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What to do if you feel dizzy. Causes and treatment. Causes of dizziness: what to do if you feel dizzy

When a person periodically experiences dizziness, which is accompanied by nausea, we can conclude that there are problems with the vestibular system. But this is not always the cause of this condition; quite often such symptoms can be provoked by quite serious diseases that will require more than one month of treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a correct diagnosis, based on tests and research results. There is no point in delaying going to the hospital, but if for some reason a person cannot get to a medical facility, you need to know what to do if you feel dizzy and nauseous.

Causes of dizziness with nausea

There are quite a few known diseases that are accompanied by similar unpleasant symptoms. It could be:

  • Osteochondrosis – with this disease there is a circulatory disorder. Brain cells lack oxygen, which manifests itself in such unpleasant symptoms.
  • Oncological diseases - brain tumors lead to gradual compression of the center of balance, which is accompanied by dizziness and nausea.
  • Patients with epilepsy also often suffer from such conditions.
  • If your head hurts periodically and is accompanied by nausea, you can talk about a migraine.
  • When vomiting is accompanied by fever, headache, diarrhea and weakness, this indicates acute intoxication body. This may be the result of eating poor quality food or contact with poisonous plants.
  • Nausea and dizziness in women of childbearing age, which are accompanied by atypical drowsiness, may be the first signs of pregnancy, while the morning body temperature is always above 37 degrees, due to a gradual increase in hormone levels.
  • Diarrhea with nausea and headache can be side effects from treatment with certain medications.
  • Diabetes mellitus - this condition can occur when the level of glucose in the blood is very low.

Other pathologies that provoke the development of vertigo include ear injuries, neuritis and encephalitis. These diseases can cause high fever.

Dizziness, nausea and darkening of the eyes often occur in people who suffer from hypotension with a sudden change in body position.

How to normalize the condition at home

Sometimes it is difficult to find out the reason why such a condition arose. But if a person knows about chronic disease that occurs with such symptoms, you can slightly normalize your state of health at home before going to the hospital.

If nausea and vomiting are accompanied by dizziness and diarrhea, then this is a sure sign of intoxication of the body.
In this case, you can rinse the stomach and intestines, and then take any sorbent preparations. If you rise heat, it is permissible to take one dose of paracetamol, after which you still need to consult a doctor.

The number one task in any poisoning is to prevent dehydration. To do this, the patient is often given water, compote or rice water in small portions.

Help with hypotension

When a person suffering from low blood pressure becomes dizzy and nauseous, it is necessary not to make sudden movements. When getting out of bed, first lower your legs to the floor, then make several movements with your arms, and only then carefully stand up. Such actions are usually enough to prevent unpleasant attacks.

Help with diabetes

If there is an attack of glycemia due to a sharp decrease in blood glucose levels, then the first thing you need to do is increase this indicator. To do this, you can eat a small piece of candy, drink a glass of juice, or eat a piece of regular bread. When this condition occurs too often, you need to see an endocrinologist to find out the cause.

Help with osteochondrosis

With this disease, cerebral circulation is impaired, as a result of which the delivery of oxygen to brain cells is impaired. As first aid, it is recommended to ventilate the room and a short walk on fresh air. If your health allows, you can do some light physical exercise.

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61 years old

Help with migraines

If nausea and dizziness are accompanied by a local headache, then it is most likely a migraine. A neurologist should treat this disease, but not all people immediately run to the hospital with such a problem. To reduce discomfort you can take hot shower, drink hot tea and lie down with eyes closed in a dark room. Sometimes this is enough to relieve an attack. If the pain is completely unbearable, you can take painkillers.

Very often, a migraine attack is significantly weakened or goes away after an attack of vomiting.

Help during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women often experience nausea and dizziness, especially during early stages. This is due to the restructuring of the entire body and a gradual increase in the level of hormones in the blood. You can stabilize your condition by eating small portions and very often. First light breakfast It is advisable to eat while still in bed.

A pregnant woman must be protected from harsh and unpleasant odors, both natural and artificial origin. The atmosphere in the house should be calm and friendly.

You can relieve attacks of toxicosis with the help of a lemon slice, which is dissolved along with the peel, or a cup mint tea. At the pharmacy you can find mint tablets that will relieve nausea.

