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Recommendations for dog breeds for private homes. Guard dog breeds. Which dogs are best suited to guard an apartment?

Many people confuse a guard dog with a companion dog and a fighting dog, or think that they are just different names for the same animal. However, it is not.

A good guard dog should first of all warn its owners of danger, and not attack first. However, most dogs (and even the friendliest of them) will bark to warn of a possible intruder in their territory. The only problem is that 99% of the time dogs bark in vain. Therefore, even the best breed of dog for guarding a private home or person needs professional and comprehensive training.

After studying specialized forums and sites dedicated to dog breeding, we selected the ten best breeds of guard dogs. With proper training, they will become the best guards of both the property and the life of the owner.

10. Rottweiler

Strong and muscular Rottweilers were originally used in Germany to accompany large animals. cattle and carts. They are sensitive to strangers and never shy. These traits likely make them one of the most popular guard dogs that can be ferocious in protecting people and property.

Rottweilers cannot react to a situation immediately because they have a habit of “wait and see,” which allows them to act, if not with lightning speed, but correctly. So less chance to an unnecessary attack.

Rottweilers are considered Therefore, they need careful training, without which dogs may not see the line between protection and aggression. Rottweilers are good with children and make a great protector for a son or daughter.

9. Belgian Malinois

This is a herding dog that is often confused with the German Shepherd due to its similar appearance. Malinois are intelligent, alert and very active. Because of this they are not the best option for protecting a home where you will have to stay alone for a long time or at home with small children. These dogs are friendly with children, but during play they can forget and crush the child.

Some Belgian Shepherds are friendly and assertive, while others are calm and leisurely. Which traits will predominate in a particular animal will depend on its training.

8. Komondor

Very smart and cunning dogs, but for this reason they are difficult to train. Don't be surprised if your Komondor ignores some commands that he doesn't want to follow. This is only suitable for experienced owners who will be able to accustom their pet to new people and other dogs. Komondors do not like either one or the other. But he immediately includes members of the owner’s family into his flock and will tirelessly protect.

Don't be surprised if your Komondor sits and looks at you. He simply watches over the person entrusted to him, ensuring his safety.

7. Doberman Pinscher

Dobermanns have a reputation as one of the most... aggressive dogs. As with many breeds, this reputation is undeserved. The Doberman is truly a loving, loyal and trustworthy companion.

These dogs are incredibly gentle, caring and kind with children, and will be an excellent guardian for them on walks. They learn quickly and don't look for trouble. But rest assured that they will protect both your home and property when needed.

Dobermans get bored easily. A house with a large garden would be ideal for this breed as it would then give the animal plenty of territory to patrol.

6. Shar Pei

Shar Peis were originally bred as fighting dogs, but gradually they began to be used as guard dogs. This faithful companion and a fierce defender when needed.

The Chinese Shar Pei is known as a calm, independent and intelligent dog that does not like strangers or other dogs. The Shar Pei is a very territorial animal and when strangers enter the house, the dog may exhibit behavior known as "shark-dogging". It involves circling a stranger to confuse and intimidate him. This is a natural behavior of the breed that is used when fighting other dogs.

5. Kuvasz

These Hungarian Cattle Dogs are very muscular and extremely strong. They are excellent guards, fanatically loyal to their owners and knowing no fear. Very smart and very gentle with children.

However, Kuvasz are proud animals, so they are quite difficult to train. In this case, the “stick” method is absolutely unacceptable. Socialization and training of the Kuvasz should begin as early as puppyhood due to his selfless desire to protect his family by any means necessary.

This dog is not suitable for small places such as an apartment or a house without a garden. She can become aggressive if she feels confined.

4. Chow-chow

Calm and attentive dogs loving hugs or some kind of fuss. Chow Chows are very much a one-hander dog, so don't expect them to love everyone in the house equally. They need a strong, strong-willed owner, otherwise the little “bear cub” will grow into a stubborn and disobedient animal.

Space is very important to this breed, and Chow Chows will happily guard a large area.

It is better not to have a Chow Chow as a pet dog if there are small children in the family. These pets will not calmly tolerate if the baby painfully grabs the ears or tail.

3. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

In the past, the main task of these strong, fast and smart dogs there was protection of the herd and home from attacks by predatory animals. They are not fussy, self-confident, fearless and extremely distrustful of strangers. However, a poorly trained Caucasian Shepherd dog, due to its enormous size and dominant character, can also be dangerous for its owner. Therefore, a general training course is mandatory.

Caucasian Shepherds are good with children, but leave small child You shouldn't be alone with your dog. After all minimum weight males - 50 kg, and females - 45 kg.

This breed is ideal for guarding a large territory. On a chain or in a cramped apartment, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs get bored and often bark “for no reason.”

2. German Shepherd

In second place in the ranking of the best dogs for protecting home and family is the truly universal one. It can be used for security and for detective, service and guard activities, and will also be an excellent companion for a blind person or a guard for a small child.

German Shepherds are extremely energetic and will bark and howl if they are bored. They need an owner who provides constant tasks, as well as long walks and lots of attention. It should be noted that although these dogs are great for families, they do not like guests and will warily follow a stranger, even if the owner treats him as a friend.

1. Akita Inu

The first place in the top 10 best guard dogs in the world went to a large, bold and extremely powerful dog. The legendary Hachiko belonged to this breed. Extremely loyal to their owner, Akita Inu are reserved towards strangers if the owner is nearby. However, the mere presence of this dog is enough to make most people avoid entering someone else's home.

For all its virtues, the Akita Inu is a formidable dog, and without a strong human leader, it will dominate the owner and his household.

Akita Inus don't bark unless something is really wrong. Instead, they make funny grunts, mumbles and moans to communicate with their owner.

This dog feels great both in a private home and in a city apartment.

As a family dog, the Japanese Akita is not the best choice. These animals do not like noise and are too strong to play with small children. The Akita also does not like people entering "his" territory and may react poorly to children coming and going, especially if they are not supervised by an adult.

If you live in a private house, are thinking about how to protect it from uninvited visitors, and at the same time love dogs, then the solution is obvious.

You need to get a dog to guard your private home. However, you can’t take any one and expect it to start working instead of an alarm!

You won’t expect any protective qualities from a funny English terrier or an active husky and will only be disappointed!

But a correctly chosen and raised animal will become an excellent protector and a wonderful friend.

