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The best dogs for home protection. The best dogs for guarding a private house or apartment. Alabai or Asian Shepherd

The term guard dog breeds usually means service four-legged dogs that have innate skills or good results in training in the following “disciplines”: protective guard, sentry, escort, sentinel and sentry service. In the common understanding, guard dogs are bred to protect property, territory or a person (owner). Differences in the theory and understanding of the “majority” give rise to a lot of controversy. Let us immediately note that everything service breeds to one degree or another, they are universal, and a good trainer will teach any dog ​​how to guard. The question is whether the four-legged animal feels that guarding is his duty and calling or whether he “defends” the object because it is necessary. Below, we will look at the photos and names of breeds that are worth having for protection.

What kind of dog should be for a private home?

Having a dog in a private home is not easy pet, but also a serious security guard. The animal should feel comfortable both at home and outside.

The requirements for a dog for your home are somewhat broader than for an animal for keeping in an apartment. Among them:

  • Breed-based character: there are dog breeds that are adapted to outdoor conditions and have good protective qualities. If Labradors are valued as family companion dogs, they are unlikely to become guard dogs. This also applies to hunting dogs.
  • Temperament: Even within the same breed, dogs can be completely different. Having chosen a breed, you should not buy a puppy based on the first advertisement. He can grow up absolutely calm and domestic, even if representatives of his breed have opposite qualities.
  • Size: the most obvious requirement. For a private home you need a dog of at least medium size, ideally large.
  • Prospects for education: the dog must be formidable towards strangers, but allow them into the territory at the first request of the owner. Therefore, you need to choose an animal that is prone to obedience training. It's not about basic commands(for example, “Lie down”), but about more serious things. Given this requirement, it is worth looking not so much at the breed as at the puppy’s parents.

Large breeds for private sector protection

German Shepherd

If you need a dog to guard a house on the street, or an apartment, then a German shepherd is perfect choice. This breed is very trainable, remembers commands for a long time even after a long period of inactivity, is good with children and is an unsurpassed protector. The fury of a German Shepherd is enough for a gang of robbers, and the affection is enough for all family members.

Taking German Shepherd, remember that this breed is incredibly active and requires increased physical activity. Any owner who takes a dog for protection and protection must take care of physical development pet. By the way, Germans take third place in the list of the smartest dogs.

Giant Schnauzer

For him, guarding a private home is his favorite pastime. Unpretentious, loyal and incredibly brave, the Giant Schnauzer is a formidable guard who will not be afraid of the devil or God when it comes to protecting his owner. Rizens are easy to train, gentle towards children and affectionate towards their owners.

This breed is very active and will not miss the opportunity to frolic with its owner. Be sure to physically exhaust the dog so that all the dog’s energy is directed in a peaceful direction, and also contributes to the recruitment and maintenance muscle mass. Perhaps the only drawback of the Giant Schnauzer may seem to be grooming.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The breed is one of the largest, so there is no need to say what will happen to those who decide to visit you with bad intentions. The strength of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog will be enough to defeat a pack of wolves in the face of ill-wishers, devotion - so as not to abandon the owner in difficult times, and kindness to steadfastly endure any childish pranks and rejoice at every step of the owner.

Being very large breed, the Caucasian Shepherd does not require long walking. 1-1.5 hours of walking a day with the opportunity to frolic is enough to maintain physical strength pet on the level.

Alabai or Asian Shepherd

In some ways these dogs are similar to Caucasian Shepherd dogs, are also very fierce and big dogs. True, they are not as shaggy as Caucasian Shepherds. Alabai are difficult to train, they can be stubborn and are happy to demonstrate this character trait to everyone. Therefore, we advise you not to get this dog if you do not have experience in training such animals. If you have no experience, but you have already got a dog, then we advise you to apply for training to special schools where experienced instructors work. The Asian Shepherd is a reliable protector of your family and home.

Apartment security guard

A more stringent selection is required here, because the pet will live side by side with a person. Sometimes the main criterion is the size of the animal, especially if we're talking about about modest spaces. But for fans of large and giant breeds, this factor is not decisive, and they get a mastiff or Great Dane while living in a small apartment.

