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American Cocker Spaniels are a small, faithful friend originally from Spain. English Cocker Spaniel dog: how to raise an affectionate companion from an “agile hunter” Cocker Spaniel puppies description of the breed

Height at withers: 38 - 41 cm

Weight: 12 - 15 kg

Variable. In solid colors, no white markings are allowed except on the chest.

Fitted, silky structure, long and soft. Numerous suspensions.

Hind legs

Wide, rounded, very muscular. Knees with well-defined articulation angles. The hocks are short, allowing a powerful push.

Front legs

Legs are strong, straight and short. The shoulders are slanting and graceful. The paws are strong, with thick pads.

Set slightly below the back line. Usually docked, but not too short.

Strong and straight back. The body is balanced and muscular. The loin is strong, short and wide. The ribs are well sprung. The chest is well developed.

Teeth, jaws and cheekbones

The jaws are strong, with a perfect, regular and completely scissor bite. Cheekbones do not protrude. The teeth are strong.

The nose is large and developed. The nostrils are open. The flair is phenomenal.

Quite large and neat. Dark brown or brown. The edging is dark. The look is meaningful.

Hanging, set low, at eye level. The thin ear flap reaches the nose. Well covered with long silky hair.

The skull is well developed and clearly defined. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced, located halfway from the tip of the nose to the back of the head.

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The Cocker Spaniel is cheerful, good-natured and very energetic breed. This cute dog will never let his owners get bored, sometimes literally provoking them to adventure. A ringing voice, long mobile ears and an interested upturned nose will follow you everywhere, regardless of the circumstances.

Cockers are perfect not only for hunters, but also for ordinary amateurs active image life. These dogs are very athletic, which contrasts somewhat with their intricate curls all over their bodies and refined beauty. A harmonious physique, a deep and intelligent look, devotion, hard work and determination - these are just a few of the advantages of this naturally popular breed.


The history of cocker spaniels dates back to ancient times. It is known that the ancestor of this breed was the legendary fold-eared bird dog, brought to Britain by the troops of Julius Caesar before our era.

Despite the dubious reliability of the facts, we can safely say that it was the British who were responsible for the main achievements in the development and establishment of cockers as a breed. According to stud books, local breeders managed to develop a number of spaniel varieties by crossing a wide variety of European breeds, including Great Danes and Molossians.

Small, compact and strong spaniels, used mainly for swift and effective hunting of woodcocks and other birds, are called "cockers". The first official mention of these dogs can be found in the book “British Cynology”, which was written back in 1801 by the scientist Sydenham Edwards. In 1885, the first Spaniel fan club in Britain was founded, which significantly influenced the regulated and correct development of the most popular breed in the future.

All modern cockers have one legendary ancestor - a black meadow spaniel named Obo, who was born in 1879. The dog became famous as a perfect breeder, becoming the father of a line of squat cockers of a somewhat elongated format - hardy and brave. The main vocation of the Obo descendants was to search for game in low, dense thickets.

For many decades, the black color of cockers enjoyed increased popularity, but by the beginning of the last century, cocker spaniels with spotted and golden colors appeared in the photo.

Beginning in the forties of the twentieth century, within the framework of the new standard, cockers began to be bred, clearly separating the color of the coat. This was caused by the fact that when crossing dogs of a solid (monochrome) color with spotted ones, puppies were often born with too large white markings on the chest, a groove on the muzzle and white tips of the paws. For some reason, breeders and specialized breeders fundamentally avoided this color, despite its obvious beauty. IN this moment Such dogs are not allowed to participate in exhibitions and competitions.

More than a century has passed since the Cocker Spaniel breed went beyond its hunting specialization. Its representatives have become the favorite pets of the most different people- from fans of coziness and comfort to desperate travelers.

All cockers without exception are characterized by: quick reaction, excellent sense of smell, extreme concentration and excellent memory.


The English Cocker Spaniel is one of the breeds with the highest intelligence, easy to train and train.

Since this breed was bred primarily as a hunting breed, the cocker's intelligence is most strongly manifested in activities related to reaching and pursuing prey.

All cocker spaniels, without exception, are characterized by: quick reaction, excellent sense of smell, extreme concentration and excellent memory, as well as the ability to find an already shot bird (or any other object) even in the deepest thickets. Whenever possible, it is necessary to give the dog a chance to realize his destiny. IN Everyday life The cocker's intelligence does not fade, but the owner is obliged to support its development with regular games that to some extent imitate hunting.


The English Cocker Spaniel is an active, kind and gentle dog. This breed is perfect for living in big family, but among the household members the dog will most likely choose one person to whom he will become most attached. To prevent the dog from showing its friendship too intrusively, with early childhood You need to teach the cocker to be independent and have reasonable discipline.