Help for other diseases

If a person has epilepsy or has had a head injury, then you should not self-medicate at home, just as you should not waste time by delaying going to the hospital. This approach can significantly worsen your health and prolong recovery for many months.

You should not delay the examination if you have severe headaches that are accompanied by nausea. This could be a sign tumor process and only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, based on a series of examinations, which necessarily include tomography.

If dizziness and nausea are side effects from treatment with certain medications, then first of all the medications are canceled, and then they consult a doctor for treatment adjustments. Most often, it is enough to simply change the medicine and the patient’s condition quickly returns to normal.

What to do if you suddenly feel dizzy

There are situations when a person suddenly stood up or turned around, and everything swam before his eyes. This may result in loss of coordination or fainting. To protect yourself from injury, you need to know what to do in this case. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. You need to sit or lie down comfortably and concentrate on a large, stationary object.
  2. Under top part Place pillows on your torso so that it rises relative to your legs by about 30 degrees. In this case, the head and shoulders should be in the same plane.
  3. Open the window or doors so that the room is well ventilated, the flow of fresh air improves blood circulation and the unpleasant attack is stopped.
  4. A cotton napkin soaked in cold water is placed on the forehead.
  5. Measure arterial pressure, if the readings are high, take medicine to lower blood pressure, you can take papazole. If your blood pressure is low, you can drink hot tea, eat a piece of chocolate, or take a hot shower.

In case of attacks of hypotension, tincture of Eleutherococcus helps well. It is enough to drink 10-20 drops and the condition will return to normal after a few minutes.

Dizziness and nausea from the sun

IN summer period Nausea and dizziness may result long stay in the sun or in a hot room. To prevent deterioration in health, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Go outside in sunny weather only in a cotton hat.
  • Provide good drinking regime both adults and children.
  • In the summer, do not wear constrictive ties, belts and other attributes that can put pressure on blood vessels.

At any time of the year you need to take it often cold and hot shower, this procedure improves blood supply to organs and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Help with motion sickness

When traveling long distances by any type of transport, not only children, but also adults often get motion sickness. This indicates a weak vestibular apparatus. This phenomenon does not require specific treatment and goes away on its own as soon as external irritants are removed.

People who suffer seasickness, already know how to improve their condition and cope with a long trip. The following methods are used:

  • A person in transport lies down and rides in a lying or semi-lying state.
  • Always sucks on citrus or mint caramels.
  • There is a slice of lemon behind the cheek.
  • Apply medications, it is better to choose these medications together with your doctor; some have a number of contraindications.
  • Validol tablets help well, but you need to remember that you cannot dissolve more than 6 tablets per day.

If the vestibular apparatus is weak, it must be gradually trained. For this purpose, cycling, rollerblading, swinging or jumping on a trampoline are suitable. All these actions will not only provide great entertainment and lift your spirits, but will also help you cope with nausea in transport.

Date: 2015-06-12

Hello site readers.

I am sure that every person at least once experienced such a feeling when everything around seemed to be moving. You sit on the couch and look at one point, and it feels as if this point is rotating. This is dizziness. And in this article we will look at what to do if you feel dizzy.

If you feel dizzy, there is no reason to panic yet. As I said above, almost everyone has encountered this problem. Therefore, calm down and relax. Sometimes you don't have to do anything to make the dizziness go away. That is, just rest from a few minutes to several hours and everything will go away on its own. It's a completely different matter when your head is constantly spinning. What to do if you feel dizzy all the time, I will write below. For now, just sit or lie down on the sofa and relax. You can take a nap.

Under no circumstances should you move a lot when you feel dizzy. During periods of dizziness, be sure to stay at home. If you urgently need to go somewhere, it is better to cancel everything, explaining your unhealthy condition. Going outside the house with severe dizziness is very dangerous. It's like you're drunk. If you drive, you may cause an accident. When you are dizzy, it is even difficult to cross the road. Therefore, I once again recommend that you cancel all your affairs.

If you took a nap and the dizziness went away, then this is very good. If it continues, and constantly, then there are good reasons for this. Now we will try to analyze the main causes of dizziness.

Causes and types of dizziness

There are several types of dizziness. Now we will list them all and analyze them.