If we talk about average indicators, most future owners pay attention to the following:

  • the dog must be medium or small in size;
  • it is desirable that the animal sheds little or does not have this tendency at all and does not have the characteristic smell of a dog;
  • short coat;
  • the pet should not have excessive salivation;
  • the dog must be clean;
  • the animal should not be hyperactive and require a lot of space.

Of course, the owner himself determines what is important to him and what he can “turn a blind eye to.”

Breeds of dogs for apartment security:


There is still debate about the real homeland of this breed, but most are inclined to believe that it is Egypt. There she was involved in herding livestock, protecting farms and politicians, as well as transporting letters and parcels. The dog's height is 60 cm at the withers, weight is 70 kg. A massive beast that will obey only its owner.

He is very easy to train and loves children; he can give little ones rides on his back. Unpretentious to environmental conditions, it can live both in an apartment and in a private house. Doesn't bark at cats or chase cars. He is friendly towards other dogs.

Separately, it is worth noting these two breeds, which are beyond competition.


The fastest guard dog, strong, beautiful, graceful, smart and brave. The Doberman is extremely sensitive; he even sleeps with half his eyes open. This is an excellent option for protecting private property or apartments. However, in order to teach this dog to be obedient, it should be trained from infancy.


The Boxer is a very strong and strong dog. He quickly remembers all commands and always obeys his owner. This breed of dog is popular all over the world, and very often, these dogs are bred as guards. The Boxer gets along well with children and other pets, he will always true friend and an excellent bodyguard.

Cane Corso

Cane Corso is a very expensive and rare breed dogs. Animals of this breed are very kind, well-mannered and patient. But when it comes to the life and health of the owner, Cane Corsos turn into a ferocious beast that is capable of tearing anyone apart. That is why, this breed dogs are suitable for guarding apartments and private houses.

Bodyguard dog for humans

Any dog ​​that has security and guard skills can become protection for a person. Moreover, even if these skills are weakly expressed and the pet is not a worker. Thanks to his boundless devotion and love, he is able to protect his master in any dangerous situation.

Sustainable nervous system and the pet’s psyche is another one important factor. For example, a dog that is afraid of everything will be able to bite an enemy, but only if it is he who is in danger. In turn, a large and kind dog will get involved in a squabble, defending its owner.

Thus, we can conclude that a properly raised animal with a balanced psyche can become an excellent bodyguard for a person.

The guard dog is entrusted with a special mission - protection, protection of the owner and his property. At the right approach The dog will cope with this task perfectly. In fact, a representative of any breed is capable of becoming a guard, but for this each dog must be trained. It is important not to forget, whatever the character of a four-legged friend, a person takes full responsibility for his behavior and upbringing.

What to consider when raising a puppy

  • It is necessary to completely or at least partially limit the animal’s communication with strangers. In such conditions, the pet will treat every stranger with distrust and suspicion: without this feeling, full-fledged protection of the territory is impossible.
  • Don't forget to take your dog for walks and introduce him to new places. She must behave calmly and confidently in different situations.
  • A protective dog cannot help but be a leader. Allow the puppy to win games, but only until a certain age (6-7 months), otherwise the desire to overcome the owner may develop into aggression.

This is interesting! A good option for those who want to achieve perfect preparation - special courses, in which the animal is taught obedience and compliance with various commands.

In order not to be mistaken, what kind of dog is better to get in a private house, you need to carefully study the breeds and determine what exactly is needed four-legged friend. Most often it is purchased for protection.

Since the animal will spend a lot of time outside, it needs a powerful undercoat to protect it from winter cold, endurance, strength and high learning abilities.

General rules choosing a dog for a private home:

  1. You should not have hunting dogs. Friendliness will not allow them to become reliable guards, and their hunting instinct will be a threat to other pets.
  2. Fighting breeds bred specifically for combat. It is dangerous to develop the aggression necessary for protection in them, so they are also not suitable.
  3. Rescue dogs such as the Labrador or Newfoundland, despite their intimidating size, are very friendly. You can have them if there are small children in the family. They will become loyal friends and protectors, but are unlikely to be ferocious guards over a vast territory.

It is important to determine the size and gender of the animal. Large dogs require more attention. They need regular physical activity and training to tame their temper and teach them to obey all the owner’s commands. The bitch is easier to train, she has a gentle character. The male dog is more stubborn and needs more rigorous training.