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At first glance, it is easier to have a dog in a private house than in an apartment building: here it will definitely not bother anyone. But it’s still worth asking about the law: Ch. 3 tbsp. 10 hours 2 This law of the Russian Federation states that dogs in the private sector can be kept on a free-range basis.

However, the entire perimeter of the territory in this case is fenced. Otherwise, the dog will have to be tied up and walked only under human supervision. The booth or enclosure must be located on the territory of your private home; placing it outside, behind a fence, is illegal. In this case, neighbors will have every right to file a complaint.

It is also mandatory to have a warning sign at the entrance to the site indicating that a dog lives there. If you live in a house in which several families live and which is located on a separate plot with a fenced area, then you also need to have the consent of all residents of this house.


Having dealt with the legislative part, you need to make sure that the dog is comfortable. If an animal is bred to guard the house, then it is logical for it to live mainly on the street. It is ideal to build a large kennel for him, in which the dog could sleep and hide whenever he wants.

Important: When building a booth, you need to take into account the size of the dog: the animal must stand quietly in it and lie down with all its paws extended.

It is up to the owner to decide whether to keep the dog on a chain or not.. The same applies to . It is a common belief that to protect your home, it is enough to buy a large breed animal and put it on a chain or in an enclosure.

But in many countries, a law has long been introduced on keeping a dog on a chain: this has a very negative impact on the psyche and health of the animal.

Over time, this will become a problem for the owner: from loneliness and the stress it causes, the dog can become aggressive and uncontrollable. Getting a dog that you can let off the chain only at night, and then with caution - not best idea for security.

A dog kept in the yard of a private house needs socialization and even walking just as much as a pet dog. While she's still a puppy, it's worth visiting her more often. different places, introduce them to other animals and people, so as not to end up with a wild animal later.

Important: While the guard dog is small, you need to teach it to respond adequately to all family members; it will not be able to automatically understand where strangers are and where they are. If there are children and elderly people in the family, and there is no time to take care of the animal, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​guarding the house with a dog and install an alarm system.

If you still decide to keep your dog in a non-free-range environment, you should not skimp on the length of the chain so that the animal can run and exercise. The same applies to the enclosure: the living space “one meter by one meter” is not suitable for guard dogs, which are usually quite large. And, in any case, once a week the dog will need to be let off the chain and taken for a walk so that it can warm up well and communicate with its owner. Otherwise, the dog may become depressed.


Another question that is often asked: Should I take my dog ​​indoors for the winter? One of the criteria for choosing a guard dog is a good coat. So, if the animal has a warm shelter, it is well-fed and has gained wool before winter, there will be no problems. The dog will winter well outside, performing its functions. It is worth checking the ears and paws; if they are warm, there is no need to worry. If there is no confidence that the dog is well prepared for winter, it would be more humane to take a friend into the house.

Important: You need to immediately decide where the dog will spend the winter. Taking an animal into the house during extreme cold, and then driving it outside during the thaw - the right way give him a cold. In warm weather, the dog may begin to shed, plus he will already get used to the warmth.


A dog living on the street in a private house requires a more careful diet than pets living in apartments. You need to take two things for granted:

  1. A guard dog will need to eat a lot and eat well, and the basis of its diet should be meat. Keeping a guard hungry “to make him angrier” is inhumane to the dog and simply dangerous: at some point the aggression will be directed at the owner.
  2. In winter, a dog will eat much more food than in the warm season. This is explained by the fact that the animal’s body will compensate for the energy spent on warming itself. Energy required in winter is approximately 20% more– rations will also increase.

If you plan to feed your dog dry food, you need to choose those that have the additives “Performance”, “Active”, “Energy” or “Sport” in their names. They contain substances that provide energy and the ability to quickly restore strength.

Normal good nutrition It is much more difficult to prepare for a guard dog. The opinion that such feeding will cost less than dry food is wrong. The diet should contain complete pieces of meat (beef), porridge in broth, bones, animal fat, vegetables, vitamin-mineral complexes for dogs, high-energy feed additives, etc.

So there will be no savings. Therefore, when getting a guard, you need to carefully calculate whether it is possible to feed him. Well, remember that a well-fed animal will respond to you with love, affection and will not let strangers get within range of a cannon shot.

Which one is better to get?

Many people, thinking which breed is the best for protecting property, family and children, choose the most evil and aggressive ones. No, this is the wrong approach.
Which dog is ideal for guarding a private home:

  • courageous, without hesitation to come to the defense;
  • large or medium-large size;
  • well trained;
  • faithful;
  • with thick, warm wool, allowing you to winter outside;
  • distrustful of strangers;
  • unpretentious in maintenance, hardy;
  • indifferent to other animals.

To understand which breed to choose, you need to consider that all family members will need to interact with it. So it is worth maintaining a balance between the protective qualities and skills of the dog, and the safety of the family. Let's consider which breeds can be taken into a private home with children.

For home and children protection: with photographs, names and descriptions

When choosing guard dogs for a country house with children, proceed from the main thing: which breed will be better for the child.
Here are the top 6 best security guards for a private or country house:

Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff)

A large short-haired dog, originally bred in Italy as a guard dog. In Europe today this breed is used to guard jewelry stores and luxury boutiques, and it also serves as an indicator of prestige.

The main character trait of the Cane Corso is a clear division of those around them into “us” and “strangers”. At the same time, the animal is balanced, it will not just attack or bite, but, sensing an invasion of its borders, it attacks without hesitation. Selflessly devoted to the owner and his family, they are especially kind to children.

It’s hard to imagine that this baby will grow into a stately defender!

In our opinion, the best guard breed for a home where a family with children lives and protection! Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, even though the cane is big, but unlike many other large breeds, it is well aware of its strength, so kids can be allowed to play with them. The animal will not knock the child down or scare him. For a Cane Corso, the worst punishment is the crying of a baby under his protection.. It is not very demanding in maintenance, but in winter this breed will require a warm booth.

Giant Schnauzer

The largest variety of schnauzers, another excellent guard for a private country house. This dog, without hesitation, will rush to protect its owner. Loves to play, including with children, usually becomes for them good companion.

Suitable for both a child, replacing his nanny, and a teenager, becoming a friend. Easy to train, the level of intelligence is almost equal to a German shepherd. Perhaps the only serious drawback of the Giant Schnauzer is the need to regularly comb it and generally care for its coat.


