 50 thousand rubles).

And let Pavel get promoted in Moscow and large enterprises will buy only from him. All smaller enterprises are yours (and there are more of them).

In addition, you can sell the same cheap sleeping capsules in the regions - you will be the first there, and your local elite will consider it an honor to buy them from you at an inflated price.

You can make money not only by selling capsules, but also by placing advertisements on their walls. After all, no one will calmly pass by such a curiosity - they will definitely take a closer look, take a photo and post it on the Internet (for starters, you can place your advertising there).

And when Pavel Melnikov creates an all-Russian network of sleeping capsules, you will be able to join it in the same way and earn money not only by selling them, but also by renting them by the hour.