Psychogenic dizziness: usually occurs after strong emotional experiences or due to extreme fatigue. At this moment, a person experiences a vague feeling of instability, confusion in the head, and lethargy. Pathological condition, due to which dizziness occurs, some mental syndromes such as hysteria, depersonalization, anxiety with panic attacks.

Dizziness when brain disorders most often occurs due to pathologies of the cerebellum. This may be a tumor or displacement of the cerebellum due to hydrocephalus, as well as trauma to the skull or cervical spine or vascular disorders brain Severe dizziness usually indicates a cerebellar infarction. This happens due to hemorrhage in the cerebellum when the patient is awake, that is, conscious.

Defect of vegetative nuclei, which are located under the cerebral hemispheres, is another serious cause of dizziness in brain disorders. This may be the result of inflammatory or vascular lesions or in case of poisoning chemicals or medications. TO similar drugs include barbiturates and anticonvulsants, which cause drowsiness and confusion in the head. Excessive intake of streptomycin leads to irreversible brain damage.

Dizziness of ocular nature found in healthy people as a result of unusual visual stimulation(for example, sudden movements of objects or at heights). Pathology may be the cause eye muscles is a paralysis that leads to disruption of the projection of objects onto the retina and the “composition” of an incorrect picture in the brain.

Occurs due to damage different structures. These include the vestibular apparatus, nerves and blood vessels or Eustachian tube(connecting the ear cavity with the nasal cavity).

There are quite a few reasons for dizziness. They can be serious or frivolous. TO serious reasons may include brain diseases, damage inner ear or vestibular apparatus. For such reasons, this dizziness is called central vertigo.

The cause of dizziness can be determined by many symptoms. For example, if at the moment of dizziness a person feels tinnitus, nausea, and hearing loss, then this indicates the presence of Meniere's syndrome.

In cases where everything is fine with hearing, this indicates the presence of vestibular neuritis. Neuritis is manifested by severe dizziness, periodic vomiting, when trying to get out of bed, the feeling of rotation intensifies, as well as when rotating the head.

In cases of severe unilateral deafness, tinnitus and nausea, a perilymphatic fistula is found in most patients. In other cases, the fistula may be in varying degrees expressed by dizziness and hearing impairment (noises, ringing in the ears). In cases of unilateral hearing loss and dizziness, the presence of a tumor in the brain should be checked. This type of dizziness occurs gradually and is mainly accompanied by a slowly intensifying headache that increases with specific body positions.

If dizziness occurs constantly, then you should definitely consult a doctor. The most important thing is not to start the process. The longer you wait for everything to go away on its own, the worse it will be later. Therefore, contact a specialist immediately. Ask someone close to you to take you to the center, since trying to get to the clinic on your own can threaten your health and even life.

TO frivolous reasons dizziness may include common poisoning, hangover, pressure drop, chronic lack of sleep, overwork. In such cases, you just need time to restore your body.

I wish you good health. Ask any questions below in the comments. Good luck to you everywhere and in everything.

What to do if you feel dizzy, causes of dizziness, types of dizziness


Dizziness can unsettle a person for a long time, depriving him of the ability to go about his business. To figure out what to do for dizziness at home, you need to understand what caused this symptom.

What to do at home: self-help

If you suddenly feel dizzy, you should never panic. Excitement and dizziness can cause loss of balance or fainting. When you feel the first signs of dizziness, you should:

  • Take a lying/sitting position and concentrate your gaze on a stationary object.
  • Place high pillows under your shoulders and head so that they are raised above the bed level by about 30 degrees. Make sure that your head is in the same plane as your shoulders.
  • Provide a flow of fresh air into the room. This will help increase the supply of oxygen to brain cells and significantly improve your well-being.
  • Place a cold bandage, lightly soaked in vinegar, on your forehead.
  • Measure blood pressure. In case of a serious increase, put a Corinfar or Normodipine tablet under the tongue. If you have high blood pressure, you can use another method - make a hot foot bath, drink a solution of magnesium sulfate (10 g in half a glass of warm water) and put mustard plaster on the back of your head.

To protect yourself from severe dizziness, you must follow several rules:

  • When in the sun, wear sunglasses and a headdress.
  • During the hot season, carry a container of drinking water with you.
  • Do not tie ties, scarves and other accessories too tightly. This can cause compression of the vessels passing through the neck.