Below are dog breeds that were specifically created to serve as guard dogs.

The best breeds for guarding a private home


Alabai is an ancient breed, distinguished by its loyalty to its owner and is a reliable protector of the family and home. Her large athletic build allows her to stand up for her assigned area in any situation.

Alabais have a large head with a powerful lower jaw, small drooping triangular ears that need to be cropped, short neck and massive breasts. Dogs' paws are strong and very strong. The thickened tail is usually trimmed. The height of an adult animal at the withers is about 70 cm, weight is from 50 to 65 kg.

Alabai requires strict proper upbringing so that he cannot feel superior to a person, otherwise his presence in the house will bring many problems.

The guard breed is aggressive towards other people's dogs and always warns uninvited guests about itself with a loud growl.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

According to many experts, this is one of the best guard breeds. Her main qualities are courage, determination and courage. Caucasian Shepherds are incredibly smart, so they can make decisions on their own. difficult situations. At the moment of danger, they do not show aggression, but attack without warning.
These devotees fearless dogs They have a wary, independent character. They strive to constantly control the territory, are suspicious of strangers and respond well to training, which must begin as early as possible.

These dogs need a free enclosure and regular exercise so they can burn off their energy. The weight of the Caucasian Shepherd is on average 45-50 kg, height at the withers is up to 70 cm.

Moscow watchdog

She knows no fear, so she never retreats before the enemy. Powerful strong animal - decent option to protect a private home and its surrounding area.

The character of Moscow guard dogs is softer than that of Alabais or Caucasian Shepherds. With proper upbringing, they become not only excellent guards, but also reliable friends of all family members.
Thick wool allows them to feel comfortable in the cold and protect their territory in cold climates. Moscow guard dogs need free space. On a short chain they are too aggressive and sullen.

The height of the animals reaches 69 cm, weight varies from 45 to 70 kg. The breed is suitable for people who are willing to devote significant time to training a dog.

Tibetan mastiff

This is an ancient and rare breed that originated in Himalayan mountains. Initially, she only guarded Tibetan monks and nomads. The first representatives of animals were brought to the West in the middle of the 19th century.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a tall, powerful dog with a muscular neck and a thick mane covering the withers. She has a wide, square head, triangular floppy ears and expressive eyes. The paws are strong and strong, the fluffy tail is curled behind the back. Long wool and her beautiful mane make her look like a lion.
Tibetan Mastiffs are smart, quick-witted and stubborn. They love to assert their independence, so owners need to devote a lot of time to training so that the dogs do not become uncontrollable.

While guarding the house, they constantly check the territory and bark loudly and gutturally if they feel a stranger approaching.


The short-haired, lean breed can often be seen in police service. These faithful, graceful animals are moderately aggressive, balanced, have a stable psyche and are excellent for guarding a private home.

In case of danger, they, without hesitation, rush to the aid of the owner and protect him, not sparing his life. If you spend significant time training Dobermans, they turn into good bodyguards.

These dogs cannot be kept in an enclosure 24/7. They need human interaction, walks and games. To maintain endurance you need physical exercise.


These dimensions big dogs designed to protect a person and his property. They are harmoniously built and capable of moving with lightning speed, leaving no chance for attackers to escape.
Not typical for Boerboels unmotivated aggression and excessive anger. They are loyal to children and pets. Like many guard breeds, these dogs have an independent, stubborn disposition and strive for dominance. Therefore, they need a firm hand and quality training.

Cane Corso

The Italian breed is an ideal guard personal plot. He easily distinguishes friends from enemies and shows aggression only when it is necessary.

The Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) feels comfortable in a large enclosure, but must be allowed out into the yard regularly. To avoid surprises, the owner should acquire a high, impenetrable fence.
Dogs of this breed begin to be trained from early childhood to achieve complete obedience. The owner must be the unconditional leader for the Cane Corso, then the animal will know its place and become a devoted protector and guard.

Black Russian Terrier

The breed was specially bred for service, so its protective qualities are inherent in it at the genetic level. She has excellent reactions, observation and courage.

Black Russian Terriers are loyal and quick to train dogs. They need a decisive and strict owner who will show not only firmness, but also love towards them. Animals are extremely suspicious of strangers, so from childhood they must be taught to obey and follow commands so that they do not create trouble for the owner.


