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Women's well-being. Women's health is the key to beauty. A woman uses many different nuances to support her health.

Health is always desirable. As old age approaches, there is an increasing desire to hold on to it, support it and preserve it. After all, it depends on this what they will be like last decades life. Sad and heavy or filled with meaning and joy.

Women's health at 45 years of age and older

Feeling good and internal state the body is valuable at any age. Few people think about him when everything is in order, implying that this is how everything should be by itself. However, with the onset of illness, even a harmless cold, you immediately understand how good it is to be healthy.

Unfortunately, many people note that over the years they become more susceptible to illness, less energetic, and increasingly feel tired. Speaking about women, not the least role is played by the decline of sexual function, serious changes hormonal levels, which inevitably affects each individual system and the entire body as a whole. That is why the question of how to maintain and maintain health after 50, 53, 55 or 60 years is so relevant.

What is included in the concept of “women's health”

This topic is very versatile, it is difficult to give one definite answer to it. Much depends on the initial state with which the decision about the need to do something comes, on hereditary predisposition, psychological mood and many other factors.

When talking about women's health after 45 or 50, we most often mean:

  • gynecology and mammary glands;
  • maintaining the same weight;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • cardiovascular and skeletal system who are the first to suffer with the onset of menopause.

Despite the fact that it is clear useful recommendations are very individual, and a qualified attending physician has the right to give them, who is thoroughly knowledgeable about the medical history and current condition, some basic principles about the right approach there is still something to do with health.

Women's health and gynecology after 50

As already mentioned, it is the decrease in sexual function that is the first signal that it is time to pay more attention to your body. Menopause is an inevitable reality that awaits every woman. Just as each of us once matured and became capable of giving birth, so sooner or later we enter into new period life.

Features of women's health after 49

The supply of eggs donated by nature is depleted, the ovaries slow down the production of the hormone estrogen and it is this that becomes the cause of irreversible processes, the consequence of which will be a general deterioration in health.

With a decrease in estrogen:

  • Elasticity decreases, thinning of the skin and mucous membranes is observed, which leads to the appearance of new, not only facial wrinkles, and a feeling of dryness in the oral cavity, larynx, vagina. To the point that sexual intercourse can cause discomfort and pain.
  • The tone decreases internal muscles. This may manifest itself as difficulty holding urine when walking quickly, jumping, laughing or coughing.
  • The process of absorption by the body is disrupted useful substances, such as calcium. Diseases come with it circulatory system, hearts, as well as an unpleasant phenomenon - osteoporosis (increased fragility of bones, up to fractures with difficult subsequent healing).
  • Doesn't stand aside psychological side. It is known that hormones themselves have a strong influence on mood, and besides, worries about health for a woman at 50 years old and without a hormonal release lead to a deterioration in mood.

What you need to know: Menopause is not the end of life, but the beginning of a new stage. A timely visit to a specialist, diagnostics, and monitoring of basic parameters will help you live through it without any complications.

At the age of 45-50 years, women have a significantly increased risk of gaining overweight Therefore, the choice of food requires a careful approach.

Should you rush to the doctor?

There is a widespread belief that nothing can be done with age, all that remains is to take it for granted without the opportunity to improve the health of the body. To some extent this is true. However, along with there are many diseases, the prevention and detection of which is the most early stages helps reduce the risk of serious and irreversible consequences. For example:

  • Unpleasant manifestations climacteric syndrome can be reduced with hormonal hormones replacement therapy(Please note that drugs of this class are prescribed exclusively on the advice of a specialist; a woman’s health after 50 can be significantly affected by self-administration of drugs, even to the point of developing tumors).
  • Identifying the onset of osteoporosis will help to take timely measures, begin appropriate treatment, and significantly reduce the risk of fractures in the future.
  • Requires special attention the cardiovascular system. With age, the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes increases several times. Correct recommendations and appointments will allow you to live a healthy, active life.
  • From the gynecological side, the genitals need to be examined at least once every six months. The doctor will not only be able to identify the development of ailments, but will recommend the most suitable contraceptives (the likelihood of pregnancy remains even with the cessation of menstrual cycle), lubricants to replace natural lubrication during sex.

Beauty and healthy lifestyle of a woman

Healthy eating is the foundation feeling great And beautiful appearance after 45-50 years.

