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Papillon characteristics description of the breed. Papillon, aka dwarf continental toy spaniel, aka butterfly. Boys and girls: what are the differences in character

Part 1. " A striking example to illustrate the Papillon breed standard."

Translation: D.O. Mamontov, Judge RKF-FCI

There has been a lot of discussion lately about the size and breed type of the Papillon. However, it seems that the subject of this discussion is not particularly interesting to people. It appears that in some countries of the North and Eastern Europe and especially in Russia, the size and bone structure of the Papillon has greatly increased over recent years 10-15. What will we have left if the small, elegant butterfly dog ​​is destroyed due to ignorance and fashion?

Personally, I am extremely concerned that the wonderful Papillon breed will change in the wrong direction. I notice that in the above-mentioned countries the population is growing and people are very active and exhibit Papillons at shows. The so-called good reach and drive (that is, handlers running in the ring), abundant plump hair and strong bones are truly big problem. The breed standard should be respected. And even though there are minor differences in the standards of the FCI, American and English Kennel Clubs, we still have to respect the fact that the Papillon is a small, elegant, stylish decorative dog With amazing story. In their historical past, Papillons have always been small and cute dogs, and we should not forget this.

I would like to post a photo from almost 30 years ago of this world famous dog nicknamed Smaragden Poker Face. This male, in my opinion, was a wonderful and very typical representative of the breed. He was the champion of Sweden, the USA and Japan, and also became best dog all-breed shows. In his time he was an excellent example of the breed standard. In the photo he was taken at a young age and his breed qualities are clearly reflected in it. The photograph of the head was taken by Mr. Arne Hansson. Silenzio's nursery, and note the balance throughout and at the same time the presence of masculinity and elegance at the same time. He really resembles a butterfly thanks to the correct ratio of the skull and muzzle, as well as large and correctly set ears. Beautiful almond-shaped eyes. The photograph in the stand, taken by the legendary Per Unden, reflects the correct balance and proportions of the male. The silhouette is created by beautiful lines and a correct tail. what is important is that the silhouette itself is visible.

And today this dog could be the winner of major exhibitions and be an example of quality and level in the breed! True Papillon!

Part 2. Private exterior of Papillon dogs.

Selection and translation of fragments of illustrated standards, comments from breed specialists, breed judges and our own observations.

2.1. Head.

2.1.1. General view.

2.1.2. Ears

When assessing the size and shape of the ears, manual control on the part of the judge is important, since especially in young dogs, the ears may appear outwardly pointed due to hairs sticking up that have not yet reached their final length. The ear should be large with rounded ends, but not long, wedge-shaped or thin. The size and shape of the Papillon and Phalene ears are the same, and the only differences are in the set. An assessment of ear setness in a Papillon, like other dog breeds, should be carried out when the dog is in an alert state, as a relaxed dog will often hold his ears lower than when he is tense.

2.1.3. Disadvantages of the skull structure

2.1.4. Head profile: important proportions

The FCI standard only says that the muzzle is shorter than the skull. In most of the comments reviewed, the most desirable ratio of the muzzle to the skull is 1/3 to 2/3 of the total length of the head. At the same time, for example, the length of the muzzle in the AKC Standard is clearly stated as “approximately 1/3 of the length of the head.”

2.2. Frame

The Papillon is a small, elegant dog

The oblique length of the body is slightly greater than the height of the dog at the withers.

In terms of size, the FCI standard is more streamlined about a height of about 28 cm, but the weight limits are clearly indicated: males 2.4-4.5 kg and females 2.5-5 kg, minimum weight 1.5 kg. For comparison, in the American Kennel Club Standard, the height boundaries are more clear and strict: height at the withers is 8-11 inches (20-28 cm), and height over 12 inches (30.5 cm) is disqualifying. In the Australian Kennel Club and English Kennel Club Standards, the height limits are the same as in the AKC, but there is no disqualification for exceeding them.

Important: Fine dressed dog will appear somewhat more stretched due to the long hair on the neck and hind legs, so it is important to clarify the visual assessment of the format by manual examination.

