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What to do if your dog cuts its paw. The dog cut the pad on its paw: what to do with the wound, common mistakes in home treatment The dog cut the pad on its paw

Often dog breeders are faced with a situation where their beloved pets injure their paws while playing at home or walking. As a result of a cut on the paw, the wounded part begins to bleed and the dog limps.

It would seem that it is quite simple to cope with this injury by tightening the area over the wound with a tourniquet and treating it with brilliant green. Providing such first medical care is a very simple procedure, at the end of which you just need to bandage the wound. However, many, even when providing first aid, make trivial mistakes, due to which the veterinary clinic is the final point of rescuing the pet. If first aid attempts fail, many dog ​​breeders even use their own urine to treat the wound. But, knowing basic things, you can avoid severe consequences and cure a paw cut quickly and painlessly.

It is important to remember that licking the injured area is strictly prohibited. When a dog begins to lick its wound, it can introduce a huge number of microbes into it, which can lead to severe inflammatory processes. Many people think that saliva has healing properties, but this is a deep misconception. When a dog licks its wound, it takes twice as long to heal. To prevent unwanted licking, you need to put a special collar-shaped muzzle on your pet's face.

Next rule may seem contrary to the norms when providing first aid - you should not apply a tourniquet over the wound. Few people know how to do it correctly. Dog breeders often apply a tourniquet, tightening the veins, which leads to reverse effect- The wound is bleeding more than before. Instead of a tourniquet, it is better to wrap the wound with a special bandage that can stop the bleeding within fifteen minutes.

Do not pour powder on the wound. Many veterinarians when processing open wounds It is recommended to use streptocide in powder, but modern medicine Still, he advises to avoid using such drugs. Powder may burn muscle tissue, especially if the wound is very deep. Tissue damage leads to the formation of pustules, which aggravates the condition of the wound.

After a paw injury, the first thing you need to do is wash the wound. antiseptic solution, it is recommended to use a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate. You can wash the damaged area boiled water without adding antiseptic powder. Before washing, you need to remove dirt and hair from the wound. The area on the skin in front of the wound must be free of hair to prevent it from getting into the injured cavity. If this is not done, inflammatory process can develop much faster.

After providing the correct first aid, be sure to visit an experienced veterinarian. Only a specialist can assess the severity of the wound and prescribe correct treatment. No matter how strange it may sound, a wide wound is not as dangerous as a narrow and deep one. A foreign body can get into a narrow wound, but it will not be noticeable. Often an invisible foreign body can only be removed surgically. Experienced Veterinarian can detect deformation of tendons and ligaments; if tendons are torn, the doctor carefully stitches them up. When the veterinarian applies sutures to the tendons, the pet owner must fix the paw in such a way that the sutures do not come apart and the tendons heal correctly.

So, when cutting your paw, you need to remember the following things:

  • at deep cut and severe bleeding, you should contact your veterinarian;
  • It is better not to tighten the wound with a tourniquet, but to use a rigid bandage for dressing;
  • it is necessary to immediately trim the hair around the wound;
  • Do not under any circumstances wipe the wound with cotton wool or a cotton pad. Otherwise, small particles of cotton wool may get into the wound, which will lead to rapid suppuration;
  • Washing the wound can be done with a solution of manganese, a weak solution of brilliant green, or a solution of hydrogen peroxide. You can wash the wound with a solution of furatsilin or chlorhexidine;
  • after washing, you need to regularly apply dressings accompanied by ointments (usually Levosin or Levomekol are used);
  • You should not let your dog lick your wound;
  • Be sure to avoid getting iodine or brilliant green into the wound, they can burn muscle tissue.
How to walk a dog if its paw is injured? You need to put a sock on the injured limb and secure it with an adhesive plaster. If the weather is humid outside, before walking you need to put a plastic bag on your paw, and then a sock, which will be carefully secured with an adhesive plaster. During each walk, you need to watch your dog so that it does not step on a sharp stone or splinter. At home, you should not let her play with piercing or cutting objects.

Spring...Unfortunately, not only you and your four-legged friend, but also numerous lovers of beer and other drinks in glass bottles. What is the connection here, you ask? The fact is that it is during the warm season that the risk of cutting a dog’s paws increases many times over, since the amount of broken glass on the ground increases noticeably. The information book tells about what to do if a dog cuts its paw and how to give it first aid

1. First of all, disinfection must be carried out. To do this, wash the wound cool water, remove dirt, and then treat with hydrogen peroxide or furatsilin. If the wound does not bleed heavily, you can use chlorhexidine for treatment - draw the solution into a syringe without a needle and pour it into the wound as deep as possible. It is necessary to repeat the rinsing 2-3 times a day until the wound heals.

