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What painkiller to give your dog. Everything you need to know about treating dogs with Analgin. What painkillers can be given to an adult dog and a puppy?

Unfortunately, every dog ​​owner has at least once had to deal with the fact that his pet is in pain, and this pain needs to be alleviated. Such situations include surgical interventions, pathologies, injuries, bone diseases and internal organs.

Many people believe that dogs, especially large breeds, can accept drugs intended for humans, but in lower dosages. One of the most popular “human” painkillers is Ibuprofen.

No no and one more time no! In a house where there is a dog, there must be a separate first aid kit for the animal, which contains only medications prescribed by the veterinarian.

Ibuprofen is an excellent drug for people, but it is too strong a medicine for animals, for which there is not a single precise, veterinarian-approved instruction for use and dosage for dogs.

Why not?

Ibuprofen belongs to a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are extremely toxic to the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract pet. The dosage for dogs (which might be acceptable in extreme cases) is many times less than for humans, so it is easy to exceed it.


Intoxication with Ibuprofen causes severe ulceration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines with the formation of ulcers with a diameter of about 1 centimeter.

In addition, NSAIDs can cause internal bleeding, which cannot be stopped without medical intervention, in particular surgery.

With any method of using Ibuprofen (suppositories, injections, ointments, gel), the result is the same - disruption of the functioning of the animal’s body. With an extremely high risk of death.

How do the tablets work on puppies?

If the dog is an adult large breed may be less susceptible to the toxic properties of Ibuprofen, then puppies are at risk. If you notice any of these symptoms of overdose, contact your veterinarian immediately:

  • intoxication;
  • drowsiness;
  • loss of coordination;
  • the dog may skid from side to side, its legs will give way;
  • excessive salivation;
  • hiccups;
  • vomit;
  • lethargy;
  • diarrhea;
  • arrhythmia;
  • disorders of the central nervous system.

Lethal dose

Any dose (in particular, usual for a person) especially dangerous medicine can be fatal for your pet! Especially if the dog is a small breed.

Contact your veterinarian for a prescription for another drug that is safe for your pet.

What to do if you eat it?

If the dog has somehow gained access to Ibuprofen, the owner needs to act quickly and decisively.

First of all (regardless of what pills your dog managed to swallow), you need to induce vomiting. To do this, take hydrogen peroxide in a concentration of up to 1.5% (or in a 1:1 ratio with water) and give your pet a drink in a convenient way for you, possibly from a syringe (without a needle).

Instead of peroxide, you can use a few spoons vegetable oil or up to one hundred grams of Vaseline oil.

In addition, vomiting can be induced using salt water (proportions: 1 dessert spoon of salt per 10 kg of animal weight). Don't forget to irritate the root of your tongue. If the animal has recently eaten, you can use a piperazine tablet.

After the gastric lavage procedure, you need to give the dog sorbents ( Activated carbon) – half a tablet per kilogram of weight. Coal can also be diluted with Vaseline oil, and then feed the animal with this mixture.

In addition to vomiting, it is worth causing diarrhea in the dog, since the poison can poison the animal’s body for a long time, being absorbed through the intestinal walls. To do this, use a syringe and regular cool water.

After providing first aid, try to call a veterinarian at home as soon as possible or take the animal to a veterinary clinic in a way that will minimally disturb it. Especially if it is unknown how much the pet “ate” of dangerous medications.

What to replace?

Ibuprofen can be replaced by a number of other painkillers, the use of which depends on the symptoms of the disease.

A suitable drug from the veterinary arsenal is “traumatin”, which is also prescribed for puppies. It is administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly at a dosage of 0.5 to 2 mg for puppies and dogs small breeds, and 2-4 ml for large and medium breeds.

For diseases of ligaments, joints, etc. similar diseases The combination of Traumeel gel (or the already familiar veterinary analogue Traumatin) intramuscularly + Traumeel directly to the location works “with a bang.” pain.

Instead of Traumeel Gel, you can use any analgesic, anti-inflammatory ointment for people. These include, for example, “indomethacin” or “diclofenac”.

These medications contain NSAIDs, but local application they do not have such a toxic effect as when used internally.

It is better to discuss the use of ointments with a different spectrum of action with your doctor.

