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"Calcium D3 Nycomed" during breastfeeding - pampering or necessity? Recommendations for proper use

Calcium – very important element which is necessary for proper functioning and normal operation any organism. A lack of this element leads to hair and teeth loss, brittle nails, and thinning bones. To build a new organism, calcium is simply necessary.

Pregnant women should not forget about this, because if there is a lack of calcium in the body of a woman expecting a baby, the child will take the microelement necessary for growth from the mother’s body, which can adversely affect her health.

A lack of calcium can cause quite serious health problems in a pregnant woman, so you should not treat this issue negligently, and at the first symptoms of calcium deficiency you should immediately contact your doctor.

How does a lack of calcium manifest in the body of a pregnant woman?

As already mentioned, a lack of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman is quite serious problem. If a baby in the womb does not receive enough calcium, this can affect its development and provoke a disease such as rickets.

A lack of calcium in a pregnant woman's body manifests itself in the form of cramps, drowsiness, and joint pain. If a pregnant woman is bothered by these symptoms, she should immediately contact her doctor to get the necessary help.

What foods contain calcium?

If a blood test shows a lack of calcium in a pregnant woman’s body, the doctor will give recommendations on how to replenish this microelement. As a rule, if there is a lack of calcium, pregnant women are recommended to eat a diet that includes calcium rich foods: dairy products, cabbage, celery, parsley, raisins, nuts and sea ​​fish. You should also eat eggs, white beans, and garlic. A pregnant woman needs to receive 1000-1300 mg of calcium per day.

Calcium absorption occurs when there is a sufficient amount of vitamin D in the body. To synthesize this vitamin, you need to be in the sun for at least 30 minutes a day.

Since during pregnancy a woman needs enough a large number of calcium, but it is quite difficult to absorb; often, if there is a deficiency, it is prescribed special drugs, which help cope with the deficiency of this microelement. It is recommended to take calcium supplements in combination with vitamin D, which promotes maximum calcium absorption.

Calcium d3 nycomed during pregnancy

In what cases do pregnant women need to take calcium supplements? Supplemental calcium may be needed if a pregnant woman has an unbalanced diet and does not get enough calcium from food.

A blood test will help determine calcium deficiency; this test is prescribed when symptoms of calcium deficiency are detected:

  • back pain;
  • leg cramps;
  • numbness of legs and arms;
  • weaknesses;
  • tooth decay;
  • hair loss and other things.

Typically, calcium can be prescribed in three forms: calcium gluconate, calcium carbonate and calcium citrate. Preparations containing vitamin D are better absorbed.

I would like to immediately note that calcium d3 nikomed is not contraindicated for pregnant women. However, any medicines during pregnancy should be taken only after consultation with a specialist. Only a doctor can determine required dosage drug and course of treatment.

During pregnancy, a woman should receive enough calcium per day, but not more than 1500 mg. As for vitamin D, a pregnant woman should receive 600 IU per day.

Calcium d3 nycomed – combination drug, which helps regulate the exchange of phosphorus and calcium. 1 tablet of this drug contains 500 mg of calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D. The body cannot absorb more than 500 mg of calcium at one time - this means that you should not take several tablets of calcium d3 nycomed at once.

Calcium d3 nycomed improves condition pregnant teeth and hair, helps increase density bone tissue. Taking calcium also helps correct formation the skeleton of the unborn child, which is important for a pregnant woman.

Ease of use this drug The fact is that it can be purchased at any pharmacy and is available in the form of chewable tablets.

Note that this drug may have side effect : the use of Calcium D3 nycomed can provoke the development of dysfunction gastrointestinal tract(vomiting, nausea, constipation, diarrhea), and increased content calcium in the body of a pregnant woman. That is why the drug should be used strictly on the recommendation of the attending physician, in doses specified by the specialist. The drug should not be taken by pregnant women with renal failure.

It is also worth noting that in in case of overdose vomiting, nausea, thirst occur - if these symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a specialist and do a blood test.

If a pregnant woman takes calcium d3 nycomed, then she must remember that she must take a sufficient amount of fluid, which helps the proper absorption of this drug in the body.

So, to summarize the above, I would like to note once again that in order for a pregnant woman’s body not to experience a shortage of calcium or other microelements and vitamins, it is worth carefully monitoring her diet. A pregnant woman's diet should be balanced, and pregnant women also need daily walks (for the synthesis of vitamin D).