Granular streptomycin can also be used to treat incised superficial wounds. It is sold in pharmacies in bags, convenient to carry with you. Powder the cut area generously with streptomycin 1-2 times a day until it heals. In addition, EDIS powder and Levomekol ointment can be used as a means for disinfecting and healing wounds.

2. Place a tampon (cotton wool wrapped in a bandage) with peroxide on the cut site and bandage it tightly or hold it with your hand until the bleeding stops.

It is necessary to bandage the wound 3.2-3 times a day. Once the bleeding has stopped, the most important thing is to prevent the cut from becoming contaminated. That is why when walking, especially if there is slush outside, it is necessary to provide additional protection to the cut pad. It is important to prevent the wound from getting wet and dirt from the asphalt and ground getting into it. You can build an improvised “shoe cover” from a sock and a plastic bag (ordinary hospital shoe covers will not work - they are too thin and tear easily).

4.The average healing period for incised wounds on the paws is from 1 to 3 weeks. At this time, try to limit the dog’s activity: it is necessary to reduce the load on the wounded paw. Eliminate games and walks without a leash, make sure that the dog does not jump or run around the house. If you did everything correctly, there will be a noticeable improvement when bandaging: the wound heals, the cut site is clean, without pus or discharge. If healing is slow, the wound periodically bleeds or its condition worsens, urgently take the dog to the veterinary clinic.

What not to do if you have a cut paw

1. DO NOT LET THE DOG LICK THE WOUND. Contrary to popular belief, this does not speed up, but, on the contrary, slows down the healing process. Dogs' saliva contains bacteria that can enter a wound and cause complications. If your dog rips off a bandage or licks a wound, it makes sense to put a surgical collar (the kind used for ear cropping) for a while. It will fix the dog's head and will not give it access to the injured limb.

2. Do not use iodine to treat a wound - you will burn the tissue. If there is no peroxide, use furatsilin, you can also use brilliant green.

3. Under no circumstances use cotton wool or cotton swabs to treat a cut - the fibers can get into the wound and cause an infection, and a cotton swab that is not wrapped in a bandage will stick to the wound, and you will literally have to tear it off “with meat”.

4.Do not waste time applying a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. Since the vessels in the limbs of dogs are located between the bones, they cannot be “pinched.” Applying a tourniquet to cut wounds on a dog’s paws can have the opposite effect: the outflow of blood through the veins will be blocked, and arterial bleeding will only intensify.

5. If the cut is deep, the bleeding does not stop and flows heavily, or there is a foreign body (glass) in the wound that you cannot remove, it is necessary urgently - it is possible that extraction will be required foreign body and suturing. Cuts at the base of the sole, between the dog's paw pads, or between the toes are especially dangerous. In this case, the tendons may be damaged, which requires mandatory professional intervention by a veterinarian. By the way, sometimes with a tendon injury there may be no bleeding, or it will be insignificant.

In conclusion, we note that in many cases, cut paws can be prevented - do not walk your dog in areas where it is likely that there may be scattered broken glass and carefully watch where the pet is running - sometimes you can notice the fragments in advance and stop the dog. Many dog ​​breeders make it a rule to turn over the fragments they come across with the sharp edges down - this way you can protect not only your own, but also someone else’s dog. And of course, try to keep it clean yourself and not leave broken glass on the ground. Health to your pets and a wonderful spring!

The most vulnerable places for barefoot pets are their soft feet. They can be injured by pebbles, ice chips, broken glass or tough grass. Regardless of whether the injury occurred at home or while out for a walk, the animal needs emergency care.

What to do if your dog cuts his paw pad? The main thing in this matter is to do no harm. Therefore, we will consider in detail the actions of the owner when the ward is cut by a sharp object.

Acting as family doctor Aibolit, you must pursue two goals:

  • minimize unpleasant moments for your pet;
  • prevent possible complications.
  1. Carefully inspect the injured paw. If you find a piece of glass, a wooden splinter or other foreign object with which the dog has cut the pad, remove it with tweezers.
  2. Take scissors and rid the injury site of hair (this primarily applies to long-haired pets). This will prevent hairs from getting into the skin that has peeled off from the cut and becoming infected.
  3. Rinse the dog's injured limb under running water, which will remove dirt, hair, and foreign bodies from the wound.
  4. If your dog has a deep cut on its paw, sterile gauze swabs will help stop the bleeding. In case of severe pulsating bleeding, you need to make a thick gauze or fabric roll and tie it tightly to the wound.
  5. Treat damaged pad disinfectant(solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide). For convenience, the antiseptic can be drawn into a syringe.
  6. Apply iodine or brilliant green to the edges of the wound - this will eliminate painful swelling. Make sure that the alcohol-containing substance does not get into the wound itself. This way you will avoid burns to internal tissues and long healing times.
  7. Apply an antimicrobial and anesthetic agent (Levomekol or Levosin) to a gauze napkin, apply to the damaged area and secure with a bandage. A thick sock will help securely fix the bandage. Take your pet outside by putting an umbrella cover, shoe cover or surgical bag over the injured paw over the bandage and sock. It can be secured with adhesive tape.
  8. Change the dressing every 24 hours, rinsing the wound with chlorhexine and reapplying a bandage with bactericidal ointment.
  9. A few days after the dog cuts its paw, add Solcoseryl or Actovegin ointment to the treatment process. Such products accelerate cellular metabolism and tissue repair.