2.3. Limbs

2.4. Tail

The tail is quite high in set and set, relatively long according to the FCI standard (in the AKC standard: long and set high without the words “sufficient” and “relatively”). The hair on the tail of adults is long and disintegrating, the so-called “plume”. The tail is raised above the topline, ideally without the tip touching it. However, crossing the topline is not a fault. The main thing is that there is a noticeable “arch” formed by the tail. A good “arch” is checked as follows: 2-3 fingers should pass freely between the rump and the lower third of the tail at its base. Papillon breeders often compare the correct tail to the handle of a teapot.

NB! A tail thrown over the croup (“flat” in the English-speaking environment) is a serious fault and must be strictly punished by the judges.

Regarding the nuances of examination in the tail part: short tails are quite common in the breed, and a rich plume can hide this and other anatomical defects and defects. The tail, carefully lowered (straightened) with the hands, should reach the hock joint.

It is important to remember that the Papillon is not only a cheerful, attentive and sensitive dog, but also a rather gentle dog, so a manual examination should be carried out very delicately, without haste or sudden movements. In adult dogs, the weight of the tail can “lay” on the back, and that is why it is important to check how correct its base is. A tail that touches the back at the tip and visually appears “flat”, but at the same time with a correct arch at the base is absolutely correct.

2.5. Movements

The Papillon's movements should be balanced, light and free, without any cohesion or stiffness. A true Papillon moves with dignity and grace.

As the speed at the trot increases, the forelimbs begin to move closer to the central longitudinal axis, but at the same time the limbs are carried strictly forward, the elbows and knees do not turn outward or inward. Overlapping movements of the forelimbs are a significant fault. During movement, the back remains strong and straight. As for the features of showing the Papillon in the ring, it should be remembered that the Papillon is a small, cheerful toy dog; a free display in which the Papillon plays, demonstrates contact with the handler, is cheerful, sweet, smart and interested in what is happening should be present in the ring and encouraged as much as possible. expression.


Origin: France/Belgium

Class: By FCI classification- 9th group (decorative and companion dogs). Section 9 ( continental toy spaniel and Russian toy).

Usage: decorative dog.

Color: white with spots of any color except blue.

Dimensions: height at withers: 20-28 cm; weight: 1.5-5 kg

Lifespan: 12-16 years old

This is the Papillon: the photo introduces you to the Continental Toy Spaniel - one of the most striking with a stunning appearance and truly outstanding intelligence.

A cheerful and temperamental animal with butterfly ears is able to charge everyone in the area with its energy.

Don't expect your lap dog to become tame and sit on your lap. Representatives of this breed are very active, but elegant and graceful, like everything French.

Papillon means "butterfly" in French. The dog got this name due to the shape of its ears, reminiscent of the wings of a butterfly.

History of the breed

In Europe, Papillon dogs were known back in the 11th-12th centuries; later they gained popularity, along with such and.

It is believed that the ancestor of the Franco-Belgian breed was a dwarf spaniel - a favorite of Spain and Italy.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, this dog became popular among royal dynasties and nobility. For example, Henry III (King of France in 1551-1589) spent incredible sums from the state treasury to maintain his cute pet.

In those days, a butterfly dog ​​could not become a fashion model, but famous artists dedicated their paintings to it: Boucher, Rubens, Fragonard, Watteau.

Marie Antoinette did not consider her paintings complete unless the artist depicted a Papillon next to her.

The situation for animals changed dramatically during the French Revolution; the end of bourgeois life marked the extermination of the breed.

Since then, Papillons have lived primarily in Belgium. Fortunately, in the mid-19th century, caring people made every effort to revive the breed.

They not only saved the breed, but also bred an additional variety with floppy ears.


The photo of a Papillon butterfly shows a lovely animal, but not only its graceful appearance attracts dog breeders: these animals have an amazing and easy-going character:

  • High intelligence. The Papillon dog has been occupying 8th place in the ranking of the smartest dogs in the world for several decades; the animal lends itself perfectly and always understands its owner, and takes prizes.
  • Devotion. They are devotees and animals, strongly attached to humans. In the absence of the owner, the Papillon becomes very sad and feels discomfort.
  • Activity. An active and playful baby will never sit still; these dogs love to frolic and learn about the world around them. By the way, Papillons are great hunters, chasing prey: flies, butterflies and even rodents.
  • Optimism. A cheerful dog, an “eternal child”, is able to cheer up the owner and his family members even on stormy days.

The Papillon is a cheerful dog, an “eternal child”, capable of cheering up the owner and his family members even on stormy days.