Hungarian Kuvasz

The breed is not very well known, yet it is an ideal protector. Outwardly, kuvasz looks like a huge, fluffy white cloud, but those who want to profit from your goods will not find this cloud affectionate! This great companion dog, which will not show unnecessary seriousness, but will give a serious rebuff if necessary.

The breed is easy to train, intelligent, but requires strength of character: if you do not get obedience from the puppy, the Kuvasz will sit on your head. This animal gets along well with children and is unlikely to play, but whoever decides to offend your baby will 100% be in trouble. There is a significant “but” - this animal will quickly get bored on a chain.

German Shepherd

A universal breed that will suit even the most demanding dog breeder. Playful, active, smart and large enough to become an excellent defender.

It’s better not to look into the yard of these beauties without asking!

The “German” is quite affectionate with children, remembers commands well and enjoys playing with his owner. The dog will require a lot of activity, care and attention. She will behave very aggressively towards intruders, but for the family she will become a reliable friend.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The main difference is its strong grip, which will stop any robber or attacker. In 1896, veterinarian Pierre Mengem published a short book on the Dogue de Bordeaux, standardizing the breed. Characteristic features are a large skull, a round muzzle, and limbs of medium length. Height is about 60 cm, weight is 40-50 kg. The character is wayward, sometimes arrogant.

Nevertheless, loves children very much, considers them his peers, obeys the owner and his family. Loves to chase cats and gets along well with other dogs. Adaptation to new conditions occurs easily and quickly.

Newfoundland or St. Bernard

Despite their popularity as guard dogs, we will immediately warn you: these breeds are not considered guard dogs. They were bred as rescue dogs, so they are not capable of harming people. But not everyone knows about this, and the impressive appearance of such a “bear” wandering around the site will scare away ill-wishers.

Just toys

But this breed will definitely not try to dominate the owner and will treat all family members equally affectionately. However, if there is a child in the house, it is worth explaining to him how not to play with large dog.

Saint Bernards
Business pies

Another advantage: both breeds are very attentive, alert and intelligent. If someone else approaches the house, they will immediately warn you about it. In addition, their maintenance is possible only in a private or better country house

Yards for country housing

Which dogs should you choose to guard your country house? These dogs are ideal for living in a yard, so it is best to keep them outside. But here are street guard dogs with photos that will do an excellent job of protecting the owner’s house and property, but will require careful training and limiting their communication with other family members and suburban street keeping:

Moscow watchdog

It was very popular in Soviet times, but even now it is excellent for a large country house. At proper education– so kind and affectionate that even a child can cope with her, calm and balanced.


Strong, powerful, highly trainable dog. This is a reliable bodyguard for the whole family, moderately calm, of solid size and distrustful of strangers. It is possible to raise a Rottweiler near children, but you will need to control the situation: do not allow the child to torment the animal, and do not allow the puppy to show aggression.

Under no circumstances should you scold a child in front of your dog.: This will lower his status in the eyes of the animal. The advantage of the breed is its endurance and devotion. If you once explain to an animal who is included in the “friend” category, he will tirelessly defend them.

You cannot keep a Rottweiler on a chain, this will have a bad effect on its development and psyche!

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

This breed is one of the first that comes to mind when thinking about who to get to protect the home. And this right choice. The breed was bred for herding sheep and protecting private territory, and has still retained all its qualities. Decisive and respectable in size, Caucasians will scare away from your home not only people with bad intentions, but also just passers-by.

Therefore, having such an animal, you need to be sure that you can dominate him. If you manage to build a relationship in which the owner will be the main one, then you will not find a better and more devoted defender.

But contact with children is allowed only under supervision: Caucasians, despite their terrifying appearance, love to play. But if an adult is able to control these games, then such a “carcass” will simply knock a child off his feet and frighten him.

Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog is a formidable guard breed, but at home it is an easy-going, easy-to-manage, good-natured, cheerful pet that treats children especially well and patiently. Modern dogs of this breed are more affectionate than their descendants and need people more.

Imaginary dog

This breed is very happy when working.. It doesn't matter whether it's guarding sheep, running around the countryside or protecting your family, the main thing is that the Pyrenees felt needed. It will be boring in the house, but outside, in the yard, it will be quite relaxed and interesting. The main thing is to give him enough attention, just like any other dog! When kept outdoors, the coat becomes very thick and beautiful.


Another very large, ancient breed that requires serious training. To climb into the area where the alabai roams, you need to be crazy: this the animal will defend the territory to the last. They are extremely unkind to strangers and animals, so anyone who wanders onto the site will be in danger.

At the same time, the breed will require a respectful attitude from the owner. Even small Alabai will fight for seniority and, most likely, will need to take special courses to train them.

Alabai treat children calmly, they can even become friends, and over time, Alabai will get used to being in the neighborhood with any other animal - but will show that he is in charge.


Another guard breed, bred specifically for this purpose. A beautiful, short-haired, strong, large and very difficult dog. The dog's height is quite high - from 80 cm, weight - 50-60 kg. The character is aristocratic, but only in relation to strangers. Very easy to train. Loves active games, walks, jogging. Does not attack cats if you wean him from this in childhood.

When starting this breed, you need to take into account that there is a lot of ferocity in its genes. This will have to be suppressed in the animal from puppyhood, devoting all his free time to training in the first year of life.

A Doberman is definitely not suitable if there are children living in the house, because there is a possibility (and a high one) that they will not get along. Otherwise, these are dogs that are loyal to their own and angry towards strangers, who are constantly on the alert. It is worth considering that in winter the Doberman will have a hard time outside: he will have to build warm booth or take it home.

Which ones are absolutely forbidden?

If the St. Bernard, although he is not a guard dog, does a good job of protecting the area, then a number of breeds are not suitable for guarding in any case. This:

  • Hunting. Firstly, these breeds were bred with a friendly or indifferent attitude towards people, so they will not be able to attack a person. Secondly, the hunting instinct of such a dog can greatly harm other animals that, as a rule, are in the household: chickens, rabbits and even cats.
  • Fighting. Breeds such as the bull terrier, stafford, and pit bull were originally intended to participate in fights with other dogs. Purposefully developing aggression in them is very dangerous.
  • Breeds without undercoat. Winter will be tough for these breeds. So, if the yard must be protected in winter, there is no point in using them.
  • Small breeds. Miniature dogs are sometimes paired with a big guard so that they bark to notify that someone has arrived. But they don’t make much sense: they won’t be able to do anything precisely because of their size.