Regardless of what breed of dog you choose to bring into your private home, do not forget that any of them requires attention and training. The animal must understand and follow all orders. To achieve this, it is advisable to contact an experienced dog handler to have your dog undergo an obedience and protection course.

Security dogs increasingly began to appear not only in private homes and businesses, but also in city apartments. They are famous not only for their suspicion of strangers, but also for their devotion to their owner, physically developed body, good character, and obedience. Therefore, there will be no problems with training them and keeping them at home with children. Guard dog breeds are created to protect the owner and the home, so they are capable of getting into fights not only with other animals, but also with people.

It is important that the dog strictly follows your commands and is controllable. I wonder what the best guard dogs Shepherd dogs (German or Belgian) are considered. They are medium-sized, versatile, good with children and quick to learn.

Most watchdogs are known for their reserved, kind and peaceful nature. They are attached to their owner, but become aggressive and suspicious when in contact with an attacker.

Giant guard dogs

For a private home it is better to choose giant-sized watchdogs that considered the best guards and are capable of overpowering even an adult or bringing help.

Brazilian Fila

Height – 70 cm

Weight – 40 kg

The Brazilian Fila is a working breed that originated in Brazil. The dog has short hair, gray, fawn or dark color. The dog is considered the best protector for a home outside the city, because it is suspicious and angry towards strangers, protects the family, is attached to the house, and is quickly trained.


  • does not tolerate strangers;
  • The coat is easy to care for.


  • will obey only a strict and balanced owner;
  • can be aggressive towards other family members.


Height – 67 cm


  • unpretentious in living conditions, easily tolerates cold;
  • not aggressive.


  • wool requires care.

Akita Inu

Height – up to 70 cm

Weight – 50 kg

Sufficient large dog, color – red, brindle or white, coat – hard, straight and thick. It is important that the wool consists of three layers. The character is based on loyalty, intelligence, endurance and love for the owner.


  • can protect and protect children;
  • easily tolerates cold.


  • You can’t cut your hair, you have to constantly take care of the fur.

Which dogs are the friendliest? Who to have if there is a child in the family? Should you choose a large or small dog, shaggy or smooth-haired? If the desire to have a dog is so strong that you are ready for early walks, tufts of wool in the corners and half a cutlet, a piece of which will still have to be given to your FUTURE dog, it's a small matter. Let's get acquainted with the list of candidates for the role of a four-legged family friend.

If you already have a dog, then undoubtedly this is the best. And your personal list of the best family dogs will start with her, you will give a thousand and one arguments in favor of THIS particular breed in order to tell the whole world that she is “the best”. You can't argue with that.

In England there was a custom: when a baby appeared in the house, they got a puppy. If a second child appeared, a second puppy also appeared in the house, so that each baby had its own companion.

Family dog ​​#1: Golden Retriever

As a happy owner of a Golden Retriever, I will start the list of the best family dogs with this breed. So, let me introduce... The Golden Retriever, “Golden Retriever,” as the owners affectionately call these dogs.

Why is this breed so popular? Personally, I am impressed by the immeasurable kindness, the desire to please and love ALL people, ALL dogs, the WHOLE world. Goldyasha doesn’t understand how anyone can be afraid of him, so “golden”? He is a wide-open soul; at the sight of a person on the horizon, he rushes to pay his respects, lick and expose his belly to “scratch me, scratch me.” Zero aggression! No fights with other dogs, unless as a last resort will come to the defense when all “peaceful” methods have already been tried.

You can’t hear the dog in the apartment, it won’t whine and bark, yelp and growl. This is a huge plus for the neighbors! Living with a Golden is a real pleasure. A sea of ​​positivity from this “smiling dog” is guaranteed to the owners, family guests, and random passers-by who find themselves even for a minute next to the retriever. They are very patient with cats, so two animals in the house are not a problem; they will get along and make friends.


The retriever is an excellent nanny - affectionate and attentive to detail. Dogs of this breed have a soft grip, so you should not be afraid that your golden dog will snap its teeth or hurt your baby during play. Even Small child With complete impunity he can take his favorite ball out of the golden’s mouth or play “fetch the stick” with it. Retrievers are easy to train, obedient and flexible, and learn throughout their lives.