  • Psychological mood.
  • Memory. In addition to highly developed intelligence, Papillons have an unrivaled memory for dogs.
  • Curiosity. Animals show a keen interest in almost everything, they love to learn everything new, everything that surrounds them.
  • Love for children. Papillon dogs - excellent companions for children, they happily play with babies and do not show aggression.

Important! This p the breed needs early socialization, the lack of timely and proper education can lead to the development of aggression in Papillons: they will quickly cross the line of play and may even bite. The upbringing and socialization of the animal must begin from early puppyhood.


Papillons are companion dogs; they are bred to decorate life and brighten up your leisure time.

Smart and mischievous dogs are able to bring happiness to all members of their owner’s family.

How to choose a puppy

The photo shows Papillon puppies, purebred representatives of the breed. They fully comply with the standards - white color with spotted ears, size appropriate for age.

Besides, healthy puppies Butterfly dogs have proportionality to the head and all parts of the body, the limbs and tail are positioned correctly, the kids are playful and not aggressive.

Breed defects may be recognized short legs or short tail, solid white color, white ears, pronounced aggression.

Features of care


The Papillon's coat is his pride and his difference; it is necessary to care for the butterfly dog's fur coat daily, combing it using special mittens and.

It is necessary to bathe your pet as soon as it gets dirty, it should be used special shampoo for dogs.

However, many breeders use human shampoos for platinum blondes, this helps maintain the snow-white color of Papillons.

Important! The coat reflects the dog's health and should be thick, shiny and clean. If suddenly the fur coat became dull, it began heavy shedding, then, most likely, adverse changes have occurred in the animal’s body. In this case, you should not delay going to the veterinarian.

In addition to the coat, it is important to take care of your dog’s nails, inspect them regularly and trim them as needed. You need to regularly clean your ears and eyes.


The Papillon dog breed is suitable for both suburban living and living in a city apartment.


Feeding is an important component of caring for any dog; the animal’s nutrition must be balanced; in this case, “table food” will not suit the dog.

The health and life of your pet depends on the type of food and its composition. If you decide to get a Papillon dog, do not skimp on its diet.

The Papillon menu should contain food of both plant and animal origin.

All products must be fresh, and there must be constant access to clean water.

Natural food can always be replaced with balanced food.

Small puppies are fed 5-6 times a day; by the age of six months, the number of snacks is reduced to 2-3 times.

Important!In order for your dog to have a healthy and even posture, place the bowl of food on a hill so that the dog does not have to bend over while eating and drinking. You cannot make your pet become obese, which this breed is very prone to.


Characteristic diseases

Papillons are most often susceptible to the following diseases:

  • Turn of the century (entropy)
  • Corneal dystrophy
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Cataract
  • Congenital deafness

Puppies under the age of 4 months may develop glycemia - a lack of sugar in the blood. Such a defect is not observed.

To avoid the development of pathology, you need to monitor the puppy’s diet, giving preference to carbohydrates.


The first vaccination is given to the Papillon at the age of 8 weeks, repeated after four weeks.

For ten days after vaccination, you need to carefully monitor the pet’s condition, avoid drafts, walks and contact with unvaccinated animals.


The choice of mating partner is determined by health and purebred status.

By the time of mating, both partners should be well-fed and treated against worms, ticks and fleas.

In this article we'll talk about wonderful and amazing dog breed French Papillon . It is worth noting that this is not the only name for this breed, many breeders cannot unanimously decide exactly what to call it correctly: Papillon or Papillon, so both names are widely known, also this breed is called the dwarf continental toy spaniel, and many simply call this dog Papillon "butterfly" because of its unusual ears. However long hair she only has on her ears, so we classify her as .

The French Papillon dog got its name thanks to its original ears.

So, what are the main advantages of this breed? You can immediately answer this question and confidently say that it has a huge number of advantages. and much more than shortcomings. In this article I will try to briefly introduce the characteristics of the breed, but later we will definitely talk about them in more detail.


This breed is very miniature. The Papillon has similar dimensions to the long-haired Prague Ratbird, and its appearance is also more or less similar. Recently at an exhibition I saw a charming young man who looked so much like Papillon that even I almost confused them.

  • Height is about 27 cm,
  • Weight can reach up to 5 kg.

Its miniature size is perfect for apartment living, travel and other pastimes.