And finally, you need to accustom yourself to regularly take a regular or contrast shower. This habit normalizes blood flow and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Balanced diet, walks in the fresh air, giving up smoking and alcohol, playing sports - all this will have a beneficial effect on your well-being and help get rid of dizziness.

If dizziness is caused by a weak vestibular apparatus, then this organ must be regularly trained. To begin with, it is recommended to perform head rotations - 10 rotations in each direction. When after such rotations your head stops spinning, you can start spinning on the spot.

If dizziness is systematic, you need to find out what causes it. To protect yourself from sudden fainting, it is advisable to always carry a bottle of ammonia with you.


Helps stop dizziness acupressure. The essence of this procedure is the impact of the fingers (you can make circular movements) on the following points:

  • between the eyebrows;
  • at the base of the nose (above the upper lip);
  • on the posterior and lower edges of the earlobes;
  • in the back of the head;
  • above the ears;
  • in the area of ​​the tragus (cartilaginous protrusion in the front of the auricle).

The procedure should last about 4 minutes.

It is advisable to perform such a massage if dizziness is caused by motion sickness, long stay exposure to the sun and other reasons not related to serious illnesses.

Herbs and folk recipes

Herbal treatments for dizziness have been approved by medical practitioners.

Usage herbal infusions allows you to quickly and carefully relieve symptoms without resorting to help official medicine: IVs, tablets and injections.

The following herbs and herbal infusions will help get rid of dizziness:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. fresh/dry crushed lemon balm with a glass of boiling water. If you feel dizzy, drink the drink like tea.
  2. Pour 1 tsp. clover inflorescences in a glass hot water. Boil the infusion for 5 minutes, then remove it from the heat and strain. Drink the decoction daily, 1 tbsp. 5 times a day.
  3. Pour a liter of boiling water over 4 tbsp. hawthorn. After 15 minutes, strain the infusion. Drink three times a day as tea.
  4. Take parsley seed powder in the amount of 1 tsp. Infuse the powder for 8 hours in a glass of water (room temperature). Take ¼ cup four times a day.
  5. Drink tea from mistletoe branches.
  6. Brew 1 tbsp in a glass of boiling water. dry basil Drink like tea.

In parallel with the use herbal infusions You can use folk remedies to relieve dizziness.

Official medicine has nothing against folk recipes combating dizziness.

Indeed: methods such as compresses, tea, warm baths and aromatherapy can quickly and effectively relieve the symptoms of dizziness.

However, if a person has serious illnesses, doctors recommend using folk remedies in combination with medications prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies for dizziness:

  1. Grind the hawthorn berries and brew them with 300 ml of boiling water. Drink half an hour before meals three times a day.
  2. Pour 300 g of garlic into 0.5 l of alcohol. Leave for 2 weeks. Add 20 drops to 100 ml of milk. Drink the drink once a day.
  3. In 100 ml vegetable oil(any) add 10 ml of eucalyptus essential oil and 30 ml of essential pine oil (pine or fir). Mix and store in a dark place in a tightly closed container. If you feel dizzy, rub 1 drop of the mixture into your temples.
  4. Take peony root, mint leaves and linden blossom (100 g of each component). Pour the mixture in the amount of 2 tbsp. 2 cups boiling water, leave in a thermos overnight. Strain the infusion in the morning and drink it. Continue the course until the mixture is finished.
  5. If dizziness is caused by low blood pressure, strong black tea will help, as well as tinctures of pantocrine, eleutherococcus, leuzea, ginseng, Chinese lemongrass or tansy. Also, in such cases, it will not be superfluous to massage the collar area of ​​the neck using essential oils rosemary, sage, black pepper, thyme (1 drop of essential oil per 10 ml of olive oil).

The use of folk recipes in the fight against dizziness is possible if a person has no contraindications to taking herbs or other folk remedies. When planning to combine medication with traditional medicine, you need to make sure that the selected recipes are compatible with specific medications.

If you sometimes experience sudden dizziness, you need to know what to do in this case. - consider simple and effective methods getting rid of the symptom.

Read about the causes of dizziness in men. What do the accompanying symptoms indicate?

