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How to name a puppy popular names. How to name a dog: Russian nicknames for pets

A dog is not just a person’s faithful friend, it is a family member and a child, so people take the choice of a name seriously. Nicknames for male dogs should not only characterize the dog, but also reflect it... A puppy that appears in the house brings a lot of joy, and sometimes problems, but nevertheless, it becomes a full-fledged member of the family and requires an appropriate attitude.

The nickname must first of all correspond to the character and appearance of the dog; no one will call a dachshund or pug Polkan, just like a German shepherd Musey or Shalun.

Sound combinations in the name

Dogs are very susceptible to sound vibrations, and therefore, depending on the breed and its temperament, it is worth choosing a consonant nickname. If you have a dog that you plan to take hunting, then you should give it a short name with sonorous vowels so that it quickly responds to any call. For example, Zur, Dick, Rex, etc.

If you plan to train your dog to perform various teams, then the nickname should not be consonant with them, i.e. the name Funtik or Sid will not suit the pet at all, because the animal will get confused.

Another important point: V Everyday life We are accustomed to using diminutive names; the dog does not understand such manifestations of tenderness and does not perceive its name in other forms. Accordingly, if the dog’s name is Dik, then he will not respond to the diminutive Dikusha, and in general he will not understand that we're talking about about him.

According to research by animal psychologists, a dog's disposition and character correspond to its nickname. But here it is difficult to draw an analogy with human names, since if you name your pet Kolya or Zina, you can find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, shouting your dog on the street. In canine kennels, it is customary to give nicknames for male dogs, starting with the same letter, to all puppies from the litter (Astra, Archie, Aport). But, of course, future owners usually change the nickname after discussing this issue with the whole family.

At the end of the 20th century, it became very popular in the world to use nicknames consonant with various colors or phenomena. For example: Redi (red), Lucky (happy), Dolly (doll), etc.

What to name a boy dog

Every year, the list containing nicknames for male dogs expands and is replenished with rather unusual and rare names. Just as parents try to follow fashion when naming their children, so do owners of four-legged pets try to follow the latest trends and trends.

People with a sense of humor prefer to give quite cool nicknames for male dogs. These are Augur, Ajax, Dardan, iPhone, Gadget, Dollar, Google, Terabyte, etc.

It is also worth considering Russian and ancient dog names for boys. Below is a table with those.



St. John's wort





It is best if nicknames for male dogs contain as many voiced consonants as possible - then the four-legged baby will remember his name faster and will be ready to carry out subsequent commands. In addition to the name itself, it is important to pay attention to the puppy’s behavior. Depending on the breed, the pet’s character may differ, and accordingly, the name should fully reveal it.

There is an opinion that the abundance of growling sounds in the nickname helps to develop a more aggressive character of the animal.

The ideal nickname is one that also reflects the breed of the puppy.

How to name a shepherd puppy

The German Shepherd symbolizes the concepts of loyalty and great intelligence. Showing intelligence from the first days of life, such puppies not only become true friends, but are also easy to train.

There is perhaps no more touching sight in the world than a curious German Shepherd puppy, but we should not forget that a curious little one will grow into a majestic and noble creature, so a nickname given in infancy should be suitable even in adulthood.

Popular names of male German Shepherd dogs: Hector, Django, Ataman, Orion, Rambo, Ramses, Baikal, Khan, Pharaoh, Shah, Yar, Thor.

What to name a small breed puppy

Miniature creatures are more like plush toys that you want to cuddle. Dogs of a small breed are distinguished by their energy and playful disposition, therefore, when choosing a nickname for your baby, you should not take something serious or impressive, since the poodle, whose name is Polkan, looks at least ridiculous and comical. Dogs of small breeds remain fidgety throughout their lives, so names that are funny and full of them are perfect for them. soft sounds.

Nicknames for small dog-boys: Bambi, Monty, Ryzhik, Teddy, Donut, Alfie, Winnie, Maxi, Dandy, Yukki, Fantik, Twiggy, Fluffy, Hippie.

What to name a Yorkie puppy

Yorkshire terriers are also small breeds, but, despite their decorative purpose, they have all the habits of serious terriers. Therefore, nicknames suitable for them are not only cute and toy, but also majestic and more serious.

Nickname options for Yorkies: Milord, Diamond, Amber, Baron, Viscount, Aramis, Harold, Marcel, Jack, Jean, Topaz, Karat, Franz, Guy, Prince, King.

How to name a dachshund puppy

Dachshunds, unlike Yorkies, have great intelligence and intelligence, and, according to most experts, also humor. By and large, the very elongated shape of the dachshund looks touchingly comical, and sometimes one is amazed by its energy and resourcefulness, despite such short legs.

Among other things, dachshund puppies already show their temper and stubbornness from infancy, perhaps this is because dachshunds have been the most noble hunting dogs since ancient times.

Nicknames of male dogs of small breeds: Hunter, Azart, Pulka, Wiener, Feint, Straight, Clover, Shoko, Brown, Gunter, Quick, Wind, Caning, Sly, Lucky, Schnell.

How to name a Laika puppy

Despite their impressive size, huskies have the most good-natured disposition and the kindest character. The Laika treats its owner as the most faithful ally, friend and brother. Despite its good disposition, such a dog will always defend its family and will be devoted to it to the last. In order to decide on a nickname for a husky puppy, you should pay attention to several quite important parameters.

