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The most beautiful dog breeds. The kindest and most affectionate dog breeds

Among other pets, dogs occupy an honorable first place, despite the fact that they require more attention and strength from their owner. There are a large number of ratings that can help you decide when choosing four-legged friend. But what does popularity depend on? Are there differences in preferences among residents of different countries of the world? And what factors influence the inclusion of tetrapods in these top lists?

With all the variety of breeds in the world, there are recognized favorites that are annually included in the lists of the most popular. In this case, the opinion of not only cynological associations, but also animal owners is taken into account. We offer a rating of the most popular dog breeds in Russia and in the world with photographs, names and their brief characteristics.

Almost every country has clear favorites, love for which is determined by mentality or climatic conditions.

Low hunting dogs with a disproportionately long body have a huge army of fans. She is unpretentious in everyday life; you don’t have to spend a lot of money on her maintenance. But the return on such a pet will be colossal, since it can be described as a loyal, intelligent and wonderful companion.

Bold and courageous, they will always protect their master. These cunning and intelligent creatures strive to achieve their goals, so owners should begin training and socializing dachshunds quite early.

Affectionate and friendly pets, quite energetic and active at a young age (up to 2-3 years). They will be an ideal friend for a child and a reliable companion for an adult. Pugs get along well with other animals in the house; they are clean and do not require special care and practically do not bark.

A calm character, intelligence and excellent trainability are just some of the advantages of pugs. They are common in many countries of the world, where they bring only positive emotions to their owners.

German Shepherds

German Shepherd- One of the most common service dogs in the world. She is very popular due to her stable psyche and excellent learning ability.

“Germans” are non-aggressive and non-conflict, always ready to serve their master. If they feel threatened, they will react even before the command is given. They are fearless and hardworking, do not like loneliness and idleness. They become attached to one owner, but they also accept other family members well, and they also get along well with children.

Charming pets with characteristic ear shapes, like bat. You shouldn’t take this stern appearance seriously; at heart they are incredibly kind and positive creatures.

Very popular in cities and rural areas many countries of the world. They do not require special care or a lot of physical activity. This is the best option for those who, due to various reasons can't start anymore active breed. The French are demanding about the amount of time spent with the owner. However, they may not make friends with other pets.


These are dogs for true aesthetes; they have ideal anatomical body proportions. In addition, these elegant, graceful and strong pets have a fairly balanced psyche, so they can be kept in families with children. The degree of their aggressiveness is largely exaggerated; with proper socialization and training, they will become faithful companions.

Dobermans are smart and quickly establish contact with people. Their peculiarity can be considered high degree owner-oriented, Dobermans will not show excessive independence. It is important for them to be useful to the owner and be able to predict his desires.

One of the most popular dog breeds in the world, which are distinguished by high intelligence and quick wit. These are the oldest British shepherds who could predict any movement of cows, and their compact size allowed them to move calmly under the cattle they guarded.

This amazing sensitivity has been preserved in Welsh Corgis to this day: they practically “scan” their owners and after just a few weeks of being in the family they are well aware of all the habits and character traits of the owner.

Corgis are perfect for keeping in urban environments. They are the epitome of positivity and friendliness, but at the same time have a strong sense of self-worth and incredible courage.

One of the most popular small dogs. By its character it is often compared to terriers, because she has the same distinct personality, sass, confidence and temperament.

Chihuahuas are highly adaptable: they calmly accept everything new and easily get used to changing living conditions. Representatives of this breed subtly sense the mood of the owner. They are smart, neat and have a stable psyche, they mature early (by about a year), so their socialization should also be done earlier than usual.

Golden or golden retrievers are very friendly. They are highly trainable, as they have high intelligence and an easy-going nature. Retrievers are calm and kind, they are often trained as guide dogs for people with visual impairments, as well as for working with autistic children.

They are ideal playmates; they are loyal, patient, good-natured and have incredible energy. Golden Retrievers become very attached to their owner and all family members. That is why it is not recommended to leave them alone for a long time; for goldens this is quite a serious stress.

One of the most ancient decorative breeds, which is characterized by a sharp mind, quick wit and friendliness. Poodles are energetic and need long, brisk walks. Raising such pets is easy, as they quickly remember all commands and carry them out with pleasure.

There are several subspecies of poodles that differ in size, but all of them can rightfully be called the best family dog, companion and playmate. There are no big difficulties in keeping them, the only thing is that they need constant care. luxurious wool.

