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What parasites can live in cats. Cat parasites: photos, symptoms and treatment. Specific signs of worm damage

Prevention from flea infestation consists of maintaining hygiene standards and constantly monitoring the cat’s contact with other animals. How to prevent fleas from infesting your cat special shampoos and powders that are intended for treatment and prevention.

Coccidia in a cat

Signs of coccidia infection in cats early stages similar to symptoms of others similar diseases. IN initial stage There is a decrease in appetite and an increase in body temperature. Then the cat begins to have diarrhea, sometimes mixed with blood. The animal quickly loses weight and becomes dehydrated. In adult pets, the symptoms are not as pronounced as in kittens. The fact that a cat is infected with coccidia can be indicated by its appearance– the wool becomes dull and brittle. IN natural conditions It is very difficult to distinguish the effects of coccidia from other viruses, so for accurate diagnosis they are used microscopic studies animal feces.

With absence clinical signs the cat does not need diseases radical treatment. Along with improving the living conditions of the animal, preparations compatible with feed additives are used, which are based on toltrazuril.

Prevention of the disease consists of maintaining animal hygiene and maintaining the cleanliness of its habitat. Raw meat should be excluded from your cat's diet. In some cases, feeding is allowed raw meat, processed by long-term freezing, which guarantees the destruction of coccidia pathogens.

Lice on a cat

Obvious symptoms of lice in a cat are loss of silkiness of the coat and its partial loss. The animal is itchy and scratches its skin. Scratching can lead to the development of crustose dermatitis. IN severe cases Anemia may occur. A complication of the disease may be the addition of a bacterial infection. A visual examination is sufficient to make a diagnosis. Lice, like nits, are clearly visible on fur.

Ear mites on a cat

It is believed that treatment ear mites in cats it is long lasting. However, due to the simplicity of the procedures and after consultation with a veterinarian, treatment can be carried out at home. The animal's auricle is first cleaned cotton swab, moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Then special drops are dripped into the ear, which the veterinarian will recommend. Lightly massage the ear for better distribution of the drug. Depending on the extent of the damage, treatment can last from three days to several weeks. In more severe cases, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian, who will carry out the procedures himself and advise more effective remedy. It must be remembered that if in a house where several pets live, one of them has ear mites, then most likely all pets will need treatment.

  • body slightly flattened on the sides, up to 2.5 mm long;
  • the outside of the body is covered with a durable chitinous brown frame;
  • has six strong legs allowing you to jump in height and length up to 1.5 m;
  • covered with numerous hairs that are held in the cat's fur.

On a note!

Mostly fleas live on the stomach, neck, and base of the animal’s tail, where the skin is softer and the thick undercoat allows for good hiding. They can live for a long time without food, infecting a pet at any opportune moment.

  • small red dots (bite marks) are visible on the skin;
  • the animal constantly scrapes its paws in the neck and tail area;
  • when you part the fur you can see fleas jumping;
  • flea feces in the form of millet grains are noticeable in the undercoat;
  • You can see white oval particles - flea eggs.

At the first signs of infection, disinfection of the cat, its habitat and the entire house is necessary. For therapeutic and preventive purposes, the following measures are taken:

The choice of anti-flea medication depends on age, weight, general condition cats. At home, natural-based products are safe:

  • from birch tar (pharmacy soap and shampoo);
  • 20 g of dry wormwood herb pour 2 tbsp. boiling water, keep in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, spray the strained broth onto the fur of the infected cat;
  • Chop 3-4 cloves of garlic, dilute the resulting juice with 1 tbsp. l. water, treat the surface of the animal’s body with the resulting solution;
  • 1 tbsp. l. a mixture of equal parts of wormwood, tansy, mint, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes in a water bath, spray the cat's fur with a filtered solution from a spray bottle.

Lice (blood-sucking and lice-eating)

  • bloodsucking type Anoplura, living off the blood of an animal;
  • lice eaters - type Mallophaga, feeding on scales of the epidermis and hair.

Lice bite a cat, cause severe itching, anxiety, can be carriers of eggs, worm larvae and bacterial infections. Insects are recognized by the following characteristic features:

  • body size up to 1-2 mm;
  • triangular shape of a wide head;
  • elongated dense oval body;
  • the body is slightly flattened in the lower part;
  • almost colorless, translucent;
  • lay small white eggs;
  • Adult lice appear in 2-5 days.

