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When dogs shed. The dog sheds heavily - the most common causes of deviation. When do dogs start shedding?

Shedding in dogs is a natural process, and every owner of a four-legged friend has to deal with it. But not all owners know when, how and how many times a year animals molt, for what reasons this happens, how long it lasts , and what to do if the dog begins to shed heavily.

What it is?

REFERENCE! Molting is the replacement of old coat with new coat. The process is provided for by nature itself and occurs gradually over a certain time. After molting, the new coat becomes shiny, smooth, and silky to the touch, transforming appearance dogs for the better.

Causes of hair loss

Shedding is always a crucial period for dog owners, especially if the breed is long-haired. The causes of hair loss can be natural or pathological. In the first case, this is a planned moult, intended by nature, which occurs annually in spring and autumn and ends at a set time. This is a normal process and there is nothing to worry about in this case.

But if the dog sheds “at the wrong time” or heavily, then this may happen due to:

However, not only problems inside the dog’s body cause unplanned shedding, but also environmental factors. For example, low humidity and warm air in the room where there is a pet that lives almost constantly in an apartment and rarely goes outside creates an environment for chronic hair loss. As a result, the animal sheds constantly, year-round, not only in spring and autumn, but also in summer and winter. .

Temporary shedding can be caused by acute stress, for example, surgery or moving to a new place of residence, bitches may begin to shed during or after. Improper care behind the dog's fur is another common cause of pathological shedding. The culprits may be the wrong shampoo or soap for the animal, which the owner chose for him or too frequent washing, which degreases the skin, as a result of which hair falls out at an accelerated rate and dandruff may appear.

When does it happen and how long does it last?

Dogs shed in autumn and spring, that is 2 times per year. How long does the spring molt last? From 2 to 3 weeks, but in some cases it may be somewhat delayed. Autumn shedding lasts longer than spring, but much less wool falls out during this period than in spring. After winter, the opposite happens, as the dog gets rid of the thick undercoat and old hair.

When does spring molting begin in young animals? Puppies usually begin to shed after 6–7 one month old. At the same age, the first autumn shedding occurs in dogs born in the spring. How long the shedding lasts in the spring also depends on what breed the dog belongs to, its state of health, diet, etc.

The beginning of spring or autumn shedding can be noticed by the fur lying on the floor and on upholstered furniture, as well as by the dog’s changed behavior. How does an animal's behavior change when it sheds? The dog begins to itch intensely, rub against pieces of furniture, and roll on the ground outside. What should the owner do in the spring, when molting has begun, how to speed it up and how to help the animal quickly get rid of excess hair? Read about it below.

How to scratch?

ADVICE! The easiest way to remove useless hair is to comb it out with a special brush. It has frequent and thin metal teeth that can grab any, even very thick and thin hair and remove it before it falls out on its own.

How to quickly and correctly comb an animal during shedding? You need to guide the brush in the direction of hair growth, pressing slightly on the handle so that the brush can go deeper into the thickness of the coat and capture the old wool throughout its entire depth. In this way, you can gradually comb out the entire animal. If there are scratches, wounds, or irritations on the dog’s body, it is best to use a slicker brush.

How to speed up hair combing at home? The hairs will fall out better if the procedure is performed immediately after bathing the animal. They will get wet and will become easier to stretch out.

What to feed?

How else can you deal with old dog hair? To make molting go faster, the animal needs to be provided good food, preferably natural, with a predominance of protein, which makes the wool strong and shiny. Therefore, your pet’s diet needs to include meat and offal, which can be given raw.

REFERENCE! The diet should also contain fish oil, liver, cereals and vegetables, legumes, yeast, containing all the vitamins and minerals the animal needs during this period. You can also give your dog dry food good quality, for example, Hills, Royal Canin, ProPlan, Orijen, Eukanuba, Belcando, etc.

What vitamins should I give my pet during seasonal hair loss?

At any pet store or veterinary clinic can be purchased vitamin preparations for dogs, which can be added to their diet additionally. The vitamin complex must contain the following compounds:

  • group B, which helps wool grow faster;
  • biotin, with the help of which collagen fibers are synthesized and protein and fat metabolism is regulated;
  • calciferol, in the presence of which calcium is absorbed;
  • ascorbic acid, which strengthens blood vessels, thereby improving the nutrition of the follicles;
  • tocopherol, which improves the condition of the skin;
  • niacin, which prevents dermatitis and dry skin.