Is different increased activity and mobility. You will never be bored with him: neither on a walk, nor at home. Beagles need strong hand the owner and his attention. They may react poorly to the presence of any small animals near them. The hunting instinct will simply awaken in them and this can have dire consequences.

Beagles get along well with children and older people. But if you do not provide them with the necessary physical activity, unspent energy will turn into energy of destruction: they will bark loudly, show aggression and even chew furniture.

The most popular dogs in Russia

You can also make a top list based on the preferences of Russians popular dogs. Four-legged pets occupying leading positions in the world rankings are also loved in Russia. In addition, in our country there is a trend in demand for small decorative dogs; they are mainly preferred by residents of large cities. Well, if the issue of living conditions is not acute, then the owners pay more attention to large breeds.

The Labrador Retriever is a recognized leader in the ranking of the most popular dog breeds in Russia. These are very active and energetic dogs who happily spend time outdoors and love to swim. Labradors are friendly and not aggressive, which means that it is not advisable to involve them in protection. Representatives of this sporting breed are very intelligent, but due to their inherent hyperactivity, there is often a misconception about their poor learning ability.

Labrador retrievers are reliable friends and helpers who are devoted to their family. They are used to provide psychotherapeutic assistance in hospitals, orphanages and nursing homes.

Incredibly positive and energetic. Their original appearance leaves no one indifferent. It is not recommended to keep Huskies in an apartment due to their great love of freedom and increased need for space and fresh air.

They have developed intelligence. This is an excellent partner for many hours of active walks in nature. Endurance, non-aggressiveness and ease of care make the husky an ideal pet. But we should not forget that at least once in its life every husky makes an attempt to escape from its owner. This moment must be monitored and try to be proactive.

Beautiful decorative dogs, which contain best features: from compact size and cute appearance, to flexible nature and ease of care. When a Yorkie appears in the house, a person practically does not have to change his usual way of life.

Yorkies have a unique ability to subtly sense the mood of their owner; they are emotional, smart and loyal.

The Jack Russell Terrier rightfully occupies an honorable place in the top of the most popular dogs in Russia. They are an absolute concentration of energy, fun and positivity. Their small size allows them to be kept in an apartment without special effort. These are easy-to-care pets that are also distinguished by excellent health.

Central asian shepherd dog

The Alabai or Central Asian Shepherd Dog is an example of a reliable guard and devoted companion for its owner. Powerful, calm and smart dogs fearless, courageous and have pronounced guard instincts. Alabais are large breeds, so keeping them in an apartment may pose some difficulties. It is important to socialize puppies as early as possible to avoid conflicts in the future, both on the street with other dogs and when interacting with people.

There are more and more Alabaevs in Russia every year, but inexperienced dog breeders should not have them. The fact is that they have a strongly expressed natural dominance, which is not easy to cope with without proper experience.

The breed, which originated in the 70s of the twentieth century, has already gained enormous popularity among dog breeders. Initially, Amstaf was bred as a universal fighter, not knowledgeable feelings fear, very enduring. He combines seemingly mutually exclusive qualities: steel jaws and a kind heart, power and strength, as well as absolute ingenuity.

Staffordshire Terriers are muscular, well-built dogs characterized by agility and energy. They will become faithful companions for their owner, sensitive to changes in a person’s mood. Staffords are very sociable, responsive and loyal. These are one of the most popular dogs not only in Russia, but also in the USA and other countries of the world.

Miniature pets with a huge heart and endless devotion to their owner. Graceful decorative dogs are considered a real source of positivity in the family. They feel good in an apartment and there is no need to take them for long walks. They do not tolerate separation from their owner well; loneliness is a great stress for them. They are also practically unaware of their size, so they can often attack other quadrupeds that are much larger than them.

Toy terriers are neat and unpretentious in everyday life; you can easily travel with them both to work and on trips.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

An ancient herding breed. Powerful, courageous and graceful animals are now ideal for guard duty or on the border. Caucasians are natural leaders, but proper education they quickly accept the owner's dominance. Shepherd dogs are distinguished by their independence in decision-making, especially when it comes to protecting the territory or their owner.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are smart and quick-witted, they combine excellent working qualities and impressive appearance. They are very jealous of their owner and can be aggressive towards other four-legged animals.

Spitz dogs are often compared to little teddy bears. They are so charming that literally immediately after their appearance they won a huge army of fans. They are highly trainable, intelligent, loyal and possess easy character.