Lice eaters in cats with severe infestation cause partial or complete loss hairline. Bleeding scabs, ulcers, and inflammatory lesions appear on the skin. Signs of lice infestation:

  • traces of scratching on the skin in the abdomen, neck, head;
  • the animal loses appetite, weight, and becomes restless;
  • areas of baldness, ulcerations on the skin;
  • detection of adult lice, their eggs and feces.

On a note!

Lice eaters in cats do not pose a danger to the inhabitants of the house. Blood-sucking individuals can bite humans and cause trouble. Used for treatment complex means(collars, sprays, drops, soap, shampoo) against lice, fleas, lice-eaters.

Ear mite

  • individuals of Ototdectes cynotus cause the disease otodecosis - they live in the convolutions ear canal, on eardrum, feed on blood and earwax;
  • Notoedres cati individuals are the causative agents of the disease notoedres, they live outside the auricle, on the head, and feed on epidermal and blood cells.

On a note!

Anatomical and life characteristics ear mites:

  • Brown, foul-smelling fluid accumulates inside the ear;
  • ear canal skin bright red, with dilated vessels;
  • increased animal body temperature, anxiety, aggressiveness;
  • The cat regularly rubs its head vigorously against walls and furniture.

Treatment for ear mites is a long process with an integrated approach:

  • treatment ears hydrogen peroxide;
  • disinfectant drops Oritsin, Bars, Otoferonol;
  • Oridermil, Otonazole, Amit ointment;
  • injections Gamavit, Tentravit;
  • antipruritic drops Amitrazine;
  • painkiller Amidel-gel;
  • drops Revolution for Cats, Tsipam, Aurikan;
  • acaricidal spray Acaromectin;
  • antihistamine drops Sofradex, Jenodex;
  • antibiotic Cefuroxime, Cefazolin;
  • treatment with a mixture of Dioxidin, Creolin, DE cream.

Ixodid tick

  • Demodex or Demodex cati - is a mobile worm-like microorganism that constantly lives inside hair follicles cats, feeds on particles of subcutaneous fat, causes demodicosis;
  • itch mite or Sarcoptes canis - eyeless mites up to 0.4 mm long, causative agents of sarcoptic mange, which quickly and deeply penetrate the skin behind the ears and face of a cat, causing damage to the dermis, blood vessels, can cause sepsis and death.

On a note!

Treatment regimen:


Cats are very often the habitat of various types of worms. Most of them do not take root in the human body. But some, even in larval form, are capable of causing irreparable harm human health:

Type of wormsSpecies dangerous to humans (disease)
Round (nematodes)Roundworms (ascariasis)
Toxocara (toxocariasis)
Hookworm (hookworm)
Tape (cestodes)Cucumber tapeworm (dipylidia)
Broad tapeworm (diphyllobothriasis)
Echinococcus (echinococcosis)
Flat (fluke)Cat fluke (opisthorchiasis)
Pulmonary fluke (paragonimiasis)

Symptoms of helminthiases

  • vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, rumbling;
  • wheezing, dry cough, sputum with worm larvae;
  • weakness, low activity as a result of anemia;
  • dullness, hair loss, baldness;
  • purulent discharge from the eyes, ears;
  • bloody clots, mucus in feces;
  • paralysis of limbs, asphyxia.
, Prosit, Lawyer;
  • Kanikquantel, Fenbendazole, Dironet;
  • Praziquantel, Mebenvent, Phenothiazine.
  • Protozoa

    • Metronidazole, Trimethoprim;
    • Tinidazole, Furazolidone;
    • Spiramycin, Azithromycin;
    • Clindamycin, Fenbendazole;
    • Sulfadiazine, Pyrimethamine.

    Clinical manifestations of the disease stem from disruption and damage to the functioning of many organs. Because animals need to be treated on time, since a sick four-legged friend suffers not only himself and requires the help of the owner, members of the family where the cat lives can also be affected.

    Methods of infection

    Most common species infection of any domestic animals - oral. If the cat is allowed to walk on its own, then this type can be realized by eating caught infected birds or rodents, grass, drinking water from dirty ponds and puddles, found spoiled or raw fish and meat, contact with contaminated feces, and so on.

    Transdermal and intrauterine involvement is also likely.