  1. If the puppy was purchased from a kennel, then most likely it already has a breeding name, as well as a pedigree and all the documents. In order not to confuse your curious baby, check with the breeders what nickname was assigned to him at birth, and try to find him a new name that will be in tune with it or begin with the same letter.
  2. Sometimes some owners of huskies and other breeds suffer due to their inattention. If you name a male puppy with a female name, it will be very difficult to retrain him with a new name in the future. Therefore, it is worth accurately determining the gender of the dog before naming it.
  3. A husky puppy named Monster or Imp will look more funny than scary. After all, one look into the dog’s kind eyes is enough to understand that he clearly cannot be a Monster.
  4. The nickname should be sonorous and short.
  5. If you plan to take your friend hunting in the future, then the following options will suit him: Buyan, Ataman, Thunder, Azart, Knight, Brave, Faithful.

How to name a metiz or mongrel

If the dog is not a representative of a noble pedigree or is a cross between several breeds, then a name can be chosen that is simpler, not burdened with loud letter combinations. For example: Bim, Athos, Charlie, Pirate, Jack, Bobik, Dick, Leopard.

If you become the owner of a puppy fighting breed, then the name should be loud and impressive, for example: Thunder, Ataman, Volot, Sultan, Titan, Tyson, Schwartz, Knight, Wolf, Demon.

Nicknames for male dogs, popular all over the world

In the USA, studies were conducted in which companies involved in medical examination and animal insurance, processed more than 450,000 nicknames, highlighting the most popular ones and dividing them into categories.

Celebrity names

Naming a pet after a celebrity has become all the rage. Therefore, dogs with the names Damon, Jake, Heathcliff, Elton, Buster, Eliot, etc. are increasingly found. Along with these names, nicknames of politicians, singers and other popular personalities are often used.

Mythological names

Increasingly, pet owners call them after the ancient Greek gods, for example: Zeus, Poseidon, Hercules, Ares. Of course, these nicknames are mostly awarded to large dogs hunting or fighting breeds.


The name of an animal, like a person, carries with it a certain character and habits. Combinations of vowels and consonants, dull and soft sounds - all of this is ultimately, to one degree or another, responsible for the pet’s temper and behavior. The nickname given at birth or when the puppy first crossed the threshold of your home should remain with him throughout his life. That is why it is worth taking this issue seriously; calling a dog just for the sake of a joke is not worth it, since these smart animals are very sensitive to name changes and may simply refuse to respond to a different word form.

Beautiful nicknames for male dogs should be combined with their appearance, character, breed, and, if any, with hunting skills. Your faithful four-legged friend and ally will show you what his name should be.

Here he is, finally, at home! Such a small and warm bundle that looks at you with trusting eyes. No name yet, but already so close and dear. Or maybe it’s not him at all, but she? Charming and sweet, but at the same time such a minx! On the very first day, I managed to steal a piece of meat and gobble it up with gusto in the corner. So what should we call it after that?

But it will have to be called something. And it’s still better not “somehow,” but in a special way, so that you yourself like the nickname and it suits the dog. How to do it right choice? First, take a closer look at the dog, maybe he appearance will tell you who is in front of you: Chernysh, Ryzhik or Fluff? Or maybe he managed to show his unique character and earned the “title” of a Hustler or a Pirate?

It is better to select hunting dogs short nicknames with voiced consonants that are convenient to pronounce loudly. For example, Excitement, Wind, Pulka. It is advisable that the dog’s name does not contain the “i” sound, since it is very difficult to shout.

For service dogs that will actually serve, it is better to choose serious names. Such as Mukhtar, Palkan or Rex. “Northern” nicknames, for example, Buran or Vyuga, are more suitable for likes. Companion dogs are most often given the names of people: Styopa, Jackie, Dasha, Max. The main thing is that the dog’s name should not be too long or difficult to pronounce, otherwise you yourself will regret it when in a moment of danger you cannot pronounce it. It is best if it consists of one or two syllables, since dogs perceive these kinds of words well.

As for the sound “r”, the opinions of experts differ. Some consider it native to dogs, others insist that dogs associate this sound with growling, and therefore makes them hostile. In any case, it's up to you to decide. Keep in mind that dogs are good at recognizing both vowels and consonants. Therefore, even if Mulya and Bulya live under the same roof, they will both know their nicknames perfectly and react only to them.

And one last thing. Remember that a dog’s name, just like a person’s name, can influence not only the character, but also the fate of the pet. Therefore, think three times before calling a good-natured dog a Mean or Scoundrel. It's better to be Faithful or Friend. However, do not think too long about the name for your pet - after all, he will love you by any name.

Have you got a puppy? Congratulations!

A dog is not just a man’s friend, but the smartest, selfless animal that, with proper care, will serve its owners faithfully.

Choosing a name for your pet is a responsible matter and requires a serious approach. Advice from dog handlers and zoologists will come to the rescue.

The name must match the dog: features of appearance, disposition, breed. Agree, the shepherd named Tuzik is similar to the one named Polkan. You may argue that this comparison is inappropriate; no one would call a shepherd dog Tuzik. They call it. And Tuzik, and Sharik, and Naughty.