If, while expecting a baby, you notice signs of calcium deficiency, you should not self-medicate, it is better to immediately consult your doctor, only the doctor will be able to determine whether the pregnant woman really does not have enough calcium in her body and make a correct diagnosis. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will take necessary measures. All medications and vitamins should be consumed by a pregnant woman only under the supervision of the attending physician and with his permission.

Take care of your health and the health of your unborn child!


Calcium D3 – a formula that has conquered the world. Almost everything preparations with calcium contain 3 , or cholecalciferol. No matter how different they are in names and additional components, calcium D3 - the basis of most remedies for bone fragility. Modern medicine It is impossible to imagine treating bone demineralization without these substances.

Why calcium D 3 poses a health risk?

At first sight osteoporosis treatment by using calcium D3 logical. Since bones are rapidly losing this mineral, it is necessary to take more of it. And the problem of poor absorption of calcium without a sufficient amount of cholecalciferol is easily solved by adding this vitamin to the medicine, which forces the body to take in the calcium it takes. It seems like the solution is as simple as shelling pears!

However, such simplicity turns out to be worse than theft - and the patient steals his own. And today, voices are increasingly heard about the dangers of excess calcium in the body. That osteoporosis treatment regimen using formula calcium D 3 is a vicious and ineffective practice. Let us consider the arguments of opponents of the generally accepted therapeutic approach.

Calcium deficiency- not a very common phenomenon, contrary to the advertising statements of the manufacturers. After all, calcium is present in abundance in foods, drinks, including the most plain water. This is macro, not trace element!

The amount of calcium in the body must be judged by its content in the bones (using ), as well as in urine and blood (using tests). Unfortunately, most people are in no hurry to get tested, but drink it “for prevention” calcium D3 - it's always easy! Moreover, many do not even suspect that blood calcium level may be normal and even go off scale, despite brittle hair, destruction of teeth and bones.

Worse, without getting into the bone, the additional calcium, invariably absorbed thanks to, saturates the blood more and more. And in the blood its content should not go beyond a very narrow physiological framework (2.10–2.55 mmol/l). Exceeding the permissible threshold leads to the development of life-threatening conditions - hypercalcemia and calcinosis.

Hypercalcemia And calcification

Hypercalcemia - this is an excess of the norm total calcium in blood. Its consequences are disorders of the central nervous system (deterioration mental activity, depression, coma), neuromuscular pathologies, nausea and vomiting, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, eyes...

Calcinosis , or calcification, - calcium deposits not at the address - at soft tissues and organs due to improper mineral metabolism. Calcification myocardium, blood vessels, lymph nodes, kidneys and lungs, muscles, gastrointestinal mucosa and other organs disrupts their functions and poses a mortal danger.

Both of these conditions can occur in patients with fractures and osteoporosis. Moreover, calcium leaching from bones is the leading cause of an increase in its level in the blood (hypercalcemia). Calcium D3 in loading doses for such patients it is simply poison.

Vitamin D 3 : both its shortage and its excess are dangerous!

Just like calcium, D3 (by nature it is a D3 hormone) – a double-edged sword. And blindly following advertising that calls for constantly replenishing the deficiency of the “sunshine” vitamin can lead to D-vitamin intoxication.

Vitamin D3 poisoning is expressed in thirst, vomiting, dehydration, anorexia, muscle weakness, increased blood pressure, increased frequency and interruptions heart rate, kidney damage, nervous pathologies, in hypercalcemia and calcinosis.

If you spend a lot of time in the sun in the summer, you can provide a year's supply of this substance. A menu rich in butter, cheese, milk, eggs and oily fish, also insures against hypovitaminosis D3. So you should be extremely careful with cholecalciferol!

Calcium D 3 : What do the studies say?

A five-year observation by English researchers of 24,000 people aged 35–64 years confirmed the risk premature death due to a heart attack or stroke in connection with taking calcium D3 supplements. Taking 1,000 mg or more of calcium per day increases the risk cardiovascular pathologies by 20%.

Unlike natural calcium, which comes from food and is absorbed little by little, large doses calcium D3 cause sharp jumps the level of calcium in the blood and its sedimentation inside the vessels and in the myocardium. The consequence of this is atherosclerosis.