    Symptoms of worm infection in cats

    Many common helminth infections have the same clinical picture. To begin with, the symptoms of cat worms affect the animal’s digestive system and its general well-being.

    During helminthiasis, the owner pays attention to the consumption of obviously inedible foods (transformation of taste - parerexia), complete absence or decreased appetite, significant weight loss in the cat. The animal is physically inactive, apathetic, weakened. The coat is dull, faded, disheveled, and ragged. Lacrimation, sclera and icterus of mucous membranes. Characterized by vomiting, nausea, bloating, impaired peristalsis, anal itching, as well as the presence of blood in mucus or feces. You can visually find dead or living helminths (parts thereof) in the area of ​​the anus. During the examination, the veterinarian will detect an enlarged liver.

    The most common worms in cats, prevention and treatment

    U domestic cat Three main groups of intestinal helminths are most often observed. All of these variants are infectious to humans.

    Nematode roundworms

    Tests for this type of worms - immunogram, microscopic analysis of stool, x-ray, ultrasound.

    Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian, any anti-worming drug for cats is selected:

    During treatment, complications of an allergic nature are likely, during which antihistamines are prescribed.

    During transdermal introduction of the larvae into the bloodstream transported to the capillaries of the pulmonary circulation, then into the bronchi and oral cavity of the cat, then swallowed and then enter the intestines. Their development takes 19–23 days.

    With the help of hooks, hookworms are attached to the intestinal wall and feed on the host’s blood, secreting and synthesizing anti-clotting substances.

    Detection - helminthological analysis of feces according to Fulleborn.

    Getting rid of worms:

    • droncit, praziquantel - once with food: half a tablet per 6 kg of weight or 6 mg/kg of powder;
    • pyrantel - half a tablet per 6 kg of weight once. There is such a variety as anti-worming tablets for kittens;
    • Rintal febantel - every day, course dosage 0.03 g/kg with food, single dose - 0.01 g/kg;
    • Panacur fenbendazole - every day, course dosage 125 mg/kg, single dose - 25 mg/kg.

    Cestodosis tapeworms

    Worms in cats

    raw fish animals. The period of larval development is 14–24 days. Adult worms live in a cat’s body for 22–28 days. It provokes mechanical alteration of the intestinal mucosa, causing a delay in the transportation of the food bolus and an inflammatory reaction.

    Distinctive clinical manifestations. Nausea, general depression, fecal retention, diarrhea or vomiting. Allergic reaction or intoxication The presence of worms is indicated by lack of appetite, fatigue, fever, swelling and skin rash.

    Treatment for worms:

    • fenaps paste - 0.5 mg/kg once before feeding;
    • azinox - one tablet per 11 kg of total weight;
    • Skoloban bunamidine - twice once every four days with meals. Single dosage 27-4 mg/kg;
    • drontal tablets - once, four tablets per 1 kg of total weight. There is such a variety as anti-worming tablets for kittens;
    • Fenasal suspension - 1.3 g/kg once with food;
    • droncit praziquantel - once with food, 6 mg/kg;
    • lopatol - once 110 mg/kg.

    Definitions of presence: a scatological study according to Fulleborn.

    Treatment of worms:

    Flukes - trematodes

    Distinctive clinical manifestations in cats are apathy, lethargy, increasing weight loss, lethargy, yellowness of the mucous membranes or pallor and other signs of helminthiasis.

    Treatment of worms:

    • polytrem and ixichol - once, 0.3 g/kg and 0.16 g/kg with minced meat after a twelve-hour fast;
    • hexachloroparaxylene - once, 0.3–0.7 g/kg with a small amount of minced meat after a fourteen-hour fast.

    Diagnosis takes into account symptoms of the disease and laboratory flotation tests of feces.

    Treatment of worms:

    • lopatol - 0.3 g/kg;
    • fenasal - 0.3 g/kg;
    • hydrobromide arecoline - 0.005 g/kg, once.

    It should be noted that the majority modern drugs can be purchased as a separate method of use – drops on the withers against worms for cats. This option for delivering anthelmintics has both its pros and cons.

    Having a pet, especially a cat, is an almost 100% guarantee that all family members, and especially small children will be affected by worms, if they do not follow some rules. Never kiss or allow a cat to lick your face; after any stroking of the cat, even if it was a fleeting movement of the palm on the back or head, you need to wash your hands.