This set of vitamins will help your pet grow healthy and shiny wool as fast as possible. More information on the topic of vitamins can be found in

Do I need a special shampoo?

Is it possible to wash a dog while shedding? Of course it is possible and even necessary. After bathing, the old fur is removed much faster, so the shedding process is reduced. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with washing: dandruff forms on dry skin, and this creates additional problems. Dandruff during shedding can be eliminated with a special moisturizing shampoo.

REFERENCE! To bathe your pet during shedding, you can use any shampoo, but it is better to use products specially designed for shedding dogs or products containing proteins (including conditioners and balms). A set of dog grooming products will make the labor-intensive process much easier.

What to do if the shedding is severe and the dog loses a lot of hair? First of all, you need to establish its cause, and only a veterinarian can do this. Check your health status The animal must be treated at the first warning signs, because severe hair loss is often a sign of a serious illness.

Are there special products against heavy shedding?

You can stop severe shedding in dogs with the help of complex vitamin preparations and food additives. If this does not help, then you need to contact a veterinarian, who, after an examination, will make a decision and tell you how to help the animal.

What is express molting, reviews and prices

REFERENCE! Express shedding is a professional combing performed by a master in a pet salon. It is especially effective during seasonal shedding, but it can also be performed at any time on animals that live indoors and shed year-round.

Of course, every owner in the house or in the yard can comb his dog, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly, they don’t know how to comb it correctly during shedding and how to handle the tool and the animal. Improper handling may result in skin damage. varying degrees difficulties, torn hair and stress in the dog. In addition, not everyone has the time and desire to comb, or there may be another reason - someone in the family is allergic to dog hair. With express shedding performed by a professional, all this can be avoided.

How is express molting done? The master places the animal on the table and combs it with a furminator brush. Then the animal is bathed with shampoo and mask and the hair is dried with a special hairdryer. With these procedures, almost 90% of unnecessary fur is immediately removed, revealing a brand new shiny coat. Thanks to quick combing, the pet looks well-groomed and hair no longer lies all over the house, which, according to dog owners, is the main advantage of the procedure. The effect of express shedding lasts for 2–3 months. The price for this depends on the size of the dog, the thickness and length of its coat. Express shedding is not carried out at home; it is done only in specialized salons.

Dogs that don't shed

For people for whom dog shedding is a problem, it is better to choose an animal that belongs to one of the breeds that hardly sheds. For example, you can purchase a puppy from short-haired and medium-haired breeds with minimal shedding. These include:

    • poodles (standard, miniature, toy);
    • Irish Water Spaniel;
    • Yorkshire Terrier;
    • Basenji;
    • Xolo (Mexican Hairless Dog);
    • border terrier;
    • Welsh Terrier;
    • Maltese;
    • Kerry Blue Terrier;
    • Shih Tzu;
    • wheaten terrier;
    • Chinese Crested;
    • Bedlington Terrier;
    • Bichon Frize, etc.

Often these same dog breeds not only do not shed, but are also classified as “no dog smell” breeds. Some of them are odorless and practically hairless breeds (Xolo and Chinese Crested), others have a soft coat. middle length odorless wool, others - short, hard wool. Odorless and non-shedding breeds are perfect for allergy sufferers and those who cannot tolerate the specific dog aroma.

Useful video

You can watch a video about express molting here:

Shedding in dogs can tell an experienced dog owner a lot about the animal. When you meet domestic dogs on the street, you can easily determine whether the pet is healthy and happy. "How"? - you ask. By the condition of his coat!

If the fur coat looks well-groomed and shines in the sun, like expensive fur, then everything is fine with your pet. If the hairs are shaggy and sparse, the dog often itches, getting rid of endlessly shedding hairs, then something is wrong.

Before visiting your doctor, be sure to make sample list products you feed your pet. You can give your dog vitamins in advance.

The dog sheds a lot: why this happens and what to do

However, not only illnesses become the causes of sudden or heavy shedding. The animal's fur coat reacts sharply to any changes in environment. For example, some apartment pets living in artificial light or in stuffy conditions constantly renew their fur, unlike their counterparts living on fresh air sunny summer cottages.

Temporary weakening hair follicles and intense are sometimes caused by stress, such as pregnancy, moving, surgery. There are even cases where too frequent bathing disrupted the chemical balance of the skin and promoted shedding.