For really severe pain, drugs of a different order are used (opioids or narcotics), which can only be administered by a specialist in veterinary clinic. This method pain relief is safe and effective, and is used only in extreme cases (for example, cancer or severe arthritis). Similar medicines cause drowsiness, stupor and numbness.


Ibuprofen is not a suitable pain reliever for dogs. Animal mortality as a result use of NSAIDs high enough to seriously think about the advisability of their use. If your animal requires pain relief, the most the best solution It would be best to contact a good veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

It is possible that your pet does not need to remove pain symptom, but to eliminate its cause, and immediately. Do not self-medicate. Keep track of what pills your dog swallows and keep your four-legged friend healthy!

In contact with

There can be quite a few cases when a dog may need pain medication. These are injuries, diseases of bones and joints, internal organs, pathologies, chronic diseases.

In each individual case, you may need a special medicine, which is best purchased only as prescribed by a veterinarian. However there must be specific set emergency funds.

Types of Pain Reliever for Dogs

There are several types of pain relievers, each designed for specific purposes. Nutraceuticals are made from various sources vegetable and animal fats. They contain amino acids, fatty acid, herbs, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

These substances are used to treat joint pain and are considered the safest. They rarely call side effects. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, are very effective in relieving pain. These include:

  • ibuprofen,
  • aspirin,
  • naproxen

However, if used incorrectly, these medications become potentially dangerous and have side effects:

  • vomit,
  • lethargy and lack of appetite.

Steroids are also often prescribed to reduce pain and as an anti-inflammatory. They are effective in relieving pain, but due to possible side effects they cannot be used for a long period. Also, such medications cannot be used independently. When using steroids or corticosteroids, clear instructions from your veterinarian must be provided. Drugs or opioids are prescribed only in very severe cases: for cancer or. These drugs act very strongly and at the same time cause constant drowsiness, numbness, stupor.

There are not many specialized pain medications for dogs, so they are often given human medications. However, for this you need to know the doses well, since medicines for people are stronger for dogs and can cause more severe side effects:

  1. poisoning,
  2. disorders of the central nervous system,
  3. and intestines.

What painkillers can be given to an adult dog and a puppy?

It should be remembered that many medications for humans cannot be given to a puppy, because they are designed for a much larger weight. Veterinary drug is traumatic, so it is also suitable for puppies. It is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly at 2-4 ml for large and medium-sized dogs and from 0.5 mg to 2 mg for puppies and small breed dogs.

Of the human medications, you can give your dog Pentalgin. But its dose is half a tablet per 20-30 kg of animal weight. It is better to dissolve the tablet in a small amount of water and pour it into the dog’s mouth from a syringe without a needle. An animal can take baralgin at the rate of 3 cubes per 40 kg of animal body weight.

Rimadyl tablets can be used at the rate of one tablet per 5 kg of dog weight. Very strong remedy is ketanov. Its effect is comparable to morphine. Usually it is injected intramuscularly at the rate of one ampoule per 40-50 kg. But it should only be used in emergency cases, as it can seriously harm the animal’s stomach.

For local anesthesia dogs usually use ice caine spray. If the situation is urgent, and there is nothing specialized at hand, you can give the dog regular analgin at the rate of one tablet per 20 kg. Dogs are strictly prohibited from painkillers such as:

  • diclofenac (ortofen, voltaren, diclonate),
  • ketrolac (ketrodol, ketorol,)
  • indomethacin (methindol).

Their use can even lead to the death of the animal.

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There are many cases when a person or animal may urgently need an analgesic. Toothache, dislocation or sprain - it’s impossible to list everything. But the situation with pharmaceuticals today is such that you always want to find some cheap analogue advertised drugs. Does he exist? Yes, and this is the well-known analgin.

A few years ago official medicine(and veterinary medicine) created a real hysteria around this medicine. “Suddenly” it turned out that metamizole sodium may be toxic to hematopoietic system, cases cannot be excluded internal bleeding etc. But at the same time, doctors “forgot” about two important points:

  • Firstly, to achieve such sad consequences, you need to give your dog analgin for several weeks, without breaks.
  • Secondly What is much more interesting is that drugs such as tempalgin and pentalgin (and others), which cost significantly more than analgin, contain the same metamizole. But none of the doctors said a word about them.