    Of the 81 varieties of helminths that can infect cats, more than 35 varieties perfectly take root in the human body, the most the most dangerous of them are toxascarosis, toxocariasis and dipilidia. Therefore, make sure that all family members, especially children, take the problem of personal hygiene seriously, and do not let anyone kiss the cat.

    The owner also needs Do not allow your cat to eat rodents (caught rats and mice), raw fish or meat. The animal's sleeping place, toys, tray and bowls must be thoroughly disinfected and cleaned.

    Thus, despite the high probability of helminthic infection, You can easily keep your cat (and yourself) safe from these unpleasant cases, you just need to carefully monitor the condition pet and execute simple rules hygiene and prevention.

    Also, a furry pet can receive these uninvited guests as a “gift” if you feed it raw fish, milk or meat, from flies and food that has already been in the trash. The defecation of another animal, particles of which may have gotten onto your shoes, can also cause your illness. four-legged friend. There are frequent cases of infection of kittens from a carrier cat through milk.

    Doctors are often asked the question: can you get worms from a cat? Yes, you can - in the same way as from a person, and simply by receiving them “from the street”. Most often this occurs as a result of ordinary non-compliance with personal hygiene measures, animal food hygiene and neglect of regular preventive treatments for your pets.

    Both humans and animals in such cases are equal potential sources of infection for each other.

    What are the types of worms in cats?

    Important! If your animal suddenly develops vomiting or loses weight, this is a reason to get tested, including a stool test for the presence of helminths.

    1. Trematodes or flukes. They occur much less frequently than the two previous types and cause damage to the liver and pancreas with corresponding symptoms requiring laboratory tests.

    The most common helminthiases and their symptoms


    Routes of infection, carriers: Small crustaceans of fresh water bodies, raw fish, rodents. Fleas and lice eaters.

    Description of symptoms: Dulling of fur, loss of appetite. Constipation and diarrhea, vomiting containing blood. Without treatment - anemia and convulsions.

    A drug: Fenasal, Praziquantel, Fenalidon, etc.

    • Dipylidiasis. A grayish helminth, 20-30 centimeters in length. Lives in the intestines.

    Description of symptoms: Decreased appetite, rumbling in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, loose stools.

    A drug: Skoloban, Fenasal, Praziquantel, etc.

    • Alveococcosis. Small worms are 1-4 mm. They live in the intestines.

    Description of symptoms: For a long time leaks hidden. On late stages manifests itself with hepatopulmonary symptoms and leads to fatal outcome in humans and animals.

    A drug: Filixan, Cetovex, fenasal.


    Routes of infection, carriers: Enter the body through skin or esophagus.

    Description of symptoms:

    A drug: Pyrantel and drugs based on it. Fembendazole, Febantel.

    • Toxascariasis. Roundworms usually reach a length of 3 to 5 cm. They live in the intestines, sometimes in gallbladder, liver and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Description of symptoms: Decreased appetite and activity. Loose stools, vomiting. The animal drinks a lot. Anemia, cough.

    A drug: Pyrantel, Fembendazole, Ditrazine.


    Routes of infection, carriers: Shellfish, fish from rivers when eaten and from coastal vegetation.

    Description of symptoms: Cough, loss of appetite. Increase in temperature (not always). Vomiting with foam, loose stools.

    A drug: Praziquantel.

    • Opisthorchiasis. A helminth about 0.5 cm long that lives in the liver and destroys its tissue.

    Description of symptoms: Painful stomach, loss of appetite with episodes of bulimia, vomiting with bile, loose stools. Body temperature is increased

    Treatment: complex, individual.

    Note! The symptoms described are not absolute signs each specific type of helminthiasis and depend on the severity and duration of the disease, as well as on many other factors! At hidden current Infestation signs may not appear at all, which does not mean that the animal does not need treatment.

    General signs of helminthic infestation

    • Loose stools.
    • Constipation.
    • Alternation loose stool and episodes of difficulty defecating.
    • Vomiting - sometimes even with blood and worms.
    • In feces and on the fur around the anus there are fragments of helminths or whole individuals.
    • “Riding” on the butt caused by itching.
    • Stool mixed with bloody and mucous components.
    • Bloated belly.
    • Loss of body weight.
    • Decreased appetite or uncontrollable seizures gluttony.
    • Cough.
    • Difficulty breathing.
    • Pathological molting.
    • Growth retardation in kittens.
    • Increased fatigue.
    • Icterus (yellowness) of the mucous membranes, sometimes their pale color (with anemia).
    • Convulsive syndrome and paralysis of the hind legs.
    • Spontaneous abortion of embryos or untimely birth.