Children and Golden Retrievers have a lot in common: both of them are not averse to fooling around, but don’t feed them bread, let them fool around. The dog will be happy to accompany the child in all games and activities, be it making Easter cakes in the sandbox, going for mushrooms in the forest, swimming (they love this!) or drawing.

The golden will be happy to swim anywhere: even in a puddle near the house, even in a river. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that both the child and the dog will measure all the “reservoirs” after the first rain. A significant advantage in this case is that the retriever’s coat is self-cleaning: as soon as the dog dries, everything “falls off by itself.” It’s a pity that you can’t say the same about a child))).

In America, a Golden Retriever puppy is considered a traditional Easter gift for a child. A model American family, as the saying goes, should consist of parents, children and a golden retriever.

The retriever is simply made for cuddling! You can always stroke and squeeze him, and it is not yet known who will receive more pleasure from this. Because of its “loving nature,” the golden is not at all suitable for the role of a guard dog.


Dogs of this breed are used as “medicine” in rehabilitation centers when working with autistic children, children with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, etc., as companion dogs for the elderly, and as guide dogs for the blind. Because of the good hunting qualities, these dogs can work as rescuers, help find drugs, weapons, explosives.

Family Dog #2: Labrador

Labrics, as these dogs are kindly called, - the best choice for a family with children. Everything that concerns Golden Retrievers can also be attributed to Labradors, they are only slightly different in appearance: less shaggy, more stocky.

Great enthusiasm to be always and everywhere with the owners, boundless friendliness, sincere curiosity, patience and kindness - this is just a minimum of the advantages of this breed. More than anything else, Labradors love to eat and play.

The developed parental instinct makes this breed an excellent nanny: if the child does something wrong, something threatens his health, the Labrador is always on the alert.

Family Dog #3: Newfoundland

You don't see dogs of this breed very often, but those who decide to get a Newfoundland probably won't regret it. The kindest of dogs, does not show aggression towards people or other animals, is very patient with children, phlegmatic by nature.

Newf is a big clumsy bear. His appearance Not only is he not at all scary, he also, on the contrary, makes you want to pet this dog, bury yourself in its fluffy fur, hug and warm up... Newfoundland owners will tell you that this is just a LOT of happiness, sincere dog devotion and tenderness. Of course, there is also a lot of wool on the floor, but if you are not a completely spoiled pedant and neat freak, you will be able to make friends with the Newfie.

Family dog ​​#4: Bernese Mountain Dog

The television series “Happy Together” and its four-legged actor Baron undoubtedly added to the popularity of this breed. The faithful tricolor friend won the title of best family breed due to his character.

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a farm dog. She is very sociable and kind. The Burnses love children and pets. They not only nurse them well, but literally shepherd “these foolish two-legged creatures.”


A distinctive feature of this dog can be called laziness. She will not frantically chase a bicycle, covering kilometers, she will enjoy simple walking with a stick in the company of the owner. Living in your home is the greatest joy for her. She will conscientiously guard the property, and, like a brownie, will rejoice at everything new that you bring into the house.


Family Dog #5: Bullmastiff

Speaking about bullmastiffs, I would like to say “iron nerves”, “piercing gaze”, “self-confidence”. These are the words associated with this breed. The owners would say something like this: “The bullmastiff does not belong to Us, but we belong to the bullmastiff.” Indeed, this dog becomes a full member of the family.

Bullmastiffs are very patient with children and have a high threshold. pain sensitivity, therefore, the gurgle won’t even blink an eye at children’s pranks like riding a horse, pulling ears, stepping on a tail, and other “minor troubles.” Naturally, you shouldn't leave small child alone with the dog (this applies to any breed) and you always need to explain what can and cannot be done. For example, never approach the dog’s bowl while the dog is eating, don’t wake him up when he’s sleeping, and don’t bother him if the dog doesn’t want to play.

The Bullmastiff, like all the other dogs described in this article, is a large dog, so it can unknowingly push or knock down a child, whatever one may say, but it is bulky and quite heavy, even a banal sharp turn of the head to the side is already a push.

"Bullmastiff is real lion in the dog world, massive, majestic, powerful and brave. He's truly an underrated king of dogs." (David Hancock, "Dogs as Companions")

These are excellent guards and defenders. If there is a bullmastiff in the house, you are in no danger!