In addition to a huge dose of positivity and admiration from others, owners must be prepared to constantly care for their luxurious coat. Spitz dogs get along well with children and are willing to play with them tirelessly for hours. Charming fluffy dogs are friendly to other animals in the house, but will try to become the most beloved for their owner.

These powerful, muscular, but incredibly charming dogs are very popular in Russia. Bulls are true gentlemen: they are calm, neat, calm and have a sharp mind. Bulldogs give the impression of being clumsy and inactive animals, but in reality this is not the case.

Adult bulldogs do not really like long walks and prefer to spend more time at home. They are also incredibly stubborn and it is sometimes difficult for the owner to force them to do what they don’t want. These four-legged pets will make wonderful friends for children, establishing a strong bond with them.

In our article we will present you the top 10 most expensive dog breeds. It should be noted that the concept of “valuable breed” itself does not exist. As a rule, the external exclusivity of animals is assessed. However, a question that often comes up is, “What is the most expensive dog breed?”

Japanese dog - Akita Inu (10th place)

Despite the general recognition that the Akina Inu is a dog of classical forms, its appearance is very original. A large head with a powerful forehead, heavy, massive paws and unusually shaped ears that make it look like a bear cub. The dog is harmoniously built and belongs to large breeds. It is noteworthy that man did not take part in the creation of this beauty; nature worked entirely here.

The ancestor of the Akita was the ancient Matagiinu dog, who lived in the Odate Mountains in the 8th century. She helped the man hunt wild boar and bear. “For special merits” in this matter, the dogs began to be called Akina Inu, which translated means “respected hunter.”

The breed began to actively develop in the 18th century. It received its name from Akito Prefecture, which is considered its homeland. Beautiful and intelligent dogs received a special status at the imperial court. Only representatives of high society could have such an animal. Anyone who dared to offend her, much less kill her, was subjected to severe punishment.

This is an amazing animal. The Japanese quite calmly trust her to babysit their children. This dog is very attached to its owner and his family members. She is smart, disciplined, balanced. But at the same time, she is always ready to fight with any opponent if the owner is in danger.

Today, these expensive purebred dogs “work” in the police and military service. You can buy such a puppy for $1500-4500.

Bearded Collie (9th place)

The top most expensive dogs continues to be one of the oldest Scottish breeds. This is a bearded collie. In 1514, a certain Scottish shepherd, whose name remains unknown, crossed the commander with a Polish and an Old English sheepdog.

This cute “shag” is a kind and intelligent animal; it may well be a companion, although, in fact, it is a working dog. Collie is an excellent hunter and rescuer.

This is a mischievous and active animal. True, sometimes it can show character, but at the same time it always remains obedient and affectionate. This is ideal for a beginner who has never owned a dog.

Collies are easy to train. They are more suitable for keeping in a country house, but can also live in a city apartment, provided that they are often walked for a long time.

This is not the most expensive dog breed. Its cost, depending on the pedigree and the merits of its ancestors, ranges from $1,000 to $5,000.

Pharaoh Hound (8th place)

Sometimes those who want to buy pet, turn to dog handlers with the question: “What expensive dog breeds are there?” One of these may well include the Pharaoh's hound. This is the oldest breed that developed without human intervention. Its history goes back more than five thousand years. From Egypt it came to the Mediterranean islands, where it was bred until the mid-20th century.

Today this rare dog is a companion. This graceful, graceful animal with “aristocratic” habits and a flexible body belongs to the medium-sized breeds. Her height does not exceed 64 cm.

Refined and refined representatives of the breed are endowed with qualities that are unusual for dogs. For example, when they are happy, they wrinkle their nose funny and smile. This may seem incredible, but when they are ashamed of some prank, the pharaohs' eyes, nose and ears turn red. This breed is characterized by such a feature that it is possible to get offspring from them only once a year.

The dog is very smart and often thinks about its owner’s commands. Sometimes he may even refuse to carry them out. She prefers to make her own decisions. Therefore, with early age the owner must educate his pet and establish himself in his mind as a leader.

These dogs get along well with other animals, but at the same time they can consider small rodents their prey, since they have a powerful hunting instinct. Therefore, problems may arise with hamsters, if there are any in the house.

They practically do not show aggression, communicate well with children, are affectionate and good-natured.

The cost of such a dog varies from 2500 to 7000 dollars.