You should not call the dog a name that is consonant with command signals - fu (Funtik), sit (Sid).

Animals are susceptible to sound vibrations. A name is not just a set of sounds, it should be euphonious and pleasing to the ear.

Hunting dogs respond better to short nicknames with voiced consonants: Rex, Zur, Wind. Dog for service- serious name: Polkan, Ralph, Mukhtar.

Diminutive distorting the name can confuse the puppy. Therefore, Dick is Dick, not Dikusha, Lada is Lada, not Ladushka.

Animal psychologists say the dog lives up to its name. This seems like nonsense, but experience says otherwise.

For example, a proud and imposing mongrel named Count is a confirmation. Do you want good obedient dog or vice versa - strict, think about a suitable name.

A dog named Kolya (Sasha, Zina, Lyuda) can lead the owner to embarrassment when one of the two-legged passers-by turns around when the pet calls. Conclusion: human names are not suitable for dogs.

In kennel clubs and kennels, nicknames for puppies from the same litter begin with the same letter (Aport, Astra, Archie). In addition, the name is accompanied by a registered factory prefix.

Kennels maintain a registered pedigree book where all litters and matings are recorded.

The documents indicate the nickname assigned at the nursery. Many buyers give a new name to their pet after consulting with their household.

In the 90s of the XX century wide use got nicknames borrowed from foreign words : Redi (red), Smoli (small), Gray (gray), Dolly (doll), Angel (Angel), Lucky (happy), Best (best).

How to name a boy's dog

Every year, the list of nicknames expands. A tribute to fashion is characteristic not only of human names. Animal names are also influenced by fashion. For example, nicknames in honor of famous movie characters are popular: Beethoven, Hachiko, Jack, Rex, etc.

People with a strong personality and an extraordinary sense of humor give their pets unusual nicknames.

  • Unusual nicknames for male dogs: Abder, Augur, Aquilon, Ajax, Dionysus, Dardan, Latin, iPhone, Terabyte, Google, Bucks, Dollar, Hercules, Pretzel, Snickers, Minion, Balthazar, Affect, Astral, Basilio, Dandy, Gordon, Jaeger, Julien, Fidel .
  • Nicknames of male fighting breeds: Antey, Ataman Atlant, Volot, Vityaz, Grand, Sultan, Titan, Schwartz, Wolf, Tyson.

Nicknames for hunting dogs

  • Laika: Dick, North, Zyr, Katym, Friend, Excitement, Thunder, Buran, Arktos, Leopard, Gray, Snowball, Baby, Fog.
  • Greyhound: Excitement, Diamond, Thunder, Brawler, Ataman, Shine, Valdai, Wind, Fast, Winged, Flyer, Eagle, Flight, Glorious, Bullet.

How to name a boy's shepherd dog

Archie, Chuck, Rex, Harry, Ralph, Jack, Baikal, Baron, Grand, Zord, Ermak, Dino, Alf, Rocky, Nick, Raf.

Small dogs

The following nicknames are suitable for a small breed and male dog: Grosh, Tin, Tommy, Kuzya, Small, Little, Pirate, Naughty, Tofik, Bob, Whist, Hedgehog, Jacques, Bobblehead, Shnyr, Fluff, Manug, Dyundik, Chip.

Metis and mongrels

To a dog that is not a representative noble breeds and the owner of impressive pedigrees, simpler names are suitable: Bim, Rex, Gray, Jack, Polkan, Charlie, Bobik, Bars, Dick, Burdock, Baikal, Druzhok, Pirate, Count, Charlie, Boy, Aramis, Athos.

How to choose a name for a dog so that it is comfortable for it and the owners like it? It’s not enough just to choose an interesting and original name for the puppy, you need to know certain rules. It is very difficult to choose one thing among all the variety of options. But the nickname for dogs of small breeds is a different story.

We will help you choose a nickname for your miniature four-legged friend. You will definitely find it here.

How to name a boy dog ​​correctly

As a rule, if your puppy is taken from well-born parents, then he will already have there is a “legitimate nickname”. It is complexly formed from the names of mom and dad, as well as the name of the nursery. In addition, it is customary to name puppies of the same litter starting with the same letter, for example, Tobby, Tagir, Tilda and others in the same spirit.

This is not always a convenient name and you may well choose a home option. At competitions, the “legal” name and nickname that you gave can be written with a dash.

Don't choose a nickname in advance

It would seem, why not choose a nickname before the puppy arrives in the house. Moreover, it often happens that you like some dog name from a movie, and you already dream of naming your future pet that way. It may happen that the invented name does not quite suit the puppy– in size, color and temperament. Soon you will feel discomfort, and delight in your chosen nickname will turn into discomfort.

For example, when dreaming of a puppy, you will want to give him the noble name Baron, but what if the dog turns out to be not of a royal character at all? A playful, nimble and mischievous puppy may not show signs of noble composure and restraint. It would be nice to call it “Fantik” or “Joy”.

Each dog has qualities that are unique to it, and even puppies from the same litter are very different. Not to mention that the nickname must correspond to the breed.