We take care of wool

It doesn’t matter whether the time of seasonal hair loss has arrived or the veterinarian could not find the reasons for the “unscheduled” shedding or could not understand why the dog sheds heavily - you need to help the pet comfortably survive this difficult period.

  • Stock up,
  • buy special dry conditioners that improve the structure of the coat and nourish it.
  • Frequent when heavy shedding Not recommended, but sometimes you can give your pet a fun shower with pet shampoo, which contains protein.
  • Finally, definitely.

Don't forget to stock up on the necessary equipment for brushing your pet. The main thing is combs made of hardened steel. Preferably with nickel plating. With their help you can comb out tangles from the undercoat.

Puffers are no less important. They remove hair in delicate places that cannot be touched with a rough metal tool.

They remove hair in delicate places that cannot be touched with a rough metal tool. You can comb and collect dead hair from your pet's body using a brush-glove. You will be able to remove dead hair from your pet’s body with this “equipment” in four days of vigorous combing.

By the way, all this ammunition can be replaced with one device - a furminator. In appearance, this tool looks like a regular rake-shaped comb. He does not cut off the undercoat, but catches it and lifts it up. The “teeth” of the furminator are located so that they do not touch living hair.

However, the Furminator should not be used if there are irritations, ulcers, scratches, wounds, bruises or abrasions on the pet’s skin. Before going through the fur with this device, comb your pet with a metal comb. There should be no tangles, otherwise the animal will be hurt.

Combing with a furminator will speed up if you do it after bathing. Move the tool in the direction of hair growth. Be careful when handling the tummy, paws and tail. No need to use force! Move gently through the fur so as not to hurt the animal.

This device is suitable for most breeds. Exceptions for dogs:

  • american water spaniel,
  • terrier,
  • curly coated retriever,

If you brush your dog regularly, the hairs will not settle on the furniture and floor. You can work on the animal's fur by sitting on a newspaper or a piece of cellophane. Then you can remove everything you combed out in a minute!

Menu for shedding

During molting, it is better to transfer your pet to natural food. The main thing for a healthy and beautiful wool- protein. It gives the coat shine and strength. During shedding, your pet also needs fish oil. Make sure your pet receives the nutrients necessary for coat growth: copper, zinc and vitamin B.

During this period, the animal needs more meat (with the exception of pork, it is too fatty). Pamper your pets sometimes chicken hearts, liver. Once a week, the shedding animal needs to eat sea fish. Just give him boneless fillet.

In addition, it is important that your pets eat vegetables and grains. It's unlikely that you'll be able to get your four-legged ones to try these foods separately, so mix them with your furry friend's favorite canned food.

Remember: your pet's health depends on you. And take care of the one you tamed!

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Molt at domestic dog- a common occurrence. However, when hair falls out all year round, without interruption, this can be a cause for concern.

Why does a dog shed? Reasons and factors influencing this process.

Animal fur is short-lived. Like human hair, it dies and grows back. Therefore, shedding is inevitable. In addition, having a thicker coat before the onset of cold weather or, on the contrary, with less undercoat, makes life much easier for the dog. A thick fur coat with down will prevent her from freezing in winter. A summer “outfit” made of lightweight wool will allow the skin to breathe and not overheat in the sun.

Experts distinguish 3 main types of molting:

  1. seasonal. 2 times per year. Adjustable by temperature parameters.
  2. age. It is typical for puppies when they change their “baby” fur to adult, real ones. Occurs up to 6 months. Along with the fur, the color of the animal often changes at this moment.
  3. year-round. Sluggish molting, characteristic of animals constantly kept at home.

If your dog sheds heavily before the onset of autumn-winter or summer, you don’t have to worry - natural shedding will end quite quickly. Your pet will get a new, comfortable fur coat, and will stop leaving hair on the carpet and sofa.

Since shedding hair is natural, it is impossible to completely eliminate the shedding process. Dogs without hair do not shed. There are also breeds for which shedding is not so pronounced: Welsh Corgi Terrier, Poodle, Kerry Blue Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Bichon Frize and some others. Those dogs that need trimming also shed little. This procedure, carried out 2-3 times a year, rids the owners of hair on the carpet, upholstery and in the corners of the room.

Twice a year, in spring and autumn, the dog's coat is renewed naturally. This process is directly related to the health of the animal, its immunity and well-being. If the fur shines in the sun, this is an excellent indicator, but if it is dull and not silky, then you need to pay special attention to your pet’s body.