One of the main advantages is the appearance of this wonderful dog. Besides the fact that it is small in size, it is also incredibly beautiful and luxurious. These dogs have a beautiful, harmonious physique, a doll-like face, rich fur, and expressive eyes. The hallmark of this breed are the ears, which are much larger than those of other dogs, but firmly set and reminiscent of butterfly wings. But this is not the most main characteristic breeds What's more important is her intelligence.

Mental abilities

These dogs are incredibly smart. The Papillon breed has high intelligence, it even ranks 7th on the list the smartest dogs. These are very sensitive pets. They are good at capturing mood and intonation and understanding their owners perfectly. In addition to great mental abilities, nature also endowed them with excellent memory.

Interesting photo


The Papillon butterfly dog ​​has a simply unique character. First of all, this is a very loyal animal that loves its owners very much and cannot easily endure long separations from them. Also, these dogs are very active, energetic, playful and joyful, they can always cheer up their owners and keep children occupied. But it is worth noting that due to the fact that they get very used to and become attached to their owners, they can be jealous, touchy, and vulnerable. Papillon has a peaceful character. He does not like to be scolded and may even be offended by slight increase vote.


This breed is quite expensive.

If you choose this one, get ready for serious expenses. If you do not plan to attend exhibitions and you are indifferent to breeding, it is better to be satisfied with a puppy without a pedigree, purchased through advertisements in specialized publications. This is not best option, but still it exists. In this case, you will have to spend 10 - 15 thousand rubles.

If you want a truly purebred pet, then you will have to spend about 30 - 40 thousand rubles. Yes, I agree, these are serious expenses, but they are worth it. Definitely! In addition, there is an option in which, after a long search, you will get an adult Papillon, the price of which also starts from 30 thousand rubles.


IN raising this breed will also be a pleasant process for you. Since representatives of this breed are very smart, they are easy to train, but they need to be raised from puppyhood.

The Papillon dog is inquisitive, open, loves to explore the world around them, and shows excellent results at various exhibitions and competitions. In this it is similar to some other breeds.


It's not with her luxurious long hair. Papillons are enough unpretentious dogs and do not require serious, expensive care. The most important thing for them is your love and care. Caring for the Papillon mainly consists of cleaning the ears and teeth, grooming the coat in the form of weekly brushing, daily walks, nail trimming, and proper nutrition.

Useful video

If you are interested in this article, watch a very interesting video in which they will not only tell you about this wonderful breed, but also show you its representatives.


These are not all the advantages of this wonderful breed. If you want to make yourself a truly devoted and affectionate friend, then the Papillon Butterfly dog ​​breed is ideal for you.

If you decide to get a puppy and your priority is a small, decorative dog, then the Papillon is an excellent option. The age of this type of dog is 700 years, it is one of the oldest breeds in Europe. They were an indispensable attribute of French court ladies. According to one version, the Papillon originated from the dwarf spaniel, which was popular in those distant times. It quickly and for a long time won the attention and love of many families and remains popular to this day.

Breed characteristics: Papillon

The Papillon is an old breed of miniature toy dog. They got their name (papillon means “butterfly” in French) thanks to their ears. interesting shape that resemble the wings of a butterfly.

The Papillon will be cheerful, cheerful and playful companion for many years. The life expectancy of representatives of this breed is from 12 to 16 years. This dog is capable of devotion and respect for its owners; all that is required from them in return is constant attention. They will be excellent obedient companions, as they happily sit in the arms of their owners and watch the world around them with interest.

Papillons are very loyal dogs, they love all family members and get along well with small children. Quite unpretentious - although they love long walks, they can calmly sit in an apartment and do without constant physical activity. One of the advantages is that Papillons can tolerate any climate, and you can safely travel with them. long distances and even on an airplane.

The Papillon gets along well in a big city or a small apartment; it will not get a lot of pleasure from living in a country house and small walks on fresh air, in the park or in the forest. It may come out excellent hunter for small animals. The Papillon shows interest in mice, spiders, birds, squirrels and even butterflies. And he often hunts for them on walks.

It has a proud, graceful gait and easy, smooth movements thanks to its strong skeleton. The small, pointed muzzle evokes affection in those around him. The body is slightly longer than tall.

You need to carefully monitor your Papillon and carefully close small gaps in the fence or gate in the yard so that he does not run away in search of new experiences and adventures.