A small miracle in the house

How cute these tiny bundles of happiness are, you just want to cuddle them. And when it comes to a name, what comes to mind is Pusya, Zhuzha, Masya, Bulya and other diminutive names. But Pusi can grow into a big dog and then such a name will make people laugh.

But in our case we are talking about a nickname for small dogs miniature breeds, such as Pikinese, lapdog, Yorkie, toy terrier and other “toy” dogs. They are created for love and tenderness, so these names suit them perfectly. Moreover, nicknames can be universal, like a nickname for a boy’s dog or for a girl’s dog, for example, Knopa, Mini, Fifi, etc.


Very often dogs are adopted as a friend or even a child. And the dog copes with these tasks better than other animals - a devoted friend and a gentle child. But no need to call a dog by a human name. On the site, this will create ambiguous situations, and the rules of good manners state that the dog has a dog’s name.

Smart choice

So, we can tentatively say that the name for a boy’s dog should be chosen based on several logical rules:

  • relating it to the personality of the puppy;
  • hoping that the puppy will sooner or later become a mature dog;
  • it must not be a human name (by at least, which is not used in your country).

However, there are other rules based on the characteristics of dog hearing and training.

Phonetics and nickname

Did you know that dogs only hear the first two sounds? In accordance with this, it becomes obvious that the dog does not need a long nickname, because anyway it will only hear the first two syllables. There are other rules that you should familiarize yourself with:

  • Sounds. Dogs respond best to names with voiced consonants. “b, c, d, d, g, h, l, m, n, r, c.” Names with these letters are easy to remember, in addition, the dog will be able to quickly respond to a ringing word;
  • Minimum letters. The dog responds best to a short name - one or two syllables. So, Bucks, Roy, Jaco simply ideal names both in length and in the presence of ringing sounds.

Nickname and training

Both small and large dogs can and should be taught basic commands. This is convenient and beneficial for the pet’s character, because you don’t want to keep an ill-mannered creature? Then you need to take into account several rules:

  • Nickname length and reaction. Long name can become a stumbling block in cases where a lightning-fast reaction is needed. While you are reprimanding “Woldemar, ugh!”, your dog may already have accomplished what he planned. The same applies to Barberry, Richmond, Brunnhilde, etc.;
  • Nickname or team? If you want to train your pet to follow commands, then make sure that the name does not resemble the main ones. For example, Cedric or Sid or good names for boys' dogs from a phonetic point of view, but they are very similar to the command “Sit”. Still, it is better to exclude names that coincide with the command, otherwise confusion will complicate training.

All that remains is to move on to the actual selection of nicknames.

The best names for a small dog for a boy

There are options for the name bottomless barrel, the main thing is to settle on the most suitable one. There are many sources of names:

What to choose as a nickname for boys' dogs?

Cartoon character

Each of us has those we sympathize with - athletes, stars and other public figures. It's very nice to call a dog that good idea, but the main thing is “that the suit fits.” Or maybe it's a cartoon character? Then the children will definitely support you and help you with your search. And there is a huge choice here:

  • Goofy, Droopy, Pluto, Poof, Scooby-doo, Snoopy, Nolik, Luntik, Fixik, Krosh, Pin, Spike, Toby, Toto, Gena, Alf;

Cartoon names are especially good for small dogs.

Top list of names for small dogs

Still, mini dogs are special niche in dog breeding, we can say that these are dogs for the soul, so the name also needs to be chosen for the soul. Whether the dog is funny or noble, in color or character, it’s up to you to choose.

Top names for small male dogs for each letter of the alphabet.

These names the brightest and most accurate among all the variety of dog names. You will definitely find among them something suitable for your baby. You can emphasize his features, or you can play on the contrast of name and appearance. It's very funny to name a tiny dog ​​Pitbull or Bison, however, be prepared for possible oddities.

Fashion for dog names

If you are wondering what it was customary to call dogs in the past, then different time various trends prevailed. In the 18th and 19th centuries there was a boom in hunting with dogs and names that reflected the characteristics of the dog were in vogue, such as Bite, Robbery, Scare etc. But in the 20th century, the trend came to call dogs after the names of the Greek pantheon, for example, Hermes, Zeus, Antaeus and others.

Wartime displaced the fashion for mythological names, replacing them with more realistic ones: Faithful, Friend, Hero, Brave, as well as names given in honor of geographical objects, for example, Baikal, Amur and others. Belki and Strelki, as well as various Knops and Ryzhiks, became popular after the famous space flights with dogs.

Perestroika brought many foreign words into the Russian language, including dog names. Dogs began to be called Black, Boy, Smile, Schwartz and similar foreign words.

Talking about modern trends dog's name, you can give several names of dogs of famous people:

  • York Merai Carey – Ginger;
  • Will Smith's dog is Ludo;
  • Daria Dontsova’s dogs – Iriska, Kapa, ​​Mulya;
  • Madonna's Chihuahua - Chiquita.

As you can see, there is no one fashion trend, as they say “who knows what”.

How to accustom your pet to a name

You've decided on a nickname, what next? Say this name as often as possible during all activities - when going for a walk, feeding, teaching commands. Seize the opportunity when the puppy's attention is drawn to you: call him by name, say “come to me” and reward him with something tasty.