    Important! If you find any of these signs in your animal, do not try to treat it yourself! After all, if the problem is not with worms, but some other infectious process, then you may harm your little friend, deworming it. For a diagnosis, be sure to consult a veterinarian.

    When submitting stool to the laboratory, do not forget that it cannot be stored for more than 8-12 hours (and only in the refrigerator). Otherwise, the analysis will be uninformative.

    How to treat

    In anthelmintics veterinary drugs There are also contraindications, so to prescribe them, according to at least for the first time - contact a veterinary clinic, where they will help you choose the appropriate remedy.

    Important! You should not purchase medications from unverified “street” stalls, where there is a high probability of purchasing a counterfeit product. Do not use human medications, you will not be able to dose them correctly, and not all of them are suitable for treating an animal.

    Be very careful when choosing the dosage, it will depend not only on the weight, but also on the age of your furry companion, as well as on his state of health.

    Carefully read the instructions for the drug before using it and strictly follow the recommendations veterinarian to prevent the development of intoxication in a cat, especially if it is a kitten.

    We wish you and your pet health!

    Symptoms of cat infestation with worms

    Types of worms in cats

    Cestodes - tapeworms

    Flatworms grow over 70 cm in length. The multiple segments of the worm's body are where the larvae mature. When ripe, they come out with feces, and the body of the worm continues to grow and produce more and more new larvae. Cats become infected by eating raw meat or fish. Fleas are also carriers of larvae. Read about the means you can use to get rid of fleas. Tapeworm segments can be seen in the form of sesame seeds around the cat's anus, in vomit, and on the litter.

    Signs of infection:

    Tapeworms are rarely transmitted to adults. Children are most often infected.


    Signs of infection:

    1. weight loss;
    2. weakness appears;
    3. the stomach increases;
    4. Vomiting and diarrhea begin.


    Signs of infection:

    Threaded worms are also transmitted from cats to humans. Infection in humans leads to severe organ damage, inflammatory processes, anemia, allergies, granuloma formation. Complications can be very serious and even fatal.

    Are roundworms transmitted to humans and what diseases do they cause?

    Roundworms are transmitted to humans, affecting the stomach and intestines, causing very serious illness– ascoridosis. Unfortunately, the disease is insidious and doctors do not always make the correct diagnosis in time, confusing ascoridosis with asthma, pneumonia and other diseases. Roundworms produce allergens, which cause serious allergic reactions in humans. They harm the intestines, disrupting the absorption of vitamins and iron, which ultimately leads to anemia and vitamin deficiency.

    Prevention measures

    We must not forget the main rule: wash your hands after any contact with the cat so as not to become infected with worms.

    There are especially many helminth eggs in a cat's litter box. Females lay thousands of microscopic eggs every day, which leads to rapid spread throughout the apartment. The tray needs to be cleaned thoroughly. Be sure to wear gloves, as nematode larvae can penetrate the skin. It is necessary to treat and disinfect not only the tray, but also the surface around it.

    The question often arises: is it possible to give Pirantel to cats, how effective is it for animals. Veterinarians answer unequivocally: you can give Pirantel to animals if there is nothing else. But it must be remembered that this drug does not kill all worms in a cat, but only roundworms.

    What medications should I use?

    If your cat has worms, how to treat it is best to consult a doctor.

    Modern anthelmintic drugs for prevention are used once, better in the morning. If there are worms in cats, treatment is given again after two weeks. It is recommended that pregnant cats be given antihelminthic medications three weeks before the birth of kittens and three weeks after birth. Give kittens deworming medications starting from three weeks of age.

    External use - Helminthal drops on the withers for cats are used once during treatment. To prevent worms, drops for cats are used once a month. Active substances– praziquantel and moxidectin kill larvae and adults of intestinal nematodes.

    Folk remedies for worms

    pros medicines: one dose is enough, used for prevention.

    Cons: it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage so as not to poison the animal, possible complications from poisoning with dead helminths.

    Infection with helminths can be prevented. Preventive measures will help minimize the risk of infection:

    Do not forget that most of helminths in cats, dangerous for humans. Take care of your cat's health and your own.