Fortunately, today this medicine is again available in pharmacies, and in all forms of release: crystalline powder, tablets and solution for parenteral administration. So you can use analgin for dogs. If you follow the dosage and do not “overfeed” the animal with it, nothing bad will happen to your pet.

Read also: Vasotope R for dogs: instructions for use

What effect does this drug have? Firstly, it is an analgesic, that is, the medicine relieves painful attacks. Secondly, it can lower elevated temperature bodies. Thirdly, although this trait manifests itself most weakly, analgin prevents the development inflammatory reaction. But you shouldn’t rely too much on this property. Analgin, for example, will definitely not replace corticosteroids.

In what cases is it prescribed?

In general, I would like to immediately warn overly zealous owners. First, if you “think” something is wrong with your dog, tell your veterinarian right away rather than self-medicate. Secondly, sometimes owners are touched when, with touching care, they try to feed a No-Shpa tablet or analgin to a dog who is already dying. Any medicine in tablets is given when the patient retains at least some appetite and can eat and drink on his own. In other situations it is useless.

So don’t delay visiting the clinic! However, let's not talk about sad things. So, in what cases is analgin used for animals? There are many such situations:

  • Any injuries: wounds, fractures, etc.
  • Difficult and lengthy labor. But! In this case, you will still have to call the vet.
  • Periodontal disease, in which severe pain is common.
  • , And

There are situations when your pet needs health care, for example, when various types pain: in bones, joints, pathological changes, and so on. In each specific case, you need to correctly determine the medicine that will help your pet alleviate suffering. It is best to do this together with a specialist. IN difficult situations when no one can come to the rescue, you can use medicines in the house.

Types of pain and symptoms

To adequately help your pet, you need to know the types of pain and their symptoms. If you have correctly identified the type of pain that is tormenting your pet, then use the right medicine to eliminate it, which means correctly prescribe this or that medicine. Pets often suffer from visceral abdominal pain.

Symptoms pain syndrome:

  • Excitement.
  • The dog bites and licks the belly.
  • The pet takes a forced position to relieve suffering.
  • The activity of the digestive tract is disrupted.

Chest pain in pets is not uncommon. They are characterized by the following animal behavior:

  • Be careful when driving.
  • Reluctance to lie down.
  • Reluctance to stand with elbows out.
  • Shallow breathing.
  • Shallow or somatic pain is expressed.

These symptoms occur due to injury, damage bone tissue, skin, muscle tissue, pleural cavity and intercostal nerves. When someone touches the chest, the animal flinches, growls, accepts threatening pose, grins and shows that touching causes pain and inconvenience.

Visceral pain indicates diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, but the signs of these ailments are not clearly expressed.

If pain occurs in various parts of the body, then disease and inflammation occur in the spine, joints, muscles, spinal cord. It is somatic in nature. It manifests itself as a reaction in the form of the following behavior:

  • Stiffness in movement.
  • Lameness.
  • Inability to use a limb in everyday life.
  • The dog whines and complains.
  • Feels dissatisfied when in contact with the affected area.

The animal may have headaches. They are divided into visceral and somatic pain. Somatic is more pronounced; it is a sign of damage to the skin, nervous system, periosteum, and nerves in the head. Deep pain - strong pressure inside the skull and damage to the blood vessels of the brain.

The cause of pain can be intoxication, diseases of the nervous system, anemia, or oncology. Acute headache strong excitability, and dull - drowsiness and lethargy. Dyspeptic symptoms are not excluded. Their presence can be revealed by examination veterinary hospital. If the animal is sick, do not allow the child near it.

What medications can you give your dog?

Finding a specialized pain reliever for a pet is a difficult and often impossible task, then medicines intended for people are used. Such medications are used measuredly and the dosage is carefully calculated so as not to worsen the pet’s condition.

Nonsteroidal drugs (NSAIDs) are the best pain relievers; they are best used as nutraceuticals. They are used in many situations when an animal experiences pain. Representatives:

  • Ibuprofen.
  • Naproxen.
  • Aspirin.
  • Nurofen.
  • Analgin.
  • Nimesil.
  • Pentalgin.