The spaniel dog breed is characterized by initiative and sociability. They will gladly support any proposal to play and can submit an idea themselves. Their natural intelligence and great sense of humor will turn any game into an exciting adventure.

Female individuals often tend to dominate their owner. Many adult dogs have a tendency to bark loudly with or without cause. But most of the problematic traits of spaniels are easily neutralized by proper education, since these dogs are very smart and easy to train.


Cocker spaniels are wonderful companion dogs, ready to accompany their owner everywhere. They will demand constant attention to themselves and wag their tail cheerfully.

The cocker's relationship with children deserves special attention. Dogs will be very patient with babies and will not allow themselves to show aggression. Here the parents must explain to the child that a sweet and good-natured dog is not a toy at all, so that the child does not accidentally harm the animal. An adult cocker spaniel will become an excellent partner for your child in outdoor games, thereby helping the child grow healthy and resilient, because it takes a lot of strength to keep up with this energetic dog.

Sometimes cockers are very jealous of their toys and do not allow anyone to take them. Parents must explain this to their child in time to avoid quarrels and conflicts.

TO strangers Representatives of the Spaniel breed are quite tolerant of other pets in the house, although they may routinely bark at a new person.


Cockers are obedient and disciplined dogs. Their bright temperament and hunter's passion force the owner to take a creative approach to education and training.

For a puppy, training represents a serious psychological burden, so it is not recommended to start training a dog before three months of age.

In the first two months, the puppy's psychology and character are formed. At this time, on your part, first of all, a sensitive and careful attitude towards the baby is required. Starting from three to four months, you can begin to use the first commands: “Place!” and “Come to me!” On initial stage It is extremely important to establish the correct chain of command. At this time, your cocker, under the guise of a nice game, will try to dominate, but you must make it clear to your pet that you are the leader in your team. If this condition is not met, the further education of the dog becomes much more difficult. You will be lucky if your puppy has the opportunity to walk and play with other dogs. This will help him grow up more balanced.

Upon successful completion of the first stage, work with an adult, correctly well-mannered dog will give you real pleasure. High intelligence, respect and a desire to please the owner make cockers excellent and attentive students.

Walking and exercise

The irrepressible energy of cockers requires constant implementation and a full outlet. In the absence of regular physical activity The dog's character will inevitably begin to deteriorate. Be prepared to take long walks every day or go for a half-hour run together. If it is not possible to go outside with your dog and play, simulating a hunt, come up with another task for it. The key is to be creative; cockers really value variety in their fitness routine.

The spaniel breed has no equal in obedience disciplines, agility and tracking. It is necessary to let them run without a leash only if the owner has full control of the situation, since the natural instinct of a hunter can work at the most inopportune moment, and you simply cannot stop a dog chasing a bird, cat or any other small creature. It is known that cockers love to hunt snakes and lizards.

Cockers are excellent swimmers and will take a walk to any body of water with great enthusiasm. Don't be alarmed if your dog jumps into the water in the cool fall. The cocker's immunity is quite strong, and the natural instinct of self-preservation will not allow them to stay in the water longer than necessary.

Cocker Spaniels are one of the most popular service dogs in Russia. An incredible sense of smell and innate intuition allow them to be faithful assistants to police officers, customs officers and the military.


When getting a Cocker Spaniel puppy, owners often believe that the baby’s coat does not require special care. Very in vain. By the time the dog grows up, there is so much hair that it is almost impossible to handle. In addition, a puppy who is not accustomed to such procedures from childhood will most likely be hostile to them in adulthood. Puppies, like adult cockers, need to be brushed 3-5 times a week, using a variety of brushes and combs. A massage glove would be a good idea.

You need to bathe your dog regularly, at least once a month, using special shampoos for long-haired dogs and conditioners that nourish the coat and have antistatic properties. After washing, cover the dog with a terry towel and let the coat dry. Next you can start drying. To do this, you will need a cold air dryer, a comb and a hair brush.

It is best to entrust the haircut of a Cocker to a professional groomer. The proportions of each dog are individual, and bad haircut can change your pet beyond recognition. An experienced master will immediately determine which features can be emphasized and which, on the contrary, are better not to emphasize. Ideally, after a haircut, the cocker spaniel in the photo will look neat and natural, as if the dog had not been subjected to any mind-bogglingly complex thinning procedures.

To regular hygiene procedures This also includes trimming nails and brushing teeth. The claws are cut with a special nail clipper, not reaching the line of the joints. To clean your teeth, purchase tartar removers.

Cocker spaniel and your apartment

Let's imagine that a cocker puppy ends up in your apartment. At first, a defenseless pet should not be left alone. It is also important to remember that the cocker spaniel is a purely domestic dog, despite its hunting instincts and specialization. It is not recommended to keep your dog on a leash at home. The baby (and adult cocker) must be able to move fully to correct formation skeletal and muscular form.