U.S. experts The Preventative Services Task Force in 2013 concluded that daily supplementation in healthy adults up to age 65 years calcium D3 for strengthening bone tissue and preventing osteoporosis, it is not effective and may even be harmful. The likelihood of developing kidney stones doubles. For even more expressed connection use of drugs calcium D3 with heart attacks indicate Swedish researchers.

Calcium D 3 at the epicenter of the paradoxes of modern medicine

A truly paradoxical situation has developed around drugs that include a complex calcium D3! Pharmacy windows are full of the following: “Calcium-D3 Nycomed”, “Complivit Calcium-D3”, “Natekal D3”, “Kalcemin”, “Vitrum Calcium”, etc. Doctors are well aware of all the dangers that are fraught with their use in large doses, but they invariably prescribe medications containing this insidious formula.

Because this is a classic and generally accepted approach to treatment of osteoporosis. Because the orthopedic traumatologist, prescribing lethal doses of calcium and cholecalciferol, is responsible only for the speedy fusion and does not worry about the blood vessels, heart, stomach or kidneys of the patient... Because in flow medicine there is no individual approach to patients. Because doctors are following the aggressive lobbying of the interests of giant pharmaceutical companies promoting their drugs...

All these are topical problems of our medicine, but the worst thing is that under their pressure the very foundations of physiology are trampled. After all, in most cases the cause of demineralization of bone tissue is by no means lack of calcium, but the impossibility of its absorption by the bones! This means that the solution to the problem is not to poison the body with calcium, but to deliver it to the exact address - to the bone.

Why do bones stop absorbing calcium with age? Because as hormonal activity fades, fewer and fewer young bone cells - osteocytes - are born. And since they are the most important participants in the mineralization of bone tissue, calcium remains unclaimed by the bone. Think about it: will there be any use for extra calcium if the body doesn’t know what to do with what it already has? Have you guessed where the calcium not taken up by the bones will be stored?..

Is it possible to force calcium D 3 work to prevent and treat osteoporosis?

Still, don’t rush to write it off calcium D3 off the books! You just need to make it work for you, that is, help the macroelement get into the demineralized bone, direct it to emergency healing of the fracture. But how to achieve this?

Stimulating osteogenesis (the birth of new osteocytes) is the only correct approach to treatment of osteoporosis. Since the main anabolic hormone for all species is testosterone, osteogenesis can be enhanced by increasing testosterone level in organism.

Here the question arises about safe method increase testosterone. Introducing it from outside, or , is fraught with the development of dangerous ones, including oncology, and the final suppression of the synthesis of one’s own hormone. This is not a solution - to treat one thing while crippling other systems and organs.

Search safe ways stimulation of testosterone production led specialists from the Russian pharmaceutical company Parapharm to the idea of ​​using unique properties drone homogenate to improve bone formation.

– a source of insect hormones – testosterone, prolactin, progesterone and estradiol. But for a person it's just prohormones, which help him produce his own testosterone more intensively, which in turn stimulates osteogenesis. And young osteocyte cells will be able to attract calcium and begin to mineralize bone tissue.

Osteomed Forte: return of prodigal calcium

Incorporation of drone homogenate into an anti-osteoporotic drug containing (250 mg), vitamin D3 (1.5 mg) and vitamin B6 (0.5 mg), became a revolutionary solution. Drone homogenate it's not easy here excipient, but an important anabolic component that helps calcium get to the right address, and not settle in soft tissues. Thanks to him, calcium in the composition Forte gains not only effectiveness, but also safety.

To the benefits of the product Osteomed Forte it is necessary to include a relatively low dosage of calcium. placed emphasis not on its quantity, but on quality: calcium citrate– the most digestible and harmless form of this mineral. Better less, but better, as intended and straight to the target!

Addition vitamin B6 accelerates bone mineralization by improving the absorption and transport of magnesium into cells. And magnesium - faithful companion and calcium assistant in bone mineralization.

It not only increases mineral tissue in a safe way, but also promotes the closure of cavity formations in the bones, which is a new word in treatment of osteoporosis. Calcium D3 here it works one hundred percent. Osteomed Forte– this is the return of prodigal calcium home! This is smart calcium not into the blood, but into the bone!



Let's say right away: sources of calcium are not scarce. But here’s the paradox: the body may experience a lack of it. And women feel it more often than men. This is when split ends are sent to the hairdresser to get a boy's haircut. Brittle nails they are crying out about build-up, not to mention teeth, the chronic restoration of which literally undermines family budget. But the worst thing that comes from calcium deficiency...