At the same time, a beautiful coat is responsible for the attractive appearance and well-groomed appearance of the dog. You want to pet such a pet as often as possible, which improves the mood of both parties and promotes closer tactile contact.

What is the difference between spring and autumn molt?

During the autumn molting period, the summer coat is replaced and a new, thicker and warmer coat grows, with an undercoat for warmth in the winter. The duration of autumn molting is longer than that of spring, although there is significantly less hair during this period. The pet may visually increase in volume, become soft and tender to the touch.

Spring shedding in dogs begins after the end of frost. The warm undercoat and thick coat are shed, the skin is being renewed to summer period. The duration of molting in spring is short-term, although it is much more difficult for owners to tolerate. Excessive hair loss spoils the mood of apartment residents, contaminating clothes, furniture and floors.

When does dogs first shed?

Puppies older than 6 months are physiologically ready to shed their fur. However, the first molt depends not on the date of birth, but on seasonal conditions and general condition dog health.

How long does it take for dogs to shed?

Natural seasonal molting occurs within 7-14 days. At this time, it is worth taking extra care of your pet. You will have to clean the house much more often than usual, since the ubiquitous wool will constantly appear. Thanks to careful brushing or the services of a dog groomer, you can make this period easier for both yourself and your four-legged friend.

Off-season shedding

Please note that a dog living in an apartment may shed throughout the year. Her body is not tuned to natural cycles, so any change in the environment can provoke hair loss. Some females begin shedding hair during estrus or during childbirth.

Excessive pet hair loss over time serves serious reason to check the dog's health. The fact is that wool does not immediately signal internal diseases, since hair growth occurs slowly. Any changes in the dog’s appearance are visible a month after complications, which is why it is worth paying special attention to the shine of the coat during shedding in dogs. If it is absent, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

When should you contact a veterinarian?

A dog's prolonged shedding should be cause for concern if:

  • the fur falls out in clumps,
  • looks unkempt and dull,
  • the structure and thickness of the cover changes,
  • hair growth slows down.

Why does a dog shed for so long?

Prolonged shedding in a dog can be associated with various factors. One of the most common causes of canine baldness is allergic reaction for food, water, indoor or outdoor plants. Weakening of hair follicles can happen due to stress caused by separation from the owner, change of place of residence or surgery. Bathing too often can also cause shedding. Shampoo is able to wash away the protective fat layer that is important for health. In this case, the hair follicles begin to weaken and the hairs fall out.

To make sure your pet feels comfortable this period, follow the care instructions.

Brush your dog's fur daily with a specially selected brush, undercoat furminator or massage comb. Such manipulations are useful for the animal because they help remove dead hair and accelerate the growth of new ones; stimulate the upper layer of the epidermis, which improves blood supply and flow nutrients to the hair roots; improves the appearance of the pet, because the fur becomes smooth and silky. Besides, daily care Taking care of your dog will reduce the need to constantly vacuum and clean, and will reduce the amount of hair in the house.

Use a special conditioner for dogs that improves the texture of the coat and nourishes the skin. The product allows you to make hair flexible, they will not get tangled during combing.

It is not recommended to bathe your dog frequently, but when it is really necessary, use a pet shampoo that contains protein and strengthens the coat. Use detergent for recharge hair follicles no more than once a month.

Add cold-pressed oils, minerals and vitamins to your dog's regular diet. It is recommended to use special complex preparations, improving wool quality. If you feed your dog natural food, increase the protein content in the daily menu. Wool consists of keratin, and it is the protein components that are building material hair, make it elastic. It is advisable to add complete protein in the form of low-fat meat, liver and chicken hearts. You can give your pet low-fat sea ​​fish, while making sure that there are no bones in it. Eating natural foods will also have a beneficial effect on your dog’s health. fish oil. Also, the diet should be enriched with cereals and vegetables, and if the animal does not like them, canned vegetables can be added to the food.

Tools for combing wool

To carefully comb out loose hair and painlessly remove formed tangles, there are various devices:

  • hardened steel comb, the best option– with nickel coating. This tool is most often used for grooming the undercoat;
  • slicker This brush is suitable for sensitive dogs who cannot tolerate a metal comb. She carefully and delicately combs out the accumulated hair;
  • A glove brush is used to comb out and collect dead hairs. It fits comfortably on your hand and effectively removes hair;
  • furminator – modern instrument, capable of replacing all of the above devices. The Furminator is similar to a comb, but has a steel blade with teeth and a comfortable rubber handle. Thanks to the slotted blade, the undercoat is easily removed from the coat without damaging living hairs.