Important: Recently, the husky breed has become very fashionable. It is worth knowing that these dogs are also due to their characteristics. They are very good-natured and joyfully greet everyone, both their own and strangers. Attempts to train a husky to be a guard will undermine nervous system dogs and will make her uncontrollable.

How to properly raise a watchman?

    You need to raise a guard dog from childhood. It is necessary to instill respect for all family members. It is a mistake to think that the animal will independently begin to recognize and love all the family. At the same time, it is observed strict rule: There is only one person feeding the dog, and that is the owner.. This is done so that in the future thieves will not be able to feed the animal - and so that she understands who to obey in the first place.

    It is forbidden to expand the social circle of guard animals too much. The dog must clearly understand: its primary task is to protect its owner and his family. Guests and friends should not be allowed to pet, much less feed, the puppy.

    At the same time, guard breeds are required socialize: they learn to react calmly to other animals, cars, and unfamiliar situations. The owner’s task is to walk the dog, including outside the yard.

    The most important and common mistake in raising a guard dog is complete dominance of the owner.. This animal will protect you in the future, and it will need the ability to quickly make decisions and navigate different situations. If you completely suppress the will of a dog, it will grow up scared and will not be able to do this.

    Guard dogs are instilled with self-confidence, a sense of superiority over strangers, and a winning instinct. It’s worth reading about special games that develop a feeling of victory in a dog, or taking it to a dog handler. Then, as an adult, she will not be afraid to fight.

Useful video

Informative video about guard dog breeds for protecting a private home:


Well, now you have everything necessary information about guard dogs. Let's summarize:

  • German and Caucasian Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers and Alabais will perfectly preserve their owner’s home;
  • The Rottweiler, Giant Schnauzer, Kuvasz and Cane Corso will also cope with the same task, but at the same time they will become affectionate companions for the child;
  • Fighting and hunting dogs cannot be owned to guard the site, just like huskies. Miniature breeds are best left for city apartments;
  • A guard dog requires careful upbringing from childhood; it cannot be kept on a chain all the time. The owner should not completely dominate her, but it is imperative to explain who is in charge.

What breed protects your property? Brag about your dedicated defender in the comments!

The day when a dog appears in the house will, without exaggeration, become a significant day in the family. It happens that, growing up and turning into a not so cute clumsy puppy, an adult becomes a burden for the owners. Sometimes an adult animal is given to another family; cruel owners are able to drive the animal out onto the street. In most cases, the reason is simple: when planning to get a dog, future owner I didn’t think at all about choosing a breed, taking into account my own lifestyle and capabilities. When purchasing an animal, try to carefully analyze your financial capabilities, level of employment, conditions that you can provide for the puppy and start choosing.

Buying a dog

If you are interested in how to choose a dog breed, analyze your chart and answer a series of questions that will make it easier for you to choose a breed. Having an animal in the house requires:

When selecting a breed, answer the questions above honestly and keep in mind that the dog is supposed to have only one owner. Otherwise, the animal will not receive the required education, because it will not understand who to obey. An ill-mannered adult is a headache for owners. When getting a dog, be prepared to accept responsibilities in raising your pet. When preparing a gift, ask the person if he is ready to give half of his time to the little fool.

If a person is confident in his desire and has correctly assessed own capabilities, immediate purchase is not advisable. From this moment, a new stage of thinking begins, which dog to choose, decide on goals, size and breed. When choosing a dog, it is important to think through the nuances, including the wishes of family members. Remember, disagreements when choosing a breed or other aspects must be resolved amicably, otherwise the appearance of a long-awaited dog for some family members will negatively affect others. The choice of breed is certainly carried out jointly.

Owner's character

Evaluate yourself as a person. Active athletes and quiet housewives need different dog breeds. There are a number of breeds known that only strong and strong-willed people can handle. Popular ornamental breeds they will require a lot of time and attention, and are capable of causing scenes of jealousy if someone decides to get closer to their adored owner or mistress.

If a person has a high degree of activity and is considered a follower of an active healthy lifestyle - he likes cycling, jogging, rollerblading, an active, agile and nimble representative of the dog breed will be suitable. For example, Irish Setter, Husky, Greyhound Italian Greyhound.

Let the calm and balanced future owner take a closer look at retrievers or pugs. Business active people With a strong-willed character, it is possible to purchase a German Shepherd, Doberman or Rottweiler.

If you are thinking about purchasing a decorative breed, remember that indoor pets require significant attention. Capable of being stubborn, extremely nervous and sensitive.

Most dog trainers and breeders recommend adopting a small puppy. Obvious difficulties with raising and raising are foreseen, but there is firm confidence in the upbringing and disposition of the pet. Individual people They prefer to take an already adult dog in order to avoid the troubles of growing up, fussing with vaccinations, and childhood diseases.

Distinctive features of different breeds

By purchasing a dog, a person acquires a new family member. When choosing, the vast majority of people first of all pay attention to the appearance of a potential four-legged friend. However, few people take into account the fact that dogs have different characters and behavior patterns. Let's take a closer look at the signs that are important when choosing a purebred friend. Here are ten smart and intelligent breeds dogs:

  1. Collie.
  2. Poodle.
  3. German Shepherd.
  4. Rottweiler.
  5. Doberman.
  6. Labrador, golden retriever.
  7. Schnauzers.
  8. Spaniel.
  9. Belgian Shepherd.
  10. English cocker spaniel.

Think about your preference - male or female. There are advantages and disadvantages in both cases. During the spring spree, the behavior of the bitch changes noticeably, the males behave a little calmer. Think about whether fussing with your offspring is included in your plans. Males in this regard are less problematic, but are more often self-sufficient and independent.

Any dog ​​requires coat care. Select breeds require constant brushing and grooming. If you plan to keep a pet in an apartment, be prepared to constantly remove hair from the carpets. Consider the possibility allergic reactions on dog hair from family members. Poodles are considered low-allergenic to humans.

Gender of the dog

This important nuance, males and females require different care. Both sexes exhibit positive features and negative.