What painkiller can be given to a dog and also be used as an anti-inflammatory drug? Of course, steroids (NSAIDs). These medications are good for pain relief and can cause a lot of damage. negative consequences in the form of side effects. Do not use corticosteroids and steroids yourself, it is better to seek advice from a specialist.

Opioids and narcotic painkillers Only a specialist can prescribe substances for your pet. These substances are used only when the animal has a neoplasm or severe arthritis. Side effects include drowsiness, numbness, and lethargy.

Exist drugs in the form of injections which can relieve pain. Application, how to inject and dose - everything is in the instructions, but it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Pain relief for dogs at home

IN home medicine cabinet There are medications that can be used to help your pet. Available are Ketonal and Ketoprofen. They are easy to use as they come in pill and injection form. The course of treatment will be 10 days.

A drug has been developed to relieve pain Vedaprofen (Quadrisol). This remedy improves the condition of the animal with ailments of the musculoskeletal system. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. The product is expensive, but effective.

Carprofen- another pain reliever, used strictly in the dosages specified in the instructions.

Spasms associated with dysfunction digestive system, filmed with Spazgan and Revalgin. Animals accept Baralgin and Analgin well, but severe pain they won't win. In this case, Ketanal is used.

What painkillers should not be used for dogs? Such drugs are: Diclofenac, Voltaren, Fentanyl, Morphine, Naproxen, Nise. These medicinal substances may cause adverse consequences: addiction, intoxication, death of the animal. They are used only for severe pain syndromes.

Side effect

Medicines cause the following side effects:

  • Profuse salivation.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Digestive disorder.
  • Drowsiness, depression of consciousness.
  • Muscle spasms, cramps.

Therefore, to avoid negative consequences, use medications according to instructions.

Attention, TODAY only!

Specialized medications for dogs can sometimes be found even in veterinary pharmacy can be quite problematic. IN as a last resort you can resort to the use of drugs in the form of injections and tablets intended for people.

In this case, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage, since a dose of medicine that is harmless to humans can be fatal to a pet.

Drug groups

The first group of drugs that can be used to treat a pet includes nutraceuticals. They contain amino acids, extracts medicinal herbs, antioxidants, minerals and fatty acids.

They have virtually no contraindications, thanks to their essentially harmless composition, and are used mainly to relieve joint pain.

In most cases, fairly effective painkillers are non-steroidal drugs. This group includes ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen.

In addition to the analgesic effect, they also have an anti-inflammatory effect. These drugs can also cause a number of complications, so it is better not to use them without the recommendation of a veterinarian.

If injections into the joint. Chondroprotectors for dogs c.

Medicines for joint pain. Below is a list of medications prescribed by your doctor according to indications.

These substances are used to treat joint pain and are considered the safest. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, are very effective in relieving pain.

Modern medicine practices injection techniques for joint pain and sprains. High-quality pain relief without consultation with veterinarian very difficult to obtain.

Therefore, they can be used either individually or in the form complex drugs B vitamins.

Joint dislocation is a violation of the conformity and integrity of the joint. An injured dog experiences pain, which may be accompanied by.

Dislocation knee joint in dogs is accompanied by severe pain and swelling, try to move the animal as carefully as possible and do not allow the dog to stand on the injured limb.

Incorrect treatment can lead to sad consequences. But its dose is half a tablet per 20-30 kg of animal weight.

Along with them, chondoprotectors are used - medical supplies, promoting the restoration of cartilage. Also, such medications cannot be used independently.

When using steroids or corticosteroids, clear instructions from your veterinarian must be provided.

How to treat a dog's joints: how to treat them

To eliminate pain in dogs, you can also use Ketonal or Ketoprofen. These products can be purchased at a low cost in almost any pharmacy in the form of an injection solution or tablets.

Without consulting a veterinarian, they can be given to your pet for about a week. For more high cost You can purchase a special painkiller, vedaprofen, which comes in gel form.

You can use it to relieve pain in joints and muscles for about a month.

Unfortunately, limited mobility complicates the problems associated with arthritis because the patient gains weight and continues to protect the joint, limiting its movement more and more.

Both a one-year-old shepherd dog and an elderly Sheltie can suffer from joint pain. The diet should not contain dry food containing a large number of carbohydrates and starch.