Designate a sleeping area for the puppy in advance. Cockers are very gentle, sociable and value tactile contact, so they often try to get into bed with their owner. It’s better not to indulge in this and use it in in rare cases when a naturally emotional cocker needs to be calmed down. The sleeping place should not be in the aisle or in a draft. Light, dry and relatively warm areas of the apartment are optimal. It is also very important that the cocker can observe his owners from his personal territory. As a material for a sleeping place, it is best to use children's mattresses (orthopedic base is desirable), covered with soft sheets or other natural coverings.

What to feed a Cocker Spaniel dog

Dogs of this breed have an excellent appetite, they run a lot and need a fairly high-calorie diet. In this case, an adult dog is usually fed once. Suitable meats include stringy beef, horse meat, and chicken. Offal is useful - lungs, heart, liver, stomach, but they should be served exclusively boiled. The cocker spaniel prefers catfish and cod from fish, cabbage, turnips from vegetables. vegetable oil, pumpkin, carrots. The fish is served without large bones and fins, the vegetables are grated. Every day you should add porridge (rice, millet, oatmeal, buckwheat) to your diet. As a supplement, your spaniel can be given homemade noodles and milk soups.

Many people like the Cocker Spaniel for its beautiful long hair and a cheerful, cheerful character. This is a hunting breed, but now they are more often taken as a pet - a companion dog. The article talks about two breeds of spaniels: English and American: their origin, character, and care features. The article is accompanied by video and photographic materials, which can be used to visually compare dogs of both breeds.

English cocker spaniel

This breed of dog has hunting instincts in its genes. Distinctive feature English cockers are long ears. It would seem that English cocker spaniels should come from dogs with the same ears, but their ancestors were ordinary dogs with small ears.

Origin story

The history of this breed, like most hunting dogs, begins in the Bronze Age. There is a version that the ancestors of cockers are zone dogs. The breed began to be purposefully bred in the 19th century in England. The first breed standard appeared in 1893, and in 1974 international standard, which is currently in effect.

Breed characteristics

The English Cocker Spaniel belongs to the group of hunting dogs. His task is to scare the game, find it and bring it to the owner.

Over time, they began to be purchased not so much for hunting, but for keeping in the house. According to breeders, due to its friendliness and cheerful character, the Cocker Spaniel can be a good companion.

The video from SobakoLuba contains information about the English Cocker Spaniel, gives characteristics of the breed, tells about the history of origin, proper care, and nutrition.

Appearance and standard

The exterior of an English Cocker Spaniel meets his energetic character. The dog has a small size, strong structure and fairly developed muscles. The head with a wide nose is beautifully set. Brown eyes large. The ears, covered with fur, are patch-shaped, very long, and hang down. The tail is located just below the level of the back, docked at half its length.

Standard height adult dog at the withers - 38-41 cm, weight on average is 12-16 kg. If found dwarf spaniel, then such mini dogs are considered a deviation from the standard.

The Cocker's coat lies tightly to the body and has a wavy structure, but not curly. It is impossible to say how many colors there are. Cocker Spaniels come in black, red, brown, white and fawn with tan colors. white. Tri-color colors are possible.


The character of spaniels is determined by three qualities: kindness, intelligence and cunning. Their character is influenced by their hunting background. They will walk outside as much as they are allowed and will not get tired from a long walk.

The Cocker Spaniel is extremely obedient. But the puppy must be raised with early age. They are funny, playful and cheerful creatures. They play well with children and love outdoor games. There is no aggression in dogs of this breed; children play well with them, but they need to be controlled. A puppy may accidentally scratch or bite a child while playing.

English Cocker Spaniels are suitable as companions for single people, and will fit well into a large family. The dog loves when they spend a lot of time with it, is very jealous, and distrustful of strangers.


At home, the Cocker Spaniel requires little care. Basically, it consists of regular brushing of the coat; the puppy should be taught this from birth. Weakness spaniels - ears. You should clean them regularly and monitor their health. How many times should you bathe your dog? You can bathe once or twice a month, using shampoos and products specifically designed for the care of long hair.

The fur on the paws near the pads needs to be constantly trimmed. To groom a dog, you should buy special scissors with rounded ends. It is necessary to accustom your puppy to grooming from an early age. Dogs do shed, but not much. Your pet's claws require regular trimming.

Optimal diet

Special attention requires the diet of an English Cocker Spaniel. These pets love to eat, so you should know how much to feed at a time. This can be determined experimentally. Ensure that the dog leaves the bowl clean after eating.

The menu should contain large quantities of proteins:

  • meat;
  • dairy products.

It is better to give preference to beef as meat. If the dog refuses to eat raw meat, then it should be doused with boiling water. It is better not to feed cockers bones, with the exception of soft cartilage and chicken necks.