According to dog experts, female dogs are often emotionally unprotected and become much closer to humans than individuals of the opposite sex. It is believed that girls perceive educational procedures more easily, are flexible, and, with the appropriate documents, are used for breeding puppies. The female is attracted to male dogs no more than 2 times a year, and the presence of admission opens up the possibility of breeding for the owners.

Added to the obvious disadvantages of keeping female dogs are the danger of unplanned pregnancy and estrus. Difficulties with false pregnancy and complications associated with this are often noted. If you do not plan to breed puppies, you should think about sterilization. There is no need to talk further about care and increased attention during pregnancy.


Males are emotionally more assertive, energetic, characterized by recklessness and uncontrollable joy. We are happy to give our owners positive emotions every day, without giving them peace. Among the positive qualities of a male dog are: increased activity and absence of difficulties associated with pregnancy. There are no restrictions regarding participation in competitions and exhibitions, which is explained by highest degree compliance with breed standards.

Disadvantages include increased interest in the opposite sex, all year round. The desire to dominate and take a leading position is expressed. The education of a male dog, mainly of a service breed, should be given increased attention. With the right and clear approach, they can show stunning results as a result of training.

Dog age

Without being an experienced breeder, never get an adult. The best amateur dog will be little puppy, raised by himself. Try to instill in the dog the correct behavior, smooth out the rough edges in its character, and adapt it to the conditions of being in the family.

It is problematic to do everything described with an adult dog. The adult has developed a permanent character and is accustomed to certain conditions of detention. It is difficult, sometimes impossible, to remake an adult individual for yourself.

The only plus. Adult animal (with good upbringing, of course) will not allow himself to make a puddle in the middle of the corridor, chew shoes and damage furniture. This is an already trained adult dog, with instilled norms of behavior.

Choosing a dog for an apartment

People get dogs to have a best friend and helper in psychological matters. It’s not boring to play sports with a dog, and it’s fun to go fishing or hunting. But when getting a pet, it’s rare that a person will think about the comfort of a dog’s stay in a city apartment.

Keep it as a pet in an urban apartment large breed dogs is unsafe and difficult. The dog will need to be walked, and in places where there are no people or other animals. Agree that there are catastrophically few such places in cities. Secondly, a large dog needs a large space, with its own place and personal territory. This is difficult in apartments with a total area of ​​40 square meters, where, in addition to the dog, there is also a human family. Medium and small breeds of dogs are mainly suitable for keeping in city apartments.

The nuances of keeping dogs in an apartment

Medium breeds

There are many medium-sized dog breeds for apartments. Let's look at the popular representatives of the subgroup.

  • Poodle. A beautiful, smart and cheerful animal will become a beloved family member. It is recommended to purchase this breed of dog for families with children. Often, older single people choose a dog breed because of its kindness, sincerity and balance. The only difficulty in keeping it is regular grooming. The poodle needs to be combed daily and, if necessary, cut.
  • English cocker spaniel. Since ancient times, the dog was intended for hunting, but today it is common in apartments. This good breed dogs that get along well with children and other pets. Does not require special efforts in education and training. Unpretentious and smart. Before purchasing a breed, please note: English cocker The spaniel needs long walks, and the dog is also given time to run around as much as possible.
  • Boxer. An intelligent and willful dog will bring a lot of joy and happy moments in the life of a family. The dog breed demands respect. There are no shortcomings of the breed, except for the fact: when raising a puppy, you will need to constantly support the owner's leadership.

Small breeds

Small breeds of apartment dogs serve as both friends and protectors.

Small dog breeds for apartments

Small breeds of dogs for apartments are becoming very popular today. Dogs are often bought as an addition to the graceful appearance of the owner or owner.

  • Pekingese. It is considered the best representative of small dog breeds intended for living in an apartment. The Pekingese is unpretentious in food, unobtrusive, uncapricious and always adapts to its owner. To keep your dog looking its best, it is important to keep its coat clean and smooth.
  • Toy Terrier. The most popular small domestic dogs today. The babies have a capricious character, are unfriendly to strangers and are often susceptible to diseases. If you decide to purchase a toy terrier, you should be prepared to give the dog exceptional attention and care.

Smooth-haired and long-haired dogs

Undoubtedly, smooth-haired dog breeds are more suitable for apartments than long-haired ones. They do not require a picky attitude towards their fur, do not shed and do not bring back attached burrs from a walk. But smooth-haired dogs also need coat care. Dogs are supposed to be brushed with special brushes.

Calm dog breeds are recommended more often than mischievous ones for keeping in an apartment. Quiet representatives of dog breeds are considered: collies, Labradors, and retrievers.

Defining goals

To choose the right dog breed, you should decide on the goals of getting the animal. Do you want to see the dog as an excellent watchman and security guard, or a magnificent and faithful companion, or just a small, affectionate four-legged friend.

Analyze whether desires correspond to possibilities. If you want to get a representative destined to become an ideal guard, think about whether you have time to train your pet.

When choosing a small dog for your soul, keep in mind that selected decorative breeds are physically unable to tolerate loneliness. From constant loneliness, dogs get sick and their character deteriorates.

If you have never owned a dog before, you should not get representatives of aggressive breeds that require constant strictness. Dogs often begin to challenge their owner's right to leadership in the family.

Guard dog

Progress does not stand still. Despite the use of high technology, people, as before, strive to have a dog capable of guarding the territory. Statistics show that most intruders are much more influenced by the presence of a formidable guard in the form of a dog than by a security alarm and CCTV cameras.

For hundreds of years, leading positions in the field of protection have been occupied by shepherds and fighting dogs, for example, boxers, mastiffs, and Rottweilers. Do not think that only the listed breeds are suitable as guards. For apartment living, it is better to choose a less dangerous and calmer variety of guard dogs. For example, a bulldog or sharpei becomes full-fledged apartment security guards and wonderful companions.

When choosing a dog to guard your home, consider the needs and size of the animal. Guard dogs are designed to constantly exercise and move. Dogs are given space. These dogs are not kept on a chain. An aviary would be an ideal place. Pets will require a lot of owner's time. You will have to provide:

  1. Daily long walks, preferably without a leash.
  2. Daily workouts.
  3. Strict daily routine regarding feeding.

Watchdogs are required to undergo socialization, and at an early stage of life, otherwise people and animals in the area will have a hard time. Choosing a dog to guard your home does not just mean purchasing one. Without special attention, such dogs will instantly turn into uncontrollable monsters. Consider the fact that a guard dog will not survive without a lot of free space.