Contraction will speed up healing physical activity on a sore paw. To do this, you need to exclude jogging and active games during walks.

Preventing cuts

The following measures will help prevent paw injuries:

  • walking on a leash: the vigilant owner will remove fragments of bottles, wood chips and other sharp objects from the path of the four-legged companion;
  • making promenades in specially designated areas that are regularly cleaned by utility workers;
  • wearing shoes for dogs with thick soles, which will protect not only from cold and rain, but also from sharp stones scattered on winter roads bugs, ice or glass fragments;
  • preventing the dog from coming into contact with dangerous household “toys”: needles, scissors, screws, tin cans.

Take care of your restless pet. May his omnipresent paws always remain safe and sound. If trouble happens, limit yourself to first aid, and entrust the treatment to a doctor.

Despite their unassuming position, your dog's legs rank first in importance. How will a dog navigate and move without the support of four healthy paws?

The pads on dogs' paws are thick and soft, providing traction and preventing slipping. These pads also protect the bones and joints of the feet from stress during walking and running. One more important function pads are to protect the feet from extreme weather conditions (cold and heat)

What happens if a dog hurts its paw pads?

Healthy pads are critical, so pad injuries require close attention. Never overlook if your dog is limping or licking them. Dogs' paw pads can be cut, punctured, or burned.

A damaged pad cannot be stitched up, so cuts and punctures can take quite a long time to heal. Walking on an injured leg often interferes with and delays healing. If your dog develops an infection, a simple cut can result in a much more serious problem than a leg injury. Because even minor pad injuries can be stubborn, it's a good idea to administer first aid at home before contacting a veterinarian as quickly as possible.

What to do if your dog cuts his paw pad?

  • Clean the wound. Remove everything foreign objects such as glass or metal fragments that may have become lodged in the pad. If the foreign object can be reached with tweezers, carefully remove it. Washing the paw cold water, for example, from a hose, will help remove the smallest particles. If the fragments and dirt are deep, then leave them alone. Injuring a wound that is too deep can worsen the injury and cause pain. The careful and safe removal of deep splinters will be done by a veterinarian who will be able to calm the dog to make the procedure more comfortable. Use a mild antibacterial soap or betadine to disinfect the wound.
  • To stop bleeding, use a clean towel to gently apply pressure to the wound. Bleeding from minor cuts stops within a few minutes, but deep wounds may bleed for much longer. In addition, bleeding may resume if the dog tries to walk on his leg. If you are unable to stop the bleeding within 10-15 minutes, you should seek veterinary attention immediately.
  • Bandage the wound. Use gauze pads to gently surround the pad and absorb the blood. It is important to bandage the dog's paw including the ankle (wrist). This bandage will prevent the injury from swelling and the bandage from slipping. Make sure the bandage is not too tight; you should be able to insert your finger between the bandage and the dog's leg.
  • Change the dressing daily. If your dog chews the bandage, try spraying it with an unpleasant product, such as bitter apple. Keep the bandage in a plastic bag when walking on damp, wet grass. Carefully inspect the bandage; there may be wet discharge on it or there will be bad smell. If this occurs, you should contact your veterinarian as this could be a sign of infection. If the wound continues to bleed even after three days, then you need to return to the veterinarian, who can prescribe powerful antibiotics and other medications to promote faster healing.

What to do if your dog burns his paw pads?

In addition to cuts and punctures, dogs often burn the pads of their paws. high temperatures And chemicals. If your dog is licking the base of his feet or limping after a summer or winter walk, you should soothe his paws in a room temperature bath. If the pads become discolored or begin to peel, contact your veterinarian. Severe burns should be treated professionally.

Paw pad burns in dogs can also be caused by chemicals. If your dog steps on a caustic substance, you should run his foot under running water for a few minutes. Then wash your paw with soap and dry thoroughly. To avoid skin irritation, you should wear gloves during the procedure. Caustic substance may burn you too.

Apply antibiotic ointment to the burn and bandage the paw. Regularly inspect and monitor wound healing.

How to Prevent Paw Pad Injury in Dogs?