Family Dog #6: Miniature Schnauzer


Bearded dog with thick eyebrows- this is what he is - a miniature schnauzer, a true German. Initially, this breed was used on farms to catch rats and as watchdogs.


The Miniature Schnauzer loves to be the center of attention, he is a sociable and very cheerful dog, smart, but quite noisy. Even the slightest change in the environment will be accompanied by barking. Miniature Schnauzers are obedient, but stubborn dogs: with all their desire to follow the owner’s command, they will still take a minute to do it their own way, drive and check what interests them.

The main rule in keeping this dog: a tired Miniature Schnauzer is a good Miniature Schnauzer.

Dogs of this breed get along well with children, are friendly, brave, assertive, and have exceptional hearing. If you decide to get a miniature schnauzer, you will get a true friend.

Family Dog #7: Setter

In a canine beauty contest, the setter would undoubtedly take one of the first places. Stunning coat, elegant gait, good-natured disposition - just a wonderful dog for a family with children. For hunting lovers, the setter is simply a godsend.

A fiery lively dog, a ball of energy - this is how one can characterize an active setter. The fiery “Irish” need long walks; for them, any weather is a blessing, just to wear themselves out.

This dog's heart melts at the sight of children. They are excellent nannies and play companions. The setter can caress 24 hours a day, and also follow its owner with its tail.

The setter is an intelligent and kind-hearted person by nature. A small flaw - he can steal something tasty while no one is looking, but this is due to his excellent hunting instincts, and not the malicious intent to leave you without lunch))).

Family dog ​​#8: Collie

Collie - herding dog, it is not suitable for those who spend a lot of time outside the home, as it loves communication very much. Natural responsibility makes the collie an excellent nanny. This shepherd loves children. She is calm and intelligent, flexible, and easy to train.

... not keeping a collie means missing out on many admirable traits canine character, which cannot be found in any other breed...

If you've never had a dog, a collie is a great option. She will become a faithful family friend and will always accompany your children in everything.

Family dog ​​#9: Husky

Husky looks very similar to a wolf, but there are no family ties has nothing to do with him. This is an intelligent, hardy dog ​​that you can safely get if you have a child in the house. A husky is completely devoid of aggression, so if you explain to a child what can/cannot be done with a dog, there is nothing to be afraid of. With a husky you can run races together, ride a bike, sled, go on a hike - it’s not yet known which of you will get tired first.


Husky is an active dog and it is important for her to run a lot, so if your family prefers movement and active image life, this is the best option for you.

Family Dog #10: St. Bernard

Saint Bernard is one of the largest and heavy dogs. If we look at history, we can find out that St. Bernards sense approaching avalanches well, save people from rubble, warm them with their warmth, and can move heavy objects.


When the name Beethoven is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind for many is the image of a big and kind dog, and only then “Moonlight Sonata” and “Symphony No. Beethoven is not the only St. Bernard to become a celebrity. Many of his relatives with honor carried and carry the title of the best family dog.

Saint Bernard - a true gentleman: no matter what the child amuses himself with, he will silently and patiently present his muzzle, open his mouth and endure everything that fate has in store for him. These dogs love children and are not offended by their pranks.

The Saint Bernard has a good-natured appearance, deserving of trust and respect. The main purpose of these dogs is to save people, so being part of the family for a St. Bernard is a big joy. He will be happy to be a nanny for big and small owners.

The undoubted advantage of this breed is that these dogs are quiet and will bark only when absolutely necessary. Despite their affection for their owners, St. Bernards are distrustful of strangers, therefore, having such a dog, you can be sure that a real watchman lives in your house.

Dear readers! Whatever dog you choose as a family dog, remember that we are responsible for those we tamed. Even an ordinary courtyard “nobleman” will bring many positive moments into your life. Patience to you and boundless puppy love! Let the living creatures in the house bring joy, teach your children kindness and loyalty, instill care and love for our smaller brothers.

Living in a private house has a number of advantages, and some nuances relate, for example, to ensuring security. Yes, modern security agencies offer their services, but people are not going to give up their four-legged friends, who do such work excellently. In this case, the family gains not only an employee, but also a devoted friend. How to choose a dog to guard a private home that will cope 100% with the task entrusted to it?