Important: you cannot use the furminator if there are irritations, ulcers, wounds or similar damage on the animal’s skin. Also, the use of the device is not allowed if the dog has mats. In this case, they must be carefully removed in advance so that the furminator does not cause pain to the animal.

Regular brushing of your dog will prevent hair from settling on the furniture and floor. The most convenient way to deal with hair is to place your pet on newspaper or cellophane. This will help you remove lost hair very quickly.

Express molt

Professional pet salons offer a special service called “Express shedding.” Its essence is as follows: the masters carefully comb the dog with various tools, and then bathe it using special shampoos and masks to open pores and remove shedding hair. Further, during drying, the fallen hairs are blown with a powerful hairdryer, while simultaneously combing and styling the coat.

The procedure is suitable for all types of dogs, except hairless ones, and can significantly reduce the amount of hair deposited in the apartment.

Features of shedding in dogs with different coat types

Each breed of dog during the shedding period requires individual approach. Generally, the length and characteristics of the coat will influence which treatments are required. Below we discuss in detail the main types of coats and the features of caring for them.


Owners of long-haired pets should always have a brush on hand and great patience during shedding.

Poodles, English and American cocker spaniels need a full range of care,

The condition of a dog's hair allows you to assess its health. Beautiful, shiny, properly lying coat without bald spots indicates good condition pet. Every year in the spring-autumn period it takes place physiological process enhanced hair loss in animals. This normal shedding, which does not cause discomfort to the dog.

The exception is wire-haired dog breeds that cannot get rid of dead hair on their own. These pets need specific care.

Smooth-haired and long-haired dogs should be combed and massaged during this period. Physiological shedding in a dog does not harm its health; on the contrary, it is a necessary process in the animal’s life. At proper care it passes faster and more unnoticeably. Therefore, you should get combs, slicker brushes, special gloves and other suitable accessories.

Causes of hair loss in dogs

In sick animals, the condition of the coat also worsens. It fades, thins, becomes oily or, on the contrary, dry to the touch, brittle, and rolls off.

To understand whether hair loss in a pet is physiological or caused by disease, you need to know when shedding occurs in dogs. Healthy animals shed regularly. This occurs with changes in the length of daylight hours.

As it increases, it begins spring molt. During this period, the warm, thick undercoat falls out en masse, and the dog prepares for the heat. When length the day goes by on the decline - the autumn coat change begins. Then, on the contrary, the number of coarse guard hairs decreases and the insulating undercoat grows.

In addition to seasonal molting, females often go through this process also before estrus, during pregnancy and feeding their offspring. This is due to hormonal fluctuations in the body.

Hair loss can occur due to stress, unbalanced nutrition, and infectious diseases.

How long does it take for dogs to shed?

The first one arises in childhood. Gradually, from three months, the coat begins to change. The baby's fluff falls out and hair grows in its place, like that of adult dogs. Up to 10–12 months, animals undergo such a replacement, the hair becomes stiffer, coarser, if such characteristics are inherent in the breed, and a constant color is established.

How long does molting last?– is an individual question. Dogs that live in warm apartments and houses constantly shed little by little all year round. During the seasonal spring-autumn molting, the loss of excess hair simply intensifies.

This is due to the unnecessary need to protect the animal from cold and wind, since the temperature in the room is almost always the same. Pets need to be brushed regularly; this helps the owner keep the pet in good shape and also reduces the amount of hair lost in the home. Particularly careful care is required during seasonal molting.

Animals living outside have a normal biorhythm. Therefore, coat change takes place as in nature - 2 times a year. Such a period lasts about two weeks. The coat changes gradually. It starts from the back of the body and smoothly moves to the front. In domestic dogs, the coat changes in the same order.

When do dogs start shedding?

The first coat changes at the age of several weeks. At one and a half months of age, puppies acquire new hair, which is stronger and thicker than the one they had from birth. Some dog breeds change color, becoming lighter or darker.