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine often causes discomfort, and dizziness may appear over time. This symptom relieved with tablets. In this topic, we will consider which medications are effective for vertigo caused by osteochondrosis.


The choice of medication for dizziness depends on what exactly caused the symptom.

If the examination reveals that dizziness is caused by arterial hypertension, active diuretics, as well as adrenaline and cholesterol blockers are used for treatment.

If rheological processes are detected in the blood, medications are prescribed based on acetylsalicylic acid and other antiplatelet agents. For example, Tiklid, Betaserc and other similar drugs help in this case quite well.

If the cause of dizziness is motion sickness, to maintain normal functioning for the vestibular apparatus, medications such as Reclanium, Seduxen, Flunarizine and Dramina can be prescribed.

Preventative measures will help reduce attacks of dizziness to a minimum, and contacting a doctor will help identify the cause of the symptom and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Disorientation in space, when objects float before your eyes and the ground disappears from under your feet - every person has experienced this condition at least once. What to do if your head is spinning? We will consider treatments on our website.

Read the material about which anti-dizziness pills older people are allowed to take.

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Every person periodically experiences dizziness, which, although not a disease, is a symptom of some other disease. There are a great many reasons for this illness, from fairly “safe” ones, in which the symptoms are rare, episodic, to very serious ones, in which one is constantly dizzy. The regularity of symptoms almost always indicates possible problems with health.

Reasons that are not threatening to the body, but lead to dizziness:

  • Speaking in public, such as during a concert or presentation
  • State of love or joy
  • Mild stress (meeting, call on the carpet to the boss)
  • Seasickness, which can occur not only on a ship, but also in a car, airplane, or on a roller coaster
  • Watching some movies and cartoons with bright frames and shaky camera.
  • Fitness and yoga, where there are exercises for the neck muscles.
  • Lack of vitamins and nutrients(diet, lack of time for breakfast and lunch)

Most of these situations arise due to the release of the extreme situation hormone - adrenaline - into the blood, leading to contraction of the smooth muscles of the brain vessels, which, as a result, does not receive enough oxygen. This leads to dizziness, which is unsystematic in nature.

Dangerous reasons

A situation where you often feel dizzy is most likely an indication of some serious illness. In this case, the intensity of dizziness attacks can be either constant or increase over time.

Diseases of the vestibular apparatus

Diseases of the vestibular apparatus lead to the most pronounced dizziness, which even has a separate name “vertigo” (Latin for dizziness). The causes are diseases of the middle ear, as a result of which the patient experiences a state of loss of balance, a sensation of objects rotating around him or himself around objects. Other symptoms include vomiting, nausea, and cold sweats.

Meniere's disease is one of the most interesting reasons why you may feel dizzy often. It occurs due to an increase in fluid in the inner ear or as a result of a change in its composition. The patient begins to experience selective deafness in certain sound ranges. A person understands quiet speech perfectly, but may not understand loud speech. In addition, the patient begins to hear an “internal” noise or whistle.

Perilymphatic fistula is a disease that leads to unilateral, and at the same time, sudden onset of dizziness and deafness. It is the result of damage to the septum separating the middle and inner ear. Accompanied by loss of coordination. Symptoms tend to get worse when you cough or sneeze. If dizziness begins to intensify gradually, it can be caused by very dangerous disease - .

Damage to individual parts of the vestibular apparatus can lead to so-called benign positional vertigo, which occurs only in certain positions of the head and lasts about several minutes.

Simultaneously with headache

  • Migraine is a disease that leads to attacks of very severe unilateral headache, accompanied by big amount side effects, including dizziness. The head may begin to feel dizzy not only after the onset of the attack, but also before it, during a specific condition called. The onset of an aura is accompanied by symptoms such as fear of light and sound, “spots” and dots before the eyes, nausea, weakness, and irritability.
  • The head may begin to spin as a result of poisoning with alcohol, food, toxic substances. As a result, the person experiences general weakness, nausea, discomfort and pain in the stomach, chills and fever, upset stool.
  • Traumatic brain injury (which in 90% results in a concussion, and in 10% in brain contusion) leads to nausea, loss of spatial orientation, loss of coordination and dizziness.
  • Violation cerebral circulation(stroke) can cause fainting, temporary loss of vision, general weakness, loss of coordination, as well as an aggravated reaction to stimuli (sharp sounds, bright colors). Requires immediate specialist assistance.
  • Osteochondrosis. Degenerative changes V cervical spine spine lead to chronic dizziness, which worsens when bending and rotating the neck, as well as when moving the whole body, and tends to progress over time.