Living in a yard is not suitable for all dogs, and this must be taken into account when choosing a pet. Three main criteria should be considered first:

  1. Wool. First of all, this applies to the coat of the animal. The coat of a dog intended for street living must be two-layered and consist of guard hair and abundant, thick undercoat. Such a “fur coat” should protect from low temperatures, winds, precipitation, as well as from heat - the pet should not overheat in summer period. But even a well-insulated dog should be provided with a booth in which he will rest or hide from the heat or bad weather. Cane Corsos, Dobermans, and Bull Terriers have excellent security qualities, but they can live in the local area only in the warm season. During other periods, the pet will have to be taken into the house, since its short fur will not be able to reliably protect it from the cold, or a well-insulated booth and enclosure will have to be installed.
  2. Size. It is advisable to give preference to representatives of large and giant breeds. After all, it’s not for nothing that they occupy the top lines of the list of the best guard dogs. Such a large animal, of course, eats more than its smaller counterparts, but its appearance already makes it clear that it is better not to meddle in the entrusted territory.
  3. Good health and unpretentiousness. Similar requirements apply to almost all working breeds. The dog should not get very dirty, have serious health problems and require special care.

Character traits

The issue of selecting a guard dog should be approached carefully, because the pet must live up to expectations and vigilantly serve. But not every representative of the species is suitable for these purposes. For example, a beagle has a ringing voice; it will definitely warn the family about uninvited guests, but will not be able to prevent the invasion of strangers. And here large labrador, which is capable of barking loudly, is only able to lick intruders, since it is devoid of natural aggression.

Therefore, the pet must have a certain disposition and innate characteristics, which only need to be corrected for it to become a real guard for a private home. The required set of characteristics includes the following qualities:

  • balance - a large, unbalanced dog can become a threat, and not only for ill-wishers;
  • the ability to quickly assess situations and decide what to do without waiting for the owner’s prompt;
  • wary attitude towards strangers;
  • a tolerant attitude towards other domestic animals (after all, in a private house people often have livestock, poultry, and it is important that the dog does not become a threat to them);
  • good learning ability;
  • a friendly attitude towards members of the household, especially younger family members.

A dog possessing all of the above qualities can be safely called an ideal friend and guard. However, even purebred representatives of the breeds cannot always boast of them.

When choosing a puppy, you should ask the breeder how successful its parents are in this type of activity. After all, it is possible that they have not spent a day in the yard and are more accustomed to participating in show programs. In this case, the offspring’s working qualities may be lower than those of children from a working couple.

Which breeds will not make vigilant guards?

Sometimes the appearance of dogs and their character are misleading, and people who are not familiar with the specifics of the breed may think that this is an excellent protector and guard. But in practice, it turns out that the choice was unsuccessful, and the owners begin to blame the pet for this, which, in fact, had nothing to do with it.

Representatives of the following breeds, even with proper upbringing and training, will not make guards

Hunting breeds

This is a large group of breeds, consisting of greyhounds, pointers, hounds, burrows (terriers), and huskies. Their specificity necessitates the presence of anger towards the beast, but it does not extend to humans. The dog can be aggressive, defending himself and his booth, he is able to stand up for the owner if he is offended, but due to his weak territoriality, he will not defend and protect the family’s property.

In addition, such a “guard” living in the private sector or a rural area can act as a real pest, hunting chickens, rabbits and other small animals.

Fighting and pickling

Bulldog, pit bull, stafford, bull terrier are dog breeds with an aggressive appearance. But their history is such that they or their ancestors long time They fought with wild animals, domestic animals and their own kind, so their anger did not extend to humans.

When raised and trained, a pet can become a bodyguard, but it is not aggressive enough to protect the house and surrounding area. Many fighting dogs are even friendly towards strangers.

Rescuers and companions

They may have decent dimensions and luxurious, warm hair - this applies to St. Bernards, divers, collies, Labradors, retrievers, Newfoundlands, but are absolutely not suitable as guards.

The nature of dogs has rewarded many useful qualities, making them excellent rescuers and companions. But these pets adore people, so it is almost impossible to force them to cause serious harm to a person.