It is advisable to feed your pet vegetables, but some people do not like them. In this case, they need to be finely chopped and added to the main feed. Offal is good for dogs, but it needs to be fed boiled.

Can be given to a dog ready-made food. Having selected a certain type of food, you should constantly give it so as not to harm the dog’s health. How many times to feed a cocker depends on the owner and the dog. The puppy should be fed 5 to 6 times a day. Gradually the number of feedings should be reduced. Adult dogs are fed every 8-12 hours, usually in the morning and evening. But three meals a day are also possible. The food should not remain in the bowl.

Possible diseases

English Cocker Spaniels can have hereditary and congenital diseases:

  • eversion of eyelids;
  • lack of carnitine;
  • skin asthenia;
  • inflammation of the outer ear;
  • skin infection on the paws, etc.

Dogs are prone to obesity and require plenty of exercise and diet.

English cocker spaniels live 11-12 years. If you notice symptoms of any disease or the dog behaves unusually, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

American Cocker Spaniel

This breed has smallest sizes in a hunting group. The American Cocker Spaniel is a strong, compact and muscular dog. Representatives of the breed are fast and resilient. They were specially bred for hunting.

Origin story

Dogs of this breed first appeared on the American continent in the 18th century. They originated from their English counterparts. At first, the breed consisted of two groups: cockers and springers. The first were more squat, the second were larger with long legs. Then new breeds of spaniels appeared, including the dwarf toy spaniel. The first exhibition at which spaniels were exhibited was held in 1856, and in 1946 Americans were recognized as a separate breed.

Breed characteristics

American spaniels differ in appearance from their counterparts from England. His muzzle is half as long as his skull, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle has become more pronounced, and his eyes have become much larger. Changes affected the coat: it became longer, the undercoat became thicker.

Appearance and standard

This small dogs with a strong body and a beautifully set head. The back is straight, does not bend. The ears are hanging, long, completely covered with hair, and set low. The tail is usually docked about halfway. The standard height at the withers of an adult male can be from 35 to 38 cm, weight approximately 12.5 kg. There are dogs weighing up to 6 kg, but they can be classified as a dwarf species that does not meet the standard.

The American Cocker Spaniel has a coat characterized by a thick undercoat. The coat is straight, slightly wavy, shiny. A wide variety of colors are possible. Among those of the same color there can be red, black, brown, fawn without white spots and with tan. There are bicolor and tricolor spaniels.


The Cocker Spaniel has a friendly, cheerful and cheerful character. This is a very energetic dog, as it was bred as a hunting dog, but over time it has become more of a toy dog, ideal as a companion.

Cocker spaniels are very attached to their owners, but are unobtrusive. They obey unquestioningly and are easy to train. They are distrustful of unfamiliar people, but do not behave aggressively. They love to spend time with children, playing outdoor games, for example, with a ball. There are no problems keeping cockers with other pets. According to the owners, they live peacefully with other animals and their brothers.


The American pet needs regular brushing and haircut. Spaniels should be taught to brush themselves while still a puppy. In addition, you need to accustom the puppy to water treatments and blow-drying. It is advisable to take your dog to the groomer once a month. The coat should be brushed at least three times a week. If the coat is too thick, puffy or there is no way to care for it as it should be, better for the dog to get a haircut.

Your dog should be washed once every two months. by special means that will not irritate the dog's skin. From frequent washing A film is washed off from the hair, protecting it from dirt and moisture, giving the coat shine.

Cockers love to swim, you can allow them to do this, only in a clean pond without birds, so that they do not pick up a lice eater.

Require regular inspection eyes and ears. If your eyes become sour, you need to wipe them with a cotton swab moistened with water or in tea leaves. This will protect your eyes from infection. Once every 2-3 weeks you should inspect the ears and trim the hair around them. ear canal. Nails need to be trimmed once a month.

Optimal diet

Your dog's diet should contain essential microelements and vitamins. Access to clean water The dog should have access to it 24 hours a day so that it can drink as much as it wants.

For the correct development of a puppy, its diet must contain dairy products rich in calcium and vitamins. After two months, the puppy can be given sea fish after removing the bones. Be sure to feed protein foods, cereals and vegetables. Food should be given to the puppy at a certain time.

The Cocker Spaniel is a well-built hunting dog with a short body and short legs. The muscles of the body and limbs are well developed. Feature– long drooping ears covered with slightly curling hair. The dog's fur itself has average length, fluffy, slightly curly. The standard characterizes it as not too graceful and not too rough. This is also indicated by the dog’s muzzle – quite large, but at the same time proportional.

Cocker spaniel color

The most common color colors: black, red, chocolate, fawn. Possible tans, blotches or stains.

Maintenance costs: $90 per month – food.

Height at withers: 39-41 cm (standard). Weight: 12.5 – 14.5 (16) kg.