This decorative dog is extremely trainable. And he enjoys the execution of commands and the owner’s praise.

Dimensions: weight, height

The average weight of an adult Papillon is 2 kg - 5 kg. The height at the withers is 20 cm - 28 cm.

  1. The Papillon's head is proportional to the body and light, with a roundish skull and a slightly noticeable furrow between the eyes;
  2. small nose with a black round lobe and slightly flattened;
  3. the muzzle is slightly shorter in comparison with the cranial part of the head and slightly pointed;
  4. the lips in dogs of this breed are tightly fitting to the jaws, always compressed, very thin and pigmented;
  5. jaws, despite small size dogs, strong, with sharp teeth. The bite is regular, scissor-like;
  6. have large expressive eyes dark color and almond shape, low set;
  7. The ears are large in comparison with the size of the body, set high. Slightly offset to the back of the skull and with sharp ends. Their fur is very long, which makes them stand out this breed special attractiveness;
  8. the short neck arches slightly at the back of the head;
  9. The Papillon's loin is strong and slightly convex;
  10. deep and wide chest with curved ribs. Its volume between the last pair of ribs is equal to the height at the withers;
  11. These dogs have a tucked belly;
  12. the tail is long, decorated with beautiful, silky hair, set high. Ideally, it should not have a rounded shape or lie on the back. When active, it is thrown onto the dog’s hip or back;
  13. The limbs are quite strong, smooth, parallel to each other. The front ones fit well to the body, the rear ones have well-developed angles. The long paws are at right angles to the strong pads, have movable toes, between which grows fur and black strong claws;
  14. The coat is abundant, shiny, without undercoat. The wool lies in silky waves, is quite soft and durable. The length of the hairs in certain places (back, tail) is 7-15 cm;
  15. The color of Papillons is white with spots of any color (pale lemon, red-red, brown).
  16. Character

    Papillons are loved for their cheerful and active temperament, friendliness, playfulness and friendliness. They are easy to train even as adults. Submissive and gentle ones study the world that surrounds them with curiosity.

    These little sneaks adore children and will happily participate in their games. But if in early age They have not been socialized or introduced to other pets or family members, then Papillons may bite and chew. This method of self-defense can be activated even without certain reasons.

    If raised correctly, timidity and cowardice will not appear in representatives of the breed in question. They need attention and emotional contacts with their owners - this will support mental health and the good mood of the little Papillons.

    This soft little lump almost never barks, always in calm state, devoid of aggression and hostility towards strangers.

    An intelligible, smart, playful, attentive and gentle dog will be an obedient compact friend for the whole family. Thanks to its “pocket” size, it can be carried everywhere with you, which will bring great satisfaction to the Papillon.

    What to feed your Papillon

    Feeding this decorative dog practically does not differ significantly from the features of feeding other types of dogs, only in the amount of food. The Papillon must have a complete, correct balanced diet, since quite a lot of factors will depend on this - good health the dog, the shiny appearance of the coat, the playful and cheerful mood of the beloved pet.

    If the dog is constantly losing hair, and is not limited to periods of shedding, or the natural shine has disappeared, this means that the dog has pet start painful condition. Papillons' diet must be carefully regulated.

    At an early age of up to five months, it is advisable to feed the Papillon 5-6 times a day. You need to feed your dog at a certain time so that there is a constant, stable schedule. Over time, the number of meals is reduced by half. From 8 months, the dog can be switched to 2 meals a day.

    The diet of puppies must be varied - food of animal origin in combination with plant products. This important condition, thanks to which intestinal tract will function correctly.

    The Papillon should only eat fresh natural products. Be sure to wash the bowl thoroughly and persistently after eating food. hot water to destroy harmful bacteria on its walls.

    Fresh drinking water should always be kept next to a bowl of food.

    The most important thing is to give your dog food in accordance with its age, and in no case overfeed. In the first months of a Papillon's life, it is especially important to give the necessary food to his body. useful minerals and vitamins, proteins and fats that will contribute to the full and proper development dogs.

    The dog's bowl should be placed on a high ground so as not to spoil the puppy's posture. In an adult Papillon, you can easily feel the ribs if he gets enough food. You can't overfeed him.