Fast, resilient, with excellent reaction, they are able to act as a “bell”, notifying not only the owners, but also the surrounding area about the approach of guests. But this is where their security capabilities end. Border collies and Australian shepherds may fall into this category.


Representatives of a specific breed, which have a very beautiful, colorful appearance and rich fur. But, as practice shows, this turns out to be completely insufficient for work.

Malamutes and Huskies can control own territory, but they will most likely drive away other dogs, not people. In addition, these beauties are prone to escape; they can make very deep digs and climb even over unusually high fences.

Considering the above, it becomes clear that only a small part of the breeds can actually work in this direction. These are the ones you should pay attention to when choosing a suitable pet.

The best guard breeds

The list of the best four-legged guards includes representatives of the following breeds.

Perhaps it is difficult to find a more universal breed, since the “Germans” are very capable dogs. They have high performance, developed intelligence, complaisance. Even beginners can buy such a pet, but it is worth remembering that they will still have to deal with its upbringing and training.

Shepherd dogs are capable of living outdoors, but they need companionship with their family and are not suitable for chain keeping. Such a dog will be happy to accompany the owner everywhere, shows excellent results in various sports disciplines and is ideal for service. It is recommended that people leading an active lifestyle purchase such a gifted and hardworking dog.

While guarding the yard, the shepherd will show aggression towards uninvited guests, but for the family it will be an affectionate, devoted, patient pet.

This giant has been protecting huge flocks in harsh conditions for centuries. Caucasus mountains. Such activities strengthened him, taught him to think independently and correctly assess the situation. “Caucasians” are still used for their intended purpose, but in addition to this, they successfully perform security work.

The pet is unpretentious, hardy, incorruptible and aggressive towards strangers, but at the same time gentle with members of its family. It is not recommended for beginners to have such a serious dog; the owner must know all the nuances and be able to find an approach to his four-legged friend.

The dog loves children, but can mistake strangers for intruders. In addition, you should not allow the shepherd to play with children - a huge dog can cause harm through negligence.

You cannot keep a puppy in a fence all the time; it needs early socialization, otherwise the pet will grow up to be overly angry and distrustful. You should walk him every day, giving the dog the opportunity to throw out excess energy and get to know the world around him.

A domestic breed obtained by crossing “Caucasians”, Russian piebald hounds and St. Bernards. Its representatives are similar to their large relatives, very colorful and powerful dogs. They are hardy, smart, and distrustful of strangers, which makes them excellent guards and watchmen.

For a family, this is a devoted, faithful pet who adores children, but the latter should not be trusted to walk such a large animal. Moscow watchdogs need intensive care less than other breeds. physical activity. They successfully learn commands and get real pleasure from working out on the training ground.

But there is one important nuance - Moscow watchdogs have a dominant character, which means that it is important for the owner to show the puppy who’s boss as early as possible.

An indigenous Asian breed that developed in natural conditions. Its representatives are born shepherds, watchmen and security guards, so a set of all the necessary qualities is present in their blood.

But dog experts warn that adopting a puppy of this breed is not recommended for people who do not have the necessary experience. The owner must have a strong hand, endurance and have a lot of free time to work with the dog. Even as a puppy, the Alabai will claim dominance, and it is important to prevent him from playing this role.

The dog is harsh towards strangers, both people and animals, so those who invade his territory will not be happy. He works around the clock, so it’s impossible to sneak past the Central Asian - neither day nor night.

The dog has well-developed herding qualities, which means he will vigilantly watch over his household, Special attention devoting time to the younger members of the family, being both a nanny and a bodyguard for them. As for pets, he treats “his own” quite favorably and quickly gets used to the neighborhood.

Guard dogs are a big responsibility; it is important for the owner to know the peculiarities of keeping them and not to allow dangerous situations when such an impressive animal ends up on the street unattended. First of all, guards are not suitable for a chain - it is important for them to move around the territory. Yes, they can be locked in an enclosure for a while, but not permanently. This is due to their previous life - after all, shepherd dogs once roamed the mountainous expanses, and they have a love of freedom.

Owners of guard dogs are confident that no panic button can replace these devoted, faithful and hardworking pets. Only a four-legged friend is capable of guarding, defending, loving his family boundlessly and will not even spare his life if such a sacrifice is required.