Establishment of a representative guard breed in apartment conditions, it will require constant and long walks from the owner. Moreover, a spacious area, fenced or remote from people, is selected as a walking area. A guard dog is supposed to be let off the leash so that it can run around and burn off its energy. Private territory will allow you to avoid these difficulties.

We continue the conversation about which four-legged pets will best protect your dacha. Furry, stubborn, playful, harsh... the choice is great! One thing remains the same - we are always responsible for those we tame.

German Shepherd– a very common breed, which, nevertheless, causes controversy. Some consider her to be one of the most intelligent and courageous, versatile dogs, immensely loyal to her owner and his family, and easy to train.

Others warn: dogs of this breed are very jealous. If, after purchasing a puppy, you play with him for a couple of months and then leave him to his own devices, he will begin to attract your attention in every possible way. And everyone he considers an obstacle to this will suffer: the cat that you stroked instead of him, things, plants, children.

They are ready to curry favor with the owner at the expense of everything. They say that the dog readily follows commands, but is easily lost in an unusual situation. It can recklessly take risks and die, leaving its owners without protection. Moreover, some owners note that the German Shepherd itself can be a threat to household: For her, killing a chicken or a kitten is just a game. But playfulness makes a dog a good companion for children.

What most experienced owners agree on is that the dog needs constant training. Unlike, for example, Caucasian or Central Asian shepherd dogs, in which watchdog qualities are inherited, the “German” needs to be regularly trained and constantly communicated with him. At the same time, a German Shepherd puppy will be ready for service no earlier than a year. Whereas, for example, a “Caucasian” will show his qualities as a security guard within six months.

A German Shepherd is like a notebook with blank pages. Whatever you put into this dog, these are the qualities you will get. Therefore, when buying a puppy, immediately find an experienced trainer for him. For inept owners, this dog will create problems.

You can find a puppy on this forum: http://gsdog.borda.ru/?1-0-0-00003907-000-10001-0 and in nurseries http://www.shepherd.ru/shep/famers.html

Watch dogs

Caucasian Shepherd considered the leader among guard breeds. These dogs have a strong sense of territory, they fearlessly protect their owner, are uncompromising and incorruptible. Outside the protected area, the dog is loyal to others. This dog is capable of making decisions on its own, is ready to fight to the death, but, having a strong instinct of self-preservation, can retreat.

The distinctive features of a Caucasian are a love of freedom and a desire for leadership. This can be fraught for novice dog breeders; Caucasians are difficult to train. They are hardy, unpretentious in food, adapt to any conditions, but are more suitable for street keeping - due to their difficult nature, large size and long hair.

Caucasians have no equal in friendliness towards their own people, but also in complexity of character. The dog will be obedient, affectionate towards the owners’ children, and devoted, but only if you have shown yourself to be a leader and immediately stopped the pet’s willfulness. Raising a Caucasian puppy is a complex process.

The most important thing is to teach your dog not to trust strangers. At the same time, it is important to distinguish between open hostility (this is unacceptable!) and a feeling of wariness. The breed does not accept spoiling or pampering. Remember that the Caucasian is primarily a protector of the owner and his property, and not a dog for communication or games.

Caring for a Caucasian Shepherd is also not easy. Long and thick wool is combed with a special brush at least three times a week.
It is good to use a special shampoo for shine and smoothness of the coat - this will make your task easier. In cold weather, the wool will have to be dried additionally with a hairdryer.

Another difficulty is that large breeds are predisposed to heart disease and dysplasia. hip joints. Therefore, regularly monitor your pet’s health, feed it properly and provide it with physical exercise. The disadvantages of the breed include myopia. Caucasians have good hearing, but they don’t even recognize you right away, especially if you’re wearing different clothes. Therefore, make it a rule when approaching a dog to call out to it, and when approaching it, speak kindly to it.

All family members should regularly communicate with Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd puppies so that he understands who is part of the family and who is not.
Take him in your arms and play with him. If the puppy misbehaves, grab him by the scruff of the neck with one hand, hold him under the butt with the other, and lecture him in a stern voice about good behavior. This has a powerful psychological effect on the little dog.

You can buy a Caucasian Shepherd puppy in one of the nurseries: http://tskaroforum.forum24.ru/?0-1

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (CAO), Alabai(Turkmen variety of SAO) has long been used to protect homes and livestock. Strong, fearless, huge, powerful, with the expressiveness of an Asian wolfhound, she commands respect and awe from strangers. The SAO is a powerful and invincible fighter against anyone who encroaches on a security facility.

Central Asians are good nannies for children, especially females. But there may be conflicts with cats and other dogs. Therefore, it is important to develop tolerance in puppies from the very beginning.

If a Caucasian is not suitable for keeping in a house or apartment, then the CAO feels good there. The fact is that this breed has an innate instinct to save energy. They were bred in harsh climates and poor nutrition. Therefore, if there is no need to go somewhere or there is any danger, these dogs lie down and sleep - an hour, half a day, a day. They also eat relatively little.

Moscow watchdog– a fairly young breed, obtained by crossing Caucasian Shepherds and St. Bernards. Distinctive features - calm, balanced, in comparison with Caucasians, hardy, but somewhat inhibited. They have less pronounced shepherd qualities and teamwork skills in a flock. Their service life is shorter than that of the Caucasian Shepherd. The Caucasian successfully fulfills his duties until he is 10-12 years old, the Moscow watchdog begins to be lazy after 7 years.

If it is better to take a bitch from a Caucasian, then in the case of a Moscow watchdog you can have both a bitch and a dog - they are equally flexible. But, like other large dog breeds, puppies need to be trained from a young age.

The owners note that this dog is an excellent guard for the home, and it is better for free guarding, and not on a chain.

Similar in size and behavior to the Moscow Watchdog spanish mastiffs. This is an ancient breed that served in the Roman Empire. In our climate, he lives quietly on the street. all year round. Since these dogs are short-haired, they can be taken from the dacha to a city apartment.

Buy a puppy spanish mastiff you can, for example, in this nursery http://zoosite.ru/v2/author/elcorte/

Popular among modern summer residents, especially in elite villages, is another breed of security and herding dogsBernese Mountain Dog, bred in rural Switzerland. These dogs are not as huge as Caucasians, but they are calm, gentle, and quiet. Cheerful but unobtrusive, they get along well with all family members and children.