The English Cocker Spaniel is a calm, balanced, sometimes melancholy dog.

The English Cocker Spaniel probably has many ancestors from continental Europe. This is evidenced by historical references to similar breeds dogs in the Balkans and Spain. But the true homeland of the cocker spaniel is considered to be England, where this breed was bred at the beginning of the 19th century for hunting purposes.

Further improvement continued until the end of the century, and in 1893 it was recognized as an independent breed. The final standard was adopted in 1902, but now does not correspond to the real state of the breed, which in many respects has gone beyond its too rigid limits.

The compact size of the English Cocker Spaniel helped him quickly reorient himself to the urban lifestyle. But still, this is not the kind of dog that will sit still. You need to walk her often and for a long time; it is advisable to accompany the walks with training to maintain good health. physical fitness dogs.

In nature, the Cocker Spaniel feels completely free, because it is primarily a hunting dog. So make more outings into nature - it will be useful not only for you, but also for your dog.


Dry food – optimal choice balanced diet for English Cocker Spaniel. Remember that the protein content in the feed should be no less than 27%, and digestibility should be no less than 80%. In this case, the feed should be made mainly from natural products. The vessels include pre-premium and super-premium food: Hill's, Brit, Purina Pro Plan, Royal Canin, Acana, etc. Remember that when feeding dry food, the dog needs a large number of water.

When eating natural foods, it is recommended to adhere to the ratio of animals and plant products in a ratio of 2:1 for adult dogs and 3:1 for puppies. The diet should consist of meat, fish, vegetables, vitamins, fermented milk products. Feeding with natural food involves feeding the English Cocker Spaniel 2-3 times a day.

Features of care

There is no need to wait until the puppy grows up, and bad habits will become difficult to correct


As a future owner, remember what beautiful appearance and the playful temperament hides the perseverance of the dog’s character, ready to go to any lengths to achieve what he wants, for example, some kind of “yummy”. So, given the active hunting character breed, you will have to be patient and persistent in training. A cocker spaniel will never become an obedient puppet, but teaching him to obey you as an older friend is a completely feasible task.

Breed standard

FCI classification: Group 8. Retrievers, spaniels, water dogs. Section 2. Spaniels. With performance tests.

English cocker spaniel- a hunting breed, a favorite of the British royal family, even Prince William and Kate Middleton have their own pet Lupo. All animals born in the royal nursery are given the prefix Sandringham (which is also the name of the estate in which the nursery is located).


This is a compact, well balanced dog square format, height - in the range of 38-41 centimeters, weight - 12.7-14.5 kg. The bones are strong, the muscles are well developed.

At the end of the 19th century, black color was in fashion, but after the adoption of a standard that allowed a variety of colors, individuals of a variety of colors began to appear: black, liver, red, roan of various shades, black and tan, as well as mixed ones.

Coat medium length, does not interfere with work in the field. The coat is straight, wavy is allowed. The undercoat is well developed. Along the lower part of the body there is a skirt (longer guard hairs), and there is fringe on the paws. A defect is considered to be curly, wiry or fluffy guard hair, as well as the absence of undercoat.

Head with a clearly defined transition from the forehead to the muzzle, although not as sharp as that of its American counterparts, but also not as smooth as, . The dome of the skull is close to an oval, but flattened at the apex. At the same time, a wide and flat skull is unacceptable. The muzzle is rectangular, well filled, its jaw part in profile approaches a square. Lips with dry jowls.

Ears hang on thin cartilages, fit tightly to the head. The base of the ear is located at eye level.

Movements light, graceful, it seems that the dog is soaring without touching the ground. Cockers are characterized by a light gallop.

Limbs bony, powerful, with regular angles, well-defined joints.


IN last years Cocker spaniels are increasingly kept at home as companions. But hunting qualities inherited traits are fully manifested: they love to fetch objects and explore the area with pleasure.

They can be taught any tricks, because their intelligence is very high. They enjoy participating in sports competitions: agility or frisbee, and if the owner suddenly gets ready to hunt, they will keep him company.

They are sociable, easily get along with other pets, and adapt to the character of each family member. Thanks to the cute appearance and funny expression of the pet's eyes, the owners forgive him a lot.

Malice and cowardice are absolutely out of character for them, and according to the standard they are considered a vice.

The main thing that owners should remember is that they should not overfeed their pet. A passion for food is inherent in most cockers, and they quickly understand how to pity the owner and get an extra piece of something tasty. Combined with a sedentary lifestyle, this leads to obesity, lethargy and low activity. Therefore, for a long time and healthy life, strictly adhere to the diet.

Spaniel fur requires regular care: combing, cutting, trimming. Accustoming your baby to the groomer's table, to patiently waiting and calm behavior on the table must begin from the first months of life.