It usually takes about a week to remember a nickname. When you see that the puppy reacts to the name with raised ears, tail and eyes, it means you have succeeded!

People have long paid attention to the connection between name and character, and this applies not only to human names, but also to the names of animals, in particular dogs.

A dog's name is not just a set of sounds, and not even just a means of communicating with a pet. Through the animal's name we express our attitude towards it. A dog's name can tell a lot about ourselves: about our habits, character and even hobbies, as well as our sense of humor and erudition.

But what principles should you use to choose names for your pets? What should you pay attention to first of all, what is the best way to name a bitch with an original name? This is what we will talk about now.

What can you call it?

First of all, let's determine what criteria people use to choose nicknames for their dogs and what they pay attention to.

In general, before you start thinking about a name for a dog, you need to decide for yourself: do you want to give your pet a traditional or original nickname, which perhaps no other dog in the world will have? If you are satisfied with the first option, then simply open any of the lists of popular dog names and choose the one you like.

But what if you want to give your baby a truly original nickname? Where can I find such a name?

There can be a huge number of options here.

  • Name of the heroine of the book or film . It's simple. Let's say you like a book or a movie (TV series, cartoon, anime, etc.). Why not name a girl puppy after your favorite heroine? Moreover, most of these names are beautiful and sonorous.
    Assol, Katniss, Arwen, Hermione, Trinity, Fiona, Sakura - these are just a few of the names taken from literary works and from films or TV series.
  • Music and variety . You can name a dog after something famous singer or an opera diva.
    For example, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Britney or even Montserrat.
  • Geographical names . Montana, Riviera, Jakarta, Etna, Corsica, Barcelona are some of the geographical names.
  • Story . You can name a dog in honor of some famous queen, queen, empress, warrior.
    For example: Nefertiti, Josephine, Lucretia.
  • Nicknames in honor of world brands . Such as, for example, Fanta, Bounty, Vista, Nokia, Chanel.
  • “Plant” and “Animal” nicknames . These include names such as Hydrangea, Orchid, Azalea, Jasmine, or Panther, Panda and even Anaconda or Mamba!
  • Mythological names, that is, the names of goddesses from different pantheons, as well as nymphs, fairies, dryads and other similar creatures.
    This category includes names such as: Artemis, Vesta, Freya, Astarte, or Danae, Circe and even Lada.

As you can see, there can be a lot of options for sources of original nicknames, and this is not all of them. You can name a dog after a sports star, after a fairy-tale creature, after musical instrument... You never know in honor of anyone or anything else, even in honor of your favorite food or drink. The main thing is that not only you, but also the dog likes it, it is easy to pronounce, and is also sonorous and beautiful.

Here are some of the huge variety of nicknames on a wide variety of topics. As they say, for every taste! Let’s start our list of nicknames with foreign names, which have long been particularly popular as dog names.

Foreign with meaning

Foreign nicknames are especially popular in the canine world and not without reason. They are melodic, beautiful and sometimes very original names. They are easy to select, based on the country in which “your” breed was bred. In this article we will look at names with meanings of both European and Asian origin.


France is the birthplace of such breeds as Basset, Briard, Poodle, Dogue de Bordeaux, Pyrenees Shepherd, and, of course, French Bulldog. Is your girl one of these glorious breeds? Or maybe you just love everything beautiful and sophisticated, so you want to choose an elegant, but not too pretentious name for your new girlfriend?

In this case, French names are what you need! They are suitable not only for representatives of breeds of French origin, but also for slender and graceful dogs with an aristocratic appearance, such as, for example, Great Dane or Doberman. Or small dogs with an elegant or even sophisticated appearance, such as maltese or greyhound.

  • Aurora - morning dawn,
  • Belle is a beauty
  • Vivienne - lively
  • Desiree - desired
  • Claire - clear
  • Lilian - lily
  • Marguerite - daisy,
  • Fleur is a flower,
  • Fortune - luck,
  • Eteri - airy.


Italy is a sunny, bright country, where life seems like a magical carnival. If your dog has a cheerful, cheerful disposition, then an Italian nickname will suit her perfectly. But among the Italian nicknames you can also find graceful and even majestic names. Such nicknames are primarily suitable for dogs of large, serious breeds.

  • Antonella - invaluable,
  • Bianca is white
  • Lucretia is rich
  • Columbine - dove
  • Marceline - warrior
  • Norina - honor, valor,
  • Ornella - blooming ash,
  • Paola is little
  • Rosetta - rosette,
  • Floriana is a flower.


There are a lot of German dog breeds. These are Spitz dogs, Great Danes, Dobermans, Dachshunds, Boxers, and, of course, german shepherds. If your dog is a representative of the original German breed, you can choose a German name for her. They are a little less graceful than the French ones, but they sound hidden strength, power and confidence.

  • Annelies - grace
  • Gretchen is a little pearl
  • Katherine is pure
  • Leona is a lioness
  • Lorelei - the whisper of a rock,
  • Odile is rich
  • Senta - prosperous,
  • Sophie - wisdom
  • Hedwig - warrior
  • Elfrid is the strength of the elf.

English and American

Perhaps the most popular of all dog names. English or American names sound good; they are simple and at the same time beautiful. Among them you can choose both an elegant name and a simpler one. And, what is also important, English nicknames are suitable for dogs of almost all breeds.