For psychological and nervous disorders

Often dizziness begins against a background of neuroses, a series of stresses, depressed psychological state, and can last for several months. Define psychogenic cause quite simply - it is accompanied by an exacerbation of fears, increased anxiety, various experiences, and obsessions.

Due to medications

Taking certain medications can cause you to feel dizzy every day. These primarily include allergy medications, as well as cold (anti-inflammatory) medications. Sleeping pills lead to general relaxation and calming of the body, which can also lead to dizziness

A similar effect is caused specific drugs to combat seizures, Parkinson's disease, antidepressants. As a rule, the attending physician warns the patient in advance about their consequences.

Safety regulations

Dizziness itself is dangerous with the risk of fainting, so when it just starts, try to sit down or lie down, as a last resort, grab the wall, trying to avoid sudden movements. You can focus your gaze on some stationary object - this will help restore a little sense of yourself in space.

If a situation arises where you often feel dizzy, the reasons are usually very serious, so do not delay in seeing a doctor. Conscientiously follow his instructions, take medications, do not forget about prevention, and then the illness will noticeably recede or disappear completely.

Dizziness - This is a phenomenon that is periodically observed in many people.

Dizziness in the head sometimes occurs in certain situations under the influence of a number of factors. However, this symptom may also indicate a very serious illnesses

How does dizziness manifest?

Dizziness sometimes occurs along with other symptoms. Very often, a person suffering from this phenomenon experiences dizziness and pressure, weakness and dizziness. Sometimes the patient complains that his vision is darkening and his head is dizzy. Vomiting and nausea may occur, increased sweating. Attacks of dizziness, depending on the cause of this phenomenon, can last for several minutes or many hours in a row. At the same time, a person feels insecure in space. It seems to him that the surrounding objects are rotating, or there is a feeling that the body is rotating in relation to the objects that are around. There may be a feeling that the ground is disappearing from under your feet and your balance is being lost.

It is important to take into account the fact that the patient himself may call other sensations dizziness. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an accurate diagnosis and determine the nature of the patient’s complaints.

Very often, dizziness is considered a condition when a person’s vision becomes dark when moving suddenly or when standing up. In medicine this symptom is called orthostatic collapse .

The so-called true dizziness called vertigo . In this state, the patient feels the rotation of the entire world around him, or feels his own rotation in relation to space. This feeling is very similar to the symptoms that appear in a person after a long ride on a carousel. This symptom, especially often repeated, indicates serious problems in the human body.

The coordination of the human body in space is determined by vestibular apparatus . Coordination is determined by reflexes of the skin and muscles, eyes, and the main control of all actions is determined by the human brain. Throughout the body there are receptor systems that control body position. That is why it is often combined severe dizziness and nausea. In some diseases, along with dizziness, diarrhea, chills, weakness, elevated temperature, stomach ache. Dizziness, nausea and blood pressure are often combined.

Experts, when determining why dizziness and nausea, consider central And peripheral dizziness . At central vertigo this state occurs in connection with brain diseases. Peripheral dizziness - the result of damage to the vestibular or nerve of the peripheral parts of the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear. In any case, the condition can be very dangerous to human health. Therefore, if you feel dizzy and nauseous throughout the day or in the morning, a person should immediately consult a doctor.

Especially dangerous condition for the body is constant dizziness . If you feel dizzy almost constantly for several days or a week, then such a symptom should not be ignored under any circumstances. After all, an independent search for an answer to the question of why you are constantly dizzy and shaky can ultimately provoke serious complications.

Why does dizziness occur?

The causes of dizziness in men, like the causes of dizziness in women, can be associated with many factors. If the symptoms of dizziness appear only from time to time, under certain circumstances, then in this case there may be no talk of illness. For example, women sometimes experience mild dizziness before menstruation. Those who smoke periodically note that dizziness appears directly when you smoke.

However, persistent severe dizziness and accompanying symptoms, e.g. noise in ears , already indicates the onset of serious diseases of a neurological and mental nature. The exact reasons why you often feel dizzy can only be known after a thorough diagnosis.