Even daily care Taking care of your pet is relatively labor-intensive: it involves combing and tying up the ears when eating (or you need to purchase a special bowl with a narrowed top, unless, of course, you want to wash your ears several times a day).

Droopy ears close tightly auricle, so it is necessary to check them regularly, clean them, and, if necessary, trim the hairs around the ear canal. In general, keeping a cocker spaniel for a beginner is rated as difficult.

Haircut features

Some owners strive to trim the fur on the back so that their pet looks exactly like. This is a big mistake: the hair on the back cannot be cut; it must be combed out from the undercoat so that the guard hairs lie tightly.

Once the guard hair is cut, it will never lie properly again, and the expert has the right to reduce the mark at the exhibition for improper preparation.

It is advisable to start grooming your puppy as early as possible; some breeders send their babies to new family already properly cut. The sooner the dog gets used to this procedure, the easier it will be to endure it in the future.

Video of complete grooming of an English Cocker:


Cockers live 11-12 years, which is not long, especially compared to other breeds of similar size. The main causes of death are cancer and heart problems.

There are diseases specific to cockers:

  • nephropathy, inherited, manifesting itself before the age of 18 months;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • progressive retinal atrophy.

Dogs of mixed colors are predisposed to deafness.

Experienced breeders test sires for maximum number diseases found in the lines they work with. When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention not only to the pedigrees and titles of its parents, but also to their health, and also take into account the availability of appropriate certificates indicating the absence of hereditary diseases.

A little history

In the Middle Ages, long-eared hunting dogs were companions of the crusaders and lived in the courts of English and French aristocrats. Until the middle of the 19th century, they were divided into those working on water and field game, but there was no division into breeds. One litter could produce puppies of three sizes: Springer Spaniels, Sussex Spaniels and Cockers, and as the animal grew, it could move from one category to another.

In 1874, when compiling the first stud book of the Kennel Club of Great Britain, all individuals weighing up to 11.34 kilograms were classified as cocker spaniels, larger animals - as springer spaniels. Cockers were happy to work on rough terrain, in bushes and dense thickets, their main task was to indicate to the hunter the place where the prey was hidden, and then to lift the game onto the wing for a shot.

In Russia, representatives of the Kokkers appeared even before the revolution, first with Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, and then with representatives of the nobility. After the revolution, fans continued breeding, and after the Great Patriotic War the livestock has increased significantly due to imported producers.

Current state

Experts around the world note that the overall population has changed better side, has become more stylish and elegant. However, due to the commercialization of breeding, fewer and fewer breeders are experimenting by crossing different lines. From year to year, the same breeding sires are used, producing high-quality offspring, and inbreeding is actively used. Due to this approach, the genotype is depleted and the likelihood of mass distribution increases.

Speaking about the exterior of modern livestock, they note the massive appearance of defects in build, in particular, problems of an anatomical nature: poor angles, straight shoulders, narrow front, low-set tail. Some of these problems are caused by the desire to produce show dogs with high front legs. In addition, as a result of the ban, dogs with tail defects began to appear in the rings, because previously the presence of creases, tail length and other parameters were not taken into account during selection.

American Cocker Spaniel- the smallest of hunting dogs. This is a very joyful, active, hardy animal, bred for feather hunting.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

History of the American Cocker Spaniel

The history of this breed can be judged by its long name. First, its ancient ancestors appeared - spaniels. It is believed that this happened in sunny and rich in hunting grounds Spain. Then local breeders took on the spaniels that came to England and developed many breeds from them, including cockers. All of them were also used for hunting. And finally, charming english spaniels found ourselves at the end of the 19th century on another continent. Here breeders had other ideas about beauty, so local dog handlers took up cockers. And in just fifty years they managed to create a new breed!

In the land of rabbits

Obviously, the word "spaniel" is of Spanish origin. Here, on the Iberian Peninsula, the first spaniel-like dogs appeared. They were mainly kept by crusading knights who loved to hunt rabbits and game birds. But if you believe the data of archaeologists, stocky pets with floppy ears came to Europe from Asia Minor. The ancestors of spaniels visited different countries before ending up in Spain. Similar dogs were bred in North Africa and the Balkan Peninsula. And then the Carthaginians brought their pets to the peninsula on their ships. There were so many rabbits that the country was called Spain, which means “country of rabbits” in Carthaginian.

The newly arrived dogs were good at hunting birds and lagomorphs - and the Spaniards seriously began breeding the breed, giving the world spaniels.

Changing professions

The ancestors of cockers changed many hunting specializations. They hunted small animals and birds, took part in falconry and net hunting. And when firearms were invented, spaniels became talented gun dogs.

Close to the King

It is difficult to say exactly when spaniels came to Foggy Albion. But the British simply could not help but pay attention to the new hunting breed, because they themselves were avid hunters and dog lovers.