Taking care of your own appearance and a skillful approach to beauty will allow an older woman to remain attractive and desirable.

Beauty and health of a woman are closely related. From a psychological point of view, it is a common idea that over the years a woman loses her attractiveness. However, there are many examples that this is not always the case. The presence of the Internet allows you to find out about women who look great at 47, 54, 60 and even 80 years old.

These include famous models who on the catwalk look not only no worse than their young colleagues, but also much more advantageous, and those who, despite their advanced age, continue to teach yoga, practice ballroom dancing, and live an active life. full life. One look at their photo shows that they are still beautiful, and perhaps even more attractive than they once were.

Only a professional physician knows exactly how to treat breast mastopathy. Do not resort to self-medication, succumbing to the mirage of easy relief from an annoying illness.

Uterine fibroids: what is it, symptoms, how to treat?

Do not think that the diagnosis of uterine fibroids becomes a fatal sentence for a woman. There is a lot of encouraging information that inspires you to confront and overcome the disease.

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Read the article to find out about the reasons for heavy periods with clots. Perhaps the only correct decision will be an immediate visit to the gynecologist.

No woman can be sure that she will not experience such a disorder reproductive sphere. Endometriosis is the proliferation of uterine endometrial cells in tissues where uterine endometrium does not normally exist. From this article you will learn more about the symptoms and treatment of endometriosis in women.

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Many realities modern life became factors provoking women's diseases. This includes a tense rhythm of life, physical inactivity, stress, and poor ecology. It is quite understandable that information about cystitis in women has become in demand: symptoms and treatment at home.

The first signs of approaching critical days"can be precisely in the form of smearing underwear dark discharge. This can happen a few hours before the menstruation itself and even a few days, a week before it. The day when such discharge was noticed before menstruation is the day the menstrual cycle begins.

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Alas, many women have a vague idea of ​​how colpitis manifests itself during pregnancy. With this pathology, the vaginal mucosa, as well as part of the uterus, is inflamed. How formerly a woman realizes that she is developing colpitis, the more successfully she will be able to recover from this serious illness.

Very frequent pathological process Women experience cervical erosion. This is mistakenly called inflammation of the columnar epithelium that lines the cervix. In professional medical terms, pseudoerosion is called ectopia.

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A hygienic tampon is a cylinder made of materials that absorb moisture well. As a rule, compressed cotton and viscose are well suited for making sanitary tampons. Elder sister or a friend can use her own experience as a woman and explain to a girl going through puberty how to use tampons for the first time.

Each athlete's body is individual, no general recommendations for all. You should be attentive to your well-being and consult a gynecologist more often if you notice negative changes. Some sports require female body increased demands, since they cannot do without great physical activity (rowing, wrestling, weightlifting and others).

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The time of growing up is a wonderful period in the life of every woman, but young girls are bothered by thoughts about menstruation, this question sometimes even causes fear. The onset of menstruation is expected with some fear, which is aggravated by the lack of knowledge about the signs of approaching “critical days” and their duration.

Every woman has experienced a delay in menstruation at least once, and each time such a problem brings worries and a search for an answer to the question of how to get menstruation if it is delayed.

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The question of how to stop menstruation if it has already begun worries many girls and women. It often happens that “these days” come at a completely inopportune time and disrupt carefully constructed plans.

Every woman has experienced a delay in menstruation at least once. And to the question: “Why are there no periods?” The first answer that comes to mind is usually related to the suspicion of pregnancy.

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Questions about why the stomach hurts during menstruation, and how to cope with pain and discomfort without harm to health, occupy most women of reproductive age.

Every woman wants to be happy, loved and healthy. To feel great at any age, it is enough to follow simple and effective recommendations. They will help you avoid problems in gynecology, take care of women's health and inner harmony.

  • Visit your doctor regularly. Just 2 visits to the doctor per year will be enough to take care of your body. During a preventive examination, a professional uses high-precision diagnostic techniques.
  • Take care of balanced diet . For intimate women's health great importance has a thoughtful diet. Give preference to clean drinking water. Add more to the menu fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and nuts.
  • Watch your weight. To remain healthy, your body mass index (BMI) must be within normal limits. Helps you maintain your desired weight proper nutrition and moderate physical exercise, For example, hiking, cycling, swimming.