A combined drug that regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body (in bones, teeth, nails, hair, muscles).

Reduces resorption (resorption) and increases bone density, replenishing the lack of calcium and vitamin D 3 in the body, necessary for the mineralization of teeth.

Calcium is involved in the regulation of nerve conduction, muscle contractions and is a component of the blood coagulation system. Adequate calcium intake is especially important during growth, pregnancy and lactation.

Vitamin D 3 increases calcium absorption in the intestines.

The use of calcium and vitamin D 3 prevents an increase in the production of parathyroid hormone, which is a stimulator of increased bone resorption (leaching of calcium from the bones).



Typically, the amount of calcium that is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract is approximately 30% of the dose taken.

Distribution and metabolism

99% of the calcium in the body is concentrated in the rigid structure of bones and teeth. The remaining 1% is found in intra- and extracellular fluids. About 50% of general content calcium in the blood is in a physiologically active ionized form, of which approximately 10% is complexed with citrate, phosphate or other anions, the remaining 40% is associated with proteins, primarily albumin.


Calcium is excreted through the intestines, kidneys and sweat glands. Renal excretion depends on glomerular filtration and tubular reabsorption of calcium.



Colecalciferol is easily absorbed from small intestine(about 80% of the dose taken).

Distribution and metabolism

Colecalciferol and its metabolites circulate in the blood in bound state with specific globulin. Colecalciferol is metabolized in the liver by hydroxylation to 25-hydroxycolecalciferol. Then converted in the kidneys to active form 1.25-hydroxycolecalciferol. 1.25-hydroxycolecalciferol is a metabolite responsible for increasing calcium absorption. Unchanged colecalciferol is deposited in adipose and muscle tissue.


Colecalciferol is excreted by the kidneys and intestines.

Release form

Chewable tablets (orange), uncoated, round, biconvex, white; with orange aroma; may have small inclusions and uneven edges.

Excipients: sorbitol - 390 mg, isomalt - 62.0 mg, povidone - 36.4 mg, magnesium stearate - 6.00 mg, aspartame - 1.00 mg, orange oil - 0.97 mg, mono- and diglycerides fatty acids- 0.0008 mg.

20 pcs. - polyethylene bottles high density(1) - cardboard packs.
50 pcs. - bottles made of high-density polyethylene (1) - cardboard packs.
100 pieces. - bottles made of high-density polyethylene (1) - cardboard packs.


The tablets can be chewed or dissolved and taken with meals.

Calcium-D 3 Nycomed

Adults for the prevention of osteoporosis - 1 tablet. 2 times/day; V complex therapy osteoporosis - 1 tablet. 2-3 times/day.

To replenish calcium and vitamin D deficiency, adults and children over 12 years old - 1 tablet. 2 times/day, children from 5 to 12 years old - 1-2 tablets/day, children from 3 to 5 years old - dosage in accordance with doctor's recommendations.

Calcium-D 3 Nycomed Forte

Adults for the prevention of osteoporosis - 1 tablet. 2 times/day or 2 tablets 1 time/day; in complex therapy of osteoporosis - 1 tablet. 2-3 times/day.

To compensate for calcium and vitamin D deficiency, adults and children over 12 years old - 2 tablets per day, children from 3 to 12 years old - 1 tablet per day or as prescribed by a doctor.

Duration of treatment

When used for prevention and in complex therapy of osteoporosis, the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.

When used to replenish calcium and vitamin D 3 deficiency average duration course of treatment for at least 4-6 weeks. Quantity repeat courses determined individually throughout the year.

Patients with impaired liver function do not require dose adjustment.

Should not be used in severe renal failure.

Elderly patients are prescribed the same dose as for adults. A possible decrease in creatinine clearance should be taken into account.


Symptoms: manifestations of hypercalcemia - anorexia, thirst, polyuria, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, increased fatigue, bone pain, mental disorders, nephrocalcinosis, urolithiasis disease and, in severe cases, cardiac arrhythmias. At long-term use excessive doses (over 2500 mg of calcium) - kidney damage, soft tissue calcification.

If symptoms of overdose are detected, the patient should stop taking calcium and vitamin D, as well as thiazide diuretics and cardiac glycosides, and consult a doctor.