  • Annabelle - gracefully beautiful,
  • Bonita is good
  • Wendy is a friend
  • Gladys - ruler
  • Gemma is a gem
  • Clarity - clarity
  • Mabel is attractive
  • Nancy - usefulness, grace,
  • Roxy - dawn
  • Stephanie is the crown.


Asia has long attracted and fascinated with its unique beauty and incomprehensible mystery. There is something mystical in everything that has to do with her. This also applies to Asian dog names, which, despite their unusual sound to our ears, are beautiful and melodic in their own way. True, they are not suitable for every dog, but, first of all, for representatives oriental breeds dogs.

Japanese with translation

Japanese names are very beautiful and sophisticated. They seem to be imbued with the very magic of the East. Such nicknames are suitable primarily for dogs of Japanese breeds, such as Akita Inu, Shiba Inu, Chin or Japanese Spitz . But if you wish, you can call any dog, even a shepherd, by any of these names.

  • Akemi - bright beauty,
  • June is obedient
  • Yoshi is good
  • Kin - golden
  • Mizuki is a beautiful moon
  • Ren - water lily,
  • Suzu - call
  • Fuji - wisteria,
  • Hoshi is a star
  • Shinju is a gem.


Korean names are unique and unusual to the ears of Europeans. But they, like all Asian names, have their own charm. Such names are suitable for representatives of oriental breeds, but some of them are suitable for any other dog. If you are interested in Korean pop music or the history of this country, then why not give your baby a Korean nickname?

  • Bao - protection
  • Van is a cloud,
  • Jin-Ho - precious lake,
  • Yong - brave
  • Lin - spring
  • Mei is a flower
  • Nung - velvet
  • Tuan - bright,
  • Hong - rose
  • Shin - trust.


Chinese names are primarily suitable for dogs of Chinese breeds, such as the Pekingese, Chinese Crested Dog, Shar Pei and even the Pug., which, despite its European name for the breed, was still bred in China.

These names, which came from antiquity, remind us of the relationship between man, nature and the Universe. Most of these names are associated with natural phenomena or flora and fauna. Any of them will further emphasize the unusual, exotic appearance of your pet and set it apart from other dogs.

  • Biyu - jasper,
  • Jing - abundance
  • Ksia - pink clouds,
  • Lanfen - orchid scent
  • Meiling - plum jade,
  • Nuo - graceful,
  • Rong - warlike,
  • Song - pine
  • Shan - grace
  • Yunru is charming.

By letter


Russian names, especially old ones that are no longer found among people, can also be an excellent option for those who want to name their dog in an original and at the same time beautiful way. These nicknames are close and understandable to everyone, but at the same time the connection between generations is felt in them.

Coming from time immemorial, these names are strong amulets for our pets. In addition, despite the fact that they came from time immemorial, they sound beautiful and unusual and are not at all outdated.

  • Velimira - peaceful,
  • Divna is wonderful,
  • Zhdana - desired,
  • Fun - fun, funny,
  • Mlada - little
  • Radmila - caring and sweet,
  • Svetozara - illuminating with light,
  • Tsvetana - like a flower,
  • Cheslava - striving for glory,
  • Clear - clear.

Lightest and most beautiful

You don't want to name your dog a complicated or exotic name. Well, in this case, you can choose a simple one for your girl, but at the same time nice nickname. So that it is sonorous, short and easy to remember.

It is to this category that most of the dog names that have become traditional belong. If you are not afraid of the prospect of “being like everyone else” and you do not want to stand out due to the unusual or even strange nickname of your pet, then this is just your option. So, the most beautiful names for your baby:

  • Vesta,
  • Greta,
  • Delta,
  • Iris,
  • Kerry,
  • Martha,
  • Polly,
  • Richie,
  • Frida,
  • Sherry.

With meaning

We consider names with meaning to be those that are not just beautiful foreign names, the meaning of which we sometimes do not know. First of all, these are nicknames that denote any names, as well as phenomena or even objects. Should you call a dog that? Yes, definitely. Moreover, among the huge variety of familiar and even seemingly ordinary words, you can choose one that will become a wonderful nickname for your pet.

  • Guild,
  • Dynasty,
  • Blackberry,
  • Crown,
  • Lyra,
  • Melody,
  • Otrada,
  • Plasma,
  • Dewdrop,
  • Taiga.

Funny and cool

Most often funny and cool names given to dogs with an unusual or even strange appearance, thereby further emphasizing their difference from most other dogs. It doesn’t matter why you chose a funny nickname.

Why not Toffee?

It will always lift the spirits of you and those around you and will make your dog stand out from many of its other peers. But at the same time, it’s better not to forget that a funny nickname shouldn’t be offensive or stupid, otherwise you yourself will be embarrassed to address your pet this way on the street.

  • Amba,
  • Bucha,
  • Godzilla,
  • Dosya,
  • Toffee,
  • Cutlet,
  • Bun,
  • Tequila,
  • Piglet,
  • Rogue.


Modern nicknames are a reflection of everything that is constantly in our ears. This could be the name of a popular actress, or the name of a modern brand, or even the name of the heroine of a popular film or TV series. Modern nicknames are designed to emphasize that we are aware of modern innovations and that we keep up with the times. Most of these names are suitable for dogs of any breed, but especially for representatives of new-fangled breeds.