Spaniels in England had an excellent reputation, were highly respected and were generally considered royal pets. It is known that in the 10th century, in the territory of what is now Wales, the theft of these four-legged hunters was subject to a large fine. This is not surprising, because each dog cost a whole pound - a lot of money at that time.

Variegated variety

Over time, spaniels settled throughout England. Hunting strategies varied among counties depending on the landscape. In addition, the tastes and needs of the owners changed. Therefore, many different subspecies have appeared among spaniels. They differed in size, color, and coat length. These canine “families” were named after the breeding area or the aristocrat who owned them.

The smallest representatives of the breed were bred at Blenheim Castle. Here the Dukes of Marlborough bred Sussexes and Field Spaniels, which became the direct ancestors of English cockers.


It is difficult to count how many varieties of spaniels were bred in England over several centuries. Sources claim that there were about 20 of them. Moreover, most of the created breeds disappeared when the owners stopped engaging in the types of hunting for which the pets were bred.

Who is Obo

The first information about English cocker spaniels appeared in 1697. The breed was practiced by hunters in the counties of Wales and Devonshire. Even then, these dogs had their tails docked in half so that they would not get injured while tracking game.

English Cockers boasted a wide variety of colors, just like other spaniels. At that time, they differed from their counterparts only in their small size, slightly elongated body, thick hair and light weight. However, breeders continued to infuse these dogs with the blood of other spaniels.

Everything changed only in the middle of the 19th century. By this time, English cockers were recognized full breed. They were presented in 1859 at an exhibition in Birmingham. The most famous breeder was Budette, the owner of the English cocker spaniel Obo. A dog with a strange name has rightfully become a breed standard. Subsequent generations of breeders were guided by Obo. At the end of the 19th century, James Furrow created his own kennel, and his dogs, Obo's ancestors, repeatedly became winners at breed shows. And two of them, Obo-1 and Chloe-2, were sent to the USA and laid the foundation for the American Cocker Spaniel breed.

Where's the tail?

When dogs with long tails hunted in the grounds, they constantly wagged them and often drew blood. It was then that the owners decided to dock their pets’ tails, leaving only a segment of four vertebrae. In the case of cocker spaniels, it turned out that this also improves the appearance of the breed. After docking, the silhouette of cockers becomes more harmonious. But now, when the breed has become more of a decorative breed, this operation is being performed less and less often in Europe. And in some countries it was completely banned as inhumane.

A little over half a century

After the meeting of Chloe-2 and Obo-1, a puppy was born in the United States. American breeders did not rack their brains and named the dog Obo-2 in honor of his “grandfather.” The grown-up dog took part in several exhibitions and immediately attracted the attention of local dog handlers.

This pet was different from the usual English cockers. He had rather large eyes. In England this would have been immediately declared a flaw, but the Americans found this feature charming. Local breeders decided to create a new breed - not a hunter, but a companion for the whole family. In 1881, the American Spaniel Club appeared, and after 2 years a program for the development of both cocker breeds was developed.

At first, the “Americans” and the “English” were tied together. But in 1915, American cockers looked different from their English ancestors. After 20 years, interbreed matings were prohibited, and 30 years later the new breed was recognized as independent.

Description of the American Cocker Spaniel breed

What have the Americans changed in the exterior of the Cocker Spaniel? Firstly, the shape of the head has changed: the muzzle has become half the length of the skull, a transition from high forehead to the muzzle became more noticeable, and the eyes became expressive and huge, like those of an alien from another planet.

Secondly, the fur has changed. She became longer, more voluminous, and the undercoat became thicker. Now it flows from the dog’s body, like a luxurious princess dress at a ball. In addition, the chest, belly, ears and paws of the American Cocker are decorated with thick curls.

It is interesting that although American cockers are not used for hunting, they have quite developed muscles and powerful bones. It is very hardy and active dog who is ready to run for a long time without getting tired.

Main characteristics: height, weight, color

The Cocker Spaniel from the USA is a small, strong and compact dog with a beautifully set head on a long neck and well-developed muscles. Its height at the withers reaches 35 - 38 cm, weight on average is 12.5 kg.

Its muzzle is quite wide, its ears are long, drooping, low-set, and covered with long silky hair. The tail is half docked, although it may not be docked.

The coat of this breed differs from other spaniels in its long, thick and very silky coat. It is slightly wavy and has a good undercoat. Longer on the chest, belly, ears and legs.

The color can be quite varied: one-color (red, brown, black, fawn), with tan, two-color, three-color.

The nose of black dogs is black, but in dogs of other colors it can also be brown. Big eyes must have dark brown color iris.

Four-legged hero

American Cocker Spaniels are very healthy dogs that live up to 15 years. But they rarely meet hereditary diseases– otitis and eye diseases. So when choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the condition of his eyelids, and also inquire about the health of his parents.