Treatment: gastric lavage, replenishment of fluid loss, use of “loop” diuretics (for example, furosemide), corticosteroids, calcitonin, bisphosphonates. It is necessary to monitor the content of electrolytes in the blood plasma, renal function and diuresis. In severe cases, measurement of central venous pressure and ECG monitoring are necessary.


Hypercalcemia can potentiate the toxic effects of cardiac glycosides when used simultaneously with calcium and vitamin D preparations. Monitoring of ECG and serum calcium levels is necessary.

Calcium supplements may reduce the absorption of tetracyclines from the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, tetracycline drugs should be taken at least 2 hours before or 4-6 hours after taking the drug.

To prevent decreased absorption of bisphosphonates, it is recommended that they be taken at least 1 hour before taking Calcium-D 3 Nycomed.

GCS reduce calcium absorption, so treatment with GCS may require an increase doses of Calcium-D 3 Nycomed.

With simultaneous use of thiazide diuretics, the risk of hypercalcemia increases, because they increase tubular reabsorption of calcium. When thiazide diuretics are used concomitantly, serum calcium levels should be regularly monitored.

Calcium reduces the effectiveness of levothyroxine by reducing its absorption. The period of time between doses of levothyroxine and Calcium-D 3 Nycomed should be at least 4 hours.

The absorption of quinolone antibiotics is reduced when used simultaneously with calcium supplements. Therefore, quinolone antibiotics should be taken 2 hours before or 6 hours after taking Calcium-D 3 Nycomed.

Reception food products containing oxalates (sorrel, rhubarb, spinach) and phytin (cereals), reduces calcium absorption, so you should not take Calcium-D 3 Nycomed within 2 hours after eating sorrel, rhubarb, spinach, cereals.

Side effects

Frequency side effects the drug is assessed as follows: very frequent (>1/10); frequent (>1/100,<1/10); нечастые (>1/1000, <1/100); редкие (>1/10 000, <1/1000); очень редкие (<1/10 000).

Metabolism and nutrition: uncommon - hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria.

From the digestive system: rarely - constipation, flatulence, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia.

From the skin and subcutaneous tissue: very rarely - itching, rash, urticaria.


  • prevention and treatment of calcium and/or vitamin D 3 deficiency;
  • prevention and complex therapy of osteoporosis and its complications (bone fractures).


  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • hypervitaminosis D;
  • severe renal failure;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, soy or peanuts.

The drug in tablet form is not used in children under 3 years of age.

The drug contains sorbitol, isomalt and sucrose, so its use is not recommended for patients with hereditary fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrase-isomaltase deficiency.

With caution: pregnancy, lactation, renal failure.

Features of application

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Calcium and vitamin D 3 are used during pregnancy to compensate for their deficiency in the body.

During pregnancy, the daily dose of the drug should not exceed 1500 mg of calcium and 600 IU of vitamin D 3 .

Hypercalcemia due to overdose during pregnancy can have an adverse effect on the developing fetus.

The drug is used during lactation.

Calcium and vitamin D 3 can pass into breast milk, so it is necessary to consider the intake of calcium and vitamin D from other sources in the mother and baby.

Use for renal impairment

The drug is contraindicated in severe renal failure.

Use in children

The dosage form of the tablet is not used in children under 3 years of age.

special instructions

During long-term therapy, serum calcium and creatinine levels should be monitored. Monitoring is especially important in elderly patients during concomitant treatment with cardiac glycosides and diuretics and in patients with an increased tendency to form kidney stones. In cases of hypercalcemia or signs of renal impairment, reduce the dose or discontinue treatment.

Vitamin D should be taken with caution in patients with renal failure. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the calcium and phosphate levels in the blood serum. The risk of soft tissue calcification must also be considered.

To avoid overdose, additional vitamin D intake from other sources must be taken into account.

Calcium and vitamin D 3 should be used with caution in immobilized patients with osteoporosis due to the risk of developing hypercalcemia.

Concomitant use with tetracycline or quinolone antibiotics is usually not recommended or should be done with caution.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or operate complex machinery.

In addition to the daily consumption of the mineral for the normal functioning of the body, from the period of pregnancy in women, the calcium output is increased, due to the need for this element for the full development of the small organism. Lactation uses up the mother's calcium reserves for intensive growth of the baby..

Calcium is necessary for the functioning of the organs and systems of the body of the mother and child every day; it is involved in a large number of processes.