  • Angie (in honor of Angelina Jolie),
  • Barbie,
  • Vesta,
  • Malibu,
  • Nokia,
  • Riri,
  • Salma (after Salma Hayek),
  • Trinity,
  • Fanta,
  • Heidi (after Heidi Klum).


Beautiful and rare names chosen by those who want to stand out from the crowd and highlight their dog. Due to their rarity, these names sound original and new. True, if the nickname is really successful, then there is always a risk that very soon it will cease to be so rare.

  • Adriana,
  • Brigid,
  • Virginia,
  • Diodora,
  • Yesenia,
  • Genevieve,
  • Calypso,
  • Liora,
  • Melissa,
  • Eurydice.

Simple and short

It seems that it really couldn’t be any simpler. One or two syllables, unpretentiousness and simplicity in sound... And yet, these unpretentious, simple, short names are beautiful and sonorous in their own way. Therefore, one of them can be given to almost any dog, both purebred and mongrel.

  • Bessey,
  • Gabi,
  • Zhuzha,
  • Nika,
  • Rona,
  • Sophie,
  • Tera,

Original and unusual

You can give your dog an original name rare breed or an animal with a special appearance. Or the puppy may have an unusual color, such as blue and white or brown merle and tan. Unusual and rare names are perfect for dogs of the Chinese Crested, Basset Hound or, for example, Saluki breeds.

  • Arabesque,
  • Velvet,
  • Violanta,
  • Harmony,
  • Dizizi,
  • giraffe,
  • Quadrille,
  • Lambada,
  • Pint,
  • Rhapsody.

Top: most popular

Now let's see what dog names are the most popular in the world and in Russia. Various factors influence the popularity of names. This could be the name of a show business star, or, for example, the heroine of a sensational film. This category also includes the names of characters from fairy tales known to everyone from childhood. Often the names of dogs from popular films also make it into the top names.

  • Gerda,
  • Jesse,
  • Dina,
  • Daisy,
  • Zlata,
  • Lada,
  • Lucy,
  • Martha,
  • Molly,
  • Stella.


These names can be given to dogs of any breed, but they are best suited small long-haired dogs like Yorkshire terriers, Maltese or Shih Tzu. Also a name related to fashion can be called a tall, slender dog, such as a Great Dane or Greyhound.

The Shih Tzu is a very elegant dog!

The best stylish names:

  • Bijou,
  • Beauty,
  • Diorite,
  • Coco,
  • Prada,
  • Paris,
  • Rykiel,
  • Rhinestone,
  • Tiffany,
  • Chanel.


Cute, affectionate names are not suitable for large and powerful dogs. But they are great for small, “toy” dogs. By naming your pet this way, you will emphasize her wonderful character and charming appearance. That is, exactly why dogs of small breeds are loved and appreciated all over the world.

  • Bafi,
  • Vivi,
  • Julia,
  • Zest,
  • Caramel,
  • Lyalya,
  • Milli,
  • Nyusha,
  • Polly,
  • Cherry,
  • Bulya (from the word bun).


These names are suitable for serious, large dogs. Easy names are convenient for training, and subsequently a name that is easy to pronounce will make communication with the animal easier. A simple, well-remembered nickname is better accepted by the dog, which makes it easier for it to follow the owner’s commands. In this way, a connection is formed between the owner and his pet: send - response.

  • Alma,
  • Wanda,
  • Josie,
  • Zosya,
  • Lassie,
  • Myrta,
  • Nora,
  • Pippi,
  • Cherry,
  • Jasper.


Affectionate nicknames are given to gentle, fragile dogs. Just like a Chihuahua Yorkshire Terrier, pomeranian spitz, toy poodle. They emphasize not only the grace of these cute babies, but also the attitude of their owners towards them. The small stature and fragility of these dogs evoke a feeling of tenderness and tenderness in the owner. I just want to call these babies the most tender and affectionate names.

  • Bead,
  • Baby,
  • Cherry,
  • Blackberry,
  • Bunny,
  • Toffee,
  • Sweetie,
  • Sweetie,
  • Baby,
  • Berry.


Nicknames in this category include the names of prominent historical figures, heroines of classical operas and ballets. They also include the names of animals, plants and astronomical objects. Interesting names can be given to slender, graceful dogs, both large and small. These nicknames are suitable for breeds such as Italian Greyhounds, Greyhounds, Salukis, Dalmatians, and Great Danes.

  • Beatrice,
  • Cleopatra,
  • Columbine,
  • Laura,
  • Mamba,
  • Panda,
  • Octavia,
  • Flora,
  • Francesca,
  • Esmeralda.


In general, it is not recommended to name animals after people. But if this name is not very common or dogs have been called this way for a long time, then why not? Moreover, these nicknames emphasize the connection between dogs and their owners. True, there is always a risk that when you call your dog while walking, several passersby will turn to your call. Therefore, in this case, it is still better to give preference to rare names.

List of female names:

  • Amelia,
  • Dina,
  • Lisa,
  • Laura,
  • Milana,
  • Nika,
  • Nyusya,
  • Sonya.