Lyon Bichon. Lövchen (7th place)

This charming little girl looks at us from many of the paintings of the great Francisco Goya. For example, in the portrait of the Duchess of Alba there is a dog that is surprisingly similar to a modern Bichon Lyon.

This miniature animal, which is also called a lion dog, belongs to dwarf breeds. Their representatives are extremely attached to their owner. They need warmth and affection, care and care.

Despite their menacing name, these dogs have a cheerful and peaceful disposition. They love people very much, but they especially like children, with whom they can play for hours. They are very active and love long walks in the air.

Despite their miniature size, Levchens are fiercely brave. They don’t hesitate to rush to their owner’s defense.

In the 60s, this breed was on the verge of extinction and was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Cynologist enthusiasts were able to restore it.

The rare breed Lyon Bichon rightfully takes 7th place in the “Most Expensive Dog” ranking. The cost of adorable puppies ranges from $2,000 to $6,500.

Rottweiler (6th place)

These are the most popular expensive dog breeds, including in Russia. Over their centuries-old history, Rottweilers have changed many “professions”. They guarded flocks of sheep, protected merchants from robbers, and worked as police officers. This dog organically combines fearlessness and huge physical strength, high intelligence and quick learner.

The ancestors of these dogs were fearless warriors - Molossian Great Danes. They accompanied the Romans on military campaigns and fought in gladiatorial battles. These were fearless and cold-blooded fighters.

The homeland of the Rottweiler is the city of Rottweil (Germany). For a long time she was used as a working dog - she transported carts of meat and drove cattle for sale. She scared off robbers with her menacing appearance. At the end of the 19th century, meat began to be transported by railway, and the need for these dogs disappeared. If it were not for the national Rottweiler Club organized in Germany in 1921, the breed might have disappeared.

Dogs appeared in the Soviet Union after the Second World War. Today it is a magnificent service dog. Rottweilers work successfully in the police, they are used as security guards, search engines, rescuers, and watchmen. This powerful, athletically built handsome man needs constant physical activity, long runs, and swimming.

When deciding to buy a Rottweiler puppy, remember that this is not a dog for everyone. She only recognizes authority strong in spirit, a confident owner.

The cost of a Rottweiler is from $3,000 to $8,000.

Chow Chow (5th place)

There are two varieties of these animals - with rough and smooth coat. Both of them fall into the category of “expensive dog breeds”.

This funny-looking “bear cub” comes from China. Initially it was a guard, hunting and herding dog.

Many believe that the chow chow's ancestors included bears. This version is justified by the presence of a blue tongue and a special article. This idea may be flattering to pet owners, but there is no scientific evidence to support such a hypothesis. In fact, these dogs descended from wolves, and for long history have not undergone any significant changes. In addition, cynologists believe that Tibetan Great Danes took part in the formation of the breed.

Despite such a good-natured appearance, this is an animal with a difficult character. The Chow Chow is very independent, somewhat aloof, sometimes stubborn and domineering. This dog is not suitable for an inexperienced owner. Once in good and experienced hands, she becomes an excellent companion - decorous and peaceful. If proper attention is not paid to education at an early age, her innate suspicion of strangers may affect her in the future. In this case, aggression cannot be ruled out.

Decorous and balanced, these dogs feel more comfortable in calm homes with an established way of life.

Chow Chows calmly accept other animals without showing aggression towards them, provided that they are introduced to other representatives of the animal world at an early age.

Often those who want to get a dog ask: “Which breed of dog is more expensive - Rottweiler or Chow Chow?” We believe that such a question is not entirely correct. These are completely different animals in appearance, purpose, and temperament. They cannot be compared. As for the ratings, they are formed on the basis of numerous studies and surveys of dog handlers. Therefore, today the chow chow firmly holds fifth place. You can buy such a dog for $3000-8500.

English Bulldog (4th place)

You've probably seen these “charming freaks,” as their owners often lovingly call them. However, not everyone knows that behind this impressive appearance hides a loving and tender heart. This animal is not aggressive or bloodthirsty. The breed has long lost its qualities as a fighter - ever since (1835) when it stopped participating in tough bull-baiting fights.

The modern English Bulldog is a companion dog, a favorite of children and adults. He loves to play with children, because he is a child at heart. At the same time, he is an intelligent lover of comfort who will not fail to take a nap in an easy chair and taste something delicious.