First molt begins on average at six months of age. For some pets it happens earlier, at 3–4 months, for some – later. Large breeds Dogs grow and develop longer than small ones; accordingly, the coat of such pets often begins to change later. During the first molt, the fur changes its characteristics - guard hair appears, the coat becomes tougher.

Depending on the breed, full formation The adult coat of dogs takes up different time. From several months to a year for some, from two to three years for others. During this period, the color may change greatly.

The process of changing coats also occurs differently. Some dog breeds shed quickly, others take much longer.

The amount of hair lost may be small or, on the contrary, abundant.

Autumn shedding in a dog, during which she grows a warm undercoat for the winter, usually begins in September. The down is more voluminous and thicker than the guard fur, and the pet visually enlarges and becomes softer to the touch.

The spring coat change usually takes place in May and lasts faster.

Feeding a dog during shedding

The pet does not experience health problems when shedding, but sometimes its mood and appetite may worsen. During this period, you need to organize useful balanced diet, provide your pet with the necessary amount of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and other important nutrients (vitamins for dogs against hair loss).

When feeding dry or canned food, pay attention to the instructions on the packaging. Suitable food for strengthening the coat and hypoallergenic. Cheap products should not be fed; the diet should be at least premium.

If your pet is used to eating natural food, it is important to provide enough meat. Turkey and rabbit fillets and offal are very healthy. Every week (1-2 times is enough) sea fish should be added to the diet.

Along with this you can give nutritious cereals(millet, wheat, rice). We must not forget about fermented milk products(cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt).

With such a diet, be sure to add vitamin mixtures. A specialist will help you choose the right one. He will calculate daily norm and duration of the course.

Thanks to high-quality feeding, your pet will feel cheerful and cheerful, and the coat will be qualitatively replaced with a new, healthy and shiny one.

How to brush a dog when shedding

In order to four-legged friend during the coat change it looked neat, and also to reduce the amount of hair in the home, the dog must be combed. They use various tools and their combinations depending on the type of animal's fur.

A good result is obtained by using a furminator - a device that looks like a rake. For short-haired dogs, a tool with short teeth is suitable; for those with long fur, a tool with long teeth is suitable.

It is useful for the owner to have a slicker brush. This tool also has different sizes and features suitable for each type of dog. With its help you can effectively get rid of excess thick undercoat. Brushes of different hardness and made from different materials are also used.

To combat tangles, use hard combs and combs. The strands are distributed with the same tools. Heavily matted hairballs that cannot be untangled cause discomfort to the animal. To solve the problem, they are carefully cut off with scissors or shaved. It is important to carry out such manipulations as carefully as possible so as not to damage the skin.

Can be used special gloves or hand guards. In addition to removing dead hairs during combing, the pet also receives a pleasant beneficial massage, which helps improve blood supply to the skin and rapid growth new beautiful wool.

Hair loss not associated with shedding

If there are no health problems, then dog behavior when shedding remains unchanged. In case of a prolonged change of coat, changes in characteristics (dull, brittle, dry or, on the contrary, oily, the appearance of bald patches), it is worth contacting veterinarian. This indicates pathology.

Often, simultaneously with this manifestation, other symptoms occur: lethargy or restlessness, itching, dandruff, skin inflammation, wounds.

It is important to make a timely diagnosis and begin appropriate treatment. To do this, they often resort to laboratory tests hair and skin scrapings. Sometimes additional studies are prescribed.

The owner should remember that frequent bathing of the pet and the use of inappropriate cosmetics (human shampoos, care products unsuitable for a certain breed and age of the pet) also do not bring anything good. As a result, dandruff, dry and brittle hair, prolonged shedding and even dermatitis occur.

Treatment for Dog Hair Loss

Reason excessive hair loss and the treatment is determined by the doctor. The owner must contact the clinic on time and strictly adhere to the specialist’s recommendations. You should also review the conditions of maintenance and care, and improve the diet.

Added to feed vitamin complexes to maintain and improve wool growth. These drugs are in free access in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. Often the composition includes brewer's yeast, food grade purified sulfur, vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, amino acids, and fatty acids.

The skin can be treated with dermatological agents (ointments, creams, gels, powders, talcs, powder).

A veterinary specialist will tell you which one is suitable. Be careful about swimming during this period. If the reason lies, for example, in fungi, then moisturizing will only contribute to the development of infection and intensification of symptoms.

In general, - a normal physiological process during which the owner must support the pet, carefully care for it and closely monitor it.