To avoid such injuries, inspect all the places where your dog walks and plays. Remove all possible glass, metal and other sharp objects. Avoid walking on hot sidewalks in summer time and protect your dog's feet during the winter. Remember, if you can't walk barefoot in a certain area, your dog won't be able to either!

Spring days bring owners and their four-legged pets not only the joy of walking together, but also trouble, in the form of cut paws from broken beer bottles or sharp edges of cans. It is during the warm season that limb injuries in dogs increase, due to large quantity sharp objects.

An incised wound in a dog, lameness and blood is a familiar situation; it would seem that it would be simpler, it would not be difficult to help, but there are some points that must be observed. The classic “help” of a dog breeder is ichthyol, Vishnevsky ointment, “Rescuer”, Actovegin and others like them. After such treatment, many dogs become patients of veterinary clinics for a long time. In fact cut wounds paws are easy to treat.

What not to do

Every dog ​​owner should remember what absolutely should not be done if the paws are injured. Don’t: allow the dog to lick the wound; by licking its surface, the dog further violates the integrity of the tissue. You cannot apply a tourniquet; without specially developed skills, you can apply more more harm dog, squeezing the veins and significantly increasing the bleeding. Blood flow can be effectively eliminated with a simple pressure bandage applied directly to the wound.

You should not cover the wound with powder from streptocide and other powders; such actions have become obsolete, since powder, especially soluble powder, causes an osmotic burn of tissue, after which a dense scab forms, and the condition of the wound worsens significantly. It will be most effective to wash the wound with any antiseptic solution, you can even use plain boiled water - here it is important to clean the wound mechanically. It is necessary to trim the hair around the cut so that it does not get into the cut and does not stick to the walls of the wound. Bleeding is effectively stopped using a thick gauze swab soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

The most unpleasant cuts are on the pads of the paws, the place is the “bloodyest”; the wounds, as a rule, are deep and take a long time to heal. In addition, it is impossible to prevent the dog from stepping on its paw, and during walks you will need to carefully protect the wound surface from contact with dirty soil. To do this, put a clean sock on the dog’s paw (over the bandage), and a thick plastic bag over it; shoe covers are not suitable, as they are very thin and tear easily.

What to do

In any case, even with minor damage, it is worth taking your dog to see a veterinarian. Sometimes a small cut can be very deep, causing damage to ligaments, which will require specific treatment.

For minor injuries, dressing is done twice a day for three days. A well-healing wound is clean, free of blood and pus, gradually healing. In this situation, the cut usually heals within three weeks. If the edges of the wound become lumpy, the surface itself is weeping and festered, then you should immediately show the dog to a doctor, since if healing is unfavorable, they may become layered. additional problems with the health of the pet.

While the cut (wound) on the paw is healing, you should carefully monitor the dog and prevent it from licking the surface and tearing off the bandage. Contrary to popular belief, such actions only slow down healing and sometimes increase the area of ​​the wound. If the dog persistently reaches for the wound, then it should be put on a surgical collar, which will prevent it from licking the wound surface.

When treating a wound, you should not use iodine, it can burn delicate tissues and complicate granulation; you can wash the wound with a furatsilin solution or lubricate the edges with brilliant green (but do not pour it into the wound itself). Cotton buds They are not suitable for processing, nor are pieces of cotton wool - their fibers getting into the wound are firmly fixed there and subsequently you have to tear them off literally “with meat”.

It is not worth applying a tourniquet to the paw, since the dogs’ blood vessels are mostly not on the surface, but between the bones. By squeezing the paw, you can block the flow of blood through the veins, and arterial bleeding will only intensify.

It should be remembered that tendon damage is not accompanied by heavy bleeding, but still requires quick help than ordinary wounds. Therefore, if possible, especially if the wound is between the pads on the paw, you should contact veterinary clinic, since such cuts require qualified assistance.

The ideal way- treat with peroxide and immediately glue for wounds - it also disinfects - BF-6 (for external use) in a human pharmacy. And for three to four hours of rest - in an enclosure, for example. If the wound opens, simply repeat the procedure.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor.

The dog injured its paw, the skin and fur were slightly torn, there's blood coming out. What can be done?

To start stopping the bleeding, apply a thick gauze bandage, soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Better show the dog veterinarian, since, most likely, you will need to sew on a piece of leather with wool.

The cat returned from a walk and the pad on her paw was cut (deeply), there was a little blood, but she kept her paw suspended and did not touch it. How quickly will it heal?

If there is little blood and the cut is deep, the tendons may be affected, then you will need to stitch them together and keep the cat’s paw in a tight frame for some period. In any case, you cannot do without qualified help.

The dog (Newfoundland) cut the pad almost in half. Can I sew it?

As a rule, sewing a pad on a paw is problematic, since the tissue there is loose, the threads cut through and further damage the surface. Such wounds are treated in the usual way.

Veterinary center"DobroVet"