Sennehunds can live outdoors, but in cold weather they need a good kennel or moving indoors. Conclusion from experienced breeders: this breed with an elegant color is an excellent option for densely populated cottage villages and large families.

If for the street - with undercoat, if in the house, then smooth-haired is possible.

Shar Pei– one of the oldest breeds of guard, hunting, and in ancient times also fighting dogs. Made in China. The breed is easily recognizable due to its characteristic folds of skin and blue-black tongue. Loyal, independent, calm, devoted. An adult dog is distrustful of strangers.

A disadvantage of the breed is limited vision (due to deep-set eyes), which can cause the dog to be frightened by sudden movements. Shar Peis are often dominant, aggressive towards other dogs and impatient with children, so early socialization is important for them. When kept at home, Shar Peis need to be provided with good physical activity.

Shar Peis require minimal care: you just need to brush the dog regularly, removing dead hair, bathe it about once a month, and then be sure to dry it. What you should pay special attention to are the ears - they have very thin auditory canals. A Shar Pei should never wash its hair; water getting into its ears can cause serious problems not common in other dog breeds. The head of these dogs is sensitive to overheating; in the heat it is better for them not to be outside.

By the way, Shar-Peis do not like to wash themselves; teach them to this procedure. early age.

When purchasing guard and guard breed puppies, consider where and in what climate you will keep the dog. If in your area the temperature drops below -20, stop at the Alabai, German, Caucasian or East European Shepherd, Russian Black Terrier. If the climate is mild, mastiff, rottweiler, boerboel, bullmastiff are suitable.

Experienced breeders note that it is better to buy a puppy at two months. Then you can educate him from scratch, and not re-educate him.

It’s bad if the puppy grew up in a confined space - an apartment, an enclosure, and could not receive information about environment and develop normally.
Large breed puppies require special attention and care. Physical activity, constant communication, early socialization are important for them, balanced diet, training.

It is important to immediately show the new inhabitant who is boss in the house. A simple trick: if your dog is “presumptuous”, lift it by the withers (while it weighs a little :) or press it down to the floor by pressing on top. In dog language, this means one thing - “I’m in charge here, obey”! The first time your dog appears in your home, let it know that you, your property and your children are inviolable. But you should not scold your dog if it starts chewing things in the house. It’s your fault: you didn’t take into account that the puppy was teething, you didn’t find something to do for him, and you didn’t provide him with the proper physical activity.

And the last piece of advice - when buying a dog, take your time! Explore the advantages and disadvantages different breeds, consider what conditions for living and development you can provide for your pet. And, if you are planning to acquire a reliable security guard, be sure to buy a puppy from well-known nurseries, and from working parents. This will give you confidence that you will get a healthy dog ​​with good heredity that will cope with its responsibilities perfectly.

What kind of dog do you consider ideal for a country house? Perhaps we unfairly forgot to mention some breed? Write to us in the comments!

If you intend to have a four-legged friend and have already managed to get the consent of the family, you are probably tormented by the question of how to choose the right dog. It’s not surprising, because it’s not difficult to get lost in a sea of ​​wet noses and curious eyes.

It has been known since childhood that a dog is a man’s friend. The dog is the first animal that man tamed. The dog is an eternal helper and companion, personifying selfless love and devotion.

In this article you will learn what considerations need to be taken into account when choosing a dog.

Selecting a dog breed for yourself and your child

When choosing a dog, many people are guided by the breed. They relegate character to the background. An expensive dog is part of the image along with an expensive car, a luxurious mansion and clothes from a famous brand. This approach to choosing a four-legged friend is wrong.

  1. Before buying a dog, think about whether you have enough time to raise a pet. Do not ignore the organization of living conditions for keeping your dog.
  2. Aboriginal breeds are popular - Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, huskies and samoyeds. Undoubtedly, the plastic psyche of an animal is capable of adapting to a new habitat, but living in a city apartment is not suitable for these breeds.
  3. When choosing a dog, keep in mind that treatment and maintenance of the animal is fraught with financial costs.
  4. When choosing, consider temperament and character. If a person is choleric, you should refuse to buy a Dalmatian, dachshund or fox terrier. It is better to choose a spaniel or retriever.
  5. Fighting breeds Dogs need proper training and a strong hand. Otherwise, the dog will become uncontrollable and dangerous. There are many known stories of fighting dogs that ended tragically.
  6. A pet will limit your freedom of choice in the field of recreation and travel. If you are planning to go on vacation, someone should look after the dog.
  7. Once you have a dog in your house, you will have to clean more often. You need to prepare in advance to fight the hair that appears on upholstered furniture and carpets.

Having a pet is not difficult, but remember the responsibility towards the animal. Otherwise four-legged friend will become unnecessary and end up on the street or in a shelter.

Breed selection

The best breeds for a child

If a child asks to buy him a puppy, do not be afraid of puddles on the floor and eaten slippers. Puppies behave this way only at first.

The child will become a harmonious personality. A shaggy companion will protect you from loneliness. A child, having become attached to a dog, will get rid of the complexes that often arise during communication with peers.

Children share secrets with a dog. The dog will listen carefully, understand and sincerely sympathize. In infantile children, a puppy helps develop responsibility. A dog can entertain a child regardless of age. Communication with a puppy has a positive effect on the child’s discipline and life interests.

When choosing an animal, be guided by the character, temperament and personal qualities. Prepare for the fact that the child refuses to raise and train the dog, and the solution to this problem will fall on the parents' shoulders.

Video tips

I offer a list of breeds that are great with children.

  1. Collie. Kind, soft and calm. They are kind to children.
  2. Poodle. Unpretentious in maintenance, suitable for active and temperamental children.
  3. Beagle. Small, intelligent and friendly dogs, highly trainable.
  4. Golden retriever. Tolerant of children's pranks. Sociable and friendly.
  5. Yorkshire Terrier . A small dog with an amazing temperament. Ideal for a girl.

If your child insists on getting a puppy, forget about principles and do it. I can say with confidence that such a New Year's gift or birthday surprise will change a child's life, making it active, fun and eventful.

Home guard dogs

Guard dogs differ significantly from their guard dogs. They not only warn the owner about a stranger on the territory of a suburban area, but also attack the uninvited guest.