If the floors in the house are smooth (laminate, tile), the dog may slip, so cover them with carpet. In no case should you use the drugs yourself without consulting a veterinarian, since the choice medicines and their dosage is selected exclusively individually.

Drugs produced by small manufacturers with no name may not be enough High Quality, and their composition may differ from that stated in the annotation. What painkillers can be given to a dog is determined by a veterinarian.

Inflammation leads to deformation of the joint, causing the dog to experience severe pain when moving. Due to deformation cartilage tissue the joint becomes less mobile, its surface ossifies. What is well tolerated by the body of one animal can kill or turn another dog into a disabled person.

What drugs are contraindicated in dogs?

Indomethacin, ketorolac and diclofenac cannot be used to relieve pain in a pet, since their use can lead to very sad consequences and even the death of the dog.

Not suitable for dogs and an antipyretic drug such as paracetamol. Using paracetamol may cause problems urinary system and others unpleasant consequences. It is also undesirable to give your pet medications containing paracetamol.

· Arthritis is a pathology associated with changes in the joints. The first can be caused by injury, fracture or bruise. Treatment of osteochondrosis also involves special diet with a high content of manganese, zinc (at the same time, the diet should contain as little calcium as possible).

But in some cases, pain relief for a dog is simply necessary. It is also necessary to exclude cereals and potatoes from the diet, since such products can provoke an exacerbation of the existing disease.

The growth of the body only aggravates the situation and leads to lameness in seemingly very young pets.

Connective tissues joints harden, calcium deposits build up, and nerve endings begin to send pain signals to the brain. Some medications may be contraindicated when various forms arthritis.

To prevent the development of arthritis, you must follow preventive measures: Arthritis cannot be cured completely, but long-term remission is quite possible.

The drug is given to animals once a day during feeding. It is important to diversify the dog’s menu with cartilage, herbs and oily fish. It is also important to use FDA-approved animal medications rather than human medications.

Steroid medications are prescribed quite rarely, since they are often unnecessary or the side effects are so undesirable that the use of the drug is impossible.

As a local anesthetic for dogs (for simple surgical procedures), “freezing” ointments and gels can be prescribed.

  • An elderly dog ​​has joint pain - site about
  • Treatment of arthritis in dogs, diet features,
  • Effective pain relievers for dogs Articles
  • Medicine for dogs to treat joints lechenieozisyxyg.
  • Pain reliever for dogs -
  • 3 Ways to Control Arthritis Pain in Dogs - wikiHow

- general term for pathological changes joint With a huge range of such drugs available, it is important to choose one that was manufactured by a serious manufacturer in compliance with all standards and requirements.

Where to buy shark oil ointment for joints

The dog may have an individual intolerance to the main active substance. A dog suffering from arthritis should be kept warm.

Owners should be aware of these subtle changes in dog behavior. In general, therapy for osteochondrosis and joint pain in dogs is aimed at relieving pain, restoring cartilage and eliminating inflammation. Accordingly, any touch to the limbs causes pain.

  • Medicines for ligaments and joints in the pharmacy; review of medicines
  • The best means for joint pain - 75419 views

Preferred dosage form- in the form of a spray. Corticosteroids have a suppressive effect on immune system, blocking the production of substances that cause inflammatory reactions.

megan92 2 weeks ago

Tell me, how does anyone deal with joint pain? My knees hurt terribly ((I take painkillers, but I understand that I’m fighting the effect, not the cause... They don’t help at all!

Daria 2 weeks ago

I struggled with my painful joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And I forgot about “incurable” joints a long time ago. That's how things are

megan92 13 days ago

Daria 12 days ago

megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) Well, I’ll duplicate it, it’s not difficult for me, catch it - link to professor's article.

Sonya 10 days ago

Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

Yulek26 10 days ago

Sonya, what country do you live in?.. They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge a brutal markup. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs, furniture and cars

Editor's response 10 days ago

Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is really not implemented through pharmacy chain to avoid overpricing. Currently you can only order from Official website. Be healthy!

Sonya 10 days ago

I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then, it's OK! Everything is fine - for sure, if payment is made upon receipt. Thanks a lot!!))

Margo 8 days ago

Has anyone tried it? traditional methods joint treatment? Grandma doesn’t trust pills, the poor thing has been suffering from pain for many years...