Headache and dizziness may bother a patient who develops inflammation of the inner ear. At the same time, a person not only feels dizzy and has a headache, but also hearing loss and discharge from the ear. Due to this reason, there are frequent dizziness and headaches in adolescents, children, as inflammatory process most often associated with hypothermia.

Dizziness may be a symptom vestibular neuritis . In this case auditory function remains normal. Neuritis begins suddenly. A person feels severe dizziness, he may vomit, and sometimes dizziness appears after sleep when getting up.

Dizziness when standing up abruptly from bed often manifests itself due to other reasons. It happens that in the morning you feel dizzy for just a few seconds, but sometimes this condition drags on for a long time. This phenomenon is accompanied by cold sweat, pressure surges, and fainting. The answer to the question " Why do I get dizzy when I get up?"is not simple, since this symptom can indicate more than a dozen diseases. Of course, if such a phenomenon is rare, and if a person, for example, dizzy with a hangover in the morning, then there is no need to worry.

But if attacks are repeated constantly, then this may indicate hypotension , osteochondrosis or about some other diseases. Therefore, to find out why you feel dizzy in the morning, you should find out from specialists.

If a person notices a one-sided hearing disorder, and at the same time begins to feel dizzy, then in this case it is necessary to carry out all the research and rule out the development of a brain tumor. With such dizziness, gradually increasing headaches are observed. Dizziness may become more severe when a person assumes a certain body position, such as feeling dizzy while lying on your back.

Dizziness occurs when temporary disorder blood flow in the brain. This symptom is accompanied by weakness in the limbs and sensitivity disorders. In this case, persistent dizziness does not go away for several days.

When work is disrupted nervous system and the circulatory process. As a result, one of the symptoms of this condition is dizziness. More detailed information about why VSD dizzy, gives a detailed examination.

Invariably connected cervical osteochondrosis and dizziness. spine leads to the fact that blood circulation in the patient’s brain is disrupted. In people with a curved spine or with cervical osteochondrosis, the vertebral artery , as a result of which cervical dizziness develops. Helps to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon complex treatment- massage, special exercises. Sometimes squeezing vertebral artery leads to the patient experiencing very severe dizziness in the morning.

It is important to understand that sudden severe dizziness during normal pressure sometimes it is a sign of quite serious illnesses - inflammation of brain tissue , etc. Therefore, if a person suddenly and severely dizzy several times in a row for no apparent reason, the answer to the question is “ what to do“Unambiguous: you need to see a doctor immediately. Self-medication should not be practiced by those who constantly feel very dizzy.

However, one should not assume that any dizziness invariably indicates serious illnesses. Sometimes reasons slight dizziness absolutely understandable and completely natural. For example, a woman may constantly experience slight dizziness when pregnancy . Anyone who has been following a strict diet or fasting for a long time may feel dizzy. This is especially common when walking, physical activity. Sometimes spontaneous attacks of dizziness associated with a sudden rise from bed develop in the morning in older people.

If your head starts to feel dizzy when you change your body position, then very often we're talking about about what appears benign positional paroxysmal vertigo . In transport, the head may feel dizzy due to motion sickness.

The so-called psychogenic dizziness is typical for people susceptible to emotions. In this case, the causes and symptoms are not associated with a disorder of the vestibular apparatus. Such attacks occur in stressful moments, in places large cluster people, etc. In this case, the symptoms are similar to the manifestation of hysteria: there is severe dizziness and cold sweat, sudden attacks of suffocation, a sore throat.

Dizziness is a familiar symptom for those who suffer. Sometimes a person notices that he suddenly feels dizzy, even during the aura period before the onset of an attack of the disease. This can occur both during sudden movements and at rest. Directly during a migraine, the process of blood flow in the brain is disrupted. As a result, with a sharp turn of the head, a migraine may also be aggravated by dizziness.

Sudden short-term dizziness - a symptom that can be observed in people who have suffered a spinal or head injury. In this case, the patient may be overcome sudden attacks dizziness, which sometimes even causes loss of balance.

Dizziness in some cases is side effect receiving a series medications, in particular antibiotics, sedatives. In this case, you need to either reduce the dose of the medicine or replace it with another.