Processes in the body of mother and child:

In the case when the expectant mother does not receive calcium-containing products for certain reasons (lactose intolerance), its reserves in the body are excised. In order for the baby to receive the microelement for normal development through milk, calcium begins to leave the so-called depot - bones and teeth. This factor further leads to many problems, including:

  1. increased hair loss;
  2. brittle nails;
  3. feeling of numbness in the limbs;
  4. thinning of enamel and fragility of tooth walls;
  5. degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spinal column, leading to back pain in mild cases, and to the formation of herniated intervertebral discs in advanced situations;
  6. cramps of the calf and other muscles;
  7. the risk of bone fractures increases when falling;
  8. cardiac problems are possible, because calcium is necessary for normal contraction of the heart muscle;
  9. shift in blood formula - clotting disorder, etc.

Also, insufficient calcium intake from milk can lead to significant health problems for the baby. The presence of calcium in the mother’s blood and its supply to the child are interconnected.

Can I take it during breastfeeding?

Every expectant mother knows about the importance of a balanced diet. The amount of nutrients received from food is consumed in double volume. The daily intake of calcium for a nursing mother is 1.5 g (including food products and medications for nursing). It is important to take these data into account in order to prevent an overdose of the microelement.

According to the instructions for use of the drug "Calcium D3 Nycomed", its use during breastfeeding is permitted. To avoid calcium oversaturation, it is necessary to undergo the necessary blood tests before using Ca-containing medications.

Self-administration can lead to dangerous consequences.

Indications for use

The use of the drug "Calcium D3 Nycomed" is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • treatment of deficiency and prevention of deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3;
  • prevention and comprehensive treatment of osteoporosis (presence of bone fractures).

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is not used in case of individual intolerance or sensitivity to certain components. The use of "Calcium D3 Nycomed" is contraindicated in case of elevated calcium levels in the blood and urine (hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria) and hypervitaminosis D. Contraindications to the use of the drug are the presence of diseases:

  • urolithiasis (formation of calcium stones);
  • phenylketanuria;
  • renal failure;
  • sarcoidosis

The drug is not used for children under 3 years of age. Elderly patients are prescribed with caution.

The drug is well tolerated. Rare side effects include:

  1. from the gastrointestinal tract - loss of appetite, abdominal pain, stool disturbances, nausea;
  2. allergic manifestations - itching, various rashes;
  3. development of hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria.

How does it affect lactation and the baby?

Taking Calcium D3 Nycomed while breastfeeding is a kind of insurance for the female body. The normal level of calcium lost during pregnancy is replenished in approximately 6 months.

The use of the drug during lactation allows a woman not to lose mineral from bone tissue and transfer the required amount of calcium into breast milk. Calcium provides the child with adequate bone growth. Its content also helps in timely teething and the prevention of rickets.

Consumption of this mineral by a nursing mother daily is a necessity. Doctors' recommendations for the use of the drug include cases where it is not possible to cover the daily requirement with food.

"Calcium D3 Nycomed" is taken only after visiting a doctor with subsequent setting of the dosage in each specific case (taking an anamnesis, including familiarization with the nursing mother's menu, to calculate the calcium in the foods consumed).

Dosage and rules of administration

The daily intake dose is 1500 mg of calcium and 600 MO of vitamin D3. It is recommended to take into account the amount of mineral supplied with food and adjust the period of use of the drug.

Permitted analogues

Among drugs with similar effects during breastfeeding, the following are allowed:

Vitamin D3 is a catalyst for better calcium absorption. Therefore, preparations containing it deliver the mineral to the body faster and in larger quantities.

The drug Calcium D3 Nycomed and its analogues are taken to prevent or compensate for calcium deficiency, for the purpose of prevention and treatment of osteoporosis of varying severity.

Komarovsky's opinion

Based on the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky, breastfeeding is an important part of the life of a mother and her child. Breast milk covers the baby’s needs, helps his body grow and receive all the necessary microelements and vitamins.

As the baby grows, the composition of the milk changes based on its needs.. Therefore, if a woman does not consume her daily requirement with food, taking calcium supplements, agreed with the attending physician, is necessary.


Breastfeeding your baby is a rewarding process in every sense. Breast milk is considered the most optimal food for a newborn. By feeding a child naturally, a woman provides his body with all the vital substances, creates a strong immune system for the baby and an important psycho-emotional connection. Taking calcium supplements, if necessary, will only improve these factors, making two interconnected organisms stronger and healthier.