All American Cocker Spaniels are carefully selected by breeders, including for their character traits. Very angry and unbalanced dogs are simply not allowed to be bred, because even by the standard such traits are considered a breed defect.

The Americans managed to breed a truly sociable dog. She very sensitively senses the mood of her owners and has a sense of tact. The pet will never impose itself if the person is not in a good mood, but will always cheer up the owner when he is sad.

The rest of the time, he is simply a very friendly dog ​​that is attached to everyone at home. She can sit still if necessary, but prefers active games with beloved owners.

Despite the fact that the breed was bred as a hunting dog, it is now almost entirely used as a family companion dog. This became possible thanks to his innate gentleness, devotion, wonderful attitude towards children and playful character.

Thanks to these qualities, cockers have become very popular among breeders, and now they can be seen much more often at exhibitions than during hunting.

They are well trained and obedient, ready to obey any commands of the owner, affectionate and not aggressive towards other dogs and strangers. They have self-esteem and refined manners.

American Cocker Spaniels are full of enthusiasm and friendliness, always ready to play not only with dogs, but also with other pets.

A representative of this breed can be safely kept in the house with a cat; they often develop a very close friendship.

The American Cocker Spaniel can be left alone at home, but not for long. Such an active dog needs constant contact with people. If there is a lack of attention, she may develop bad habits associated with a mental disorder: howling, excessive barking, damaging things.

Ideally like this a dog will do a large family with children, in which there is always someone at home.

It is better not to get a representative of this breed for those who do not want or who do not have enough time to take care of their pet.

Don't be charmed!

The American Cocker Spaniel is a master of seduction. He knows very well how beautiful he is and skillfully uses it to different situations. For example, when he wants to eat something tasty. The cocker will use all his charm to beg for a tasty piece. But you cannot succumb to charms, because otherwise the dog will quickly gain excess weight.

You should not indulge this baby’s aggressive games. He can grab your heels, bite your arms, cling with your teeth and hang on your pant leg. At first it looks funny, but when the dog grows up, it will be too late to get rid of these habits, and his stronger teeth will bring a lot of trouble to the owners.

Remember, he is big-eyed and plush, but not a toy. So quickly put aside your emotion and start training. Moreover, during training the breed is quite passionate, curious and friendly. Only after training will the cocker show his best features, and his centuries-old hunting pedigree will not become a hindrance for the family.

Care and maintenance

The only drawback of this loving pet is its luxurious fur coat. She needs thorough care. And so that the dog is not afraid of combs and water treatments, he needs to be taught this from puppyhood.

The coat needs to be combed every day, especially after walks, because small leaves, twigs and dirt get stuck in it. Such a lush dog needs to be bathed often: every three weeks. Particular attention will have to be paid to the groin and paws, where tangles most often form.

A short haircut can simplify the care of a fur coat - it will emphasize the graceful figure of a cocker. But then the dog will have to be taken to the hairdresser every month and a half to update its “hairstyle”. Separately, it is necessary to say about caring for the long fluffy ears of a cocker. Dirt gets stuck in there all the time. In addition, a curious pet may scratch its ears. Owners need to regularly clean out the wax, make sure that the cocker does not get hurt or pick up ticks, and to prevent the long fluffy ears from getting dirty in food, they need to either be tied up while eating, or use special feeders with a narrow neck.

The eyes of the American Cocker Spaniel should be thoroughly cleaned with a wet cotton pad, without using soap. This regular care will help prevent eye infections.

Like any dog, the American Cocker Spaniel needs its nails trimmed and teeth brushed.

Diseases of American Cocker Spaniels

The average life expectancy of representatives of this breed is 14-16 years. There are also hereditary and congenital diseases, which are most common in American Cocker Spaniels.

First of all, these are behavioral anomalies as a result of improper upbringing: a tendency to panic, aggression, etc.

Skin asthenia occurs in spaniels, in which the skin loses its usual elasticity, strength and sensitivity. This disease is also called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

It is not uncommon for carnitine deficiency to cause the heart muscle to become weak, leading to dilated cardiomyopathy.

In spaniels, the eyelid turns outward too much, due to drying of the cornea - keratoconjunctivitis, inflammation of the outer ear (), skin infection on the paws (pododermatitis).

In case of illness intervertebral discs Disc displacements and ruptures are possible, which can lead to paralysis of the animal.

Sometimes in puppies the retina of the eye does not form correctly (dysplasia), and in adult dogs it can occur, which develops from skin cells that produce melanin.

Puppy price

Culling, that is, puppies that have defects that would prevent them from being accepted for exhibition, can be purchased for 300 dollars, although the average price for such a puppy is about 700 dollars. It depends on the parents. Exhibition specimens with good pedigree are sold for $2500.

Photo of the American Cocker Spaniel breed

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