Many women periodically experience severe dizziness during pregnancy. Already in the early stages of pregnancy expectant mother You may feel dizzy in transport, in a hot room, or for no reason. In combination with weakness, drowsiness and other symptoms, dizziness can also be perceived as indirect sign pregnancy. A woman should not worry about infrequently recurring mild dizziness. The fact is that during pregnancy, the load on both the heart and blood vessels of the expectant mother increases significantly. The uterus and fetus require especially large blood flow in the third trimester of pregnancy. Often a woman begins to experience dizziness immediately before, at about 38 weeks pregnant.

Another factor that determines the fact that a woman becomes dizzy during pregnancy is a decrease. When carrying a baby, blood pressure decreases under the influence of the hormone, the production of which increases in the body of a pregnant woman. Precisely in view low blood pressure, both in the early and later pregnancy, as well as in the second trimester. But constant dizziness during pregnancy requires the attention of a doctor, as this may be a sign hypoglycemia or anemia .

How to get rid of dizziness?

People who suffer from constant dizziness, you should not try to treat this condition on your own. The peculiarities of such manifestations should be discussed with specialists - a neurologist or otoneurologist. In some cases, consultation with a therapist, otolaryngologist, or endocrinologist is required.

If a person develops acute dizziness, with weakness in the body, speech impairment, or sensitivity disorder, it is important to immediately call a doctor. Before the specialists arrive, you need to measure your blood pressure. It is very important to ensure that it is not sharply reduced. Therefore, it is better not to take medications without the supervision of a specialist.

Considering the fact that the head can become dizzy with enough serious illnesses, dizziness treatment folk remedies It's better not to practice. First of all, an examination is carried out and diseases are excluded.

If a person has benign positional vertigo, he is recommended to perform special exercises to reduce such manifestations. This type of dizziness, especially in older people, requires a particularly careful attitude towards one’s own health. A person should try to avoid positions that cause dizziness. People who are undergoing rehabilitation after a stroke and also experience dizziness from time to time should also be careful.

If the patient is diagnosed cervical osteochondrosis , then the answer to the question of how to treat dizziness with osteochondrosis is clear: it is necessary to complex therapy underlying disease. You should not be puzzled by how to treat this manifestation with folk remedies, since the effect of such actions is unlikely to live up to expectations. The doctor will tell the patient with osteochondrosis what to do if he is dizzy after an individual examination and examination. Cervical dizziness decreases after treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs medicines, physiotherapeutic methods. You should definitely not ask about which tablets for dizziness with osteochondrosis should be taken directly at the pharmacy. Only a specialist should explain what pills to take, how to do massage and special exercises.

If you experience periodic dizziness after stroke , consultation with your doctor is mandatory. He will recommend methods that will alleviate the patient’s condition. Self-searching for the names of pills for dizziness is fraught with serious consequences. A patient after a stroke should be protected from stress and maintained in a good, healthy mood.

Quite often they complain of dizziness aged people . In this case, it is also necessary, first of all, to establish the cause of this phenomenon, and only after that determine which medications for dizziness in older people will be effective in a particular case. The list of medications is determined by the doctor, and medications should be taken strictly as prescribed. However, in some cases best medicine- this means caution and compliance with certain safety rules. For example, older people need to choose, if necessary, good glasses, hearing aid. For stability, you should walk with a cane.

What medications to take for acute attacks dizziness must be determined by an emergency physician. The introduction of a combination is practiced, Torekana , . As a means for long-term use Medicines for dizziness belonging to different chemical groups are used. These are antidepressants vascular drugs, diuretics, antihistamines, vasodilators, etc. Very in rare cases practiced surgery dizziness. For example, in severe positional vertigo, the frontal ampullary nerve may be transected.

During pregnancy, a woman should be very careful about her own condition. There is no need to make very sudden movements or stay in stuffy rooms for a long time. A pregnant woman should get out of bed gradually and slowly. You need to eat in small portions, but be sure to eat regularly, since hunger can also trigger an attack of dizziness. In addition, it is very important to walk in the fresh air every day for as long as possible, and, if possible, conduct low-intensity workouts for pregnant women. In case of anemia, it is necessary to increase the level, following the advice of a doctor.