The English Bulldog is a stocky, fairly well-fed dog with a large head, a wide snub-nosed muzzle, which is covered with numerous skin folds. The body is wide and short, massive short limbs, small erect ears and a small tail.

These small dogs are very loyal creatures. They acutely sense the mood of the owner. If he feels bad, the funny dog ​​will definitely sympathize. At the same time, the “English” are very stubborn. If your pet doesn't want to do something, you won't force him in any way. The price of an English bulldog is from $2500 to $9000.

Samoyed dog (3rd place)

In the ranking of “The most expensive dog breed”, third place is occupied by a snow-white beauty with a charming smile - samoyed husky. This dog is friendliness personified. She is smart, cheerful, playful. It would seem that a better companion could not be found. However, it should be remembered that this is not a decorative dog, but a working dog. She needs something to do and physical exercise.

The Samoyed has been living next to humans for almost 3,000 years. Indigenous northerners, these dogs lived with people in the same yurts, slept with them, warming their owners with their fur coats in severe frosts.

Laika is friendly and quickly finds " mutual language» with all pets. True, sometimes her innate hunting instinct makes her chase the neighbor's cat or rabbits.

In the USA, Samoyeds are called mood-lifting dogs. Doctors “prescribe” patients with acute form depression to communicate with these smart four-legged creatures. In addition, Samoyeds themselves do not tolerate loneliness well, so they really need communication with a person.

Cost from $4,000 to $11,000.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

These miniature dogs come from the East. Their ancestors were brought to Europe in the Middle Ages, where they were crossed with spaniels. In the 16th century they came to England, where the breed in its current form originated.

The dog was a favorite not only of society ladies, but also of King Charles II himself. These animals are easy-going, not aggressive at all, and adapt perfectly to their owner and the rhythm of his life.

The British are sure that these small animals are able to relieve stress. They are companions of many Dutch and British royals.

The breed is shrouded in many legends and amazing stories. They say that one of these dogs accompanied Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, to her execution. The breed was named after the English King Charles II, who lived in the 17th century.

This is a graceful dog no more than 30 cm tall, with an elongated muzzle, huge round eyes and high-set ears.

The spaniel's character is peaceful, he loves the company of children, and is friendly towards other animals.

The price of this dog is from $2,000 to $14,000.

Tibetan Mastiff (1st place)

This amazing dog ranks first in the “Most Expensive Dog Breed” ranking. Some representatives of this unique breed, such as the extremely rare white mastiff, were sold for $1,200,000, and its fellow red mastiff named Hong Dong was sold in March 2011 for one and a half million dollars to a multimillionaire whose name for security reasons it is not disclosed. Thus, this Chinese dog is the most expensive.

At the age of 11 months, Hong Dong weighed 80 kg, and some adults reach a record weight for dogs - 130 kg.

Tibetan Mastiffs are very neat and clean. They can be trained without the slightest difficulty. You need to start working with them from a very early age. The character is calm and friendly. But at the same time they have a real hunting acumen. They usually sleep during the day, and at night they go around their territories so that nothing disturbs their owner’s sleep.

These are the most dear dogs peace. The average cost of such a traditional black dog is from $3,000 to $7,000, and puppies from breed record holders are much more expensive. Now you know that this Chinese dog is the most expensive in the world.

Today we presented you with the most expensive dog breeds. Photos of many of them are posted in this article. If you need more detailed information, you can find it in canine reference books.

Fashion changes not only for things, but also for dogs. Fashion and personal preferences largely determine the popularity of a particular dog breed. We don’t know what will happen in a few years. However, today, conditionally, we can distinguish the following leaders of dog breeds in terms of popularity in Russia:



The price of puppies of a particular breed varies greatly depending on many factors. In general, the following dog breeds can be identified as the most expensive in our country today:



Typically, rare dog breeds include ancient breeds or completely new ones that have not yet gained sufficient numbers. There are also breeds that do not belong to either category, but their numbers remain unknown and small. However, the rarest dog breeds are usually those that are on the verge of extinction. So, the rarest dog breeds include the following breeds:



Despite the fact that a large number of people love big dogs, small dogs, or rather very small ones, or as they are also called toy (from the word toy) breeds, are becoming increasingly popular. This is largely due to living conditions in urban areas. However, other factors such as fashion trends and the emergence of new mini breeds contribute to the trend. In this case, we can say that size really matters and that’s all large quantity people want to buy the smallest breed of dogs. Who are these smallest dogs in the world? Today these breeds include:



True dog lovers still prefer big dogs. And some people love very large ones. Today, the largest dog breeds include the following breeds:



Of course, dogs are smart animals, besides, there are many breeds, but how to compare them in terms of intelligence and choose the smartest ones. And although there are no serious scientific research There have been no studies on this topic, but long-term observations and studies conducted allow us to draw some conclusions. Thus, it is believed that the smartest dog breeds are:



The fastest dog breeds mainly belong to the greyhound group. Thus, the fastest dog breeds are:


Dogs have been companions to humans for much of human history. Today they are more popular than ever, and the number of breeds is growing steadily.

Key characteristics of the breed include: appearance, ease of training, suitability for families with children and ability to protect.

What makes the breed popular?

There is no single factor contributing to the popularity of the breed. And, sometimes, dogs are popular despite some disadvantages.

Research into dog selection shows that the above characteristics are not necessarily the only ones considered when purchasing an animal. The breed is chosen based on size and appearance - "refinement" and "fierce" are the determining factors for different people- with little consideration of other important characteristics of the breed.

Some breeds are chosen because they are cute, while others are chosen because security qualities. However, in the future, owners may encounter behavioral problems that they may not have thought about when choosing a pet.

However, size (small or giant) plus appearance (cute or scary) have made some breeds more popular than behavioral problems might lead one to expect.

It's not just about appearance

Other, perhaps unexpected, factors also influence the popularity of dog breeds. For example, after the release of the film, the popularity of the breed increases for up to 10 years. The release of the 1943 film Lassie Comes Home led to a 40% increase in sales of collie dogs. Thanks to the film “The Shaggy Dog,” the popularity of the Old English Sheepdog increased a hundredfold. It's no surprise that sales of Dalmatians increased after the 1985 film 101 Dalmatians.

The effect of films these days is less pronounced than in the past. Although many people still buy pets based on a beautifully shot movie. Again, dogs popularized by movies don't necessarily have the most valuable traits. In general, we see that breeds exhibiting good behavior or having more good health do not show noticeable popularity compared to other breeds.

It is also surprising that some of the unhealthy breeds are also among the most popular. The size of the country also affects popularity. If a dog breed is very popular in a country with a large population, then this will skew the statistics in favor of that breed - even if it is relatively unknown outside the specific country.

Thus, there are many factors that determine the popularity of a breed compared to others. However, the only statistic that actually measures a breed's popularity is the number of dog registrations. This way it becomes known which dog breeds are more popular.

Below is a list, brief description and photos of the best and most popular dog breeds in the world.

Labrador Retriever

Few breeds are as deserving of their enormous popularity as the Labrador Retriever. He is a kind, easy-going family dog, especially known for his friendly, warm personality.

Labradors are ideal dogs for people different ages. Because they are retrievers, Labradors are used to working with people and serve them very well. These dogs need to be part of the family. They will follow their owners, seeking human company. Their gentle and social personality makes them suitable. They are very loyal and playful pets.

The Labrador Retriever has also been the most popular dog breed in the United States for many years.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is one of the most recognizable breeds in the world, popular in Europe and the United States. This is a dog that is often used as a service dog. The dedication and courage of the German Shepherd has no limits.

Although this breed has many positive characteristics, it is not suitable for everyone. This is a high energy dog ​​and needs a lot of activity and plenty of exercise. Without this, she may become bored and destructive, and will howl and chew on things. The German Shepherd can sometimes be aloof and suspicious - it's great, but not a family dog. However, if it is properly trained and socialized from an early age, it makes an excellent family pet.

Golden retriever

This athletic breed has a sweet, obedient, and people-oriented personality. A well-trained Golden Retriever does not have strong guarding instincts, so don't expect him to guard your home from burglars. Most likely he will become friends with them.

Fun-loving, easy to train and eager to please, the Golden Retriever is perfect dog for everyone, especially children. He gets along well with new people and strange dogs. The breed's loyalty, intelligence and balanced temperament have made them favorites in many countries around the world. These dogs require a high level of activity as well as attention from their owners, otherwise they will become destructive.

Yorkshire Terrier

Calm and smart Yorkshire Terrier loves to play, gets along well with cats, and tends to dominate large family dogs. Beautiful wool this dog needs good care, even if she has her hair cut short. The breed is popular among many dog ​​lovers due to its button eyes and soft coat.