Giant schnauzers, black terriers, shepherd dogs and Rottweilers have remarkable guarding qualities.

I will describe the listed breeds in detail.

  1. Shepherds are classic home protectors . They are suitable for protecting large territories and are excellent for training. The owner must train; shepherd dogs do not trust strangers. When a stranger enters a protected area, the shepherd dog exhibits protective qualities. If guests come, it is better to lock the dog in an enclosure.
  2. Black Terrier is a specially bred breed for guard and service functions.. Such a dog becomes strongly attached to its owner and often does not recognize loved ones and relatives. The Black Terrier needs socialization from an early age. The dog is active and loves games.
  3. Giant Schnauzer - used in guarding since the beginning of the last century. Security qualities are excellent. The dog is family friendly. Needs special care due to long hair.
  4. Rottweiler - police dog. Security and guard instincts are excellently developed. The Rottweiler has a calm character and is capable of responding with an assertive attack. Although the dog has short hair, the harsh Russian winters are not scary.

For home security small dogs unsuitable. They are focused on aesthetic pleasure, protective functions they are too tough. Representatives of small breeds bark loudly, but they will not be able to scare away an uninvited guest.

How to choose a puppy

Let's talk about places where you can go to get a puppy.

  1. Nursery. On the Internet you will find contacts for the nursery of the breed you are interested in. I can say with confidence that there are many such establishments in the vicinity of your city. Remember, a dog with a pedigree is not a cheap pleasure.
  2. Shelter. By visiting the shelter, you will pick up a puppy who, with proper training, will become an excellent protector. True, the protective qualities of a dog directly depend on training, physical activity and nutrition.
  3. Market. You can buy a dog on the market, but you can’t count on good results unless you’re lucky. The owners of the animal are trying to make money by selling the puppy; they are not interested in other aspects.

Let's pay attention to the choice.

  1. If you buy a puppy from a kennel, you have made the right decision. Be sure to ask to see photos of the puppy's parents and tell them a little about them.
  2. Ask about the diet of the puppy's parents. A dog's nutrition and appearance will tell a lot about its future.
  3. If you prefer a shelter, talk to its representatives and ask for help in choosing.

Nurseries are distinguished by breeding and care about the preservation of certain qualities and health. The nursery provides ample opportunities in the information sphere, will provide full information about the puppy and the pedigree of the parents.

Video tips

If you adopt a puppy from a shelter, you are a noble person. Here you can find a good animal, distinguished by its desire to protect new family.

Rules for choosing Yorkie puppies

Choosing York is a serious task, the solution of which should be approached as responsibly as possible. If you take into account all the little things at the time of purchase, your pet will never disappoint.

Before choosing, find a serious breeder, visit several kennels and talk to Yorkie owners.

During the conversation, ask about the age of the puppies, the pedigrees of the parents, the quality of food and maintenance. If the shelter or breeder's house has dirty floors and an unpleasant smell, and the fur is disheveled and the puppies are kept in cages, it is better to refuse cooperation. Surely they will not provide dog metrics and veterinary passports.

Let's consider the points that should not be ignored.

  1. Round paws and straight limbs indicate the health of the Yorkie. Movements should be unconstrained and coordinated. If the puppy is limping or has a hump on its back, do not adopt it.
  2. Carefully examine the puppy by picking it up. The nose should be cold, black and moist. The nose is warm only after sleep. There should be no unusual discharge or white border along the edge of the nose.
  3. Be sure to inspect oral cavity. U healthy dog gums Pink colour. Each jaw has two canines and six incisors. Pincer or scissor bite.
  4. A three-month-old Yorkie should have a closed fontanel. It is determined by palpating the crown. If your ears don't stand up, you shouldn't be afraid. As they age, they will assume a normal stance.
  5. If you choose a Yorkie with a curly coat, remember that the coat will not straighten with age.
  6. Don't neglect your Yorkshire Terrier's tail. It should be smooth, without creases or thickening.

Labradors are raised in nurseries. If you like dogs with a balanced character, it is better to purchase a purebred animal from such an establishment. Must be at least 45 days old.

Labradors are friendly, fearless and inquisitive dogs. At a young age, they are highly active and do not show aggression. Labrador puppies calmly react to being separated from their sisters and brothers.

  1. When choosing a Labrador, pay attention to nutrition. A healthy puppy is well-fed and agile, with a pleasant smell and shiny coat.
  2. If there are pimples and scratches on the skin, it itches all the time, the nose is dry, and the eyes are watery, it is not worth buying.
  3. An important point is the exterior. Regardless of age, the dog must have a powerful head, strong and wide bones, strong paws. Often the choice is complicated by the non-standard growth of the animal. Don't be discouraged, the Labrador's development ends at 1 year.
  4. Look at the tail. The dog is a true protector; it never tucks its tail between its paws.
  5. You can determine the condition of the puppy by the expression of its muzzle. The breed is not characterized by sad eyes. The typical Labrador always greets people with a warm and friendly look.
  6. Color: yellow, black or chocolate.

Choosing a German Shepherd puppy

The German Shepherd is a universal helper. There's no dog job she won't do.

First, decide why you need such a dog. If you plan to become a breeder, choose a girl. Female shepherd dogs are easier to train and have a more flexible psyche.

Keep in mind that raising puppies is difficult. If you have little time, no patience, or just need a four-legged friend, buy a male dog. It's a lot less hassle.

  1. It is better to take a shepherd dog from a country kennel, where the puppies stay fresh air. They are more hardened and strong.
  2. Sometimes a nursery offers many identical-looking puppies. To make the right choice, you should carefully examine each one.
  3. The puppy's bite should be strictly scissor bite. Coat color is black. The German Shepherd acquires its true color as it ages.
  4. Until the age of three months, puppies' ears lie flat. If they got up earlier, this indicates certain problems.
  5. Examine the muzzle. If it's sharp, then everything is fine.
  6. U healthy puppy thick and strong paws, straight back, strong and long neck. Ideally, he resembles a well-fed bear cub.
  7. If the puppies look the same, study their behavior. You can call the puppies to you. Whoever comes running first is a leader and very active.

When the puppy grows up, he will need a lot of space. If you have city ​​apartment, I do not recommend buying a puppy of this breed. This way you will ruin the life of yourself and your dog. If you have a country house, there is no better solution than a German shepherd.