    The Papillon will be an excellent obedient companion if you decide to get this small and cute dog. It evokes affection in passers-by thanks to its toy appearance and compact size. Perfect for living in an apartment, as it does not require a large area for your own entertainment. The Papillon is unpretentious, a cheerful and loyal companion for all household members. Plays great with children and pets. But owners must surround the Papillon with attention and care; he cannot stand being alone.

The Papillon or Papillon is a breed of small toy dog, also known as official name continental toy spaniel.

The word Papillon in French means butterfly and very accurately reflects the appearance of a miniature, light dog with large erect ears spread out like the wings of a butterfly.

The second variety of the continental toy spaniel, the Phalene, is an exact copy of the Papillon, but with drooping ears, somewhat reminiscent of a voluminous pocket.

History of the breed

History explains very simply how the word “spaniel” got into the name of a decorative dog: the ancestors of Papillons were dwarf spaniels (epagnoles), who lived in the territories of Spain and Italy about a thousand years ago. Due to their miniature size, dwarfs were unsuitable for hunting, but they coped well with the role of pets.

Dogs came to France in the 15th century, where they gained enormous success and became a kind of symbol of well-being among royalty and their associates. There is evidence that King Henry III spent a considerable part of the state treasury on maintaining his papillon in luxury.

In those days, on the canvases of famous artists, dwarf spaniels were depicted with floppy ears, but in the 16th century, tiny Indian Techichi dogs began to be imported to Europe, from which Chihuahuas subsequently descended. According to scientists, it is these now extinct dogs that Papillons owe their erect ears.

One of the consequences of the Great French Revolution was the almost complete extermination of the Papillons, as a symbol of the old foundations. Export to Belgium saved part of the population, but a shortage of breeding sires made the breed a curiosity until the beginning of the 19th century.

Active breeding of dogs was carried out in England, and by mating with Spitz dogs it was possible to obtain a rich coat over the entire body. In 1923, Papillons were introduced to the general public, at which time they acquired a local name - butterfly. In the mid-20th century, Papillons gained recognition in the United States and then conquered the whole world.

Papillon on a walk.

Frontal photo of Papillon.

Photo of a Papillon in the yard.

Young Papillon.

Description of the breed

Papillons represent a kind of standard for indoor - ornamental breeds dogs. They are distinguished by their small size, harmonious build, neat head crowned with large ears and flowing silky coat with a slight waviness.


The Papillon is a rectangular dog with good bones. The strong, straight back ends in a slightly arched loin. Rib cage developed, deep, with moderately convex ribs. The abdomen is tucked up, but without undermining.

Legs with strong joints, fairly short, straight, with a parallel stance. The paws are developed, “hare-like”, with long fingers and strong claws. The Papillon's gait is proud, graceful, very aristocratic, and the dog's movements are light and free.

The long, high-set tail of an alert dog is carried over its back or rests on its hip. Thanks to their long, flowing hair, the Papillon's tail looks like a beautiful fountain.

In accordance with the breed standard, the height of individuals of both sexes should not exceed 28 cm, and the permissible body weight is from 1.5 to 5 kg.

Papillon in all its glory.

Papillon on a leash.

Head and muzzle

The high, dry neck of the Papillon ends in a well-proportioned head with a moderate convex forehead. The muzzle is almost sharp, with a pronounced transition from the forehead to the bridge of the nose. The lips are thin and fully pigmented, the jaws are deep and grasping with a full, scissor bite.

The eyes are large, dark, wide open, very intelligent and expressive. The ears are large, erect, firmly and high set, decorated with a fringe of long (up to 11 cm) hair.

Coat and color

Papillons have no undercoat, and the hard outer hair forms a thick coat that flows in a heavy wave. The muzzle and paws have the shortest hair, the body is covered with hair medium length. The neck is decorated with a rich frill, the fur on the “pants” and tail can reach 15 cm.

The main color of Papillons is white, which should make up more than 50% of the dog's total color. Black-and-white and white-sable specimens are considered the most valuable; the tricolor color is especially popular among fans. Markings on the face and paws, inherited from spaniels, are not a fault.

Photo portrait of a Papillon.

Papillon look.

A pair of Papillons on a walk.

Papillon character

Papillons are very cheerful and active dogs, incorrigible optimists, most of time staying in good mood. A sharp mind, excellent memory and natural curiosity make Papillons one of the most trainable dog breeds, so even a 10-year-old owner can successfully train a pet.