Yorkshire Terriers are alert, easy to train and unobtrusively curious. Typically weighing less than 3.2 kg, Yorkies are lap dogs, but they also need plenty of exercise. These dogs will happily take long walks and can be quite determined and rambunctious watchdogs. York is not a good choice for families with small children because the child may injure the animal.


Chihuahua is one of the most beloved dogs on Earth. This breed is truly common and can be found in the deserts of Mexico, on the boulevards of Paris and in the chic apartments of New York.

Like a rare and expensive spice, Chihuahua can change the taste of life. The Chihuahua is much more than a small dog. The special status of this breed is determined by its function in life. Other breeds had to earn their living by catching rabbits, herding sheep, or hunting ducks, but not the adorable Chihuahua. From the very beginning, people seem to have reserved a higher calling for them: friendship.


Confident, brave, alert and imposing, the Rottweiler is a popular dog breed due to its ability to protect. As befits a confident character, he tends to be stubborn and often domineering. This is a reserved dog that is often wary of strangers.

Rottweilers can be overly aggressive defensive reaction, if he feels that his family is in danger. This is a powerful dog that requires socialization, consistent training and daily exercise to grow into a loyal, controlled pet.


The Dachshund is a breed of dog that was bred to hunt badgers and other tunnel animals, rabbits and foxes. Packs of dachshunds were even used to follow wild boars. Today, their versatility makes dachshunds excellent family companions, show dogs and small hunters. Dachshunds come in three varieties that differ in weight and size. Regardless of size, these dogs are a delightful addition to any family, which is why they have been on the list of the most popular breeds since the 1950s.

It's hard not to smile when you look at the confident dachshund who proudly carries his long and muscular body on his short legs. However, this cute breed was bred for more important tasks. The dogs' short legs allow them to maneuver through tunnels and even fight badgers and other animals. Dachshunds are brave, but they can be somewhat stubborn and independent, especially when hunting. They are active and love to chase other small animals, birds, and toys. Dachshunds often become very attached to one person rather than to all family members. However, this playful dog will happily chase the ball. The Dachshund gets along well with children as long as they do not harm it.


The Poodle is an elegant, intelligent and active dog that loves to be part of the family. This breed has been popular for a long time because it is an obedient, dexterous and friendly companion. Such a dog cannot be judged solely by appearance, because under the beautifully groomed shell there is a lively, active and very intelligent personality.

There are three recognized sizes of poodles. These dogs are affectionate and love their family, and are generally very good with children. They can be a little aloof with strangers, but are usually not aggressive. This is a highly trainable breed that needs large quantities physical and mental stress. The Poodle is a hypoallergenic breed, making it suitable for people with allergies.


Beagle - hunting breed dogs that are friendly, gentle and energetic. These dogs are not aggressive and are great for people of all ages. Although the Beagle is a territorial dog, it is a playful, sensitive and loving companion to its owners. Beagles can often be seen with their heads down while walking. This is due to the fact that they are known to be particularly sensitive to different odors, thanks to the presence of a large number of olfactory receptors.

Beagles are known as social dogs, accustomed to living and hunting in packs, in the company of other dogs or people. Sometimes these dogs can cause a lot of problems. If a beagle gets bored, it will begin to bark, howl and dig, as well as explore forbidden places and objects. Special toys will help suppress this behavior, but if no one is home during the day, the dog can become destructive.

German boxer

Boxers are large, muscular dogs that have an intimidating appearance. This is an intelligent, alert and fearless breed that is playful and friendly. The typical boxer is devoted to his family, but he is also stubborn, especially if harsh methods are used during training.

With minimal grooming requirements and legendary patience and gentleness with children, Boxers make wonderful family companions. However, they need a lot of mental and physical exercise. Boxers are famous for their great love and devotion to their owners. They are often distrustful of strangers at first, but will not be aggressive unless they feel a threat to the family. Due to their strength and courage, Boxers are widely used in the army and police, as well as for search and rescue work.

List of other popular dog breeds in the world:

  • English bulldog;
  • English Cocker Spaniel;
  • English Springer Spaniel;
  • Border Collie;
  • West Highland White Terrier;
  • Doberman;
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel;
  • Kurzhaar;
  • Maltese;
  • Pug;
  • German dog;
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier;
  • French Bulldog;
  • Miniature Schnauzer;
  • Shetland Sheepdog;
  • Shih Tzu.

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