Double names are not often given to dogs that do not have breeding documents. But if your girl has a pedigree, then it will be very beautiful if there is a nickname written there, consisting of two words related to each other in meaning or simply beautiful-sounding words.

Such nicknames can become a business card show dog, highlight its origin and magnificent exterior. And names such as Lady Luck or Palm of the Championship, among other things, can also become unique talismans. Who knows, maybe, not least thanks to them, your dog will only take first places at all possible exhibitions.

  • Hakuna Matata,
  • Eternal love,
  • Lady Luck,
  • Dolce Vita,
  • Candy Kiss,
  • Marilyn Monroe,
  • Palm,
  • Polar Star,
  • Saint Clair
  • Queen of Clubs.

For hunting

The most popular names hunting girls dogs (for example, hounds):


These cool, cool names are usually given to dogs of hunting, working or fighting breeds. Such as Rottweilers, Dobermans, hounds, pointers, greyhounds, spaniels, terriers, bull terriers or Staffordshire terriers. These names emphasize their serious character, official and security qualities, as well as their reaction speed, strength and endurance. When you hear such a nickname, you immediately understand: this dog is not to be trifled with.

Don’t become a hostage to stereotypes: a dog is the way its owner raised it!

  • Beretta,
  • Bonnie,
  • Daenerys,
  • Karma,
  • Katniss,
  • Lara Croft,
  • Lilu,
  • Mafia,
  • Mystic,
  • Nikita.


Menacing names emphasize the serious nature of the pet. They are usually given to dogs guard breeds and bodyguard dogs. As a rule, these are powerful, large, truly menacing-looking dogs. These include Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherds, Rottweilers, Mastinos, Boerboels, Irish wolfhounds and other dogs with a menacing appearance. Such names emphasize the working qualities of these dogs and their stern, unyielding character.

  • Entente,
  • Basta,
  • Bomb,
  • Storm,
  • Vendetta,
  • Garda,
  • Storm,
  • Mamba,
  • Moray,
  • Tsunami.


Noble nicknames suit such aristocratic and hunting breeds dogs like Great Danes, Greyhounds, Italian Greyhounds, Pharaoh Hounds. These and similar, majestic, beautiful animals have lived since time immemorial in royal, imperial and royal courts, as well as in the country residences of dukes, princes and barons. Noble names are intended to emphasize the antiquity and purity of his breed. They are beautiful and elegant, so if you give one of them to your favorite, you certainly can’t go wrong.

  • Beatrice,
  • Vincent,
  • Gloria,
  • Countess,
  • Dauphine,
  • Infanta,
  • Princess,
  • Laetitia,
  • Marquise,
  • Patricia.

For white, black, red color

As mentioned earlier, a nickname for an animal is often chosen based mainly on its appearance. What is the first thing that catches your eye in a dog’s appearance? That's right, its color.

We will not focus on rare and less common colors, such as blue, isabella, harlequin, we will only talk about what you can call a red, white and black puppy. In all the names listed below, the emphasis is on the similarity of the color of the dog and some object or phenomenon.

So, for example, for dogs of red color, names associated with gold or fire, as well as those indicating the similarity of the pet with any animal of the same color, are suitable. How to call a white one: some “cold” name, as if hinting at the similarity of its color to snow and ice. Well, the nickname of a black dog will compare its color with the color of night, darkness, or with the color of any animal with black fur. You can also give your pet a name related to the name of some fruit or black berry.

Below is a list of names that can be used to call dogs of these colors.

What to call a redhead:

  • Aurelia,
  • Goldie,
  • Golden,
  • Zlata,
  • Foxy.

Names for white:

  • Arctic,
  • Snowstorm,
  • Ice,
  • Snowflake,
  • Umka.

For black:

  • Blackie,
  • Blackberry,
  • Panther,
  • Midnight,
  • Shadow.


Summing up, I would also like to say something about what a truly good nickname should be and what you should focus on when selecting it. Here are a few simple rules that will help you choose a suitable name for your girl dog.

  • Consider character. If you want your dog to grow up serious and guard your home well, do not give it frivolous nicknames, even as a joke. But if, on the contrary, you want your dog decorative breed she was cheerful, kind and affectionate, so give her the name Thunderstorm or Storm.
  • The nickname should be sonorous and easy to pronounce. And also - not too long. Therefore, do not give your pet names consisting of more than three syllables as a pet, unofficial nickname.
  • If possible, don't call your dog a human name, especially one that is widespread in your area. If you really want to give your puppy a human name, then it is better to opt for something rare, not often found. This will help you avoid awkward situations during walks, as well as at exhibitions and on the training ground.
  • The name should please not only you, but also your pet. The fact is that sometimes there are cases when pets, for some reason known only to them, refuse to respond to their nickname. If your girl has been ignoring her nickname for a very long time, then, apparently, it is best to change her name, choosing one that your pet will like.

This concludes our conversation about how to choose the right name for a girl dog. We hope you found it useful and interesting.

What is the name of your favorite? Share in the comments a story about how you chose a name for your dog and what inspired you during this difficult but fascinating search. a suitable nickname for your furry princess. Express your opinion about this article in the comments, share your experience with each other and with us. And, of course, don’t forget to post photos of your female dogs along with your stories.